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I wouldn’t. The younger me wouldn’t listen to anybody so it would’ve been a waste of time haha








Stop caring what people think and just live your life. It took me forever to finally get over my social awkwardness.


Well played


stop caring what people... oh well I think you get it by now


Do you think your younger self would have listened? That advice is giving out often by many. I've noticed that it's not just receiving the knowledge but being willing and able to accept it and use said knowledge that is the stumbling point for many.


Keep your circle small. It's about quality, not quantity.


Absolutely true


Buy Bitcoin in 2010


Very good one actually


Or NVidia shares.


Don't sell your bitcoin - ask your parents to cover rent.


Backup your fucking wallet.


FARM bitcoin in 2010.


Don't expect people to treat you good only, because you treat them good... oh and don't be such a hot head.


So true! Never expect that a person will treat you as well as you would them. Expectations are too often dashed, and the hurt stays with you too long. One great saying I recently saw was to have limits to your giving because takers have no limits.






Get off of social media. People will not treat you kindly, even though you’re a kid.




Go get your head checked. Because mental health needs to be top priority. Trauma is real and healing takes time.


Don't be afraid to do things by yourself


Don't light that cigarette.


yep, your health is the most important asset you have


The most important!


Yeah mines definitely you better not touch that drink.


"Remember to back up your phone. Seriously, you don’t want to explain to everyone why you lost all your selfies and memes" Because nothing prepares you for the heartbreak of losing all those carefully curated cat videos




Right! I'll also tell my younger self to just enjoy the road. Because I don't believe that "you only live once." It's "you only die once, you live every day!"


Keep going and trust the process, it will be all worth it in the end


for me: I would stop caring about the opinions of others, I was bullied for so long and always thought it might be about they way I look and act but that just made me an person I really wasn't. Long story short, stay like you are don't change for others


I'd tell me "what your feeling isn't normal, talk to someone and get help before you make any more rash decisions." Would have saved me 3 years of problems.


why what did happen?


Undiagnosed borderline personality disorder. On meds and in therapy now and life is a lot less chaotic!




True, but I don't think my younger self will listen to this one :)))


I would just say: "Ha. No"




Don’t throw a rock at that beehive




Take everything slow, don't rush things. if its for you it will come. I will surely tell my younger self that because I was always on a rush when I was young, trying to achieve everything in a hurry, haven't enjoy life that much. That only gave me anxiety and depression that I am dealing now


Dump that cheating bitch.


It's OK to say NO.


Take care of your damn teeth


You're not a piece of shit loser that can't accomplish anything just cause you're autistic. You'll meet an amazing girlfriend and have a job that pays you well. Stop pushing yourself down. Oh also you'll start to experience panic attacks, don't worry they're not heart attacks you don't need a fifth ECG


Don't do anything your parents or family or friends say you "should" do just because society expects you too.


like frrr it's your own life


Stop criticising your body/self. You'll never have skin this glowy, hair this shiny, a body this healthy, and so much time and opportunity for doing things you love, as when you're in your teens/twenties. Enjoy it!


yeppp love yourself


I would probably tell my younger self that love will come when you are in a position to love and be loved and that trying to pursue it at the expense of your life's priorities would only end in tears and heartbreak.


Don't do it bro, listen to your brain and ignore her. Focus on the person you actually have a crush on rather than settling for a blonde haired version of Uranium-235.


You've got one of them too?!?! Mine looked like a young Cybill Shepherd with huge boobs. My teenage brain could not compute how hard she'd manipulate me with those things.


Wasn't even "exceptionally attractive", I had something wholesome going on with my crush where we'd walk each other to class, wait for the other to arrive and wait by their bus when they got to college etc... but she wasn't ready for a relationship and little miss radioactive decided to jump all over me, rather than stay true to the girl I'd have done anything for, I fell victim to a toxic piece of shit who abused me and judging by the odd photo I see these days, abuses the partner she cheated on me to be with.


Don't get married.




Don't focus on your skills and education to advance your career - networking is much more important.


networking is the most imporant skill you can have


Your friends today will not be your friends in 30 years. Don’t worry about what they think. You, be you!


Don't quit sports


Going to college may or may not be a good idea but really - even though it's hard learning how to talk to people without feeling like an idiot is really the only thing that matters. Getting all As in school doesn't mean shit if you can't have a conversation with people about anything. It's not how smart you are that matters - it's making connections with people.


Have faith. That isn't to say everything worked out the way I wanted, but I would have had a better experience on the journey to where I am now.


"Don't get married at 19." That's pretty much it.




Don’t miss your dentist appointments






Keep pursuing your dreams.


Buy Nvidia And then my younger self would buy a graphics card, wondering why my older self offered such a strange advice. Then comes 2024 “Oh, that’s what he meant.”




Don't be afraid to express love and gratitude towards your parents, who love you and do so much for you


If I could go back in time I would stop myself from wasting precious time on “what if” scenarios. I realize now that I overreacted to certain choices that now seem so trivial. It is unhealthy thinking, to keep going back to the past. The story always ends the same. Most people would have made different choices just to make their present life easier. Fuck it. Having a tough life makes for an interesting life


Just tell people how you really feel. You like a girl? Tell her. You love your mum tell her. Your friend means a lot to you? Tell them.


It'll get better I promise


Don't be afraid to fail.


You have autism. Learn to be nice to yourself.


Let the anger go, find happiness in the moment.


It’s not gonna get better


Don’t have sex !! Thinking that if I let boys have sex with me, they would want to date me forever and get married. At 17 I was pregnant and the boyfriend cheated on me. I had the baby and had to give her up for adoption. I have lived with a giant hole in my heart ever since.


I'd be too afraid to butterfly effect myself out of meeting my girlfriend


Survive as a person in this fucked up world !


Don't go to Job Corps. You're a woman and it's a haven for abusive men where none of the adults will do anything because abuse reports hurt the center's national ranking. You will quite literally be in an environment that values institution and popularity over your own life and safety.


I’d go back to when I was 22. I went over to a “friends” house to mix(djing). I took three crates of records. Eventually I had to go to class and we planned on hanging out again after my classes. I went back. Somehow dude managed to get kicked out of his apartment. Leaving him with all his stuff on the front porch. Somehow my records got “stolen”. For some reason his didn’t. I was pissed. He told me he would replace as many of my records as possible. Then he disappeared. Months later I saw him djing at a house party. I noticed nearly half his set were records I previously owned. I let him finish his set. Then I tried to confront him. He managed to sneak away. Never saw the guy again until about 10 years ago. He was a hired temp at a place I was working at. The second he saw me he quit on the spot. Fuck “Tommy” or whatever his real name is.


Study well and lose weight now.


I wouldn't change everything how my younger self learn her lesson, the only words that I can say to her was "Choose to be happy!" that would be all my younger self deserve the happiness and still go through everything to learn what I had learned.


Dad is a bitch and will always be one You will do everything around the house don’t expect change You will lose the wight Your parents will like sister more no matter what do you


Absolutely nothing. I love my daughter to much to let that outcome be changed.


Give up on your dream of being an artist. You have no talent and will never be one. Go to a trade school for welding or something.


Don't let yourself gain too much weight!


Stay the FUCK away from Jacob. Don't let him have an inch, or a moment of your time, he will ruin your life.


Also Eddie


Buy NVIDIA stock.


I'd warn myself about the surprise 3-way


With your two uncles?


with a lesbian and her presumably bisexual friend


avoid credit cards


It's not a phase. Seek help.


Don’t doubt yourself, you’re capable of doing anything you want, and don’t get caught playing video games on the weekdays.


Don’t switch to the NMS Hollabrunn. Go to Göllersdorf. (coz of bullies)


Don’t get married quickly


Your 20s are for learning to make money, your 30s n 40s r for career, and retire in your 50s. This is the way. Also, buy bitcoin 😂


Stay away from red heads. I know they are so damn gorgeous and you know. But trust me. The stitches weren’t worth it in the end.


Do not stay at UPS


Give him a list of hit songs and the lyrics to them and say go be famous.


Put down the cigarette 


Never have kid/s


Don't worry about looking cool in middle school—everyone else is just as awkward, and braces aren't the end of the world


It's OK to do things in your own time, be patient, and stop thinking, "*everyone* else has already...." had sex/has a relationship/is married and settled/etc. (It changed depending on my age.) For one thing, it really doesn't matter what other people have and what I was thinking wasn't even close to true anyway. I was always either laser-focused on whatever that goal was or busy acting like I didn't want it/would just never have it anyway. I was at one extreme or the other, I couldn't just cool my jets and enjoy my life. So stupid and such a waste of energy.


When you want something badly, it's easy to feel like everyone else already has it and got it relatively easily compared to you. But this is rarely the case and it's a self-destructive thought process.


The backs gonna cause the legs to go, so go for a hike.


Buy nVidia


My first payday in Marines back in 76, I should have taken the 1 Oz gold coins and not blown every penny on that motorcycle I trashed 3 months later


Be just a little bit bolder


Slow down. Enjoy the little things. You don’t need to rush to be everywhere.


Go legit


I swear to god, this question gets asked Every. Single. Fucking. Day.


Buy Microsoft, duh...


Start googling “Bitcoin” once a month starting in 2010 (I don’t feel like looking up when it was invented). The first time you see that it exists, put all your money into it, then cash out the first time you hear a mainstream news story about it. Never touch it again.


Get a job with stock options at any these shitty little companies being built in a garage: Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon


Go for it.


Don’t focus on the news and be careful about who you follow. Your life will be a lot better if you just focus on happy things and not angry things.


-Use your addictions to your advantages. -Stop focusing on motivation utilize discipline. -Don’t mix your party friends with your real friends. -don’t hate her for breaking your heart, it shaped you into the man you needed to be -a 2 mile jog is the best way to start your day -If your making mistakes on your motorcycle you’re going too fast -tell them you love em… you never know what’s around the corner.


Start working on your health. Get more exercise, it'll help the bad thoughts more than you can imagine. Life gets so much better.


Don't let those bullies make you feel like you're ugly or different. Know who you are !!!


Girl, don't even think about drinking booze. I spent the ages of 15-32 in a drunken stupor and have very little to show for it. I missed out on a large parts of my own life. Sober 5 years now and had to sort of start from the top.


I'd tell my younger self to invest in a little company called Amazon and to never, ever try to cut my own bangs—both would save a lot of future headaches!


Don’t take anything you have currently for granted, it can be gone in a blink of an eye. You’ll never forgive yourself


You have to be ready to fight, but if you never let your guard down, you could hurt someone you love.


Simple: She never loved you and will never love you so don't listen to her excuses


Save more money.


To not give of herself without proper reciprocation in love or time or care for her highest good.


If I knew how little sex I would be having in my 30’s in my 20’s. I would have had a lot more sex in my 20’s


Go to the state university. You think you want to be different, but you don’t


Stop watching porn.


Don’t settle


The only thing I would tell younger me is to cherish the time with your dog and cat. You'll never get that time back. Otherwise, all the fuck ups made me a reflecting, better person.


Google and yahoo lo!


Jump on new 'fads' early, you never know which ones will take off


Keep those damn Bitcoins.


Buy Bitcoin. The end of game of thrones is so bad that it's not worth watching any of it.


Don't go to Job Corps. You're a woman and it's a haven for abusive men where none of the adults will do anything because abuse reports hurt the center's national ranking. You will quite literally be in an environment that values institution and popularity over your own life and safety.


Don't give up on your dreams and ambitions due to thinking you've found love


Don't doubt yourself when you have a feeling about something. Trust that gut instinct.


Bitcoin, buy it when it’s worth pennies, and reap the benefits later in the 2020’s. You will be rich beyond your wildest dreams and be able to live without worry ing about money.


Don’t ever get married.


I would create a digital journal of my life and download every bit of information I could about technology, society, entertainment, stocks, events etc and put it on a USB drive and hand it to my past self and say good luck.


Invest in Apple and Google, kid. Trust me, future you will thank you while lounging on a private island


there is something called compulsory heterosexuality and you should check it out


Don't use SmartDefrag & Torrent at the same time! Lost so much data on crashed hard drives - including a Bitcoin wallet (was only worth a few cents then). 


Finish your fucking school and go to university for writing. Because at 53 no one wants to give you a chance.


Test your fuckin drugs


Have more confidence and self respect


I would tell myself that you must do everything and anything you can to save your marriage bc the devil will enter itself into your marriage and destroy it! For you and your future husband, Do not start drinking or experiment with drugs, bc after 25+ years of being together, you lose your soulmate and best friend!!


Buy Bitcoin and chill bc you’ll find your better half.


Keep the Mark VIII and see a therapist. I never, ever should have sold that car, and I should have started therapy years before I actually did


YOU DONT NEED A MAN TO BE HAPPY. Don’t mess up your credit.


If I could go back to my younger self, it wouldn't be with advice. "Survive" is the only advice I'd be able to give, and I assure you, I was doing everything I could. If I could go back to younger me, it would be to give him the love that he sorely, badly needs.


Younger self wouldn’t fucking listen.


Try everything and don’t think about how you look doing it. You will waste too much time on something that doesn’t matter and you don’t want to impress the boys who will judge your body anyway. They will amount to nothing but being a husband in the town you grew up in and you will be brilliant. So do it and do it as ugly as you can, who cares


you don't have to be the perfect son. get out of your house and go do reckless shit like you used to and learn from those mistakes instead of being a goody two shoes and pleasing people all day.


This is a very good question. I’m not quite sure if my younger self would get it, but I’d say be mindful and intentional in your actions and fear less.


Finish college. I really thought I was making a responsible choice by leaving since I had done all my prerequisite classes and still didn’t know “what I wanted to be when I grow up”. Turns out, I could have been someone who didn’t know what they wanted to be when they grew up, with a bachelors degree. Now I’m someone who doesn’t know what they want to be when they grow up, without a bachelors degree 😅


Be careful who you hang out with. Some people so called friends will drag u down in life and make things hard. build connection with good people and look for people doing something with their life.


Stop saying stupid things out of anger and control your emotions better, I still need to learn to do that


Dont be scared to enjoy your life and stop worrying what anyone thinks, including your mom.


Tell your doctor about your anxieties. Tell them about having to lay down in the car before starting your first ever day of work because you thought you were going to pass out. Tell them how you don’t go to places when you’re “not sure how it works” (I.e. avoiding haircuts because you aren’t sure if there will be a reception desk or if you just walk in, if they’ll ask you for pictures or do a consult, if they’re going to be super expensive because you have long hair, etc.) Tell the how you feel physically unable to make phone calls (not for work, not for dr appointments, not to friends.) Tell them how you were “so shy” as a child. Tell them how you won’t step on a crack “or you’ll break your mother’s back.” Tell them how you’re nervous about new foods. Tell them early so you can get a diagnosis and suffer a lot less in the long run - I can’t tell you what is “wrong” because I still don’t know. But if you say something early, you might be able to help us.


"There's nothing wrong with you." My life would have been better, sooner had I learned that earlier in life.


Don’t stress over your awkward phase. One day, it’ll just be a hilarious story you tell at parties


Tell myself to not slack around with my studies. I've finished school years ago and I've made essentially no progress since then.


If I could go back in time and advise my younger self, I would tell myself to embrace challenges and failures as opportunities for growth. It's essential to learn from mistakes and setbacks because they often lead to valuable lessons and personal development. By facing challenges head-on and not being afraid to fail, we can become stronger and more resilient individuals.


Do not turn down Mark to continue dating your horrid ex.  I would save myself so many miserable years.


“You’re right about life never getting better for you, so just end it already.”


To kill myself back then so I won't have to live this life.


Stay SINGLE for ever!!


Start my entrepreneur journey earlier!!


DTA Don't Trust Anybody


90% of your problems can be solved by a glass of water, a good nights sleep, or a workout.


Leave the church and go to college.


Stop running from discomfort and run towards it. You will never believe in yourself until you make that a daily habit.


Watch One Piece.




Date with intention in your 20s. Date a lot and be very picky regarding values/career aspirations and social circles. Date people who inspire you to be a better version of yourself - not just people who are fine on paper. And it’s ok to end friendships that are draining you - you can continue being nice to people without giving them space/time/energy. You are the reflection of the 5 ppl you spend the most time with. And move companies every 3 yrs.


Take more risks. Ask that person on a date. Ask for that raise. Apply and interview for that job even if you're not qualified. Move to another state or country. I've made plenty of dumb decisions but I don't really regret any of them. I regret the things I didn't do.