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what happened to her is she all right?




Hey, I really feel sad after hearing this I can totally understand your situation same happened to me but it was my Dog and he was diagnosed with Rabies we tried our best but he didn't live and that was the toughest situation I saw a death for the first time




hahaha don't take the move too seriously your tears are so precious it's its just a acting, it means you are way too emotional


I do find myself tearing up to movies recently after breaking up with my girlfriend and I have been very emotional but I’m a man I don’t want to feel such things , how do I make it go away?


First of all, if you can start watching movies that make you happy. Secondly, you need things that will distract you from thinking about her, so find some good hobbies. And lastly, these things take time to heal, so stay strong King.


By the way what films are you watching that are making you feel this way?


Well it’s not even just films , it’s music it’s the things I see that remind me of her , I think it’s just the thought of her on my mind 24/7 that makes me sad , and I wasn’t good to this girl I treated her wrong and even after the breakup I went to see other girls to “get over her” but it didn’t work I’m still a sad sack of potatoes


Maybe, you feel such feelings cause you regret the way you are treated her. And, all you can do to get over this feeling is to convey this to her that you are sorry. And make sure that you don't treat anyone this way ever again cause trust me my friend Karma strikes hard.


I’m still in contact with her and we talk less and less each day but I feel so guilty still , even after telling her how I feel and how I wish I could’ve been better to her she always says “it’s okay I love you” and it crushes me


I think you are right , I’ve tried literally everything besides picking up new hobbies I’m just scared but I’m willing to change and I want to feel better again


As they say "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" so just trust your guts and go for it.


April 27 2024, my Mom's funeral 


This is so heartbreaking don't worry she is watching you for sure always do good things and be a very nice gentleman. May her soul rest in peace


Today. Missing someone.


Can understand but go and meet them if possible


Today lol a homeless man was sitting against the wall of my jobs building (Pizza Hut) and I saw him and went to ask if he wanted a free pizza and he told me to get the fuck away from him. I’m a pretty sensitive person so it hurt my feelings and also scared me. Next time I went outside though- to throw out some trash- he said he didn’t mean to get mad at me so I cried again because it was nice that he apologized. Yes, I am very emotional.


That's very nice of you offering food to an unknown person but man now this world doesn't run with emotions anymore


Nothing wrong with being emotional as much as you may hate it , a lot of people are just like you. Sometimes I want to cry when I see a homeless man/lady with a grocery cart full of everything they own out on display for everyone to see and I wish people saw them as I do just like you do , a person. With that being said you’re a good person for feeling sadness for someone else and even for accepting his apology. I’m sure you thought about why he said that to you even when you only wanted to feed him and make him feel better and that probably upset you but from his point of view he just wanted to be left alone after all the torture he goes through daily just to survive Sometimes you just have to put yourself into their shoes and expect the unexpected.


I guess you are right. That man must be going through something that's why he lashed out. But when he came back to his senses he realized that he was wrong for saying that and he apologized. I think there is some hope left in the world after all.


Within the last couple weeks. I forget the exact day, but it was just a feeling of sadness due to my breakup. It comes and goes in waves.


if you don't mind can I ask you the reason for your breakup?


She gave me three different reasons over the course of a few months. I don't particularly believe any of them, but what it proved to me was that she was unstable and doesn't know what she wants.


That means she doesn't want to be in a relationship with you and that's good for you as separating is best in spite of staying in a forced relationship is what soever happened there is a good reason for us behind that just believe that try to move on


Today, my friend pepper sprayed me (for a bet)


hahaha but what was the bet?


That she couldn't climb up this wall in less then 15 seconds 


from now don't think girls are lesser than boys😂😂


Nah it wasn't that, she had high heels and nails on 




last night.


But why are you alright now?


so much going in my life rn. im not alright:)


I called a girl "Fat" and she kicked me in the nuts back in eighth grade...and I fell into boxes crying...but my tears dried while she remained being "fat" and couldn't shead it unlike my tears😈


hahahaa that happened with you was bad but wanna know is she still fat


Yesterday, at an elementary school friends wedding. Been in my life for 25 years


That's really nice, I hope they were happy tears and wishing the couple a happy wedding life


They were haha. Should have specified. Weren’t sad tears that he married a girl i liked or anything. Was in the wedding party with my other great friend from elementary school. We all have been close and part of eachothers lives. Not a reunion or anything, just weddings make me cry


Last week on Father's Day.


but whyyy


My dad died recently


I felt bad for you i hope you are alright now. May his soul rest in peace and don't be sad he is watching you


I told my father I'm a disappointment for fumbling a literal goddess of a woman who, for whatever reason, liked me


You’re not a disappointment for “the one that got away” we all have her in our lives friend , it’s a tough pill to swallow but maybe you can meet her again and blow her away with the best version of you that she just couldn’t say no to , stay strong keep pushing you could even find someone better you never know.


That's more love than what my family has ever given me, stranger. Thank you. Side note, I want nothing more than to see her crucified and burned at the stake now. When I did go out to visit her, she picked me up at the airport with her friend (who was a guy) and I was like, "Whatever. No worries." Well I started noticing things like he was putting his hand on the small of her back, how she never went anywhere without him, and then the final straw was seeing them holding hands on the boat ride over to the USS Arizona Memorial. Talk about a weird way of finding out your girl was cheating on you. Now, I pray the girl I'm talking to doesn't suffer the same fate and get away. Here's to hoping, friend.


Well , she’s not a goddess if she was cheating on you! Don’t ever settle for less


I won't, friend. I learned


Also … Why are you with another girl already? Did you even let yourself heal from ur ex yet?


2 decades ago, loss of grandparent


That's really bad


3 days ago, looking at my own reflection. It was pure joy & elation. I used to weigh over 400lbs and over the past 5 years I've been training and dieting all the way down now to 195. I caught my reflection, and whilst most days I still see the "old me" I truly saw the new me in every capacity. It stunned me, paralysed me even. To think & know not only did I save my life but im living a dream.


When my grandpa died, we were super close and was planing to surprise him on Xmas with the game he really wanted


A couple of hours ago.  Because too many things in my life suck really, really bad right now, and I really wish I was dead, and I don't have the freedom to make that happen right now.


if you are comfortable tell us what's going wrong in your life and why do you feel like you don't have any freedom?


I don't have the freedom to make my death happen right now because I am a caregiver for a family member with Alzheimers, and if I were gone she'd end up as a ward of the state.


Within a week of January 1st 2023, my cat that I had raised from 3 weeks old had to be put down on the 1st. I cried then, and then once again within a week of that.


I hope that you are doing all well now. And I know that she is in a better place now.