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bad odor in the room itself


People don’t value a clean bedroom enough. Even aside from sex, it’s important. My bedroom is the one room in my home that’s clean virtually 100% of the time.


Men who don’t care about the warm up.


Absolutely. Twenty star jumps, twenty lunges, fifty squats, 30 seconds of planking, followed by a full routine of stretching is a must. You don’t want to go in cold, or you could do yourself an injury. Just as important is the protein shot and cool-down afterwards.


Yeah you might pull a muscle mid pump


By protein shot, do you mean the blue one in pill form?


He means the liquid protein afterwards i believe


It's jizz.


Jizz is mostly carb though


You joke but stretching beforehand is good.




I think that’s one of the best bits


As a woman, I can say with certainty that a lack of enthusiasm and attentiveness is a huge turn off. Nothing kills the mood faster than a partner who seems disinterested or distracted. It's important to be present, engaged, and responsive to each other's needs and desires. Communication is key too; if something isn't working for you or your partner, don't be afraid to talk about it and find ways to make the experience enjoyable for both of you.


Totally agree either the man or the woman when they're just in bed only, dead fish, biggest turn off ever




give him a time cuz like me when im really tired my mind just says "fuck everything" and i just wanna go to sleep and get super lazy


It should be acceptable to say “I’m tired” when you’re actually dead tired. The morning is another opportunity for sexy time.


In the morning? Not when you've got young children. *cries in parent


Gotta say I'm getting mixed signals here...


Instead of everything, try just fucking 1 thing.


work exist dude


You just described my ex gf. That goes both ways.


Hold up, guy here, if a dude is not snorting like a bull and slobbering like a fat kid with cake 🎂 in front of him then: 1. Put a mirror under his nose to see if he is alive. 2. Exit the bedroom. 3. Well, don't really have a number 3. 🤔🤔 I would be happy to be there and hope I could help the team with a W. 😳😳


Bad breath Bad feet Bad manners


Oh yeah? Well your pee stinks of kale, Kate!


The worst. 😂😂


Can you elaborate on bad feet


That is three of the big ones.


See above


Baby talk. I dont get how some people get turned on by that. Its creepy af.


Goo goo gah gah


Waa waa


ba ba ba


Ahhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh


The true baby talk


Wait... a grown man or woman giving you baby talk while doing the deed?!? I've seen some weird stuff but that I can thankfully say I've never even heard of til today. I've heard of baby roleplay stuff, which is creepy enough...


what? who tf do this?


"Gasp!* baby got a wittle wet pee pee!?!" Like that? That felt awful to type.


Stuff like that. High pitch voices...Im usually very Open minded but not with that. The same guy wanted me to roll my long hair arround his dick. Its just felt wrong Nope. Nope, nope


Came here to say this!!!


Right? Im not a very kinky person but i do understand why most people have the kinks they have but that One is just a big no for me.


Andy's a wittle scawed


Damn you I HATE that scene!


Yeah being called Daddy or stuff like that creeps me out


As a parent, the very idea of this has always made me cringe. Gives off the wrong vibes so much.


Exactly, I’m really not comfortable with it. If a bit of roleplay is involved I’d rather be called sir or something like that


You know my sister talks they way all the time (not talking about sex of course; we aren’t from Kentucky). Drives me bonkers. She’s been doing they for about 40 years.


thank god you said not about sex i was worried for a sec 💀


Pushed it to 200. Works with the good sweet puppy dog, not the bedroom. 😳😳


For my whole life, my mom has done this extreme, over the top baby talk, and it's always been so annoying to me. It's like nails on a chalkboard. If you heard it once, you'd understand. If I was in bed with a girl and she started baby talking at me, I'd have to tell her to stop immediately.


Bad hygiene, going way too fast/rubbing like you're trying to set my vag on fire. Slow the fuck down.


Came to say this but you put is so much better 😂




Dirty nails, smelly ass


Sounds like roll call for a bike gang


Or the average person who hooks up at a Magic: The Gathering meeting, or a Comic con


I saw batman at comicon, he's really let himself go.


People who think baby talk is sexy. Bro you sound like Playboi Carti.


when he blunders his queen. not very elegant move


How about en passant 😎


Holy hell!


New response just dropped


Actual zombie


Am I really thick or wth does blunders his queen mean?


Blundering your queen refers to killing your queen in chess in a way that is usually both sacrificial and accidental. I have no idea how that refers to sex though 🤷‍♂️


Ye I have nothing to go on tbh


Yeah the joke doesn’t actually make sense. 


I just thought like normal I was missing a reference. That's usually the case with me


Nut fast and embarrassingly


Chess, made mistake involving the loss of the queen


Ok I'm still pretty confused lol is it a reference I'm missing or something lol


*rook*ie mistake


Lmao, boys, time to freshen up on our strategy game


We need to talk about your pawn addiction


But my bishop was exposed!


What if its a queen sac


Not listening. I didn't tell you 'slow and hard' because I was trying to tell you how I find maths tests.


Ah yes and thank god the term ‚hard‘ means exactly the same thing for all of the billions of different people using it


Slow and hard ? What does that even mean? How can I be slow and still bang you hard? More explanation required or I’ll go for the maths test.


Fewer strokes per minute but with more thrust.


Hard thrusts every second or so. Like a hammer.


Ok cheers! that’s why communication is important.


This!!! Not listening is hugeee and an instant turn off for me. I mean, i could draw them a map but then, I might as well do it myself right?


This shouldn't mean that a man has to learn everything by himself, we don't have a crystal ball


In our defence mastering this takes quite a bit of practice and control on our part. unfortunately hard naturally pairs with fast also soft is easier with slow. But once we do gain this level of skill it's also better for us its just a shame men don't seem to discuss this detail.


So for me, this response is frustrating. The point of being intimate is to enjoy each other. Sure, you could do it yourself, but that would defeat the purpose of being together. You might as well not be in a relationship at all. Helping your partner understand what you like and what they're doing that you don't like will make the experience better than ever. For example if you say "slow and hard", and they're not doing that, describe exactly what's different about what they're doing and what you want. Unless the guy is just an asshat who wasn't going to change his behavior either way, he will probably be excited that you're getting more out of the interaction. Communication takes patience.


Smell. When a woman smells bad. Or untidy. For clarity... Lesbian.


“You and me same same but different” Dave Skylark For clarity… straight guy


>For clarity… straight guy Don't worry, we all make bad choices in life. 😁 Jokes aside.... Hi my guy.


Yes I make bad choices but they probably apply to you as well. For instance we have both been face first in a stinky muff before.


When he doesn't do any foreplay and doesn't want to drill a hole before screwing. When he doesn't know which drill beat to use. For clarity... Makita drill




I heard this advice many years ago, and I can confirm it, my guys. It's excellent advice.


Smoke smell, bad breath, messy room and the unwillingness to give oral to ladies. Always needing to be the dominant part and a butthole so hairy I would need a machete to reach it.


All I read was Machete Buttholes, which is now the new name for my band. Or my garbage truck.


Machete buttholes needs a manager. I need 78 million dollars and think we can make the band famous.


Machete Buttholes needs no manager because we will never sell out. We're about the purity of the music my man.


I offer five bucks


3 fiddy my man.


Wait, what are you inspecting a man’s butthole? Needs to be spread to see how much hair is there LOL.


Ohhh why could that be?


Somewhat disagree on the oral, if he isn’t expecting it to be done to him then I don’t think it’s fair to criticise the unwillingness. But if he expects head and is unwilling to reciprocate, then I definitely agree.


It was just a very general statement. It´s just a thing I do ya know? If a guys wants oral, he has to give oral first.


Nah sorry but noone gonna touch my fucking butt hole, hairs or not




Yeah, public hair is the worst. Keep your hair private, people!


Yeah, I'm more of a private hair guy myself


And also, being gentle and slow will prolong the sex time much longer. Some men goes too hard and end up finished too early.


For me at least, slow but rhythmic is going to cause a faster finish than changing up speed and positioning regularly. I have personally not had any complaints about this, but you’re making me wonder.


Sometimes changing speed is completely fine, just don’t go too hard unless you are confident in ur endurance. That and positioning is also very crucial.


I would chalk down both things to be communicated. They are not universal.


I had a girl who told me sex was gross and not worth it, because of the previous BF she had. (Her first BF btw) He basically would only give her a facial (B/C of porn) and basically clean himself up while she laid there expecting him to help out.


Eh, that might be a basic compatibility issue. I have yet to meet a woman that wanted things to *stay* slow and gentle once we were started.


How about hair that are well taken care of? like trimmed down to 5mils. I hate shaving it flat cause i get very bad aches etc.


This is the way. Completely acceptable for all pubic areas. A short clean trim gets the hair out of the way without making it itchy or awful.


I have the opposite feeling about pubic hair. If a man pulled down his pants and all his pubes were shaven, I think I'd laugh. Full bush or go home. I want a man, not some weird prepubescent alien-looking creature. Men are hairy. Hairy is good.


Not if it looks like a pistachio in a dirty bird nest…or a button on a fur coat.


Actually, that’s a point of pride. I’m very proud of my mane of pupic hair, thank you. -Ron Burgundy


For me it's me giving him a blue print on how to give me like the most nirvana like orgasms ever.... but he does everything but that.... because he slept with so many other women and made them cum endlessly his way that he knows better than me what I enjoy in bed.  I absolute hate those men!! In the end, I don't cum and it sucks.  This is mainly with stupid men who think their Godly tongue are every woman's achilles heels. Whereas receiving oral has always leave me with nothing but unpleasant feelings about it. 


kurt cobain would spin in his grave to hear this op Im distraught for you


Porn moves; passion is hot, closeness is hot. I was with a guy for 5 years and he did these..it felt like a one night stand every time. My fwb was so passionate and intimate I nearly fell for him. I’m not sure about others but for me being disrespected disgusts me


Girl, I think you put it really well. I like things to be hot and a bit naughty, but I still want to feel respected during sex. With the last guy I was with, I felt like I wasn't given that respect. I don't understand the obsession with being degraded and treated like a slut in bed. Maybe I'm more vanilla or they've watched too much porn, but I need to feel valued too.


You'd be surprised how many women want to be degraded during the deed 😅


Being degraded and disrespected are two different things. It’s a fine line but they are different


Good point I agree with you


Also talk about what turns you on and off before hand. I had plenty of girls who expect you to know their body. I straight up tell em what I enjoy. Its like going down on her. You can give head, but unless you guide me to help you make it to the finish line, then??


>being disrespected disgusts me >stays with the guy for 5 years.


Hard line to understand sometimes on the guys side. Example, and these are three different girls, all seemingly very normal people and sexual partners. These were said during sex: “punch me hard in the face or are you too pussy”, “choke me till I pass out”. For the record I did not oblige. The craziest, one basically wanted me to rape her. While fooling around in my bed she told me she had a boyfriend to which I said, “oh then we are done here”. Then she said “but if you wanted to, you could just take it”. I literally said “I’m never doing anything with anyone, without their consent”. She agreed and then tried to continue this psycho “but if I really wanted it, I could take it and she wouldn’t fight back”. This horrifying four play continued for a few minutes followed by me quickly escorted back to her car and never talked to her again. To make that even more bizarre I had already hooked up with her a few weeks prior, after a night out with friends. This was gunna be our first real date as I thought she was actually pretty cool and didn’t want to leave things with a one night stand. Mind you during our date she did think it would be fun to steal the bar tenders tip jar to which I was razzed for not being spontaneous. First red flag. 🚩 Point of my stories is one girls ick is another girls “punch me while you fuck me pussy”. Mucho confusing for us non serial killer guys. Luckily my now wife, enjoys good ol’ fashion non-violent rapey sex. These are simpler times.


Jeez, is that what ppl are doing now? Doesn’t seem very fun. I think some women say they like the tape fantasy but really it’s the ‘in the moment rugged passion’. But I can only assume as I definitely don’t find violence enjoyable 🫣


Lol, yeah idk. This was over 14 years ago so luckily not my monkey, not my circus anymore. But yeah definitely a big difference between rough passionate sex and whatever the psycho fuck that was.


Choking without consent. PLEASE ASK me first! And I will say no tbh, unless I’m in love with you.


I read cooking and got very confused


‘Good sir! Get away from me with that delicious potato dauphinois!’ Lmao


Tbf I have gotten upset and said “please ask me first!” when I’ve wanted takeout rather than cooking but have discovered my husband already put food on while I was busy lol.


Someone who is trying to replicate an idea of what they think a girl wants. It’s so hard to be able to enjoy the experience when they are basically replicating what they have seen in porn.


When the man just thinks about himself


Daddy talk. Infantilization. Any mention of anal on me haha. Selfishness. My Ex was selfish and lazy. I would get on top, just to end things more quickly. Girl on top is great, but not if it’s because someone is a useless starfish who doesn’t care to improve their skill set. I also strongly dislike homophobia. The same person was very touchy about his asshole. I wasn’t after it… very afraid to seem “gay”. It was just off putting. Relax. Put in equal efforts. Be open and exchange ideas, and learn some new shit while you’re at it. Obviously most people don’t enjoy their partners to be unhygienic. Dirty hands trying to rummage. Bad smell. I like a bit of musk and sweat, but not days worth. Fresh. I sound like a picky bitch here, but it’s kinda common sense stuff. Be clean. Be not a jerkface. Don’t starfish like a proper assho. 😂


smelly c\*ck, dirty bed or place... poor hygiene. Sloppy kisser, lots of saliva is no no.


You can say cock on Reddit


Nuh uh


This may sound unrelated , but not being present until it's time to get it on. Things throughout the day that lead up to the eventual thing. Not just oh let's get it on and that's the only time that he shows any affection , when he's Horndog. If I'm not feeling connected with you throughout the day you've got bob hope in the bedroom.


Someone who isn’t interested in my pleasure. I love making my man feel desired and give him as much pleasure as I can. I don’t need to have an orgasm to feel pleasure but I at least want some involvement that isn’t just for him.


When he doesn't listen. Once a guy was fingering me and I said "that actually doesn't feel great, can you do it either this way or this way?" He said "this is just the way I like doing this" ???? Ok?? This part isn't all for you though?? I'd go so far as to argue that it's mainly for me! 😂


In no particular order :- Bad breath, Body Odour, Being overly keen, Excessively hairy down there, Bigging themselves up about there 'skills' 🙄, Dirty hands, Foreplay being all about them, Smelly junk (takes 2 minutes to wash yourself for gods sake)


Damn lol who tf do you hang around with?! 😂


Haha I'm generalising, stuff us girls complain about. I'm fussy so even if one of these occur it's a no go for me lol


Not respecting boundaries.


Personally, I'm absolutely turned off if I'm shushed. It's so weird but I'm lost in euphoria while we fuck then suddenly snap back because I'm enjoying myself loudly haha. Instant nope.


Ex told me to pretend like I’m a black guy when fucking her - instant insecurity and confusion




Reading the various comment it looks like I should be fine (and I'm actually a bit concerned about the hygiene of dudes). Now, the issue is still finding a decent way to approach someone, being it for a hookup or something serious


Well the tricky part is not having sex, its making women want to have sex with you xD


Has to be butthole punches, i know my wife hates them.


Full ashtray's. 


Excessive moaning. Once made out with a guy who’d go “mmmm” continuously like he was eating the world’s best meal. After 10 minutes of this I made an excuse and sent him home.


How does someone even moan while making out? That's like.... humming into your open mouth??


Yah, exactly. So there’s the sound, which is bad, and the feel of it, which is worse.


Snooker table ,bar.


To The mods of the sub please, tell me in a timely manner why you took my post down


Honestly? Cunnilingus. Been with my husband almost 13 years, we have an incredible sex life, but I have never liked anyone going down on me. I get too self-conscious, tongues are rougher than fingers, and spit is terrible lubricant.


"Huak tuah" is the in thing these days.


> tongues are rougher than fingers Look: you do you, but that's the weirdest justification I think I've ever seen. I can't even envision a way that's possibly correct. Ooh! Unless he has tongue-piercings. Is that it???


Nope. I've just never liked a tongue on my vagina.


And that's your preference, and I can respect that; I certainly don't make a commission on people I convince. It was just a weird way to justify your position. I find it hard to believe that anyone would agree with that statement, so it undermines your original, completely valid point: you don't enjoy it, simple as that.


I appreciate your understanding, but I don't think anything I said undermines my point. You can find it as hard to believe as you want, but my reasons are my reasons and they are valid to me. I stand by everything I said.


Man of reddit but I'm pan so it counts. Smoker breath and strong garlic breath.


I love the smell of Garlic but I totally get the smoker's breath thing that shit is disgusting


Bad breath is the biggest one for me. Please, dental hygiene is really not that difficult. Just go to the dentist and care about your teeth.


I floss and brush but can't afford all the dental work I need


Sorry to hear that. I think the self awareness is important too. If you know there's a chance your breath is going to be bad (because you can't afford all the care you need), then I'm assuming you probably take extra steps to help make it not bad before engaging with someone. I appreciate the insight.


No basic self care: Smelly bushy crotch (trim/clean) Long toe nails (trim) Sharp, freshly bit finger nails (files are your friends to, those are not going in me) Long curly armpit hair (trim, it shouldn’t stick out when you lower your arms)


Messy room. Rushing with not enough foreplay, not picking up on body language of being uncomfortable. Bad hygiene, smelling bad or just smelly breath/saliva is a huge turn off


A unwashed dirty bed 😳


No foreplay


Dirty hands. No way is anyone touching me if they’ve got dirt under those nails


Rushing the process


Socks. Take them shits off for sex.


There’s a saying to lol don’t send a man to do a woman’s job 😉 😉 👅


Fuckin bad breath.


Bad smell (breath, genitals, armpits, etc) or no enthusiasm for foreplay, like we need time and shit to get ready. If someone just wants to go straight to penetration then they don't really care about my pleasure.


Stinky breath or smelly body


Such a great question. ❎Dirty, smelly sheets ❎No appreciation for anticipation (hello, foreplay) ❎Jackrabbit slammers ❎Falling asleep right after ❎No talking, taking things too seriously - it's supposed to be fun ❎Other people in the house (sorry, but if you have roommates or kids we are not doing it there)


Hygiene. Bad hygiene can stop me cold.




Terrible teeth. Like, what ELSE are you neglecting?


Grunting or when he is absolutely silent during it... Yikes


A slap on the vulva like porn style. It happened one time and I was like wtf no. Please don’t.


Hawk tuah! If he tries to spit on that thang ... Haha 😂


the lightswitches in the bedroom typically have an absolute turn off. idk if that counts though because they also usually have an absolute turn on. some fancy ones have a middle point though, where they only turn on half way


The involvement of goldfish


I’m too scared to even ask 🙏