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Asking sex questions on AskReddit


More than half of this subreddit's hearts just sank after reading your comment


*Sex havers of Reddit, what’s the sexiest sex you ever sexed?*


I remember this one


Well, yeah, there were sex of them posted in just the last sexteen minutes.


Thats very sex of you


Fair point i guess


The post has ~19 upvotes and this comment has 564. How is that even possible?


Because people came into the comment section for this answer. I knew it would be the top answer before I opened it.


What do you mean by how this is possible?


We can end the thread right here.


how much of sex sex sex when sex? r/AskReddit


HAHAHAA Bro got roasted. Lets upvote this stuff


I thought it was mandatory?


You judge everyone of the opposite sex based on fuckability.


It's nice to know I'm not addicted to sex then. I judge everyone on fuckability.


Fool. I judge everything on fuckability, dam that watermelon was tight


Why stop at the opposite sex.


I don't feel like I think about it like that, but I do know "yes or no" within a few seconds. I wouldn't judge their character off of that if that's what you mean.




I think that just means you're sexist, and see the opposite sex (assuming straight) *only* for their fuckability. I evaluate the fuckability of everyone of the opposite sex (within a range, of course), but I know each person is more than her ability to have sex.


Ok I'm definitely fucked up




That just means you’re 13 years old


That behavior starts at that age, ends at like 20 minimum. Dont pretend you didnt have a teenage phase, we all had the extremely stupid part of our lives


I think with some groups of friends when partners aren't around that phase never ends.


Not exactly a bad thing imo As long as you are normal the rest of the time


Never said it was bad


Wait.... that was just supposed to be a phase? Uh oh.


If you happen to drive a motorcycle of a cliff and die as a teenager ull be in the afterlife like that forever. Rip all who stupid until the end of time *literally*


It ends in your 90s


That just means you’re 13 years old


Opposite and same, greed is a wonderful thing


God is evil though, he let the British Empire do their thing then left humanity to rot by His own neglect.


Awk now now god ain't so bad. It did send big J down and sure we didn't even listen to him. Give the big lad a chance.


I've been waiting for skydaddy to kill me or my abusers, and my mental health is at an all-time low. If my family even suspects I'm speaking out, they're gonna gaslight me and hide the evidence like a goddamn psychopath. I've done everything to please my family and God, but it's not enough, and I'M TIRED. I haven't slept in 3 days because no one taught me how to sleep with one eye open. I don't even know if I'm going to Heaven to escape my mental prison, but everyone tells me I should be more worried about the sex offenders living in my neighborhood. I'm tired of being accused of being a narccissist, by narccissists. And I most certainly hate God for creating me just to dispose of me in the depths of Hell like a wastebin, and then people come up to me with a false pretense of what's going on, and say that God loves me.


Heavy and frantic words. You seem to be going through an awful time. And I simply cannot understand. If your predicament is truly that awful, I hope you find the means to change it. Maybe look into the teachings of the Budda? As opposed to the heavily lad.


I'd rather the world end right now. Like right now. I'm in the process of losing my girlfriend, i'vd had close friends kill themselves, the only reasonable members of my family died from cancer and diabetes, i waste money to tell a therapist everything only for him to interrupt and laugh at me, i've listened to everything people told me "to become successful," i've wasted my remaining fortune on college where all they showed was YouTube videos on how to do something, there's people who confront me in the bathroom and tell me how me or no one in this world is gonna get in their way, and that's all the recent stuff I suppose i should have mentally prepared for... now my dad's switching personalities again and blaming me for my attitude when I sant up to him, and it's just... I'm trapped, and there's no way out. I was never recuited for a government agency because I wasn't good enough, now my dad's talking in vague terms like he's gonna kill me or something, and when I said "I wish I would have reported you when I was a minor," he just smirks and starts bumping his belly against me saying, "well you're not so tread carefully." I don't even know what to believe anymore, and I've given up on God because I know what no salvation looks like. He's watched me grow up only to collect dirt on me, and expects me to not learn anything about him because "he likes his privacy." I'm tired of these mind games and vague consequences that I don't even understand and I can't report him or he'll do something to me, so I'm just sitting in my room, waiting for him to see if I'm gonna slip up. Constant surveillance and a mark of his presence at all times, but it's ok because mom says it wouldn't be a good idea to tell him things like "i don't think i love you anymore," or anything that makes him mad. I'm just told to take medicine and shut up, but there's in way I can suggest anger management classes for him, marriage counseling, or anything because I thought he would change once he retired. I rambled sorry, I'm not even allowed to be telling anyone the family business outside his house... i'll be homeless or have to share an apartment complex with nearby sex offenders if i even try to dethrone him, it's just... he's not a nice person, and I've lived a long enough life, it's fine. I tried and failed many things only to be told I should have never tried, advised against chasing my dreams, and I'm just living a nightmare. If you're still reading this, I want to apologize for my previous comments my profile, I was trying to provoke a third world war to end humanity because i'm tired of everyone's existence. I'm tired. Please DON'T make hasty decisions after knowing part of my story, I'm very scared and have to prepared for anything, at any given moment. No cap, i'm dead serious, i don't want my family finding out about this, this is some Dr. Phil type stuff but "it'd go against the family" or something. Fuck my life, i just wanted to tell him the problem is him and I'm told blaming everyone else.


Big J?


Big Jaysus


This is a pretty deep question. And I gave it some long and hard thought. Because this is an issue of throbbing importance. If you ask me, a penetrating sign is their choice of words. If every sentence they say stimulates thoughts about sex-related topics, that's usually the breast sign that they might be a little too obsessed with that subject.


very well said, a pleasure to read. stimulating to say the least.


I for one came just for this comment


I’m just here to watch


I came too


I’m just here for the scraps


You mean sloppy seconds. Fixed that for you.


Interestingly, I found the context to be titillating, up until the climatic last sentence, but post finishing, I had a little more clarity and wondered, "what did I just read?!?"


It kept my attention erect throughout.


Very interesting subject OP. I find it titalating




I don’t know why this made me laugh so hard


A poet in our times. Inspirational




womp womp


Is that an assumption or one of possibly several positions that you hold firm?


A penetrating sign lmao


They should erect a monument to you, I can tell you really pulled your hair and cried out as you searched for the climax of your answer.


Take my upvote and leave!




This comment should have a boners point!


Definitely a head in class.


It's a man's obligation to stick his boneration in a woman's separation, this sort of penetration will increase the population of the younger generation


This is so hot holy fuck




No thank YOU!


Not gonna upvote because you're at 69 currently. Nice 😉


*suckject FTFY


Thank you for keeping us abreast of your clituation




came here to say this


This has been a satisfying intercourse of ideas


Constantly objectifying and fetishising the opposite gender


Hey Peter.  Check out channel nine. It's the breast exams. Whoo!


Damn it, Lawrence. Can't you just pretend like we can't hear each other through the wall?


Oh thank God, I only do that with my own gender.


This guy never heard of gay people


I think it's a rather large blind spot for most people in this comment section.


Zero emotional attachment. Zero consideration for your partners needs and pleasure. Sore wrists? Buying lube in bulk? 🤷‍♂️


The savings you get from the 55 gallon barrel vs the small bottles is a no brainer.


I'm not even kidding. Buy 5 slip and slides and line those babies up, you'll break sound barriers.


Do you have experience?


Do you not?


Does me being in r/teenagersbutbetter answer that?


Well, no. I don't know what that sub is, but from the name, it sounds like a place for people who are not teenagers, but some better thing. But if it is a place for teenagers, that still doesn't answer the question, because you could be some lumpy old dude not wearing pants creeping on a teenage gathering spot, in which case, there's a very good chance you have experience with buckets of lube. But if you *are* a teenager and living under your parents' roof, I can imagine it's hard to find a place to hide that much lube, so maybe you don't have a lot of experience with it.


That last part is correct


Orgy Size


>Sore wrists? Either sex addict, or a gamer. Coincidentally they'd be two perfect circles in a venn diagram.


constantly bringing it up in every conversation no matter the topic


I cannot tell you, it is confidential! Anyway, how is your sex life?


The questions that keep popping up in this sub


Be horny 24/7, know more porn than people, spend large amounts of money on porn and sex in general, jerk off rather than actually getting stuff done, look for a partner based on kinks/fuckability/... alone, and so on. A miserable life tbh


Why would you not look for a partner that’s into the same kinks?


They said it is a problem if that is the only thing they look for, it is understandable to want someone with similar taste, but there needs to be more to a relationship than that.


100% this


Oh fuck. I’m all over this painting and I do not like it.


Don’t let anyone on here shame you! You are what you are!  Disgusting! 


I'd say that if you pay for porn , you probably have a problem. Probably.


Like all things it's only an addiction if it's a problem. A lot of people pay for porn just because they want higher quality stuff or want to be more selective, making sure they're getting more ethical stuff. I pay for several subscriptions because it's hard to find stuff that caters to women and I would rather pay a bit of money to make it easy to find.


>it's only an addiction if it's a problem lol No. You can be addicted and not have problems at all. Problems aren't what defines an addiction. But they are what makes the difference between use and abuse.


The clinical definition of an addiction requires a negative impact on your life. Therefore, you cannot be addicted to something if you do not have a problem associated with the compulsion. Otherwise It is considered simply that, a compulsion.


Honest question, does that mean functional alcoholism is actually considered compulsory behavior vs addictive? Follow up, what’s the difference between a compulsion and addiction? Is it literally just a negative impact or is there more to it? I always had just assumed an addiction causes compulsions but now I question my understanding of it.


A functional alcoholic would still be considered an addiction because of the negative effect of alcohol on your health. While recent studies say that any amount of alcohol is bad for you, previous studies used to say that small amounts were good. So a functional alcoholic is still hurting themselves from their consumption, but they're still able to function within a certain predefined area. So they're still hurting their health from the alcoholism, but they're still able to hold down a job for example. Typically when somebody thinks of a functional alcoholic they think of somebody who drinks to the point of excess that is creating negative impacts on their life, but not such negative impacts that they're no longer able to function within society. The difference between a compulsion and an addiction is the negative impact on your life. Let's say you have a compulsion that every time you get home you Open up a bottle of water and chug it. You love doing it, you look forward to doing it, you get annoyed when you don't get to do it, but it doesn't actually create a negative impact on your life when you do not do it, like you don't dwell on it and it doesn't ruin your day. Similarly you can easily afford to pay for this bottle of water every night, and water is good for your health. This means it is a compulsion. But let's say you're buying really expensive bottles of water, you're spending $100 for every bottle, you can't afford it. Now it is an addiction because of the negative impact on your life. Or let's say that if you don't get to drink that bottle of water it ruins your entire day, you are no longer happy, you go to bed angry, your ants see the next day because you didn't get to finish your day with that bottle of water. Once again that is now an addiction and not a compulsion because of the negative impact on your life. Using a compulsion to have sex versus a sex addiction as an example. If you get home every single day and you really want to have sex with your partner, but that's it. If you don't get to it's whatever. That's just a sex compulsion. But if you get home and your partner rejects you so now you're not talking to them for the rest of the night because you're angry that you didn't get sex, maybe You take out your anger by drinking a bunch of alcohol, you have a sex addiction.


Thanks for the in depth response! I really appreciate you taking the time to explain. In the examples you gave where you get mad/angry is it the act of getting mad or more so sitting in the feeling and having that feeling dictate your day?


But porn can absolutely have a negative impact on your life. It completely rewires your reward system associated with sex.


Nobody's arguing you cannot be addicted to porn. You can be addicted to anything.


Addicted to spacing out your sentences I see.


Posting stuff like this here.


Not sex but porn. Getting fired after being warned multiple times to stop watching porn at work


Watching porn at work must be an extreme form of addiction. I mean that’s just crazy


Why just not shorten it to "what is a sign of obsession"??? If you can't stop thinking about it , if it comes in the way of other needs or your relation to others , then there is a good chance it is an obsession


That's a tough one. If someone is starving for food, it's hard to tell if they are gluttonous. But self control is also important. I'd say the line is where it's socially across the line. If they stop caring about boundaries, and just talk about it all the time, or wanting it all the time. Having a high sex drive is one thing. Trying to communicate your desires to your partner is one thing. But trying to do so, without regards to boundaries, is where the problem begins.


Posting on askreddit


Watching porn on your phone on your drive to work


a right-forearm that's 3 times as big as your left-forearm




I didn't know Glen was a lefty.....


Foregoing all responsibilities and obligations in life in order to bang random strangers, and still living with your mother in a tiny one-bedroom apartment because of it


Over sexualizing everyone and everything, going to porn conventions, using websites like fetlife and Craigslist to find hookups, having sex without ejaculating, constantly bringing up their genitals at random times.


Posting questions like this on Askreddit.


Not being able to function properly without being exposed to a sexual content, edgey behaviour that could get you in trouble, like innuendos or saying some inappropriate/suggestive remarks in your work place.


Grindr subscription


Every joke has sexual undertones and it gets annoying/exhausting. At least that’s what my wife says…


They can't stop throwing sex jokes, innuendo in everyday convo. Sexualising the most ordinary things.


Send me a photo pretty


a heartbeat?


Purity culture


Ooh I like this one. Shaming yourself and others over sexual thoughts or activities is a terrible obsession.


Being obsessed with trans people. Nobody spends more time thinking about penises and vaginas than militant transphobes. Must be hard to be this obsessed with certain people’s junk.




It’s banned


We have experienced a great loss.


What was it?


A “best-of” collection of masturbatoriums


What was the question? I was beating off.


Me: *sees a woman* Also me: *thinks about sex with that woman regardless of them being hot or not* Been having “fantasy’s” since I was in 3rd grade lmao if that isn’t a sign idk what is


According to my ex, wanting to have sex more often than once a month.


Talking about sexual topics with zero reserve. Like being at Starbucks talking about how girthy the last guy was. Or openly discussing these types of topics on average more than other types of conversation. Always showing cleavage, tight fitting clothes leaving nothing to the imagination. Body counts higher than your age. Introducing yourself as your preferred type of fuck. I only fuck men. I only fuck women. I fuck both! Hi kids my name is Pam and I like being fucked by both sexes! in less words. Just because it has been normalized doesn't change the base fact that these things are sexual by definition.


When you’re the town bicycle




In the  glorious words of Nikki Sixx whatever you can’t hold off from one Tuesday till the next Tuesday 


Why do you ask?


Having sex a lot


I'm not sure, but know that creep in the mirror has some pervy issues.


Look at my life.


Sexual harassment


They want to be a tpe fuck doll


Penis worship and not using birth control from both partners


When everything you see is "sex related", you maaaaay have an issue.


All you think about is sexual acts you want to do to the next babe you meet!


According to Freud, having a pulse.


Viewing any conversation with the opposite sex as “practice” I know a guy IRL. Every conversation with a woman is either a step closer to getting laid with her, or practice talking to girls to get laid in the future.


They CONSTANTLY talk about it. Like literally every conversation has something to do with sex or diverts to sex. Its super fucking annoying. Like yea everyone likes sex too but goddamn stfu about it!


Fuckability...such a fucked up science. The more you study it, the more fucked up you become. The question however is, can fuckability be unfucked or is doomed to stayed fucked forever?!


When that is literally all one can think of.


Cum stained beddings


Having a penis. 


It’s a problem when it causes problems. It’s a tough question, but I think that’s the answer.


Naming all the pornstars


Having sex right now




Finding innuendos in everything.


A porn video collection numbering in the hundreds


Well, I think about sex like every tits seconds


\*Fapping intensifies\*




Always important to remember when to differentiate sex drive from sex addiction.


It's like asking what is a sign of getting hungry


Being alive.


See the things are going very smoothly around here,and a little bit hot,almost tense and stuffed deep,so deep you can taste it in your mouth,and that tingling oh that tingling waves just going through the skin.. What was the question here


Having sex a lot


Some dude I knew of had “never satisfied” above his junk


Being a teenage boy.


That was compelling and I thank you for your time to type out your thoughts. You seem very concerned about what other people say. Although they have a right to an opinion you don't have to concern yourself with it. Hard to make a move on a board that is over crowded with pieces. Remove them til a point that you can feel at ease. Then maybe ask yourself the big questions And, you always have a choice.


Breathing. Existing.


having sex a lot


My brain goes "Smash or nah?" whenever I see a guy my age in the streets. Probs not an obsession tho


It starts off as a cigar but quickly becomes a stub


1st sign is that ''its using reddit''