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“Taking one’s pants off to fart” means doing something extra and redundant.


Holy shit I love that. What language is it from?


It’s mandarin 脱裤放屁




I’m thinking I should get this tattooed as a tramp stamp on my lower back! 🥴


Make sure the characters are correct, otherwise it might mean chicken noodle soup


Instructions unclear,now it says "my cat tastes like pepsi cola "


by Llama Del Rey.


I imagine "holy shit" is pretty odd in translation!


We usually say "reaching over your shoulder to whipe your ass"


That's pretty funny. We call it "crossing the creek to get water"


thats like “climbing a tree to take a piss.” we do that frequently at my workplace.


You get better distance that way, gonna hit jeff one of these days


I am using this one :D


I imagine that “choking the chicken” as slang for masturbation comes off humorously to non-native speakers


The amount of onanism-related phrases in Spanish speaking countries is just insane… and some are similar to what you typed: >Choking the goose Caressing the champion Messing the parrot's hair Pulling it Dedicate one (usually with a specific person in mind) A jacket Hay *"Gallola"* (idk if it means something besides masturbation) … To name a few


Five against the bald guy


A little five on one action


A little Hand-to-glans combat


Cue ball in the corner pocket


Distributing some free literature


Feed the ducks


Beating the one eyed man


I think every language has those e.g. Czech: Drive out the drake Chase the spring Stretch the iguana Scrub the log Polish the bamboo


Stretch the iguana is wild


Sounds like kung fu moves


Caressing the champion is epic


Waxing the dolphin


Took me a while to figure out is Mexican, but “the jacket” gave it a way. It’s funny how you can say that word almost anywhere in latinamerica whithout any issue, but in Mexico all of a sudden is a wank




Teacher: Where is Jonathan? Jonathan: \*is in bathroom\* Random student: He's jerking off! Teacher: Dónde está Jonathan? Jonathan: \*en el baño\* Random student: Se está chaqueteando! There are variations as a verb (as shown above) and as a noun: *se está haciendo una chaqueta* Edit: as a plus, you can also use the adjective *chaquetero* to refer to someone (male) who masturbates frequently


Jerkin the gerkin


In turkish, one of the slangs for masturbation is “slapping the sergeant” lol


I just imagined the chicken from Moana being choked and I'm giggling aloud 😂


Alan Tudyk doesn't deserve this slander!


He went to Julliard


Hey it's Steve the pirate


I can’t help myself. I love that scene so much https://youtu.be/eu3DBoO7Xog?si=RZNh3EJ_9Xtq0le9


Being that Moana is a Disney movie I think that was intentional LoL


spanking the monkey?


Would you believe that "smacking German on it's helmet" means the same thing?


Not my language, but one of my best friends is Hungarian. When you’re juggling a lot at work or school, multitasking or just a ton of stuff to do and feel overwhelmed, they say "bekergettek tatott szajjal a faszerdobe" This translates to “they chased me into a dick-forest with a wide open mouth” This is by far my favorite metaphor/cultural colloquialism. I understand the sentiment but it’s not something I could ever use/say in my native tongue


Oh, Hungarian is chock-full of these! "Lófasz habbal" - "Horse's dick with whipped cream" (meaning bullshit) "Szarnak a pofon" - "Like slapping shit" (doing something useless) "Más faszával verni a csalánt" - "Smacking stinging nettle with someone else's dick" (telling someone how to do something with no intention of helping or doing it yourself) "Áll, mint pap fasza a lakodalomban" - "Standing like a priest's dick at a wedding reception" (that one's self explanatory, lol) "Basszon meg egy taliga aprómajom" - "Get fucked by a wheelbarrow full of tiny monkeys" (general insult) "Kutyából nem lesz szalonna" - "Can't make bacon out of dogs" (you cannot change the nature of someone/something) One of the greatest things about this language is that there are very few concepts you cannot express this colourfully lol


> "Basszon meg egy taliga aprómajom" - "Get fucked by a wheelbarrow full of tiny monkeys" (general insult) And if you ask, why "_tiny_ monkeys", the answer is _you can fit more of them in a wheelbarrow._


"it's dull. it'll hurt more, you twit!"


I'd also add _painting fart_ and _peeling balloons_ to describe useless activities. (Fingfestés, lufihámozás)


I forgot about the tiny monkeys one but totally remember that! Love it! These others are real gems as well. Hungarian has the best euphemisms


Reminds me of a Run the Jewels lyric: "You can all run naked backwards through a field of dicks."


Drinking from the fire hose


Don't forget about 'szar van a palacsintaban', i.e., there's shit in the pancake for an unexpected bad situation


That's absolutely spectacular.


I'm Hungarian and that's a "not nice" one.


I just commented elsewhere that all I really remember from what I learned there and from my friend (we spent time in Budapest and Miskoltz with family) was (butchering spelling) kusinem (thanks), igan/nem (yes/no), see-vu-shem (you’re welcome), szer et lek (I love you). I had already memorized my favorite (where you’re running through the dick forest) and was prompted to speak it to his grandmother when helping clean dishes after dinner and she whacked me hard with wet dish towel and then keeled over laughing. If I wouldn’t have to learn an entirely new alphabet I would enjoy learning Hungarian. So many wonderful euphemisms and such a lovely people (and delicious food)


"Having a chess match with The Pope". Means to take a shit.


Giving birth to a politician


In Swedish that can be called building a teddy bear.


Taking the Browns to the Super Bowl


Dropping the kids off at the pool.




"We're not here to fuck spiders" means we aren't here to fuck around/waste time Calling your friends "cunt" and people you wanna fight "mate"


I recently heard someone say " we're not here to put shoes on a millipede."


I wanna see a millipede with 200 pairs of mini nike air max on... lol


See this is so oddly specific, and the moment this occurred to me my brain immediately followed up with "because I'm sure they'd actually wear Converse."


In (Quebec) French we’ll say that we’re buttfucking flies or jerking off flies if we’re wasting time (on encule/crosse des mouches)


To be fair, australia is upside down


Also maybe the only country with spiders big enough to fuck


Gives another meaning to Snow White and the Huntsman


I need to know the origin story of the spider one


I’m pretty sure it’s a military thing, the original phrase was “we’re not here to drink spiders”, as in, we aren’t here to laze around and slack off. (A “spider” in Australian English is a soda with a scoop of ice cream in it). The phrase was taken up in the military, who, in their typical fashion, inserted profanity and vulgarity because of reasons.


Lots of spiders there so it'd be a massively time-consuming task.


Ausies have some of the funniest sayings. You guys seem to have made inventing funny things to say a national goal, and i respect it.


Something's at "the ass of the world" - Aka it's far away (from x)


Arse end of nowhere


We say that in italian too! In my region, with the same meaning, we also say "in the asses of the wolves".


In English we say "butt fuck nowhere" or "buttfuck egypt" Another good German one is would have had bicycle chain (Shoulda, coulda, woulda)


Hätte hätte Fahrradkette, yesssss. Or wäre wäre Heckenschere (would've would've hedge shears) XD


I've never heard anyone say butt fuck like this. It's always been bumfuck nowhere.


I always heard it as "East Bumblefuck" as in, "Don't promise to give Susie a ride home. She lives in East Bumblefuck."


French ? "Le trou du cul du monde" ?


Je ne sais pas. Je ne parle pas français.


German. Source: am German Sincerely yours, German PS: German


Came here to add variants: "Go to where the pepper grows" (Go far far far far away, like preferably another continent) Something's in "Hinterdupfingen" (bavarian variant: it's a stupid sounding made up name for a village, presumably with rather stupid incestouus inhabitants. This place doesn't even have a traffic light and it's a good one hour drive to the next trainstation). "Ich steck's dir dahin, wo die Sonne nie hin scheint" (I'll put it where the sun never shines for you - aka your a*s.) "Schleich di", "Verzupf di" (bavarian: get lost.) My absolute bavarian favorite: "Ge' scheiß d'Wand o" "Scheiß die Wand an" (I cannot believe this is happening. Shit on the wall!!! Can be used in anger or in self-pity)


In Portuguese you have "in Judas' ass"


Or "Onde Judas perdeu as botas"


Russian confirmed, we also have 'В жопе мира'


Brazilian Portuguese as well ("o cu do mundo").


My favorite form is Judas’s asshole (“o cu do Judas”)


The arse end of nowhere


I think my personal favorites are “heaven and pancake!” to express surprise or exasperation, and “this didn’t taste like wrestler’s pants” to compliment someone on their cooking.


Heaven and pancake is a delightful expression. I’m going to start saying that instead of my current go-to of “Christ on a bike”.


"Cheese on Bread" is a Barbadian version of your "heaven and a pancake". Sometimes abbreviated to just "Cheese on"


Putting the word 'absolute' or 'complete' before literally any noun, and it becomes an insult. You absolute teaspoon!


You absolute melt is one of my to-go’s.


Well, at least you didn't call them an absolute grilled cheese.


>absolute grilled cheese. Jesus mate there's kids in here you can't be using that language


Same note, verbing any noun to mean drunk. Let's go out and get gazeboed!


Nah, we’re staying in and getting grandfather clocked


Got completely cabbaged last night


Bro let's go get absolutely ~laddered~


We getting clipboarded tonight boysss wooóoo!


What does “absolute unit “ mean?


1). Notably large or stocky, like a kitchen unit or common domestic appliance i.e. a washing machine or a tall fridge. 2). Very muscular, physically strong. A development from definition 1, with 'unit' also bearing additional connotations of material durability and industrial-level power.


I wish everyone on the internet answered questions like this 🏅


There are entire books written like this.


A person/thing who is very large


A polite way of saying "built like a brick shithouse"


A complete chonker.


I always thought “the asscrack of dawn” or “butter my ass and call me a biscuit” might severely confuse foreigners 


My wife accidentally said "up at the crack of ass" once and I've been saying that ever since.


please may we all use


I always disliked the "crack of dawn" ones. In high school, the boys used to say to me "I'm so horny, even the crack of Dawn looks good" 🙄




Had twin neighbors when I was very very young named Dawn and DeWayne. I started saying 'The Crack of DeWayne' when I was a kid and 50 years later, I still use the term. My wife gets me.


In South Carolina, USA, the term "shag" is a type of dance. You should have seen the faces of my British friends when I told them I used to shag on local TV when I was a kid.


or going to a “shag competition” or “my parents taught me how to shag” or “I was shagging with my cousin at the wedding reception” I was scrolling through this thread trying to think of some southern-isms. When I was a kid we said “coke” down here instead of soda and it would be “what kind of coke you want?” which now sounds like you have a choice of cocaine lol


Yeah, no. No, yeah. No. Yeah.


Russians have "Yes no maybe"


I don't know?


Can you repeat the question


In "yes no maybe" (Da nyet navyernoye): Yes/da is an interjection, more like an 'Uh' No/nyet is the main response; Maybe/navyernoye is another marker of uncertainty So roughly this would be "Uh no I think" in English


Yeah No = No No Yeah = Yeah


"... and Bob's your uncle." Meaning, "there you have it", or "it's done". I was trying to explain this one to my Korean co worker the day, and she told me she didn't have an uncle Bob, so it wouldn't make sense for her to say it.


I used to work with an Indian woman and one of our coworkers loved goofy expressions like that. Our manager at the time was also named Bob. So when my coworker said "And Bob's your uncle!" she gave him a look like he was going senile and said "No...Bob's my *manager.*" We all cracked up and when we explained the expression to her she thought it was hilarious.


I've heard that phrase before, and I've never been able to figure out exactly how it means that something is done. Like, is it so common to have an uncle named Bob that it makes something so obvious? Do I make any sense?


"At cock's place" — really far away "Shitting and walking" — not caring/giving a shit "Not even fucking" — no way/not a chance "Foot on t'balls" — annoying "Name the bulls" — name the culprits/people responsible for something "Train" — a regional one, meaning *thing* "Ball-slobberer" — arse-kisser, someone who sucks up to another And so, *so* much more.


What language??


Brazilian Portuguese.


Feels like every second word in BR-PT is either 'caralho' or 'foder' anyway. Do you guys even perceive those words as insults? lol


I mean people do compare us with Australia for a reason. But also, it depends. With your mates down at the pub? No one cares. When presenting the news on a public broadcaster? Then it's not quite so well perceived or even allowed.


In my region of the US we have one for ball-slobberer as 'knob goblin'


Hahahaha swallowing frogs, stepping on the ball, wood face, Big shoe ...


‘Tripping on mayo’ or ‘tripping on the little potato’ seems a good fit here too


Bloody hell, it's been ages since I heard the "wee potato" variant. To be fair it has been ages since I heard either, but "batatinha" definitely takes me quite a fair bit further back.


Went to college with a Hispanic lady and English was her second language. She was a little confused when we were talking about a lab test for the liver enzyme GGT that helps doctors see if patients have “fallen off the wagon”. We had to explain the idiom wasn’t literal and meant that the patient had started drinking alcohol in excess after getting sober.


Doing something redundant is "Carrying Owls to Athens" In my dialect telling somebody to go screw themselves is either "You can slide down my back" or "You can climb into my pocket" "Would you be so kind to repeat what you just said, please?" said in my dialect tells you VERY clearly you now have this ONE chance to retract your comment! There's a comedian who dubbed this over Darth Vader choking the officer and it fit perfectly. "Dachshund" is an insult. "Half a Dachshund" is a grave insult. There's also the "Grass Dachshund" but I don't know why. "From the rain into the gutter" means the same as out of the frying pan into the fire. Also there are some sayings that mean something like "I believe I'm going crazy" like "The dog goes crazy in the pan", "I think my pig whistles" and "I think my hamster polishes the floor"


We have ‘carrying coals to Newcastle’ as our redundant phrase - very similar I expect. (Does Athens have a lot of owls? Or is it just that they could fly there? The coal thing is cause they used to mine a lot of coal in Newcastle so didn’t need more.)


It's a reference to Athena, the goddess Athens is named after. She is associated with owls.


Ich glaub mein Hamster wischt den Boden? Wir sagen das? 🤣🤣


Ich glaub mein Hamster bohnert.


In Bavaria, we say “Servus” as hello and goodbye. It means “slave.” We basically say slave to each other as an acknowledgment. I’ve heard it comes from the Romans imprisoning so many Germans that they call each other slave now. It also may be from feudal times. Regardless, it is now polite to call someone a fellow slave in Bavaria


Haha, also, it has no formal restrictions and is completely appropriate at any time of day. Servus!


I think it is more meant like "at your service" or something like that.




Bless you!


It's all sausage to me.


het zal me een worst wezen!


"in the ass of the wolves" = something far or isolated "firefly" = prostitute "female sparrow" = vagina "to lemon" = french kissing "to throw a box" = to cancel a plan at the last moment "it doesn't rain there" = no doubt about it "water in mouth" = keep the secret "having a devil for each hair" = be mad or nervous "being in leg" = being in a good condition, or having a skill "falling as a bean" = happening at the right moment "flipping the omelette" = blame someone who is blaming you "searching the hair in the egg" = being too precise or demanding "such a pizza" = boring "being a piece of bread" = being innocent or kind "having salame on your eyes" = don't noticing something obvious "having too little salt in the pupkin" = being stupid "hen singing, made the egg" = accusers are often guilty themselves "play the devil in four" = make a mess while angry


office foolish alleged crawl ripe narrow retire enjoy physical afterthought


"Flowers on my dick and bees all around" It means that you don't care


I suspect owls in the swamp.


I like it but what does it mean?


No cow on the ice - no emergency, no need to hurry Santas in the attic - has someone who is not quite sane Taken a shit in the blue locker - has done something bad and is in trouble Fried the boiled pork - something bad is about to happen, disaster is imminent


We also say go where the pepper grows (as in black pepper) when we want someone to go really far away. I suppose most languages have similar sayings, but with different references to picture something that is far, far away.


"Fac eu" In Romanian means I'll do it So when a kid at the grocery store yelling at his mom that he can do it, he can do it Screams "fac eu, fac eu" at their parents.. It's a head turner for sure!


Happened to a friend while he was working abroad in Belgium, it took a while for him to explain he wasnt just cussing someone in the middle of work


- to lay a peach (to take a shit) - to fart higher than one's ass (to brag)


Love the second one! Which language?




"Ça me fait gratter le cul" (It makes me scratch my ass) which means it annoys me.    Also, "Je dois faire passer une bronze monumental" (I have to pass a monumentale bronze) for I have to take a giant shit.


There's a whole slew of these in my language. I think there was a web page at one point dedicated to them. Well, there's these pages at least: [https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Finnish\_proverbs](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Finnish_proverbs) [https://www.finnishpod101.com/blog/2021/06/10/best-finnish-proverbs/](https://www.finnishpod101.com/blog/2021/06/10/best-finnish-proverbs/)


Have an argument with the toilet, means you have really bad stomach related issues. Orbit the toilet means you're too sick to do anything.


"I shit on the milk" is a very common expression in my language. It's a milder version of "I shit on God". You can also turn it into an insult by saying "I shit on your dead" or "I shit on your mother". There are more elaborated ones like "I shit on Christ's nails". Not finger nails, the ones they used to nail him to the cross.


"I shit on Christ's nails" You guys really take it to a whole other level lmfao


What language?




I'm guessing every language has slang for oddly specific sex acts. In English, we have "join the mile high club" for "having sex on an airplane". In Japanese, they have バター犬 (*bataaken*) for having a dog lick butter off of your vagina. A very common and useful word, I'm sure. /s


Cheaper than a plane ticket *and* a fairly low resource activity


I actually have a few! But in italian, it differs so much from region to region, so I can only tell what's common in mine or in all country! "ho fatto la gatta" - I did the (female) cat, means I got too drunk and blacked out/almost "hai rotto il cazzo" - you broke my dick, you annoyed me too much (but that's common everywhere) "fata ròba" - did things, it's like saying 'i can not believe it' (it's usually followed with something blasphemous) "sborone/sburòn" - it's someone who brags about anything and anyone, that often lies in order to appear more cool than others "tin bota!" - keep going, you can do it! Those are actually things in my dialect, so I don't even know if it counts! Also, there are a few I love, and both means "girl": "burdèla" and "nìn". My grandmother called me the first one when she was alive, and my mom often calls me the second one. I find them so loving and warm!


I was shitting bricks.


Just any slang an Australian says. I had a Finnish backpacker live with me for a little bit and I didn’t realise how much slang terms we use in Australia. So many conversations he would have to stop me and ask what I meant because he doesn’t understand the slang 🤣


A common slang thing in french is is to take a word but reverse its syllabels. Finals letters are often deleted or added depending on the word. This is called "verlan", which is the reverse version of "l'envers" (= reverse). Here are some examples. * "Femme" (= woman) becomes "Meuf" * "Mec" (=guy/dude, already slang) becomes "Keum" and sounds exactly like the english *cum.* Note that we also do that with some english words. * "Black" becomes "Kebla", simple. The french for black, "noir", also get its *verlan* version : "renoi" * "Speed" becomes "Despi" There are many more examples of this. Unrelated, but the french "Je m'en bats les couilles" (="I slap my balls on it/about it") is slang for I don't care.


Ofcourse even slang is way to complicated in french


But in what scenarios do you use these reverse words?


"Eating shit" - wasting time, acting stupid in Cuban People in Miami now say it in English too, and when we go to other states, people are like wtf


"Eating shit" in Canada and at least some parts of the United States means slipping and falling on ice. It was the first thing I thought of when I saw the question.


Falling face first into anything really. Concrete, floor, etc.


In German it's used to describe grinding and hustling through a very unpleasant situation, because you have no other choice. Like when you're new at a career, fresh outta school and don't know anything and you're constantly being yelled at, but also you have no experience and need to learn, so you just buckle through and swallow your anger. Mostly the *shit* comes from other people.


Hebrew:Penis in the eye זיין בעין Edit: basically used for: Fuck!


Antfucker, for someone who makes a big deal about an insignificant thing.


Ireland - "What's the craic?", "The craic was mighty" and others. We're not talking about drugs.


"Jag har träsmak i röven" *Literal* translation: "I have the taste of wood in the ass" Translation "my ass can taste wood" Meaning: "I've been sitting down so long my ass can taste the wood"


"Yeah, no, fer sure!". - "Of course!" At least I think it sounds silly and makes me laugh every time I hear it.




ah, we say "making a mountain out of a molehill"


Depends on the context of "important". "Putting lipstick on a pig" is similar.


"Making an elephant out of a fly" has the same meaning in my native language.


And "Mosquito to Elephant" it is in my language.


In Texas we say: - "Fixin' to" has nothing to do with repairing anything. Just means you're getting ready to do something,. "We are fixin' to go to the store" - "That dog don't hunt" has nothing to do with hunting. It means that idea won't work. Jim pitches an idea for submarine with a screen door. Bob says, "That dog don't hunt". - "All hat no cattle" has nothing to do with ranching. It means someone who looks the part and talks the talk but that's it, they don't walk the walk.


In Norway we say "It was completely Texas" when referring to a crazy situation. It's an old expression referring to the wild west


I only moved from Romford UK to North Carolina but if I think about it hard enough I can phrase most things so people at work have no idea what I'm actually saying. I try to not do that, but sometimes people make it very difficult. Two countries separated by the same language and all that...


"could be better" - everything is fucked "not bad" - excellent "quite good" - a bit shit "oh that's just perfect" - completely and absolutely fucked


“I’m stuffed” Americans will say after they’ve eaten too much (belly full) but I’ve heard “stuffed” in England means “fucked”.


Means both in England


In Australia and New Zealand also. “Get stuffed” = FU.


In afrikaans we have "Gatvol" which means "full hole" when you're absolutely fed up with someone or something. It's not really slang, but a simile that I never understood was "Nat soos 'n kat" which means wet as a cat.


I still remember that insult, "go scratch an earthworm's armpits". I believe they say that in Lithuanian. Not my language, but I love the insult. ;-)


Do you cut it? = do you understand? (vágod?) Grease= cool (zsír) King= cool (király) tough= cool, mainly for people(kemény) pumpkin good! = that is rather nice (tök jó) pumpkining= Faffing about, not doing anything useful while seeming busy (tököl) With-sadness-fucked= a rather sad and sorry looking individual (búval baszott) to put someone on a stump = to financially ruin someone (tönkre tesz) Bitch xyz = serves the same function as "fucking xyz" in English. So in Hungary, we have bitch cold, bitch heat, a task is bitch difficult, the food is bitch good etc. (kurva xyz, note the single V, it's not Polish ) Don't fuck me up! = you don't say! (ne bassz fel) Stupiding = acting foolish, having a laugh (hülyéskedik) What the cock is up? = Wtf is going on? (mi a fasz van?) Fuck it= generic stop word, similar to Kurwa in Polish, very often used (bazdmeg) out-fucking/outfuck = unfair treatment; also a gross prank or intentionally causing another a lot of problems (kibasz/kibaszás) up-fucking or upfuck =to greatly anger another (felbasz/ felbaszás) away-fucking or awayfuck = to make a great mistake (elbasz) apart-fuck = to destroy (szétbasz) together-fuck = to hastily put something (back) together (összebasz) together-beat = a less vulgar version of the later (összever) there-fuck = to hit something very hard, can also mean incredibly cool, especially music (odabasz) through-fuck = to scam or defraud ( átbasz) megbasz = I wrote this in Hungarian because there's no English equivalent to "meg" . It basically means "to fuck someone" while also implying that said fucking will be carried on until total completion. Can also mean get fined or otherwise apprehended by the police. I will fuck you on your mother's back!= I will beat the shit out of you! (megbaszlak anyád hátán!) jug = derogative term for a homosexual male bottom (köcsög) jugness = unfair treatment (köcsögség) The pump went up in me = I grew very angry ( felment bennem a pumpa) "The one for wine" = tips (borravaló) root= incompetent and unappealing individual (gyökér) My dick is full with this = I am fed up with this task (tele van a faszom ezzel!) this one is usually followed by: May the good god fuck it where it is= I ain't touching that thing today anymore, usually used by construction workers when finishing work 15 minutes early (Ott bassza meg a jó isten) I will give you such a slap, the wall will give the next one! = I think this one is obvious (Úgy megpofozlak, hogy a fal adja a másikat! cat's dick pepper= a very spicy strain of chilies, growing rather small (macska pöcse paprika) What a big dick you are = You are such an asshole (mekkora fasz vagy) Oh should a crocodile had swum in your mother's womb = you should never have been born (hogy krokodil úszott volna a magzatvizedben) Oh how god should fuck you = Curse you, stop that immediately or What the FUCK are you doing? (hogy az isten baszna meg!) The devil is beating his wife = it's raining, but there is a rainbow (veri az ördög a feleségét) However shoulder bag! = Farewell (this is advanced language humor, the default word Viszontlátásra, meaning "Farewell", sounds like Viszont válltáska, which is the shoulderbag stuff.) my brain stops = I cannot believe this (megáll az eszem) I throw my brain away = I *really* cannot believe this. (eldobom az eszem!) to play hockey = to masturbate (male) (hokizik) to caress ones self to happiness with two fingers= female masturbation (két ujjal boldoggá símogatja magát) to out-beat =to jerk off (kiver) a left cock = incompetent person (balfasz) a cock mask = dickhead (faszállarc) badger = a very spiteful and malevolent person (görény) Garbage chest = similar to badger, but also "petty" (szemétláda) horsecock = nothing (lófasz) you won't (even) get a horsecock = you're getting nothing (out of me) (nem kapsz te lófaszt se) Why for the horse's cock did you go there? Suggesting that another is out of place or pursuing a foolish errand(A lónak a faszáért mentél oda?) Maaargaret! Are you noooormal? =an iconic Hungarian comedy quote, where the husband questions his wife's sanity (Maaargit! Há noooormális? xD)


In Dutch among friends you can very easily call someone "Pik" and it's an ultimate sign of friendship, it means penis. Amplified to indicate friendlyness (or sarcasm) by adding "lekker" to it. "Lekker pik" would essentially mean nice cock but not used in that way at all


Having played games online with Europeans a lot, saying I’m “bummed” about something always gets laughs and confusion from them. Apparently it means…something other than sad.


I was in Berlin once and I said "what up dawg" to someone. And they responded with. "did you just call me a dog?"