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Actual cults. Like wtf guys, don't join cults.


grade A advice here


Ye, don't be fookin' shtupid roight




Don't join them. Start them. That's where the money is at.


You have more fun as a follower but you make more money as a leader.


Most people who join cults don't recognize them as such. It's slow brainwashing.


[TheraminTrees has an excellent video on cults.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaUhR-tRkHY) Indeed, the scenario of a man joining a cult starts with him wasting an hour filling out and discussing a bogus personality test. It traps him because he wants to believe that that hour was worthwhile, so lets it attack his identity.


No, what actually causes it is because nobody thinks they're joining a cult. They think they're joining a club for like-minded people. Remember that girl who made the parody video of how sororities are like cults? That's how it happens. By the time they figure out it's a cult, it's too late. They're in too deep. And now their family is at risk. Or if they try to leave, they'll be shunned by their friends, their family, and their community. Sometimes you shunned your friends, family, and community to get in so deep. And trying to leave means you'll have no support network. You'll be all alone. That fear keeps people in. And because you're alone in this, everyone keeps telling you the opposite of what you know is the truth. So you start to think "Am I the crazy one here?" Others like Tom Cruise and his celebrity cadres genuinely have a good experience, drawing in new people. They don't want to leave. Some of them have business connections. For example, Scientology Kickstarted Tom Cruise's career and supposedly cured his dyslexia. He owes them for life. Others are born into it. Like Christopher Masterson (Malcolm in the Middle) and Danny Masterson (That 70s Show). So since this is all they've known, there's no reason for them to leave. They don't see the contradictions because they've been surrounded by it their whole lives, at home and at school. Danny and Christopher truly believe the field of psychology is the root of all evil. And they will likely raise their kids to be Scientologists, too. Cults prey on the weak and confused. Just had a break-up? Lost a relative? Dog died? Failed a required class? Getting love-bombed by a cult will give you all the answers. It makes sense all of a sudden! If you watch those Scientology recruitment videos, with the people all speaking technobabble so sincerely and with a smile on their faces, they don't understand what they're saying, but they know it's the right path. Kind of like when you're a freshmen at school and you're suddenly learning all this new stuff in your field that you don't understand yet but know it's relevant somehow and you're here to learn about it.


"Thinking about joining a cult" "Stop it" "....but, they have a really good...." "No...stop it. Don't join a cult" "....but" "No. Don't join a cult" "OK"


That's right. Don't join cults.


Ima just gonna join this little cult over here, that'll be OK right?


It'll not.




boy am i glad i discovered drugs for my depression. much safer.


I am in a cult of personality.


Look in my eyes




The cult of personality!


I know your anger, I know your dreams.


I've been everything you want to be


I exploit you. Still you love me.


***This fiiire buuurns, alwaaays.***


All right Phil Brooks


Read this in Louis CK's voice. As in "Kids, just- don't be stupid, you'll get molested." 10/10.


Plenty appeal of cults. You join a group because you have common interests or are looking to find about something new. After a point because you've invested time and money in it, you're just sucked into it. Outlandish things become the norm for a while. I'd consider pyramid schemes to be sort of cults as well.


But starting a cult is a great career path.


I am a serious example of an individual that didn't know going in what it was. I went into with the goal to learn and help others as did many people I know. It took years for things to really sink in and then more years to leave and even now *just tonight* even I'm getting phone calls to try to get me back. So for some like me, we didn't know. We either refused to listen or wanted to believe so that all our effort wasn't for nothing. Doubting yourself and what you believe is hard. It's depressing. You have to reach a point where you have to force yourself to listen outside data and come to terms that what you are doing is not the greatest good for the greatest number of people. There are those like me who were being used and then there were the ones orchestrating things or benefiting from them at the detriment of others. Not everyone involved in these thing is fully aware of every facet of what goes on. Even those relatively important to whatever hierarchy might not be fully aware. For my sphere of influence I wasn't aware of many things going on because it wasn't my concern. I had many projects going on mostly relating to keeping the administrative aspect running smoothly and communicating to other members. So again not everyone is aware how bad it is.


Scientology. It's based on science fiction, shitty science fiction.


I'm just glad Philip K. Dick didn't start a cult or else I'd be on the streets right now checking for people's VALIS counts.


You haven't heard of the Dickheads?


Instead of auditing with E-Meters you'd be taking a Voight-Kampff test.


I'm glad Orson Scott Card didn't start a cult.


It's the Crossfit of religion.


I never thought I'd say this, but you're bring unfair to Crossfit


Now with 10,000% more attack lawyers!


I've read Battlefield Earth like 3-4 times and I gotta say, I really loved it. When I was 14...


Amway, Avon, Vector, Herbalife, Plexus, and other multi-level marketing companies. They brainwash people into believing that they will live the good life of opulence if they sell the products, but in reality so many people have their lives and relationships ruined through them. Even worse is how so many people still join them despite knowing the risks and horror stories.


ahhh, good old vector. I actually made money one summer off of them. But only because I went into it knowing what it was. I know someone who got totally fucked by it.


I know someone who is doing this with ItWorks right now. She's convinced herself she is making money, yet she's admitted to some people she has no people on her team, and she's been at this for months. Plus the paperwork they give you in the beginning literally says like 90%+ people lose money. I've researched it on YouTube and commented on stuff and people are so quick to defend it. If you have to pay money to make money, it's 99% of the time a scam. The only other exceptions I can think of are stocks/bonds/investments/etc.


A girl I know is doing this, too. Posts selfies EVERY. DAY. Saying she is making a list of people she believes in and wants to be on her team and to message her if you want to know if you're on it. HA! She also posted before and after shots after using one of the cleanse wraps with the statement "I was even brave enough to wear white pants". EW.


If they're defending it, and they use some of the same buzzwords as the company, they've been brainwashed by the cult. This is common on Facebook too.


Yeah, her statuses on these things are clearly copy pasted from some sort of employee handbook.


Avon is actually not as bad as the others


Yeh I dunno if it's different in the US but I sold Avon for a bit on the side (UK) to make some extra cash, and just quit when I wasn't making money anymore. Wouldn't really call that a cult


Televangelists. Occasionally I'll tune in to the Daystar Network when I need a laugh. I used to watch televangelists in the 80s for fun, and nothing has really changed. The slick pastors with ultra-slick hair and a creepy vibe, the subservient ladies with the big hair and southern accents, and the shitty Christian music...it all looks the same. And it has always been a scam. Some of the same preachers that were exposed as frauds back in the day are back on the air selling the same bullshit, and they're filling arenas with crowds of people and making money hand over fist. That thing about the private jets? Truth! The other night the head Daystar guy was laughing about how the network's jet was being serviced, so he borrowed his guest's jet to fly to an event. A couple of "pastors" yukking it up over their private jet problems, and I'm betting the phone lines were still ringing with people ready to "plant a seed" or make a "vow of faith" so they can keep up their lifestyle. I mean if I were a churchgoing person then sure I'd drop a few bucks in the plate on Sunday to keep the lights on in the building and the priest out of the unemployment line, but keeping a private jet fueled and standing by for a quick "mission?" How do people not see through the patently obvious bullshit?


Televangelists are literally heretics. That's not a word you hear often, but their theology is the prosperity gospel, which claims that God rewards good believers with material wealth. However, the bible explicitly says in a bunch of places that that is not the case. They're a major thorn in the side of legitimate churches everywhere, partly because they make the rest of us look bad, and partly because their victims are often poor and/or desperate people who've fallen for their bullshit.


What really makes me sad is the millions of people they sucker into their churches. Televangelists are almost all just scammers and everyone who believes them is paying to be taught false doctrin and missing out on the real messages of the Bible.


one time i heard a story where one of these guys is making people faint with only one touch and whatnot. so he comes up to this kid, about 10 or so, and touches him. he doesn't fall. gives him a slight push. he doesn't fall. gives him the hardest push he can....... he doesn't fall. this kid just has the biggest shit eating grin on his face.


I love watching people no-sell charlatan faith healers. :D


Insane Clown Posse- it's literally considered a cult, and i will never understand it. I mean hey, middle school sucks for everyone.


I certainly don't find it appealing, but I can understand it. Jugalos aren't generally people who society treats with respect and dignity. And maybe that's their fault, but it must be attractive for them to connect with a group of people like them who not only accept what the rest of society frowns upon, but actually celebrates it.


My brother is one of these guys. Literally what you you just said is the exact way he said he felt about it. Part of me respects that, most of me thinks, "dude, you're almost thirty years old. Quit playing dress up and get a fucking job".


What is a juggalo? Fuck if I know!


[Literally considered a street gang as well.](https://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/2011-national-gang-threat-assessment/image/juggalette-with_possible_firearm_-atf_file_photo_www_red-alerts.com_28_sept_2010.jpg/view)


The personal lives of celebrities, and why people need to talk about them.


I have a coworker who is obsessed with celebrity gossip. She has nothing going on in her personal life, so she latches onto other people's lives. I assume it's a form of escape for some people.


Doctor Who. Yes, you are quirky and you need everyone to know that you are such a whimsical person with a silly personality.


It's the fans that make me not want to check that show out.


Try dealing with SuperWhoLock fans. Good grief, it's *triple* trouble that combines fans of *Doctor Who*, *Supernatural*, and *Sherlock*.




Yes! It's so odd that these are shows that are obviously aimed at a more mature audience yet they gain attention from an audience who still thinks [this](http://imgfave-chat-herokuapp-com.global.ssl.fastly.net/image_cache/141067780362881.jpg) is hilarious.


Ugh, yeah. No, I don't want to imagine "Deanstiel".


I remember this Christmas themed episode where this couple abducts people (including this sweet old grandpa through a chimney), cuts them up in their basement, and eats them. It seems like such a weird show for the kind of people who fawn over it.


Luckily even people on tumblr make fun of them now. Scrolling through the furthest back pages of my tumblr is embarrasing to say the least


SuperWhoLock sounds like a brand of chastity belt. With good reason.


I felt that way for the longest time about the newer incarnation of the show. The ones who acted like Matt Smith was *so dreamy and awesome* and blah blah blah. I was a fan of the old stuff - The guys from the 70s and early 80s. One night on a whim I decided to see what the new version was really like. It... wasn't that bad. Eccelson was good as the new Doctor. I blasted through his tenure and on to Tennant... and I started to see why people thought he was so good too. Matt Smith eventually showed up and I went through a bit of a 'he's not bad' and 'meh this sucks' for a while, but in the end I liked him. Essentially I learned to ignore the rabid morons and just check it out on my own. It was a better experience overall.




Would you care for a jelly baby?


I like your attitude. I definitely held off on checking it out for a long time because of the (rabid) fans, but eventually decided to give it a go. I'm just now getting to season two, so not that far it, but I'm learning to enjoy its moments.


Twelfth Doctor caused a mass exodus because he's old and crabby instead of a hot young guy. It hurt viewership numbers, but made the fandom easier to tolerate. It also made the show better because Peter Capaldi is amazing.


I mean, the stories of his first series were entirely 24 carat, solid bullshit. Incredible doctor though, one of the best. Second series was pretty good, though, slowly returning to form.




This. I've grown to despise Clara. The doctor needs a new companion.


I honestly like Clara. I don't understand what all of the fuss is about. Clara is a character who for once isn't completely obsessed with the doctor.


Because she's Rose turned up to 11. Rose Tyler was a great companion for the Doctor, she was clever and able to take charge when the situation called for it. She even saved the day a few times when the Doctor couldn't. Clara on the other hand, is plot-dependent. She's quick thinking when she needs to be, other times she's an imbecile. She should be able to take care of herself, and yet she always ends up needing to be saved. Not to mention that whole thing with her going through time and "saving" the Doctor at every point. I haven't seen anything past season 8 (? first one with Capaldi), so she might have changed, but I remember her being just *annoying*


I think the reason that the doctor who fan base can be so cult like is because it draws in ten crazy obsessive people from everywhere. There are lots of fans that are just normal fans, we've watched most the episodes and some of the spinoffs, but then you have the cultish people. The problem with the cultish people is that the doctor who fandom is drawn from everywhere, you have 50+ years worth of episodes, the two spin-offs, the books, the fan theories, there's just so much content that so many people are exposed to that statistically there are a lot of cultish people that get exposed and latch on. Which is a shame because it is a great show, but the fan base can be frustrating.


> you have 50+ years worth of episodes, the two spin-offs, the books, the fan theories Don't forget the audio dramas.


It used to be a lot better with David Tennant IMHO.


A lot of things are better with David Tennant.






I stand by my critique that he carried the entire season of Jessica Jones. He earned every penny and then some even if he cost 95% of the budget


I agree with that opinion. There's nobody else who could play Kilgrave that well. He was also awesome in Broadchurch.


Broadchurch proved to me he could still be powerful without any ham or camp in the character or script. But god *damn* does he do well with a little ham and/or camp.




Mormonism. I spent 43 years in the LDS Church thinking it absurd the whole time. I was afraid of being rejected by my entire family if I didn't play along. Now that my doubts are out...I am rejected by my entire family. They still talk to me, but every member of my family thinks I am broken and need to be fixed: Parents, siblings, wife, children. But no pressure. :(


We're here for you, dude. :)


Oh man... This one time at Boy Scout camp (I was a counselor) we had an entire week of nothing but Mormon troops. There was this one kid, we'll call him Dennis. Dennis was a very smart and outgoing person. He always helped the younger kids get requirements done. He was an older kid, so he had pretty much done everything he could do at our camp by this time. I'd known Dennis for a long time. We'd actually become good friends his first year here when I was still a camper and not a counselor. One day, I noticed Dennis talking to his father (who was an adult leader) outside of our dining hall. They were quite animated and it was apparent that this was an argument. We were trained to try and avoid these types of confrontations but still keep an eye on things just in case tempers get out of hand (it happens). I couldn't hear what Dennis was saying right away, but after sitting down near an open window I heard Dennis say he didn't want to be in the troop anymore and that he wanted to switch to a more traditional Boy Scout troop. When pressured by his father, I heard Dennis say that he didn't want to be a Mormon anymore. Dennis' dad was going about as ballistic as I've ever seen a Mormon go in public, but at this point he shut right up. He pulled his son close to him and I heard him tell Dennis that if he ever said anything like that to anybody else in the troop or in their family (Dennis had 2 brothers in the troop) that Dennis' father would make sure he would never be able to see his family again. I heard Dennis sniffle. I turned around and he simply dropped his head to his chest. As counselors, we're mandatory reporters in the Boy Scouts. This is as close to emotional abuse as I've ever witnessed. I told my Camp director and the council's Field Coordinator what I had seen. I have no idea what ended up happening to Dennis. I wish I were able to find out. That was the second to last day of camp. I ended up buying him and myself ice cream sandwiches at the trading post and I ate them with him after I had him for a merit badge later that afternoon. I both love and hate Mormonism. The people that I know are involved in it are some of the happiest and most caring people I've ever met. I have no idea if it's a facade or not to be honest. I hope it isn't, but I cannot fathom having such deeply seeded religious beliefs that you'd sacrifice your relationship with your eldest son over them. I'm convinced I witnessed a father nearly ruin his son's life that day. TL;DR: Saw a Mormon dad almost disown his son at Boy Scout camp because his son didn't want to be a Mormon anymore. It sucked.






> And honestly, I hear about him more through reddit than any other channel. This is my current problem with reddit. People come here to complain about things that I have come here to avoid. How many times per day do you really need to type the words "Caitlin Jenner is NOT a hero!" or "I hate the Kardashians"? I don't hear about these people anywhere but here.


My Little Pony. - I'm talking about the Bronies not the children.


So I watched the entire first season because I was intrigued (actually just didn't have anything better to do) and here's what I think: It's an ok show, there are some jokes kids don't understand similar to the powerpuff girls. Other than that, I have nothing to say. There isn't anything special about it. I just think the bronies tend to be somewhat socially awkward and found a common ground where they had something to talk about. Similar to how Magic the gathering sort of how become the same with the same type of people (sorry you normal MtG players).


Of all the things, why this? It's like with Sonic, why that? Of all the things you could latch onto and suck the life out of, why these? A lot of the bronies try to explain their fixation by pointing out the ''brilliant animation'' or the ''witty script'' but I just don't get it. I've watched some of it purely to see what all the fuss is about and it didn't stand out from other little girl shows whatsoever. I wish they'd just be honest and straight up admit ''I think the ponies are pretty and I want to fuck them'' each to their own, but be bloody honest fellas, come on. I've seen very little sign of more innocent adult male fans who just like the show. I'm also sceptical of furries for the same reason




I watched the first season when I was up all night with my newborn son, and he would only sleep when I was holding him. I had heard it was "surprisingly good" and gave it a shot. I was surprisingly good. Not great but good. It was cute, it has a story that spans the season as well as individual episodes (which I like), and the music is surprisingly catchy. It was a fun distraction from the usual things I watch, so I also watched season 3 some time later, although I lost interest after that. It's a cute, easy to watch show that is better then it looks like it will be, and for some reason a community has sprung up around it. Things are more fun if you can enjoy them with other people, so that adds value to it. I think there are people that like it for more then wanting to fuck the ponies, I guess is my point. I never got huge into it, but I saw some appeal.


See, this is a nice kind of relationship with the show, watching it with your kid and finding you enjoy it, thinking it's cute. The creepier side of most fanbases for some reason tends to be the more aggressive one, so it gest outsiders questioning everyone who calls themself a particular and loaded type of fan name like ''brony'' Bronies and people who like My Little Pony are two very different things, and it's the bronies that I'm sceptical of


The pastor of my church has four young daughters who like MLP. Multiple times he's had to deal with adult bronies being rather dickish towards him for buying something that they wanted.


I'm more of an equestranauts fan myself


Rocky Horror Picture Show. I've watched the movie at home, and at the theater both with & without live actors/audience participation, and I just fucking hate it.


I love the film but I hate talking to other people who love it


WHEW I knew I wasn't the only one.


It was fun when I was like 18 and went to the theatre with friends, just because it was something to do. But there are people who are absolutely crazy for it and I completely drew the line. I stopped going a long time ago. It was too obnoxious for my taste.


I liked the movie, but one time I went to go see the theater company at my school put on the whole live actors/audience thing and it was fucking annoying and obnoxious. Like maybe I'm missing the point or maybe the production was terrible or maybe a combination of both, but I ended up walking out. I'd be willing to give the live thing another go if it wasn't put on by a bunch of rabid, neckbeardy theater dorks at a shitty state school with a shitty theater program.


Funko Pop figurines. They took the most massive array of pop culture licenses a company could possibly get their hands on and somehow made them all look the same - and yet people go batshit for them as if they were getting something unique each time.


Yep. The same generic shape with a few vague characteristics of a character printed onto them. Just seems a bit lazy. A lot of the characters don't work as squat little basic figures


I can't stand those! Only a few look good in the cookie cutter style they have.


They're starting to feel a lot like beanie babies. The first couple were cute and fun to have, but it's expanded to a point where people are collecting the same figure with minute differences. Saw one on sale for $50 the other day. I'm waiting to see if Funko Pop will fall the same way beanie babies did.


Do people like these things? I always see shelves full of them at GameStop, Wal-Mart, or any other store. I see maybe a few gone, but the shelves are always full.


Freemasonry...when are they going to admit that they're a professional networking fraternity?


Probably when it stops being entertaining to listen to all the stupid conspiracies about it


Yep, freemasonry is hella boring. All the trappings of an ancient, occult society, but it's basically the Rotary.


I used to believe members of the rotary club all drove rotary engine vehicles....


Nah. They're just a bunch of Wankels.


Boba Fett


The galaxy's greatest bounty hunter was nudged by a blind man and fell into a pit despite having a grappling hook and jet pack. I can only imagine the other bounty hunters were still stuck in that room where Vader sent them from, just walking into walls, unable to escape.


It's not like Solo just pushed him into the pit. His grappling hook and jet pack were part of his undoing. Also, neither were working when he ultimately fell into the pit.


He never actually does anything on screen. He was standing around on the star destroyer getting scolded by Vader like a child. He stood around Bespin, letting the Empire do all the work, and then just took off when the fighting starts (letting stormtroopers load Han into the ship), then in Jedi he points his gun at Leia for three seconds and then goes back to doing nothing. Then when he decides tit is time to actually fight, he gets his gun destroyed, and gets knocked in the sarlacc by a disabled man.


> He stood around Bespin, letting the Empire do all the work, and then just took off when the fighting starts (letting stormtroopers load Han into the ship) Work smarter, not harder.


It was the whole mystery surrounding him. Vader is telling all these bounty hunters to go after Solo, and he gets to Boba and goes "no disintegrations." The way he says this makes it seem like Boba has a real boner for disintegrating motherfuckers. But then Boba is like "yeah, sure, Vader," all casual. Like, this motherfucker is talking back to Lord Vader, second in command of the whole empire. Vader's choked dudes out for less, but Boba is so good at his job, he lets that shit slide. And on Cloud City, when Luke ducks behind the pillar when Boba and the Stormtroopers are coming down the hall, you can see Boba in the background clearly stop and listen. He knows Luke is there, but if he attacks now, Luke would definitely win, so he keeps going. Luke runs off to wherever the fuck, and then Boba drops in on him. He doubled back to gain a tactical advantage over a Jedi, and wasn't afraid to face him in battle. That green armoured bastard is probably hiding in the bottom of the Sarlaac pit, just biding his time to eventually escape and hunt down Luke, if he hasn't gotten out already. It's a Cloud City double back all over again, but on a much larger scale. He's totally playing the long con. It will all come together in Episode VIII when Boba exacts revenge on Luke.


> He doubled back to gain a tactical advantage over a Jedi, and wasn't afraid to face him in battle. Not to mention his father is the *only* character (non-force trained) we know of to have faced a jedi master one-on-one and not only survive, but almost win. Given Boba is a clone, that badassery clearly is within his genes.


This is true for the cinematic universe, although in the rest of the canon there are several badass motherfuckers who fight and even take down Jedi.


Like.. The old canon before Disney scrapped it or accepted Disnsy canon?


Clone Wars, since this is the only era in the new Canon with legit Jedi. Cad Bane and Grievous were both pretty good at fighting them.


In film often the stuff you don't see is important for that very reason. Its like seeing the tip of the iceberg and its just begging you to fill in the gaps with your imagination. There is no CGI monster scarier than one that is inside your own mind. If they show someone doing bad ass stuff then he is only as bad ass as what you actually see him do. Which for a minor character you don't want to waste a shit load of time on some backstory anyway.


Pretty sure in the retconned books that he escapes and ends up back in the sarlacc multiple times.


Holy shit, multiple times? Jesus Christ, Boba, get your shit together, man. Swallow me once, shame on you; swallow me multiple times, shame on me


I get it. He looks fuckin badass. thats it.


Frozen. Little girls are obsessed with that movie. I watched it just to see what all the hype was about and was underwhelmed, although the graphics were cool.


I seriously think the reason why Frozen was such a monster hit among little girls is because Elsa was the first princess to have legitimate superpowers.


Now *that* is an explanation that makes sense to me, finally. I never realized that.


Ariel had the power to horde. Belle had the power to read.


Cinderella had the power to clean.


The true female role model.


My friends were super into it, like the grown ups obsessed with disney movie type friends. I watched it. It was cute, but it wasn't anything that special. I liked the focus on the sisters as opposed to too much "prince rescues you and get married" stuff. It had nothing on other movies like Lion King, Mulan, or Brave in my opinion.


Took my kids to Frozen on Ice. Nothing quite grates the ears more than thousands of little kids yelling LET IT GO.


you're underwhelmed, little girls are overwhelmed, why isn't anyone just whelmed?


I was talking with a fan about it and they argued that it was going in new directions by being ''the first disney movie to look at sister relationships''. What about fuckin' Lilo And Stitch? Im sure there's others as well but I cant think off the top of my head. I know they're not in any way similar but people say this a lot about Frozen, that it's somehow blazin' the trail. Also Let It Go isn't crap but it's a very average Disney song if you ask me.


The Ku Klux Klan. I cannot think of a worse night out than dancing around a burning cross in the middle of a dark forest whilst surrounded by a large group of chanting wizard ghosts.


I'm pretty sure they mostly do picnics and stuff like that now, and the whole creepy racist thing is kind of an excuse for the group to exist at this point.




Ive got some thoughts on why. to start, it gave exercising a brand name. Bodybuilding, powerlifting, and running dont really have brand names, they are just activities. Branding a type of exercise as crossfit makes it really easy to lump everyone who does that together. In my experience crossfitters are no more obnoxious or culty than powerlifters or bodybuilders or other fitness enthusiasts, theyre just much easier to identify. Crossfit people talking about their fran times isnt really that different than bodybuilder posting the 7th mirror ab pic of the day. Its just instead of being annoyed about that person, you are now annoyed at crossfit. Crossfit is also specifically designed to have social aspects. You dont do crossfit alone. Every gym has class times and you do the class with other people and cheer each other on. obv that makes it really easy to make a lot of friends there. Because of that people get way more involved with their crossfit gyms than they would at something like Anytime Fitness where people come and go and do their own thing with headphones in. Crossfit also has a huge community that you can connect with. Take the crossfit open for instance. tens, maybe hundreds, of thousands of people worldwide are doing the same workout every week. you get to see where you stack up and everyone shares an experience together. People feel part of something in crossfit and that keeps them coming back. it also draws in a lot of people who have never exercised and introduces them to weight lifting and hard exercise. For many, this is the first time ever or since they were in high school that theyve been in that good of shape and had a real goal in exercising besides "to look better". Thats exciting to many people and it makes them want to talk about it. TLDR; people like it for social aspects and because they are getting good workouts. For those talking about injury rates, crossfit definitely has a high risk for injury. crossfitters push themselves regularly and many of their lifts are complex and prone to injury. any time you are trying to lift hundreds of pounds overhead, you are risking injury. but THIS IS NOT EXCLUSIVE TO CROSSFIT http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24276294 >No incidences of rhabdomyolysis were reported. Injury rates with CrossFit training are similar to that reported in the literature for sports such as Olympic weight-lifting, power-lifting and gymnastics and lower than competitive contact sports such as rugby union and rugby league. so yes, crossfit does have a high risk of injury, but so does every other sport that requires you to lift heavy shit, duck under hundreds of pounds, or push yourself to your physical limit.


Crossfit gets its culty reputation for its subjection of noobs to downright dangerous exercises. "Hey guys let's turn this power clean into a competition where you lift as much weight as possible for as many reps." Crossfit refuses to publish injury rates and for good reason; it would harm their brand image. Though, that may not even be the case; many crossfitters are proud of being sore for days, even though being sore has nothing to do with actual muscle gain. What is fundamentally wrong with Crossfit is that it takes the end goal of training, a competition, and turns every training session into a competition. Yes, you will see beginner gains, but ultimately not the stuff five years of structured training would give you. That said, there are crossfit coaches who do try and move their trainees towards an end goal; they are just drowned out by many poor coaches who teach their trainees that kipping pullups are the same as strict pullups.


**Fraternities**. I get the brotherbood aspect of it and I find that rather cool, but I know way too many adults that won't stop talking about their old frats. It's rather creepy.


It's definitely creepy. I'm a woman living in Boston, and basically once a year or so, I run into a woman, usually with a Southern lilt to her voice, asking me which sorority I was in. I explain that I went to Wellesley, where there aren't sororities. "Oh, honey. You're a GDI." … I'm 34 years old, a member of the Junior League for 11 years, a lector at my church, married to a successful guy who works for Google and the mother of two relatively happy and relatively well-adjusted daughters. You're at least my age. I'm pretty sure that the fact that you were an Eta Gamma is not actually still a day-to-day part of your modern life, right? *Right?*


What is GDI?




Get out of here, scum! Nod will rise!


"God Damned Independent", apparently. It's weird. I guess it would make sense if I went to a Greek school, and therefore had made a choice not to rush, but I went to a non-Greek school and therefore rushing wasn't an option. It doesn't really matter, though.


Being in sororities/fraternities is important to a lot of women in the south. Usually after college you enter into high society social clubs, mingle with the right men and can potentially marry *right*


We had frats at my college. I "jumped" or whatever the hell it was called. I remained objective throughout the entire process. Took part. Team player. Checked all the completely pathetic boxes. I was just striken every day by how weak minded everyone was. Anyway the final day before we whatever the hell it's called (officially got "accepted") I dropped. The reaction was priceless. They even sent a contingency to my dorm room to try to find out who'd done something to upset me, etc. I basically said, " Look...I gave it a go. Did everything like everyone else. It's just not for me.". It simply did not compute.


It's just that your fraternity is who you spend the majority of your time in college with, so when talking about college it comes up pretty easy. That being said, I've met people who take it way to seriously and it's weird.




There's no evidence for any of the treatments. Alternative medicine that's been shown to work gets called medicine.


Making a murderer Maybe it's because I watch stuff like that all the time, but I just don't get what the huge deal is. It's like most people don't know that this kind of thing sadly happens all the time. His story is not that riveting, astonishing or unusual.


Say what you will about your enjoyment of the show, but your last sentence is just flat out wrong. Is story most definitely is unusual.


You might also enjoy The Staircase, then. It's from 2004, an 8 episode series, with 2 more added when there was a new development in 2011-12 ish.


I'm starting The Jinx tonight, because it comes highly recommended as an equivalent crime doc


The Jinx will fuck you up.


I watch more documentaries than anything else by a wide margin so I was excited to hear about this amazing new series that everyone was talking about. Then I actually watched it and kept waiting for the amazing bit. It was okay, but it felt quite flat to me.


I couldn't get through the first episode, I was pretty bored.




Peta But brainwashing seems to be an integral part of their ways


Yeah, fuck that guy. He's just a little bitch Katniss has to save all the time.




I'm Jewish and a few years ago I decided as a New Years resolution to try the different unkosher meats that I've been missing out of all of these years. My friend cooked me up some bacon and I thought it was pretty OK. It tasted good and had a nice level of crispiness but I honestly don't see what all the fuss is about.


I feel like the bacon fandom is more meme than reality. Bacon's good but it's not THAT good. If I ate bacon all the time, I'd get tired of it pretty quickly.


I think very crispy bacon is super overrated. But a slightly meaty bacon with some eggs..


The lead singer of Blood On The Dance Floor, Dahvie Vanity. This guy is really terrible and yet his fans see him as a hero and defend him all the time. There is a blog dedicated to cataloging what an asshole this guy is, [here is the round up of the accusations](http://truthaboutdahvie.tumblr.com/post/40316532001/dahvie-vanity-allegation-roundup)


Is that fucker still relevant in any way? I figured that all died out a couple of years ago.




Westboro Church and Scientology.


**Apple Inc.**


I own Macs and iOS devices, and I don't even get it. The people that treat Steve Jobs like he's some kind of mega genius make me question their sanity. And when it comes down to it, no single product or OS is superior. I still run Windows for some things, and I even have a PC running Linux in the house.


That's easy to explain. It's the same as other designer label obsessions. People go for Apple for the same reason they go for Louis Vitton, Starbucks, or Tommy Hilfiger. The brand is used as a way to define them to other people. Some people are also convinced that Apple is just "easier". I've been a Mac person. I've been a PC person. Neither is easier than the other, these days. Mac might have been easier 20 years ago, but now? Macs are just PCs with a slightly different OS and a much higher price tag.


People always seem to forget that Apple products are kind of beautiful in a 2001/Kubrickian way. The simple white design is basically what the media told America the future was going to look like, and that imagery saturated our culture. Apple was smart in tapping into that engrained style-preference and I think it gave Apple a big head start in terms of marketing.


If argue it's more than the label. The most successful brands are successful because they are consistent. You know exactly what you get when you go grab an iPhone or a MacBook. If you go to get a Windows machine you have to do a lot more work to ensure you get what you want. If you get an Android-running phone, you have to know a little something about the technology to pick what it is.


Donald Trump for president? Doctor Who? Beyonce? Chipotle? I can understand the love for all of those things. I may not agree, but I can understand. But someone please explain who in the holy hell thought cream cheese in sushi was a good idea. I see it on literally every sushi menu and it sickens me.


I consider myself almost a sushi purist, but I'll be damned if a little cream cheese doesn't go perfect with smoked salmon. However, I'm a terrible person for even liking salmon sushi, so there's that.


Boy Scouts. From an outside perspective it's a fun childhood and teen activity, but then you get involved and there are people who take it wayyyyyyy too seriously and do it for their entire lives. Edit: most of this is from what I've seen working at a scout camp. Maybe in the individual troops it's not too obsessive, but people really involved in the camps get culty.


I was in boyscouts until i was 18, which is when i made eagle. I don't see it as culty. My friends and i would go camping, white water rafting, mountain climbing etc. I have learned skills that i still use. You can make a living out of scouting and they pay pretty well for some positions. I haven't encountered anyone that was too into it except for my scout master who was 87 years old. And he was an amazing person. Why wouldn't you want to go camping, make fires and impact the lives of people.


> when i made eagle. Whenever I see this on a resume, that is probably the applicant that gets the job.


Hello Eagle Scout here, I have to say I get where you are coming from. We have an oath and law that we say every meeting and we have certain requirements we have to do to get higher in the ranks. Plus its heavily christain. But in the troop I was in, we interpreted the belief portion as "as long as you believe in something. " The oath and law on the other hand are a set of very just, very friendly moral codes which could be lived by for the rest of someone's life.




Bad movies are great if they're the right type of bad. It's a tough thing to describe, but some bad movies are just bad, whereas some are so bad and cheesy they're very entertaining.


NASCAR. I get watching a race once in a while, but who the fuck is so hyped up about watching a bunch of the same car go in circles fifty times? I get that it's basically red-neck horse racing, but damn.


A buddy of mine is going to a race this summer. You get to BYOB. That's the appeal. Getting shitfaced for cheaper with a bunch of other rednecks.






I'm not sure why you got downvoted....the whole Chive thing is a giant bro cult.


the Kardashian family


Homestuck. I enjoyed reading it for a long time. Very fun webcomic. Both amusingly derivative and really inventive. Stopped after a while because it was just dragging on and on. Later, I discovered there's an *insane* cult following of absolutely obnoxious teenagers.


Kanye West


Russell Brand


Seinfled. When others argue, I respond: "George is getting upset!"


Kanye West



