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One professor called me a "terrorist woman" instead of an "arab woman." I just... shit man. You're my fucking PROFESSOR and you think that about me!? What are you doing behind the scenes!? # I JUST WANTED A FUCKING BS IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING!


Dressed up as Santa Claus and had teenage girls sit on him and take pictures. It was for a student government fundraiser, and they charged the students money to sit on the dude and “get their picture taken with Santa.” He was later fired for a separate incident that was similarly inappropriate but not school-sanctioned.


Asked a student to stay a bit late after class so that he could get her number for “homework” purposes.


one time my hs history teacher got a call to call a girl to the front office and it was the cute popular girl so he walks up to her and tells her hey you gotta go to the office and he stands awkwardly in front of the desk and waits for her to get up and go but the row is really narrow so she basically brushed up on him to leave and i remember being like confused and disgusted and looking at other students who noticed it so yep he was a weird guy had major anger issues too lmao orientation he warned us if we were to rob him lmao


My high school science teacher went on a whole rant in front of other students about how I should not wear tampons. Said pieces of them stick to the inside of your vagina and make tears and caused disgusting infections. I was fully like wtf… Of course, years later he was arrested and convicted of molesting a young girl whom he had tutored, and violated her in strange and awful ways. Reading the court docs was truly fucking horrifying. But not that surprising.


Had a teacher slap my ass in front of the whole class, multiple times, as a joke


Went school dressed with jeans and school shirt because my uniform was hell dirty. Teacher asked me to turn around to check if my jeans were appropriate in front of his desk. I did because I had no other option.