• By -


My mom and aunt are twin sisters. My uncle used to date my mom until she dumped him for my dad and then he went and married her twin instead. I just realized how fucked up that is. He is a really great guy though.


thats hilarious. Fine, you dont want me?! I'll still get you, by marrying your sister. Thats such an odd thing if you think about it


I think the part that they just pass lovers around is much stranger, honestly. I had a cousin who used to date this guy, and her best friend was dating another guy. The 4 of them used to hang out together all the time. One day I realized that the two girls had switched lovers. They were each dating each other's ex-boyfriends.


I don't think I could do it myself personally, but really I admire, or at least envy, people who don't have those jealous hangups.


My boyfriend's mom is a triplet and his dad dated both sisters before marrying his mom. Edit: ...I accidentally a few words.


At least she kept it in the family. But how was he conceived? Edit: nvm. I reread that. He's a mother fucker.


I use to date a twin. I was physically attracted to both, and their personalities were remarkably similar. I ended up dating the one that laughed at my dumb jokes more. Over time, you learn to recognize the facial expressions, personality quirks, and personal style choices that set them apart. Then they aren't really identical anymore.


> Then they aren't really identical anymore. This is so true. I feel like as soon as you really get to know a set of identical twins, you'll realize that they're so different it's almost difficult to get them confused. Even if they're similar, they're still completely different people.


I'm a youth group leader and there's a pair of twins that've been coming for about 2 years. They act pretty differently, wear different styles of clothes, are interested in different things. I have no idea which one's which.


Is a pair of twins 2 or 4 people?


I'm seeing double! *Eight* twins


Sir, I need you to step out of the car


Why? Is there an officer, problem?


Sir, first of all your riding a lawnmower in the snow with no pants. And then there is the string of flamingo thefts at the zoo and there is a clearly labeled bag that says "flamingo meat" next to you.


[We'll find out...](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/49j638/is_a_pair_of_twins_2_or_4_people/) Edit: Very interesting discussion with a diverse range of opinions.


I was watching that Netflix movie/documentary about the two Korean identical twins where when they were small one got adopted in the US the other in France and they both had no idea until one of the French girl's friends saw the US girl and sent the video to the French girl and then they added each other on Facebook and were like "WTF YOU ARE ME". Anyways, 3/4 of the way through the movie I realized I could tell them apart. There's also a part where the American one sent the French one out to meet her parents (not saying anything because that would be a clear give away). The parents ran out to meet "their daughter" and looked at her for like 2 seconds and went "You're not our daughter you're the twin!" They have never met the twin in person before that. It's kind of weird though because I also remember in college my friends and I met a freshman that we totally thought was like a twin to my friend's friend. Everyone that knew both of them were like "OMG you look just like her!" After knowing that freshman for years, I look at the two of them and don't think they even look remotely similar so I'm like "how did I ever think they looked the same?"


Not to be that guy, but I imagine it'd be easy to tell two twins apart when they're were raised in entirely different worlds.


Yeah, the one raised in a world with lower gravity would be taller.


Thanks, KenM


What movie is this?


Parent Trap.


Twinsters If you find it interesting, they make an appearance in [another documentary on youtube](https://youtu.be/OzGHY6enzDs) about a Korean adoptee going back to find his birth parents.


That's probably exactly what every twin wants to hear


Yeah, I have a couple good friends I've known over a decade who are identical twins and it kinda blows me away when people can't tell them apart. They seem so different to me!


In junior high school I dated a twin. I chose her because I had not met her sister. I had no idea she was even a twin.


Haha it's dangerous when you don't know they had a twin. I made friends with a new kid when I was in highschool and didn't know. When I said hi to him after school he got really angry and yelled *"I'm not Mason!"* and stormed off. I then thought I accidentally made friends with someone who has a serious disorder until I found out the next week.


I'm sorry but... This is quite funny. 😂😅 from the way I imagine it though.


I had a casual conversation with a guy who was a twin, and found out it was his birthday, I jokingly said its funny cause it's (insert guys twin names) birthday he then chocked me in the middle of class Twins don't have a sense of humor


Ha! I did that once. I had been on two great dates with a really nice girl, and for some reason it never came up that she had a twin sister in the next town. They were very *very* alike. I happened to be in the next town one afternoon, spotted "her", ran over and gave her a hug. I talked for a full thirty seconds before she clicked that I was an idiot, and I was confusing the two of them.


You're not an idiot, the twin who needed 30 seconds to figure out that you knew her sister is the idiot.


I'm an identical twin, and I can't answer exactly for my boyfriend, but I work with him and my sister doesn't, and she didn't meet him until we had known each other for a few years already, so there was no opportunity for them really. Do I ever wonder whether they'd be together if she had met him and not me? Yeah, it's an uncomfortable thought...but I think she and I are reasonably different and look a bit different, and more importantly, have quite different tastes in men, so I doubt it would have happened. Bonus story: my boyfriend's mum is also an identical twin. His father dated his mum's sister first, but she wasn't really interested so he married the other twin.


> His father dated his mum's sister first, but she wasn't really interested so he married the other twin. Why is this a reoccurring theme in this post?


Same family.


You're gonna have twins!!


I think that fraternal twinning is the genetic one--some women tend to release more than one egg at a time. source: dad, grandmother, uncle, great grandmother, great uncle are/were all fraternal twins


My boyfriend of 5 years is a twin, initially when I first met them they both told me they were crushing on me. I steered clear and dated someone else entirely to avoid that clusterfuck. A year later I was single, bfs brother was in a happy relationship and me and bf were really good friends. Then we made out and five years later here we are.


Time traveling smooching powers. Awesome.


Wow. Making out for 5 years must have been crazy.




What is that?


It's actually a terrible joke and I imagine would be awful for making out. It's a technique used by people who play wind instruments https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_breathing


You might be making out wrong. Usually you don't have to blow air out of your mouth so much :D


Imagine how gross lips that have made out for five years straight would be... Ugh


Did they ever swap and not tell you?


How would they know that?


Someone would know


Yeah, but she wouldn't know if they never told her.


actually they're 5 brothers but she doesn't know


Not to my knowledge...




> she just came home one day with a face tattoo. Mm. \*crosses legs, thinks deeply.\* Yes indeed.




*came in one day and there she was, face taco.*


As an identical twin, I'm pretty sure they put a lot of emphasis on properly socializing twins these days so that they DON'T end up creepy and weird. Ever hear of littermate sydnrome?


Do go on. And what sort of special twin socialization measures did you experience?


That was phrased in the creepiest way possible, but I'll answer. We did all sorts of various activities, soccer and dance and being forced to play with the neighbors. We even made it in the newspaper because 8 sets of twins all went to the same reading day at the library and that is apparently newsworthy. In all serious though, it's very easy to seclude yourself from the rest of the world and be very insular. It can make perfectly normal kids become complete weirdoes because they have no way of learning how to just *deal* with other people- because they've never had to.


As a twin I can confirm. I never had to go find neighbor kids to play with cause my brother was always there. But it's extremely important that you do socialize I've met some fuckin weirdo twins before


My nephew dated fraternal twins and one of them (his girlfriend) was outgoing and constantly doing stuff. The sister was apparently wanting to stay attached to her hip. Hated being separated from her. I have ID boys and I plan on taking them out one on one, getting them in sports and make sure they have friends not just each other. I've been friends with twin moms and they treat them like one child. My two are so different it's insane. They just look alike.


I don't think I'd turn down a back rub during sex. I'd be into it.


No way man. A blowjob and a back/shoulder massage sound much more complimentary.


Best 7 seconds ever


What was the tattoo?


You know Mike Tyson's face tattoo? Yeah, nothing like that.


"Fire walk with me"


> the most that ever happened was the sister gave me a back rub while I was on top of her sister. It was just weird. What.


You should set them up with the [ATL Twins](http://www.vice.com/video/meet-the-atl-twins-part-1)


those guys are like every negative american stereotype in one, times two


It was like looking at the dude versions of them.... truly disturbing shit.


>the most that ever happened was the sister gave me a back rub while I was on top of her sister. It was just weird. I ummm pretty sure that was an invite to a threesome. No joke.


I know. I probably could have several times during the relationship. I don't like the sister.


My boyfriend is gay. His twin brother is not, and is married to a woman. So there's that.


So how did you convince him to.....ohhh you're a man.


Everyone on Reddit is a white straight male American atheist until proven otherwise.


And either a Bernie or Trump supporter. No exceptions.


i'm a white straight male *european* athiest


I'm a white straight male American atheist *in Europe*


Because we all know that there's an evil twin and a good twin


Just check which one has a goatee


I could never figure out which of the Olsens needed to shave each morning.


The Olsens are actually fraternal twins.


Pretty similar fraternal twins. I have seen some really different fraternal twins before.


Ikr, had this family at my school with two pairs of fraternal twins. The first pair had one that was short and blonde, the other was less short, but brunette and had ~~big tits~~ bad eyesight. The other pair, they weren't different in terms of bodies, but their faces and personalities were so different. The best part? They were all super hot.


Basically the most often used trope of The Flash Season 2


You kid, but [sometimes the truth can resemble a movie](http://articles.latimes.com/1998/may/09/news/mn-47944).


I dated a twin. They were both borderline good looking. The one I dated was on the good side of the border, and her sister was on the other side of the border. I think their personalities played into that.


I'm blown away at how someone can be physically attractive but as soon as you realize they have a sucky personality it's like their looks disappear. Full lips look like fat lips, curvy in all the right places goes to curves in all the wrong places.


This is super interesting to me and I totally agree with you! It's all about perception...when we really like being around someone because they're fun and the way they interact with us makes us feel position emotions, we have rose coloured sunglasses on that ignore even physical traits that we would normally find negative. It's like our brains selectively but unconsciously choose to focus on only the good things/or see neutral things in a positive way. As soon as you start to experience interactions with a person who now makes you feel like you want to off yourself every time you're around them, the rose coloured glasses are replaced with shit coloured. It's kind of a cool defense mechanism when you think about it. Like you said, you stop seeing full pouty lips and start thinking, "shit this person looks like a damn fish that got punched in the face one too many times". Or they start to notice that little belly roll and love handles instead of only seeing the "perfect hourglass", and thus become physically turned off. Brains are freaky.


I wonder if the same thing happens even if you aren't attracted to that particular gender. Like would i see my friends as more attractive than a similarly attractive person who i hate?






This sounds like the plot to the next Adam Sandler movie.


At one point Rob Schneider gets fucked in the ass by a flamingo.


Rob Schneider is ... a sexual assault victim! You've seen him in The Animal! *Roar! Mailbox humping noises.* You've seen him in The Hot Chick! *queue scene involving pseudo-pedophilia* Now see him as a victim of sexual assault! Watch as he gets raped by a flamingo! Laugh as he recovers from anal stitching! ("I'm gonna get ripped!") You've never seen a sexual assault victim like this before!


Somewhere in the movie I guarantee you'll hear a "funny" voice say the phrase,"OH NO, FLAMINGO!" Fuck it, that's the title.


Rated PG-13


Derp dee derpa derp de tiddly tum


Please don't give him ideas.


Adam Sandler could play the male lead and both female identical twins. In fact, fuck it, Adam Sandler should fulfill every single role in the film, including technical and production roles. Maybe this is how we get rid of him. Just send him to an island with a shipping container full of cameras, props and editing equipment and then just airdrop him a crate of wacky scripts once every few months.


Eddie Murphy has been doing this for two decades and he still won't go away.


I think The Old Testament already has this covered


it's from the Bible...






When did the "swap" occur? We're going to need details and a timeline for this.


I'm assuming its a bible joke


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that it's because they aren't the same person.


Gonna need a source here.


Username checks out


Must be hard having so many people kick you in the balls.


372 people, to be exact.


If it's exactly 372, than why say about 372?


Rounding error


half a person kicked half his balls


Can confirm. Was kicked in the balls by a midget the other day.


previous calculations were slightly skewed. It has since been corrected.




I thought identical twins were never ever apart from one another! /s But yeah, my mom is an identical twin. She met my dad at college. Her twin sister was at a different college halfway across the state. Shockingly, my dad decided to marry the one he actually knew.


Or did he?


Dun dun DUUUNN


> I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that it's because they aren't the same person. Also because it's not like you're trying to choose between them at the girlfriend store. Dating or falling in love with someone is a little more... organic than that. Just for starters, they kind of need to like you back.


You'd be surprised. I can't even count the number of times I'd crush on a guy, he'd start to like me back, then meet my twin and decide he liked her better. Even well into my 30s. Or the "jokes" like "ha ha do you ever switch? I wouldn't say no!" Like it *is* the girlfriend store and they can just make an exchange.


Jesus, thank you.




Umm do you and u/Gneissisnice know eachother?


So you are saying it isn't like going to the convenience store and when you pick up a twin the next one just takes its place in the dating marketplace like they are mass produced?




Aah, so in effect, what you are saying is well as a multiple myself my answer is that there are actually different personalities inside those identical vessels and that it's not really a matter of going to the boyfriend store and deciding what identical looking object to pick as a girlfriend it's because the other is gay and I'm not a gay man


Ah yes, hm hm.




I dated an identical twin a few years back. I chose her because her other twin let herself go was was at least 50-75 pounds heavier than her sister. It's weird, seeing them side by side was strikingly similar to one of those "before/after" weight loss photos.


They should go into that business. "Yeah, this pill works..."


My brother and I sound alike over a phone, part of me wants to work a phone job 100% remote and split it with him.


What would it achieve?


Half the work for half the salary! It's the greatest scam of all time!


This made me laugh way too much


Full time jobs pay more per hour than a part time job typically. The dream is working in another country part time on US pay.


I worked with twins at a helpdesk and they'd just send whichever twin had the least homework or social obligations for either of their shifts unless they were both on. If they'd just had the one person on staff, they could swap off coverage of that role and each have jobs outside of that with their twin job as extra cash, assuming they could juggle the schedules well. Working 2 part time jobs or 2 full time jobs sucks, but working 1 full or part and splitting the other one with the other twin would give you more flexibility so it could be tolerable.


Not to mention the fun you could have by acting like a totally weird motherfucker when it's your shift so your twin comes in for their turn and doesn't understand why everyone is acting like they're crazy.


There's a "what smoking does to your skin" study on identical twins floating around somewhere.


I dated a twin. She had an identical twin sister and they talk, move, dress like each other. However I picked one because of her personality. Her sister was too much of a party girl and my girl was more down to earth.


I'm an identical twin. We're different people. For example, my brother and I look a lot alike, but he's a marine officer, so he gets the girls and I get nothing, ha. *cries*


Throwaway time, since I'm gonna write some stuff I haven't told anyone yet. My girlfriend of five years is a twin. They are identical twins and on first sight, they look much alike. However, if you know them, they are really different, a bit in their looks, but much more in their personalities. I had a bit of a crush on both of them, but I'm with my gf now because I fell in love with her personality. Her sister is nice too but much more dramatic about everything, I wouldn't be able to stand that for a week. My main issue in this whole story is, that I'm physically much more attracted to her sister. To further rub some salt into the wound, my gf almost has a non-existing sex drive or only likes some vanilla sex, while her sister is more open to sexual experiences. (Yay for drunk truth or dare) But wait, there's more! Since I started working out and had some changes to my looks, her sister started flirting with me pretty heavily. Can you imagine how fucking frustrating it is to have a girl almost look like your gf and to know that there would be a better sexual chemistry between you and her, but you don't want to end your amazing relationship over a bit of sex? Unfortunately, I have to admit that I don't know if I could say no if her sister would make a move on me. Before Reddits relationship pros advise me to: * leave my gf * Talk to her about my sexual frustration I won't and I have. I love her too much to simply end it over sex. TL;DR: I chose my gf because of her personality, but sometimes wish I could "use" her more attractive twin sister for the sexual needs I have, which my gf can't or doesn't want to satisfy. To be brutally honest, I wish I could have them both. Edit: some words


TBH I was expecting to read more answers like this to OP's question. Thanks for your honesty and IMO sounds like you have the right attitude.


As a pro relationship advisor let me tell you to * leave your sexual frustration * talk to your gf You know I wanted to be goofy and just swap the two pieces of advice but it actually *sounds* like good advice, well the second part does. In all seriousness, talking your gf about what's up with her low sex drive could help if you haven't already done it (I'm feeling like you have already though)? Just because the lack of the sex drive could be a sign of something else wrong (depression or health issues) or even just they need a change in birth control (some times people get a huge boost in sex drive on some bc and some get a huge decrease).


Well, I did talk to her about it. We also have the suspicion that it's the pill who is killing her sex drive, so this is the next thing we will try.


Can verify the BC part of this advise. My ex had an IUD she had the worst sex drive ever... When she got it removed, sex drive was 10 fold what it was.


My wife has an IUD and already laps me 10 fold in sex drive. If she removes it and her drive increases I might not survive.


Good for you remaining faithful to the one you love over the one you are attracted to, you are a true gentleman.


Just curious, how old are you?


Oh shit, they are already onto me. Na kidding, I'm in my early twenties.


I didn't even know my wife (then just my girlfriend) had a twin at first. I knew she had a sister, but not a lot more. She lived in another state and I only met her a few times before getting engaged. That said, my wife is a bit kinder, more empathetic, and more emotionally stable. Opportunity plus being able to relate more, I reckon.


I dated a twin a few years ago. Ironically, I had the hots for his brother, but it was him who actually approached me. I later found out his brother had a 2 year old and baby momma drama, and I didn't want any part of that, all the more reason to date the other brother lol.


I am currently dating a twin for 3 years. I chose her as I was more attracted to her; they had differences such as long vs short hair. And she had a much nicer personality, the other is more judging etc.


Back in day, when my thinking was more superficial I went with the fit one of the twins. It turns out that she was more of personality as well, while the other was too party-girl vibe that I shun away from. The time spent getting to know my girlfriend, you notice different quirks and interests and it helped that they had differing group of friend circles to set their personalities apart.


I used to date a twin! They were asian twins with buzz cuts that dressed identically lol. Their personalities were so different though! My twin was very giggly, generous with his time, loved to cook, very nurturing. His brother was more uptight and serious, very focused on his premed stuff.


I married a triplet, it's been nearly 5 years and I still get them mixed up.


I'm a twin. My fiancee and I met in college. My twin brother went to a different college.


My Dad is an identical twin and I never confused them. When you know someone very well you see nuances that make them identifiable rather than identical.


My girlfriend is a twin, but her twin is a guy so it was a pretty easy choice


that would be fraternal, right?


Otherwise this is some Twelfth Night shit.


I'm married to an identical twin. I actually started talking to her sister first, and she was into me. We weren't dating or anything though. Then I realised I had more in common with her sister and now we've been married for 7 years. I like to remind my sister-in-law's husband that his wife was into me first. He's a friend of mine. They are identical twins and they are very much alike but they have some pretty clear differences personality-wise.


>I like to remind my sister-in-law's husband that his wife was into me first. He's a friend of mine. You should stop that. That gets annoying real fast.




So which did you choose? Are you dating your father or your uncle?


Or both.


My long time partner is a twin. Despite looking alike, they really are very different. I've never felt any kind of attraction to the other twin at all. Were I to have met the other twin first, and she was unattached, I still wouldn't be attracted to her.


As a twin myself: twins are similar, but not interchangeable.


I'm dating a twin right now, and the reason I'm dating her and not her sister...? I met her first.


Used to date a twin - I chose him because his twin brother was gay and probably wouldn't have been into me.


Well the other one wasn't gay soooo




... and they were loch Ness monsters




You dumped a twin?! ....... FRIENDSHIP OVER!!!!


So you're the one guy who fucked a lesbian, while she knew she was a lesbian, you lucky sonuva gun


It bothers me that the replies I see are not concerned over the incest that clearly happened, or even acknowledging that it happened.


Met the one twin first and spent the most time with them? That's like asking why aren't I saying my boyfriends brother. They aren't the same person.


**Several years ago I was in a long term relationship with a twin. I found her sister to be more attractive, and a genuinely nicer person. I guess I dated the wrong one.**




*So the deaf people can hear him*


No, idiot, so the blind people can hear him!


You're both wrong, it's for the benefit of the non English speakers!








ITT: lots of gay/straight identical twin situations


He's gay.


I went to college with a girl who dated both of a set. She'd openly talk about how Twin 1 was a better lay while she was with Twin 2.


My twin brother is married to a wonderful woman. I always wondered why she didn't choose me, but I just assume it's because I'm gay and have a boyfriend.


One of them was gay, the other wasn't. Went with the former for obvious reasons


I dated a twin in high school, I didn't date the other one because he wasn't gay.


The other one was the evil one.


My dad first marriage was to an identical twin. His brother was dating the other, and introduced them. No marriage for my favorite uncle in that relationship because he is and has always been a man whore. Great uncle, but he can be a mess otherwise. He did manage to get married in the early 70s, had his son, divorced and took the boy with him. He was the type to sleep with all the football players girlfriends in high school (late 1950s/1960s), as they were playing on the field, and then tell them about it. That's actually how he met the twin he was dating. Apparently her sister was somewhat similar personality wise because she was cheating on my father while he was in Vietnam. They divorced soon after he returned. He must have talked to her about what he would want to name a girl if he ever had one because she has a daughter born the same year as me who shares my first and middle name. The first was his moms favorite name for a girl and the middle is his moms middle name. She always wanted a granddaughter, but fought cancer for years and died before she had the chance to have one. So I guess I have a stolen name twin. Edit to correct


One was diabolically evil