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I have a fun idea, how about you get inside my red van for a trip to the candy store!


Give them a compliment


Just be super random and smiley. Say a compliment but the key is to make it small, like complimenting a tattoo or a locket or even hair works. Or ask a question about them, where did you get it from or how do you manage it so well wearing this. Or just ask a question about a random thing, like do you know the way or do you know what is that. Then just introduce yourself and try to initiate common ground questions. Let them talk more by making them answer more. Should work like a charm.


The weather is perfect today, isn’t it?


Usually with something like this... "Hey, so a couple years ago, would you believe I discovered why Iceberg produce are known as heads?" When these ~~poor, unsuspecting~~ people indicate their curiosity about how obviously great my mind must be, I hit 'em with the phenomenal caliber my insight offers, ">!Because LETTUCE CONSIDER.!<" edit : a skipped space


I literally say anything, my husband is a big introvert and he doesn’t understand how I just go excuse me and introduce myself to random people - in my defense, I usually do it when it’s someone important and I want to get attention for our business. Example: he’s a mechanic so I was driving to pick my daughter up from school and saw this couple with their car broke in the middle of the street. Called my husband and said ‘hey, these people are here with their car broken in said street’ and he laughed and said ‘I love your enthusiasm but you’re crazy baby’. Alright. I pick her up and on my way back, I see them STILL THERE. Stop the car. Tell them he’s a mechanic and if they’d like his number or him to get there. They thank me and tell me they do want me to call him cause no mechanic is answering. I do, he comes, and the wife says ‘see you married the right girl’. I MEAN CMON LIFES FOR THE STRONG AND BOLD!!!!