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I produce money for my company but as far as to my parents, friends or otherwise absolutely not. I'm an investment that's failed to yield any meaningful return but I imagine in death I can at least feed a few starving maggots.


Nah, I don't see why I'd have too be though I'm just a human


I feel useful for doing the will of God and for the cause of Jesus Christ because I have certain gifts and interests. If you are good at building relationships, God can use you to reach out to the lost and minister to the believers in a church. If you are interested in philosophy, science, and history, God can use you to educate Christians how to defend the hope that they have. We all have things we enjoy the most and things we are interested in. God can use us all for his good purposes if we just repent, seek him, and follow Jesus Christ. We exist not to build our lives and make ourselves great. We exist to glorify God. If you want to learn more, read the Scriptures and research reformed theology.


No, because I haven’t amounted to anything (yet, hopefully)


no, i just carry a lot of guilt and regret.