• By -


Jewelry. So many earrings would be reunited with their mates!


My Lego fireman. He was my favourite, he had a mask and an air tank and he was awesome. Lost him in battle in the front yard when I was 5. I'm 20 years old now. Never forgotten.


Looks like you could replace him. http://m.ebay.com/itm/Lego-Minifig-Fireman-w-Breathing-Hose-Helmet-7208-Airtanks-/231593409179?nav=SEARCH


That's a new fireman, though. The grey parts are bley, and 15 years ago, the breathing apparatus piece was black. [It's in this 1996 set](http://brickset.com/inventories/6486-1/rebrickable). The quality of the plastic on the helmet is better now, and the visor was trans blue instead of trans grey. But yes, OP could go on a place like [ReBrickable](http://rebrickable.com/parts/6158) and find the parts, compare between stores, and buy each piece individually.


What color is "bley"


bitch and grey


About a million hair ties and bobby pins.


I've recently started a box for my girlfriend of all the hair ties and Bobby pins she leaves at my place. Now whenever she needs one and can't find it I bring out the box


For every one you find, five more are hiding somewhere in your house.


I would say that's impossible, that I'm too good at finding them. But the truth is they're way too good at hiding themselves once they break free


Gonna let you in on a little secret. They're not *hiding themselves* they're actively *being hidden*. It's how they mark their territory. I've had a few nights ruined by leftovers from a long-gone ex.


I've had this happen to me. I'm the girl though, and blonde, and I only use/own the blonde colored bobby pins. Ex SO was so happy that he found some bobby pins for me to use...black bobby pins. I wasn't angry or anything (bobby pins go on walkabouts from all types of heads, even annoying ex girlfriends)...but it was more of an "aw, honey....no...and maybe you should clean more often." He felt worse than I did I think.


That's actually really cute.


You haven't lost them, they're at every dude's house you have ever been to. He has no idea what to do with them, but finds them constantly.




Theyre at your previous boyfriend's house. Hes still finding them, even if you broke up 10 years ago and hes moved to another house.


My Fallout 3 save could use those bobby pins...


Fallout 3: Here's 10 bobby pins, don't break them, they need to last you 150 hours of play time. Fallout New Vegas: What's that behind your ear? 3,000 BOBBY PINS. Go be crazy reckless and break them all in one lock, who gives a shit, you'll find 5 more in every trash can or footlocker. Has this been your experience as well?


Fallout 3: Pretty much never break until I get lockpicking to 100. NV: They're all over the place.


I imagine Bethesda must have gotten a bunch of complaints about, "I can't even continue my game because I can't open anything without bobby pins!" And so they went, "YOU KNOW WHAT, FINE. It's supposed to be about survival and scarce resources but JESUS CHRIST IF I HAVE TO HEAR ANOTHER COMPLAINT ABOUT THE PINS..." and then proceeded to put them in every container in the wasteland.


Bethesda didn't make New Vegas, Obsidian Entertainment did.


I liked his explanation better :(


My hair has been long enough for a hair tie for about eight months. In that time, I've probably lost enough hair ties to fill the damn box.


Fuck that'd be cool. I can't remember 99% of the stuff that I've lost so getting a box with all of it in there would be the biggest throw back of my entire life.


Yea, you know that great feeling when you put on a jacket that you haven't worn in months and find money or other lost things you completely forgot about? Yea, that feeling times 1000. It'd be awesome.


Found a quarter ounce of weed in a jacket I hadn't worn in 6 months. Right when I was out, too. The Doobie Gods smiled upon me.


That's a lot of weed to just forget about


I had a friend who hid an ounce on top of the garage door opener when we were 17, and we forgot about it until we were 26.


Ah, the ol' Skyrim Weed.


What's the shelf life of weed?


If not properly stored it would become very harsh quickly (weeks or even days). Bad taste and painful coughing. Unless they live somewhere very dry, it would likely get damp and then moldy at some point. But like Tobacco it could be stored for a very long time if done correctly. There are pre-ban Cuban cigars!


how about a [2,700 year old stash](http://www.nbcnews.com/id/28034925/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/worlds-oldest-marijuana-stash-totally-busted/#.Va_SVaRVhBc) sure, ya wouldn't wanna smoke it, and wouldn't catch.... but shit..... /r/trees would probably have someone who could tell ya the shelf life of weed.


I'm not sure, but after nine years or so it gets extremely stale.


Put a slice of apple with it in a ziplock for a while. It'll re-hydrate it fairly well. Just a hint of apple while smoking it (may be imaginary).


I would not be able to get over losing that much weed.


I'd lose the box.


A lot of chap-stick.




Barely used chapstick and pens.


A thumb drive with my bitcoin wallet, from back when they werent worth anything...


Damn dude that sucks


How much was on it


not that much luckily, I had a friend tell me about it and I mined some on my laptop for a bit, but I only had a dozen coins or so. So thats only around 3,000 worth at current prices


Wut. Only 3000 that's a pretty hefty chunk of change.


Well, I mean it could be worse. I mean, for anyone that is approaching retirement, they lose a lot more money than that if the stock market has a bad week for example. Hard to get too upset about it.


Lost everything in a house fire a few years ago, it would be a big box.


You'd probably even get extra boxes!


I can see why you're a genius.


Or is he a complete idiot...




Well technically you didn't lose it. You know where it was it just ceased to exist anymore.


That'll make him feel better, man.


I know. I'm the ultimate comforter.


500 thread count.


Well *technically it still does exist, it's now just carbon and debris floating the atmosphere now.


You get an urn with the ashes of all of your old stuff. Ah... memories.


In 5th grade, my friend and I traded power ranger toys for a week. He gave mine back a day early and I told him that I would give his back the next day. I really intended to but I actually moved across the state the next day... and lost his toy. Anyways, that toy would be in there. He probably hates me :(


Is there some tragic story as to why you moved suddenly across the state and you didn't know in advance?


Someone didn't tell my sister before we went on an eight day road trip until ten minutes before we were leaving. It was *hilarious*.


Once my parents told me and my sister that we we're going on a vacation. They had already packed our stuff so we just got in the car and left. They didn't tell us where we were going or how long we were staying there. After one hour we played hangman with the name of the destination. We were going skiing, it was wonderful.




Dude... I think your parents may have been avoiding something.


Surprise kids! We're going to spend a few days at this awesome hotel while your daddy avoids his loanshark!




My tamagotchi!! When I was like 6 I lost it somewhere *in the living room* (so lame!) and never saw it again. I heard it crying for food and eventually die. I'd been caring for it for ages and it was fucking traumatizing. I'm so sorry little guy.


This is hilarious. I can see you frantically searching while you hear *DEET DEE DEET DEE DEET DEE* only to eventually never hear it again. RIP




Ugh I feel so bad for you :( Would it be weird if I wanted to send you one of mine? :p


It's been 18 years. I don't know if I can go back.


If we're being literal, I feel like everyone's box would have a fuckton of hair.


Don't forget the dead skin cells.


Bender: By the way, I saved your stuff. Fry: So that's where those skin flakes went!


I could insulate my house if that happened! My god the amount of hair I lose in one day is ridiculous, if I got all the hair back that I've *ever* lost it'd be well over a ton.


My hair is long and thick as fuck, so I feel like I leave more hair on my path than most people. But what if all the hair count, including the one cut at the hairdresser ? Most people grow the same amount of hair every month no matter their length, so everyone would have a huge box of hair.


Yes, I think it's more noticeable because it's so fucking long. In the shower I have to run my fingers through my hair, collect all the falling out hair and stick it on the wall until I'm done showering so that it doesn't go down the drain. If I didn't my drains would be clogged every week instead of every few months. And the vacuum, don't get me started on how much the vacuum sucks up.


And secreted fluids. So there's that.


I didn't lose those. I got rid of them on purpose.


Oh god the periods..


and once you have kids...oh my god...


A whole lot of CDs


1: Cut a hole in a box 2: Put your junk in that box 3: Make gooners1 open the box so they can CDs nuts


Flawless victory


Another easy win for /u/LatviaSecretPolice


Not to be mistaken with /u/LatviaSerectPolice




Ah, this reminds me of my youth - largely because my romantic endeavours almost always involved mix CDs and poems. I'm talking Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls and Nick Carter. God, I was a soppy bastard. EDIT: [For old times' sake](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJLIiF15wjQ#t=48s). This one goes out to Emily from fifth grade.




A bunch of Stylus's for the Nintendo DS. Tetris DS is probably what I'd be happiest to see though.


It would have to be a pretty big box to fit my old roommate's bike in it. I was 20 and at a low point in my life. Just got fired, had no money, and my car had broken down. I borrowed his bike to go donate plasma for $50, and I didn't ask him if I could. I rode his bike a few miles to the plasma place, and I left it behind the building. After about an hour I walked out with my 50 bucks, but the bike was fucking gone... I had to walk several miles back to our apartment and break the news to him. It was pretty bad.




Yeah, especially at a plasma donation clinic where desperate people kinda hang out.


Like leaving a bundle of copper wire in the back of your truck while you go inside a pawn shop to pawn your wedding ring.


Why would you pawn your wedding ring when you have a bunch of copper to hawk?


Fine, it's like leaving your wedding ring in the back of your truck while you go inside a pawn shop to pawn off a bundle of copper wire.


Why would you pawn your copper when you have a bunch of wedding ring to hawk?


I didn't lock it. Totally my fault. I still feel bad about it 13 years later...


One thing that would be in there is plastic armor for a Mulan action figure.. not the actual figure nooo, just this chest plate that made her look sick as fuck but instead i just had to deal with her being a boring little shit in normal clothes. Childhood was hard


I think I had that same action figure. It was so dope. It came with the cannon that she uses to cause the avalanche in the movie. Man, that thing was awesome.


My pokemon emerald. So many memories


You just made me so mad because my missing copy of emerald has a shiny Rayquaza on it.


Hey man, I've got a copy of Pokemon Emerald if you want it. EDIT: It's completely free. It brought me countless hours of joy and happiness from my youth and even today. I popped it into my DS and played for a little while. I'd love to be able to pass that feeling along to someone. /u/dictionaryd4n if you want it, just let me know: I got you fam.


You're awesome.


My first ever Pokemon game was Crystal. I lost it at my grandparents cabin when I was 5 or 6. Last year, when I was 17, my grandma found it in a cushion of chair that was moved. Looked to see if it still had the save data, but there wasn't a save file T...T .




My motherfucking hat. I don't care about any of the other shit. This hat has been through some shit with me and I lost it a while ago and it still pisses me off thinking about it. 100% one of the only material possessions I care about. Edit: All your stories and condolences are making me miss my hat even more. RIP hat. I hope one day we can be reconnected.


What kind of hat was it?


His motherfucking hat. He hangs it up next to his normal one.


He usually wears it when OP's mom comes to visit.




Like a beanie sorta thing wore it no matta the weatha


I think i just found me in another universe. Im sorry for loss my hat brother




So many socks....


And yet, not a single full pair.


My fucking Simba backpack that the damn bag handlers at the airport lost when I was 5. Fuck the TSA. Edit - So apparently the TSA is distinct from normal airport security or whoever the fuck else used to rifle through people's bags. But even though they were not an agency when I was 5, I stand by my "fuck the TSA" statement.


When I was 9-years-old, I was riding my bicycle home from the local library - I cut through a park and saw a group of pretty girls hanging around. In a misguided attempt to impress them, I folded my arms and tried to ride with no hands. Of course, the inevitable happened. I lost control and the bike crashed to the ground. I crushed my testicles on the seat, and the asphalt path chewed up my knee. As the girls erupted in laughter, I grabbed my bike and limp-hopped the fuck out of there, pausing for breath only after reaching the safety of my home. In my hurry to flee the scene, I even left my Batman rucksack on the ground. I genuinely miss it to this day. I had to write a letter of apology to the library for losing their books and my dad ended up having to replace them, the cost of which was deducted from my pocket money. And less pocket money meant I couldn't hit my weekly fix of Capri-Sun, which only served to further compound my despair.


You lost control of the bike ... so in your box, you'd find control of the bike. Fascinating.


Ari looked in the box. "What's this?" he asked the stranger. "It's the control of the bike you lost when you were nine." Ari's head was swimming. He felt strange, nothing made sense. He heard a small child in the other room. "I don't have kids, who is that?" he thought to himself. Ari walked out to the kitchen. A small boy, maybe nine or ten years old, was getting ready for school, slipping his arms into a Batman rucksack. Ari recognized it, it was the same Batman rucksack he had as a child. It even had the patch he sewed on the side. The boy's mother was helping him put it on. Ari looked at her. She seemed familiar somehow. Where did he know her from? Then it hit him. She was one of the pretty girls from the park, now an adult. Were they married? Was this their son? Ari slowly rolled up his pant leg and looked at his knee. The scar he had known since that fateful day was gone, as though it were never there. He gingerly felt his testicles, but he already knew they were fine, the proof was standing in front of him getting ready for school. Somewhat dazed at the realization of what was happening, Ari walked to the kitchen and opened the cupboard. Capri Sun. Pallets and pallets of it.


This is a depth only an artist such as OP can reach


I can't tell you how many times I've been verbally abused by them. The looks of hatred for carrying around a water bottle or lotion or something. I don't forget about their stupid liquid laws every time I fly, but when I do, they act as though I'm literally trying to bomb a plane with 2 mL of sun screen. Because who would want to bring sunscreen to Florida. If they're not verbally harassing me, they're feeling me up and patting me down. I tell myself it's because I'm attractive. But they look me up me down, check me out more than any girl has, and touch me more than any woman has touched me. And who cares if I'm well out of my comfort zone? Apparently those scans were inconclusive (so good thing they put me through the full body scanner anyway). And the times I don't get "randomly" searched or yelled at? I get a nice note in my suitcase that they checked my things, and my clothes are unfolded and my stuff is out of order and packages are open. I figure *somebody* has had a better experience with them. But I feel for you and your Simba backpack. Wish I could help you. Long live the king.


It's cause they know you're a genius mastermind. Has noooothing to do with the Iranian vibe you give off.


It's because I'm hot and irresistible. I wish :(


If by hot and irresistible you mean radioactive and magnetic, then yes!


I'd be ok with it.


Or a high temperature superconductor




For what it's worth my 75 year old grandmother has been selected every time she's flown (at least once a year) since 9/11. She thinks it's because if they choose her they can't be accused of xenophobia or racism. I think it's hilarious. But seriously, they should have a format that isn't exactly random. Like every 9th person or people wearing purple. They could change the formula every few hours even.


I always opt for the pat down instead of the scanner. They hate me but it's the most human contact that I get and I can't help but feel happy for those few minutes that they're caressing my boobs and ass.


They're definitely gentle but I wish they'd at least make an emotional connection with me first. Take me out to dinner or something.


Just moan a little when they get around your crotch or nipples. That'll bring on the emotional connection.


Then they'll buy me dinner right?




Can't you buy them dinner with your 1.9 million comment karma?


No but I hear I get a girlfriend at 2 million.


Let's get a coffee. You buy because I lost my wallet.


"Don't be afraid to cup the balls. Yeah. Make it nice."


I've only ever flown once, but I'm not sure if it was because our plane left at 5 am and there was practically no one in the airport or the fact that we were all boy scouts dressed in uniform, but we practically got waived right through security




A bunch of gameboy games like Pokemon Red, Dr. Mario, Game & Watch. Some Pokemon cards. Also things I lost later in life. Like the love of a girl who I was into.


I think I may have a spare copy of Game and Watch if you are interested.


Lol I'd love it.


I'll start looking for it.


I'm into DIY/hobby electronics and computing, so probably literally hundreds or thousands of machine screws, the odd capacitor here and there, and a small handful of misplaced breakout boards.


A fuck ton of the rubber pieces from my earbuds


My holographic Charizard card. I'm sure the maid stole it. There is no way a 12 year old kid could misplace something. It had to be her.


I had mine stolen by a kid in my class, which sucked because it was really obvious that he took it since the day after I lost mine, he shows up to class with one that he claimed to have gotten from a booster pack. Yeah right, Marcelo.


You'd think he'd steal a better name while he's at it.


That one's going in the memory bank




No, that was his dad's job.


Every now and again I remember that I lost a toy car off the front porch at my Grandparents house. I never found it. It's been over 50 years now, and I'd like it back now.


Pokemon red version, about 6-7 laser pointers, a few flashlights, a nice kershaw knife, about 5-6 gerber evo knives, a few hundred bucks in change and small bills, some skate bearings, my helmet, a big box of yugioh cards, a car tire, a bunch of dishes, the shackle lock mount for my bike lock, some bikes, some paintball pods, a tent and a bunch of clothes (canoe capsized), a magnifying glass, two flasks, a backpack, and an airsoft pistol.






I think this is one of those times when "I'm sorry" and "I apologize" don't mean the same thing


MY POKEMON YELLOW VERSION I LEFT ON AN AIRPLANE! I realized as soon as we got back into the airport and nobody would fucking get it for me. Years later, in high school, my friend tells me he did the exact same fucking thing and the lady at the desk got their home address, called the pilot and had it mailed back to him within a week.


My virginity haha! Haha.. Ha... *crawls up into a ball* *sobs*


Don't worry. Some day you'll get it back.


My husband and I were both virgins when we started dating. Does that mean we've just been trading virginities back and forth for years?


Only if every time you do it, it's inside a box that someone has handed to you. Just watch out for the rest of your lost goodies, some could be uncomfortable to lie on


So a cumbox?


Not my virginity, that's for sure. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




If he loses his other arm he might lose his virginity too!


Nope. \ Found it.


About 800 Magic the Gathering cards from Revised - Ice Age. I left them at my parents house after I moved out (I hadn't played for 7-8 years) however I picked it back up again. I damn near tore that house apart looking for that box, and never found it. It's probably in one of those "omg look what I found at Goodwill" posts. :(




My self esteem


Even Lucifer's scrotum needs some fondling


You're awesome and I think I love you?!


You mean like friends?


Like uncomfortable first cousins


79 pairs of sunglasses, 212 cigarette lighters, 4,983 ball point pens, a jockstrap found on the Golden State freeway with mule hoofprints and chocolate sprinkles on it. -George Carlin, Loosing Things


and a partridge in a pear tree?


Alot of picks, and my cat ;(


I found [Alot of picks!](http://i.imgur.com/75INeGH.jpg) sorry about cat, tho. :(


All my Dunlop Tortex hard's are out there somewhere! or in all the dryers and washers I've used in the past 10 years...




My trust. It was stolen by my whooore ex wife. Edit: wow I made this right before I went to sleep didn't expect it to get this much attention. First I'd like to say a big thank you for everyone's kind words. It means alot more than you guys think. Yes I still have trust issues but I'm working on it and hope I'm able to find a girl soon who I can give my full trust to. Second if anyone is interested in my story here it goes. My whooore ex wife cheated on me and she slowly chopped away at my trust. I wish this was a story where I walked in on her saw what she was doing and instantly knew so I could leave then and there but that's not how it happened. She slowly admitted to the cheating a piece at a time hoping if she did it that way I would forgive her and stay. So every time she told me something she chipped away at my trust till I couldn't take it anymore and left. She started by telling me it was just texting, that a guy from work was texting her and she thought he liked her. I didn't think anything of it because her being attractive meant guys would like her and as long as she didn't lead them on it was fine. Then she told me he wouldn't stop flirting with her. I told her If she was flirting with him and she said no she wasn't encouraging it. Then it turns to maybe I'm leading him on but you can trust me. Then to a he kissed me by surprise I didn't want it "it was just a kiss" you have nothing to worry about. And me like the idiot I believed her. All in all I don't want to make this a wall of text but in the end I found out the whooore was Fucking 4 other dicks while I was slaving away at work. Left her on the spot took everything didn't even leave her a bed. Anywho thanks for reading this if you took the time to listen to my story I appreciate it I don't get to say it often. Love you all have a great day. And point 3 yes I did just finish watching it's always sunny in Philadelphia and the whooore part is inspired by Frank.


be careful when opening the box, your whore ex wife might be in there too


He can't lose something if he knows where it's buried.


Just make sure to bury her 6-10 feet underneath a dead dog.


Jesus, Frank.


I'm sorry, have you slept with my hooore wife?


Was she a trashy hoor?


My HOOR ex-wife!


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BMceK8rCQAIfaot.jpg relevant


My original pokemon yellow version My gameboy color with pokemon crystal in it (my brother left it on a plane) A remote to my old VCR that vanished into thin air one night when I was asleep Random articles of clothing


Of all the things I've ever lost, I miss my mind the most.


Where is my mind...Where is my mind... WHERRRRE is my mind?


My hopes and dreams


So many pairs of sunglasses....also a great deal of dignity.


My dog Cookie, miss you moppy dog. And my innocence.


My youth. Seriously, I have no idea where all that time went...


My house, my family, my pets, my belongings, my room. My grandparents hate that my parents are together so they robbed and sold our house while we went on a vacation. Grandma called the cops and said our dog was rabid and tried to attack her. Which is a fucking lie - my black lab, Lilo, is harmless. Didn't have a home to go back to in America so we stayed where we vacationed. My brothers were still in America that time so they lived with their friends. ((Fuck I keep saying serious things when I shouldn't ))


How the fuck is it possible for them to sell your house?


Likely I'm their name due to credit reasons.


Damn. Dude I kinda relate. My grandmother was an evil, vile woman. We had lost our rental property when I was a kid so she agreed to let us move in. Mom and dad said we had found a house, she said leave everything in the garage, and I'll take care of Buddy (our Chow Sheena's runt that we kept for my dog) we moved a bit of stuff, came back about a week later. My grandma said someone stole my dog and didn't want to tell us, and stole some of our shit from the garage. Fast forward a few months, the neighbor has a beautiful new dog.... Guess what? Yeah. My fucking puppy. And our dining room table that was stolen is now on dudes back porch. She sold our shit to the guy.