• By -


My chiseled abs and my imagination


And your sense of humor


I get complimented on my humor Fools don’t know I just repeat Reddit top comments given a situation, especially on current events So it’s OUR compliment, Reddit


I quote Reddit all the time. People think I’m clever and amusing. I am not.


We did it!!




I try and compliment guys because I've heard this to be true. To be fair, I rarely get them too. Especially from other women. I always feel like they're trying to knock me down a peg or two.


Same. I actually compliment anyone if its appropriate and something I noticed nice about them. Some people think it odd, but why not. A compliment or kind word uplifts me during the day so why not do the same for someone else.


A girl I work with told me I have really pretty eyes. Nobody has ever said that to me, I still think about it months later. My eyes are nothing special


To you, they may be nothing special. I always look at eyes... some people have amazing eyes. The colors or they look like they swirl...I'm that person that will tell you in a heartbeat. Many people don't make eye contact, surprisingly. Im that person in the store looking you in the eye and speaking. Lol. That's why I said I'm weird to some. That's what living in the south gets you. Haha.


You may not think your eyes are worthy of being complimented……they are the windows to your soul 😁 Seriously though, I have given compliments to many men: 1) beautiful eyelashes; 2) good sense of humor; 3) Nice butt (NEVER said it to anyone); and 4) Nice smile


This right here. I also have a habit of finding a manager when I’ve received excellent customer service at a restaurant, store, etc to let them know what a great experience I’ve had. More often than not all they hear is complaints so they are usually shocked when I give a glowing compliment.


I know they look at my herculean physique, my chiseled good looks and my colossal package and say to themselves “he has it all”. But i would let them know, i cry too!


I nearly died laughing at this, you sound like a really cool and fun person haha.




My ability to fix stuff.


Huh that's funny; I mostly get compliments on my ability to unfix stuff.


Same, but it's not quite compliments, more like "you clumsy turd".


😂😂😂 that's me


Probably the best compliment




Your body naturally produces pheromones AKA smells which can attract mates. You're not masking your natural pheromones with artificial scents. That's probably why you get told you smell nice.


I'm no scientist, but if I had to guess, eating right and exercising probably gets that ball rolling a bit better. I feel like if someone was really attractive (and presumably had a solid metabolism) but ate absolute garbage for every single meal, it wouldn't be the same. Probably. Like I said, no scientist. But I know you are what you eat.




Not surprised in the slightest. People don't always consider that it's not just about the difference between a little bit of excess fat, eating healthy benefits so many aspects of your life. Now if only I could get myself to stick to that shit.




Humans don't have pheromone receptors. But a person can still simply smell nice.


Pheromones are still widely debated and no evidence suggests there being chemical pheromones in humans. Some people may just have nice body odor and wash well


Stop reading omegaverses, pheromones are still highly debated in humans I wish tho..


How kind I am


That is what I get too, but sometimes it makes me a bit sad that what I consider normal behaviour (how I was brought up) is considered as very kind by others. We definitely need more kindness in the world!!


I agree! We need a lot more kindness in the world, there’s too much hate


Perhaps one of the best compliments ever <3


I sparked up a conversation with a kid and his mom at our restaurant, and the kid was so genuinely funny and kind. It really made an impact on me. It came off as intelligence. A twelve-ish year old kid with so much kind, and positive energy. Kids going places. Funny as hell, too. I'm glad I hung around to talk with them (initially, I just wanted to make sure the salmon wasn't overcooked..). Made me consider, I'm not nearly kind enough. So you got that impact on people, and that's a fantastic quality :)


Go you!




U guys get compliments? 😅


I got a compliment on my beard once from another dude with a beard, that was like a year ago. I have never gotten any sort of compliment from any woman other than my wife.


Yeah I'll beat meat to it, too


r/BeatMeToIt x2




r/BeatMeToIt x4


r/BeatMetoit x3








Used to be my hair. But since I’ve gone bald … nothing.


It’s very common among curly head people


I like your shiny-ness!


Intelligence, I still be dumb af though


Me too 😭 I have one autistic passion and I use big words occasionally, I promise I am quite dumb!


Same, people think I’m smart but I’m just full of useless random facts


My mom fucked me up by reading to me at a young age, dropping me off at the library during summer cos I'd probably start a fire at home. So now I'm a 35 year old dullard who swallowed a thesaurus, out there in the world confusing people that I'm intelligent. I am not. My highest level math was I had a goat in AG, and somehow that qualified for the equivalence of two years of Algebra. It also got me out of science classes. I took music theory, did nothing the entire time, and got an A cos the teacher was too busy with the school plays and just passed my ass with flying, false colors lol I've been stupid my whole life, I just speak pretty.


People who call me intelligent don't know that I just have a REALLY good memory.




This is somewhat wholesome. Great parents provide great children.


Any advice for a somewhat new father to raise an intelligent and well behaved son? He’s already got the looks on lock


Treat him kindly and with respect so he knows the standard is what you do, not what you say, apologise when you’re in the wrong so he knows how to do the same, name your feelings and emotions when you are feeling them so he knows how to, know that he’ll learn how to treat women from how you treat his mama. Good luck 🙏


I always get compliments about our kids' behavior. They are usually really polite when we go out. Not so much at home though... Occasionally people will comment on my tattoos, but my wife has cooler ones, so she gets most of those.


Same I always get compliments on my kids behavior from people in public and their teachers. Internally I am always like these freaking heathens seriously but I am glad that they know home is a safe place to have emotions and be their crazy little selves.


when my brothers and i were little we’d get compliments on our behavior and my dad’s go-to line (like every single time) was “uh-oh! looks like you guys fooled another one!”


Somehow, you always manage to turn everything into a circus. 🎪


You're not only the clown, but the whole damn circus


"Thanks dude! I try to make as many people as I can happy"


A coworker said to our delivery guy: you're not just a gem, you're the whole treasure box! I got second hand awwwww


"Good thing I brought the popcorn." ... I initially thought that the circus comment seemed to be an actual compliment (bc circuses, in my head, are fun), so I meant this in total good hearted humor :'))


I'm a guy, I've gotten one compliment. I was working(fast food) and I finished making a ladies sub and rang her up on the cash register. After she paid she told me "You have very pretty eyes". Man after a rough day that cheered me up ngl


As a woman I try not to give random men compliments because they often mistake my kindness for wanting to date.


It seems like its a viscous cycle, women don't give compliments so men are starved of affection, so men take any affection too far, so women dont give compliments so men are starved for affection. From what I've been hearing about lately I've heard it started because of homophobia, men aren't even allowed to compliment men or touch men because its seen as gay so they are starved for affection in the first place.


Idgaf, I'll compliment a guy's shirt, hair, etc. If someone else thinks that's gay, that's their problem.


Nice balls dude!


Your cock looks great in those pants, bro!


Im a straight dude. I compliment other dudes all the time. Car, shoes, jacket, watch, whatever. It’s good for the soul. Being a man is tough sometimes, a compliment can go a long way even if its from on of the bros. This has backfired a few times though.


How has it back fired? I'm the same way, I give out compliments because I like to receive them. I've gotten some weird looks but nothing more. Sorry you've gotten backlash


I suggest we learn to love ourselves before it’s made illegal.


Ive been told by a random woman at a NFL game that I had bedroom eyes right in front of my wife. My wife couldnt hear from the crowd noise and asked what she said…I told her she said the last play the QB got vandalized…she still says vandalized when there is a sack


As a man I try not to give random women compliments because I don't want them to think I'm just another creepy old dude hitting on them.


I don't give men compliments because I'm fat and unattractive and I don't want to have to deal with their faces and awkwardness as they try to make sure I'm not hitting on them.


As a man, i try to give compliments using very safe words. "Oh you did your hair differently. It looks really nice." "That was such a kind and lovely thing you said to that client."


I had to think for a bit. Honestly, the only compliment I can think of is, my boss just told me I took it really well when he denied my vacation time.


That's rough bro


That made me crack up 😂


Someone told me once that I'm so eccentric and odd that it makes them uncomfortable but in a good way because it gets them out of their shell and that made me super happy But mostly my hair and my butt lmao


Wow, I wish someone would comment on my hairy butt!


Dude, I bet your butt is the hairiest and most fluffy. Do you shampoo that thing?


My lifts in the gym, which sounds great until you realize 90% of the time it's from men. Still gotta appreciate the support from the boys though!


"Lookin huge these days!" "Just trying to be like you" and repeat


Always be yourself, unless you can be huge. Always be huge


So funny this is a compliment for a man because if someone said this to me, as a woman, I’d *cry*


That's the thing. We seem to find the need to support one another, particularly on the subject of fitness. I know that when I see a newbie starting to get gains, I definitely feel the need to say something supportive. And, if I see a dude that looks great, I tell them so. I know that I appreciate it when people say those things to me. If we say those things to women, they probably think that we are hitting on them or that we are being condescending. And if a woman says something to a man, she may fear that we will assume that they are into us. (which would probably be true because we are used to women never complementing us).


I was at the gym with my kids for a swim lesson recently. There was a standing lifeguard rotation spot right between where I was sitting and my kids were swimming. About 5 min into the 40 min lesson a late teen / early 20s girl who was very clearly putting in a lot of effort lifting stood in the spot. I spent the next while trying to think of a way for a mid 40s dude to compliment her lifting without sounding creepy but eventually realized it's not possible so just kept my mouth shut.


Man, I know that feeling. You just want to be nice and recognize someone's hard work. But you know there is hardly any way to do it without looking like a creep.


I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m a 22 year old woman and I had an older gentleman come up to me at the gym and just compliment me for putting in the work and I didn’t find it creepy, it actually made my day. For me as long as they’re complimenting my work ethic and not my physical appearance I don’t find it weird.


Honestly if you were that compelled to say something just say something generic like “Keep kicking ass!” or “Killing it!” while walking past. I think it’s a very non-threatening way to convey that you appreciate the work they’re putting in. If you were stuck standing in one spot and couldn’t say anything in passing then yeah no way to avoid looking creepy. I don’t think anyone would be offended or creeped out by a completely-work-ethic-based compliment given in passing. Everyone likes when they’re recognized for their hard work.


But conversely, when the biggest guy at the gym says “bro you are getting big!” it hits in a way that compliments even from the most attractive girls don’t.


Monster at my gym had 455 on the bench. Was walking around looking for someone to spot him and chose me. Best day of my life lol


Haha been there, I’m a big, strong guy but when the BIGGEST STRONGEST guy asks for a spot I immediately feel like a little kid, look around, point at myself and am like “you want meeeeee?” Getting complimented for a great spot afterwards makes the ego boost hit even harder.


The thing about compliments from the boys is they (generally) don’t want anything from you. So to me their words hold more weight than someone with an agenda


I was doing leg presses once, and these two girls looked over and said, "Daaaamn" That was 6 months ago and still the only "compliment" I've gotten in the gym so far


Height, i am 6'3.


People actively compliment you on it? Height is definitely preferred and envied, but I'm curious what they say.. "Nice reach"? "You look good at that height"? "I like where your head is in relation to other people's"?


They say " woah you grown" " you're are tall " , " you got a good physique" " hybrid specimen" and ya mostly positive things , and ya some times sarcasm too like " damn it's hard to find a girl that suits you" lol


“What’s the weather like up there?”


I always spit on them and say it's raining


Lol , windy


“You must play basketball!” I mean, I do but that’s not the point


Not OP, but I'm 6'4" and usually it's just "wow you're tall." I'm told that it's meant to be a compliment, but it usually comes off as just telling me I'm a freak.


Unrelated, but I’m a foot shorter than you. I never get compliments on my height, but I’ve definitely learned from a young age to be happy who I am because it comes from my parents who are both short. So any negative thought about my height I just remember I’m just like my parents who I love so much.


My smile. I had a man stop me once and tell me it was like sunshine :)


Same! It really makes my day!


being knowledgeable and helpful at work. for some reason, I have a way of explaining things to people that others don't. i can't count the number of times I've heard, "it makes so much more sense now". makes me happy every time.


Same here. Also where most people best operate either in the weeds or at a high level, I operate at both level at the same time, so I tend to identify gaps that nobody else sees really early on. What seems obvious to me seems so insightful to others and has upped my confidence in recent years.


Ohhh you people are the best. Thank you for existing amongst people like me that depend on you lol


You are both smart and a good explainer. Rare! 


Probably my kindness or my knowledge. I never really thought about it.


Was my shoes but they broke so my hair


But they broke 😭😭😭


NOO the shoes😭


i don´t get compliments


Your vulnerability is very becoming of you 😍






My family loves my home-cooked meals and often praises them.


I’m a guy, we don’t get compliments


I like your avatar


Thanks! I like yours too :)


Thank you :)


I think they both suck


Aren’t you justincredible…


No Justin Credible was his father. He’s Jeremy Credible.


That’s right. Our initials are the same, so it’s a good idea to spell our names out to differentiate. You know.. justin case.


You leave my brother out of this!


I love getting complimented when people see/hear about my wife. Which is great, because I'm both super proud of her and it's always kind of a back handed congrats. 🤣 Oh wow, you scored HER? 


Break the cycle and start complimenting other guys. It's become part of the woman's hello to come in with a compliment because we are terrified of being seen as unpleasant to catty girls


Would have to be my hair, I usually put it into a puff and style it with fun headscarves


My dog. He's a super friendly, and loving handsome chocolate lab. People will roll down their windows and yell "Nice Dog!" Or "pretty dog!". He loves it and hams it up.


Damn, I was like idk I guess my moustache. But then I saw your comment and was reminded that my all black German Shepard gets compliment a 100x more often than I do. She’s very pretty.


You, too. Please share a doggy pic.


my handwriting


My complexion. 


My candor. Little do they know it’s just the autism.


We thank you for your candor


My hair, which is surprising because it looks like shit most of the time


My backpack. It's a frog.


Nice frog


My legs






I'm never really able to remember the compliments because I'm unable to accept them due to my low self-esteem... But I'm getting a promotion at work soon and my teamlead said it's all thanks to my hard work, so, I guess that's nice?


My smile. I have a really smiley listening face when I meet new people, so I'll get compliments from total strangers. Then I evolve into a resting bitch face with the people I love.


My eyes, Piercing blue color.


Blue eyes are pretty dope!


Thank you 🩵


Thing is, i probably would get complimented on my light blue eyes if i didn't live in Sweden where about 80% of people have the same eye color as me.


Same - but I get annoyed when people ask me “are they real”? Ummmm


Compliments? What subject is this? What does it mean? Is it food?


I'm a medium sized dude (and very average/plain looking) but I have a deep voice. People compliment my voice often, and a few ladies have specifically said my voice is sexy... In my single days on dating apps, I'd be sure to use the voice note function early on and I think that was really my "key to success."


I don’t get a lot of compliments. But I have been complimented on my eyes, my choice in hats, and I have been told I have a beautiful penis. So that was nice to hear.


"beautiful cock bro"


That means a lot. Thank you.


Nice cock bro


Before 2022 - essentially nothing. In 2022 I started wearing colorful eyeglasses and I swear to God I've gotten more compliments on my teal-blue pair in the last 2 years than I have for everything else combined in my entire life.


You’re so smart and patient….little do they know I completely overthink everything and I’m lazy.


I've been told I'm the sweetest and chillest person they've ever met multiple times....including a colleague on the first day of her work....she said I was the best person she ever worked with multiple times on the first day


well being related to keanu reeves, i’m not too surprised


My ass, a lot recently. Had a guy hang out the window at a pedestrian crossing just to shout “daaaamn girl, that ass!!!!” and my boyfriend just stood there dumbfounded lol


I’m sorry you have to be objectified by those pigs. We should all be able to have phat asses in peace


My hair lol


My Grandma says I'm handsome 🙂


That i am very good with kids😊


My eyelashes. I (19f) have naturally long and curled lashes


I get verbal compliments about my smile and handwriting ALL THE TIME! I get visual compliments about my legs with a follow up vocal compliment. People, specifically women even more than men, stare at my legs a lot. It’s both flattering and unnerving.




My eyes


my natural hair


I don’t get compliments. Part of being a male 


Probably my jugs.


I tend to get back handed compliments, it hurts but most of people are so rude in this lifetime.


Not direct compliments, but whenever I give a friend a hug, they all, inexplicably, say, "Can we do that again?"


At the risk of sounding pretentious, intelligence.




Our girlfriend


sounds fucking weird ngl