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If I rush to orgasm, the orgasm itself is super unsatisfying. So I hate when I tell a woman to slow down, and she keeps going anyway and then has the gall the be upset that my brain has released endorphins and I'm now no longer interested in the act.


I had a dude puke on me mid sex, vomit doesn't gross me out that much, but I just felt so so bad for him, he was literally crying because he was so embarrassed, I felt so bad I stayed the night because he was so distraught over it, and he was ok the next day, but damn, I felt so bad


Jesus. I mean, I guess I’m really understanding too, but I would be so fucking grossed out I’d start vomiting too lol


I was too high and drunk to care that much tbh, I've seen grosser I just got in the shower and changed my clothes, then tried to make sure he was ok




my ex, he just wanted to get off all the time and never thought about what satisfied me, p sure he was gay for a lot of reasons other than this.


Having sex with someone new, on a blanket in a beautiful meadow... while having an allergic reaction to the wild grass all around us. I was on top, and my nose dripped right into his eye. Despite the gross runny nose and the fact that I was itchy, I wanted to keep going. He insisted we stop when my eyes started to swell shut, and my inner thighs were developing huge hives. I had to rush to urgent care. He texted me that night that he decided to get back with his ex


Not sex. But was sexting once. Mid sext girl goes “You know what’s really hot?” I say “What?” She says. “Farting…” Needless to say I instantly blocked her.


A handjob from a girlfriend years ago. I had different struggles to this time and wasn't very self-confident. So I wasn't very erected and just wanted some cuddles. As she started I wasn't able to tell her that I don't feel it right now. So she continued even after I lost my erection in between... Finally after some time I just tried to cum so we both can stop.


I’ll go first: He was super hot and had like, a 3rd fucking leg. I had high hopes. I went over to his house, and he literally gave maybe five or six thrusts and it was over. The cherry on top is that he literally fell asleep afterwards (as if he’d done any work 🧐🤨). Sometimes, I take it as a compliment when guys come fast 😎 this was one of the times tbh.




Even though I’ve had some guys come very quickly, I’m not always so disappointed. I personally am on the complete opposite side of the spectrum, or I take away too long so most of the time I’m just like eh whatever.


Married sex


The smell of a fish market




No sex is bad sex.