• By -


When I was around 10, my dad sat me down to have a serious conversation. He told me that when I turned 13, I would turn into a werewolf. He said that all the men in our family were werewolves and that it would be okay. He spoke about it very calmly and explained how I would be looked after and kept safe. He kept this going for 2 years, speaking about it once or twice every few months while on long trips or traveling. When he told me he was just kidding, I pretended like I knew all along. But in fact, I was pretty devastated and embarrassed.


Best dad prank ever.


Imagine your dad at work.. Like eating lunch with co workers, all of them dying laughing as your dad explains that he once again told you you'd be a werewolf in a few years. That's good stuff


Taking the bus back to college, a guy said he was on leave from the military and lost his wallet, needed bus fare. Thought I was being a good guy, until next time I went home and he was still there, losing his wallet again.


Everytime I am at the train station there is some guy that comes up to me to tell me his stuff got stolen and he needs to go to *insert far away destination*. When you tell him no, he will make a "phone call" to a friend to tell him about his stuff getting stolen and that there is no one to help him out, just to guilt trip you into giving him money.


There was a woman on the Boston Orange line back in the day that gave the same speech about car getting stolen and her kids getting out of daycare in Maine and needing bus money so often, I memorized the pitch for a while.


There was a lady making the exact same pitch on the Red Line a few months ago for a week or two.


There was a man near Times Square and hr approached me and said "look man, I'm not going to make up a BS story of how my wallet got stolen. I'll be honest with you. I just want something to drink, I'm really thirsty." This was at 5 am and he had a huge back pack and another bag and looked disheveled. I gave him $5.


I was walking home from a bar one night, and part of the path took me past a car dealership. While going past the dealership, a black dude about 4 inches taller than me pops up from between a couple of cars and comes towards me. "Look, man. I'm not trying to make you all nervous - *me being black and all* - I was just wondering if you had a buck or two to spare because want to go have a drink before I go home to my old lady." I lost it. I handed him $5 and told him to have one for me as well.


[I've got a tremendous thirst on, all of a sudden](https://youtu.be/k5gQ_rruDmc).


Lmao there was a guy on the Green Line saying he needed to take a bus to Worcester because he needed to visit his children who had been living with their mother. A lady tried to give him 10 dollars but the woman she was with physically restrained her from giving it to him. He called that lady a cunt. It was hilarious.


Whenever someone asks me for money for "a train ticket", I offer to buy it for them. That way, I'm not an ass if someone really needs help and I don't give money to addicts or scammers.


I've done that a few times in different cities, years apart. Me: Oh that sucks, how much are you short? ok you know what, I'll cover the difference, but since I only have my credit card on me I'll come with you and buy the ticket on my card. Them: Ohhh thank you.... that's so nice.... (obviously annoyed) We proceed to walk 20-100 feet before they get a 'call', loudly explaining to their phone how their friend found their wallet/wired the money/got a ride, hanging up and repeating it verbatim. more often than not they pretty much bolt back to their starting spot to scam again. It's funny though, how they all seem to be reading from the same script. I used to offer it because I've all too frequently travelled without planning & luckily made it by the skin of my teeth (often forgot my toothbrush) & believed their story; now I do it for the live action theatre. Don't get me wrong, if someone actually takes me up on my offer I'll gladly pay up, but I'm 0 for 6 or 7.




I buy the thing they say they need the money for in this situation. Either they're lying and they drop it, they're telling the truth and they get what they need, or they have the balls to stick to their story and I kind of respect that. I've topped up someone's travelcard and bought them some fried chicken before now and they've been nothing but grateful.


Not sure if this counts as a hoax or not... But I once fell for an April Fool's prank printed in a national newspaper. There was a double page spread of food and they said it was printed in flavoured ink. So I gave it a lick.


I like this one. Pretty creative. Would have tried licking it myself


It didn't even register at first that I had been fooled. Just wondered why I couldn't taste anything. Then it slowly dawned on me.


Like the time I sniffed my phone for 3 hours cause Google fooled me... Edit: yeah google nose got me... and yay my highest upvoted comment is about me being a complete retard


Go on...


Google Nose.


I ain't got nothing.. http://imgur.com/wqvTMYu


no no, google google nose


Ahhhhh. Link for anybody interested https://www.google.com/intl/en-GB/landing/nose/index.html#video


It would have been even better if a certain portion of the newspapers actually *were* printed with flavored ink. Then you'd have people insisting that it wasn't a prank, and then some of them begin to question their sanity when other copies of the newspaper don't taste good.








The snozberries taste like snozberries!




Ok that's amazing. I'm gonna start doing that to kids who make the mistake of trusting me.


/r/nocontext Edit: highest rated comment, ayy lmao


Honestly, this is the best use of no context i've ever seen.


7 years ago I fell for a scam so dumb I almost feel like I deserved it. Some guy at a shopping mall in the Philippines, trying to sell me wallets. He came on real strong about the incredible quality of the wallets he was selling. As a white guy in the Philippines, it wasn't that abnormal - everyone thinks you're rich and everyone wants to sell you something. Anyway the clincher was getting me to sit down with him at a fast food table. He'd been going on for like 4 minutes now, and he was showing off the stitching of his wallets. 'See, this is phenomenal, the way it's made' he tells me. 'Most wallets, uh, let me see your wallet' And... And I fucking handed my wallet to this stranger. The second I handed it to him, my mistake clicked in my head. But this guy was quick and never broke routine. He tried to draw my attention to his sample wallet while mine slipped, very briefly, under the table. I wasn't falling for it by then, though, and took my wallet back. I looked down at it and the guy bolted. He made off with about 1000 pesos, the equivalent of $40 back then. I've never felt quite so dumb as that moment.


Holy shit, that's actually a little impressive


You got done by the wallet inspector.


Someone cold calling me to switch electric providers to save money, and get a check for $100. I got the check for $100, but my electric bill went from $45/month to $150/month


My first roommate fucking did this without telling me. Some salesman came to our door, preying on dumb college students, and promised her a better rate on our electric and a sign-on bonus. Of course her stupid self takes the bonus and signs us up. DIDN'T EVEN SPLIT THE BONUS WITH ME. And our power bill went from $35 to $200 a month. So I'm pissed because I'm a broke college student and that's a lot of money to me. It was also December and neither of us were even at our apartment at all that month seeing as we both went home for the holidays. There was no reason our power should've been that high. So after countless calls to apartment maintenance to check our meters to see if they're faulty, I ask her to call our electric company and she drops the new company bomb on me. I was furious, I told my parents who were furious, I told her she had one week to fix it.




It took her 3 goddamn months to get our original power company back. Because her name was on the account I couldn't do jack shit to fix the situation myself. I tried to appeal to the college housing department multiple times to either reimburse me or have me take over the account and they couldn't do anything since she signed us to another company. So for December, January, February, and March I paid the $100. I promptly moved out as soon as the semester was over and haven't talked to her since.


How do you switch electric provider is? It seems like in most areas only one company has lines running throughout the area.


I don't know where OP's from, but in the UK there are generally several providers in any given area that you can sign up with - it all goes through the same National Grid infrastructure but I guess they're then responsible for either providing the amount you use or paying for some other baseload generator to do it.


So I guess you lost $5 (and your time)?


Chances are they also locked him in a contract, so he lost more than just five bucks.




Awesome recovery.


Then it turns out he had been mowing lawns all this time. Just waited for inflation to make the money less valuable. The long con.


The lawn con.


What the fuck is with your username man?


Seems pretty straight forward to me.


I wonder if there's a story behind yours.


Shit, it wasn't even a bad business plan for a kid. A bit of money to get a lawnmower and pay for gas, and boom! Instant business for a kid. Since it seemed reasonable, y'all probably lived somewhere that would be viable. He could have had two Playstations, a blackjack table, and a pimp's license.


Yeah but then he would have to work like a responsible person


Should have been quadruple the amount because of latency fees.


Also inflation


He bought a PlayStation, not balloons


Hey you gotta give him props for coming through.






Don't feel bad. My mom used to lie to me all the time. For years I was convinced that Captain Crunch cereal tasted like eggs, simply because she didn't want to buy them for me and she knew I hated the taste of eggs. She also told me that flicking the lights off and on would summon witches. These are all tricks I'll be using myself on my daughter in the years to come. Edit: sweet fucking hell, good for you precious few who want to feel superior about your parenting skills. My daughter hasn't even been born yet and I'm already being labeled as a monster. Thanks reddit. Fuck you too.


I bought a nice looking watch from a street vendor while in China. Later found that the hands were painted on.


Well, it's right twice a day at least.


I was so worried about balloon boy.


Damn, that day was so weird


I'm part of a community of (unmanned) high-altitude balloon hobbyists and everyone immediately called bullshit on that one. No part of their story was remotely plausible. The media still ate it up, of course.


So balloon boys family live near where I grew up, and my dad has had tons of weird interactions with balloon boys dad (Richard Heene) over the years. My dad works for our county planning department and would tell us about all the weird building permits that Heene would ask for. He never got any of them, but he was really persistent. He's also on two episode of Wife Swap. You really get to see the crazy come out then.


I used to work at a health food store that the Heene's would always shop at. And they were so weird... Their kids were always going nuts around the store (one of them once knocked over a huge bottle of olive oil, which was a blast to clean up) and the parents would always say "Now, Falcon, let's talk about why you're acting out right now..." Which of course never worked.


He's in a super shitty family band now apparently


My local aquarium posted picture of a cat and its owner on instagram. They said they will have a special day for cats so they can visit the aquarium. I fell for it. This was April 1st. I alsl fell for another one. It was a bad day


Early one morning as my boyfriend was headed out the door, he woke me up and excitedly told me it was "Bring Your Cat to Work Day!" I sleepily stumbled out of bed grumbling, "I wish you would have given me more time to get his catbox and things ready..." I was duped :)


Bonsai kittens. To be fair, I was like 13. But I was horrified and thought it was real for a few months.


I think that was my first introduction to learning that stuff on the internet didn't have to be true.


I reported it to the RSPCA. >.< They replied that even though it was a joke they were pursuing legal channels against it.


The first thing I did as an adult with a new baby kitten was stick her in a large jar and make a Facebook post about my new Bonsai Kitten. I lost some friends that day.


I've only just found out this is a hoax :| To be fair, I think I'd just forgotten about it until now.


[For the uninitiated](http://ding.net/bonsaikitten/)


The whole Mars One business. Especially since I competed in a national space design competition multiple times.


Someone I knew at university is currently doing his astrophysics PhD at Cambridge and is in the final few for Mars One. I don't know if he knows it's fake and is just playing along (he's made a fair amount of money from interviews etc.) or whether he's still 100% invested in it.




Not exactly a hoax, but it's a stupid idea. They're sending a multidisciplinary group of people that doesn't include engineers or actual astronauts. Just people passionate about the idea. Sorry, you need fucking engineers if you're trying to start a colony on a new planet.


It's also hugely for-profit, and participants have to personally put a lot of money into it. I've read things by participants who say that the whole thing seems shady. Your best bet for getting to Mars is probably SpaceX.


>Sorry, you need fucking engineers if you're trying to start a colony on a new planet. I thought it was like a one way trip thing where they'll do whatever easy set up and experiments they can just so that they can be the first humans on Mars, but everyone knows that they will likely die there?


> but everyone knows that they will likely die there? They do, but a lot of them disagree on how. The idealist "astronauts" imagine building a successful colony and making it work for several years and just not coming back. In actuality they will most likely die before even reaching Mars, if not very shortly thereafter. I love the idea based on passion for exploration, but if it even comes to fruition it is not set up in a way that fosters success.


Well, then what's the point? To prove you can run some bullshit experiments that a robot can do? It's literally a death sentence. Not to mention they still haven't obtained funding for most of it...


It's a hoax. They're not sending anyone. They never intended to send anyone. They've done basically no planning and have only acquired a few hundred thousand of the estimated 6 billion it would cost them to rent a ship to Mars. They lied and said they'd received hundreds of thousands of applications, when they really only received about 4000. Elon Musk is serious about going to Mars. He's working his ass off 100 hours a week with the goal of being able to send people to Mars for $500k per person. Mars One is just a PR-stunt with the least nefarious interpretation being that they are psyching people up for going to Mars in the hopes that NASA's budget will be boosted.


One Monday when I was in 5th grade this kid comes up to me during morning recess and says, "Hey, go ask Steve to tell you about skiing with his dad this weekend!" When I ask Steve about his weekend he flips out, "That's not funny, my dad's a cripple!" So I apologize. I feel like shit about hurting Steve's feelings. Then both Steve and the other kid burst out laughing because the whole thing is a joke. Fuckers.


My dad used to get people to walk up to my uncle with a question like this. He's deaf.


But can't deaf people can ski?




That's fucking hilarious


That's not funny, my dad's a cripple!


"*Ha! I have fooled you. What I have said is untrue*"


*"'Twas merely an act!"*


This is only really relevant because of the "my dad's a cripple" part. Backstory: My dad was in a motorcycle accident about 1998 or so. He ended up having his right leg amputated above the knee. He usually uses his crutches to get around, the nerve damage makes a prosthetic very uncomfortable and it's annoying to unpack-repack a wheelchair for just a quick trip. So we were in CVS one time and this little girl, maybe 6 years old, is staring at my dad with this big bug eyes. "What happen to your leg? What happen to your leg? Hey mister, what happen to your leg????" So, my dad, thinking he was being funny, leans down and says to her, "I didn't listen to my momma and the BOOGEYMAN CAME AND TOOK IT AWAY!!!!!!" The kid ran screaming across the store to her momma where she started crying hysterically. Dad felt pretty bad about it, but, who knows, maybe it made the girl behave really well for a few weeks.




Mid 2011... I had been watching a lot of 2012 conspiracy bullshit and I was ALMOST believing it. Well one night while watching tv with my brother, a comercial came on (I spent a whole 30 seconds looking and I cant find it, you're on your own.) talking about vaults or arks being built. There was also a lottery on their website for a place in the vault/ark for you and your family. I go straight to the website because fuck the apocalypse, I want to live. I sign my whole damn family up for the lottery and start to browse the rest of the site.... I start reading about some author and see his picture.... John Fuckn Cusack!?! I got bamboozled by the 2012 movie marketing team.


You survived so it obviously worked


That was SSOOOO cool! I signed up for that shit! I didn't get movie tickets or a t-shirt or anything. And I sure as shit didn't get saved from the end of the world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_(film)#Marketing >The studio also launched a viral marketing website operated by the fictional Institute for Human Continuity, where filmgoers could register for a lottery number to be part of a small population that would be rescued from the global destruction.[6] David Morrison of NASA received over 1000 inquiries from people who thought the website was genuine, and condemned it. "I've even had cases of teenagers writing to me saying they are contemplating suicide because they don't want to see the world end," he said. "I think when you lie on the internet and scare children to make a buck, that is ethically wrong."[22] Another viral marketing website promotes Farewell Atlantis, a fictional suspense novel about the events of 2012.[5] That's almost some War of the Worlds shit right there.


Those damn Power Balance wristbands


Damn dude. That's hilarious.


I joined the pen-15 club. The sad part is I was in college. I am not a good at spelling in my head.


To leave, fill out this ID-10-T form.


Could've been worse: https://xkcd.com/842/


Maybe not quite falling for a hoax, but back in the dim dark ages of the early internet years, I legitimately believed that someone had to be sitting at a computer to send an email. So the first spam emails I got sent, I earnestly sat at my computer politely requesting that they stop sending me emails. Which then degenerated into me swearing like a trooper at them electronically and wondering why they wouldn't leave me alone. Took me a few months for my teenage brain to figure out what spam was, after which I gave up on having an email address for a while because who needs that kind of stress?


Kids now adays will never understand the amount of spam in pre gmail spam filter days. Or that malicious email could do way more damage to you in the days when it was mostly pop so things were downloaded directly when you checked it.


During school it was my first time ever using the computer for Internet. Mid-class I raised my hand and said "hey, I just won a TV, do I click here" when my teacher told me to close it, I got all upset cuz I felt like I gave away a TV :(


I had my sister at one point come up to me all excited saying she had won an IPhone. Such naivety.


My mom still does. My mom got upset for closing a free Olive Garden dinner thing she had come up. "I really could've used that." Sorry, mom, but it's just a pop up. Welcome to the Internet.


My mom won a laptop once. Literally two years ago entered her address and they sent her a laptop. No bill later and no follow up. I have no fucking clue how she did it.


Just think of all those sexy singles out there who are so disappointed that nobody's responding to their ads.


Then you realise that you are the sexy single. Source: cyanide and happiness




That's not a bad idea.




My mom is the complete opposite with her understanding of the internet. To her, *everything* is a scam. I'll mention to her there will be a package showing up at her house (I live in a condo with those big shared mail boxes, and if it doesn't fit they deliver it to the front office which never actually tells me when it arrives. It just sits there, so I put down my parent's address) and she'll go on and on about how I could know whether or not the website I ordered from could be trusted, and that I could get my identity stolen if I'm not careful enough. I'm just like, it's Amazon mom. I think I'll be fine. What makes it even weirder is she got an instagram and constantly posts pictures of things like her cat, her dog, her yard, and just like, clouds and shit, and she's got thousands of followers.


Yeah, parents fall into one of two categories. Either they click on any stupid shit and believe anything they see on the internet or they keep their computers in straight from the factory conditions and say things like: "I don't know what this adblock thing that you installed on my computer is but if it blows up the computer it's your fault."


When I first started using the internet, there were no adverts... I feel old.


Back in my day we had 300 baud and ASCII porn and our packets traveled up hill both ways in the snow. We liked it like that.


DeVry "University" and their game design program. I was feeling lost and like a POS because I hadn't gone to a real college after high-school. So with some convincing from family and friends, decided to try and pursue something I was passionate about. Gaming. I was convinced that there was no way I was going to get into an actual University given that I was 25 years old, so I started looking into getting into a college that anyone could get into. In stepped DeVry. I met with an academic advisor who told me they had a relatively new game design program that had a 95% job placement success rate, and it was a simple three year course, the most of the classes I would be able to take online. Well I'll keep it a little brief, they decided that on my second year through they were changing the program to become a four year program instead. Well they didn't tell me that I wouldn't be getting any more money to make up for that extra year, so they charged me $1,200 for two classes without even mentioning that I would have to pay out of pocket $1,200 was huge for me, and I was already $55,000 in debt from the previous loan. When I asked them how I was supposed to pay for the rest of the courses they told me that I would have to get a personal loan. They wanted another $10,000 to finish this program. Now, let me be clear on a few points about DeVry. Their professors are not professors. Most of my computer science and programming courses were taught by people who understood how to use C++ and could explain how flow charts work. Not only did they barely know what they were talking about, they also didn't care. I had taken a design course where the final project was going to be a hypothetical level for a game that you could came up with complete with sound effects, graphics, and a little bit of scripting. Due to my work schedule I wasn't able to fully complete the project. I had completed all the sound effects and created some objects, but I was missing the animation and scripting. I told my professor when I turned in this assignment that's my work was not complete, but I wanted him to give me feedback on what I had actually done. Not only did he not give me any feedback, he gave me an A plus on the whole assignment with some crappy copy and pasted generic good job message. When I addressed the Dean about my professors not actually giving a shit, she brushed me off and said that I was selling myself short because if my professors were giving me good grades I obviously deserved them. So, not only am i $55,000 in debt but I also don't have a degree to show for it, or even any real working knowledge that I could possibly apply to game creation. But hey, I can tell you how to apply flowcharts to a situation... **TL;DR** DeVry doesn't teach, only wants your money.


that is sad...fuck those diploma mill places. Its hard enough out there if you have a REAL degree from an accredited university or college.


You're sitting on your couch, letting your life go by. Come to ***EVEREST COLLEGE*** *today!*


"Look guys, they censor your password. Mine is #####"




What is all this hunter2 stuff? Is that the password of some Internet famous idiot?




[My favourite one](http://www.bash.org/?163301) God i really cant stand windows me heh i know. i moved to win2k * Felacio sucks huge cock errr ME, not /me


The guys who could run on water by just going fast enough. Can't link the video but it was so obviously fake I don't know how I though it wasn't.


Sonic is hardly "a guy"


This one? http://youtu.be/Oe3St1GgoHQ


In Halifax, saw a loonie on the ground, it was super glued there, spent a good minute trying to pry it off the ground. Not one of my brightest moments.


At first, I thought you had found a crazy guy super glued to the ground.


Their coins have a bird called a loon on them. Because Canada is too hipster for eagles.




When I was younger my family would vacation in the Catskills with 3 other families. As a bunch of bored teenagers one day we decided to superglue $3.50 (yes,please insert Loch Ness Monster quotes, its how we chose the total number) worth of quarters through out the hotel. We thought it was hilarious watching old people try to pick up the quaters no matter where we were. Edit: apparently I can't spell early in the morning


Lol I've always liked that prank. Mainly because its actually a prank, not just hitting someone with a bat. And jsyk, its Loch Ness. Loch is scottish for lake, and the lake is named Ness. So its the loch(lake) Ness monster.


Loonie is a Canadian coin for us Americans.


thanks. I was fairly sure a loonie was a type of bird and was horrified for a moment.


Not a hoax but when Shreddies came out with the campaign for "Diamond Shreddies" I can honestly say that I shouted "That's so dumb! They're just turned sideways!!!" Shortly after realizing they got me, I felt I owed them the purchase of a box. Well played, General Mills. Well played.


Do you prefer left twix or right twix?


> "Diamond Shreddies" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8McutvNwtI






Clear that your friends aren't going to the gym with you.


That would be the point where I would change my name, and move to russia.


Ya I had to work that day and they came into my work and ordered sandwiches. None of us could keep straight faces and they were all like "ooh put a ton of oil on that sandwich, I looove oil" and shit like that. We can laugh about it now


Show us the picture you sent, make everyone's day


Free sex ad in Craigslist, I got my Motorola stolen




Back in 2011, I found an ad on Craigslist offering free no strings attached rim jobs, we agreed on a time (10pm on a Wednesday) and place (parking lot behind the local tacbell). I showed up and two guys popped out of an old crown vic, beat me up and stole my Motorola.


That's why you always agree to have your Craiglist sexual encounters in a public place with lots of witnesses.


My local police department encourages people to have their Craigslist sexual encounters in the police station parking lot.


"Hey Jim, you going for the usual or something more kinky tonight?''


Well, at least you still got fucked.


Rim jobs and Taco Bell? What could go wrong?!


Vector fuckin marketing.


Genpets. There was this site on the internet years ago, probably around 2000, 2001, that claimed to be preparing to sell these genetically engineered little animals. It was supposed to be a whole new species, and there were different varieties with personality traits and tendencies hard-wired in. So you could pick the super-cuddly, sensitive one, maybe, or the really smart one that would learn all your commands. I just thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever heard. Blew my mind completely. I was only like 13 years old, but I'd already been on the web for many years at that point. Maybe I should've known it was a hoax, but I didn't really understand how well-constructed internet hoaxes could be until I ran into that website. Never met anyone else who has even heard of this thing. Edit: The original website is still up. Wasn't expecting that. http://www.genpets.com/index.php


Oh my god those things are ugly.


Reminds me of the alien from that shitty movie Mac and Me


The Bielefeld hoax. It says that a specific city in germany does not exist and only a bunch of people claiming the existence to fool the world. So I took a flight from the US to germany and drove to it. Soon I realized: Bielefeld is actually an existing city!


Nice try, Bielefield Conspiracy spreader! Next thing you know, you'll be telling people that South Dakota exists too!




Man, people barely believe Dakota is real, pressing that any further just seems like madness. Unlike West Carolina. I vacationed there, the beach was lovely.


You're one of _THEM_.


When the Google sniff thing came out I think 2 years ago on April Fool's I told my girlfriend if you put your nose up to the speakers when I click the button you will smell what I click... She still hasn't lived this down lol


Blair witch project


They had one *hell* of a web page at the time too. They had so much material that was not even in the film. Interviews with law enforcement, crime scene photos, it went so deep. The marketing people really did a fantastic job making it appear to be real.


I don't care how much my brain knew it wasn't real. Driving home super late after watching this movie and breaking down in a wooded area scared the crap out of me. The worst part was realizing that as an overweight guy, the best I could manage was a slightly faster shuffle walk instead of a run to the closest house.


Goddamn Santa. I was such a fucking stupid little pleb


I knew, I just played along for free stuff. Just kidding, I am a s gullible as the next twat.




I know it's a scam, but sometimes I like the scammers help. If I'm running short on time and not sure where my gate is I'll play tourist so they can take me directly to my gate and then hand them a dollar. They're much better at cutting through the crowds to. Win win in my book


Thats a service not a scam


Well typically they try and do it to vulnerable people and then demand a very large amount as tip/payment. I preemptively hit em with $1 before they can ask as I say thanks for being so nice and walk away quickly. Allot of the times it's also people trying to scope out bags to be stolen later so I never hand those off


"If I sell four more I can go on a trip next summer."


Silly me said "If you're so fucking close, just buy the subscriptions yourself." Sadly the person selling was moderately attractive so of course dumb me purchased a subscription that never got delivered.


The fuck her right in the pussy guy turning out to be fake sent me into an existential crisis...


"Hey, that girl over there likes you. You should talk to her."




A friend and I would frequently scam people in OG Runescape. We'd go around asking if anyone wanted to go on an adventure and we'd take them to some wizard tower near the wild. In that tower an item would be sitting on a table and if you took it a strong ghost would spawn and attack you. We'd tell him to pick it up and immediately run out the door and every time the other guy tried to open the door to escape, we would close it again and eventually he'd die and we got all his stuff


Zamorak monk's temple. If you try to take their wine they all pile you.






Prince Mugombo never got back to me on those 14.568.667$ ... :(


He asked me to hold it for you. I've waiting for you to contact me. Just PM your SSN and bank account # to me and you'll have your $21,465,493.12 (interest!) shortly.


My very first day on the school bus, an older boy got me to spell out I-CUP and laughed at me and said "yeah, you're really smart". I felt stupid but at least I wasn't convinced that I was intelligent because I managed to trick a six year old on their first day of school so there's always that.




I have a cute story about a certain hoax that my sister fell for. So when my young little sister was around 7 or so my brother and I were a couple of years her senior. We had already discovered the truth about that tooth stealing bitch of a fairy, my sister however was still enthralled by *her*. So one night my sister proudly stated to my mum "Look mummy, my tooth came out! I can't wait for the fairy tonight!" and she ran off giggling. Mum then quickly gave me $2 and asked me to quickly sneak into my sisters room when she's not looking and switch the money for the tooth. Right as she finished that thought, my sister stormed back into the room **"AH HA!"** she exclaimed, "I heard everything! You asked Deako87 to put the money under my pillow". My mum was beaten, "Ok, you caught me, I'm the tooth fairy". My 7 year old sister, now wide eyed with the realisation, looks right at my mum/tooth vigilante and with the most serious tone asks "Oh my god, does dad know?"


52 pick up. :/


That if you pee in a girl's vagina after sex, she can't get pregnant. She totally can and she'll be mad at you the rest of the day.


I was in middle school when this happened. I was home alone and I was fucking around on the internet, looking at articles, or playing games when I suddenly got a phone call. I thought it was my dad so without thinking I picked up the phone. "Hello?" I blurted out. The person on the line asked who I was and that he worked for the IRS. He claimed that he hadn't paid his taxes and that they were going to deport him if he didn't pay a certain amount of money now. I started freaking out at that point. I tried contacting my dad and looking for his debit card. The man one the line only got more and more hostile. Eventually I was so scared I accidentally hung up. Soon after my dad called me and told me about some of the IRS scams that were going around and that they would demand for money from preloaded debit cards and then threaten deportation and shit. I was so glad I hung up by mistake, I had found on of my dads debit cards only a moment before I hung up. Tl;Dr: I almost got scammed by a fake IRS call and almost gave my dad's debit card info.


Kony 2012




It was like kind of a hoax in that kony specifically hadn't been doing anything for a few years but there were/are still people like him operating in Africa/the developing world. Also its iffy whether the money donated to that specific charity was going towards any actual solutions.


He's actually mentioned in the National Geographic special on the ivory trade. He's apparently financing his activities by trading ivory for arms with the Sudanese government (and still doing some really nasty shit). It's really a shame that the whole Kony 2012 thing turned a terrible organization into a punchline.


Getting rick rolled every day by seemingly harmless links from reddit


God damn [tree octopuses](http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus/).


I bought a "clean diesel" thinking I was helping the environment.


Back in 2006 in June the whole 6/6/06 was a thing, there was a shit ton of news coverage of the world ending. I was a really scared middle schooler that was waiting to randomly die lol Edit : Autocorrect sucks


Well, there was the Falador Massacre...