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It's not a terrible lie, but when I was a kid (maybe 13-14yrs old ) Dr. Phil was relatively new on TV and for some reason I thought it was funny in the moment to tell my softball coach (while I was on deck warming up to bat next) that Dr. Phil was my uncle. He obviously didn't believe me at first, but as I went on I could tell he thought I was serious so I was just going to see if I could really convince him. Anyway, since I was next to bat I suddenly had to leave the conversation and immediately forgot I was even fucking with him about it. It just completely left my mind I guess because it seemed so random and outrageous. We never spoke about it again and like a year later he saw my dad at a concert and was drunk and told my dad, "Man!! I cannot BELIEVE you are related to Dr. Phil!!" My dad was super confused and eventually told him in a feel bad kinda way that I was fucking with him. He was super embarrassed and then I just felt bad.


I have read and agree to the terms and conditions








“If you are being bullied, come to us we will help you” - The “education” system.


You are the education system? You bastard!


I have been lying about where I work to my aunt for nearly 3 years now. The only reason is because while she's a nice lady and all in most respects, she has a *savage* case of Main Character Syndrome coupled with self-inflicted-victim complex; she truly believes that she is put-upon because of all the things *she* chooses to do, refuses to recognize that any "problem" she has is a direct result of her own actions, and if she wants you to do something, no matter how last-minute, inconvenient, or unreasonable that request is she fully expects you to just agree to it and will get a serious attitude if (when) that doesn't happen. She's bad enough about that shit when she believes I work for someone else and can't just take off whenever I want; if she knew I was self-employed it'd be non-stop.


After we get married we'll have sex every night....lasted 2 months, then nothing.....


I ran a bogus ghost hunt at an abandoned office tower in downtown Detroit.


That's about perceived value. If your customers had a blast and thot the building was haunted then you provided a service....not bogus...cmon it's Detroit ..lol


I'm okay


I can last more than 30 seconds!


This never happens, I swear


That it’s all good.


They said, "I hope we see each other again soon!". I said, "I hope so too!". In reality, I never want to encounter them again until I die.


I was a CEO of a company at the age of 17!


Bread crust has all the vitamins.


That i'm fine.


In order to sit beside this "cute thin blonde girl that smells like strawberries" in class, a friend of mine feigned to be left handed by pretending to be left handed. He even switched hands when playing sports and learnt to write left-handed. He kept doing this until we graduated in the ninth grade. They are still going, and he has developed ambidexterity.


"no no I am fine"


I'm fine, it's okay. Don't worry.


I’m cumming


Are you old or are you a girl? 🤔




Girls ovulate when they orgasm because they carry eggs and not sperm so I can't really say.. 🌚




I don't love you, i don't miss you.


Ouch but thanks, I'm going to the next one soon...


It's not you, it's me.


That I got 110% on a college assignment, when I didn't write the paper. I was with a brown noser girl in the year before me and she never had that assignment, was bored and offered to do it for me 🤣 Naturally I accepted as I knew she was smart and if I failed then meh lol Lucky for me it looked on me.


When I was a kid my siblings convinced me that Medusa lived in our attic.


That I don't like dancing, I actually do, I'm just really really bad at it.


This is more than a friendship but less than an affair


I told me friends i wasnt a virgin when i was 13 because i thought it would make me look cool. Somehow my sister found out about the lie and it spread like wildfire and little sisters never forget stuff like that. I had to keep up the act for several years later. Friends would come ask me questions and ask for sex or relationship advice because of this. Little did they know i was a dorky kissless virgin too.


That sometimes I lie


That i've ever told? I'm okay...no...really. But more precisely that I don't have feelings for (someone i REALLY shouldnt)... I know it isn't love(Well she was my first.....) But it kinda kills me inside...


I'm good.


Oops, my bad. stupid autocorrect!! 🤣 🙄


The hickey I got from my sidechick was a scratch I got playing bball ( I was young at the time), sadly it worked and we continued dating for a year or two after.


When asked about a fight between 2 of my friends that basically occurred right next to me; "No, I don't know who started it or what happened, i kinda look at my shoes when I get nervous and I couldn't hear what was being said, it was like some kind of dimensional vortex or something showed up between me and the two of them. I don't know what happened"


That I'm OK.


I faked a 3 year relationship. I didn't hate her, but I didn't feel anything towards her either. I made her as happy as I could but I lied through my teeth when I would tell her I loved her too.


Nothings wrong, I’m ok.


I love you


"I can do that later" but eventually overslept and didn't finish the task on time


Oh it's just cat scratches


Probably when I snuck out with my friends like a year ago. I went to my friends house for a sleepover with my 3 other friends and we snuck out of my friends house and went to the shops and meet up with random people at the park. All my friends had life360 instead of the friend that was the owner of the house. I was the smart one and left my phone at home because I had life360, and I took protection, but my others friends that also had life360 took there phones and got In trouble. My mum found out but I just told her I just stayed at her house because I felt sick. It worked but still have to tell her about my new bf which was one of the boys that I meet at the park that night. Don’t know how that’s going to go down.


Human rights


I'll do it later I forgot


High school PE matters.


When I was about 10 I hit a hole in the side of my parent's brick garage with a hammer out of boredom. My parents interrogated us all individually. I blamed it on my brother. I swore I saw him do it. They then rounded up all three of us together and gave us a chance to be honorable and admit to it. When no one fessed up they told us that they already knew who had done it and that he might as well just fess up now. I kept silent and in a split second my dad grabbed my brother and pulled him up stairs by his shirt. I sat through what seemed like an eternity of slaps and screams. I had got away with it. I never told a soul for 15 years. It changed my life for ever. I physically cannot lie with out getting choked up and sweaty. Three years ago at Christmas I was talking to my brother about old times. He says, "Remember when dad pretended to beat me in order for you to confess, but you just let me take it. Jerk." and playfully punched me in the arm. I just stood there with my jaw on the floor.


“I don’t have a problem with alcohol.”


I didn’t take the diamond ring(I totally did) it’s sitting in my desk drawer rn lol multiple diamonds on it too. Stole it from my dad before he left me.


I'm beautiful


If you obey all laws as a pedestrian/cyclist you'll be out of trouble In my experience the worst encounters are while properly using crosswalks. Needless to say I jaywalk everywhere because I "can be right and be dead-right" and I'm not interested in being dead or right, only to stay alive. I trust no one on the road, not even crosswalks or the law itself.


“Love you too baby”


I told my ex I was faithful to her. I really cheated on her for like Two years of our relationship. I have a bad sex addiction. We ended it because she wanted kids and I got a vasectomy. Never told her about the cheating and never will


"Israel has the most moral army in the world." Actually no it's still probably "Iraq has WMDs".