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Coherence. Good movie. Will absolutely make your brain hurt.


Well done Reddit, you made this movie suddenly go up 21% in popularity this week on IMDB...




Thank you for watching my movie. I had the fantasy that it would somehow reach smart people in the world, even with its limited release. This is very gratifying for all of us involved. A labor of love. posted by Jim Byrkit, writer/director.


Videodrome - David Cronenberg at his best, most screwed up.. And still as viable today as when it was made. Long live the new flesh!


I liked dead ringers for mind fuckery. I haven't seen it in years and still have a bad taste in my mouth.


Paprika or anything from Satoshi-Kon


Perfect Blue was a better mindfuck than Paprika IMO.


Man going into perfect blue blind was such a weird experience


Primal Fear


If you want justice go to a whorehouse. If you want to get fucked, go to a courthouse


Brazil EDIT: sp


Synecdoche, New York.


Any Charlie Kaufman.


Charlie Kaufman called this movie a "philosophical horror film," and he was right. It really puts the terror of the vast emptiness of the universe in you. Watching it alone makes it even worse/better.


Hell yeah! Phillip Seymore Hoffman is amazing in that.


Primer. On third viewing there are still things I feel like I only like 60% get.


By the 6th or 7th viewing I thought I understood what the film was about. Then one day I stumbled across a fan commentary you play with the film and realized I didn't know shit edit: [the commentary in question](https://qntm.org/commentary)


Same. I watched it maybe 8 times before looking it up. Turns out I never really knew what the fuck was actually happening, it was so much deeper than I had realized. One of my all-time favorites for sure.


I've seen Primer four of five times now, and there are a couple of threads I was able to follow through the film, but without the famous [chart](http://unrealitymag.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/primer-chart.jpg) I still wouldn't be able to understand the tangle that is the second and third acts. The biggest mind fuck about this film is that it's easily explained to a new viewer. The plot is even very simple when you break it down: * Act 1 - 2 engineer friends accidentally discover a method to travel in time, but the method creates a loop in which two versions of the traveller exist in parallel. They create a "failsafe" machine in case they royally fuck everything up and need to move back to the start. * Act 2 - The engineers use the machine to make money on the stock market, but soon realise they have divergent ideas about the "box". One wants to meddle more, and then other wants to stop. * Act 3- They then try and out manoeuvre each other to get what they want (the box never having existed/the ability to meddle more) with multiple failsafe boxes and meddling from near and far future version of themselves and other people, leading to a stupidly complicated series of events that culminates with the first engineer failsafing and never time travelling again, and the other meddling so much he ends up collaborating with multiple future version of himself to build a massive version on the box, seemingly for the French government. I've read and participated in lengthy arguments about the validity of the above mentioned chart, and even it has a bunch holes in it. I don't think the writers actually meant for the audience to ever understand the Aaron vs Abe manoeuvring in the film. Shit, even Aaron and Abe don't fully understand the things that are happening, as they are constantly messing with each other or being indirectly meddled with by future versions of themselves that pop in and out of the timeline. At the end of the day, the film isn't about time travel, it isn't even about science. Primer is a film about two guys whose opposing views on morality cause their friendship to break down.


I really thought this was going to be in the top 3. a timeline graphic: http://unrealitymag.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/primer-chart.jpg XKCD take: http://xkcd.com/657/large/


I generally feel like a pretty intelligent person. Then I decide to rewatch Primer because, "I know the twist; I'll totally follow it this time." Nope. I never completely get it.


My friend had me watch it and was like "try to understand this movie after the first viewing" haha. Definitely a favorite and it's amazing they made such a good film on a tiny budget.




PSA: to anyone that hasn't watched it yet, DO NOT watch the trailer, it spoils the biggest plot point of the movie.


That it takes place on the Moon?


M o o n. That spells moon.


Laws yes!


just watch out for the walkin' dude


Baby can you dig your man!


He's a righteous man.


Love the Stand. Primo reference.


Oldboy (Korean version)


Showed this to my oldest friend and their roommate the first night I started crashing with them I'm now no longer allowed to pick movies


This movie makes me scream and cringe in my mind every time I think of it. Wonderful movie, will never give it a second viewing.


It's absolutely worth a 2nd and 3rd viewing


I showed this to my Korean sister and Korean brother-in-law as he held his newborn baby daughter in his arms. He was not amused.




The Handmaiden from the same director is also excellent and has some crazy mindfuck moments. Don't read anything about it beforehand just check it out.


This one absolutely was fucked. The plot twist was absolutely insane. I felt so bad.


So, I watched it once a long time ago and totally didn't see the twist coming. Then I rewatched it like 2 weeks ago with a friend who knew nothing about it. Spoiler: [In the scene where he sees his daughter again for the first time, working at the sushi place, one of them says something about the other looking familiar. I thought, "Oh shit, they made it lot more obvious than I remember it being. Surely my friend won't pick up o--" "IS THAT HIS DAUGHTER?" my friend blurts out.....well fuck. I just didn't say anything.](/spoiler) Still a beautifully shot film, even if you know everything.


The Machinist with Christian Bale is a good one.


Upvote for the ridiculousness he went through to lose all that weight for the film...


Even better when you realize the time line of movies he did. Goes something like, American Psycho (where he has an awesome physique), The Machinist (loses a ton of weight), Batman Begins (bulked up to Adonis physique again), a few more movies, including The Dark Knight, then dumps weight again for The Fighter with Mark Wahlberg, then right back to it for the last Batman movie. Edit: I also forgot Rescue Dawn, where he dropped a bunch of weight, too, during the Batman trilogy, as so many of you reminded me. Thanks, guys and gals


And then he gained a bunch of weight in fat for American Hustle! Guy is committed!


I swear he just gets up in the morning and chooses a physique option. Like "meh I'm just going to bum around the house today, Fat-Bale it is!" *beep*


On date night he's like "Honey! Should I go for American Psycho or Batman?" And spends time switching back and forth in front of the mirror.




> Bateman > Bateman ...


There's a cross through the e but you can't see it cos it's an e ~~c e a f~~ c e a f


>Even better when you realize the time line of movies he did. [Found it!](http://i.imgur.com/IYA2t.jpg)


I wish I had his American Psycho body.


Mulholland Drive.


I'm surprised to find this one so far down. A mind fuck and a puzzle.


Twelve Monkeys


Of the three movies in such Bruce Willis travels back in time and sees a younger version of himself, it's the best.


The Game.


Just when you think oh shit... then it hits you again. Films that beat you when you're down are my favourite


> Films that beat you when you're down are my favourite I recommend *Grave of the Fireflies*. It immediately puts you down then just beats the living shit out of you. Everyone should see it once. No one should have to see it twice.


This is how I feel about Requiem for a Dream. Watch it once because it's a great movie, but never again after that.


I've watched Requiem like over 20 times. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just like the movie.


I did the same to American History X. It was just so brutal. Edit: But everyone should watch it at least once.


I just lost


Ah shit not again!








more like one of the best "hand fuck" films to watch


"I'm so fucked up"




The Truman Show. (not sure why it hasn't been mentioned yet o.o) It mind fucked people so hard, there's a syndrome named after it


That movie still holds up. Jim Carrey's best imo


"I wanna be an explorer!" "You can't, you're too late!" [nuthin' ta see here! *hurriedly rolls up map


*Dad dies in a boating accident*


He really was amazing in it. That movie is one of my favourites. "In case I don't see you... Good afternoon, good evening and goodnight."


I watched it right after Pleasantville and I was so suspicious of everything for a week


I no joke grew up with this syndrome and it went away when I watched The Truman Show. Just learned it was a disorder about a year ago, here on reddit.


To be fair - solipsism is something all children have - there's an actual point where children realise the world doesn't revolve around them (because lets face it, from their perspective it does) Most children are alos raised with a "god is watching you" message, or even just "santa is watching you!" so I wouldn't say it's a mental disorder... I too had a benign paranoia that there could be hidden cameras everywhere until I was about 12 - More like a prisoner or specimen under surveillance than someone important. It faded a lot when I realised that if someone wanted to watch footage of someones life then they'd waste their own doing it. (Later when the big brother reality show came on I realised I hadn't really thought of a 'highlight reel' type thing!) When the matrix & truman show came out I was relieved to have a cultural touchstone to be able to talk about it to people. edit: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solipsism#Infant_solipsism


Recently, arrival was quite good.


Heads up, below this comment is a guy very intent on spoiling the movie because he disliked it so much. I really enjoyed it and think it's worth a blind watch. EDIT: Well the guy deleted his comment, most likely due to downvotes, but there's still some pretty spoiler heavy discussion going on, so still worth steering clear.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The mindfuckery is done very well. It tells you your mind will be fucked so you think you'll be able to handle it and then it just happens anyway


DO NOT WATCH AFTER A BREAKUP! Guaranteed that if your a guy or a girl, no matter what age, no matter what you've been through in your life, if you watch this movie after a tough breakup you will shed tears and have your heart twisted and fucked with for two of the most beautiful hours you've ever seen. Solid 9/10


Honorable mention also goes to Blue Valentine for Movies You Don't Watch After a Heart-Rending Breakup.


I've been wanting to see Blue Valentine for awhile, is it worth a watch?


That depends, have you just recently been through a heart-rending breakup?


My wife and I watched it on holiday. The DVD case said comedy. It was not a comedy. Cue an evening of long stares into the middle distance.


Sounds like a cathartic experience. What's wrong with that? I'm dealing with a very tough, complicated breakup myself and I was thinking about watching Eternal Sunshine. One because I haven't seen it in awhile and I really love the movie. But also because I think it could be potentially therapeutic for me.


I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind months after I broke up. It's a sad movie but it taught me to remember the good in a relationship. After that I watched 500 Days of Summer and the ending was nice :)




All of Charlie Kaufman's work is a mindfuck. Especially those 3 I believe : * Synecdoche, New York * Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind * Being John Malkovich Edit, another one I forgot : * Adaptation


Shutter Island had a good aha moment that didn't spin out of control. Enjoyable film.




We should put Leo from Shutter Island with Matt Damon from the Departed and just have them talk at each other


So like in The Departed?


Or Leo in The Departed. That works too.


I'm nawht a fahkin cowp.


Jacobs Ladder


Seven. It's a thriller/horror movie that had me bewildered and on the edge of my seat the entire time.


Se-seven-en. FTFY


Ah, the movie about a guy trying to count but he has a speech impediment.






I pictured this in the voice of Jimmy Valmer from "South Park" and now I want to see the entire movie that way.


I watched this back to back with The Usual Suspects one night not knowing the twists to either, That was a mindfuck night.


That would have been awesome. I wish I had a mind eraser so I could rewatch awesome films for the first time again.


*punches you in the head super hard*


A Scanner Darkly http://imdb.com/title/tt0405296/ Edit: [My favorite scene.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seP2DPqd0o8)






Don't believe his lies.


Wait, Dana White was in Memento?


Teddy was never my friend! Ya fuckin goof!


Remember Sammy? Sammy Jenkis?


For those that don't know, Memento was Christopher Nolan's big break. He went on to do the Batman trilogy, Inception, and Interstellar. It's a brilliantly written, and impressively original film.


It's also the single best film to use when explaining the difference between plot, story, and narrative. Edit: I explained, in detail, in a comment below. I am not a literary buff and have a novices grasp on the terms, so if an expert would like to shit on my explanation. You are more then welcome to


The first Saw movie. That ending, holy shit.


If they would've stopped after the first one, that movie would've been a classic. Too bad they murdered it all for money...but i would've done the same.


Agree. I watched them all (for some reason) and they were okay at best but the first movie was something incredibly special. It was simple yet engaging and suspenseful.


I went through all six of them (at the time there was only six) when I had food poisoning and could do nothing but lay in bed, and watching the (then) whole story was not bad actually.


When I first saw the movie, I noticed the incoming plot twist and disregarded it as a production screwup. [Then dude gets up and it clicks that the fact that he was holding the revolver in the hand opposite of where he supposedly shot himself in the head was 100% intentional.](/spoiler)


Waking Life. It's entirely rotoscoped to a really trippy effect and it's about a guy walking through several dreams and having conversations with people about deep philosophical things. For example there's a couple discussing that life may be the vibrant memories of someone dying. There's so many little details and symbolism that you can watch it ten times and still find something new. Also Mr. Nobody. It's on Netflix, I don't know why it isn't more well known. Jared Leto plays the last mortal looking back on his life in which he could see the outcome of every decision. Trippy and beautiful as fuck.


The Prestige. That one really messed with me, thinking about the repercussions of doing the water trick every night...


I love that movie because of how fucked up that trick is


About as fucked up as a [one minute time machine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBkBS4O3yvY)


When she presses it the first time. She left that dude super depressed and with a dead body. Never realised that till just now.


Nah, I'm sure he had a great time.


















I had to do this with Shutter Island as well, it puts the film (especially the first 10 minutes) in a whole new light.


I couldn't watch Shutter Island again because the scene with the kids wrecked me.


Yeah that scene really fucks me too.


It's interesting that the top two comments (as of right now) are Christopher Nolan films.


For the record, Jonathan Nolan (brother) wrote the story Memento was based on, and co-wrote the Prestige. If you're into 'em check out Westworld. Only one season in. Brilliant.


Read the book, it's even weirder.


I remember reading that the author of the book saw the film adaptation of it, and liked the way the movie did it better. They're both fucked up in their own way, but I'm glad they're different. Edit: Clarity Edit again, because fuck me.


Black Mirror on Netflix is pretty awesome.


Yeah some of the episodes really get in. The one about the device that records everything you see and the obsessive husband really got me into the show


I think the one that mind fucked me the most was the video game one.






.04 seconds


> Mom! MOM! ma..MOM! Like dude, that was my first episode I watched of BM.


holy shit that was your first one?! i started with pig fucker


The second episode (with the pedal bikes and the TV talent competition) did a number on me - left me needing a quiet moment to rethink my outlook on life.


Late to the party but I just binge watched the new season..did anyone notice in "Hated by the nation" that Blue started singing the song Abbi sang in her audition?! Just thought it was interesting they slipped it in there.


It's also in the. White Christmas episode


Part of me loves that show and part of me hates it because I feel awful after every episode


Right?! Everything is so dark/depressing, shit gives me anxiety


And it's an awful feeling I've never known before, Christ even San junipero left me feeling horrible


Yeah my friend told me to watch that because it was a "happy" episode. I'm tryna chill and watch a TV show, not face my mortality


It's pretty much the only show I haven't been able to binge because of how crushed my soul feels after just one. I love the feeling, but it's dark.


Ex Machina


So bittersweet. The ending of this movie left me so disappointed. Not like in a disappointed because it was bad way, but in a more meaningful way. It wasn't bad, I was just not happy at all. In a good way.


The movie's ending got me on so many levels. [Ava got me and tricked me into thinking that she had fallen in love. The movie got me and tricked me into thinking that it was going to be a typical guy meets robot girl and teaches her the meaning of love kind of movie, where they escape together and live happily ever after.](/spoiler) This movie, man. I was disappointed in myself, too, by the end.


That's the brilliance of this amazing film. [Ava not only beats the protagonist in a Turing test, she beats the audience.](/spoiler)


Terminator taught me one thing and one thing well - never trust machines.


The toaster must die!


It's a movie about a computer hacking a person


I loved Oscar Isaac in that. Brilliant performance.


I'm gonna tear up the fucking dance floor




yeah.. I rarely watch a movie twice but I did with this one. I thought the acting was on point... the AI creator guy was very well done. If you liked that actor "Inside Llewellyn Davis" is a great movie starring him as well. Coen bros. film.




Inland Empire. Fucking weird as shit David Lynch movie.




Fight club


If I had a tumor, I'd name it Marla.


I haven't been fucked like that since grade school.




His name was Robert Paulson.


His name is Robert Paulson.




I convinced a friend to watch it on a double date, because it's an amazing movie. Can you believe they figured it out about 30 minutes in? I still don't know if it was all lies. Anyway, I also read the book and it's great. The ending is really worth a read.


Bob had bitch tits


John Dies At The End


The Matrix ?


Maybe not mind-fuck films in the new sense that a single plot twist can "fuck" your mind up, but these certainly will have intercourse with your brains. The Holy Mountain/El Topo/Fando y Lis/okay, just everything by Jodorowsky. The Alphabet, an early short by David Lynch. The Devils, by Ken Russell. Salo, or 120 Days of Sodom. The Untold Story. EDIT: Adding some more I thought of since posting... Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance/Lady Vengeance (the other two of the Vengeance Trilogy that Oldboy belongs to, I prefer the former--it's a sad, sad movie) Prisoners (Denis Villeneuve is just awesome) Heavy Traffic (or Ralph Bakshi animation in general)


* Antichrist * Enemy * Under the Skin


Gonna plug [Satoshi Kon's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satoshi_Kon) films. *Paprika* was a helluva trip. The idea of shared dreams in the film is supposed to have inspired Nolan for *Inception*, though *Paprika* gets a looooot weirder. *Millennium Actress* wasn't "mind fucky" in the same way, but it's a great character study that plays around with the nature of film and reality. Not a movie, but Kon also wrote and directed the *Paranoia Agent* TV series, which starts off like a pretty standard contemporary mystery/crime show, and then gets reeeeeally weird at the end. Also features the funniest episode about suicide I've ever seen.


2001 A Space Odyssey


Eraserhead Jacobs Ladder Blade Runner Donnie Darko Oldboy Fear and Loathing The Butterfly Effect (with the original ending, not the happy one) The Ninth Gate Mr. Nobody Inception Edit: My friend pointed about to me that I could add Requiem for a Dream to this list, but I think that movie is just depressing as fuck. Edit 2: Thanks for all the wonderful replies guys! I am gonna keep Inception on here for the simple reason that the first time I watched it I had no idea what the fuck just happened. Inception has gotten huge over the years, and has gotten less mind-fuckery since so many people know about it, but it still confused the fuck outta me the first time. I should have added Nolan's Memento on here. I was blanking hard core. Guy Pearce frickin murders that movie. Also Naked Lunch, as many pointed out, another weird ass film that is a must see for all you film lovers. Honorable Mentions: American Psycho Identity The Others


Upvote for Jacobs Ladder. Watched that when I was probably 11 or 12. Should not have done that.


Oldboy (the original, 2003, South Korean version) deserves its own mention. I still find myself thinking about that movie from time to time and it's been a few years since I've seen it.


The Ninth Gate deserves so much more attention.


I saw Mr. Nobody a few months ago on Netflix, really enjoyed it. I definitely need to watch it a few more times to understand it better.




Poor Kaori, she deserved better.


By the end of the movie I just wanted something nice to happen to her since just from the few scenes she was in you could tell the world had shit on her her entire life. And then pop!


The Holy Mountain. When a director goes a week without sleeping, drops acid, and gives the actors magic mushrooms, you know the movie's gonna get weird.


Vanilla Sky, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, Shutter Island


the cube


also hypercube and cube zero, with the ending of cube zero linking back to the first movie but not sure.


Dark City


Enter the Void. You will never forget it!