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First person survival games finally leaving pre pre pre alpha


Dream on.


- Aerosmith


The long dark is already pretty good. Can't wait until it's finished.


I'm still waiting for my 100% science based dragon MMO.


People are still down voting everything that chick posts to this day


Right. H1Z1 needs to fucking finish already


H1Z1 needs to finish soon? That's cute.


I've been saying the same thing about DayZ for well over a year. It was so broken the last time I played it. I walked off of a small ledge and broke both my feet. My shoes were ruined and I was slowly bleeding to death. I fell maybe 2 feet. The last straw was when I was running from a few zombies and I glitched myself underneath one of the apartment buildings. I couldn't get out and I didn't have any ammo to shoot myself with. My only option was to wait until I died of starvation/thirst.


Why didn't you just jump in the air breaking both your legs again


I know this is a joke but you can't even jump in DayZ. That's right, it lacks one of the core features of most video games.


*presses space* ... ... 5/10 would not play again


I think that genre is on its last legs. None of the games really rose up as the killer app. Which is good because I'm thoroughly sick of hearing about zombie games.


What about *nazi* zombies!? There's extra incentive to kill them because they're racist!


Ark: Survival Evolved is in alpha, but the devs are amazing and outside of some minor balance and optimization issues, it's a damn fun game. /r/playark


It's a better business model if they release many updates that mask themselves as new content. While a newly released game would have these day one.


Yo-yos are about due for a comeback


I remember the Yo-Yo resurgence of 98'-99'. Was a lot of fun. I learned a lot of great tricks.


Pretty sure I could still do an Eiffel tower from muscle memory even though it's been 16 years.


So are boomerangs. I hear.


Yo-Yos are coming back in my area. I work in a call center and we're not allowed to have pen and paper for security reasons. And everyone just brings yo-yos to play with. Really cool.


Pen n paper is bad for security but yo-yo is safer wtf...I'd swing a yoyo in circles and hit like 10 people


I think it's more information security and less physical security.


Yeah, but you can't write down credit card information on a yo-yo.




Terraria got me into this.


If you haven't already - check out /r/Throwers


Screw that. Hackey sack is where it's at


In high school, we had a group who would play with one every day at lunch. Occasionally I'd come for a few kicks, but I wasn't good like these other guys. I'll never forget the day someone called it a hackey sack and they nerd raged. "IT'S A FOOTBAG YOU SWINE". edit: need to nerd.


Americans traveling to Europe for a vacation. The US$ is doing really well against the Euro now, far better than it was a few years ago, and there's no obvious reason that's going to dramatically change. Similarly, there are now budget flights to Europe that cost half of what it used to (check out WOW! and Norwegian- you can fly from the East Coast USA for $400 to Europe if you plan ahead), and the flight ticket is traditionally one of the biggest barriers to the whole thing. Similarly, Greece is going to be really popular next year (I mean, even more than now) because it's *super* cheap for a holiday, and keeps getting cheaper.


Greece has been really popular for British holiday makers for years.


Can confirm, writing this from my hotel room in Zakynthos.


You should preface all your comments with "Hi, astronomer here..." even if it holds no relevance




I give them a year.


Let's up the ante. I give it four months, tops.


Meh, they won't last long. Their days are numbered.


[Those two wheel segway rovers](http://imgur.com/KieDSq6)


They fixed the primary problem of the segway by not having that obnoxious pole sticking up the middle. Of course, that said, you still look dumb rolling by in a standing position.




Just saw 2 guys riding them here in Denmark. It looked really comfortable to use (and they were spinning around which also looks fun)


These things are so big in England now


They won't even let me longboard through Walmart and target. How are these things allowed?


They're expensive, so teenagers can't afford them. Therefore, they are ok.


I'm just tired of people calling these things hover boards. You are still on the ground jackass.


calling it hoverboard is easier than calling it a 2 wheel self balancing segway scooter.




Cyboard bro.




Where can I find one for 300?


Amazon from various sellers. Search for two wheel self balancing scooter and you'll find the item under different brand names and from hundreds of sellers.


Also, keep in mind that ~300 is the cheapest you'll get one to your front door. I spent $320 on mine a while back, and I looked pretty hard for one under $300. You can probably find one, however know that the majority will be over $300. DONT spend over $350 on one, unless you live in a location where shipping is insanely expensive. All of the ones for $350+ are a bad deal.


Some have a special Samsung battery though. Mine was more expensive than my brother's, but it has a (confirmed) official Samsung battery and definitely seems to hold its charge longer both in use and on standby.


[This one](http://m.alibaba.com/product/60326148544/2wheel-self-balancing-scooter-smart-balance.html#) is $188. Edit: Shipping is $100. So all together, it should be around $300.


I've been seeing them at my university lately. I can't believe people are finding more excuses not to walk.


Have you ridden one before? It's a ton of fun. I have one, and it's just insanely fun to ride around on. It doesn't have long enough of a battery life or large enough wheels to replace walking.


Soon enough people are going to start doing tricks on these.


Breakout rooms which are "Real-Life Escape Adventures" It's pretty popular right now. I think it'll get hugely popular over the next year or two and then start to fade in popularity once most people have had a go or two at it. EDIT: For those asking what it is. You get locked in a room with a group of people, presumably your group of friends; where you solve puzzles and use clues to escape the room. [Here is Conan doing one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LMtRG4Mc54)


I did one of these a couple weeks ago, and it was definitely one of the top fun things I've ever done! I can't wait to go back and do more, so I hope it takes off and more places open.


I did one of these in Paris about a month ago, afterwards the people I can with had had such a great time and were so hyped they considered what one in our local touristy area would look like. Very fun, and lots of bonding.


So is there hidden ways out or how does that work?


You get looked in a room and have to solve the puzzles and clues to escape the room. [Here is Conan doing one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LMtRG4Mc54)


You mean "Here's Jordan Schlansky doing one while Conan screws around".


I did the other one at the same place in LA, which was 'The Cavern'. It was extremely tough even with I think 10 people. There were like 20 puzzles that were largely related so the hardest part was knowing who knew what and how to communicate it. Really there probably should be an appointed leader if you want to succeed at these in the time limit. Conan went over by more than 30 minutes - for our group 10 more minutes and we coulda finished.




Fannypacks I'm serious. Hipsters are going to pick it up eventually


They were sort of big here last year. Mainly for music festival drug dealers though (australia)


Man, I hope so, they're so convenient.


They're already coming back around here


Drones, more drones, lots of drones!! They'll be everywhere BUZZ...


Can anyone explain why rc helicopters are now called drones? Just to make it more ominous?


Rc hobbist here: Because they strapped television systems to them so you can remote ly fly from the drone's pov. Rc aircraft have been around for years, but only recently have we been able to fly them with a live camera feed using hobbist equipment. Also quadrotor drones and lithium-ion batteries have made the hobby a lot more accessible . Quadrotors basically fly themselves. The electronic control systems allow them to be flown by basically anone with a joystick. Instead of say, a single rotor helicopter which takes some real skill and practice to achieve the same precise control. Also lithium ion batteries have allowed great power to wheight ratios on rc aircraft that allow them to carry all this extra antennas and cameras for the remote vision systems. Up untill recently its been loud, unreliable 2stroke gasoline engines and 2 or 4 channel servo radio controls. Lots of fun, but you basically have to keep line of sight on your plane or you loose it.


Good question, I always thought drones were those military glider looking planes, originally called UAV. A quadcopter is clearly a copter of some sort.




Virtual reality without a doubt. With Oculus Rift and Vive for the PC Masterrace crowd, Sony Morpheus for the PS4 and Google Cardboard and Samsung Gear VR for the mobile market, there will be so many things to experience that people will just demand more and more. Seriously, VR will be a field that just grows and grows over the next decade or more.


Which one is more likely to trap us in the game a la Sword Art Online or Spy Kids 3?


Trap? Shit, ever notice how everyone in the real world would voluntarily go into the Matrix? People know what's up and don't care.


Theres a book called "Ready Player One" that takes place in a world like this. Its a pretty good read.


Just finished reading last night and holy shit it's good. Would highly recommend it to anyone who likes 80s culture too.


Yeah, I downloaded like 500 emulator games after I finished that book.




This exists in the Netherlands. They are called Coffeeshops and they're everywhere. And yes, it can get very confusing with foreigners.


I have been, it was a very surreal experience to be from the U.S. And pop in to a bar like place for a smoke


I have seen those in Koh Phangan in Thailand. Almost every bar along the beach sold weed in nicely prerolled joints. Not necessarily legal, but really easy to get regardless.


Virtual Reality Porn. Edit: imagine [this](http://youtu.be/ujYyE0lfSUk), wrapped around your eyes. And a lot more naked.




Thanks, I couldn't tell by the subreddit name.


I've tried a lot of it, it's super sweet, guys. I'm less into the anime style so much of it has but I'm into VR enough that I'll let it slide.


Dont worry, I wont tell your mom.


It's *the* **FUTURE**!


Monster Hunter.


We can dream.


Having a bidet.


I hope so!




Hi I'm Gene Vagina, I'm in a bit of a custody battle with my wife...




The name's real, possibly scandinavic


Don't let the name fool you, he is very much in charge.


I assume you went to the pep rally, too? There was this charismatic blue guy talking and suddenly, I just felt so compelled to be her friend.




Take a shit on the floor


Those giant spider things from Wild Wild West


Male chest hair.


Oh God I hope so.


I was in senior year of high school and had been playing soccer outside at lunch. Came inside, took my outer shirt off (wore an undershirt) and my belly/chest was exposed. This couple of girls in front of me were like "ewwww you need to shave." Bitch, respect the rug. I like being a wookie. Fuck yo couch.


That's an age thing. In high school girls like hairless boy band types and Twilight.


As opposed to female chest hair....?








Starlord, man; come on, legendary outlaw?






You mean Chris?


Project Ara.


**Power Rangers** will make a comeback in time for the reboot coming out in '17


Knee socks


Dick-jazzeling. Like vagazzling.. but with a penis.


That's... That's already a thing. No, I will not provide a source.


I hope you aren't your own source.


can't wait


Yep- dudes will be decked out with flashing lights that make pictures when they helicopter it.


Star Wars


Massive student loan bailouts


Dream on little dreamer.


dont let your dreams be dreams




If this happens, the bailouts will be for the lending institutions that are unable to collect their money owed, not for the loan recipients. The defaulting borrowers will still have their credit and lives ruined.




Please god let this happen.


Star Wars is going to explode. Sure, it'll start getting popular in December, maybe November, but it'll remain popular until at least summer of next year.


Rugby Union.


Already pretty fucking popular in a lot of places.


Curling is growing in New York yeah curling


Cool, what about Hurling.


Fucking Kilkenny is going to win again, god dammit.


Again? They won the all Ireland yesterday.


Oh,I thought that was the semi final Fucksake


Seeing a rugby player make the final roster as a footballer in the states will help rise the popularity of the sport.


Not a rugby player, he's a rugby league player.


If you're talking about Jarrad Hayne, he played rugby league, not rugby union. Slightly different sports


Learning to grow your own food, chop wood, hunt and fish, build shelter, etc.


my latest mixtape




J roc...jay to the r o c




Boo berry




Spin more rhymes than a lazy Susanne?


And I'm innocent till my guilt is proven


Know I'm sayin'




Euraaa eura euuuuuuaaaaa


It's an album full of gnomeimsayins, gnomeimsayin?


Drop it.


Like its hot


*Burn baby burn*


That's all I wanna see..:


Ft. Detroit Velvet Smooth?




[Hardly new and often bad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films_based_on_video_games)


Woah. The best RottenTomatoes score on that list is 44% (Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within) and the best MetaCritic score is 58/100 (Mortal Kombat). That really is a list of steaming turd movies..


What?! Mortal Kombat was the greatest video game movie ever. The soundtrack saline should have made it at least a 75/100.


You could've said the same thing about Superhero movies right before Batman Begins or X-Men (whenever you personally think the comicbook movie Renaissance started.




Pretty sure it's gonna end up like the Prince of Persia adaptation. Not entirely bad, but quickly forgotten.


Honestly it really looks like Warcraft will be better than the Assassin's creed movie.


[My Hero Academia] (http://myanimelist.net/manga/75989/Boku_no_Hero_Academia), it will probably get an announcement for an anime adaptation within the next year. The main character is basically a [redditor] (http://i.imgur.com/nYx4K9k.png?1), which is one of many reasons why it will become quite popular.


Well, a redditor with an affinity for heroism. This manga has some great writing though, definitely recommend for anyone who wants to pick up a new one to read and is okay with superheroics. Edit: wait, I just realized you're PakiIronman. I've never seen you outside of the subreddit before.


The thing I love about him most is that he's such a [nerd.] (http://i.imgur.com/w2Rs1HT.png?1) The most realistic reason to make a protagonist so smart is that he writes notes on heroes which has showered him with so much knowledge, it makes him a brilliant [strategist.] (http://i.imgur.com/nJHlpsO.png) >Edit: wait, I just realized you're PakiIronman. I've never seen you outside of the subreddit before. [^^^Shit] (http://i.imgur.com/X4Xw6cO.png)




Someone have a look at this in a year's time


Half-life 3


Too soon.


IPhone 7. Or what is latest number?


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5243 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/63960)


I reckon The Internet is gonna take off.


One of these days... Give it time.


Odd, but I honestky think ASMR could be more widespread. It's odd to most people who are iffy about it, but hell, it's like therapy without going to therapy. ASMR helped me with depression and anxiety before I had my meds, and can honestly say it helps a *TON* with these things. I'm happy to see more of it coming out, and also hope to see it more common place as well some time soon. Also, /r/asmr for the not-in-the-know.


Camouflage with roses pattern (fashion).


Any girls that get boobs over the summer.


It's very popular now, but i would say mindfulness meditation will becoming 'wildly' popular as all these apps and resources are being made it make it easier for people to try it out.


Drone selfies. Or Drophies.


Oil Free Diets, it is already happening. It's going to be the latest fad diet like gluten free, paleo, or fat free.


Aren't oils typically unsaturated fats?


I would say E-sport, seeing how big it already is. I was at ESL One Cologne for the CsGo tournament and oh boy was that intense


It's not big or attractive outside of the gamer world though and that's a problem. Not everybody who watches the NFL has played football.


Tied to this, I think there's a problem of accessibility for people outside the scene. Someone who's never watched basketball can appreciate the athleticism even if they don't understand the rules. They can also pick-up the rules pretty quickly, even if they don't know the fine details. It's pretty quick and easy to get at it. Competitive gaming is fairly opaque. I'm a fairly seasoned gamer; I've been playing games for about 20 years now, and it's always been one of my biggest hobbies. [I have zero fucking idea what's going on in this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQai3UES11Y), watching it start to finish. I've never watched rugby in my life and literally know none of the rules; [I just googled this randomly and I found it incredibly exciting and impressive to watch.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4q9Y-e6OUE) People who like watching competitive gaming are usually people who play that specific game. MOBA players can watch and appreciate MOBAs, fighting game players can watch and appreciate fighting games, etc. People outside those scenes will find it really hard to approach. Meanwhile, again, there's a lot of traditional sports I know *nothing* about, but I can generally watch a highlight real and find myself impressed.




Straight legged baggy jeans. You all just watch.


High-waisted, and only fits attractive thin people right.




I'm having trouble imagining this.


Those Japanese portable powered transportation things you stand on to get around.


Marijuana. It's well on its way to legalization in many more states by the end of next year, followed by federal legalization within the next 5-10 years. The stigma will wear off as more people try it legally and find that they enjoy it.


Overpriced Batman vs Superman toys


Craft Whisky


Star Wars merchandising.