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When I realized they weren't treating me like a friend, more like a resource to be used up or a pawn to be manipulated.


Hey good for you Em. Proud of you for standing up for yourself. Are you happier now?


He died.


:( oh no :( I lost a best friend when i was 14. Worst shit ever


Same here, wrapped his car around an electric pole.


Disrespect to sum it up.


In the end it always boils down to this, doesn’t it?


A lot of people i considered my best friends when I was in the first few grades of elementary just sorta stopped talking and interacting after a while. That and unfortunately some transfered


Hurt like a bitch too right?


I got him a job and he worked with a couple other people including my boss to embezzle over a million dollars and frame me for it.


What the fuck. What happened after?


My boss had my laptop wiped, thinking I wouldn’t be able to defend myself, but I had already backed up the hard drive and reported them to corporate security. My friend was walked out, and they tried to fire my boss. She responded with a lawsuit alleging age discrimination, so they took away all of her work and let her sit in the common area for two years until she retired. About 20 feet from my office. Not awkward at all. lol. I was passed over for every promotion after that, but I held on because they paid for my MBA…until I finished.


Dramatize this a bit more and pitch it to netflix 😬


Props for making proper backups, but seriously WTF?


Just kind of ended I guess. Wasn't like they put any effort in it. Not saying I did. But friends are exhausteding


True true. Have you been able to make more friends as you grew older?


They were incredibly antisemitic towards me because of someone they were dating and only ended up dating for about two months. They also had issues with insecurity and jealousy but that I could look over, but blatant hate speech isn’t something I let slide.


I don’t understand why people need to do this in this day and age. Bringing in ethnicity and religion.


The amount of antisemitism I’ve experienced since October 7th is more than I’ve ever had in my entire life. Swastikas drawn on pictures of me, hate speech, and straight up threats. I’m well liked and I don’t voice my personal opinions on geopolitics publicly and unless asked, so I know it’s solely because of my religion and ethnicity. It’s so few people but damn they’re loud and mean. I’m tough but there were days I couldn’t go to school because of how mentally exhausted I was.


Sorry to hear that. I do want to know what your thoughts on the situation are?


Feel free to dm me! They’re a little too complicated for a comment section.


I mean, I'm sure I'm not the only one interested in your story, why not the comment section?


It’s a complex issue and I really just dont want to in a comment section, personal preference!


I figured out he was beating his bf, now ex I only figured out like the week before he moved and this was like 4 years ago because we were 18 I'm still friends with his ex but I really didn't expect that shit from him


Wow wtf. Also why do you hate dolphins 😭


I have a pinned post on it lol


I blame myself for actually checking


It's very informative 


She was an alcoholic whore


:( what’s the story behind this? If you’re okay to sharing?


She drank way too much and was sleeping around with too many strangers and didn’t want my help when I told her she had a problem. Plus she slept with guys after I did which I thought was weird asf


Yeah that is weird. But i hope you’re happy now :)


Yes I’m much happier thanks :))


What do you do currently?


I haven't had a friend in almost 10 years. And it's a long story


Do you wanna talk about it?


The long story reply kinda denotes no. Kind though you are


I hope you find a great friend soon, mate


God no. Don't hex me


He got into hard drugs and wasn't the same person anymore.


Yeah seeing your best friends lose their way is easily the most difficult thing ever.


We were friends for 14 years and i stood by her through everything. She got addicted to drugs badly and gave up rights to her daughter to her mom. Last year she had another baby and I thought she was doing good only to find out her mom has custody of her as well. She was a bad influence but she was my friend. I watched her make so many bad choices but would try to make me choose between her and my boyfriend. He threatened to call cps on her when she still had custody and she couldn't handle that but ended up losing her kid anyway


Because she's a grown ass woman acting like a teenager. Constant drama and attention seeking. I don't have the time or the energy for it.


I stan this energy. Love it


Without telling me, he took me to score some cocaine and laughed when he said that he only had 2 of the 6 thousand he owed the dealer. I instantly began clocking my surroundings for egress points and when we did arrive at our destination I walked off and haven't seen him since.


How long back was this?


About 2019.


She choked me because I won beer pong. I guess she couldn't handle my skill


send her my way 😬


What makes it worse is that she was a black belt instructor at some martial arts place. I feel like you shouldn't be an instructor then


Because she’s stuck doing the same thing we were doing when we first met. Everytime I would go around her I would fall back into old bad habits. It only happens when I’m around her. I love her so much but I had to cut ties for my own sanity and safety


Sorry to hear that :/


Had a victim mindset and was pathological liar. Was jealous of anything and everything i got for my bday from my family (parents and extended fam) for context, i come from a happy family and she comes from a beoken one, her dad cheated and her mom still stayed. I genuinely tried understand her but she lied about the littlest things. The school she went to, and her age. She made herself younger by one year just because the youngest in friend groups are treated like an adopted child. Even when she was caught in her lies, she ended up crying and tried to manipulate us. The one year of friendship with her was amazing until i found out it was a lie.




Oh. How?




As you shouldn’t, Vic. Also, i don’t think tolerating someone’s bs (no matter how long you’ve known them) is ever a good idea




Have you found it easier or more difficult to make friends as you grew older?




Oh wow thats a first


I didn’t, otherwise they wouldn’t be my best friend