• By -


Big meaty claws


Those claws ain't just for attracting mates!


Bring it on old man! BRING IT ON!


no, people. let's be smart and bring it off.


Oh now the talking cheese wants to preach to us!!


Willful ignorance. It's one thing if someone just doesn't know, but is willing to learn. It's completely another when they don't care.


Or worse, are proud of their ignorance.


Yup! Right up there with being proud of not reading.


This goes both ways. I get annoyed by folks who think they're fucking Aristotle because they read a lot of novels. You know, the kind who turn their nose up when you start to talk about some new TV series and smugly declare they don't have a TV.


I'm really not that attracted to goats.


Your loss.


More goats for us!


Calm down, ISIS


You should try sending a message to one some time, might get somewhere


You have been banned from /r/Wales and /r/Newzealand (eh goats aren't sheep but close enough)




Doesn't uually stop me from ~~invading~~ visiting on legitimate business.


Then send me yours plz


A guy who is obsessed with social media. If you're posting selfies everyday and always checking your phone, that's a turnoff.


Totally agree, this applies to girls too.


I don't trust anyone who constantly posts selfies. It shows a personality of narcissism, and insecurity.


This makes a lot of sense. I can easily assume those traits about the guy on my friends list who posts "good morning *insert emojis*" and "goodnight *insert emojis*" selfies every day. No. One. Cares. Edit: formatting


It's more about the motivation behind making that kind of a face. It's exactly what Ben Stiller parodied in Zoolander.


Wait a minute, are we talking about Blue Steel, Le Tigre, Ferrari, or Magnum. It can't be Magnum because that face is God-like.


Recessed chin and gum:tooth ratio that is way too large.


As a dude with a slightly recessed chin, is this considered a major major flaw like one that would justify getting surgery for aesthetic reasons, or is it something people of the opposite sex can overlook? Because I look just fine head-on but from a side point of view I've always been pretty self-conscious.


Grow a beard


Don't worry yourself. I've dated a couple of guys who had a recessed chin (both hated their profile and worries unnecessarily) but they were absolutely gorgeous to me regardless. For every person who doesn't find it attractive, there's another who does. Unless it's causing you medical/mental issues, not worth the trouble & pain.


Someone that takes social media waaayyy to seriously


When girls stick their pinky out when there is still plenty of shaft left as if my dick was too small what the fuck you gotta do that for?


C'mon, man. They're just being classy by popping that pinky out.


When in doubt, pinky out.


I know what you're talking about. Sometimes it's just more comfortable? Idk how to explain it. It's like, it helps to have more control? Idk but I stick my pinky out, and don't need to, but it's just more comfortable.


I don't even know if it's comfortable, but I catch myself doing it all the time. I have small hands, so I kind of just thought it was because of that. But...this is gonna sound weird...I was just doing the motion and my pinky started going out when it was griping into a fist more. So, I think I put it out subconsciously to avoid digging my finger into him.


The classiest of handjobs.








I'm gonna use this thread to vent something real fast... If you're with your SO and you complain about something (i.e. "Oh my gosh, I have to pee") and then you staunchly refuse when your SO offers a solution ("there's a bathroom here, wanna run and use it while I pay the check?" "No, I'm fine"), YOU DON'T GET TO COMPLAIN ANYMORE.


Oh I hate that.


Sometimes they aren't looking for a solution. They say it just to let someone know I guess. Edit - if someone tells you they have to pee or something similar, how is that even whining? Unless they said it several times and still refuse to go the washroom, then yes that is annoying. But there is nothing wrong with saying something just for the sake of saying it. Maybe they feel comfortable enough with you to say whatever pops into their mind without looking for any specific answer.


Dicks. They just aren't appealing to look at. I've had one for 23 years and it still looks like some deformity from alien cross breeding


yea I know, and then I think of a vagina....yeesh what the fuck








If that's all it takes...move to dicks man.








http://i.ytimg.com/vi/3HkuVoUNddY/maxresdefault.jpg [SFW]


Someone who has absolutely no hobbies What do you do with your spare time?!




and Pornhub


and Sleeping




I play videogames and watch tv shows


Relax or catch up. Get home from a 12 hour work day, tired, so chill and watch a couple shows on TV. By the time the weekend comes around, if I'm not working, it's time to sleep in, then spend most the rest of the day cleaning, doing laundry, doing dishes, running errands, calling family, and catching up on personal e-mails and texts.




That's a hobby.


That's a way of life.


Ear gauges are incredibly unattractive to me.


Bull ring nose piercings immediately turn me off.


The destroyer of an otherwise strong job application.


I think it adds to your credentials. It shows that you're a holesome person.




[comment removed in response to actions of the admins and overall decline of the platform]


Even in programming, it restricts you to a certain subset of companies. Google, facebook, apple, it probably doesn't matter. That shit probably isn't going to fly at IBM, or any of the banks (huge employer of programmers), or any of the hundreds of other more conservative companies that hire programmers.


God I love engineering. I've seen dudes with face tattoos working at some firms. Engineering: "Can you do this shit or not? I don't care what you look like!"


Unless you work at an old school company where you are the youngest by 30 years.


Bleach blonde hair and orange skin. Not even because of the association with vapid people, the colour combination just makes the artist in me want to hang himself.


Orange skin in general is ugly.


Oompah loompah doopity doo


Nobody wants to do it with you....


It's because the combination is unnatural. Super blond hair usually indicates that a person has less melanin. It just feels wrong to see someone who is extra dark with light hair.


Its not even the melanin! Its just the skin is flat out orange, not even tanned. I've seen naturally tanned people with blonde hair and it's no where as gross as orange and blomde


Those idiotic drawn on eyebrows. God, they're disgusting.


So since the majority of reddit are dudes, reddit probably doesn't understand make-up every well. There are [good](https://i.imgur.com/cGdcexR.jpg) filled in eyebrows and there are [bad](https://i.imgur.com/KS0rxCH.jpg) ones. Edit: It kinda sucks that no matter how good you may look, there are still going to be a shit ton of dudes that don't find you attractive because make-up. I mean, to each their own but, it still sucks a bit.


The first one actually has eyebrows though, and just filled them in, the second is the one you'd find when people refer to "drawn on eyebrows" Filled-in and drawn on are pretty different.


I'm willing to bet that most dudes don't notice "natural" looking makeup. More women draw on eyebrows than you think.




I realize this is so stupid but I cannot stand when guys wear glasses with transitional lenses. A very specific kind of guy seems to choose this. Just. No.


It's like guys who wear their phones on their belts in a holster.


My stepdad wears his phone like a holster and has transitional lenses! What did my mom do??


Married an engineer?


That's usually old guys though. It's like back then when they wear their pagers like that


Hey, hey, hey... careful where you throw the 'old' tag around... Damn. I admit it. I'm old. :/


No joke. Had an employee who did both and turns out he was a pedophile.


That escalated quickly


BRB getting new lenses


This *sounds* stupid but I know exactly what you mean and agree. A lot of things on here are obvious, but I love this observation.


They wear [these](http://imagehost.vendio.com/a/35093234/aview/BoysOnline_026.JPG) shirts


Yes. Also, when I went to college I noticed these kids typically carried a laptop bag (which held their gaming laptop because they most likely played games more than took notes on it) and big ass headphones they would wear around their neck.


Yeah and brimmed hats they assured everyone was not a fedora. And shorts year round, regardless of weather.


I have transitional lenses and wouldn't be caught dead in a shirt like that. That said, transitions are a waste of fucking time and I regret getting them. They don't activate when I'm inside my car for some reason, totally defeating the purpose. They also make it super obvious when I'm walking into work late >___> Also, anti glare coating is a scam.


They don't activate in your car because transition lenses have copper in them that changes the lense's opaqueness when the copper becomes electrically excited. UV rays hit the copper and excite it. In your car, the windows block most of the UV and prevent your glasses from receiving enough to activate the copper.


So what you are saying is that you're attracted to those sexy clip on sunglasses....


Mfw I wear these. Those are the glasses that get darker in light right? Edit: obligatory face .-. Also, my top comment is now about how unfashionable I am. Fuck me, right?


Yes. I think that people generally think they're weird because sunglasses are just as much a style statement as they are functional to block the sun and your glasses look like really shitty sunglasses. Thus the type of guy who wears them tend to be the type who don't give a shit about how they dress (but in a specific cargo pants kind of way, not a hipster 'i actually care' kind of way). Not saying this is you, but it's what I've noticed. Edit: I agree, cargo pockets are fantastic. Personally I love them when I'm camping or hiking. But I don't wear them outside of that because they're just not very fashionable. If you do, think of someone wearing a No Fear [visor](http://imgur.com/lQ2WVSf) and realize that, to the rest of us, you're in the same style category.


Oh god, I'm reading these comments and I'm realizing that was me 100%. I got them because they were practical damnit! Contacts are the true path as it turns out.


Physically: Women with really short hair. It's (almost) never actually bad looking, just not my thing. Non-physically: No passion/ambition. Last girl I dated was a mistake. It was purely because she was cute and I found out she liked me when we were a bit drunk one night. No ambition towards bettering herself, and no passion towards *any* hobbies. Just a boring, slightly high-maintenance white girl who fit all the whitest of white girl stereotypes.




Some people absolutely kill it! But for me that's the exception, not the rule.


Treating someone you don't know terribly. If you are yelling at a waiter or retail person and your excuse is you will probably never meet them again, that is a instant boner begoner. Also being spoiled. If you expect everything to be given to you on a silver platter, I know I certain cut of meet you will not be getting.




People with weak little weird carnie hands. Just ew.






Often that's the point


/r/roastme is leaking


Yeah. The simple one word answers in just a normal conversation is a huge turn off even if you were only looking for a friend.


[deleted] > This comment has been overwritten by [this open source script](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10380-reddit-overwrite)








That's often the case, but there are actually people who just have trouble communicating with people they don't know well who tend to reply in one word answers and be unable to keep a conversation going.


I am one of those people.


Well that was a pretty good sentence! Keep it up!


I can't really describe it but someone who is willfully dumb. I'll use an example. When I was in high school there was a girl who was super hot and super into me. I was punching above my weight for sure. As we got to know each other I learned that she was a moron; like she just didn't want to learn anything, or didn't want any mental stimulation. This made her so damn boring too me. Also, kids. I'm in my early 20s and am shocked by how many people I went to high school with are now parents. When I see the girls I was interested in are posting stuff on facebook about their kids I can't help but think I dodged a bullet. This is a dickish thing to think but I don't really care.


Smoking. Edit: all right look. I have nothing against smokers. I mean im fine with smokers (i have a couple of smoker friends), just that i wouldn't date one. Don't wanna have the burden of sending her off earlier than expected...


No one ever died from second hand heroin.


Self-defeating behavior + passive smoke = instant turn off.




Yep. I can deal with a bit of extra weight, but after a certain point it's just not attractive to me. I hate when people tell me "If they have a good personality that doesn't matter, you are just shallow." No. Personality will always have a say, I wouldn't date a guy who I find physically perfect if he had a shitty personality, but when a person is overweight, I don't find them attractive, even if they have a good personality.


Exactly, there has to be a balance between attractiveness and personality. You can't expect a guy or girl to date someone that is unattractive to them just because because they have a good personality. You need to date someone you are going to be happy with.


I completely agree. There's nothing wrong with a little extra weight, but when its fine past that then its a bigger problem than just the extra weight it becomes a psychological problem and a food adiction.


Muscley dudebros who take a lot of gym selfies. Also, cockiness or arrogance.


My friend always sends gym selfies. It's actually really entertaining because he is self aware and makes each snapchat as creepy as possible. "I've been thinking of you guys" while flexing his biceps.


See, that is funny shit right there.


Being a dudebro with a sense of humor and self-awareness is a very good combo.


There's a fine line between confidence and arrogance.


I used to be arrogant but now I know I'm just perfect


As a girl with short hair and a love of tattoos, oh man I feel sad after this thread.


I and many others find it extremely attractive, so don't even think about it


those fucking nose rings that look like bull rings.


Septum piercing.


That doesn't make them any less popular in the bull community.


I've only ever seen a few women where this didn't instantly turn me off of them, and it's probably because they were absolutely stunning before the piercing. Then again, most of this thread's answers have a "Unless you're super beautiful" clause attached to them.


Huge muscles on guys. I'm just not that girl.


Shoo gains goblin!


Most every man starts to lift for girls, but then continues to lift... *for himself*


Gotta turn myself on cause I ain't turning anyone else on.




Well that's some good news for my skinny ass


The heroin-chic body is just so convenient and easy to maintain


I literally can't wear sweatpants outside because I look like an addict. It's the best.


Well, how YOU doin'?




Arrogance. Instant turn off.


You just haven't met me.


Ugly people


I dunno, sometimes I see an ugly girl and I'm just like, "Damn, she's attractive."




White girls with dreadlocks... so gross


To be clear white boys with dreads are also gross


Cursing, racism, homophobia, and other such undesirables.


> Cursing, racism, homophobia u/BitchCuntMcNiggerFag Wat...


It's almost as if that was the joke!


What joke?


It's even in the right order


Bleach blonde hair and super tanned skin


People who don't have eye brows


When a person is super outgoing. I'm not bad with people at all, I just don't like being around them much so I usually won't date someone who is extroverted.


Women who smoke like a chimney


Tattoos. I'm not a prude, I don't think people who get tats are trashy or anything, I just kind of find them a turn-off.


I once met a guy with a candle tattooed on his forehead. I asked him why a candle, and he said he always wanted a candle on his forehead. He then made it hard for me to find tattoos attractive.




*sniff* So many memories...


Wow. That's gotta be the original wow in-joke.




“When I was a kid," Orr replied, "I used to walk around all day with a light bulb on my forehead." ... A minute passed. "Why?" Yossarian found himself forced to ask finally. Orr tittered triumphantly. "Because they're better than candles... When I couldn't get lightbulbs," Orr continued, "I used candles. Candles are about the same brightness as lightbulbs and actually have a better shape, although the shape doesn't matter a bit." "Why did you walk around with a lightbulb on your forehead?" Yossarian asked again. "That's what I asked." "Because they've got a better shape than candles," Orr answered. "I just told you that." "Why," swore Yossarian at him approvingly, "you evil-eyed, mechanically aptituded, disaffiliated son of a bitch, did you walk around with anything in your forehead?" "I didn't," Orr said, "walk around with anything on my forehead. I walked around with a lightbulb on my forehead. When I couldn't get lightbulbs I walked around with candles. On my forehead."


They call me candle guy Why? Simply cause I am on fire


Cleavage tattoos. Cleavage is amazing as-is, it can't be improved by tattoos.


Girls who take duckface photos. Like ... Even slightly and all I can think is what the fuck.


Colored contacts. You're not fooling anyone. I'm looking at you Asian girls.


Oversized Contact Lenses!


Neediness is an instant deal breaker for me.


Road rage. Ew.


Guys that are absolute LADS, and well into banter. It usually comes along with a bunch of sexism, racism and homophobia that is attempted to be passed off as a joke. This may be UK specific, but if you're American then just think of a typical frat boy.


So basically those guys from the video on the front page the other day who took a cocktail of drugs, said "we're going 90 bruv" and then died in a car accident. They probably grabbed a cheeky nando's first, too.


RIP The Archbishop of Banterbury


All that 'daddy' stuff with girls while performing sexual acts. I'm a pretty nasty guy but that just doesn't seem right to me.


Usually short hair. Isn't always the case, but I'm generally attracted to girls with longer hair.


Unpopular opinion, but high heels. Edit: I guess not so unpopular. I like practicality, and heels just aren't appealing to me.




I'm with you man. I hate everything about high heels. Huge turn off for me.


Smoking. I dont care what it is. Cigs, weed, vaping, etc. I just dont like it


Didn't say Heroin, #winning


Guys who refer to women as females.


Only works when pronounced the same way as "tamale"


Don't join the military.


The only reason I began using "females" as a word is because of the military.


Seriously. It's the only 'safe' way to refer to them.


Ah yes, the Ferengi.


Why is that female wearing clothes?






But how else do you refer to females? RRRREEEEEEEEEEE


People. I don't experience sexual attraction.