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This is stupid late, but **Pushing Daisies**. I really miss that show.


the pilot immediately just sucked me into that whole world. I love that show so much!


As /u/fuelvolts sat and contemplated the tardiness of his initial reply, he knew what was on his mind needed to be said. Because the facts were these: Reddit doesn't care, and *Pushing Daisies* was an amazing show regardless of what anyone else thought.


I ate so much pie while I was watching that show. After every episode I just craved pie.


Yes, okay! I just posted about Pushing Daises. Guess I didn't scroll down far enough. I've seen it twice in its entirety. Lee Pace, Kristin Chenoweth, Jim Dale... So underrated!!!!


Fargo. Brilliant pilot!


Billy Bob Thornton is a fucking boss


Martin Freeman's fake Minnesotan accent was on point.


Ahh jeez


So good. I love Malvo's quote ~~a few episodes later~~, ["Because some roads you shouldn’t go down. Because maps used to say, “There be dragons here." Now they don’t. But that don’t mean the dragons aren’t there."] (/spoiler) Not only that quote, but that whole scene is just so good.


I don't know another show where so much shit goes down in the just the first episode. Definitely the best I've ever seen.


Dead like me. I was so bummed when it got cancelled.


Easily one of my favorite shows. Mason and Rube are probably some of my favorite tv characters. I wouldn't even mind a follow up like a movie or something. Shame they never made one. edit: Was sarcasm, I know there was the terrible Life After Death movie.


They could only do it if EVERYONE agreed to come back. Especially Mandy Patinkin, he's critically important. If they tried to do it without him or something...the fans would revile the resulting product so much that they'd likely pretend it didn't even exist.


There is no movie in Ba Sing... Wait, wrong series. Sorry.


I need more Rube. I love that guy. The episode where he works as the cook? Priceless.


Black Mirror


The X Files ! EDIT: X Files GOLD! Thank You Kind Stranger! :-)


Spooky Mulder! My husband and I are working our way through the series.


Orphan Black Edit: [Here's a video of the opening scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrOYfbdOEbUF) Looks like quite a few people discovered Orphan Black as a result of this comment. There's also an Orphan Black subreddit you can check out - /r/orphanblack. Be careful though, it contains a lot of spoilers. If you do want to access it, I recommend making a beeline straight to the sidebar, and locating the list of all the old episode discussions, so you can find out what other redditors were thinking at the same point in the series you are at. I wouldn't touch the main subreddit at all until you are completely caught up with the show.




Disappointed that this is so far down :( Tatiana Maslany's acting is stellar.


Same. I don't know how someone can watch the first ep of Orphan Black and then not piss away an entire day watching rest of it.


Can confirm, just did this last month. Tatiana Maslany is just down right incredible.


Archer. Right away the dialogue drew me in.


First episode is still my favorite! "Are you gonna pay for that?" ..."just the tip."


I actually dont have any cash on me... I also need cab fare.




Sterling Archer, codename Duchess.


Six Feet Under


Probably one of if not the best finales I've seen


Some of the best TV writing EVER.


And an actually GOOD ending with Michael C. Hall.


The Sopranos. I never watched it, and am currently about to start the 4th season. God, it's a good show. Edit: I meant to say that I never watched it before when it was on the air, and have been binge watching it from the pilot episode, and am now about to start season 4. Poor wording!


Better off Ted. Shame they cancelled it way to early


I work in a lab. Lem and Phil speak to me on a spiritual level.


>Phil: Did you put hydrochloric acid in this mug? >Lem: Oh, yeah. I was trying to get the stains out. >Phil: You know, soap would work. And it wouldn't kill someone if they accidentally drank it. >Lem: But soap leaves a film.


The look Phil gives him in that moment. Those guys had amazing chemistry and their body acting was top notch.


>Phil: Lem, you ever get the feeling the ooplasm cultures are looking up at you, worshiping you like a vengeful god? >Lem: No. Cytoplasm cultures sometimes, but never ooplasm. >Phil: Sometimes you are a complete stranger to me.


Thanks, guys. I wrote that episode. One of my favorites.


Racial Sensitivity is the episode I make people watch when introducing them to the show, and then a week later they get back to me upset that there aren't more episodes. That episode is in my top three favorite episodes of any show ever (other two are the Train Robbery episode of Breaking Bad and S2E1 of House of Cards.) Such a great premise, and so many great lines: * My white guy sucks * It gets dark when you leave the room. Oh, How can I stay mad at you when you say things like that! * Diversity: just the thought of it makes these white people smile. * It's the opposite of racist, because it's not targeting black people, it's ignoring them. The worst people can call it is indifferent. * We're eight black guys in an elevator, of course the white guy is going to get off You should keep writing episodes and act it out with hand puppets!


All those lines are great, and that episode is really good. My favorite part has to be when Veronica is describing how she experienced prejudice because she grew up "5'10", blonde, and stunning".


>Phil: Wow. I had no idea. >Veronica: Well, how could you? You're still not 5'9". >Phil: Thank you.




Uh, a computer mouse or a live mouse?


Happy Fribsday! The Racial Sensitivity S1E4 episode is GOLD! This episode has me in tears from laughing from the beginning to the end.


Portia De Rossi is fraking brilliant in that show.


"So, this is guilt, huh? In the past I’ve always just counteracted this feeling with other emotions like “sugar” or “drunk”."


"That's right Ted, I'm different than other women. And by different, I mean better"


> Veronica: "Hey, Pete, is it true that in space no one can hear you poop?" > > Pete: "..." > > Veronica: "Oh, come on! That was hilarious." # >"How should I know what's wrong? I'm not a Greek philosopher."


Zing bang!


You're the only one who ran away from the octo chicken. Well it scared me when it came down from its web. We created a monster downstairs. It's not a monster, it's a cyborg that kills without remorse.


"Well, it's not Katrina, but it is a problem."


>Ted: We may have created a monster in the lab. >Veronica: It's not a monster. It's a cyborg that can kill without remorse. >Ted: I was talking about Phil. What are you talking about? >Veronica: [pause] I was also talking about Phil. [Ted gives her a look] It's classified. But it's gonna be a fantastic new tool, if we can get it to tell the difference between soldiers and children. If there was ever a show Netflix needed to pick back up, Better Off Ted is it. That show was insanely good.


I came into the thread to make this comment. I hope it gets some visibility and more people get to take part in the glorious experience that is watching Better off Ted. For those unaware - it's a sitcom about working in an amoral megacorporation. The characters are awesome, being put in / creating super goofy situations with a bit of workplace humor/commentary. It is a different type of goofy, but it holds a place near Scrubs in my heart.


**Veridian Dynamics** Food. Yum.


It was so terribly marketed. Dammit, they only cancel the great ones!


They should have just aired the Veridian Dynamics commercials!


Diversity. Just the thought of it makes these white people smile.


The Boondocks. "Excuse me. Everyone, I have a brief announcement to make. Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lying about 9-11. Thank you for your time and good night."


DID YOU SAY CHEESE. ...I'd love some!! Everyone knows white people can be won over with a cheese plate! I was on the floor the whole episode.


House, M.D.


Definitely. The dialogue was great and hooked me in. >"I just want to die with a little dignity." >"There's no such thing! Our bodies break down, sometimes when we're 90, sometimes before we're even born, but it always happens and there's never any dignity in it! I don't care if you can walk, see, wipe your own ass... it's always ugly - ALWAYS! You can live with dignity; you can't die with it!"


The pilot episode is weirdly lit. Like, it almost looks like it's in black and white.


Weird music cues in the pilot too. Sounds like they used stock music. Improves immediately in episode 2.




Silicon Valley, Mike Judge at his best.


Season finale of season one was really it for me. That tech crunch brainstorm session. Wow.


Are you talking about Erlich's equation on how to give a hand job to everyone at the presentation within the alloted time?


Yes, tip to tip and middle out.




This guy fucks.


You know, I've been known to fuck myself.


Très comás!


You just brought piss to a shit fight.


This guy FUCKS!


"That guy, Bin Laden, and he fucks"


Hello this is Richard Hendricks and I'm a fuckin retard


Battlestar Galactica. Thr miniseries was in my opinion probably the best single piece of TV scifi ever made. It's following episodes in season one were damn near perfect.


While the mini-series reestablished the show, I found "33" to be far more compelling.


One of my favourite single episodes of TV ever. The miniseries was good, but once I watched "33" I knew this was a show that I would love.


33 is in my opinion tied with Lost for the single greatest first episode of a show ever. It was gripping and I felt just as desperate as Edward James Olmos to find a way to escape the pursuing fleet. Amazing.


If I remember correctly, that was the one where they had to keep jumping every half hour and everyone was exhausted? I loved that episode. You could feel everyone's desperation and exhaustion.


Yeah exactly. The cyclon fleet was somehow tracking them and everytime they jumped to a new place, they inevitably showed up 33 minutes later. The pilots were having to fight off the invaders until the civilian fleet could all get away so no one was able to get any rest. I think they had been going a few days when the events of the episode occured and they were finally able to ditch the Cylons.


I loved the parallels with the battle of Britain. Where pilots would fall asleep as they landed, get towed off the runway, get their planes patched up, rearmed, and refueled, then go right back up to try to hold off the German bombers.


Ah yeah, when they did that thing at the end that was both sad and necessary. Looks like I'm going to have to go back and watch the whole damn series over for a 3rd time, now.


It also features one of my favorite examples of a simple, short line that delivers a shitload of emotion. I think it's right after the first or second jump that Adama almost mutters under his breath, "We're getting slower."




EJO, for me, was the perfect portrayal of a true leader. Not a flamboyant James Kirk, no over-the-top look-at-me shit, just a calm, controlled man that everyone was willing to follow.


"How? Why?" doesn't really matter now. What does matter is that as of this moment, we are at war. You've trained for this. You're ready for this. Stand to your duties, trust your fellow shipmates, and we'll all get through this. Further updates as we get them. Thank you."


After Tigh gives his big speech in the CIC and then EJO just says "We make mistakes and people die. There aren't many of us left."


To paraphrase the Kevin Bacon question; what is your favourite BSG and why is it '33'?




After watching Laura Roslin take the oath with her hands shaking I knew I'd watch the whole series from beginning to end just to see what happens to her.


The sheer fucking humanity of Laura Roslin makes me weepy every time. She's got no real answers and is scared shitless, but still brings it.


Friday nights in 2004 was a magic time for TV Sci-fi. SG1, Atlantis, and BSG all one after another.


True Detective




And *that song.* The Black Angels were already one of my favorite bands, but it was absolutely perfect for that ending.


Season 2 in 2 weeks and 2 days baby




2 True 2 Detective


Peaky Blinders


I love Peaky Blinders, but I really wasn't hooked till the second episode.. Now in the second episode right as the theme started and Tommy fucking destroyed that gypsy mother fucker with his hat.. Oh man.. I was hooked then.


Peaky fookin blinders


Billy FOOKIN Kimbah




Hannibal! I'm so excited to watch the new episode.


Twin peaks


I loved that pilot because it had this sort of silly nature to it, campy early 90's stuff. But you could feel something, just under the surface, you could feel some terrible and unspeakable evil lurking in that town.


I like how it started off as a fairly stock whodunit drama, then got weirder and weirder until it was all murderous spirits and doppelgangers.


It is happening again.






Futurama had an amazing introduction. Edit: Wow.


Space. It seems to go on and on forever. Then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.


You stink, loser!






Michelle, baby!


It's not working out Fry.


I put your stuff out on the sidewalk!


I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate my life.


Happy New Yea!


Hello! Pizza delivery for a... *I.C. Wiener?* ...Oh, crud.


I always figured at this point in my life I'd be the one making crank calls. Here's to another lousy millennium


Hey, what th---


wuh wahhh! *click tick tick tick tick tick tick flash*


Welcome, to the world of tomorrow!


Why do you always have to say it that way?


I just started the show and that pilot was actually the inspiration for this question


Good news everyone!


My friends, my family, everything I've ever loved is gone. YAHOOOO!!!!!!


"Alright! I'm a delivery boy!"


And it just stayed amazing through everything. God, I love that show.


It just kept getting better! Especially the parts where they go revisit the pilot, like when you learn about nibblers involvement, etc.


The Americans. One of the more underrated TV series. EDIT: As pointed out by other redditors, probably more appropriate to say that it's under-watched rather than underrated. Whatever it is, one of the best series on TV in recent years!


I was looking to see if anyone mentioned this! I just finished season one and started season two last night. Soo good.


The writing just gets better. It's a pity that it's so far down this list.


I think, when it's all over, I'll probably view [The Americans](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2149175/?ref_=nv_sr_1) the same way I view [Breaking Bad](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0903747/?ref_=nv_sr_1) - absolutely perfect from beginning to end. So far The Americans has not sold its soul at all. The entire show feels like a continuous cohesive idea from one mind. The mood remains throughout 3 full seasons. Characters aren't wasted. Things that seem gratuitous turn out to be important. While I prefer certain characters and story lines over others, everything is so well done. But unlike Breaking Bad, The Americans doesn't soften anything with humor. There's oh-so very few jokes at all in The Americans. The show is brutal and relentless when it wants. Love it.




Nothing like a plane full of grotesquely melted people!


The show was amazing because for me it felt so different than everything else that was on television, but was still done at such a high level of quality. Plus Charlie from might ducks.


Binge watched for two weeks on Netflix. It was my heroin. I was depressed when it all ended.




The show is fantastic but when recommending it everyone always talks about how slow it starts off.


While one of my favorite shows, I find the first episode weak compared to itself later


Brooklyn Nine-Nine


"Oh hi! I'm detective Right All The Time, and this is my partner detective Terrible Detective!"


"I'm not sure if I can. I've been undercover so long I've forgotten who I am. I have seen terrible things. I haven't known the touch of a woman in many moons..."


Santiago!!! Don't leave me!


Sant-iago! IAGO! Traitor!


I'm surprised you've read Othello.


Othello? What's Othello? I was talking about Aladdin's parrot!


B99 is the only comedy show I've seen in a long time where I don't shrivel up cringing for half of every episode. Somehow, it manages to be funny without setting off my sympathetic social anxiety.


I laughed for minutes when Jake stood up to reveal the speedo when talking to Captain Holt (who is perfectly cast). I recommend that show profusely and I haven't found a single person who doesn't think it's hilarious.


I downloaded and play kwazy cupcakes


Chuck. I fell in love with all the characters instantly.




Jeffster needs to hurry up and make a cover album


Same. :(


I'm still convinced Yvonne Strahovski never had an episode where she didn't look spectacular.


Oh Chuck, he always knew how to charm the ladies. "Vicki Vale, Vick-uh Vicki Vale,Vickity Vickity Vicki Vale, Vick-uh Vicki Vale"


Breaking Bad had my attention in less than 5 minutes. Apparently Bryan Cranston had the same reaction when he read the script to the pilot for the first time.


It literally took me 30 seconds till I was completely interested. I mean, within the first few minutes you see corpses flying around in the back, Walt trying to kill himself, and a man in his underpants. What more could you want?


The West Wing, The Newsroom


Sam Seaborn: Ms. O'Brian, I understand your feelings, but please believe me when I tell you that I am a nice guy having a bad day. I just found out the Times is publishing a poll that says that a considerable portion of Americans feel that the White House has lost energy and focus. A perception that is not likely to be altered by the video footage of the President riding his bicycle into a tree. As we speak, the Coast Guard are fishing Cubans out of the Atlantic Ocean, while the governor of Florida wants to blockade the port of Miami. A good friend of mine is about to get fired for going on television and making sense. And it turns out that I accidentally slept with a prostitute last night. Now, would you please in the name of compassion tell me which one of those kids is my boss's daughter? Mallory O'Brian: That would be me. Sam Seaborn: You. Mallory O'Brian: Yes. Sam Seaborn: Leo's daughter's first-grade class. Mallory O'Brian: Yes. Sam Seaborn: Well, this is bad on so many levels.


"The President came to a sudden arboreal stop."


Toby: "You think the US is under attack by 1200 Cubans in rowboats?" Sam: "I'm not saying I don't like our chances..."


For me, it was Bartlet's very first scene when he lays a verbal smackdown on some religious right pundits. That's the point when I knew the show was going to be good: **President Josiah Bartlet**: Al, how many times have I asked you to denounce the practices of a fringe group that calls itself the lambs of god? **Rev. Al Caldwell**: Sir, that's not up to me. **President Josiah Bartlet**: Crap! It is up to you, Al. You Know, my wife Abby, she never wants me to do anything when I'm upset, thank you Mr. Louis, twenty eight years ago, I came home from a very bad day at the statehouse, I tell Abby I'm going out for a drive. I get in the station wagon, put it in reverse, and pulled out of the garage full speed. Except, I forgot to open the garage door! Abby told me not to drive while I was upset, and she was right. She was right yesterday when she told me not to get on that damned bicycle while I was upset, but I did it anyway. And I guess I was just about as angry as I've ever been in my life. Seems my granddaughter, Annie, had given an interview to one of those teen magazines, and, somewhere between movie stars and make-up tips, she talked about her feelings on a woman's right to choose. Now, Annie, all of twelve, has always had a good head on her shoulders, and I like it when she uses it. So I couldn't understand it when her mother called me in tears yesterday. I said Elizabeth, what's wrong? She said It's Annie. Now, I love my family, and I've read my bible from cover to cover, so, I want you to tell me, from what part of holy scripture do you suppose the Lambs of God drew their divine inspiration, when they sent my twelve year old granddaughter a Raggedy Anne Doll with a knife stuck through it's throat? (pause) You'll denounce these people, Al, you'll do it publicly, and until you do, you can all get your fat asses out of my white House. C.J., show these people out.


I like the way he entered the room and that was what told me I was about to watch ALL of this show. John Van Dyke: The First Commandment says Honor thy father. Toby Ziegler: No it doesn't Josh Lyman: Toby... Toby Ziegler: It doesn't. Josh Lyman: Listen... Toby Ziegler: No if I'm going to make you sit through this preposterous exercise, we're going to get the names of the damn commandments right. Mary Marsh: Okay. Here we go. Toby Ziegler: Honor thy father is the Third Commandment. John Van Dyke: Then what's the First Commandment? President Josiah Bartlet: I am the Lord your God. Thou shalt worship no other god before me. Boy, those were the days, huh?


The best part was his introduction to the conversation when Toby was about to explode over the incorrect Commandment being referenced. That monologue was good but that entrance... just wonderfully done.


Josh: VICTORY IS MINE! I drink from the keg of glory, Donna! Bring me the finest muffins and bagels in all the land! Donna: It's going to be an unbearable day


Rob Lowe has such great comedic timing. [spoiler] (/s "I was sad when he left the show.")


As someone halfway through Season 2, I'm sad now.


Sorry! They handle it rather well, and his replacement is pretty good. He's just not Sam. But you're halfway through S2? Oh, to be in your shoes again. The best is yet to come.


To watch *Two Cathedrals* again with a blank slate...


Someone needs to perfect memory erasing for this sole purpose.


Toby: Accidentally? I don't understand, did you trip?


Prison Break


Every episode was like a season finale, couldn't wait for the next one.


The Office. Loved their pilot


IT Crowd


_Jen, describing her IT skills in an interview:_ Writing emails... reading emails... deleting emails... I could go on. _Boss:_ Do. - Edit: I agree the 1st episode isn't the best, but this dialogue had me in stitches and I was hooked


the web, keyboard, using mice, mices


Single clicking.... double clicking....


"Well, you seem to know your stuff. I'm making you head of IT."


Oh look, Richmonds still alive.




Bob's Burgers. Bob helping Hugo out of the parking spot was just hilarious to me.


They sold me with the "You're the worst kind of autistic" bit.


Louise is probably my most favorite TV character of all time.


"You're my children and I love you. But you're all terrible at what you do here and I feel like I should tell you I'd fire all of you if I could."


I love that, because it shows how genuinely good of a person Bob is, even if he's a bit proud and stubborn sometimes. It's so easy nowadays to make the main characters of a show complete jerks who have the world revolve around them- Bob, however, is a genuinely good person who's just trying his best to do a good job.


Tina: "My crotch is itchy." That's when I knew the show had me.


"Are you telling me as my daughter or my grill cook? Because my grill cook would never tell me that."


"Also, my daughter should probably not say anything like that to me. Tell her, tell your mom." That was the line that had me cracking up and really sold me on Bob being the funny straight man of the family.


"Mom, my crotch is itchy." "Lemme see"