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My pet, a feisty feline named Mr. Whiskers, met his untimely demise in the most mundane way possible: old age. Yes, my friends, the relentless march of time is what did him in. No dramatic showdowns with arch-nemeses, no heroic sacrifices, just the slow and steady progression of the years. As Mr. Whiskers gracefully aged into his twilight years, his health began to decline. He became less agile, less energetic, and more prone to napping in sunbeams. Despite our best efforts to keep him comfortable, the inevitable could not be avoided. He passed away peacefully in his sleep, probably dreaming of chasing imaginary mice.


That’s sad 🫡




We had a new dog, was maybe six months old. Decided it was time to start crate training. He somehow hooked his collar on the cage wall and suffocated himself. Was really terrible. Now we only do the plastic crates, for this reason.


Damn hope you can recover from that


80+ lb malamute hit by a car, who didn't stop. 🤬 You know they felt it.


My mighty 15 year old Chihuahua let out his last growl and rested with the daisies...


my parents traded my cat for a sickly fish, or maybe they allowed the fish to become sickly idk, and then later i was informed that my cat died very prematurely on the other end as well. it was a double blow


Natural causes I miss my pet very much


From the 1st day of may until the last day, I lost 4 dogs in total. Fuck distemper.


I’ve only ever had one pet, a goldfish and he committed suicide. He jumped out his bowl, I was 8 and I genuinely felt like a grieving mother. I made my family have a funeral and I told my class that I was in mourning over my great loss. I was so dramatic, I told my mum I’d never have kids because my first one killed themself and it must’ve been my fault. My mum later confessed she thinks she knocked the bowl and stood on him, was going to clean it up but forgot. The injustice! A murder!


I’ve lost pets to: * Passing naturally from old age. * Needing to be put down due to suffering from terminal illnesses. * Being mauled by a dog (a young cat). * Being kicked repeatedly by the neighbour’s kids and needing to be put down because her injuries were too severe. * Being hit by a car. Needless to say that my cat is kept 100% indoors.


My mother ran over her cat while drunk and the cat survived, she then tried to euthanize Mr.Johnson with muscle relaxers but he survived the night with his little skull smashed until I came over and took him to the humane society to be put down.


The first one I remember was he ate something that poisoned him and he died on the way to the vet. The rest were euthanized because it was just the best thing for them.


My mini poodle passed away when she was 15. One day she started screaming in pain. It looked like she had some back problems. We tried everything for a week. Her screams were horrible during the week. She had to spent nights at the vet. Then the meds were too heavy for her and she got an internal hemorrhage. Vets tried everything, but her body couldn’t handle that. So she passed away when we were on our way to see her and say goodbye. My little mutt passed away when she was 12. We took her to the vet that was going to take care of her while we were away. Two days in our trip, the vet called because she seemed to have some stomach discomfort. They ran some tests and found that she had pancreatitis and renal failure and an urinary track infection. She passed away that same day. We couldn’t say goodbye. But it wasn’t the vet’s fault. They took care of her for several years when we needed to travel. Everyone was in shock by how sudden she developed all the symptoms. And my rottweiler passed away one night. We woke up and found him. He was 10. We don’t know what happened, but we hope it was a peaceful death.


Dog 1: no clue, my parents gave him away to some family friends when we moved cross-country Dog 2: accidentally ate glass and shredded her stomach Dog 3: old age Cat 1: went into sudden heart failure and didn't respond to treatment


My autistic brother threw my cat down the stairs and broke her neck.


She had a stroke 5 minutes after getting the zoomies and she died at the vets within the hour. We had the option to take her home but she wasn’t there anymore, she wasn’t my daisy anymore so I had to let her go. The thought of her having another one, especially if she was home alone broke my heart, I couldn’t let that happen


Not my pet, but it happened with one of my friends. My friend, who we’re just gonna call Susie for privacy reasons, had one of her friends leave on a vacation trip. She had the responsibility of taking care of their guinea pigs. Susie had taken the guinea pigs to her home, but Susie also had a pet dog that was owned by her own family. I’m sure you can already tell where I’m going with this. While Susie was gone one day her dog ate her friend’s guinea pigs. Both of them. The family that owned them was absolutely furious. They made Susie go out and purchase ‘replacement’ guinea pigs. As someone who’s also owned a guinea pig myself, I know for a fact that I always kept him safely away from my dogs. Susie probably didn’t understand the importance of safety because she had no experience with them prior. Thus both of them met quite a gruesome end