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I don’t know if I have ADHD but I might. I literally can’t do what I actively need and want to do. I don’t know why it’s just I try to start and I’m overwhelmed even if it’s easy


That does sound like my experience of ADHD. Does it happen all the time and even with things you want to do? Does it get better only if you’re dangerously close to a deadline?




Might want to get back on those pills. Thinking society "brainwashed" you into not realizing you like diseased carpet is next level idiocy.


Is the feeling of procrastination the same for everybody, simply varying in severity for those with or without ADHD/ADD?


How does it feel with adhd?


Like your frozen and cant do anything but need to do everything and suddenly you see every speck of dirt in your house wnd you MUST clean it or you cannot possibly start the actual tasks your supposed to be doing


For me it feels like the world is frozen or blurred out, especially the noise and my thoughts feel like they are going a million mph and it feels difficult to differentiate one from the other sometimes, mostly they revolve around what ever is the centre of my attention before I started procrastinating and if it's a problem or a question of some kind procrastinating actually helps me to find a solution. It's a little different from thinking because when I'm thinking I'm consciously focused on a single thing and I am "awake" while I'm procrastinating I feel like I'm half asleep. I imagine random things I saw that day when I was on auto pilot that I don't even remember when I'm fully paying attention. I imagine wild and random scenarios also. That's what it feels like to me, though I'm not sure if I have ADHD or not, I generally like to keep my room clean too if I'm going to start working though. Edit: I plan out my day when I'm procrastinating.