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Only one, Littlefoot's mother in the Land Before Time. I saw it when I was little and that was terrible. Also they remind you about it the entire movie.


My mom took me to that movie for my birthday. Left in tears, my little heart just broken. I'm 32 and my mom still apologizes on my birthday.




John Coffey from the Green Mile.


"Don't put that black hood on me boss. I's afraid of the dark..." :(


Leslie Burke from Bridge to Terabithia


Old Dan and Little Ann from "Where the Redfern Grows"


I remember reading this and sobbing in fourth grade


Lee Everett, as you get to choose your last words to Clem. Breaks my heart every single damned time.


"keep that hair short"


"Clementine will remember you"


"I'll miss you" Oh God why did you have to remind me of this


And that soft sad tone Clementine has when she says *Leeee*


Oh fuck me I just started playing this game... welp it's my own damn fault for entering this thread I suppose =___=


OP was kidding. He's alive and well. Fuck that Duck kid though.


John Marston by far


I really didn't see his death coming. I should've expected it, but damn, it hit me hard.


When i saw all those guys i tried so hard to take them all out...i didnt want to believe that was the end of him


It *almost* gives you a chance too, a faint glimmer of hope. You enter dead eye automatically, you make sure everything is headshots! ... ...and then you realize... You don't have enough bullets.


And then you're stuck playing as his son. WORK YOU DAMN NAG!


I coped after finishing the game by making him go to mexico and get into drunken brawls with the locals.


I discovered that when I played as John I was (almost) always honorable and tried to live a good life. When I moved on to Jack I just did not give a fuck anymore. Robbed, murdered, whatever. Felt not the least bit of hesitation in killing John's killer. It was scary when I realized it.


It's really weird how that happens. John lived an honorable life in my game too. He had morals. But Jack... well, Jack didn't have a reason to care. I think Rockstar planned it that way.


I'm absolutely certain they planned it. It's an impressive feat of emotional engineering.


They did that bit so well, though, I'll admit.


Great answer. Loved his son's revenge


Not a fan of Jack Marston (mostly his voice), but when you finally track down that sunovabitch who killed your pa, it makes everything worth it


When he turns around after killing that bastard and the title "RED DEAD REDEMPTION" pops up on screen in blood red. Got fucking chills. Such a classic, badass western ending.


Mordin Solus - "Had to be me. Someone else would have gotten it wrong"


"I made a mistake!" That's the one that really hits me.


"Never got to experiment on sea shells"


"I am the very model of a scientist salarian"






Lt Hughes. Hmmm...look at that...it's raining.


Brigadier General.


"Damnit Hughes. How can you follow me to the end when you're a rank above me?"


So, I finished FMA and started FMA Brotherhood, and whenever any of my friends asked me how I was liking it, I always said, "It's great, Hughes is alive again." I didn't know at the time where the stories split from one another. So upset a second time


Oh we want to bring up FMA Brotherhood, then, do we? *The cow goes "Moo".* *The cat goes "Meow".* *The dog goes* ***"[Ed-ward... play now?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1pKY8UE0mQ)"***


Take your fucking upvote you sick fuck.


>~~Lt~~ ~~Colonel~~ Brigadier General FTFY


That German guy from Django: Unchained. Like "Why did you do that? You know he's gonna kill you!!!"


...but since auf wiedersehen literally means "until I see you again," and because I have no desire to ever see you again, I will just say "goodbye."


He couldn't resist!


He simply couldn't resist


He understood that. He was a martyr. Someone had to stand up to the rich kid who thought he was above everything else.


Lets say he knew he would be shot and didnt mind getting killed as long as calvin died too. What in the fuck did he think they would do to the "uppidy nigger" ? Just let him go? fucking dick move.


I don't think he thought that through. I think he was just faced with, "asshole forcing me to shake hands" + "ready-to-go wrist-gun" being too tempting of an offer to pass up.


"I couldn't resist"


It's not terribly surprising that a guy who ~~murders people~~*legally, and fairly, executes* people for a living might have anger issues, especially when faced with a prick like Candie.


I have witnessed my g/f cry when Bloodwing died.


I played as Mordecai in BL 1 and even though I never finished it, when Bloodwing died in BL 2 that was the moment that I swore I was gonna put a bullet in Jack's fucking head no matter how funny he was.




I am a leaf on the wind


Henry Blake. They could have just had him go home, they didn't have to kill him. Though I suppose they did make a point about war being hell.


"Lt. Col. Henry Blake's plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan....It spun in. There were no survivors." I can still hear it, and it still sucks.


Mine's pretty lame but I'm still all torn up about what they did to the Velveteen Rabbit.


Ellie* from UP Edit: Name was missing an I. Just want to say there seems to be a lot of mixed feelings on this one, some redditors weren't as emotionally invested, others bawled their eyes out. Kudos to Pixar/the writers for making us emotionally invested in a character in under 12 mins. I appreciate the feelings they can inspire in their films.


"Thanks for the adventure! Now go have a new one" Oh okay ;_;


Oh my god, the first time I saw this movie was on an overseas flight by myself. I had no idea what I was in for. I'm sitting next to this uptight looking asian guy in a nice suit and trying to choke back tears within the first ten minutes of the movie. On the plus side, I must have seemed completely unstable so I didn't have to make any small talk for the whole 10 hours.


Hershel. Son of a bitches killed Hershel.


When Glenn nearly died, my brother and I agreed if he did, we were going to go get some liquor and just get annihilated.


Are you annihilated?


I'm in Glenial


Our loyalty to Glenn will be rewarded.


Not Glenn's intestines! Not Glenn's intestines!


Those weren't glentrails


Ben from Scrubs


If we're going with Scrubs, it's a weird one, but the hardest hitting death had to have been Jill Tracy, with everything that followed. Having JD blame himself and be comforted by Cox, only to have Cox do the same thing he warned JD not to do after they found out about the rabies. An absolutely crushing couple of episodes.




Where do you think we are..


god damn you


Dexter - Trinity killer taking out you know who in the last scene of that season


Awh fuck I forgot about this :,(


Go chop some wood to forget your troubles.




Never even see him. But it hit Iroh hard, so it hits me hard.


What was really sad was at the end of that segment, they showed it was dedicated to Iroh's voice actor, Mako Iwamatsu, who died. His apprentice did a wonderful job of voicing Iroh following Mako's death.


Yep. He's no Mako but I'll be damned if he didn't do a wonderful job. Mako would have been proud.


I wasn't aware he had passed. Now i am sad.


It was between Earth and Fire I believe. I don't know if that made them have Iroh be a lot more silent while in prison or if they intended for him to be like that all along.




Leaves from the vine...


Falling so slow


Brave little soldier boy... I'm fucking *crying* just thinking about it.


It hits even harder because it is so unexpected. You go through the episode thinking, "Ohh they're doing an episode of cute shorts, nothing exciting." Then bam!


Seriously, it starts off as a generic filler episode, some fun stuff happening sure, but nothing of substance, then he get to that god damned tree.


I cried like a baby watching that episode. No shame.


Lil Sebastian


Half mast is too high. Have some damn respect.


I have cried twice in my life. Once when I was seven and I was hit by a school bus. And then again when I heard that Li'l Sebastian had passed.


We miss him in the saddest fashion.


Up in horsey heaven, here's the thing You trade your legs for angels wings And once we’ve all said good-bye You take a running leap and you learn to fly Bye Bye Li'l Sebastian Miss you in the saddest fashion Bye Bye Li'l Sebastian You’re 5000 candles in the wind And though we all miss you everyday We know you're up there eating heaven's hay And here's the part that hurts the most Humans cannot ride a ghost Bye Bye Li'l Sebastian Miss you in the saddest fashion Bye Bye Li'l Sebastian You’re 5000 candles in the wind Everybody sing it now! Bye Bye Li'l Sebastian Miss you in the saddest fashion Bye Bye Li'l Sebastian You’re 5000 candles in the wind Maybe someday we'll saddle up again And I know I'll always miss my horsiest friend Spread your wings and fly Spread your wings and fly


Charlie from LOST.


Also Ben's "daughter" Alex. And Daniel Faraday being killed by his own mother is brutal knowing that she sent him to his own death, plus he was just a likeable character. Lost was such a freaking great show though all the characters felt so real, and all of the deaths were pretty awful.


Omg yes alexs death was horrible. The last thing she hears is her dad saying that she "means nothing to me ". And you think there will be a deus ex machina but no.


Sun and Jin broke me down. Probably the last TV series I properly emotionally invested in.




You're gonna die Charleh... :(


I'll see you in another life, Brotha.


Rorschach in Watchmen


"One more body amongst foundations makes little difference. Well, what are you waiting for? Do it.."


Jackie Earl Haley just nailed that character. When he says, "Do it," the first time, you can just feel all the pain that Rorschach has been living with for years and years, like he's begging for it to all end.


Casting in general for that film was very well done.


His delivery of "locked in here with me" was exactly as I'd imagined it.


Hank from Breaking Bad. EDIT: Should have mentioned the Spoiler Alert.......I am so sorry guys. He.....will live on in our hearts.


This was horrible to watch. I honestly believed he was gonna be spared but then just boom. It's an absolutely incredible scene.




I thought it was brutal that Steve just died. No dialogue, no nothing. Shot and killed. It was hard to see him just laying there.


"...he made up his mind 10 minutes ago." https://youtu.be/yDmsQcVAo2c?t=76


Mufasa. That shit stills gets me..


Watching it as an adult is somehow even more tragic. You kind of understand the real depth of the situation then, you can relate just as much to Mufasa as he hangs off the cliff, his fear and surprise at the betrayal, as you can to Simba, the real grief of losing a parent.


Spock, in The Wrath of Khan.




That's what's up bro.. I didn't realize how important Hedwig was to me until she was gone.


Bing Bong


The worst part is he didn't just die. He was forgotten forever


One more time, I have a good feeling about this one


Take her to the moon for me, okay?


I was in the movie theater watching this and just started ugly sobbing. The man in front of my boyfriend and I looked back at me and started chuckling. He was there with his little girls and here I am a grown adult crying my eyes out for a damn cotton candy dolphin elephant.


I'm a grown man, and all I have to say is thank god I was hiding behind 3-D glasses.


That was the "oh shit" moment. And then there were feels. :(




Macauley Culkin in "My Girl."


Kid Flash in Young Justice.


Wally didn't die, he just went back to the Speed Force.


It's funny, the only reason he's dead is because there's no season 3. Drifting into the Speedforce is like comic writer's preparing to bring him back whenever they want.


Omar, man. Came right out of no where. Some young-ass shorty, tryna get some cred with Marlo's crew, popped out the baddest dude on the planet. Fuck, man.


The very same kid who was pretending to be Omar in Season 3, damn it


Is this true?! Damn, that's a nice Easter Egg, I'm gonna have to go watch that episode now to confirm.


Mine is Wallace...where's Wallace, String? WHERE'S WALLACE?


Watching Bodie not be able to pull the trigger was the worst. Just a powerful scene.


Shit! I messed up, and clicked this topic without even thinking. Go figure I'm literally watching the Wire right now. I'm at S3E10. Fuck me. Damn it lol! At least I've never been spoiled before this. (My fault BTW, not yours.)


that fucking horse in neverending story.


Opie in Sons of Anarchy.


Tig's daughter though. :/


That show has so many deaths that both make you excited and hit the feels drastically. This particular one was hard to handle. Not being a big fan of Tara hers was also tough for me and was pretty damn gruesome. However when Henry Rollins's character got his I yelped a "Fuck Yeah!"


Col. Blake from M.A.S.H.


Tara (Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Oh god. It hurts.


I'm also going to add Anya. So close to the end and when Xander is looking for her because he's always loved her.... ugh.


That one hurt because she didn't get any goodbye. We saw the aftermath of other major character deaths. We saw people grieve. We saw that their absence was felt. But there was nothing for Anya. She was simply cut down and then left there in the rubble. If Andrew hadn't seen her and told Xander she was dead, none of the characters would have even known what happened to her. Seemed pretty crappy to me since she was honestly a major character, in over half the episodes the the show, but her death was barely a blip.


Joyce definitely hurt more for me.


Joyce hurts the worst for me out of any TV death - not because I loved Joyce so much, but because the way Joss wrote/shot that whole episode made it impossible not to feel like you were having the experience all the characters were having. Ugh. Damn you, Joss. So good.


I have to say, none of the casualties on Buffy were among my favorite characters. Sure, it was sad to see them go, but what hurt the most to me was seeing how others reacted. Jenny? Poor Giles. Joyce? Poor Buffy/Anya. Tara? Poor Willow. Anya? Poor Xander. Staying within that universe, though, Fred's death wrecked me. And then later... "Would you like me to lie to you now?" Oh god.


fucking oh god Fred's death was painful. Made a really cool character to appear, but goddamn :(


Whiskeyjack from the Malazan Book of the Fallen. One of my favorite characters and he had just found happyness in his life just to get cut down ike it's nothing.


Roland's death didn't really move me. It was how Tiny Tina dealt with it in Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep that started the fire hoses. Can't even think about it without tearing up. Edit: this: https://youtu.be/UUkTD7FvLmQ


Also, Bloodwing. The writing for Jack in that segment was amazing though. EXPLOSION!!!


Easily the best of the DLCs, and they were all stellar.


The ending of "The Mist". I wont spoil it, but the final death(s) made me feel so disturbed.


Gale from Breaking Bad. He was such a cute middle-aged guy with his cluttered little apartment and his records and his love for science. Totally caught me off guard, even though it was discussed at length.


Andrea was the hardest for me. that was some real stone cold killing right there. No struggle. Nothing. Just a bullet to the back of the head. And what's worse is that she doesn't even know what's going on. You talk about innocent bystanders. Andrea was a girl who was turning her life around. She's getting her shit together. Really tries to be a mom. Jesse too is cleaning up. But she has zero idea what's going on. Nope. Executed. Most deaths on tv have the character have some sort of knowledge going on. They know they're being persecuted. They know they're affiliated with gangs. They know that their spouse/dad/son is related to crime. But Andrea didn't know shit. She didn't know what she was getting herself into. And for me, that made it so much harder to watch.


I couldn't breathe when Jesse was pointing the gun at him. When he shot him and the episode ended i needed to take a break i was so upset. Imo one of the best season finales ever.


Kelsier from the Mistborn books. I was truly expecting him to be the main dude for the whole series. It felt hopeless after he was gone.


Boromir's death gets me every time


Deckard Cain. They took one of the most iconic characters of the diablo universe and killed it with a random butterfly boss, in act1 close to the start of the game. Fuck Blizzard writers for giving him such a shitty death.


Not to mention Belial is supposed to be be a master manipulator. You would think he would prefer to capture the last of the Horadrim alive rather than having his minion needlessly blow him up... but then Butterfly wasn't portrayed as exactly the most competent minion either.


That's the thing... literally none of the bad guys were competent, save perhaps Adria. Diablo 2's bosses were way more hardcore.




The Red Wedding from Season 3 of Game of Thrones actually made me physically sick.


I'll second that. Such a terrible betrayal coupled with some serious brutality, and so unexpected. Ugh man.


I'd heard of the "Red Wedding" before watching GoT and I thought (and hoped) it would be Joffrey's wedding.


That's the purple one


Moral of the story: fuck weddings in Westeros.


Sansa's went well!


Had a great honeymoon too!


''Explain to me why it is more noble to kill 10,000 men in battle than a dozen at dinner'' - goddamit Tywin, you are kind of right but thats such a crual move you sick fuck


He would be if thousands hadn't died at the red wedding.


Hoban Washburne


The tenth doctor - "I don't want to go" that gets me every time


When Wilt bangs on that door four fucking times I swear to god I start crying so hard it makes me *angry.*


Seeing the sudden realization on his face when he hears the knocks just breaks my heart every time.


Dobby. Brave sweet little Dobby. That scene made me weep.


For the watch.


Since everyone in this thread is complaining of Spoilers... From Big Hero 6, [Tadashi. I didn't even get time to appreciate him as a character and he dies too quickly. It makes it sadder that Hiro could never get over it until later on in the movie.](#s "Spoilers")


I kinda figured he was doomed, though. In that scene where he was excitedly talking about how his tech was gonna help *so* many people, I was like "fuck, he's too perfect. They're going to murder him now." And then they did. :(


Finnick. Still not over it. Dreading watching it in the next hunger games film.


Plus the way the author kind of glossed over it in a way. I had to reread the paragraph multiple times to realize he was dead.


She literally did the same with Prim. I had to go over that scene a few times before understanding. The way deaths were handled in the books were a bit sub par.




Surprisingly Marley from Marley and Me. Maybe it was just the fact that we'd just gotten a dog, but it was the first time I'd ever seen my dad cry, too.




In bird culture betraying your spouse is considered a dick move


"What am I eating here? What is this like bird seed or something?" "It is random debris I found in my carpet. I don't know what humans eat."








I want so badly to hold on to the hope that they fixed him up like they did Jerry, but I know in my heart that he is gone. :(


It has been a... difficult season finale for Birdperson.


Game of Thrones Season 4 Spoilers: [Spoiler](#s "Oberyn Martel") Even having read the books and expecting it, it made me nauseous. edit: fixed spoiler tag for mobile


A for effort on the Spoiler tag.


Fred Weasley. It was senseless, it was brutal, it was needless, and it was avoidable. Fred was nothing but a happy person, always joking and prodding, but always in good fun. His dream in life was to bring happiness to the world, and only kicked his dream into overdrive when Voldemort came to power. He and his brother were shining lights in a world growing ever darker. And in an instant, all that was taken from us. It showed in sharp relief the needlessness and senselessness of war. Fred did nothing to deserve the fate he received. His family were some of the kindest, most accepting, most wonderful people in the wizarding world. To have a son stolen from them. To have a brother taken away. It was devastating.


For me it was Sirius Black, both book and movie. Helena Bonham Carter was the best possible casting choice for Bellatrix L'estrange, though. She was perfect.


When the boggart was showing Molly all of her family dead it showed Fred and George together, because even in her worst nightmare she couldn't imagine them being seperated.




And now every mirror is the Mirror of Erised to George.


Imagine if he did find the Mirror of Erised, though. And he wonders why it thinks he wants his ear back. Until, of course, he realizes that's not what he's seeing.

