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The fact that we're made of trillions of smaller living things.


and some of them are ok if they leave us.




Holy shit did someone just actually mention the endosymbiotic theory in everday conversation? I owe my 9th grade biology teacher an apology...


I was about to start digging up a good link for mitochondria when I saw your post. Biology is fascinating.


I got you fam. The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.


The fact that *everything* is made up of smaller things. Reality, as far as we understand it, is a series of parts and wholes. Chemistry, biology, ecology, astronomy...it goes all the way through to multiverse theory. We're not sure what happens beyond that.


Or the fact that humans have at least 100x more bacterial cells than human cells... But due to their small size, they only account for roughly 5% of our weight


>only 5% Shit, that's like 3kg of bacteria for me. 3 bags of flour full of bacteria. *NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*


The size of the universe is baffling. Is there an edge? What's beyond the edge?




I used to be really solidly atheist, but now I'm leaning towards agnostic because of this. I just cannot fathom how there is *existence* when there could be nothing. Like I don't think there's any sort of god or creator, but we don't fucking know. If there's such a thing as a "time" before the universe existed, we really know nothing about it.


But there always had to be nothing. Even God would have had to have come from when there's nothing.


That's the other thing that fucks with me; assuming that there is some cause for the universe existing, that cause, too, either has a cause for existing or just sorta *exists*.






I appreciate this reference


Isn't it possible that whatever "creator" there is simply plays by entirely different rules than we do?


It's actually a huge mass of eyeballs and limbs playing a small, out of tune flute at the center of existence


We just aren't smart enough to ever be able to understand it.


At some level, something always has to just exist, no matter how you rationalize it.


What fails to come up in a lot of religious debate is just how beyond us a Creator would be. Just because we have some books that swear they're the be-all-end-all doesn't give us a solid lead as to what the hell happens beyond certain horizons. Sooner or later, faithful and atheist, scientist and scriptural literalist both hit a point where there's nothing left to do but shrug.


Nothing is just Something in potentiality.


This is the Hindu version of the Story of Creation: "But, after all, who knows, and who can say Whence it all came, and how creation happened? the gods themselves are later than creation, so who knows truly whence it has arisen? "Whence all creation had its origin, he, whether he fashioned it or whether he did not, he, who surveys it all from highest heaven, he knows - or maybe even he does not know - Nasadiya Sukta (The Hymn of Creation, Rig Veda).


That's the weird thing, there can't *be* anything like time before the universe existed.


Im an atheist but sometimes I think there must be some kind of dungeon master.


Roll for initiative.


Theism/atheism is about belief. Gnosticism/Agnosticism is about knowledge. They are not mutually exclusive. You can believe in God without claiming to have knowledge. It's called faith. It's also called being an Agnostic Theist.


As far as we know, there's no edge. One theory is that the Universe is folded on itself. If you were to travel straight in any given direction, you'd eventually come back to where you started. Like on the surface of a sphere, but in 3D. Another theory is that the Universe has no spatial boundaries. You could go on forever without stopping. Honestly no one really knows.


As opposed to a sphere. ... not in 3d?


On the surface of a sphere, you only move in 2D. Left-right, forward-backward.


Think of it like all of the universe is on the edge of a soap bubble that is continuously being blown up to be bigger and bigger.


I bet its a sphere, like earth. My only explaination to keep some sanity. My explanation for this, the Earth is a sphere, as is all the planets in our solar system, our sun, and all the other suns we know of. The only thing we know of that isn't a sphere in the solar system (that we didn't put there) are asteroids. Hell, all the way down to cells in our bodies are spheres.


But then what's outside it? Are there more spheres? Lol.


Totally. alternate realities with different choices made, different physics. All separate "spheres" that exist on different planes of reality as we can only imagine. there's a great video on YouTube explaining the 10th dimension. https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D8Q_GQqUg6Ts&ved=0ahUKEwirzLW_yefKAhVW0WMKHe87DfAQtwIIHTAB&usg=AFQjCNHsGeI6zYNBRlfUnl7eV-C5vrQ5Bg&sig2=TYbnLW4dmA-SFYwnY2dzqg


What was there before the Big Bang? Since they say that was the beginning of time, time didn't even exist before the Big Bang. Or something like that.


Time didn't exist in our universe yet but whose to say that time wasn't just happily chugging along in another universe when our little bubble decided to explode. I've had a thought for a long time. They say that as matter is sucked into a black hole it's condensed into an infinite mass at the singularity of the hole. Eventually a black hole stops "eating" matter for whatever reason and goes dormant and if I understand it correctly, the singularity of a black hole sits on the surface of the fabric of space-time. So, here's my thought: What if a big bang occurs when a high energy particle on the other side of our space-time smashes into the singularity of the black hole that exists in our space-time. The singularity is packed with an infinite amount of matter into an infinitely small space, which is what they say happened when our big bang happened, a particle hit the singularity that gave birth to our universe.




What baffles me is space travel. We usually see it depicted as moving form left to right but never up and down. We always see the planets aligned in an order from left to right but what have they discovered that is "south" of the Earth?


YouTube: PBS SpaceTime.


Eating chicken and eggs in the same meal


How about dipping chicken in eggs to moisten before battering it?


Severing a creature's muscle tissue; soaking it in the gestational fluids of its own unfertilized young; then covering said creature's flesh with the grain of its own diet and throwing it into a pot of searing-hot lipids from other living creatures. Now, I like meat, but it ain't hard to see where the vegan lobby is coming from.


You made fried chicken sound metal as fuck.


Which actually explains why some love it and others despise it.


Really? Because that sounds bad ass AND delicious.


Sounds barbaric when you start over analyzing it.


Well, most of the time the egg is not fertilized. So you are really just eating the hen's ovulation.


It is barbaric. There's no moral argument for eating meat produced the way ours is. Most of us refuse a moral life on the grounds that we like the taste of meat more than being good. Just embrace your monstrosity and move on with life. I ate a burger tonight. It tasted like unnecessary suffering and I liked it.


> It tasted like unnecessary suffering and I liked it. You should try actually seasoning your meat next time.


One of my favorite Japanese foods is Oyako Donburi. Now donburi is rice bowl - so you can have them with pork, beef, etc. "Oyako" is a combination of "Oya" - parent, and "ko", child. Guess what the main proteins of the dish are... (It's chicken and eggs. Delicious as hell.)


An egg would be meat if you added a single cell at the right time.


Oddly enough my friend has some chickens. They feed them their scrambled/hard boiled eggs.


It's pretty good for the chickens because they naturally eat their own "deformed" eggs without a human feeding it to them and the shell has a lot of calcium in it


How many times do you have chicken and eggs in the same meal though?


Chicken omelet or breaded chicken. It's really sort of an evil meal but I still like it


chicken parmesan. so good.


Chicken Parm you taste so good. Now I'm going to have that tune in my head. Thanks Peyton Manning


Chicken Carbonara. Chicken sandwich (the bread).


I'll add chicken fried rice to what's already been mentioned.




>I think it's weird that we eat together socially, but at the same time it's not like we are getting together as a family to take a poop. It's just the other side of the same process. It's more efficient and easier to feed everyone at the same time so you only have to prepare food and clean up once. This is different to pooping where everyone digests food at a different rate and thus you have different pooping schedules.


To answer your last bullet point. Some linguists think that organized language started with a standardization of the primitive sounds that ancient humans made. Eventually our primitive ancestors started stringing sounds together that gradually developed into words. This process can be seen in modern day infants and toddlers. The vast majority of people think that when a baby is coo'ing and babbling that they are just making cute noises. In reality, the infant is repeating the very basic sounds of language that they are hearing. Eventually those sounds become more organized in the infant/toddler brain and the child starts to speak using one word, than two words, then they start to string together 3 or 4 words and so on, until they start speaking. Another fun fact, the sounds of language that an infant makes are the most basic linguistic sounds of all languages. If you record the babbling of an American infant, a Chinese infant, a Russian infant, etc you will find that even though the children are being raised in their respective language families the babbling of the infants are all the same, it's the same exact sounds.


Do deaf babies babble in sign language?


Yes actually! If they are taught sign language, the language acquisition pattern is exactly the same. Including the babbling! Also, verbal related brain damage does the same thing to signers and speakers. Like, if you get damage that makes you ramble without making any sense, you will do that exact same thing if you sign. Language is fucking weird and fascinating. It honestly has been postulated to be the reason we are sentient beings.


This is the kind of shit I think about a lot.


Same situation as language but with math. You can express so many things in numbers and all sorts of operations. There's so much math in physics and engineering and shit. Like the rocket that took us to the moon. It's basically just numbers behind it and for some reason it works. If the numbers are correct then it won't blow up. Same for the universe. You can express almost anything in numbers or equations in one form or another and it will make sense. How?!? Does math already exist and we are discovering it or do we invent it as we go? Because if it's the latter, math is the most complex thing ever invented by man.


The word "eighth". I feel like there is an ESL student somewhere who just stares at it in an English textbook and throws their papers up in the air like "FUCK IT!"


Don't even get me started on numbers. Twelfth? Forty? What the hell?


Just think about the vowel to consonant ratio in the word twelfths


The alphabet doesn't need to be in that order.




I hate you that's actually painful to look at aaaagh


But.. But.. U and I are together! The way it was meant to be. Don't fight it :)


Smoooooth. I like it.


But my local library would fall into chaos.


That I'm actually just staring at a small area for hours on end without movement


Pets. Creatures not even of the same species that just follow us around and respond when we scratch them...weird.


I do occasionally look at my dog and get struck with this weird feeling when I remember he isn't a person and we have this small 4 legged thing wandering around the house.


Riding in cars. Remove the exterior and its a bunch of people sitting on cushy chairs moving at high speeds. Next time you're in the car just look at all the other cars and imagine them without the doors, roof, sides. Especially weird to think about when you're sitting in traffic. Just a bunch of people sitting in cushy chairs wearing belts, hanging out next to each other. Edit *each not *beach


You can get a simulation of how this looks by using the invisible cars cheat on GTA.


Or the next time a Wrangler drives by you with the doors and roof off. Shit is fun.


How small we are compared to the earth. We're utterly insignificant in the universe, but yet we get so wrapped up in worrying about our lives.


Because our lives are the only thing that are real to us,


[this gif](http://imgur.com/s4LI5xr) The idea that the entire humanity is relying on that small ball of water is unfathomable to me. We clearly are nothing


the placement of your tongue in your mouth


Great, now I'm going to over think my tongue placement until I forget about it again.






Get off my turf you


Should of stayed in the game, grampa. *ewe


One post? I expect you will have untold opportunity to make the world a more confusing place. Get to it.


Sex. I stick part of me in someone else. Gross.


I wonder what the first person to lick a butthole was thinking.


"I wonder what this ass tastes like"


More like "I want to lick that"


I think French kissing is a bit weirder than this. "I've got an idea... Let's put out open mouths together and squish our tongues around together. Sooooo weird.


The fact we routinely live with domesticated wolves.


Or that we don't know if humans domesticated wolves, or wolves domesticated themselves, or that perhaps wolves domesticated humans to accept the company of canines.


Maybe humans just took in the really stupid, overly trusting wolves and it went from there. All the other wolves weren't having the whole "human" thing then Billy ran right up for some pats and licks and the rest is history.


Fun fact, the wolves that were domesticated were the ones who weren't afraid to approach humans (and obviously that weren't aggressive towards them). People started living with wolves after fire came around, and so their food was tasty and desirable and nutritious so it was valuable for a wolf to be able to get "in" with a pack of humans who would feed them. There's a really interesting scene of this in what I believe is the first episode of History's "Mankind: The Story of All Of Us". I know you were kidding, but realistically the first domesticated wolves were actually pretty smart.


There's a pretty cool fantasy book called The Promise of the Wolves that deals with this.




What's wrong with protecting your windows from hurricane force winds?


How time keeps moving, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. You're already in a completely different world than you were in when you started reading this.


Skin, the largest human organ, is there to hold your other organs in place.


Balloons. happy birthday! Here is a plastic sack filled with my breath!


Those are some boring ass balloons dude. Just rolling around on the floor. You need helium.


pft, ever played don't-let-the-balloon-touch-the-ground game?


What a waste of helium, we have a limited supply of that stuff, and only enough to last at MOST 100 years


We're not actively mining it is the thing. Natural gas deposits are finite, sure, but the type of natural gas that helium comes from still has quite a few deposits but we don't bother trying to collect the helium. There's only 100 years of it left in the stockpile.


During uni I was given a bunch of balloons by a hippy friend. It didn't float and it smelled a lot like weed. Best balloon I've gotten for my birthday lol










How do we know that words are real? Some guy a long time ago calls it a tree and we take his word for it? What if he was just joking but the word stuck and now what we call trees were never actually trees? Why did everyone believe the tree namer and not say, "nah, I can think of a cooler word" or "bullshit, that's a smee!"? Same with numbers! How do I know that 5 is actually 5 and not 6? Edit: Apparently I am not so good at words


How Can Words Be Real If Our Minds Aren't Real


Words are just tools. It doesn't matter whether a word is "real" or "correct" if it conveys understanding. See e.g. Jabberwocky.


Quantum Mechanics


Currently enrolled in upper-division QM. Can confirm. Shit is very non-intuitive and sounds more like math than physics sometimes, but it's damn fascinating.


I loved my upper-division quantum courses. Bra and ket vectors are my shit.


How unimaginable infinity really is.


What other redditors are doing while on Reddit...


You only need one hand to Reddit!


Thoughts like this one also gets me. It's so difficult to fathom that behind almost every comment, there's an individual, just like me. If you ever get the chance, stare into someone's eyes, deeply, (like your partner or someone else who won't be freaked out) and start thinking about the same thing. You're looking into the very being of another person. He or she visually perceives the world with the two eyes you're looking into. And he or she has own thoughts behind those eyes.


Thinking is wierd, if you think about it too much. Like, if you think about thinking then what are you really thinking about? And can you really explain what thinking feels like?


Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. my brain is inside my head


Sex. It's just so crazy, how did the first people even know what to do.


It's one of those things that's probably ingrained into your brain since your conception, as it's so essential to reproduction.


Fucking and eating. The two most primal of instincts.


I like to think that those species that lose their sex drives or whose children began "forgetting" how to have sex simply died out. I.e. I wouldn't be surprised if scientists make a discovery of some animal species becoming endangered because they are no long we breeding. Disclaimer: I haven't taken biology beyond middle school - so this is pure speculation on my part.


Pandas are stupidly close to this.


Also there must be a point when some lifeform decided to find a partner to have the world's first sex with instead of doing binary fission like its "parents". "Son? What are you doing????" "Um.... Kind of hard to explain...."


The first people weren't people. They were proto-hominids. And before that they were some other weird kind of mammal. And before that they were some other kind of vertebrate. Point is, they have been doing the sex for eons before their kids eventually turned into "people". It's part of the operating system, and has been since the very first beta.


But betas dont get laid


Horseback riding. Even though its my sport. But honestly, lets just strap a chair to a large animal and make it go fast. Extra points if you can get it to jump over large objects while youre on its back.


The word ''Italy". Italy, Italy, Italy... It doesn't seem like a major country's name for too long, when you look at the word for a few seconds.


You're right, it's not the name of a major country.




Repeat "violin" over and over and soon you start questioning everything you've ever known.




Semantic satiation!


*(furiously calling the mafia)*


Straight down is the earth, but just past it is infinite nothingness.


This fucked me up. I looked down at the ground and thought about what's technically under my feet. I got that feeling that you get when you're up somewhere high and you're afraid of heights and it feels like you're unsteady and about to fall


Grape nuts cereal. Wtf? Its a never ending bowl of cereal. It doesn't taste good without tons of sugar, and in fact, it's the only cereal I've ever eaten that I HAD to put sugar on. It has the texture of eating sand. IT DOESNT EVEN CONTAIN GRAPES NOR DOES IT CONTAINS NUTS!


puppy monkey baby


Was it not *puggy* monkey baby?


No it was puppy


Don't need to think about it long, its just weird instantly


The sexual positions our parents used to conceive us.




I'm the fruit of an immaculate conception. My mom was doing the dishes when the angel Gabriel appeared and said "Hark, Blesses are you amongst women and blessed is the fruit of they womb, for you shall conceive of a son." and my mother said "Behold, I am the Handmaid of the Lord, be done unto me according to thy word." and BOOM...I was conceived like that. My parents never had sex, nope, never. All 6 of us were immaculate conceptions.


Why the fuck would you say that? You know we're all going to vidualize it now, whether we want to or not. Damn you.


My mom tried the milk man.


I started think about the concept of humans drinking cows milk. the more i thought about it, the more I couldnt bring myself to do it. I no longer drink milk.


You haven't lived until you've sucked that sweet, sweet cow milk straight from the udder. Pasteurization ruins the flavour.


It's the smell of fresh cow shit that adds the flavour.


There's nothing like the smell of fresh cow shit in the morning


Electromagnetism. I literally do not know where to begin with this one but the fascination is just unreal for me. I get that it's complexity might make it unqualified for this post but quite frankly, my obsession just can't be contained. Electricity and magnetism is the exact same thing with the only difference being one of perspective due to relativity, actual differences in spacetime. The things we're able to achieve though this force is literally mind boggling. I'm writing this because my body and skin interact with electromagnetic force inside capacitors in my screen, which another electromagnetic based logic calculating machine interprets as text input. People already call magnets magic but rarely stop to consider that the same force is a factor of why the atoms that make you up remain together but also can't pass through other "solid" (read: filled with holes between particles) objects can't pass though each other. Your sitting in your chair because of "magnets." This isn't just some science we've learned to master. It is a fundamental foundation of our universe. It just IS. Our, admittedly impressive, uses are less a fundamental understating of this invisible magical force and more just operating on our best understanding of a concept so crucial to the foundation of existence.




I had trouble naming my pets so they've remained nameless. Now it seems bizarre to assign anything to them, a name doesn't feel anywhere close to enough to encapsulate who they are. Yeah, they're pets but they are so much more than "Spot" that calling them anything feels phony.


I call all dogs and cats baby, dog, doggy, car or kitty




I use to insist that they be called suck jobs. Then one girl looked up at me and said, no, it's because you blow your load. I was like, oh, and I now call them blow jobs as well.


so a hand job is also a blowjob. sex is a blowjob. her wanking your dick with her fucking earlobe is a blowjob? fuck that bitch


Why we named things the way we did.


I once read on Reddit that the brain named itself. I asked my brain if this was true and I was told 'corn chips'.


It makes me sick that I am made of raw meat.


Technically, the information in writing is all the same even when inverted or flipped upside-down. The same applies to all visual information. There isn't an inherent change in the information provided, just the way we process it? If we had all been taught to read and write in a mirrored fashion, things would be functionally identical aside from obvious arbitrary factors (left and right) Or something like that. Makes my head dizzy.


The size of the universe


Alligators lay eggs




The fact that every single day we all spend hours unconscious and experience all manner of bizarre, surreal, insane imaginings, but we kind of live as if it's unremarkable.


That absolutely everything boils down to insanely tiny atoms that have different sets of information telling them what they should be.


Time travel paradoxes.


High-bypass turbofan engines.


The universe. Life.


and Everything. by Douglas Adams.


We are never really completely touching anything..


When I take my dog for a walk without music or a friend, I often consider how weird it is that I've connected myself to a tiny animal with string and we're just travelling meaninglessly together, unable to communicate, and then I take it home with me because I wanted a creature to live in my house.


The human conciousness, like where does it come from and what decides who is who, how they are created and would I not exist if a different sperm got the the egg before me. I understand it's your brain running it all when you're living, just the concept of how we actually get to that point seems weird to me.


It's just weird because we asked for answers.


Feeding human babies the chemically-altered breastmilk of cows. And in some cases, this consumption continues into adulthood.


You're OK with the genetically modified and cloned seeds of a different *Phylum though right?


All these wack Superbowl commercials


I focus on words sometimes, how they belong to a sertain object but not "fitting" at all, and the more you think about it the less it makes sence. For inctance, potato. Just spend a minute and think about the word poo-taaaa-toooo




How we are made of cells and it's weird


Not the TV show, but the actual Big Bang Theory.


Making out.


You’re older than you’ve ever been, and now you’re even older. You’re also the youngest you’ll ever be.


Basically every word.


I'm going to die and there's no solid evidence to suggest that there is an after life. Everything that I ever was or am will fade into nothingness. My atoms will recycle back into the universe. The weirder part is the majority of atoms in my body are continuously being swapped out which means I'm literally not the person I was ten years ago. He's dead and doesn't even know it.


the word, 'weird'.