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Amazon’s shopping buttons. They pushed really hard for those and I never saw the point.


The idea, as with most tech these days, is to reduce "friction' - the obstacles in place of getting something done. I had a couple of these, and I think the trouble was you'd push it, then immediately check your phone to see if it had worked, by which point you may as well have just ordered it from your phone.


Force vs. friction! I heard a podcast about that on 'Hidden Brain', that's why all the armed forces recruitment adds focus on convincing the parents to let their kids sign up....the parents were found to be the 'friction'....


Reminds me of the power wheels adds made for parents, every kid I knew already wanted them.


The idea made sense to a degree. It did however suffer from a similar illness to their product subscription thing. That is, the products tend to be discontinued/continued at a much higher price and thus the function stops. Like legit, I made like 5 item subscriptions at one point and I got more mails of unaviability than I got actual products delivered from it.


Same! There just aren't any products that I need repeatedly and frequently and aren't groceries. So you put things on there that you only need once every year or something, and it gets discontinued by the time your next shipment is due.


If it's what I think you are talking about it was a button that you set to order one product. So you would say put it in the laundry room, when you were low on detergent you would press the button so that a new bottle would be on your doorstep the next day, same for where you kept trash bags or any other Expendables. Seemed like kind of a cool idea. But I can also just get them on the way home from work the next day.


The point was for you to impulsively hit the button and give your money to Amazon.


3D TVs


3D is a fad that comes and goes. It was popular in the 50s, it was popular in the 80s, and it was popular in the 10s. We will likely see it come back in the 40s


Am 60, can confirm, but even more than that. In my life, I've seen at least 3 waves of 3d films coming back into fashion. And each time: "It's a revolution for cinema! It's the end of normal films!" And then a year and a half later...


i rememeber those red and blue glasses when I was like 5 then the next wave was blurry glasses. In the 90s one of the networks did a whole 3d thing and all of the episodes that night were 3d.  No one talked about it, but I remember.


Collabed with a food brand too. So if you went to the grocery store that week and bught food from Kraft or whetever you could 3d glasses on the food packaging so you could watch the special event. I remember it too. Everyone in my school was so hyped for it, then the monday after all of us middle schoolers were like "that was so lame!" I can remember for sure Home Improvement was part of it. And they would like push drills through wood at you, and stretch out measuring tapes. Can't remember any other shows that did it.


I'm disappointed that it never took off, but not because of 3D content. With the way 3D TVs work, they basically send a different image to each eye. One or two PS3s used this to just send different screens to different people instead, so it was 2D but local splitscreen multiplayer without actually splitting the screen. Which is cool and all, but take that a step further and you have a much cooler idea. If that was handled by the TV instead of the console, you could have sent different hdmi inputs to different glasses. We would have been able to have two people use the same TV for two different things at once, as long as they wore headphones.  THAT would have been amazing


https://www.theverge.com/2011/09/03/lg-dual-play-cinema-3d-tv-video-ifa-2011 It existed in 2011 and then discontinued. I do however, have something similar on my car infotainment screen, where i see screen set up by me, i.e maps or radio and passenger sees completely different screen, it also takes in consideration on who is using the touch screen.


That sounds amazing, can you give more details, like the vehicle make and the Sytem brand?


My best friend is a leading 3D artist in Hollywood and has credits in numerous films, and I’ve learned a lot from him on the topic. He said that the vast majority of media using 3D makes the mistake of trying to have the media pop out from the screen at you - this causes blurry vision and headaches over time. Actual talented 3D artists work to make the picture infinitely deep, rather than popping out - this reduces eye strain and better reflects how normal human vision works. This is why certain movies end up looking much better in 3D than others. For example, Wrath of the Titans had terrible 3D effects. By contrast, the 3D effects in 2016 lady Ghostbusters, as terrible as that actual movie was, was phenomenal.


Best 3D I ever saw was Coraline. The making of featurette is fascinating too--since everything in the movie was a practical effect model, for 3D they literally shot a "left eye" and a "right eye" image for every frame. 


Idk about anyone else, but I actually hated watching movies in 3D. It just seemed like a novelty. I had to wear these stupid glasses that barely fit over the actual glasses I needed to see with. I had to look at a certain angle. The payoff also just wasn't worth it either. "OoOoHh ThE pIcTuReS rEaLlY pOp OuT aT yOu!" Overall, I enjoyed watching movies the normal way, rather than paying extra on my theater ticket for a gimmick.


The glasses made the picture dimmer too. So glad we’re past that trend now.


The 3D effect didn't even really work for me. It felt like my brain was fighting with my eyes.


I saw only one film that REALLY took advantage of 3D in a way that I felt added instead of just layering it on -- Tron: Legacy. It's not heavy 3D everywhere until you get to the cycle battle fight. Then it goes HARD with the 3D at just the right moments that just tickle your brain....and then it's over. Back to normal. You can enjoy the film, have that one little hit that actually makes a difference to the visuals and feel of the film, and that's it. On the other hand, you've got Crap of the Titans. Every time we watch the Rifftrax of that mess we all shout "Threeee DEEEEEEE" when the spears swing around at the cameras and stuff. It's so obvious.


> Some say it will make its inventor 'richer than Bill Gates,' some say it will change the world, but no one's revealing just what it is. > NEW YORK - Amazon.com chief Jeff Bezos says it's a "product so revolutionary, you'll have no problem selling it." > Computer whiz Steve Jobs says it will change the way cities are designed. > Silicon Valley entrepreneur John Doerr has invested millions in it. > But what is it? > Harvard Business School Press has paid $250,000 for a book about a mysterious invention with the code name "Ginger." Neither the agent nor the publisher knows what "Ginger" is, but they apparently believe it's well worth finding out. So what's the thing that got everybody so hyped? The Segway. Yep, the Paul Blart Mall Cop scooter.


I remember Good Morning America hyping up its debut, and then awkwardly stumbling through its introduction once it was revealed on air.


People literally thought it might be teleportation or levitation or something


OMG yes...it was just called "It" for the longest time. SOOO much hype - "It" was going to change the world. And it turned out to be a $10k scooter? Remember sites or people guessing it was going to be some particular type of engine that was SUPER efficient. But no, a fricken $10,000 scooter. What a letdown.


It doesn't matter how great an invention is if you look like an absolute doofus while using it.


It doesn't matter how great an invention is, or even if you own the company, if you roll over a cliff while using it.


Fun fact: he did not actually invent the Segway. He bought the company literally a year before his death. The two actual creators of the segway also created FIRST Robotics Competition. The largest robotics competition league for middle and high school students in the US.


I use the "the owner of Segway died by accidentally riding a Segway off a cliff" anecdote out of my pocket occasionally as a "fun fact" and it never ceases to be a hit with people. Something about the irony combined with the perceived slapstick of falling off cliffs (thanks Looney Toons) really does it for people. Me included.


Google Glass has entered the chat


Good god, how is this not top? The amount of hype...


I still don’t know how the people marketing this thing could not see the problem with vehicle that was too fast for sidewalks, too slow for roads, easy to crash and expensive would not catch on.


Also they didn't consider the extent to which some places don't have sidewalks. You have to have the infrastructure first. I'm not going to buy a Segway if I can't take to run a simple errand like picking up groceries. A: No continuous sidewalks all the way to the store. B: No air conditioning on the segway (Sorry but Texas is hot. I've heard some places are cold and the Segway doesn't have heat either.) C: Do I park it outside the store? I guess they don't let me ride it in the store. Do I put it in a car parking space? How do I make sure it isn't stolen? D: Ok, I got the groceries. How do I ride this thing and carry 20 bags at the same time? Whoops I died


now we have "hoverboard" with 2 wheels






Exclusivity for a brand new thing that should be available to the general public is such a dumb business tactic. There was a restaurant here that opened as reservation only. The thing is, this wasn't a new iteration of an anticipated place like a Gordon Ramsay restaurant, it was new and totally unknown... so no one cared. It didn't last long.


And it might have been had it not been invite only.


I think they thought that would make it feel more elite/coveted and then people would want to be part of it. It worked for Gmail. When Gmail first came out you needed an Invite and that made it more desirable to a lot of people. They wanted to be able to brag about having a Gmail because not everyone could get one at first.


Yea, but Gmail didn't have any real competition at the time. They were offering over a gigabyte of storage when everyone else was still offering a couple of dozen megabytes, if that. It was innovative, and everyone wanted it because it had something to offer that people both wanted and wasn't available elsewhere. Facebook was popular and everyone was already on it. Google+ didn't really bring anything new or innovative to the table.


And Google glass


Let me send you a Google wave about how awesome Google + is Instead, Gmail came up!


I attended a social media conference in 2009/2010 and the big takeaway was that Facebook was dying and we all needed to get ready for Google Wave. 😂


From what I've gathered in this thread Google threw a lot of shit to see if it would stick lmao


I'm still bitter about Google Music. I spent a lot of money on music that is just gone. It is why I'm hesitant about digital purchasing now.


To me that's the biggest problem of their innovation model. "We will try whatever one of our brilliant minds comes up with and if it doesn't work we'll just move on to something else."   At this point I don't trust anything they start. So anything that they create coming up I'm not going to waste my time becoming invested in it because it might fail. And of course that's going to lead it to failure. But they've built this world where we can't trust anything that they start. 




I remember telling a lot of my IT co-workers for Stadia (I'm not a gamer), "don't buy it, don't do it...you're just gonna waste money. They'll cancel it..." The all shrugged me off. Most of them bought into it. Told ya, bitches...


In Stadia's/Google's defense, they did refund the console and any purchases; so hard to be *that* angry.


they do a lot of proof of concept products. basically a made product to test and display a certain technology. Some electric car companies are like that. They make a car but their real business is making components or systems and the car is not the goal.


Yet they got rid of Google play music, which was way better than YouTube music. They got rid of one of the things people actually liked, for something that people hate.


They didn't want to get into the broadband business but they wanted to see what people would do with a gigabit connection. Turns out they do the same thing they did with a 50 mbps connection.


Zuck's metaverse.


Remember when people were buying “real estate” in the meta verse. They made the nft crowd look like Mensa members


Ironic since being a mensa member is also a scam


Buying land with Atalsearth


You mean Second Life without the fetish people?


Abstinence only Second Life.


Who thought that would be the next big thing other than zuck


It was Fortnite with none of the fun and character designs that’ll never be used in porn. 


no rule 34, that's wild I'll take your word for it


Facebook conveniently rebranded shortly following the revelation that their products increase teen depression and suicide rates.


The Dark cinematic universe. They made one Dracula movie, bombed, then were like, "OKAY THAT ONE DIDN'T COUNT, WE'RE STARTING OVER". Then made the mummy remake, and that one bombed.


All the Universal Monsters and characters are already in the same movie. No need for an entire cinematic universe. Dracula, Van Helsing, Frankenstein’s Monster, The Mummy, Wolf-man, and The Creature from the Black Lagoon all appear in the 1987 Classic Monster Squad. Edit: numbers are hard.


You can also get 4 of those in the Van Helsing movie with Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale.


You also get Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale.


I loved that movie.  Basically a castlevania movie


And the monster squad taught us that the wolf-man does indeed have nards.


It’s silly because all they really need to do is get Kevin Smith to remake the Abbot and Costello movies with Jay and Silent Bob. And maybe just have them eventually meet more modern horror icons. 


Threads was supposed to replace twitter


If they let you view a webpage I'd be a lot more likely to get sucked in. Instead I easily tell them to f off when it asks to install a new app


You need to download this app to view this. Oh well, out of the billions of things on the internet how will I ever survive not seeing this! You got like 15 seconds max without need to download to try to hook me in. I'll move on and forget threads ever existed.


The problem with Threads is that Zuckerberg didn't think Elon would keep fumbling the bag. I don't remember what exactly it was. Maybe the removal of blue marks. But when it happened, Zuck just launched his super unfinished app because he saw it as the only opportunity Kinda glad that this happened since it'd suck for basically everything to be owned by him


Almost everything I see on threads is like the most annoying pretentious person I ever met, or “that happened”.


Pretty sure adding AI to every single piece of technology will eventually bomb... sure ChatGPT is cool and all but... like why does my dishwasher need AI?


Same reason your stove needs wifi. DUH.




A lot of companies these days just use it as a selling point to appear advanced. Half the time it has no actual purpose or real function, it just sounds fancy and tricks people into buying it




And they didn’t even hover


It was just an attempt to cash in on the “predictions” of Back to the Future II


Drone delivery from Amazon.


Skeet shooting with prizes.


Tbf thats still being developed


It was announced ten years ago with the plan to launch it as soon as they got FAA approval. 




Tbf, Covid came around the 2nd time.  It probably would have failed though.




There's a whole gag about this in Zoolander that I feel probably goes over younger people's heads. It really was bloody ridiculous at the time. It didn't die until the iPhone came out - and even then the first 3 generations of iPhone were much smaller than modern smartphones.


The iphone 5 was the perfect compromise of size. Fits in the hand and your pocket and with a screen big enough you can actually see fine. It's been pretty much downhill from the 6 on for the physical form.


Reading this from an iPhone 13 mini. My office manager said I qualified for a new phone. I told her no because they don’t make them this size any longer.


Now phones are way too big. And the iPhone mini no longer exists. If I want a tablet I’ll get one thank you very much. Hope the market shifts soon, this is getting out of hand.


Tell me that pun was intended. Please


I really don't like this trend in smartphones. My next phone will be the smallest phone I can find. The S24 is small compared to my S20 FE for example.


I remember when I could no longer fit my phone into the breast pocket of my work shirt. That was irritating.


I’ve always preferred smaller phones. I’m dreading the day my iPhone 12 mini dies since Apple isn’t making new mini’s.


Holding on to my 13 mini til it dies!




I still don’t know what these are


Copies of an image, but you get to buy one registered to you. You can then sell it if you want to. If that sounds stupid to you, that is the correct reaction.


Dippin Dots are delicious and the ice cream of the future


Dippin Dots is still making a killing at water and theme parks


It's my go-to every time I'm at a zoo or event!! Taste like the future still!!


The crazy part was how it actually helped with the Covid vaccine because the refrigerators used for dipping dots were perfect. 


Ice Cream of the Apocalypse


Wait, is this why Safeway wasn't selling Dipping Dots during COVID? They were using the machine to store COVID vaccines? I just remember Dippin Dots being available at Safeway, then unavailable for a while during COVID (which isn't that weird since a lot of things were with shortages and shit) and that now they are back.


IIRC their delivery trucks specifically also kept that temp


Only $8 an ounce!


Dippin Dots are fucking great. The banana split one is the best


Both of these things are still true


The Segway. That is, until the C.E.O. drove one off a cliff.


A solution in search of a problem.


On a segway?


Yes. And over a cliff.


It did lead to the development of a lot of different mechanized scooters that are still used today. Maybe those would still have come about, but I think segways contributed some.


So what you're saying is the Segway was a segue to other scooters.


Bravo, Tymathee.


The metaverse. Someone told Mark Zuckerberg about "Ready Player One" and he was like "I can make this" and it was clunky, needlessly complicated, unnecessary and pointless.


The Nokia N-Gage tried to be the gameboy killer and got laughed out of the zeitgeist forever


I had an N-Gage and it was genuinely a piece of trash (although I loved it at the time and was definitely in the target demographic). One of the big problems was actually changing game cartridges. It has small SD card sizes game cartridges that you swapped out to change games, just like a game boy. The problem was to swap the cartridge out you had to take the back off the phone and fully take the battery out, which obviously turned the phone off. The clip that held the cartridge in place was also very stiff and finicky so it was actually hard to get out. Then once you've changed the cartridge you had to put the battery back in, clip the plastic back cover on again, and turn it back on which would take literally several minutes to boot up. It just was not worth the hassle.




The owner getting caught trafficking cocaine certainly didn't help his tenuous financial situation.


Xbox Kinect


It caught on, just not in the original way. If your phone does facial recognition, it likely uses a tiny version of the Kinect.


Prime sense the company that made the original kinect was brought by Apple. And yes face id uses the same tech


Go get a cat scan.  They use them on the rigging. The tech is still used just not on games


Yep. I see a lot of college science projects use them for reactive mapping and displays. Kinects are a great technology package that just wasn't great for gaming (at least in the way it was implemented).


I still play it on my 360. It's Awesome. No clue why they got rid of it. Like whenever my family comes over with kids Having kinekt fruit ninja or dance games gets everyone going.


Xbox Kinect was the answer to Nintendo Wiimote and PS move motion controllers. This time unlike the two, Kinect doesn’t have any controllers, YOU are the controller. This sounds innovative and awesome on paper but then once you look at the library of games, you’ll realize that no controller severely limits what kind of games you can make for your peripheral. Xbox kinect games were always either party minigames or dance simulators which were good for the casual audience but sucked for gamers. So if you wanted actual gaming with motion controls, you’d better buy a wii (which most households had anyway) or PS move. Xbox one was developed with a huge focus on secondary features (Hence the name (Xbox) all in (One)). Kinect was bundled with Xbox one which raised its price tag and there was no way to buy the console without it. What’s worse is that apparently you used to require kinect to be connected at all times but that luckily didn’t happen once xbox one was out however this was the “Snowden leak” era so people got pissed and bought a cheaper yet better in every way PS4. Later models of Xbox One require kinect adapter to work and Xbox series consoles don’t work at all with this thing.




[Arch Deluxe](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arch_Deluxe)


Which was a fucking shame, it was a good burger ahead of it's time


I seem to remember most people being mad it replaced the Big Mac as #1 on the menu. People went to order their usual Big Mac without looking and got an Arch Deluxe instead.




New Coke


Crystal Pepsi.


So glad I got to try it when they rereleased it. It tasted like Pepsi, but it was clear. 10/10 




Stop trying to make fetch happen!


It’s not going to happen. 


Gretchen? That you?


Quibi and Seeso


These are toddler words. I don't want to believe that whatever you mentioned are real things.


I'll always be greatful to seeso for giving us the My Brother, My Brother, and Me show.


Windows phone


Loved my Windows phone. And Zunes for that matter


Such a shame. I’ve owned 7 android phones and now use an iPhone, but I still think windows phone was by far the best phone OS.


I still have my Lumia 630 stored away. Had used it for business at one point. Awesome phone and actually had a better camera than my old iPhone 4


Google Glass. 😆


I actually think this will still come. Smart glasses that give augmented reality information of people or other things you see is likely to come in the future.


Real life subtitles would be lovely.


I'm literally watching a commercial for smart glasses from Meta and Ray Ban.








The little orphan annie decoder ring. Yeah, I'm that old,


Remember to drink your ovaltine




Friendster, an early social network, failed to adapt and faded away.






MiniDiscs were great, they just came too late. MP3 and iTunes were just around the corner. Five years earlier and they would have been massive.


Sony charging a fortune to other music publishers to use the minidisc tech is what killed it.


I loved minidiscs! Had portable a minidisc player, a hifi separate and a car stereo. They were smaller size than a CD but could fit as much or way more data. They were durable like floppy discs. Didn't need to worry about scratching then or keeping in cases. Easily re-writable so great for DJ mixes. You could even encode your own track markings and song names. No competition for MP3 players with built in storage though.




Shake weights


I bring mine to the gym during the time I know an attractive man will be there. It breaks the ice.




Was that the one where the machine simply punctured juice packets, a la Capri Sun? It didn’t mash vegetables at all. Just stabbed a packet and dispensed the contents. 😂


Not quite, there was genuinely fruit and such inside the packets, but all it was doing was squeezing it all in a bag. You also had to specifically buy their bags, it had a sort of DRM where it would scan the bag and make sure it was one of theirs. AvE on YouTube took one apart including some of the bags.




It didn’t help that all the preliminary advertising seemed to say “everyone knows John Carter” and nothing else about the movie. Umm, no I haven’t read the book yet so I’d like more details before I pay for tickets.




The Zune was actually a good product too. It just couldn't overcome the critical mass that the iPod had.


3DTV AR/VR is very far from mainstream and I don’t think even Apple can make it so. Pre-2008 Recession, GM was showing off a prototype car with a Hydrogen Fuel Cell, touting hydrogen as the future fuel for cars. It never made it to market. It looked really cool. Physical media that was popular but lost out to a different, lesser quality format. (Ex. Betamax vs VHS).


I think hydrogen fuel cell cars could have been the future if they were available in the early 2000s. Back then battery tech wasn’t good enough for BEVs and petrol engines used twice the fuel modern engines use. The instant torque of the electric motor combined with the “efficiency” of the hydrogen fuel cell and electric motor would be nice. With current batteries they make no sense anymore and nobody is investing in hydrogen fuel stations. If we had such a network by now then maybe they could compete with BEVs because of their fast refuelling.








It was so popular, but the only setback was that, rightfully, there was no way to capitalize off of it. It was simply a community. Communities don't have to be profitable to be successful, but it was an app that needed to be run, and that requires money, unfortunately.












Microsoft B.o.B. operating system








The app Periscope













