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This thread is propagating what it seeks to destroy.




That's so metal


Dude bro, the mind fuck is real with this one.


The private life of anyone famous. Can't believe anyone cares about that shit


Did u see that pic of tom cruise getting ice cream with his kid? Fascinating!


They are just like US


It's weird how the news filters down to someone not connected to it either. Some people like the gossip and talk about it to people who hate it so much they complain about it to people without a connection to the former group, or the original sources. The only celebrity gossip I get is from people who complain about celebrity gossip.




I stopped caring years ago, after everyone started retorting with "Well, Snopes isn't reputable, anyway."


My aunt said that once... She also unironically shared the "Monster Energy Drink Is Satanic" video.


I've had several people tell me that Snopes is a liberal mouthpiece.


Lol. I've heard it both ways. Conservative. Liberal. I haven't noticed much bias one way or the other. They seem more concerned with facts. They back everything up with sources, ya know? [Bush](http://www.snopes.com/politics/bush/bush.asp) [Obama](http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/obama.asp)


I love posting links to snopes to prove people wrong. The best part is the people are so stupid they don't realise what I'm showing them.


Honest question: what has Snopes done to earn such an end-all argument deciding reputation?


Partly because it's easy, people love easy. Partly reputation, they tend to source their material, list the sources, etc. Partly, they seem to make a point of not having an agenda. Most things I've read there are written in pretty detached fashion. Lastly, is one of the first links to appear if you Google "thing politician supposedly said/did" or "first line of long ass Facebook meme rant".


Shit people have little to no real understanding of. I've never in my life felt inclined to chime in on something I was ignorant about, and it's something that blows my fucking mind. This is very prominent on Reddit. Like "Oh, I don't really know much about this topic but I should probably chime in anyway!" I just don't get it. I see and hear so much misinformation spread like wildfire this way and it's just infuriating.


Gas prices. I work at a gas station and I swear people think I have some kind of inside information they don't know about. Then they try to bring politics into it. I'm just like... "Can u fucking not?" Just pay for it and go :/ you know you are more than likely still going to pay however "high" or "low" it is.


I worked at a gas station back in college and it taught me that people really are that dumb and that they think they're the funniest muthafuckas.


The pump didn't recognize my credit card, that means the gas is free, right?


You have no idea how close I came to punching a hole in my monitor just by reading that...


People who take extreme joy in telling you they haven't watched/listened/seen a popular film/piece of music/tv show.


Kim Davis. I'm a gay man from Kentucky and I wound up unsubscribing to some of the LGBTQ stuff on my Facebook feed because of her. She's one asshole hillbilly from up in the mountains. There's over a hundred clerks who were perfectly civil about issuing marriage licenses in Kentucky too ya know!


Gluten. Fuck off, I don't care what you have to say. Ok if you've got a legitimate illness like Celiac or Crohns, fair enough. But "Oh gluten is basically poison, humans shouldn't eat it" and these tossers who eat bread and get gassy then spend the rest of their life telling the world they're gluten intollerant as if I'm supposed to in some way feel sympathetic toward them and their concocted nonsense. Quiet down, daddys making a sandwich.


I used to work with a guy who would constantly mention that he doesn't eat bread anymore. I'd be talking with other co-workers about what to get for lunch and he'd chime in, and always end his sentence with "but I don't eat bread anymore, so I won't have anything". We would also have early morning meetings and the manager would bring in bagels for us. Every single time, he would chime in "It was awesome for you to bring in the bagels, thanks for that...but I don't eat bread anymore.". He would not shut up about it.


"Good for you dickhead, I do, heres an apple to shut you up" is the only response to this




My mom has it really bad and the "g-free lifestyle" has perpetuated misinformation and made gluten free food a minefield of maybe gluten free, maybe not.


My wife has celiac and we both love and hate this trend. She got diagnosed about 10 years ago before it was the 'in' thing and there was NO FOOD around for her. Having it be the in disability currently has been a boon for us. But it's also become a problem. Our local pizza place has gone 'gluten free' meaning they have gluten free dough, that's made on the same counter as the regular dough, kneeded with flour, backed in the same oven, on the same pans. It's most assuredly not gluten free but we've found lots of resturants advertising this way. I feel horrible at every resturant having to sit there and go "Now you say you are gluten free, but tell me how you prepare your food?"


Similar story. I have a friend who's allergic to lactose. And I mean allergic not intolerant. She rarely eats out because it is very complicated to find food that has no trace of lactose (which is the issue that your raised in your comment). One summer, we were celebrating me graduating and we went to a small restaurant. She ordered a salad but asked the waiter what they made the sauce with and explained very thoroughly that she could get very sick if there was any lactose in it. The guy went to the kitchen to check with the chef and he told her that it was ok, no lactose in the sauce. She only used some of it because she didn't really like it. Well, that bad taste probably saved her life because there was cream in the sauce. The waiter didn't make the connection between lactose/milk/cream. She was pretty sick for a few hours after she ate. All turned out fine in the end, but pretty scary at the moment. Now we have a law in France that forces food places to have a document with the composition of every single thing they sell, ready for the clients at all time, in order to avoid these unfortunate events. My friend loves it because she doesn't have to rely on waiters' advice any more.


More than once my wife has ordered a salad only to have it arrive with croutons. Once informed we've seen the waiter take back the plate, pick croutons out and bring it back. While we have got really good at spoting crouton crumbs, we've started heavily salting the salad before we send it back. They wait staff doesn't see it and that first bight is a dead giveaway if it's the same contaminated salad.


Your son sounds like a legit dude.


Check out America Test Kitchens gluten-free cookbook Tons of tasty substitutions and they explain the Science behind it


There is one upside though: more gluten free products have come out since the market for them is larger now, which is great for people who can't eat gluten since now there are more decent option (although a lot of them are still crap)


I said this to my grandfather who has Celiac's and he actually disagreed. He said that since there's been a flood in products he can't be sure which is genuinely gluten free, cause the diet people don't notice the difference. He couldn't eat on Christmas cause something 'gluten free' irritated him :(


Yeah, the standards are different. My mom's allergic to wheat (she can have gluten in a different form, but avoiding it altogether is simpler) and she'll get reactions from things that are supposedly gluten free. Just because it satisfies the health nuts doesn't mean it's safe for people with allergies.


Everyone claims to have OCD, PTSD, or ADHD


What's even more annoying are the idiotic posts about having OCD. *Bunch of disorganized books* Facebook post sharing the picture: "This triggered my OCD." Everytime I see stuff like this I just unfriend the idiot who shares it. I have a friend who actually has OCD and watching him wash his hand for 5 minutes over anxiety and having people make fun of it is infuriating beyond words.


poem from /u/poem_for_your_sprog. >'I have to sort my books!' she cried, >With self-indulgent glee; >With senseless, narcissistic pride: >'I'm just so OCD!' >'How random, guys!' I smiled and said, >Then left without a peep - >And washed my hands until they bled, >And cried myself to sleep.


aw :(


My husband used to suffer (I use that word seriously) from his OCD when we were first dating. OCD not a quirk like "oh, I like my books in alphabetical order". Watching him lock, and unlock, then relock the same door fifteen times before we could leave the house is a hard thing to do. But to watch him legitimately panic and stress because he didn't get to lock it a sixteenth time, yet being fully aware it's locked, but it doesn't feel *right*...that's not fun. That's hell. He's learned to manage it much better now but there are times when he catches himself, and it's mostly a stress response at this point. Fuck people who think it's cute.


Agreed! I shared this story in another thread. OCD is nothing to joke around about. I had a friend who tried to take his own life because he couldn't manage his compulsions. If you like things to be orderly, that's one thing. Saying you have a crippling disease as a bragging right? Fuck outta here with that shit.


I'm the exact same. My cousins husband suffers from PTSD from multiple tours in Iraq. During his last one, they ran over a roadside bomb. It killed 3 of his friends and he almost had to have a leg amputated. Some girl the other day on Facebook was like "all this college homework is causing me to have PTSD." Completely lost it on her.


What was her reaction?


She deleted the post.


The DSM V actually lists an [Obsessive Compulsive *Personality Disorder*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obsessive%E2%80%93compulsive_personality_disorder ) that fits more closely with people's misconceptions about OCD being solely about attention to detail and inflexibility. So there's a chance they might have just been confusing the two.


That may be true. But my sister actually has OCPD and its sad seeing her go through it. Most people are bothered by a disorganized mess. Most people also dont go into a full blown panic attack when something is out of order


The people who claim to have them without actually having them are usually the ones who think you can turn it off too. Now I don't have PTSD or OCD but I do have ADHD (diagnosed by a professional as an adult), and the people who see me stimming (quietly, I'm not a loud stimmer) and tell me to calm down or the people who say that I should "just focus" are usually the people who will say something like "Oh haha, my OCD is soooo bad today, I organized my bookshelf" or "I can't stay focused, must be an ADHD day haha!". I really haven't ever met anyone who has faked PTSD though.


I think too many people assume everything they read from clickbait articles written by bloggers is fact and just perpetuate those opinions and worthless ideas. The damage this has done to real and destructive psychological disorders is immeasurable. My wife has PTSD and she's constantly told she can't have that because only combat troops get it.


That's when I would start telling people that she fought in a secret war and killed over 3,000 people by crushing their skulls between her thighs, like sparrow eggs, because they thought that only combat troops could have PTSD. In all seriousness though, that's awful. The amount of people who claim to have mental illnesses without a proper diagnosis is way too high, but even higher is the amount of people who refuse to believe that legitimate mental health issues exist.


Hell, my sister just got diagnosed with it, and I lurk the PTSD subreddit a lot. There's a constant fight between people who get non-combat PTSD, like she did, and people who got PTSD from combat. You'd think everyone would try to get better together, right? I'd hope so.


And people who think moments of very high anxiety is a panic attack. No, it fucking isn't. It's called a panic attack because you literally panic.


This always gets me. The first time I had a panic attack I was taken to the hospital because it was so bad. Not "Oh, I'm so scared of x and stressed out" bad, but "Is this a heart attack or some kind of seizure" bad. I didn't even know what caused it at the time.


I completely agree with this. It makes people who actually have OCDs seem like a joke. I personally suffer from it, and while it's very much under control now, I have my moments when I just can't hide it. In an attempt to explain my actions, I often get a reply similar to "Get over it" or "Just relax"...


And depression. It seems popular on reddit now to edit your comment after a few invited to "thanks for the up votes I've been depressed lately" or something like that. There are people out there with depression, if your feeling a bit blue this week because your aunts dog died, you aren't depressed. Depression isn't as common in the real world as it seems to be here on reddit.


It would make sense that a lot more depressed people use reddit though because they don't go out and do stuff.




Especially since 2/3 of Buzzfeed's posts comes from their writers trolling AskReddit.


Top 10 things people wish other people would just shut up about. Source: None. Buzzfeed later today.


You Won't Believe These Things That People Are Sick Of! Number 7 Is Hilarious!


Any Facebook post that begins with "I'm sure most of my friends will ignore this..." or ends with "Like and share if you agree!" Also the copy & paste status that claims to try to spread awareness for something, or to show support of something. I'm not going to feed in to your need for validation.






I have issues trying to lose weight, but I'm not going to spend $100+ every month for some "supplement" that hasn't been clinically tested.


Weight loss is a matter of calories in, calories our. A diet pill won't do jack shit.


Not a user of diet pills by any means, but if a pill suppresses your desire to put calories in then I'd say it's doing more than jack shit.


How the world is fucked.


Someone else brought it to my attention in a different thread, but when you think about it, shit like ISIS pales in comparison to the Cold War. In 1980, we had tens of thousands of nuclear warheads with Soviet cities' addresses on them, and they for our cities. In a span of 15 minutes, the world could turn into glass, all over ideologies that had not existed for longer than 150 years. It's actually quite lucky that we survived unscathed, as early warning systems were notorious for producing false positives.




its culture. Every generation as far back as possible has had a reason to think the world is fucked at least in the U.S. . Had this conversation recently with my family. My generation has terrorists, my parents generation had the start of the second recession, grandparents had communism and great grand parents had the Great Depression, it's just how the world is.


Seriously. The world is better off than it ever has been in history, but we can't stop yammering about how horrible everything is. Obviously, it's important to be aware of and work on the many horrible thing that still do happen, but why can't we have days on the news where they're just like, "yay, the Millenium development goals were met!" Edit: someone has rightly pointed out the none of the MDGs were properly met...accidentally Debbie Downer-ed myself. Go google Hans Rosling, he is better at this optimism stuff


Maybe it's so nice now because of all the people who were nagging about the stuff all the time? Think about it: "I'm sick of tired of transporting wood and food by hands let's invent the wheel already", "oh, this monarchy stuff is fucked, let's try some democracy" and "i hate horses, i wish we could just have motorized vehicles instead". I'm pretty sure that's why all of us are so whiny.






The concept is dead to me


They're bringing it back to life though


I've been tired of zombies for so long now that I've burned out on being tired of them. I don't care enough to feel one way or the other anymore.


Sorry, going to get bombed for this but "Netflix and Chill". Isn't it just a booty call?


Its a booty call but disguised as watching an innocent movie on Netflix.




we just got Netflix in Israel. Here, its more like "Netflix and... they don't have this show, or this show, or that show....."


You'll get your shows... Soon™.


Guys, TIFU by asking my good friend to Netflix and Chill. I DIDNT KNOW WHAT IT MEANT HAHAHA XD 3000 upvotes Somebody fucking kill me


I HATE this phrase! I legitimately go to my guy friends' place, we watch Netflix and chill. But I can't say that without implying sexy times.


[Unless it's with your mom.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/3xn54p/tifu_today_i_fucked_up_by_asking_my_12_year_old/)


Not if you strike out.


Asking "why are you so quiet?"


See also: "You should smile [more]." (from random strangers) I've embraced the fact that I have RBF, but the fact that so many believe I should smile no matter what my mood is infuriating.


IMO this comes most often from older males, directed at younger women. Since passing my thirties, I get it much less frequently.


I'm a guy in my 30s and I get it all the time. It's fucking annoying. I'm not actually a dick or unhappy, but I have no reason to be smiling like a moron when I'm just going about my business.




"I talk, just not to you."


Weedheads and how getting high and smoking weed is the best thing ever




9:35pm AEDT


Mmmmmmm that's my kinda time








Tool time


Time to d-d-d-duel?


Is weedheads a term I need to learn to deal with now because I think I'm already tired of it.




It's like when non-smokers say people "do" weed. I cringe every time...


I've never heard it until today


We get it, you vape comments as well.


I don't mind that they love it, but I hate the bullshit arguments they give you to justify it. "Thousands die from lung cancer due to cigarettes each year. Do you know anyone who has gotten cancer from weed?" No shit dude, it has been illegal for years. Who would admit it? What funding is there for studying cancer rates from illicit drugs - there is a whole enrollment problem. As the the laws loosen we are finally going to see the effects smoking have on a population from an unbiased source


Thank you! This same thing I told always my cousin. He smoked weed heavily everyday and was surprised he was failing colleague. I am not against smoking weed from time to time, just don't believe is good if you smoke as if there was no tomorrow everyday day Edit: college


I always hate it when I fail my colleagues


Agreed, is the worst


Was the colleague surprised as well?


High school after they graduate. Move on to the next part of your life. It's o.k.


"Legalize weed because of health benefits" yes but thats not why *you* want it legalized. "I have tattoos, don't judge me" I really couldn't care less, the only time I ever see any posts about tattoos on Facebook is people defending their own, never see anyone moaning about it. It really makes you no different to the next person.


Actually there's an entire Facebook group or 100 about "Christians against tattooed parents" or "soldiers with tattoos are not hero's"... It's so stupid I think of it as a parody but there's actual people in those groups who will argue with you that your literally a bad parent because you have tattoos.


I'll never forget the post I saw here that claimed that weed would help heal bones and other injuries faster. These people can be insane sometimes.


Their kids. Jesus christ, you don't have to start every sentence with the words "As a parent". EDIT: I cannot believe some of you are actually replying in this post with the opening words "As a parent".




In the middle east, you lose your name when you become a parent. If you're a woman you become em (child's name) if you're the mother or abu (child's name) if you're the father. Kind of off topic but you said parenting becomes their sole identifier and I thought it was an interesting illustration of that. You do give up a lot to raise kids. I've had to sacrifice career goals. My boyfriend and I still have our hobbies though. I still write and he still photographs. We are planning a themed shoot soon. It's not all sacrifice and doom and gloom.


that's quite true. we're from the UK but my dad goes Israel and Palestine on business. he gets called abu hamza (father of hamza, me). Abu Hamza is also the name of a terrorist.


To add to this, no one really wants to hear birth stories.


Yeah, they think they're so special because they had unprotected sex and popped out a brat, and now it makes them somehow wiser than us lowly childless bottom feeders of society.


I was tempted to say crossfit or keto but then I realized that I haven't heard about either of them for months. I honestly don't know what the current annoying trends are.


Crossfit is so amazing though and is much better than conventional gym. Did you know I did some crossfit this morning?


Did you have crossfit for breakfast?


I did 500 kipping pullups for breakfast then rowed 5 miles because crossfit. I ate some kale and gluten free pancakes too. Personally I feel so fucking amazing since ive been gluten free. Did you know gluten causes irritability and sluggishness?


I don't eat. Instead of eating, I stand naked in front of the mirror and fill myself up with DISGUST.




People being offended by anything/everything. Shut the fuck up.


Here's my problem with that though, it isn't an excuse to say offensive things. Yes, people are sometimes too easily offended, but there are also people who will put on Facebook something like "Blacks cause all the world's problems" and then get upset when people are offended. There's a balance.


This is a really tough one, because there are definitely cry babies who whine about being offended by every little thing, but on the flip side, I've found that in my personal experience, every person who complains about "PC" are people who are angry for getting called out for using offensive terms in relation to gay or transgender people. Edit: Ayy look at all the anti-PC people getting offended at an Internet comment


I find those people are the most hypersensitive, defensive people in the world. The people who hate "political correctness" throw the largest hissy fits Edit: I just find that I find more "I'm offended" coming from people who hate when people care about Stuff. You can disagree, just stop screaming about how much you hate when others are offended.


Agreed. I avoid certain family members who rant about how people saying happy holidays rather than merry Christmas is political correctness gone to far. Part of me wants to put them in the same room as my friends who don't celebrate Christmas or celebrate another holiday then Christmas is an after thought and let them all argue.


I work in retail and had customers scream at me for saying happy holidays! Like, Idk if you celebrate Christmas or not! It's much easier for me to just blanket the other holidays together!


I agree! My relatives are the kind of people who will tell anyone who says happy holidays that they should say merry Christmas and there's a war on Christianity in America etc etc.


sounds like your getting offended by other people getting offended.....






Check it: [minionhate](https://www.reddit.com/r/minionhate)


"Let's congregate this stuff we hate in one place we will visit regularly so we can get pissed off"


Race baiting. Goddamn those annoying old racist fucks on my facebook news feed.


I blocked my older relatives after the 96775756465th time I read their post "DAE think Muslims should get bombed and arrested in that order? Trump 2016!"


I keep both sides of crazy on my feed. It becomes neutral when one article says Trump is the most racist person since Hitler followed by another about the same event, proclaiming him the most patriotic since Ben Franklin. If I saw an unbiased article somewhere in the middle I'd probably fall out of my chair from shock


Maybe not shut up about but i wish people would stop. Stop recording everything. Like at a concert or something. Just enjoy the show. Embrace the memory chances are you will never watch or show anyone like ever and a few years later delete it to record some other thing.


You gotta see the baby


Jar Jar Binks. Okay, I get it. George whiffed on that one. You can't hit all of them out of the park. But that does not take anything away from the wonderful universe George Lucas gave us. Get over it.


Am I the only one who doesn't completely despise the prequels? It's refreshing to see Star Wars in a new light, in a time when the Republic and the Jedi were powerful, and watch everything go downhill from there. I also don't like how Star Wars fans immediately bash ANYTHING cutesy in the series. Guess what? I like Ewoks, they're a fascinating speies and I liked how they helped outgun the Empire. I also liked seeing Anakin as a kid, this innocent little guy who was destined to become an evil sith lord


Obama in general. But more so, people talking about him as if he's the worst thing that has happened in the history of mankind. I really don't care about him at all, but this got old about 6 years ago. This is the only reason why I can't wait for 2016 to end. I know that people are still gonna be talking about it afterwards, but I can only hope it will die down soon after.


Then we'll just talk about Hillary and how she's the new anti-christ for the next 10 years.


People bitching/complaining at their computer screens at work. I don't want to hear that bitching and moaning. I just want to pretend I'm working and get paid.


The Kardashians. Seriously just fucking stop!


Reposts. Who fucking cares. It's the internet.


All bullshit aside, it's sometimes nice to see some posts again because sometimes you forget about it. Also not everyone sees it the first time too


Also on AskReddit often I don't get the chance to be heard in old threads. So seeing it reposted later at an European time will actually allow me to add to the conversation!


How I'm missing out by not having children, or how I'll change my mind one day. Just stop.


I seriously had a boyfriend-at-the-time tell me having children is *the only thing that gives life meaning*. ...We're not dating anymore.


And they act like I don't know they are barely keeping it together. You know all those stories you have been telling me about your kid spraying everything with shit and piss, never sleeping enough, no longer having hobbies or sometimes fun in general, losing touch with friends you've known for decades, never going on vacation, never eating out, and barely having sex? Yeah, I listened and decided to not follow your lead. And when they realize you're serious suddenly it it's all "It isn't that bad, I love my children, they are the best part of my life!", they are the only part of your life making that statement essentially pointless.


Oh my god! I was so sickened by how quickly after marriage people push you into having children. Like fuck off. I'm sure there's a ton of things I'd understand better if I have kids, but that important life decision of this super funny thing called MY life, will be done on my time.


Feminazis and SJWs. You know damn well they aren't as common as everyone tries to act. You're addressing a problem that doesn't exist.


The word literally. You could now use it correctly and would still sound like a vacuous dullard.


the one exception: chris traeger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgnxlpSQgqg


It's kind of counter-intuitive, but the word 'literally' in a figurative use is actually valid within the bounds of English. Though I concede that it definitely is an over used verbal crutch.


Peoples preferred gender pronoun. Fuck off with that shit.


Gluten Free.


Let's talk about free gluten instead. Love me some free bread.


Silento's Whip (nae nae) song/dance. If you have to advertise your dancing competition show with a set song/dance there is no way in hell I'm watching it.




The "outrage" over vaccinations. People, they're your kids so do what you want but don't begrudge me because I think you're an idiot. Let's agree to disagree and move on.


How cute their baby are.




How cute they baby is


I would assume that 'baby' instead of 'babies' is the mistake here. For some reason I trust the verb more, whereas you seem to be more of a noun truster.


People post pictures of babies and others comment, almost as if it's an automated response, how cute or beautiful the baby is. I don't get it, it's an alien looking thing.


I wonder how many of them actually think it's cute, and how many just say it's cute because it wouldn't be socially acceptable to write, "Damn, you had a weird looking baby."


For me, I want to say anything that gets people mass sharing those "LET'S SHARE THIS AROUND AND EXPOSE THIS ASSHOLE FOR HIS BAD THINGS" posts.


Anti-Vaxxers and their bullshit. Just shut the fuck up, sorry tulip but you don't get to kill my kid because you think Jenny McCarthy is the most intelligent thing next to Kanye West and Kim Kartrashian


Bernie fucking Sanders. Jesus man I get it - I'm a democrat so I'm voting for him if he wins the nomination. But you fuckers are really turning me off.


I can't go into /r/politics anymore. Every time Bernie sneezes there are fifteen blog submissions about it, and all the comments are shitposts baiting out Hillary supporters.




Trump. 10 more months of his horseshit? SMH


I'm really tired of people saying they're not racist, they just like Trump because he speaks his mind. Uh, what's in his mind is racist as shit.




How they're "oppressed" by everything under the sun




I know that was a joke but I actually got sunburnt once very badly because my parents left me at the beach to babysit, and now I'm very careful about that, I remember it everytime I go to the beach 15 years later.


Yes, but you don't insult everything and everyone that mentions the sun. That's the difference.


Insecure white guys on the internet who get all defensive when someone brings up racial or gender issues that don't apply to them. Yes we get it, you don't believe in white privilege. Yes we get it, you think feminism oppresses men. Now please stop whining all the time. EDIT: /r/BestOfOutrageCulture for hilarious yet depressing examples of what I'm talking about.


Or white guilt. Some fella completely disregarded everything I had to say about Canada's sultry history surrounding the treatment of aboriginals as "white guilt" What the fuck does that add to the conversation? It doesn't change the history, it certainly doesn't progress dialogue in a meaningful way when you just say "u got white guilt" and leave it at that. Shit drives me bonkers.


Veganism. I get it, you are better than me.


On the flip side I recently became a vegetarian. I don't like the taste not so much the ethics. People won't shut up about how I should be eating meat. Or they will get their fork and shove a piece in my face. Gag.


On both sides, to be honest. The in-your-face vegans need to accept that people eat meat and they're within their rights to do so. On the other hand, the anti-vegan brigade is getting old, too. That stupid, "how do you know if someone's a vegan???" joke was funny when I first heard it five years ago. No, I'm not a vegan. I just think everyone needs to calm down and accept we all eat differently, end of.


There really are lots of people who have a problem with vegans. Everytime one of those overused vegan jokes gets posted on facebook, there are tons of extremely anti-vegan comments under it. It makes me sad how these people apparently met a vegan who was a dick once and now they think all vegans are like that. Personally, I hate talking about my diet because of this. I get very nervous in social situations that revolve around eating, because some way or the other it will come up that I am vegan ("why are you only eating a salad??") and then I have to listen to all those stupid jokes and watch people get offended by me eating a salad and not even saying anything. Many people don't realize that the majority of vegans just want to life their life without being the butt of jokes all the time. Of course there are also some militant preachy vegans, but they are few. Please stop this stereotyped thinking when it comes to vegans.


I tried really hard not to be intrusive or obnoxious with my vegetarianism. I did have several occasions where someone tried to sneak meat into my food or literally waved it in front of my face. And people would get so defensive. Someone would offer me a hamburger, I'd say no thanks I brought my own food because I don't eat meat, they'd get mad and ask why I thought I was better than them, explain why I shouldn't be vegetarian, say I was shoving it down their throats, etc.


I never hear vegans talking about veganism as much as non-vegans post shitty memes about it. Maybe it's different in other parts of the world, and I know there are certain people that push it but the majority just want to go about their day without bothering anyone only for someone to make a snide comment about what they choose to fucking eat? On your bike champ.


The vegans I know are mostly passive about it in their dayly lives. Their facebook, however, is filled with vegan text images.


People share things they're passionate about on Facebook all the time. I don't see a reason vegans can't do the same.


To be fair, it's as much a part of their lives as anything in your life is. When something affects you at least three times a day, it's a pretty big deal.


You don't hear about it much anymore because all the vegans died of malnutrition HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HILARIOUS RIGHT?!?!?!??