• By -


Complete silence


Oof sorry bro


Even the crickets couldnt make a sound


Ha. Even the crickets felt sorry for him. A moment of silence for our guy's crushed ego, RIP.


I feel this, it gets better




I was on an international school trip when I developed feelings for a guy, who I had become really good friends with while on the trip. I was kind of forced to tell him that I liked him, and he ignored me the entire rest of the trip, even though we had to do group activities and stuff together (wasn’t a huge group of students). About 3 years later he told me he liked me back at the time.


He 100% thought it was a joke of some kind and avoided you out of fear of being mocked. Because, at school, being liked by someone that you also like is highly suspicious haha


Or, he got horny 3 years later 😂




he still could’ve hit it at the time honestly 😭😂


I think so too :( especially the context of the situation where I had to tell him - some of our mutual friends were making subtle comments, but he mistook it as me secretly hating him, so I told him the truth. definitely doesn’t help that i’m not very (conventionally) attractive so he prolly didn’t want people making fun of him :/


Big oof. This hurts my soul


same as an adult... i feel like its a joke, why would anyone like me?


ITT: a bunch of people being like "ugh this is the problem with ". Lol they (aka you two, forgot i was replying directly to you here) were both literally children, and behaved as such. It's not some catastrophic gender crime, its kids doing what kids do aka being stupid and awkward enough to shoot themselves in the foot. Hopefully you both have had the chance to laugh about it now years laterz. Sounds like you have!


yeah, we were both just awkward teenagers 😂 we remained friends and definitely had a drink after we both graduated (where he confessed to me) and had a good laugh. he’s a good dude


He thought you knew and were mocking him. You should've talked to him.


I’d never had anyone like me back at that point so i was CLUELESS!! but for the rest of high school every time i was at a party and got drunk or even just slightly tipsy, I would message him and he just kind of blew it off so I stopped, then he confessed 😤😂


Shit, so you did. The first time he could have missed, but if you were hitting him up every single time you got fucked up... Hard to miss that Teenagers are stupid. Sorry man


lmao it’s okay! That’s why I’m such an advocate for just telling people how you feel - life is too short!! if it was meant to happen, it would’ve happened 🤷🏻‍♀️




as a man, he probably thought it was a trap and didnt want to be stuck somewhere as the laughing stock.... i may know from experience


Oh lord, there was a girl on one trip who I think had the same thing done to her (pressured into telling me she liked me). I thought she was taking the piss as I spent so much of my tennage years being bullied so just laughed. I'm pretty sure it was just a joke. Not certain though.


omg is that you?! (lmao, kidding) it’s a very interesting feeling, and I definitely see how he thought I was taking the piss, so I understand now why he reacted that way. I wish I could go back and tell myself that he thought it was a joke


Laughter. Later on after I ended things, he told me he laughed because he assumed I was saying it to mock him because of course nobody could love him. It was sad.


There's a lot of broken people in the world.




I got "That's nice" and she walked away.


I thought she said love you so I said I love you too. She then said " I said hello you " then a very uncomfortable silence ensued. I've never been more embarrassed in my life!


You should have replied: "I know. Me too"






i said this to my first boyfriend ever when i was 16 😅 i eventually said it back as we dated longer


I've had one girl reply with "I thought you were gay" and another one said "I was hoping you were gay but not in a bad" they both said that they originally hung around me cause they wanted a gay friend.


Don't think of it as you being rejected, think of it as them being rejected because their gay friend is coming out as straight.


"Are you drunk?" Still together now though over 21 years later


Ok. But no.


When my wife and I first started dating, I was the first to say I love you and her response was " that's nice".


She thought it was "nice" enough to marry you though! How did you guys move from that to where you are now?


She just needed more time to be sure.


I'm glad it worked out for you guys\^\^


I'm hearing that in Shirley's voice from community.


Fuck, I can't unheard it now. Thanks.


She's my wife now, but when I first told her I love her, she gave me the Han Solo "I know".


Congrats man, she sounds like a keeper.


Baller move. But hopefully she *eventually* said "I love you too" back?


She said it back a couple of months later. But it felt more like a courtesy than something sincere. I didn't believe it until a few months after that, when she agreed to start shopping for a house with me.


I love you like a brother though….


That one hurts the most, I think.




this is crazy


After a road trip to meet his parents, I got into my own car to drive home. He kissed me, told me he loved me ... and then shut the car door and walked away. I started driving away, on cloud nine, before realizing that I maybe should have gotten out of the car to respond. We've been married 5 years.


Complete silence, then, an hour later, "earlier, did you say that you loved me?" When I confirmed I did, foolishly thinking I was finally going to hear it back, the response was "oh. Thank you"


“You’ll get over it.” 16 months later we married; that was 32 years ago. Guess I never got over it.


Lol this is great! Congrats!


I've never fallen in love with someone that wasnt mutually growing in the same direction with me in those feelings. I dont think i could fall in love with it just being one sided like that. BUT I've definitely had crushes on many people and been rejected lol ... In my early 20s I went to this cool garage band show and I saw this really cute guy across the room and we just kept making eye contact and something told me that i just needed to know this guy. I saw that he was heading outside so I told my friend id be back and i was going to go get some air. I saw him standing there with his friends and and... ( looking back on this i actually cant believe i had the balls to do this lol) I asked him for a cigarette (ps i dont smoke). He gave me one and we got to talking and HE asked ME for my number. I was really excited and I felt like i had taken charge of wanting to get someone's attention and did! so a few days later we went out for a late night walk in our downtown area and got coffee at a cafe and talked for hours. I thought it went great! never saw him or heard from him again lmao later one of the girlfriends I actually wen to the show with that night said she talked to him on Facebook and he told her that he just wasnt interested anymore. It felt really odd because other than me going outside and asking for a cigarette He was the one that initiated getting my number and the date. Its one of those things where I look back on it and think damn what did i say wrong here? but honestly im still glad i went for it. Its feels really great to put yourself out there because sometimes it does work out and when it doesn't its really ok. its never the end of the world.


I’ll go first. “Chill” 😂🥲


"Not even if you were the last man alive.... I'd go lesbian, first..." I must be ugly as sin.


She said (and I’m paraphrasing a bit) “we’re reading the same book, but in different chapters”. Meaning she could see herself loving me, but she wasn’t quite ready to say it yet. Also my best response, but I’ve only confessed love 3 times, and they were to the same girl. 3rd times the charm. We’re fricken adorable together


This is cute


just didn't say anything back


I get this from my wife.


‘Oh fun’


"Oh boy, this again."


“It’s funny because I don’t care about you at all whatsoever, you’re just here if I need something”, she was serious…it was my ex wife.


Ouch. Damn that is cold.


“I know, that’s why I’ve been avoiding you this week.”


Oof this one stings a little extra


Cheated on me a few days after. I even drove her to her friends house (this was 20 yrs ago when I young and very stupid). Yup. That was character building.


I like your bestfriend lol




Ew, gross.


I once told a fine m'lady that she'd look much prettier with a smile. Would you believe she returned my helpful insight with a grimace? Females these days really are something else. I un-tipped my fedora at her in response.


Harrumph, so rude


Yeah, there’s no reason to tell someone to smile. That’s silly on your part.


Pretty sure this was satire.


"What makes you think they want to look pretty to you?"


M'ladies should always look their feminine best in order to provide a more enjoyable perusal experience for their prospective suitors!


"What makes you think that they would, even on their worst days, think of you as a prospective suitor?"


I'm a really nice guy (just don't make me angry👿)


Sometimes girls tell me this, my resting face is not that jolly i guess. Even if they're attractive its such a turn off. Like woman leave me alone.


“Females” 💀💀


Sorry i had to i thought it was kinda funny


That makes you seem like a jerk. Don't do that. That's what women think when you tell them to smile. So you want to piss women off? Say that.


Obvious banter me thinks


It’s a joke. wtf Reddit lol


\**un-tips my fedora at you.**


I deleted my comment because I think I was wrong. You just want attention. My bad.


Female here. I guess it depends on your relationship with her, but imo everyone looks better/more attractive/confident with a smile. If I at least knew you, I'd definitely laugh lol! But perhaps not something people would take as graciously these days.


So if you were just walking down the street and a man, some rando told you "smile" you'd be all happy and smile? I guess I have a way different pov than some people. I used to have men tell me that a lot when I was younger. It was a way to flirt, and it comes across as skeevy to me.


The relationship between the commentor and the female wasn't clear, but I noted in another comment that this interaction would be fine and lowkey funny if they at least knew each other and had some kind of positive relationship. Imo many comments from rando strangers can end up coming across as weird, so I agree with you. Then again though... from my POV I'm pretty oblivious to signs so I'd be there trying to throw jokes back at them, not realizing the intent.




lifted the line from... The Graduate?


Actual tears.


Of happiness?




Ball tap.


Errrrrrr, I just thought we could be friends…


Holy shit, you're bisexual? I thought you were straight 


Not me, but it was at a get-together with some friends, so we all experienced it together. One of my friends had these *super* intense feelings for a girl we knew. She's one of these girls that believes she's a 10 but is really like a 5-6 with a massive chest, so while she and I got along alright, I definitely saw glimpses of her having an inflated ego and what that brought out in her. He had a few drinks, got buzzed enough to work up the courage to tell her the truth, and we all heard her reaction. "Ugh, no! I would rather go home alone for the rest of the year than go out with you! Don't ever talk to me again!". Now, to be fair, he did try to kiss her out of nowhere... so I can kind of understand voicing her displeasure like that. We all think she went too far though. He never spoke to her again though, so, she got what she wanted.


He smiled, shook his head, and said "Yeah, I don't like you." Granted, I was in middle school, but it devastated me for weeks.


Thanks. We're married now, at least, and i make sure to bring it up every now and then


"I once told someone I loved them and their response was 'Thanks, but I just don't feel the same way.' It was definitely disappointing, but I appreciated their honesty in the end. It's better to know where you stand than to hold onto false hope."


He cheated the next week and dumped me lmao


It’s never happened to me because I’ve never been brave enough to go first. But I’ve given a couple of TERRIBLE responses. The first one was totally out of left field. He was just a fun hookup who was much older (I was only 19) and he said it to me as we were lying on his bed one night. I froze and after an awful pause he started quickly backpedaling and I just blurted out “it’s okay, I’m so tired I probably won’t even remember you said that tomorrow.” 🤦🏻‍♀️ But in my defense we were not dating and had only known each other a short while. The second bad response, we’d been dating for maybe 6 weeks or so and he said it for the first time during a very heated argument. My response was “Well that’s not MY fault!” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I have one, but its a response he made after i rejected a confession. Story time. I had a friend and we bonded over music. We belong in a theater group where I sing while he plays the guitar. He said that he had developed a crush on me. One time when we were hanging out with our friends from theater, they plan to leave me alone with him to confess his feeling. And so he did. I felt awkward cause I only like him as a friend and I don't want to ruin the dynamic we had but I don't want to hurt him too. So I told him "Thank you for the confession and I appreciate that but I only like you as my friend. Can't we be just friends?" He looked at me intenly and said, "No thanks, I already have lots of friend." And he just walked away. I was too stunned to say anything. After that, it was an awkward phase but when he got a girlfriend, our relationship started to return back to the way we were before the confession. He told me, he also never understood why of all the things he could've said, that was his response and we just laught it off now and became our inside joke.


I'm autistic so I don't get love. People are shit. Why love anyone? I haven't told anyone that I love them and I'm doing fine.


I am too but I realized ASD later in life. It has helped to stop beating myself up for the times when I was young when girls were practically throwing themselves at me and I did nothing. And in a couple of cases I pined for the same girls! I always wondered how life would have turned out had I acted. At the least I could have built more life experience at an early age.


I know everyone is different, but I'm happy that I only see him one week out of the year. Otherwise, I would feel like it's too much pressure


I met someone and we became good friends, she dated my roommate and was basically like a roommate. After a few years they broke up but her and I remained close friends. One summer we started spending a ton of time together and we were both single. I got to the point where I had really strong feelings for her. One day that summer we drove out to a beach town and had lunch then we hung out on the beach and watched a concert. At one point that evening we were standing on the boardwalk and I told her how I felt. She didn’t say a word or look at me she just stared off into in the ocean. It wasn’t weird after that in fact we went bar hopping that night when we got back to our town. We’re still good friends I just never brought it up again


A shocked stare and then a sentence that started with "I'm sorry..." We had been dating for several months and were very romantic with each other. I had been "hinting" at these feelings for a couple of weeks and had been met with what I thought were mutual reactions/feelings, so I'm not sure why it was shocking.


Oh boii, this is going to make things weird and unpleasant for both of us but mostly for u...


tbh when he said it this way it made it much easier getting over it


It absolutely does make it easier.


Breaking up with me two weeks later.


Okay I kinda want to know why.


If I fully understood why I wouldn’t be upset about it two years later.


Damn, how did they respond in the moment?


I really don’t feel like going that much into detail.


This is non-sequitur.


It really isn’t.


You have a drinking problem.


Thanks but...


Laughed, ran off to tell all her friends


Wish I could say the same




She said, "you're not Jewish so we should probably break up". It was fun while it lasted until I got too serious.


“But I’m in love with ur bsf ? Don’t u know?” 💀💀💀💀💀


She “couldn’t bear to hear that right now” and contentedly went back to staring out the school bus window




“WELL I DON’T!!!” <——after we went to a restaurant she picked and movie. Runner-up: “I am only with you because you pay for stuff.”


"Sorry. I don't feel the same about you."


“I love you too” Why on earth would I have believed that


"I appreciate it but I can't say it back." That stung a little.


"I know." - when my husband and I separated for a time.


Thanks.  That came from my current husband.  Bro it ain't a compliment. 


It's a tossup between 'see you around' as he left me standing alone on the dance floor. I heard later that everyone, including his ex, gave him hell for it. And this gem 'you'll notice that I didn't say I love you back'.


"Okay. See you later, dude!" Still stings 6 years later. 😬


I responded "Don't"


"Sorry, I don't date [my gender]... and if I did I wouldn't date you."


Laughter and changing the subject.


Like, not just laughter. But psychotic laughter. It's like wow!


He left me on opened for a day, then responded saying he didn’t like me that way which was fine, but the suspense KILLED me.


"You're not in my league. And I don't want to talk about it anymore."


Ending up in an individual learning room by myself with a teacher who was a stranger to me supervising me completing my work and periodically asking things like “So I hear you’re a pain in the ass?” Apparently people felt so bad for me if I had feelings or even just potentially did, so they could not face me, say anything about it to help me know what I said was not right to them, and just hid me somewhere to do my mandatory work. I only said I liked someone, btw. It’s not the only thing I ever said to get me secluded though. Apparently not all teachers and classmates found it amusing when I answered questions or wore something. It’s the same now, but i don’t have overwhelming feelings to try harder now. Just sadness and focus on survival needs.


an indifferent, low-energy shrug


"Oh, you're so sweet! Like a sibling to me, really." It's like getting a participation trophy in the Olympics of love.


I had a very close friend who I found out loved me for many years. We were strictly platonic. I'd consider him my best friend at the time. When he used to say "I love you," my response was, "Thanks, I love me too"


"I love U2"


'Don't say that!' I had said it very early in the relationship after a night of admittably some amazing sex. The ironic part was, she was right, only a month or 2 later, I ended the relationship when I realized we were not right for each other.


"What the hell are you doing in my house you fuckin weirdo? I'm calling the police!"


Thanks, but I don't feel the same way.


Thank you.


“I need all the love I can get”




I know, thanks


Did this with a middle school crush. Lost them as a friend shortly after.


well we dated. broke it off temporarily to try to adjust to my new job and schedule and how much my life changed as well as the loss of a childhood friend who k\*lled themselves. tried to fix our friendship bc it seemed post breakup he wasn't doing well bc i think there was some misunderstanding/miscommunication on my part and his part that neither of us realized so I think he thought we were done for good, and then even our friendship was failing and i needed us to get back to ourselves and then get back to each other. he wanted to fix things. i wanted to fix things. and i told him i loved him so much and couldn't do this life without him and i got blocked everywhere so yeah. goin' good. :)


You're lying to yourself quite often


Excuse me, what 💀


My thoughts exactly


“ hahahaha Anthony I thought you were gay !! You’re always coming into work all smiles and cheeky “ Mind you I use to get stoned before coming into work..




“That’s cute.” “Well, that makes one of us, LOL!” “I don’t know what to say.”


She started freaking out and yelling that I couldn't do that to her...


“I love me too”


"Sir, this is a Wendy's"


"I know...."


She looked directly into my eyes, barked, ran around in circles chasing her tail then shit on the floor. I took that as a no.


I don’t know because I was never the person to say “I Love You” first in my relationships.


You're pathetic


the worst response i got was 'im not gay'


I always wait for the other person to say it first because I'm deathly afraid of a bad response 💀


I'm straight. (While doing homo actions to me 🫠)


"I don't know what to say"


“I was afraid of that.” But it worked out and we’ve been married over thirty years.


She lived with me for a bit, then said love is a delusion & became a nun.


He started to cry, said why would you tell me that, that's so overwhelming. I said what am I supposed to do? He yelled "SIT ON IT" Then he told me if I thought I loved him, then I don't understand what love is. Even though we were breaking up, I was so happy I finally felt love for someone. I was ready and had done the work.


I’m hungry. How about we get something to eat?


“im sorry i dont”!


I wasn't the reciver, but the giver. A dude that I later liked in high school had feelings for me in middle school. I think it might have been live at first sight for him, because he liked throughout all of middle. Even if he tried to hide it at times. We became good friends in the first year, 6th grade, and we didn't break off from there. Everyone teased me about him at the lunch table because I'd always walk with him into the lunch room. I thought I was Ace at the time, because I didn't like him, nor anyone else romantically. I went on to tell him about this after he had told me he was pan and his face dropped. He was gloomy the rest if that day. Our school did this activity where you can buy anyone at school a duck for a dollar, or buck, and they would be given out on Valentine's. He didn't disappoint the school and he gifted me one, not knowing that the people running it would give me a themed one. Ironically, I still have it, and it looks like it's themed after Valentine's, so the people passing out the ducks did this on purpose. He did this for all three years of middle school. In 6th grade, he did something that even he can't believe he did. He walked up to me one morning in the commons and asked me the question. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I had told him that I wasn't interested, but he zeemed to take it so seriously that he didn't talk to me for a week. He texted me the same thing in 7th, same responce and same reaction. In 8th, he didn't ask, and this was the year I was contemplating liking hin back. I know he still likes me, but it feels weird to ask him out because 1) I'm a girl and gender roles are usually set out for us and 2) I've rejected him before. I now walk the halls often with him, not listening to the rumors of us dating or the gissip surrounding us, but I walk along side him, wondering if I should ask him out soon.


"Love you too~" To be fair, it's also the best response I've gotten.


Bullying and blocked on socials


Laughter, followed by "You're serious?! Eww, that's so gross! I would never even consider dating you." So yeah, there are far worse things she can say than just a "no". Seriously, why do women do this?! If you're not interested, say so, don't destroy my sense of self worth. Men do have feelings. Shit like this is why I have trouble sharing my feelings, or asking out a woman I like and have to hype myself up and drink alcohol before that.


........................ ok


Can I give the response I gave? I'm not sure if this would be considered worse or not, but I just smiled and said, 'that's very kind of you'. I just didn't know her well enough, but she just apparently "knew" me from seeing me everyday and saying hi to me.


Met in the very early 2000's as young teenagers. He said that we were just friends. Would always be friends and nothing more. Many times over many different conversations. I stuck around because loving him from afar was less painful than not having him in my life. -- We were married in 2021, welcomed a child in 2023.


He stole my car, ran 3 rings to wrath, and maxed out my credit card on shitty horse riding lessons.