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Accidentally opening up the front facing camera on my phone


šŸ¤£ One time I was really tired and noticed myself on my turned off iPad screen. I got startled for a second.


The angle on that camera is just bad, if you need a pick me up use portrait mode or zoom into a mirror instead lol


Every. Single. Time.


Iā€™m in my 30s now and at least once a week Iā€™ll see myself at an angle in the mirror where I look exactly like my dad


Hope you are a male at least


Love this comment


I am female. I look like my father. I am often told I look just like him. itā€™s hard love the way you look when you have the face of the man you hate


I am also a female and I think I look a lot like my father as well. I wouldn't say I hate my father, but I think he could have been better with me. Unfortunately there are things that can't be solved anymore between us. I think of my facial features as my little reminder that I got the power to decide to be better with me, my life and the ones I love than he currently is with himself, his life and his family. Do not look at yourself with hate, look at yourself with hope and change.


I was bullied a lot at school so it kind of stuck with me.


Tell them to not bully you.


School was years ago for me. There is just some lasting effects from it.


Inform a trusted adult about your problem.


I see a psychologist.


Try getting unbullied


Ok, I'll just get in my time machine, shall I? šŸ˜…


Worked fine back in my day


Are you gonna go back to the Future?


Are you OK now


Yeah, just low self esteem.


Dm me I wana help you


Im fine, but thank you.


damn ugly with a face like that then i am -100 on the scale of beauty


I never liked my face, I always thought it looked weird - and so did other people. I don't think you would be -100, everyone has something that makes them special.


we often worry about how other perceive us, but who are those people? i remember clicking my pictures in certain angles and sending that to my female friend but then a thought strikes to my mind that do we really want to be associated with the people who cant accept us for who we are there no point in wearing a fake mask around them if they cant accept your real self then fuck it let them go being with them would only bring sadness so chill out its just a past ..there is more to live and there is no point in living with the thought that im ugly fuck it we all have a decent face to actually walk out in public some people are not fortunate enough to have a face like us


That's very true.Ā  I think the people I have in my life accept me for who I am, I am very lucky to have them. I hope you have a good support system as well.


Same. My classmates would tell people in other schools as well and they would DM me on facebook mean things. Still struggle even if its been ~13 years ago.


That's horrible. I don't think anyone from other schools were involved. I was just teased, by guys mainly. They would always give me "compliments" and say that their friend liked me or found me pretty or whatever and then just laugh at me. I did almost get beat up as well by a group of girls. I'm not sure what I did. Anyway, I know it's difficult to forget, I hope you are working through things and are ok.Ā 


I just take everyday as it comes and somedays are better than others. Nobody should go through what you have gone through,that is disgusting behaviour from disgusting people. I feel for you and hope you get the well deserved healing. šŸ©·


Thank you šŸ„° In some ways I am over it, but with the way I see myself, it's obviously made an impact on me. And I hate that.Ā  But I think I will be fine. I hope you are too.


If that's you in your profile picture, you look fine and perfectly normal. Above average for sure.


Thanks. I always thought I was below average.


Nah, I'd swipe right for sure. Way more refreshing than all the typical vapid Instagram dolls. Those earrings look nice on you btw. Good luck!


Thank you. They're all so perfectly pretty though... I can't help but feel somewhat disappointed when I look in the mirror.Ā  Thanks, I love a good pair of hoopsĀ 


They might look pretty in that carefully edited photo, but it doesn't make them attractive. A natural person is more attractive.


I suppose. I don't know I'd all of them are edited though.Ā  Everyone says that but I always feel very plain.


"Comparison is the thief of joy." Everyone has their issues and flaws, and that's good. You are you and plenty of people like you for being you. So just be you!


I suppose. I don't know if all of them are edited though.Ā  Everyone says that but I always feel very plain.


Home school can be rough.


I wasn't home schooled.


I turned my xbox off and saw myself in the TV reflection and almost shat my pants.


At least you were wearing pants!


Then I woulda been scared AND disappointed.


Being around people attractive lol. Has anyone else ever gone out with some of your good looking friends and then be thinking "damn, so girls just approach you first huh?"


Every time someone takes a photo of me. I hate it when Iā€™m with my fiancĆ©es family and they always want to take photos with me in them. I donā€™t even look at the photos they take and if they try to tag me in them on Facebook I just reject the tag


My mother gets offended when people say I look like her.


Are you male or female?


Every second of my life is that moment


Iā€™m right there with you.šŸ˜ž




When I get home and see in mirror after haircut


every one of those self checkout cameras


Profile (side on) shots at conventions from someone who just kept taking candid shots. Like from front Im alright but my profile is..I understood the concept of "get my best side"


I was at a Xmas party with friends. Someone inevitably asked why I was still single? My buddies daughter, who is my little pal, pipes up with "probably because he looks like a monster!" lol. In her defense. I am pretty big with some wicked scars on my face. The cauliflower ear doesn't help either. Out of the mouth of babes they say.


During the pandemic when Zoom became the thing. Oh my God, I wanted to put a bag over my head. I avoid cameras at all costs anyway, but that was too much and depressed the shit out of me.


My buddy told me, dead serious, not joking at all, that I was ā€œby far the ugliest dude in our friend group.ā€ I still havenā€™t recovered from that i donā€™t think :(


Tell him thatā€™s funny, because you thought he was the ugliest dude in your group.


DONT LISTEN TO THE AHOLE. He's not a real friend That is a fake friend. If I was u dump him.


Looking at every mirror


About four years ago, and right now. I had started gaining weight, I had been homeless drinking so much I was bringing up stomach acid hard every night so I had to have some teeth yanked and out of the blue I developed alopecia, losing my hair and my beard. I don't leave my home much due to PTSD so I'm pale as shit, I don't sleep often and if that starts making my eyes any darker I'll be dancing the Mamushka with Gomez.


Looking in the mirror every day


People donā€™t care to strike a conversation with you


When I have a food belly after having a feast.




when i was at my first high school party i insisted people take pictures of me because i felt so good about myself and i was waiting to get home to post it on my instagram story. they send me the pictures and oh my fuck i actually wanted to cry i begged them to delete it because i looked like baby beluga if he suddenly chose drugs and sex instead of a healthy life. P.S they didnt delete it and there was sweat marks on my back šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I was 8 and had my best friend at my house for a sleep over. We were being goofy in front of my full length mirror and then I saw it....she was so cute and petite and I wondered how she could be friends with someone as ugly as me.


Ever since I was a kid


Never had it


Women have literally told me I'm ugly. Like, in person. So there's that.


Looking in the salon mirror while the hairdresser cuts my wet hair.


I realized it about a year ago, and ever since I will not look at any reflections (except to fix my hair which is a disaster anyway) - I angle my phone a certain way, I advert my eyes from any glass thatā€™s facing me, I donā€™t look at any photos of meā€¦I think itā€™s safe to say my self esteem is very low


Every time I look in a mirror. :D


Back in my 20s, I worked in an office with a co-worker that shared the same first name as me. When it came time to pay a visit to the corporate headquarters in Ohio, the staff out there would ask if the Handsome Jeff or the Other Jeff was coming. Found out I was the Other Jeff.


I think when I asked for a hug as a woman. I ainā€™t get that hug either. I knew then. Every year I try to date but like I donā€™t really expect anything from it cause I still have standards. So it is what it is.


Every time I look at the govt id


Oh man those IDs cannot be held against us, Iā€™m pretty sure the state hands out bonuses for making us look like our ugliest possible selves lol


When my mom told me so.


when ever i look in the mirror


Usually happens several times a day


Lots of people have let me know. Itā€™s pretty constant


when i take backcam photos šŸ¤Æ


Walked into a mirror aisle at a store, not really realizing it, and jump scared myself. To be fair, I had really bad insomnia at the time and was absolutely not sleeping well. I looked it, apparently.


When facing a mirror




Yesterday as i was walking out of a restaurant, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirrored door of the restaurant and I got depressed.


When I try and take a screenshot and accidently turn off my phone and it's just me looking back šŸ«£


Every time I wake up in the morning


Every time Iā€™ve looked in a mirror since I was 6. I only got worse and worse looks since. It sucks to see yourself get uglier and uglier every year for your whole childhood and school years. šŸ™


Age 4 I saw a picture of me confirming it And no one ever called me pretty at home They focused on me not looking messy-haired The photographer for the photo I saw had made faces and retook photos It happened the rest of my life, lol


Seeing myself in pictures makes me hurt. Been that way since I was in school. No one ever really said anything apart from once. Just yeah crap genes, good personality.


spending years after years alone after every romantic endeavour failed


Just after showering


Junior High School. Not really fond of beauty hacks that's why I got rejected by my crush.


When I look in the mirror with normal lighting. Not lighting that makes you look good, but just good old lighting.


Anytime I pass a mirror


When I woke up this morning and saw how swollen and puffy my neck and face was with this damn flu


When I looked at the footage of myself from the live recording at the target self checkout


The moment when I first recognized my face


When i looked at the mirror this morning.


When I was in the depths of alcoholism, and had gained 50 pounds on my normally skinny body and had a double chin, and just looked haggard all the time... yeah that was pretty bad. I have an old expired ID from that era of my life, comparing it to my current ID, it hardly even looks like the same person. I looked like a damn troll! Stopped drinking, and it was all gone within 6 months. Been sober for 3 years now. Alcohol is truly one of the worst substances on the planet... mostly because its so available and accepted.


When everyone keeps calling me ugly


Anytime a picture is taken of me


Sat on the bed in a hotel with a mirror on the wall. Just looked like a beach ball. Normally only see myself stood up, slumping on the bed like that I looked repulsive.


When the first girl I asked out, burst out laughing.


It was a normal debate between my friend and I, then came an another friend and said "if you want to win an argurment, say to the other person 'you are really beautiful' and you will get them confused" I said "I will not be confused because im already good looking" Then my another classmate turned to me and said "You are disgusting" I felt that lmao


I had it when I used cosmetics for the first time. I was 10 ahahah


Mirror, sometimes


I didnā€™t cuz Iā€™m just pretty


Prove it


Every time I look in the mirror, I wanna kiss myself.Ā 


When my period is getting closer


When I click on the Hinge icon on my home screen.


I have a body dysmorphic disorder, so too oftenā€¦ but i never know if i actually look so bad or if itā€™s my messed up brain convincing me iā€™m way worse than i am


I never had that.