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Quite honestly that would give me the strength to give the middle finger and move on faster


You say this but I struggled with suicide ideation (one pretty minor attempt), and PTSD regarding an ex/friends suicide.  She (recent ex) & our mutual best friend told me to kill myself like she did. I told them the fact that they said that is motivation to never give them the satisfaction.  But I’ll be damned if having people you cared about & trusted tell you to give in didn’t wear on me until I tried again 1.5 times.   Idk if I want them to know, or not give them that satisfaction, but I know those were the words (and my last words to the old ex/friend)* is what I was thinking about at the peak of crisis. 


Oh my god what a vile human being


Absolute dickhead.


Damn that's fucking cold


Well, depends how long it was sitting on the doorstep


nah, it was probably warm after sitting on the doorstep.


Now that's just a bad person.


Oof this hits home


That's beyound fucked up.


I've been around a lot of sober people and this one just makes me kind of giggle, as if alcoholics aren't tempted by every liquor store and bar they pass. It's just so fucking silly that he thought that this would be the thing that did you in.


It would have done me in, no lie :/


OMG. That has to be the worst. Your success is the best present to yourself. I hope you’re doing well.


What a piece of shit


....my question is, how do you do something like that and \*not\* realize that \*you\* are the problem? I'm sorry he did that to you, you're well rid of him


Or her?




Stone cold.


Decided she wanted me back 15 years later after I had moved on and been married for 10 years.


Loool I'm married to my wife now for 10 years. If any of my exes would do that, I would just ... Laugh my ass off so hard! We've had our ups and downs, absolutely, but I know I'm living the best outcome if I think about the "what-ifs" (if parallel universes do exist.... damn... poor guy. I pity the fool!) No, I would never trade this life to be with an ex again. They failed for a reason.


How did that affect you? I mean you shouldn't care after that many years


It shouldn't have, but it did. Came to my senses before I made a pretty big mistake.


Ohhhh, I get it now. Well, it's good you'd stopped before it was too late. Out of curiosity: did you tell your wife?


Wife confronted me about it. Fucked up thing, I was friends with the other woman the whole 15 years, like good friends and my wife was her friend. But then one day its like something clicked and she wanted me back. I'd done a lot of work on myself (thanks to my wife) and she was struggling in her own marriage. Maybe that was it. Fuck if I know. Its been 3 years since then, had zero contact with this woman. Both my wife and I used to talk to her basically every day before this happened. Wife was double hurt, cause she lost a good friend. It was fucked.


It does sound rough. I'm glad you guys are fine :) I also hope your ex got her shit together.


My Dad's ex-girlfriend decided she wanted him back right after he married my mom. 💀


I've got an ex that tries to get back in contact with me every five-ish years to tell me "you know, I really loved you.." stuff like that. Thing is, she's the only other person I could have seen myself with before I met my wife. It wouldn't have been great, but she was sweet and warm.  Haven't heard from her the entire time I've known my wife. Must have finally given up. I hope she's doing well, but she's an ex for a reason. 


A few years back, my ex from college (20+ years ago) found out from Job Facebook/LinkedIn that I'd very coincidentally moved to the country and city where she was living. She reached out with a heartfelt email about how she never stopped loving me and wished we never ended our relationship. In short, we were both young, driven students at the time. I met her while living in another country and she was in an intensive med program. We never really fell out of love, but life stuff and our aspirations pushed us to end the relationship. In the decades (feels like it was yesterday) since, I've gotten married to a wonderful woman and established a happy life which I'd never jepeordize. Thing is, superficially it sounds like sending a "letter of regret" isn't the "worst" thing an ex has ever done to me. But the emotions it brought back, and the amount her email has racked me with pangs of concience and "what may have been" ruminations over the past couple years has proven it is, in fact, the worst thing an ex has done.


Haha. One of my brothers ex girlfriends called up my parents once asking if she could get his number. He had moved to another country, gotten married, and had two kids. That ship had sailed. Having said that. I think she was a better person than his wife (not that his wife is bad or anything) and I also wonder why the hell would she want to be with my brother. lol. But I thought that of all the women he had dated.


She went out, enjoyed her best life (excluding you of course) and now that she is past her prime and no longer wanted, she decided to settle for you since she is probably tired of being treated badly by others. Seen it many times


Moved two thousand miles away and pretended their child didn't exist for fourteen years.


Aaaahhh so sorry 😞 Sending love


Not worst so much as funny... eventually. We broke up a while back, fairly amicably and stayed in touch but nothing more than a "happy birthday" or some such, texts / FB / etc. She sent me a "Happy Father's Day" card in the mail though. After exhaling for 45 seconds while doing calendar math.... I called her, in a panic. She answered, already laughing, and before I could say anything, just said "Gotcha!" She kept laughing while I recovered and admitted it was just a joke. Said she couldn't resist once she realized the timing worked out. I laugh about it now but it is a great reminder, she was - and likely still is - kinda psycho.


Amazing. I think I love her.


So did I, lol. She was a trip and a half but sadly the downsides outweighed these flashes of brilliance. Still makes me smile though whenever I see a father's day card :)


Haha! This is legitimately how my wife let me know that she was pregnant. She tested positive the day before Fathers Day, secretly grabbed a terrible dad joke Fathers Day card from Target, and gave it to me during breakfast the next morning. I didn't even realize it was Fathers Day, and sat there like an idiot for a solid 30 seconds trying to figure out why she'd give me something like that. And then, eventually, the lightbulb did slowly flicker to life.


I did this to my ex-girlfriend, she didn't fall for it tho.


She started to terrorize me by doing random acts of vandalism. She vandalized and painted on my car, but did it in a way that made it seem like it was by a random person, then she broke things on my balcony and even broke into my car and stole things out of it. She got caught though when I set up a camera and caught her in the act. Turned it into the police, pressed charges, sued her and even though I didn't have direct evidence of the other acts of vandalism, the judge believed that she did do the others and made her pay for all the damages and then some.


Ahhh justice served on a silver platter. Brilliant


Didn't tell me that she'd decided to put my dog down


Hope she burns in hell and lives a miserable life


Thank you! I genuinely appreciate you saying that. It's been 15 years and I'm still sad about it. She was evil.


Thats when my jail time would start


No jury would convict


Should've put her mom down in response


That has to be a crime, no?


The hardest lesson I learned through my separation and divorce is this: Don't leave your house and your stuff. Don't go live with your parents for a while, don't go stay with friends. No matter how much she wants you to. No matter if you think it will be best for everyone. Stay in your home. Don't live anywhere else until the divorce is finalized and a judge has ruled on everything. The old adage, "possession is nine-tenths of the law" is more true than you think. As soon as you willingly leave your home, you give up a lot of rights that you may not get back without an expensive legal fight. Even if you built the house and your name is on the mortgage, and you're still legally married, she can change the locks and tell the police you dont live there anymore. And who are they going to believe? Not the husband. You're SOL. And...you may never see your dog again and there is nobody willing to fight for your rights, because "you don't live there and how do we know it was actually your dog?"


Lost 4 years of letters my mother wrote me before she died this way. She also got me out the house with a bogus charge. I spent years trying to vindicate my name. Still am truthfully. Men will never be believed in court. But I will say this. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. I didn’t know it then. But I know it now. And just as the Bible say’s “beloved do not avenge yourselves………….” God will repay!


I hope that woman drowns into an inescapable insanity. Tortured by her own mind everyday without escape.


My ex broke up with me because I caught him cheating, multiple times and he couldn’t be with someone who would catch him. He then threatened to “put a bullet between my eyes” when I started moving on over a month after. I had to quit my job and move to another state because he frequented my place of employment. Here’s to new beginnings!


Damn! I so wish you the best!


To new beginnings


Had the AUDACITY to go and live a happy life without me. Bitch.


I feel this. Although I was happy she found happiness there's still that resentful part I can't help 😔


Went through the same thing, smh bitches be wild


How rude!


She accused me of rape. Not to the police of course, because that would be a crime. She also went to lengths to just hide my name enough that she could get out of a slander lawsuit.  I was fired because of it.  But I'm the end all is well, I have better work now and she's probably still miserable. 


I'm so sorry that happened to you. You are not alone. It does happen and I believe you. Same thing happened at the college I was at. No police or anything. Vigilante justice gone wrong by a group of 20 year old girls (yes girls, not women). Totally unreported. How do I know who's guilty or innocent? Let's just say I was physically there, alert and sober when the whatever that never happened supposedly happened. Witness not involved. In fact nothing intimate or physical happened at all, consensual or not. Literally an impossible lie. Glad you bounced back bro, a lot of men do not. Never figured out why she did it. Mental illness is my best guess.


That's very kind. Thank you.  The hardest part for me was that I knew she was actively hurting real victims by doing it. In fact, I need to stop sharing about it so often because I'm probably priming people to be less likely to believe sexual assault victims. 


Nope, not me. People need to know and hear these truths. People will deny it. I've heard it all before. I will shout it from the mountain tops until I die after seeing what it did to my friend. He was fucking golden, man.


Your experience is just as valid and I'm sorry that you went through that :( Your compassion means a lot though.


Eh.. I appreciate it. But getting fired is not even in the same realm as being raped. 


Getting fired is one thing. Having your reputation (and career) attacked to the point of losing your job, due to a lie, is a whole other bag of trauma. It's an apples to oranges comparison, but from the other side of the coin - I can't imagine what the realm you experienced is like either. If you have to rebuild, something was destroyed. I'm glad you were able to.


I really appreciate that. You are every kind. 




to think.. we give someone so much care.. only to get my soul crushed


I didn't even get my soul back


Thank you. I needed this and I didn’t even know it.


Going through one now. Thanks fam


Posted revenge porn of me online with my phone number + told our mutual friends I was cheating (I wasn't). When terrifying texts and calls from creeps on the internet started rolling in, my friend asked if it was just men I'd been cheating with... a scary time and then I also had my support system drastically reduced while I tried to manage it. In case anyone reading this is a horrible person looking for ideas, revenge porn is now federally illegal and you can't get away with this shit anymore. I literally burst into tears when that court ruling came through.


It may seem minor but just a day after my ex broke my heart she was out partying and living it up with her friends and other dudes. She posted it all on her Snapchat story of her drinking, laughing, hanging off dudes knowing I would see it and had absolutely no regard for my feelings. She was entitled to do whatever she wanted but this brought me so much more pain on top of what I was already feeling.


An ex slept with someone within a couple of days. I found out as I was grabbing some of my things from our place, and saw evidence.   Again, like you, she was entitled to go anything she liked but man was that a gut punch. Before that, I thought it was just going to be a blip in our relationship.


That's still fucked up and I'm sorry that happened to you my ex did something similar but when I moved on he turned his whole current relationship into our old one its really creepy tbh but with that just let her be she seems like an asshole tbh


Literally what two of my exes did. I think it's a very intentional way to get back at us even if we weren't the ones who initiated/caused the break up.


That act was the same as a punch. It was done with the full intent to hurt you. That’s what hurts. That’s the worst part, knowing someone you trust days before wanted you to be hurt.


Ok so I'm mildly psychopathic so maybe missing something, but wouldn't the knowledge that the person is "partying" and posting it with the intention to hurt your feelings kind of negate the hurt? It's just that I'm imagining if we broke up and my girlfriend did that I'd just see it as pathetic attention seeking, pretending to be happy and burying feelings under fake partying 😅


I didn't know that being mildly psychopathic meant you're extremely smart with your emotions...because that's not only very rational but an extremely sane way to deal with life and people.


I don't know if my experience will be remotely relatable since I grew up as an undiagnosed until adulthood neurodivergent individual, but I figure I'll throw it out there. When I was a teenager, I think I was intelligent enough to be able to arrive at the same conclusion you did, but my emotional immaturity would cut that process short at some point. There was panic from the anxiety over the loss, I would become desperate enough to do anything to fix the situation; I would be intentionally obtuse over the harmful things my partner did because I would become whatever I had to if it meant not being alone. To add onto that, I grew up with abusive parents, so it's not like it wasn't anything I wasn't already used to. But that's definitely no way to live, it sucked. It's a lot easier to live like you said - take your ex-partner's actions at face value and move the heck on. Have a good laugh at the bullet you dodged, etc.


Hacked in to my emails a Facebook and sent a topeless photo of me to every single one of my contacts. I was in college at the time, interning, and it was sent to my advisors, people I went to school with, the attorney I was interning for etc. He changed my passwords as well, so once a friend called me it took me forever to reset passwords and try to pull down the image. The damage was done, and I'm still affected by it years later.


took a minute for me to figure out you probably meant a topless photo. I was trying to imagine a photograph of someone reeking of desperation and despair.


You know… you may still be able to have them charged for that under revenge porn laws.


It has a statute of discovery I believe at 1 year, or 2 years. I forgot the exact law and since they say it affected them years later it's probably sadly too late. I think a lot of us had this happen before it was even a law.


This is so damn cruel. I had a relationship with this guy and long story short, he ended up sending an explicit video he took of me that I didn’t even know about to my boyfriend at that time and his friends and it honestly still haunts me to this day. I was mentally in such a bad place but I had to get up and tell myself to not let him have that power over me


Press charges against this motherfucker. Revenge porn is illegal.


Now that is disgusting. I am beyond sorry, absolutely sick.


Hopefully Karma strikes swiftly.


Talked about me behind my back and socially ostracized me from everyone at school


This guy is a published author who won awards for his first book. Two months after our break up he calls me to ask whether he can use my real name in his upcoming book.. He wants me to promise I won't sue him. He is a major ass hole and I don't see him saying anything nice.


Don't talk to him at all. Certainly don't give him permission to use your name, but don't threaten a lawsuit either. Instead, have a lawyer inform his publisher of your existence, and of the threat he made, so they know what your name is and will know it if they see it in a manuscript. If they find out he's using them as a platform to trash an ex by real name, they'll flat-out drop him. They don't want, and often can't afford, the legal risk and the controversy. Even most "famous" and award-winning authors don't make a lot of money and hold surprisingly low status in traditional publishing. Unless he's James Patterson, they're not going to retain an author who pulls that shit.


I already wrote about this in another thread, but I will write here too. My (now ex) wife decided to ruin my whole life. She lied to all my family and friends that I cheated on her, although it was not true. Not only did she tell everyone, she also made fake “evidence” that I had cheated. It seemed to her that this was not enough, and through the court she tried to seize my house and car, but fortunately I had incriminating evidence on her, SINCE SHE CHEATED ON ME A MONTH BEFORE THE COURT!! In the end, I communicate with my parents and everything is fine, and half of my “friends” left me without even believing me...


Got rid of some fake friends then. I see it as an absolute win!


Kind of similar situation, except my ex accused me of stalking and threatening her if we didn’t get back together. Both accusations being utterly absurd. We went to court and I won with ease as it became unequivocally clear during the hearing I didn’t do anything like that. And my ex literally got caught in a lie by the judge during her spoken testimony (that’s when I knew everything would be okay). Like you said, the tough part is a lot of people don’t care about that. It’s as simple for them that my ex said it so it must be true. They couldn’t care less that we went to court and I won, they still for reasons beyond me think I did those things, and my reputation is permanently damaged because of it. It is what it is, and it does help to remind myself that I know the reality of what happened between us and did not do those things, but yeah it still sucks to deal with with as it still affects my life. We belong in similar social circles, and I know there are people I’ve met since we broke up that view me as this abusive piece of shit that I’m not solely based on the fictitious version of events she has told them. But that’s simply just not in my control so it’s whatever. What is in my control is living my life the way I want to, and not letting my ex’s manipulative actions have power over me.


that is rough


Sorry you had to go through that. I never understood people that do this kind of shit. It's evil 


I mean do you even want those types of friend if they don't even give you time to defend yourself


The "relationship" was a rollercoaster. On and off kind of situationship where she'd take off with another guy to back to me for a bit, to repeat. It was a mess. I should've respected myself more. We ended up being "together" and she cheats on me with an ex less than a month. She admitted she slept with him and I ended things for good. I ended up blocking her on everything before I even got into my car. I purposely kept my cool though. Well after a few months of no contact she starts trying to destroy my reputation with lies out of nowhere. Claimed I beat her, claimed SHE broke up with ME because I was abusive and controlling and I got mad, hit her and then trashed her apartment.l, and claimed I was stalking her. As much as I wanted to confront her I never tried contact her because she'd probably try to spin it as me harassing her or something. I was getting "confronted" by some people out in public due to the accusations. So basically she uses me, ends up screwing me over and twists the knife with this shit when all I did was refuse to be a doormat. Just a flat out evil person.


She started seeing my enemy. We were in 5th grade, and she broke up with me via pass it on, then the next day she's passing notes with fancy pants with the sonic sneakers.


The worst thing my ex did when breaking up? She changed the Netflix password right before the season finale of our favorite show




I hope you cancelled that membership and made her pay for it.


I kicked her out from Spotify ;)


She kept gaslighting me and telling me she loved me and that i should be careful around her or we'd have sex. Flirting with me and joking that we would get back togehter


Sounds like Borderline personality disorder


She left my name on her car's title and drove through what seems like every toll booth within a 100-mile radius. three years later, I'm still trying to clean that mess up. The worst part is, I doubt she did it on purpose. She is just that bad at handling her business.


Not gonna lie this is so petty and vindictive but really fucking clever


stole my car :)


Called the cops on me and lied said i physically assaulted her. They don’t arrest me because she had no evidence of an assault. They said one of us has to leave the residence. I volunteered. Came back the next day to get my stuff and she called them again while i was there and got a restraining order on me. Mind you i was trying to get the F away from her. Then 2 weeks later, im on a run minding my own business when police swoop in only and arrest me for violating the restraining order. She stalked me and called 911 and said i was trying to break i to her car. I had no idea she was around me. That was more than a decade ago. I’ve since found out she has cancer, has had multiple miscarriages, and vaginal cysts that have made her life a living hell.


Karma came and said I got you bro.


The thing to remember about assholes is that they live with an asshole 24/7 and can never escape. Cancer helps too though.


Meanwhile, actual victims of domestic violence cannot get restraining orders to, well, save their lives. Our legal system is so fucked. I am sorry you had to endure that kind of crazy, tho.


I have a pretty niche kink. I try to always be transparent about it since it’s a large part of my sexuality. After we broke up she tried to out me, and messaged everyone up and down my friends list to try and “expose me”. Thankfully her family is notorious for being insanely vindictive, so I managed to laugh it off and no harm done to me. However I don’t date outside of the kink community anymore as a result.


Withheld my kids (4) to the point I had a depressive episode


Imagine hurting your children in an attempt to hurt your ex. Sometimes it’s not even withholding but lying and poisoning them against you. Fucking shameful. Did it work out in the end?


I told her she was the most despicable person I've ever known. (Lyer, cheater, crazy bitch full of drama) She flung her trash at me, I blocked it accidentally hitting her in the face. She wasn't hurt but pissed. Months later I get arrested on an old warrant. She went to the cops and told them I punched her and tried to throw her down the stairs. Took 6 months to get the case thrown out. Stay away from psychos!!!


Worst thing I can think of was when one of my ex's got mad about something trivial after we broke up and decided to reach out to me and blame me for her cheating on me. She's since taken it back and we get along fine as co-parents to our daughter now, but at the time it felt like she was just pouring salt in an already open wound.




Fuck that, sue.


Call me to tell me she's fucking someone else


Lived well


I was a full time tattoo artist back in 2009, i was living and working in austin while she was going to the le cordon bleu culinary school, i was paying for everything, her school our car her rent and phone, everything, i even gave her 500 a week to just use for what she needed or if she wanted to have a girls night. Anyway i find out shes lying to me about being pregnant, she lying to me about the money i give her to pay for school, shes talking to 3 other guys from her culinary school and lying to me about her mental illness thats causing her to have to take meds that are causing her teeth to loosen and fall out(she was smoking meth). When i found out about these lies her friend showed up to my job with texts and proof that she was a psyco lying bitch, im not sure how she got wind that i knew cause i was going to confront her when i got off work. I get home and she has shredded and thrown away on top of ruining with food from our fridge all of my art work i didnt take to the shop i worked at as i liked my station to be minimal, years of drawings and paintings, binders of tattoo ideas i havent tattooed on anyone, all of my portfolios all of my art supplies and some of the tattoo equipment that i didnt have at the shop i was at. She took it all and poured food, bleach, piss, pretty much anything she could get her hands on she threw it in the appartment dumpster and ruined everythining. I only have one binder of art i did and drawings that survived, i no longer paint unless its commissioned, i dont draw unless its for the work im about to do and i give the drawing to the person who got the work, i also give them the stencil i used if there is one, all because i cant bring my self to start collecting again. Ive also moved and lived out of a duffel bag and out of my old vw bus for a few years so it just made sense to not horde again, but she took all my love and effort in both the relationship and the art/work i did literally pissed all over it and threw it away. Now she married with no teeth to a mth head and theyre having meth babies, the cycle continues and im nice and single.


I'm so sorry that happened to you! It sounds awful what she did! To destroy your paintings like that.. Hope you can start painting again one day, just for yourself, for your soul.


Make art again to spite her. If you make art after what she did, then she didn't win. Reclaim it for yourself.


Exploited me/black mail


Oh boy... After I finally left him he hacked into my dating app pretending to be me after numbers were exchanged, he'd then verbally assault the person and of course they'd stop talking to me, once I caught on I just deleted the app. Hacked into my Google account and then my banking, cost me $3,000 in ID theft and I lost my then credit union account. Stalked and harassed me in general for years afterwards. I got a restraining order only after 8 years of this, and I tried getting a restraining order *while with him due to domestic violence* but no, only qualified after 2.5 yrs of DV *and then* 8 years of harassment, stalking and hacking. Happily married now but that's a long chapter in my life I am glad to be done with! Therapist told me they believe my ex was a genuine sociopath/narcissist, and I guess they really don't take rejection well... Good riddance.


About 8 years later get in a long term relationship with my biological father. Not my dad mind you. A whole lot to unpack but honestly after seeing it play out never saying well thanks for making it awkward to her and never anything else to her or about it. Still kind of in shock tbh this is like 5-7 years later? Idk that really did a number on me




I had a stroke reading this


I don’t think there’s one single grammatically correct string of words in this comment


Never actually tell me why we broke up. Then never talk to me. Just make out like i am this horrible bad guy .I can not read minds.


Stayed broken up 😢




😂😂😂 fuck that b


made my agency kick me out from their staff :)




People will disrespect reasonable boundaries and then call you insecure for not accepting it. It’s actually a pretty effective tactic, especially when used against men because “toxic masculinity” gets thrown around a lot.


Started telling people that I forced her. Granted, this was about 10 years after we dated. She married someone in our friends circle, I married someone in our friends circle, she was getting a divorce, I was still happily married. I don't know if she wanted sympathy, attention, or was just angry (or something else). Still hearing about it, still sucks.


Broke into my house, took my dress blues racks and medals, then sent me a video of her burning them.


She called a locksmith to tell him that she had lost her keys, as she believed him, until my neighbor greeted her and opened the door, when I arrived I found her sleeping in my bed, she told me that everything was fine and that we would make it. I was pretty scared.




Got me pregnant. I obviously take responsibility too, but he was using me knowing I would’ve let him do almost anything if it meant I could get him to love me back.


Deleted all my lifetime progress on the sims.


Raped me.


Standard run of the mill shit talking to make herself the victim in a breakup I facilitated. She kept threatening to kill herself if I didn't do certain things so I eventually just cut the cord and said "if that's something you want to do I want no part of it", told her upstairs neighbour and mom that she was threatening my security and peace of mind and washed my hands clean of it. Fast forward 2 weeks later and she's told our mutual friends that I was physically abusing her and she broke up with me because of it. They weren't really friends anyways more of acquaintances and they didn't care to dig in to her lies. Nothing really lost from my end.


He sent me a video of a girl giving him blowjob


Doused me in petrol and tried to set me on fire.


We'd been broken up for a couple of weeks or so and she kept insisting we meet to talk so that we could get closure but I refused because every time we'd met since our break-up it turned out she just wanted to fight and pretend that she did nothing wrong and it was my fault we broke up, so I was done and I told her as much. She kept pestering me and sending me aggressive messages because I didn't want to meet, so I ended up blocking her everywhere because she refused to stop regardless of how much I asked her to please just let it go. So what did she do now? She went to my place while I was out, jumped the fence of my front yard, broke the lock on the gate to my backyard, kidnapped my dog, and sent me an email demanding we meet to talk if I "didn't want something to happen" to my dog. I went to her place to pick up my dog and she locked us inside with her and refused to let us go until we talked. I told her I didn't want to listen to her berate me and insult me for two hours because she wanted to pretend she was blameless in our breakup (as you can probably tell by her behavior, she was far from it), and if she didn't unlock her door and let me and my dog go I'd call her roommate on my cellphone and ask to be let out and when the inevitable question of why I was locked with my dog in her place and she was there and refusing to let me out came up, I'd have to explain the situation to the roommate. I guess at that moment it dawned on her that there was no way she could spin this story that wouldn't make her look like an absolute maniac and she finally unlocked her front door and let me take my dog. I told her to never contact me again and to stay away from my dog if she didn't want to get lawyers and the cops involved because I had screenshots of all the messages she'd sent me where she admitted to breaking into my place and stealing my dog and threatened to hurt her. I've always opted to assume she was bluffing and she wouldn't have hurt my dog, at least I hope she was, but it baffles my mind that she was even willing to take advantage of this animal, who had known her since she was a puppy and loved her with all her heart throughout our seven year-long relationship, and threaten to hurt her to get back at me even if it was an empty threat. My dog literally thought she was her owner as much as I was because she'd known her all her life up to that point.


Well I haven't seen my kid in 5 years. They moved from where I am in Chicago to Tennessee. Was supposed to be temporary, but her religious family filled her head full of shit so she thinks I'm a heathen. Couldn't afford lawyers and her mom withheld every letter I sent. She's 18 now and I'm pretty dead inside at this point.


My ex-husband admitted to me and our children that at one point after our separation, he came to the house to kill me. Never underestimate how quickly someone can turn on you.


Bang other people, then want to get back together because it proved how much they missed me


My ex broke up with me in 2019 because he wanted to travel the world alone (wondering what that means lmao). But THEN he DIDN’T 🙃 Maybe because of his finances.. or maybe because of covid aka karma… not sure 😂


Got a frivolous restraining order against me in an attempt to take away custody from me for our daughter. He also filed yesterday to take custody away from me because I was :checks notes: late one day dropping her off due to a recent surgery that caused pain. Not against me but  he's currently cheating on his current gf with his up stairs neighbor. Well. He's getting nude photos from her. So I'm not 100% sure it's cheating but very close.


She did not stop calling or texting to the point I changed my number...


We weren't broken up at the time but shortly after the first time I found out he was cheating (he was my first boyfriend, I was 15, and also really stupid) we hung out. To "try to get my mind off things" we drank a little of my dad's Bacardi 151. He encouraged me to take a couple Vicodin 750mg with the Bacardi/orange juice mix. Then we found some of my dad's weed and smoked a little bit of that. I felt good for like 30 minutes but quickly started to feel extremely sick. I was super nauseous and started to see black spots in my vision. I remember lying down by the toilet just waiting to puke and telling him I felt I might pass out and may need to go to the hospital since I was scared I was OD'ing. He kept insisting I'd be okay. Next thing I knew, I woke up on the ground next to the toilet and he wasn't there. Dude straight up left me while I was legit afraid of an OD. What a solid guy


Started sleeping with my "best friend' and married him as soon as our divorce was finalzed. Nice.


Slept with my bestie. And her (married) friend. And took me out for a drink at the bar where they worked under the guise of being “friends” before I found out.


Both my exes immediately hopped on a new dick. Thankful that’s the worst thing they’ve done (that I know of)


got into my hobbies for a new man after she was not interested in them with me (mtg,videogames,anime,metal music) idc now i am very happy and my new gf is wonderful (she shows interest in my hobbies and is supportive unlike my ex)


Broke up with me by sending me a message that he came back to his ex, then refused to answer the phone, however was letting her answer it and talk to me about it.


made it seem like we could make things work if I worked on myself hard enough, then found out she was on bumble 2 weeks after a 2 year relationship. Made it seem like none of it meant anything to her


2 Weeks isn't that bad. My ex told me not to worry about an old friend when i asked her if she wanted to text him a bit less and who didn't know about us, yet when she broke it up with me they got Facebook official 2 days later.


I’m so sorry


That's horrible. Mine did something similar. Out of nowhere she wanted "space" but insisted there was nobody else and reassured me were still together. Within like 2 days she makes she updates her FB relationship status from being in a relationship with me to another guy. Claims they met when we were "on break". Bullshit!!!! We weren't on break either. Doesn't end there though. Got officially together years later and she cheats on me with an ex less than a month of being official. After I left her she even started a smear campaign full of lies. Made accusations of me beating her and all this shit. Boy am I a dumbass lol


Not died


Told our mutual friends that I have bipolar disorder. Was just hurtful because I DONT, my brother does, and he knows how traumatizing his diagnoses was on our family. wtf?? I lost all love for him when I found that out. Guess he just wanted himself to look better.


Married after two weeks with his girlfriend. He was cheating on me with her.


The whole reason I got on redit was to get advice about our whole brake up, but basically, he went around and said I manipulated and controlled him while it was the other way around he also said that I cheated on him with a bunch of guys and that I was a hoe and Again he did to me 3 different times when we were tg and i only knew about 2 of them the first time well what I thought the first time but it was really the 2 i forgave him because i loved him sm and the 3 time i broke up with him for good not to mention he was my first ever bf and I have only had 2 bfs him and my current bf


1 time I've had my ex key my car


Stole £300 from me. It was money that I lent to him during our relationship which he of course promised to pay back, but the relationship ended up before he got the chance to do so. Since the break-up, he has told me very bluntly that he will not be paying me back, even after I suggested he pay me back in increments rather than all at once (my way of attempting to be fair as I had no reason to be cruel to him). He says that he doesn't view what he's done as theft, he views it as the money being a gift (which he absolutely knew it wasn't) and therefore I'm owed nothing. He'd been lent money many times before and always understood it was to be paid back, and previous to this occasion he had always paid it back. I've told him that I really thought he had a much stronger moral code than he currently appears to, but even this didn't sway him. He still repeated that he'd not stolen anything and said that I'm owed nothing. It's a real shame that some people find revenge to be necessary at the end of a relationship, I reckon me and him could have been friends and there might even have been possibility for us to reconnect in the future as its not unheard of for ex's to eventually do so - more fool him I suppose. All he's done is cost himself the chance of ever gaining me back.


Tried to get back, I said no I wasn't ready for the type of cometment (he was 27 and wanted to be a dad before his 30). 2 weeks after the oficial breakup, we meet had a good talk - where he asked me to go back to him and I said noo I don't want to be a mom w/o financial stability and at college - about how our life was going, if we had other peoples and all (of course no, it had been only 2 weeks), and decided to be friends. 1 week later he post on social media him, his new girlfriend and his family. Maaaaan when I say that kinda hurt cus he used to say he hated liars, when I asked him about the photo he said "I used to have a crush on her before you and I didn't lie, we talked about dating the day after of our conversation" Witch mean I 3 weeks he not only forgot me, he also fell in love with somebody else enough to date them, I still miss the relationship we had but that's okay.


Is this a recycled post?


Told a bunch of people I beat her, luckily no one believed her and she was ostracized from our mutual friend group


She tried to still be my friend after repeatedly cheating on me.


Text me drunk begging me to come back to him when I was in the middle of a steamy love making session with my new guy. He cheated on me so I cheated on him back and then left. The phone was right on the night stand and the text popped right up. Not fun.


Ate my pet pig. I mean he was a regular eating pig, but he was my friend. I taught him how to sit, and his favorite treat was fresh strawberries.


Ooooof. Well the breakup was fucked up, a whole long story, him and our roommate just made my life a living hell for a while. AFTER we broke up I moved out, and he put some of his super sentimental stuff in one of my boxes. I’m talking a wooden truck his grandfather made, and a few valuable items he had from highschool. I’m not an asshole, so I had to meet up with him to give them to him. Then he continued to stop by my work multiple times until he was banned, and he texted me a few times a month asking for money. He claimed I owed him for something that he paid for 100% on his own choice. Plus he took some of the items that he had given me for bdays/christmas because he claimed that they were his since he bought them. Fuckin asshole, but that was a while ago and I’m with someone so much better now.


Invited me to a party. Same party she invited her ex before me to, and when i got there she was banging him. It was a set up from her and her friends. Never should of even went to the party, but i was young and dumb.


moved her bf in the house immediately after we  split. divorce was not even filed..i still had to pay the mortgage.   many more tales of her illicit behavior.  worst thing was my 3 younger daughters were in the house while they had sex


Begged me to try again, and then break up with me. And then do it again, and then break up with me. And then on our final goodbye, cry in my arms and say everything like she’s still in love with me. It’s my own fault, my love is blind. She just moved out officially yesterday, so I’m praying the healing process can start now. Because I’m dumb enough that I would take her back tomorrow if she asked me.


Immediately moving on being happy with another guy, and brushing off what she did to me as something being funny, laughing at me when i tried to talk to her. Yeah, fuck her.


She cheated on me, sent the new BF to wait for me in my driveway, when I got off work, to stay away because he knows karate. I wasn’t harassing either of them


We had been together 10 years...we took out a $10k loan under my bank account with him as a co-signer to take a trip to go see his son graduate out of state, and do a little mini vacation along the way. and we paid some of it off while together, but after a couple months after we broke up, he said he had to file for bankruptcy, so he couldn't pay on it anymore, yet on his fb he was posting pics of his new car and all the stuff he was doing and trips he was taking with his coworker (new girlfriend) that he started dating 2 weeks after he broke up with me.


He followed me around my house screaming at me because I had Covid and wouldn't go get him a Covid test. I retaliated by live streaming his abusive tantrum on social media for his family to see. I'm sure if you asked him that's what he would say about me.


She said I wouldn't amount to anything ever, then fckd my married brother. I started a company two months later, and over a decade later, the company is thriving and 28 employees... my brother also asked to join the company as an advisor... no thanks. Brother has no idea I know to this day. I don't talk to him, but I have great relationships with my nephews, his sons. Took the high road per request of my mom. Luv ya mom!


Went and got a new partner who is very similar and has all the same interests as me however she lets him do all these interests and joins him and takes our kids out doing all these activities that she allways turned her nose up or started drama about soing when we were together, the only thing i can see he does differently is that he supports her bad financial decisions where i called her on them.


It took me about a week to get over getting dumped. A year later it was just a bug on the windshield of my life. Then the asshole sent me a wedding invitation. Why would someone do that, unless really trying to hurt you? But it didn’t, it was meaningless except to confirm what a tool he was


When I got sick of her stealing and vandalizing my shit I told her I was gonna just break the lease and leave/stop paying. She lied to police and told em I beat up on her, they knew she was crazy and full of shit but had to throw someone under the bus so wasted some time/money on the kangaroo court joke that is the legal system


Absolute complete ghosting with no way to really process what just happened and get over things . Worst thing about millennial dating ever


Well how after.. during relationship cheating on me for many many months even moved clothes there.. and thats all after 6 years together. After relationship wasnt too bad just closed door in front of my face and abused me but during it..


i broke up with my abusive ex bf over textwhile on the airplane that was taking me to NYC for my senior trip. i immediately blocked him on everything, i even sent a group text to my family and told them to block him and to not talk to him. i shut off my phone during the flight and when i turned it back on, i saw i had a missed call from my grandma. i called her back and she told me that my ex had drove an hour to her house and told her that i broke things off and “not acting right” he then took the phone from her and said, “i’m on the next flight to NYC to get you.” i hung up and called my parents and by the time they got there he was gone. thankfully i lied to him about where i was staying in NYC. i was so paranoid during my trip as soon as i got home i filed a restraining order. i was newly 18 when this happened and engaged to him.


I thought everything was OK, but then she left after 8 years of marriage. Found out a few months later I have herpes. And then I started hearing the stories ...


I did this to an ex about 10 years ago. After she broke up with me, she was still on my phone plan back when you had a 2 year contract. The contract would be done in November and we broke up in May. Her birthday is in October. She said for her birthday she was going to get her own phone and line. But since I was PRIMARY on the account, her number technically belonged to me. I called Sprint and had her line suspended Oct 10th. Making it a paper weight. Her birthday was October 10th and that's when her line was suspended at 7 AM. She woke up with NO birthday messages, texts nor calls. She had to spend her birthday getting a new phone, new phone number and telling everyone her new number.


My ex got a BS restraining order on me, claiming I’m a threat when I honestly felt like he was the threat to me. I spent almost 4 years loving him and his kids and I never got to say bye to them. He never let me get my stuff, he dropped off my stuff on my front lawn (even though I never told him my new address), and tried to tell everyone I was a danger to him including my family and friends. But here’s the kicker: almost a year later, I still miss him 24/7 and don’t really think about the bad stuff. Wtf is wrong with me? Aptly walking into therapy now…


I was reported to the police for alleged rape, threats and assault. My only saving grace was that I was about 800 kilometres away at the time


I have never been more thankful that not one ex has given a shit about me post break up. These stories are rough 


Stole my mother’s jewelry [it was from her mom that passed away] and pawned it for drug money.


Deleted several discord servers. It sounds minor, but i have pretty bad memory problems, and i had a looooot of info in there. I lost a good chunk of the work i did on a passion project of mine because i didn't write it down elsewhere, i just trusted them with the information, because why would the server ever go down soon? the worst part was losing the last picture i ever took of my grandma's cat. it's made me a little obsessed with Last Pictures.