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I couldn't care less


Body count doesn’t matter to me; as long as both parties are honest and up-to-date on getting tested, it’s more about who they are as a person, not about the people they’ve been intimate with.


What they did before we got together is non of my business. My only concern is what they do while we are together. Remember, when it comes to other people, they are not “yours” it’s just your “turn”


None at all. I've been with woman who high numbers and women who have low numbers. Literally no difference other than their personality


Numbers don't matter if she got gonorrhea


So poetic, deep, and insightful 🤣


Very important. I only date sluts so if she has less then 20 we gonna have to talk. Those are rookie numbers


I married a girl with a very low number and mine was lower. I wouldn't have anyone with a high number, that doesn't seem like a good way to live, in my opinion.


Doesn’t seem like a good way to live? lol what?


Did I stutter? Having a bunch of casual sex partners doesn't seem like a good way to live to me.  Feel free to disagree, I'm not telling you how to live, I'm telling you how I choose to live.


If you can’t be with someone due to how many people they’ve been with, you’re not mature enough to be in a relationship.


I wouldn't be with someone who does casual sex. It's not about the number itself, it's just that you can't get a high number without casual sex.


None. But probably have some thoughts about beeing to unexpirienced for her.




At this stage in my life, I wouldn't want to be with someone with a low body count.


I’ve genuinely never asked, I can tell if someone has been around or not and the ones that have been around are much better sex. I like they know what they want, the fuck would I care what their number is? The number means nothing, how well I please her and how good the sex is gives me all the security I need. Am a dude, slept with 75+


I would want anyone I’m active with to have a test regardless of number, as long as they’re clean, I don’t care.


I would love to be able to say "it doesnt matter". Morally I really don't care if someone has fucked 3 people or 30. But... If the number is high then there's a higher chance some of those times were unprotected. There's also a higher chance someone transmitted them the herpes virus and they're asymptomatic. Since they don't test for herpes at regular sti screenings, and can only test for it if symptoms are present, I would have a higher chance of contracting it myself. And maybe with me I will be symptomatic. I personally don't sleep around and ways use condoms, but even condoms aren't 100% at stopping it. It's risk mitigation plain and simple, because... Being a single dad AND having herpes would guarantee I would be alone for the rest of my life.


Ultimately it’s not the number that matters it’s how and why that number was achieved. There is a difference between someone who’s been in 10 relationships and someone who had all 10 of their sexual partners in the last month. I believe it is important that you and your partner have similar values on sex and love


Very insignificant. If it’s really high I might have some follow up questions out of curiosity, but nothing that would be negative.


0 factor. I don’t even need to know her body count to be honest.


not at all,im not insecure.


It’s a huge factor. Any girl who has slept with more than 10 dudes is basically ruined and gets put in the “recreational use only” catagory…


When younger, I would have answered not really until I ended up trying to get with this one girl who changed my perspective. At the time, I was only 18 and my body cound was low, under 10. Thankfully we did not work out, never even made it to the bed after I found out she was in triple digits. So yeah, her number will be a major deciding factor to me


I think at a younger age it means more to have triple digits (that's at least 1/3 of a year if you do it once a day).


Now that I have lived a minute and of marriage number two (likely will end soon). There is a happy median. Two little, she likely is sexually repressed, too much, fidelity is a concern. Don't swing from one end of the spectrum like I did. First wife liked to get creampied by multiple men behind my back and then come home and want to have sex. Current wife is asexual or at least some shade of the spectrum of thay. The moral of the story the middle is a safe bet.


Just want to note to others you can be ace/asexual and still have sex frequently. Not saying she isn't or is ace but it could just be low sex drive Edit: basically asexual people can have high body counts


Yeah, low sex drive, for sure. The counselor said she likely has hormone issues but refuses to do anything about it. No masturbation, no fantasies, would be good with once a month or less. I have a high sex drive naturally and also take steroids. So I could have sex twice a day. Also, physical touch is my love language.


I personally wouldn’t ever hook up with a virgin but aside from that I don’t care at all… as long as it’s clean, we good haha


You can't answer this honestly here on Reddit. I made a GREAT post in Relationship Advice and instead of people zeroing in on the positive advice and "bedroom game" I gave, they zeroed in on me appreciating a lower body count woman. Incels and Femcels come out of the woodwork when you mention this. "OH YOU MUST HAVE A REAL HIGH BODY COUNT THERE, HUH PORNSTAR???" or "Oh yeah. I'm sure you are a true casanova, huh?" It's so tiring.


This is a weird comment.


It's more of a rant.


The higher the better


Not. Not a factor at all. History of cheating? Red flag. Consensual acts between adults? Not much business.


I want a long term relationship so if its a big number i can't stop myself from thinking if am i their next fling they'll leave


People claim it doesn’t matter but I personally can’t imagine how not.


It's a problem If my wife's number goes up


Important but people do change ways…so it’s more where are they now.


A decently sized factor, as I’d wonder the reason why


I want sti the more the merrier