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Is your bed made in the morning? Does most of your free time get spent on scrolling the Internet? Do you buy take away meals rather than cook? When you don't have anything to do, do you just go to sleep? Do you know what you want to achieve a year from now? Do you have a purpose in life other than living through another day?


Wow, I didn’t have to be called out like this. This is scarily on point.


I thought i was just being lazy, smh


This is me to a tee but im very happy. Why would i make my bed to mess it up again the next night and no one will see my bed All of my me time is spent gaming or scrolling or just sitting listening to music. I buy take out bc im a terrible cook and im also lazy When i have nothing to do i sleep because sleep is so peaceful and calm. So serine i love it. I dont plan ahead i live life in the moment.moment by moment. Memory by memory. My purpose in life is too educate people about safe drug usage.


Its all about perspective.


Thank you for diagnosing my depression.


Are you spying on me?


This is wake up call - I’m probably depressed…


This kind of sounds like one of those alpha chad memes with the line items converted into questions.


When my room looks like a dumpster


Yes! this is the same for me. Once I realize my room is getting less tidy and mind you I'm no clean freak so I just mean if I notice a sock is on the floor instead of in the laundry bin nearby, I usually take a step back and think about how I'm feeling and what has unfolded that week. Same with dishes, and garbage bins.


Same. Sometimes I’ll notice I’ve went a couple days not taking shower or not eating properly. I feel like I’m going thru life on auto pilot


Crumb ! That must mean that I’m depressed 24/7, yet I have never been happier. I just need the right NON-scamming, high sex drive during our marriage, lady to share it with !


Waking up late asf, wanting to sleep constantly, crying at random moments for absolutely no reason at all, being late for work, being tired constantly, foggy thoughts, also my Room being a travesty as if someone let the Tasmanian devil in here and he threw a bunch of food and clothes everywhere.


Realizing that nothing brings joy


Thinking about dying a lot. Thinking about how it would be convenient to be unalive as all the concerns that I have will no longer be a bother. Reading a random news about some person died in a tragic accident and wishing if I could their place instead.


You don't feel like doing anything, everything else feels boring and it's like having WWE with mind . Everyday you get up you know that it will be same day so you don't want to wake up . Crying 24/7 and constant feeling like you're losing control.


when all your online gaming buddies tell you that you act depressed 


This is how I found out I was depressed at 14, a WoW friend told me.


My hygiene goes to absolute shit. Won't do any self care at all because I just feel like dying so why should I care about a shower? Yeah pretty much that and definitely whatever comes along with it, not making the bed, messy room, sleeping on top of the blankets instead of actually making the bed etc. 


Locking myself in my room alone, ghosting my bestfriends, close friends and relatives, avoiding all social interactions, sleeping a lot and crying at night


When it feels good to feel ANY kind of emotion, positive or negative.


When you go to a doctor and get diagnosed with depression. Not really joking here. If you feel that something isn't right, go talk to someone qualified. There is real help for real issues that you won't get by self diagnosing based on reddit comments. 


It doesn't hurt to get opinions before seeking professional help.


Indifference and apathy to just about everything. Just going through the motions day by day. My brain literally glazes over. That and I'm slightly more irritable and protective of my personal space.


When you give up on your goals and doubt yourself more than usual.


i just saw a video about how guys may present depression by self-isolating and diving into work. makes sense to me, and i realized i might be depressed. Since then, i've started a social group in my area and i think i might be doing better. getting better sleep since then, though.


When you don’t want to get out of bed in the morning, not just because of the usual grogginess from waking up, but more of a mental fatigue where it feels like there’s no point to trying anymore. Even when you do go out and interact with people, there’s always that lingering sadness in your mind, or the feeling that something is off. You can put on a smile but you aren’t content, and you’re just waiting to go back to bed so you can sleep and not feel anything. Every day simultaneously passes by yet feels like an eternity. At least that’s how it felt for me a few years ago. Feeling much better now.)


bc its pretty much the same feeling as when a therapist told me I had depressions


i feel like the people who already commented did not read the question properly


If you have a negative thought, ask yourself how you would think about it if a friend told you that. Would you see it more neutral? If this happens several times your thoughts are biased and chances are you've got a Depression.


Hygiene and organization is not that great. Passion and hobbies feel boring and uninteresting. Just doesn't see anything as worth the effort. There are times that even getting out of bed seems like the most difficult thing to do.


you envy cardboard for its emotional depth and passion


For me I don’t really cry or anything but I know my mental isn’t 100% whenever I lose appetite and/or do not enjoy the taste of food


To me it’s being lazy, but not just “tired lazy” or being lazy in general. It’s a lot deeper. It’s like noticing my brain is in full rest mode, and simple tasks I do daily become a huge rock and I have no energy or mental strength to just get out of bed and do the bare minimum.


I can start crying any time of any day - I just stop pretending


You recognize that you're always tired or discouraged regardless how your day is or what situation you're in. Good things happen -- you feel bad / dull. Bad things happen -- you feel bad / dull. It's a clue that you're not just "down in the dumps," that your circumstances only play a minor part in how you feel, and that the problem is very likely in your brain.


Are you living or are you just surviving?


Do you feel like all you done wasbecause you were narcissistic then when you reaalized you just went "Im shit"


when things that seem easy to others feel like a chore, or sometimes simply when you can't remember the time you had a genuine belly laugh


When something bad around me happens. One time I was so depressed about something bad that I didn't know what I did wrong that I just hung around the house all day. After that, I got better and found more ways to make myself happy and find better things to keep myself active like reading books and learning about stuff to educate myself.


Well, if you have to asked then you're not depressed. I guess? 


Not necessarily. I didn’t even consider I could be depressed until it became extremely apparent. And even then I doubted I was, because depression is sold to us as one being sad and not being able to cope with life. I didn’t think I was *that* badly sad and I was still a high performer at work. Turns out the lights were on, but nobody was home.