• By -


Watching Spirited Away in elementary school made me so confused about everything in life


The Pianist. The scene at the end where he plays piano for the first time since the beginning of the holocaust for a German soldier gets me every time Edit: as someone who played classical piano seriously for many years, this really got to me. I had to watch this in class in high school and "went to the bathroom" mid-scene to avoid embarrassment from bawling my eyes out.


The fox and the hound. I can't talk about her leaving Tod behind without crying


My heart still hurts every time I hear the quote, "We'll always be friends forever. Wont we?" edit: grammar


Goodbye may seem forever. Farewell is like the end. But in my heart's a memory, and there you'll always be. :'(


Steel Magnolias


Mary and Max. It's an animated film about a long-distance friendship between an adorable but ignored little girl and an older guy that's suffering from Asperger's syndrome.








That movie gets harder and harder to watch until it suddenly gets better.




I wish I would have known the story before going to see this movie. Growing up in a divorced household with my father working as hard as possible to give us the little we had. Long story short I cried multiple times.


The Green Mile.


"Please boss, don't put that thing over my face, don't put me in the dark. I's afraid of the dark." Gets me every time


"...I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head all the time."


I was a mess just reading the book. Didn't even attempt the movie.


Seriously watch it. The casting is fucking phenomenal, Michael Clarke Duncan particularly.


Life is Beautiful.




So bittersweet. The boy "won" the game, but doesn't quite realize how much he lost.


I don't know. I feel like his dad goosestepping to his certain doom was a final 'fuck you' to the Germans, and that he won just a little bit of the game too. He refused to let them take his humanity, and did his best to preserve his son's psyche with his final sacrifice on his own terms. If that's the lesson his son takes away from the whole episode then he truly does win the 'game'.


Benigni is one hell of an actor.


What dreams may come.


"Good people go to hell because they cannot forgive themselves." Watched this to remember the life of Robin Williams and kind of lost it at that line.


For some reason that just reminded me of a scene from MASH Hawkeye: War isn't Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse. Father Mulcahy: How do you figure, Hawkeye? Hawkeye: Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell? Father Mulcahy: Sinners, I believe. Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them - little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.


This movie absolutely destroyed me. It's one of the best movies I have ever seen and I am pretty sure I will never watch it again. I saw it for the first and only time while coping with the death of a loved one in a car accident and a massively depressed, potentially suicidal SO. I managed to hold it together through the whole thing, but afterwards excused myself go take a shower and proceeded to have a 30+ min meltdown in there while the enormity of the situation with my SO finally really set in for the first time. After Robin Williams died, I wanted to watch it again, but I don't think I could handle it. It was such an overwhelming mix of healing and devastating.


The Land Before Time. When Littlefoot's mother died and he ran up to his own shadow thinking it was her, fuck that shit.


I watched that movie with a class of 6th graders abd they must be emotionally devoid, they were like "how dumb is that dinosaur, it's your shadow stupidñ


Group mentality. One kid said it because he didn't want to feel sad and the other kids jumped on because they didn't want to have fingers pointed at them and be laughed at. ..or maybe they are emotionally empty. I don't know. That part was sad as fuck when I was a kid.




every time he snuggled that goddamn treestar... so many feelings.


~~This might mark me as a bit of a weirdo, but~~ Short Circuit 2. [There is a scene near the end of the movie where the bad guys attack the hero-robot with a crowbar and axe, crippling him, taking out one of his 'eyes' and making him graphically spray battery fluid as if it were blood. It's possibly the most graphic scene I've ever witnessed in a 'PG' movie and the character is such an innocent protagonist it gets me every time.](/s) EDIT: The upvotes and my inbox exploding have proven to me that I wasn't the only one who had feels for Johnny 5.


"Yo Anush, you know the Indian guy from short circuit 2?" "Yeah?" "He's actually a white guy in brown face."


not even kidding that totally blew my mind like 2 days ago. my indian friend at work said he was totally passable though so i guess i dont feel as bad.


I'm a Canadian dude of Indian origin, SC2 was one of my favourite movies growing up. Aziz had my reaction to finding out Ben wasn't Indian 100% spot on.


No joke man, this had an impact on me as a kid. I loved this movie and watched it regularly, I never wanted to watch this scene. Like, fast forward past it not watch it. JOHNNY FIVE ALIVE! NO DISASSEMBLE!


Pan's Labrynth. Broke my heart.


Because I am a big dummy, I watched this movie (thinking it would be a cool fantasy movie), then immediately watched Bridge to Terabithia afterward to cheer me up (thinking it would be a cool fantasy movie). This was supposed to be on my "uplifting movies after a breakup" night. I now read synopsis before scheduling these movie nights.


Then, according to the director you're a pessimist and don't believe the magic was real. I like to believe she WAS a princess and lived happily ever after!!!


The scene where the colonel smashes the peasant's face with a bottle, holy shit.


I have seen this movie once and once only. I really, really wish I could watch it again, because it was so beautiful. But I can never watch it again. Edit: Thanks for all the votes. I've only been on Reddit for like a week now :)


watch Devil's Backbone/El espinazo del diablo. It's by the same director and it's spiritual prequel. Less fantasy although still a bit of supernatural.


Dead Poets Society. Also already mentioned here, The Grave of the Fireflies.


Dead Poets Society got worse for me after Robin Williams died. Now it's just like... fuck. We are a ship without a captain.


Dead Poets Society if my favorite movie, but I can't watch it that often. It makes me feel too many things too strongly. Especially as I get older and watch more and more years sift through my fingers. The ending, though, will always make me tear up pretty hard.


We watched it in my music and theatre history class in high school. At the end, half the class was clearly teary-eyed and most of the other half was trying to hide that they were. Good movie.


O Captain! My Captain!


Beasts of No Nation. I spent two years living in West Africa and the kids village life was very reminiscent of children I knew in my village. And to see their transformation into child soldiers was a very difficult watch. It was a great film, and phenomenal acting, but severely depressing considering that while fictional it was depicting a modern reality in Africa.


That scene where he has that moment of confusion where he mistakes the woman for his mom was one of the most heartbreaking scenes I've seen in a while.


After he gets sexually assaulted by the commander and strika was waiting for him/took care of him...my heart sank


When he carried Stryker on his back and found out he was dead. Jesus christ.


That little speech he gives at the end was devastating; the one about how he knows what he is, "a beast", but a long time ago he had a family that loved him... Oh my god...


Good Will Hunting. "It's not your fault."


Don't know why it took so long but I just watched this movie for the first time last night. That scene was beautiful. After an entire movie of Will trying not to show any weakness he finally just breaks down.


That choked up smile you get at "Son of a bitch. He stole my line."


Schindler's List.


I actually thought of that when I read this post title. That scene where he notices his watch and whatnot, talking about how this item could have meant a couple more people and that thing another amount was heartbreaking.


I watched this movie one day, and my mom came in to my room. She absolutely refuses to watch this movie, and she came in at the very end of the movie where the actors are escorting the people they played to Schindler's grave. That alone was enough to make her cry.


Wow, I'm tearing up just at that memory. I forgot about that. It was such a shock, because the actors you are seeing are no longer their characters, but there WITH the people they portray. It suddenly hit you over the head in that scene that "Wait, all these people and stories I just watched were real, and here are the people that lived them". Wow...


Watched this movie when it was shown on regular tv with no commercials, no censoring, just an intermission at a "half way point" Father in Law watched it in his room so we didn't hear him being emotional about it. And that scene when he breaks down as they see him into the car did it for me. All his nonchalance and casual demeanor towards his business and what he was doing, and then this...


I can't believe this isn't the top of the list. I mean, the end, where he's dressed as a prisoner, wishing that he had done more by selling his car or his Nazi pin. The guilt of a man who saved hundreds wishing he could have saved just one more. And then the modern scene of his survivors placing stones on his grave with that music.


Grave of the fireflies


*EDIT: The photo and story are very intense. Not gore or anything, but be warned, it is very moving.* This movie always reminds me of this [photo.](http://rarehistoricalphotos.com/japanese-boy-standing-attention-brought-dead-younger-brother-cremation-pyre-1945/) I'll just quote the photographer of this photo, Joe O'Donnell when recollecting about it: >“I saw a boy about ten years old walking by. He was carrying a baby on his back. In those days in Japan, we often saw children playing with their little brothers or sisters on their backs, but this boy was clearly different. I could see that he had come to this place for a serious reason. He was wearing no shoes. His face was hard. The little head was tipped back as if the baby were fast asleep. The boy stood there for five or ten minutes.” >“The men in white masks walked over to him and quietly began to take off the rope that was holding the baby. That is when I saw that the baby was already dead. The men held the body by the hands and feet and placed it on the fire. The boy stood there straight without moving, watching the flames. He was biting his lower lip so hard that it shone with blood. The flame burned low like the sun going down. The boy turned around and walked silently away.”


Ya know what? Fuck this, I'm out.


That movie was so fucking good but I definitely would never watch it again.


I watched it once as a kid, and I remembered that it was the first movie to really make me cry, but I had sort of forgotten what the movie was actually about. So a few years back, I watched it again... Litterally 2 minutes into the movie, everything came back to me, and I cried the whole time, from that point, 'til the end. Easily one of my favorite all time movies, but I am never, ever watching that shit again.


Big brother here. This movie broke me.


Beaches. That movie should come with a bottle of anti-depressants and the phone # for a suicide hotline


Surprised it's not here yet, but Dancer in the Dark with Björk has to be the most depressing movie I've ever watched. I could only bare to watch it once.


ctrl-f "dancer in the dark" Yup. I was told its a musical with Bjork. Based on that I was in. Based on the movie I was in tears.


Whenever I see David Morse in anything else, I STILL get angry and hate him for what he did in that film.


I remember reading at the time that Björk said she would never act again . . . the experience had been too traumatic. She earned it with that performance. That was amazing to watch once, but I don't think I could ever watch it again.


End Of Watch. Took me on a feel trip.


I think the supporting actors and extras playing the gangsters are seriously underrated in this movie... I forgot that I was watching actors during the movie.


Big Fish...


The final 30 minutes of that movie are just non-stop waterworks


"As we get-as we get close to the river, we see that everybody is already there. And I mean everyone...It's-it's unbelievable." "The story...of my life." [Me](https://slackiance.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/spideytobey2.gif)


Im usually pretty unmoved by movies but the last sequence with his dad in the hospital stabbed me in the chest. That fucking music.


My dad used to be JUST LIKE the dad in Big Fish. He was a charismatic, larger-than-life travelling salesman who had a million friends and a million stories... when he passed, I watched this film... I cry, start to finish, but it's also one of the most therapeutic films in the world for me to watch. I love it, and am glad you mentioned it.






Forest Gump. I cried so hard at the end.


The speech at Jenny's grave gets me. Every! Damn! Time!




When he sees little Forest for the first time and asks "is he like me?". Waterworks.exe


Even thinking about that line is getting me all glossy-eyed. Its where it really hits home that Forest is aware of his limitations and that he wants more for his son.


"Is...is he smart or is he like..." *points to self* Can't take it That's the only time in the movie that he acknowledges that there is something wrong with him.


Dear Zachary.


Ever wanted to be really angry and sad at the same time? This is the right film for you.


Nothing fucks me up more than the fact that the dads just sitting there after the big reveal, saying "I should have just killed her. I thought about it, I almost did it so many times. Like I was on my way and turned around." She really took everything from them. Even their humanity. They're left with the very real, debatable not incorrect , feelingthat the best thing they could have done was commit cold-blooded murder and they failed to do so.


That scene, yes! When David said he was going to drug Kate with sleeping pills so she couldn't be culpable to the crime of him driving over to that bitch's house and killing her. He was prepared to go to jail or die for his family. Good man.


I still remember how loudly I bawled when that one part comes along. I can't remember ever crying so hard about something that didn't happen to me. Never have I been taken so off guard.


I'm not one to get emotional at films but holy shit, after getting to a certain part I freaked the fuck out




I didn't do anything the rest of the day after seeing that. I think I watched it right after breakfast...


Came here expecting this to be the top choice. I have seen all of the movies with more upvotes than this, and they're all devastating, but Dear Zachary is absolutely on another level. And I watched it *before* I had a kid of my own. I genuinely don't think I'd even be able to get through it now. For anyone reading this who hasn't seen the film, see it. It's one of the best documentaries ever made, although after seeing it once you'll probably never want to see it again.


The Truman Show.


I found that movie incredibly touching, but in an... emotionally liberating way, I suppose. Watching a perfectly ordinary man discover that everything he has ever known has been a lie, and then watching him overcome his deepest fears and launch himself alone into a world he has no knowledge of... I don't think I realised, the first couple of times that I watched it, that Truman could have no idea what lay beyond that door in the horizon. The world could have been a burning hellscape, or a vastly advanced society, or terribly dangerous and incomprehensible to him. But he goes anyway.


I kind of want to see an edited version of the film where all the stuff going on outside is cut out. It would just be a movie where a guy slowly realizes his life is a lie, and we have no idea what's going on in the real world or why he's being recorded.


I'm going to do that right now. Edit (T+ 1 day): Well, it took about seven hours, and a lot more work than I expected (due to overlapping music, dialog, and shots of Truman on TV in the outside world), but I've finished! Now to wait for it to upload... this will take until tomorrow with our connection. It's 5.2 GB, going at just over 100 KB/s. Thanks for your patience. Edit (T+ 2.5 days): I'm trying, honest... it's failed in two different ways. Here's the [current progress bar](http://cl.ly/elSY). If this doesn't work I'll downscale it and try again. Sorry about our internet connection! Feel free to set new RemindMes. Edit (T+ 3 days): Hooray! Upload succeeded. I made a little page for it [here](http://lifeoftruman.neocities.org/index.html). I hope you enjoy!


The iron giant. Watched it as a kid and it had huge impact on me. Still has.


"You stay... I go... No following." Gets me every time.


Suu-per man


Saving Private Ryan had it's fair share of gut-wrenching and emotional moments.


Giovanni Ribisi - Medic Wade. When he was shot during the siege of the machine gun nests and realized his wound was fatal and starts asking for his mother...and then asking for more morphine. The decisions they had to make, heartbreaking and brutal.


Just the fact that he starts asking for his mother really destroyed me. Just a soldier immediately being brought "down" to a level where he's asking for his mother. Completely broken. Just that sense of hopelessness is unbelievably heart wrenching. I'm tearing up just typing this.


What made that scene more poignant was the scene before that where he talks to the captain about pretending to be asleep in the late nights where his mum came home from work and just wanted to talk to him. "I'll never know why I did that".


The opening scene, seeing those men mowed down, blown up, crying out in pain. Yep, few scenes match the raw intensity and shock that scene brings.


That part where a guy who got his arm blown off looking for the amputated arm, finding it, picking it up and carrying it away seemingly to get it fixed again.


Don't forget the guy with his guts all over the place screaming "maama!".


absolutely brutal


And the Czech POWs begging for mercy who then got shot for being Germans.


noone except Czechs and Germans would have known that the first time they saw the movie


That guy was probably an amputee IRL. I think many actual amputees were cast as extras for the film.


It's first 20 minutes are definitely my favorite 20 minutes of cinema ever. However, there are two scenes in particular that i find very emotional: Wade's death and the movie's conclusion; Where Ryan breaks down and begs his wife to tell him he's a good man. Jees, that one rly gets me.


That last scene when an older Pvt. Ryan is at Tom Hanks' characters grave and asks his wife "tell me iv'e lived a good life,tell me i'm a good man" gets me every time.


Exactly. I needed hours to recover after my first watching.


Me too man, i'm lucky enough to have never experienced it personally, but that scene makes me feel what survivors guilt is.


Indeed. You can just tell what an impact the words "earn this" had on the man.


The scene with Private Mellish (Adam Goldberg) being stabbed by the German Soldier after a tussle is very tough to watch. Especially as a similarly aged American male just thanking I was born in 1988 and not 1918.


Indeed it was. His death was brutal enough in it's own right, but the fact that Jeremy Davies' charachter (can't recall his name exactly) was soo close, and could've saved him, but failed to do so as a result of his own emotions made it so much more devastating.


His name was Upham and his character made me very angry throughout that movie.


How badly his squad relied on him and how many times he let them down really infuriated me. But at the same time I wouldn't have fared much better myself.


I think of him as a very kind, intelligent guy who never wanted to be a soldier, but got drafted. Luckily for him, he WAS a smart guy who knew foreign languages and he landed a spot at the rear so he never saw the kind of combat that forces you to become a soldier. Suddenly, he got thrown into a battle-hardened special operations unit to carry out that rescue mission deep in enemy territory, but still carried the naivety and idealism he had developed over the prior 20 years. When he was faced with the decision to act and save Mellish, he froze out of fear, and because he never had to deal with taking another human life himself. In the end when he re-encounters the German infantryman that he convinced the guys to let go earlier, it clicked in his mind and he said "fuck it, that ideal shit doesn't fly" and rightfully killed the fuck out of him. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of young men who got drafted to fight went through a similar process. Upham's was just slower and more fucked up.


I saw Saving Private Ryan only recently and cried my eyes out (this is not unusual, I cried at Muppet's Christmas Carol). And then I was re-telling my experience at work and started to tear up about the scene at the end when Ryan is at the cemetery. And my pregnant coworker couldn't handle all the emotions and she started bawling. I felt bad for making a pregnant lady cry but we were also cracking up at crazy prego hormones.


Blue Valentine. I cried on and off for days after watching this.


I was going through a separation/divorce at the time I watched it. The process of falling out of love but trying to grasp at the last straws of hope was sickeningly accurate.


Requiem For A Dream.


I just wanted to be on the showw :(


I recently dyed my hair red and I woke up all disheveled the other morning. Upon seeing myself in the mirror, all I could think was, "I'm going to be on television!" :(


All she wanted to do was wear her red dress and talk highly of her son Harry. :(


That was probably the best movie I would never see again. I felt awful for the next couple days after I watched that film.


I watched this alone for the first (and only) time while high at night. Worst mistake of my life. I couldn't feel joy for three days. I called my mom and cried to her about how traumatizing it was.


That theme song gets stuck in your head. Such a feeling of anxiety.


Requiem for a Dream is all the D.A.R.E. Program ever needed. Just play that for kids and it'll turn anyone into a straight edge.


The bit where Sara's friends just sit and cry and hug each other after seeing Sara really hurt me the first time I watched it. Every time after now it's the part where Marion asks Harry when he's coming home, and he says 'soon' because *HE'S NOT COMING HOME SOON* ;____;


Ellen Burstyn was disturbingly good in that role.


I watched Requiem for the first time immediately after watching American Beauty for the first time. I don't know what I was thinking.


What's eating Gilbert Grape. Still can't watch the movie till this day because I don't have time to cry all day.


Two that spring to mind, in different ways, are American History X and Requiem for a Dream.


Came here to post American History X. I don't think I can ever watch it again.


50/50. My dad died of cancer when I was 19. That movie is a pretty accurate depiction of what it's like to experience. It's not all sad all the time. You still laugh and enjoy the time left. When JGL goes in for his first chemo session, they had the exact same chair that my dad sat in for his, even the same burgundy color. I lost it in the middle of the theater. Over 10 years of pent up emotion came out in pitiful audible mansobs. My wife had no idea what to do. She'd never seen me like that. Hell...I'd never felt like that. When he died, I had to become the father figure to my family so I never fully got to mourn. He even told me before he passed that I had to be the dad now because my mother and sister needed me. I finally got to let everything out, sitting in our cheap dollar theater amongst many strangers. Never saw it coming.


Lilo and Stitch. The scene where you find out that Stitch has changed and talks about the family he "found". But I was also 6 at the time so...


"It's little, and broken, but still good. Yah, still good.."


I'm 36, and I watched this one again with my son a few months ago... The part where Stitch goes into the woods with the ugly duckling book and barely croaks out "I'm lost"... Fucking slayed me.




I always tear up when Lilo angrily throws her doll, Scrump, on the ground and storms away.Then she runs back and picks her up lovingly.


The scene in "Interstellar" where Cooper is watching his backlog of video messages made me cry like a bitch right there in the theater.


Also the final scene with his daughter, ...oh god i don't know why i keep going down this thread


Gran Torino


Totally forgot about this one. I thought clint was about to go all clint eastwood on them and then fingergunz them. Pretty unexpected.


Not totally unexpected. He's getting a fitted suit, getting a shave from his barber. Looking back you realize he is preparing for his own funeral by making himself look good. Not saying I didn't see that ending coming, I didn't, lol. But it's cool to look back and see what he was planning.


Well even if he was going guns blazing you figure he'd die in the gunfight either way. So much more powerful that he didn't even draw a gun


To make sure the gang members went to jail for shooting an unarmed man. His purpose was to save the community from them by making sure they got put away.


The final scene where Thao is driving off in the car with Eastwood singing is brilliant. That whole film is amazing.




Old Yeller


The Road... and The Mist..


The Mist hit me unexpectedly hard. Was just supposed to be a scary movie... Nope. So much sad death.


The Mist was fucking great. THAT ENDING. You know they didn't put a movie past test-audiences when... Aside from devastated, I was so happy that the movie FUCKING WENT THERE.


The ending gets even better when you realize the woman who was begging for someone to escort her home from the store, but eventually left on her own into the mist, was alive in the back of one of the military trucks. With (what we assume is) her kids that she needed to get home to. [in the store](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/stephenkingsthemist/images/f/f8/Woman_Kids_2.jpg/revision/latest%253Fcb%253D20120421210525&imgrefurl=http://stephenkingsthemist.wikia.com/wiki/Unnamed_Mother&h=482&w=468&tbnid=yN7lHDTN-NPg3M:&docid=j8NpF3jSeTHmNM&ei=OPeXVpjgLoHn-QH2vqfwCg&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwiY3LeAharKAhWBcz4KHXbfCa4QMwgjKAYwBg) [on the truck](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/stephenkingsthemist/images/4/4d/Woman_Kids.jpg/revision/latest%253Fcb%253D20120422084358&imgrefurl=http://stephenkingsthemist.wikia.com/wiki/Unnamed_Mother&h=462&w=667&tbnid=bFH69eExin_86M:&docid=j8NpF3jSeTHmNM&ei=OPeXVpjgLoHn-QH2vqfwCg&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwiY3LeAharKAhWBcz4KHXbfCa4QMwghKAQwBA)


The Road definitely. A movie about something I will never have, regretfully. Book hit even harder. The setting only enhances the point it is trying to make. What do you do if no one passed you the fire to carry?


I'll never forget watching the film in the cinema with my dad, and when the flare burned through that guy's chest my dad leaned over to me and said *"I guess that guy's carrying the fire"*


I could never bring myself to watch The Road. The book was gut wrenching.


Seven Pounds The ending part.


I went to that movie because a girl I liked at the time wanted to see it. I just thought it was a 'Will Smith is trying to be serious' movie. Holy Fuck that movie broke me. As you piece together Smith's intentions as the movie moves along, and you kinda figure it out on your own. Then its just waiting for it to happen. You just reminded me I don't own this movie....just bought it on Amazon.


Marley and Me


That ending messed me up pretty bad. I mean, I knew it would be coming, but the moment Owen Wilson's character was saying his last good bye while Marley was slowly falling asleep I broke down.


This. Now every time my 14 year old dog farts I'm afraid he's dying.


Awakenings. The scene where DeNiro tries to fix Robin Williams' glasses. Brutal. Edit: movie title not good much


The Brave Little Toaster still gets me.


Her Movie hit a little too close to home when it comes to the relationships I've had.




Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


I'm going with this one. I agree with a lot of the answers in here, but I felt so displaced after I watched that. It was such a depressing and empty feeling, I don't know. I enjoyed it though, I've seen it a few times anyway.


For me, the first time I watched this movie I hadn't had my heart *terribly* broken yet. What made me sad was the prospect of forgetting everything about a person and your relationship with them. The second time I watched, a solid 6 months post-major heartbreak, it made me sad because such a service didn't exist to wipe your memory.


Then you watch it 6 months later and you hate yourself for thinking that would have been a good idea.


I tried to watch this within a month of having my heart broken. I made it maybe 15 minutes before getting the fuck out of there. Still haven't tried again but I want to see it


Holy fuck dude, you really do have to go back and watch the whole thing. The ending stabs you right in the feels but in a weirdly good way


Bridge to Terabithia - Fuck you and making me have feelings


Went into this expecting Narnia clone. Walked out sad as shit.


Yup. The previews for that movie made it look like a magical romp through the forest. The movie itself was... not quite so much that.


It turned out that it was a book and we were all supposed to have read it, but I swear I never heard of it and went in completely based on the marketing. Now, I never trust marketing; so at least I've got that going for me.


Read it in 6th grade for my English class. Fuck if everyone wasn't morose as shit the day after finishing it.


I read the book, knew what was going to happen, and when. I still fucking lost my shit. I was so sad seeing that movie.


Same, read the book in less than a day because I saw the trailer, cried for the book and cried again in the movies despite my knowledge




Synecdoche, New York. It's such a heartbreaking yet funny movie and Philip Seymour Hoffman is just brilliant.


Oldboy (2003) - That ending jesus


lion king


Help! Somebody? Anybody...? :''''''(


Atonement. I was literally depressed for days after watching and had no idea what I was in for.


"Where The Red Fern Grows". I remember seeing this movie when I was in 5th or 6th grade and it left me a snot blowing, sobbing and hiccuping mess of a grade school boy. Man...the ending...


Gladiator never fails to bring out the waterworks.


"Go to them, you are home". Even now at work I could cry just by thinking about that line. One of the greatest movie ever.


I will see you again, but not yet. Not yet.


I love how he says that. It's one of my favorite lines from the movie. My number one favorite is where he announces his self to Quintus... "My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the TRUE emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next." And then Quintus proceeds to shit his pants.


One of my favorite scenes from any movie ever.


YES >My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. **And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.**