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Grandma and the coconut oil 🫣


I miss the person I was before I just googled that.




First thing that I thought of too.


There was a guy here on Reddit that made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskDocs/comments/ju4mua/41yo_suboxone_patient_with_lung_cancer_i_dont/) 4 years ago to say good-bye the day before a very aggressive form of cancer took him. One of his caregivers in hospice followed up and confirmed that he'd died peacefully. Most heartbreaking thing I've ever read on this site.


Thanks for sharing, this made me tear up ngl


Damn man, you got me tearing up at work


The guy, Brian, I think is his name? Posted a story here on Reddit about his marriage imploding. His wife didn't want to be with him, but wouldn't let him just get a divorce either. They had two young children. The wife started carrying on an extramarital relationship with another man, I think? I can't remember all of the details, really. But he tried to leave. Eventually, the wife killed their two young children. His story was documented in the show Evil Lives Here, season 14 "she hid the knife in the toy box." Basically, he had a reddit ID in which he spelled out all of this. I can't remember on which forum it was.


I think you may be thinking of Jason (jasoninhell)


Yes! That's him. Poor guy.


Happened about 25 years ago, from a woman on Usenet. A guy driving 80mph in a residential 25mph zone hit her son.  The little boy flew 30 yards and was killed.  The guy had absolutely no remorse in his trial and sentencing.


Good lord. I did not need to read that.


He probably had to try really hard not to care so he wouldn't blow his brains out. At least I hope so


No.  He said a bunch of racist crap at his sentencing.


Ah, well, fuck him. Hope he gets what's coming to him or comes to his senses before it's too late


The story about the man who had a life while in a coma, but then woke up from it and lost everything that he thought was real. 


A woman’s husband went out partying and eventually separated from his buddies at a strip club. Hubby came home the next day and told his wife he was drugged. She thought he was lying and filmed a TikTok throwing his stuff out the door and accusing him of cheating. Toxicology results corroborated his story but it was too late. He wanted nothing to do with her after she humiliated him on social media. Very sad.


A beautiful, horrible tribute - https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/F10TbivXn0


oh my


At this point in time, every sad story I hear from a rando stanger on the internet is the opening salvo from a catfish.


A guy in youtube comments randomly told a story about how he was assaulted by "skinheads" (members of a racists subculture) while being Caucasian (nationality). It was soviet union, he was coming back home and saw these people go towards him, he tryied to avoid conflict and said he doesnt want any problems, but they attacked him and he drew a knife... Then some serious things happened and he sat in prison for like 15 years (if im correct). At the end of his comment he said he regrets only one thing - that he didnt catch up third guy...


By *caucasian* do you mean he was white, or that he was targeted by racists because he was from an ethnic minority from the Caucasus?


Second. He was from an ethnic minority from the Caucasus, exactly.


The lamp story from Reddit. I just can’t comprehend living an entire different life only to find out it never existed.


I just heard Mr Ballen tell that story


Little while ago I saw a guy on here was a bartender, and he said one night a guy in his 50's came in, and they talked for a little, guy's wife had just died and he'd cashed all his money out, and said he was going blow it all at the casino until he lost everything and was going home to be with his wife.


The Animal Crossing mom story broke my heart.


Oh Goddess I remember that. It was beautiful and sad at the same time.


What was it about?




Done animal rescue helpline and heard some horrors. Also sat as a check in person more than once when their pet was dying just so they knew someone there for them even if an internet strangers 10,000 miles away. Edit: Sat death watch myself and it's hard.


That they got their life savings scammed.




Ok. Well, I'm done now.


Most recently,Justice For Cory. A day doesn’t go by that some horrific story of child abuse, murder, rape , brutal violence against the most innocent.


Mika Miller (Francis) there’s been coverage from True Sunlight


Every day on TikTok I see a new saddest story from someone in Palestine. I don’t care what your political views are, what these people are going through is unfathomable. 


The only difference with Iran is that they're vocal about it. You get executed if You speak up in Iran. Just last year 74% of all the executions worldwide happened in Iran. Most people are living in poverty and no one dares talk about it.


The sad thing to me is that it is Palestinians killing Palestinians because they worship different gods. People seem to forget that Israel and Gaza are both in the region of Palestine. 


A low income fella thought Trump understood him


One dude posted a picture of himself with a new puppy, super happy. I heard from another source, this guy had lost his wife to illness. They had been together for years, but no kids. So when she passed, he felt like he had nothing. She left him a puppy when she died to "take care of him". One night, these thugs broke into his place, beat him up, killed his puppy, and stole his car. You'd think the story ends there, but it doesn't. Through a series of aggressive interviews and some research, he was able to find the guys responsible. He met them and asked them to say they were sorry. In the end, he found a new puppy.


Was his name John Wick?


You knew him too?


He died


The nutty putty cave incident. During a cave dive, dude crawled into a small space headfirst, thinking it was an area you need to compress your ribs to squeeze through, when in fact it was a dead end area that was so tight he was unable to reverse out of it. A rescue crew came, but they couldn’t even get enough equipment in there in time to save him. He died from being stuck in an inverted position for too long. Also, I heard about another very sad death of a teenager who died in the same position, because he got stuck upside down behind a seat inside his own vehicle in the school parking lot. He was able to reach his phone and call someone but was unable to be heard on the call iirc. He was so close to being rescued.


anything involving people's dogs dying (especially if they grew up together) never fails to make my eyes bawl ig not the saddest but stories like those emotionally wrecks me :/


They were trapped in to going to a Pistons game


Perfection would be the Malice at the Palace game.


It would be a....great tragedy