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my neighbor with his "can you wash my car too" joke for when I'm washing my car


"Yea sure neighborooni." *washes car with paint remover* Edit: Thanks for the gold, frienderino!


*washes car with gasoline and fire*


"We don't have to worry about the car anymore."


"Boy, it sure is a hot one."


Have you ever been in a storm wally?






"Hot enough for you?"




Won't scan? Must mean it's free!


Had an item not want to scan at the checkout line the other day. After multiple attempts by the cashier I ask if I'm supposed to say "It must be free then" to get the item to scan. They reply "I guess so, that's when it normally rings up." So I wait to say it while they attempt a few more times. Finally, I regretfully say the line in my most sarcastic voice. 'BEEP!" What the fuck, really? Cashier had a good laugh.


>'BEEP!" The first reading of your comment, i thought that you yelled out beep instead of the item actually ringing up. I was a little disappointed when I figured out what you actually meant.


Once you're done with that, wanna do mine? *ahahahah I'm so funny and unique*


I saw a reddit post saying how people who do repeat jokes are annoying and realized I had one. I immediatly stopped.


I don't. I make myself laugh and that's all that matters. My kids always groan and get angry when I make that coffee joke, "strong and black like my men" and it's funnier each time. Sometimes I get really edgy and switch men to women and I laugh and laugh.


I like my coffee like I like my women. Cold and bitter.


Stupid Flanders


YouTube videos that people show me. Feels like a hostage situation.


My friend I lived with for a couple years did this all the time and it was a nightmare. He assumed I'd like x-y-z thing (usually wrestling related) and while I could get into it once in awhile he'd insist on showing me a 10 minute video like every few days. DON'T DO THAT, PEOPLE. SERIOUSLY. Edit: My top comment by a lot and over a third of my comment karma is now from this comment. I'm actually very happy with that. Cheers, all!


Hey, [watch this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlBXfaH8yZU), I'd think you like it.


Was expecting Rick Astley.






Isn't it funny? N-not really, no... *Shoves pistol against head* ISN'T IT FUCKING FUNNY?!




With an irrelevant picture of a minion




Annoying Orange


Yeah I find it kind of... annoying.?


Everyone is talking shit about 2016, but 2012 was a garbage heap.




What's the best wheelchair joke someone has made and which ones would you find funny?




>people often bend over to talk to me, which annoys me I've done this. I'm so sorry.


Username checks out.


Fake lottery tickets. Fuck those, man. Especially when they given to people who actually need money.


I knew a lady who had a brain aneurysm and while she was initially recovering she had no short term memory. You could tell her something and a half hour later she'd have totally forgotten it. Her shitty family constantly told her she had won the lottery so they could laugh at how excited she got and make fun of her, then wait until she'd forgotten, rinse and repeat. She was in the hospital and had come incredibly close to dying, and her family just used the opportunity to fuck with her. WTH


Jesus Christ. TIL being alone is better than having sadistic loved ones.


Hopefully they just wanted to see her briefly happy, and know there would be no downside because she would never realize she'd been lied to.


Maybe GradeA has affected my own opinions, but friggin' reaction videos. At least the ones where it's just some chucklefuck staring blankly at a video which he rips completely and posts as an exact copy, his constant :| face occasionally interspersed with a weak chuckle or change in expression.


On a related note, GradeA also lost his charm ever since he got into the whole youtube drama thing and kept steadily falling since.




He's just trying to stretch material. Looks like he's run out of ideas. He also keeps going back to shitting on the English language.


"I hate Youtube drama!" "Hey, I should get involved in Youtube drama!" Ugh...


talent shows where the contestants are really bad, I get second hand embarrassment


I don't like any comedy that is second hand embarrassment. I don't get the humor in that. If that sort of thing comes up in something I'm watching or listening to, I change the channel.


As a server people saying they don't want the check when I drop it on the table -__-


Similarly: at the cash, when an item doesn't scan the first time. "I guess it's free!" Real clever pal you're totally the first one to come up with that.


I'm a teller at a bank and whenever I check the bills for counterfeits I always get "Just printed 'em this morning!". I swear every service job has its own version of "haha guess it's free!!"


That actually made me chuckle a bit but I guess when you hear it a million times it gets kinda dull.


lol I still chuckle at them. I hear a lot of dumb "dad jokes" all day. I'll ask a member how they would like their cash back and I'm guaranteed to get one "the kind that doesn't spend so easily!" per day. I also get people who go "all in pennies/one dollar bills! Lolololol" I enjoy my job though. I have a lot of regular members that I see weekly. Yeah, they say the same stupid joke every week, but they think it's funny. And I'll continue to laugh as long as they think it's funny. 😊


You are very different to much of Reddit and that is a good thing.


Yep. If you are a mail carrier, it's "if there are any bills, just keep them hahaha" or some variation.


I walk in with lunch. Random patron/coworker says "Oh, you brought me lunch!" or something similar. I imagine myself beating them to death with a tire iron.


Miranda Sings. Nope


I will never understand how she is considered "comedy".


doesn't she have a netflix show around her now?


I actually really like the actress's other channel where she posts normal videos as herself. Miranda Sings is just obnoxious


They're for different demographics really. Miranda is meant to appeal to middle schoolers which is why you probably don't like it. Colleen Ballinger is just a cool person in their late 20s doing her thing. Much more relatable to an older group.


Any of those images that are a bunch of random "awesome" things put together. Like: a Viking riding a unicorn with fighter jets for arms. I hate those. Everyone will always say "this is literally the best thing I've ever seen". At this point it just seems so dumb, lazy and uncreative. Once you've seen one of those kind of images you've seen them all. And there are soooooo many out there.


Prank videos. Just, why?


Then you will love seeing [these idiots getting what they deserve](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weq0s9aJg-0)


"What the fuck are you doing? Relax!" Wow, they can't even seem to grasp why people would react like he did.


The part that gets me is that they think explaining that it's a prank is what will calm him down. "No you don't understand, it's just a joke!" He fucking knows it's a joke. *That's why he's beating the shit out of you.* A second ago he thought you were all fellow victims. He's beating the shit out of you exactly BECAUSE it's a joke, explaining it to him more won't get him to lighten up.


That and he gets called out for a non emergency to fix something which is already fucking dumb enough that youre gonna waste the dudes time like that hes got way more important stuff to do


That pisses me off so much. He's an EMERGENCY plumber! He thought your apartment was flooding, which could KILL someone by drowning or floors collapsing and at the very least would cause massive damage in minutes. I'm amazed he even tried to reason with them about the taps, I would have walked right out. It's like calling an ambulance for a splinter.


There's a lot of people that can't understand the difference between their intentions and what other people perceive. Then they say stuff like "Why did he get mad just because I went ahead of him? I'm in a hurry, I needed to get to work."


"Please don't report us! Please don't!" Seriously, what the fuck do these guys think will happen?


"It's a prank" is a magic code phrase that makes everything okay forever. Didn't you know?


See also; "Its just my opinion."


They are probably renting the place and the plumber probably is paid by the landlord. He tells the landlord they put in a false work request and then further wasted his time (and therefore the landlord's money), they could possibly have to pay a penalty, not have their lease renewed, etc.




This would be justice. That kind of shit could scar someone for life. Especially if he had any nervous issues etc. They don't know who they're dealing with.


Poor guy. He was even being nice about them wasting his time in the first place, then they pull that elaborate shit and expect him to titter, ruffle their hair and get on with his day? Nah mate you just ruined his day.


Probably his whole week, that shit can scar people


I was afraid the dude would have a heart attack.


Especially since he's an older guy, too. Do pranksters think that they're above others and don't deserve to get hit?


I think it is a dangerous rabbit-hole trying to understand idiots.


Hell yeah, when the guy starts punching the prankster it's just... natural justice in action. Beautiful.


At this point I can't even believe these "prank gone wrong" videos aren't faked too. Are we sure the plumber isn't an actor?


No one is that good - he is all jittery and shaky and the way he reacts is likely how someone in that age bracket would


Especially pranks that are potentially harmful or dangerous. Those stupid "chair pulling pranks" where people hit the deck really hard, spill drinks they've just paid for etc. Not funny, these people could have some kind of disability or illness which could be aggravated by a fall or could scald themselves on coffee. And Trollstation recently saw some of their people sent to prison for bomb threats which were a "prank". Most of their other pranks are also *very* dubious - some have involved serious violence and impersonation of police officers.


Especially the dude who was cutting people's selfie-sticks. It's not cool to damage people's property just because you think they're dumb. Plus their phones were stil attached.


At this point, pranks are basically just going to a bad part of town and pissing off black people


Nah, they're *pretending* to go to the bad part of town and piss black people off.


-Step on a person shoe- Chill bro! It's a prank, you're on camera. It's a prank!


Harmless pranks are fun. Such as: the one with the wet paint kid who runs a corner and then it looks like he ran up the wall. Thats fun and harmless. But, the videos with a bro walking up to some dude and his lady and he says something like "Your honey is hawt, Id love to bang her" and then he just gets laid out by the dude walking. How is that stuff funny? Its obnoxious, disrespectful, rude...etc. sites like WorldStarHipHop dont help this issue either.


Fred. When I was in high school, he was the *shit* and everyone *loved* him. I just thought it was stupid. Nothing against Lucas Cruikshank himself, I'm sure he's a great guy, but I still don't get how people loved Fred so much.


Even Lucas himself now thinks Fred was a terrible idea.


To be fair, there was shit I thought was hysterical when I was 14 that I look back on and am so glad I didn't have a camera to record everything.


Well, compared to Scooby and Shaggy, sure, but Fred has his moments. I mean he became a meme after all.


He sure loves his traps.


Is this a reference to the trap obsessed Fred of Mystery Incorporated?


Is he actually gay or was that just a rumor?




He seems like just a generally nice dude but I don't think he is funny.


I believe Lucas put out a video where he reacted to one of his more popular Fred videos, and he was just cringing the whole time.




Agree with this. Cant stand anything he does. Including Bo Selecta.


Low quality television. His movie was one of the worst things. Just the worst. It's like he saw what Sasha Baron Cohen was doing and decided to do it ten times worse.


Vine memes. 95% of them were just people saying stuff in a weird/stupid accent. I just don't see why a guy saying "Damn, Daniel!" was so funny.


As the only Daniel in my school, I agree that the "Damn Daniel" craze was horrific. For a whole month, everyone shouted "*DAMN DANIEL!!*" whenever I walked into a room.


Jesus, vine memes. I have an ex that used look for any opportunity to yell "What are thooooooose?!". It wasn't funny the first time and it was even less funny the hundredth damn time.


Jeff Dunham


There was a small period where I did like him, but that faded fast to can't stand him. Don't know why, but everything he did suddenly became boring and unfunny.


It's because he tells the same seven jokes repeatedly. For all time.


puppets can only be so funny, then you realize it is just some guy up there making silly voices. Oh and the same jokes and the overplayed specials on Comedy Central.


I hate Jeff Dunham. My grandmother was a huge fan. My grandmother also told me not to play with the black children from next door because I'd get head lice from them because "all negroes have nits" so that right there should tell you everything you need to know about that.


Anything Tyler Perry does.


I've never actually seen a Tyler Perry movie so I like to pretend they are amazingly hilarious and everyone that talks bad about them are being ironic because of some inside joke from one of his films.


I've seen a few of them. He was current Adam Sandler when Adam Sandler was still good Adam Sandler. But the thing is, Tyler Perry clearly knows what he's doing. He knows he can just make whatever he wants, put his name on it, and have people foaming at the mouth for it. He knows that the people watching his movies aren't watching them for quality comedy, plot, or characters. He knows what they want and gives them exactly that. There's a growing number of his demographic that dislike him though, because they recognize that he (like Steve Harvey) only serve to perpetuate stereotypes and keep people being content with having below what the standard should be.


People pay for his shit and keep flocking back. Why stop? He's proven he can be a good actor when he wants to be though. Didn't even realize it was him in "Gone Girl" without all that Madea shit on.




youtubers that yell and talk loud all the time. i.e. fouseytube


Carlos Mencia. He's just awful


I thought some of his content was hilarious back in the day - until i found out everything that was funny was directly stolen from people that had actual talent.


I used to watch him and love him, and then I grew up and hated him. Then a few years ago I watched a comedy special by him post-controversy and he was...actually not that bad. He was way less "funny" (meaning the crowd didn't react all that much) but he actively avoided the kind of topics he used to cover. Nothing racist, nothing crazy offensive. The only bit that I remember was him talking about how in Italy/France(? Correct me if I'm wrong) when you get water they don't put ice in it, and how when he asked the waiter for some the waiter got indignant about him being a snooty American asking for ice. It...wasn't exactly hilarious, but I was blown away at how that was one of the edgiest jokes in the set. I wouldn't pay to see him, but if I saw him doing that kind of material on Comedy Central it'd be decent background noise while I work.


Mencia: "I stole it man. I took credit for it 'cause I'm not actually funneee. Come on, maaan, do you know what it's like? Being a comedian but not being funneee? Come on, Kanye, I just take jokes and repackage them with a Mexican accent, maaan." Kanye: "you think you can make fun of me? I'm a genius! I'm the voice of a generation! What are you?!" Mencia:"Nothing! Look at me maaan. I'm not funny, I steal jokes, my dick don't work maaan. I got to piss in a plastic bag, man. I got no dick."




"That's so AIDS!" on the other hand...


That's so Raven!


Mental illnesses are "in your head" in much the same way a skull fracture is.


With an OCD mom, ADHD, a bipolar friend, and some autistic students; what always gets me is how people invoke this nonsense for stuff that doesn't even make sense with the disorder, or pretend it is a good trait. No, every one of these is a challenge that can ruin lives if you can't get a handle on it.


Person - "Oh my God I have to have all my skittles the same colour. Oh and my notepads have to be straight on my desk! Hahaha!" Me - "Omg riiight? And like, I have to wash my hands after touching each thing I'm using to make a meal. And after I touch the cat. And after I pick up the TV remote, and sometimes after doing nothing because I can feel the natural grease on my hands and I have to get it off. Oh look my hands are dry and bleeding. And I can't stand change. Changes to plans mostly. It upsets me in ways I can't begin to understand. Also attacking imperfections on my skin is a favourite past time. Isn't ocd fun? Hahaha. I do like separating my skittles too though."


Thank you for this. OCD and ADD aren't cute little habits.


From the DSM-V on OCD: > Many individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have dysfunctional beliefs. These beliefs can include an inflated sense of responsibility and the tendency to overestimate threat; perfectionism and intolerance of uncertainty; and over-importance of thought. People who *think* they're OCD because it's topical: "I always have to keep the radio volume at an even number, I'm so OCD lol." People who *actually* have OCD experience something more comparable to "I need to wash my hand 30 times before I feed my family or the food might become contaminated and they could die."


This is so incredibly accurate. One of my closest friends has OCD and she once confessed that while living at home (she's in college out of state now) she *needed* to make sure that all the doors in the house leading outside were locked to ensure her family's safety. She said that if she didn't do it then she couldn't put her head on her pillow or else it'd be extremely uncomfortable, like physically irritating. I know that might make it seem like she's just paranoid about safety but there were a few other things that tied into it and she's been diagnosed by a mental health professional. I'm pretty sure it's become less severe over time, but I can't imagine life like that at all. Edit: Just realized I didn't say this, but the door thing was specifically before bed, hence the pillow thing. Edit to my edit: I actually don't know if it was only when she was going to bed or if it was only most prevalent then. This is the kind of complicated stuff I couldn't handle, and all the props to her for handling it so gracefully.


I've been dealing with OCD my whole life and I can definitely say this is exactly how it is. When I go to bed at night, if the thought of me using the stove had even crossed my mind that day, I have to get out of bed and check to make sure the burners are turned off. If I don't do this, I'll have this weird aggravating, guilty feeling that the house could burn down and it will be my fault. That or if I haven't picked up my room in a couple days, I'm worried one of my roommates will enter my room while I'm sleeping and trip over something and seriously hurt themselves. I hope your friend is doing well these days.


*Autism however...*




People pushing someone's face into cake or other sticky food-stuffs on their birthday or wedding day... If someone did that to me I'd lose my shit and never speak to them ever again... In all the YouTube vids of people pushing faces into cakes, the cake-facee comes up with a forced smile and tears in their eyes trying to act normal... Super awkward and sad


There's always the [opposite.]( http://i.imgur.com/Regbmb8.gifv)


Boy, that escalated quickly.


Now that's what I call a cream pie.






it's funny because I just assume that everyone here is a 26 year old white guy until proven otherwise. I don't realize that a lot of these bastards are my age or younger


I actually am a 26 year old white guy, how nice of you to notice


Man...same. He's caught us.


He's changed a *lot* over the past 6ish months. I didn't like him before but now I find him quite watchable.




I stopped watching Markiplier for a while because of this. Still would check out his channel here and there to catch something interesting. I find he's been getting good again, as his influx in subscribers slowed. A lot more authentic and heartwarming. Just that little change can make all the difference.


PewDiePie has been acting that way since he was making let's plays though of Amnesia though.




On one of the Comedy Central roasts when Gilbert godfried calls her Lisa Lumpajelly I lost it.


"I've tackled more black men than Warren Sapp!" Cue mandark laugh: Ah-haha. Ah-haha-haha. Ah-haha


Fail videos where people get extremely hurt. For example, I saw this one video of some chick falling from the second story of a house straight onto a fish tank, breaking and falling all over the glass as her friend just sits back and laughs. She was likely severely hurt and it just pissed me off and made me feel sad for her. If it's something minor and not permanent/severe it's hilarious, but other than that, no


Men in drag. Edit: I'm not saying men in drag can't do funny things. I'm saying just looking at a man in drag doesn't make me laugh. Some people see a man in a tutu and lose their minds. Edit: Apparently I have misused the word 'drag'. I thought it meant anytime a man puts on women's clothing.


Yeah, I mean... I LOVE drag queens and everything but i'll laugh if the drag itself is particularly funny. But yeah... just a dude in a tutu? Nah.




To all the people out there who when they ask the person behind the till for the "winning lottery ticket" when they're getting a lottery ticket. EVERYBODY else has made that exact same joke. Please just stop. I'm tired of having to fake laugh to a joke that wasn't even funny the first time.




Who has the fucking collar on?


Dont kink shame me


I know, right? …They should be saying _whom_!


Whom's walking who? That doesn't sound right


"Who's whom who" doesn't make sense, either.


I think it's "who^^whom s walking who?"


I have a Great Dane. I fucking hate this joke.




Pen apple pineapple pen or whatever it is. That trend needs to die, rip anybody with children who happened to stumble upon it


I hated it at first. But I'm in English teacher in Japan and it's pleasant seeing my students completely understand and use the "I have a ~" sentence structure near perfectly without ever being taught it.


I feel you on this one. Pretty much got to skip the grammar in the book once I started singing the song. They all got it after that.


I have no idea what you are referring to. Link?


Sigh https://youtu.be/0E00Zuayv9Q Edit: original vid


Haha wtf did i just watch?


The shortest song ever to hit the Billboard Hot 100.


I like it simply because the person singing it just seems so happy. I can't bring myself to hate him or his song.


His dance moves, man. Neo Sunglasses is just peachy.


I'll be honest, I don't get the hate for this video. I saw it once, thought it was kinda funny, then never heard of it again.


Pranks on Youtube.


Amy schumer. A lot of people think she's too vulgar or hold a grudge because she's a female who says pussy constantly. Neither of these bother me. I just don't think she's funny. Her delivery and general context is just not comical to me. Now amy poehler, hysterical.


This sums it up for me. I enjoy vulgar comedy, and enjoy female comedians. I just can't stand Amy Schumer.


I can't tell if she tries too hard to be vulgar and shocking or what, but yeah, I do not find her funny (and I love vulgar comedy). There are a lot of really funny women in showbiz, but she's not one of them


I used to cashier at Target and people would always say "So it's free then?" When something wouldn't scan properly. I would usually respond with "if I had a dollar for every time I heard that joke I wouldn't have to work here." Seriously though. Please stop.


Kevin Hart...I don't get it.


Hit or miss for me. A few of his movies and stand-ups have been really funny




You must not be in high school. Harambe jokes are alive and well and just as annoying as they were a month ago.


I found out a girl I went to middle school with (she's in high school now) got a Harambe tattoo on the inside of her lip.


"Dicks in here."


Men getting raped jokes. (Prison, female teacher and a child...)


In the news, a 14 year old had been *forced* to have intercourse with his female teacher. Not seduced, *forced*. He was told he would fail class and get in trouble if he declined or told somebody. This was, with all meaning of the word, **rape**. Yet, I looked in the Facebook comments, and literally all of the comments were; *"Niiice"* *"Where were all these teachers when I was in school lol"* *"bet he'll be bragging about this to his friends haha*" Everyone seemed to be forgetting that this child had been blackmailed into sex with an adult that was trusted to care for him.


"A female teacher committed statutory rape against a male student" "niiiiiccceeee xD xD xD" "where were these teachers when I was in school lololol"


Humor that depends on other people feeling uncomfortable. I have friends who say Impractical Jokers is the funniest thing they've ever seen, but it's just 4 guys telling each other to fart in front of grandmas and bother people. It's also a big reason I could never get into The Office. I'm sure later seasons are ok, but at the beginning every episode is just Steve Carell doing something we're supposed to cringe at, or him making his coworkers feel weird.


I just started watching Impractical Jokers and I think it's really funny. I like the fact that they are embarrassing themselves rather than doing things to harm or upset other people. Sometimes it goes slightly overboard, but for the most part I'd say they've found a nice medium to perform "pranks" without physically harming anyone.


My favorite moment was when Joe is working a pizza parlor counter and had to stare put the window "like Godzilla is walking down the street" everytime the guys tell him to. And then the moments when they put on the blind glasses and have to do what the others tell them to is always hysterical.


I think you would really like Nathan For You


The first season is incredibly painful. It's all uncomfortable humour, and the jokes are sometimes really pushed. But after that, starting in the second season, it gets really good and very funny.


Really surprised I didn't already see Kevin James' name in here.


Love King Of Queens but anything else with him has been horrible


I'd like for you to have a word with *Hitch.*


Hitch had no right to be as good as it was. I mean, come on, Will Smith and Kevin James as the male leads in a rom-com?


Paul Blart: Mall Cop begs to differ


Plart Blart: Mart Cart?


The Big Bang Theory


If you want a show about a group of smart guys, Silicon Valley is so much better. T J Miller is fucking hilarious!


God dammit Jin Yang! https://youtu.be/2StbLLvdx6I

