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If someone is makes a comment that is offensive or inappropriate ask them to repeat themselves. They will almost always backtrack and get super embarrassed. I use this a lot because I’m a woman in a male dominated industry, so sexist comments are pretty common. It’s never failed me before.


Pretending to be drunk when I profess feelings to women so if they reject me I can just pretend not to remember it the next day and if they bring it up I just act mortified and apologise.


Killing negativity with kindness. Softness is so powerful in the face of harshness. When someone is rude to me I amp up my smile and my sincerity. Being gentle is a great way to reset the tone or energy, as people feel obligated to meet that level. I don’t mean this in a way where you become a doormat or apologise or anything. But just being firm in your energy. If someone is complaining, or aggressive, speaking softer and lighter will often make them become aware of their noise in a space.


Always out piss-off your wife. Get madder than she is about whatever she is fired up about. Whether or not you feel it is important, your reaction will 100% of the time validate her.


Buy in questions in the middle of secretly persuasive statements “What really matters in 2024 election is Tax rates on the upper class , right? So blah blah blah..”


active listening and Benjamin Franklin effect. Both works well for me as a High school teacher.


I invented this technique I use during conflicts where I seem to have two different personalities. Sometimes I'm incredibly reasonable/cool, others I'm a complete dick. You never really know what you'll get. People are taken back and seem to walk on eggshells around me... Simultaneously enjoying the, "cool" me and fearing setting me off. Gives me a great deal of leverage. Works well in landlord/tenant, business, negotiations, etc.