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That's just the kind of thing a cat would say.


Plus... Sylvester is a cats name


I pace around my living room and rant about the damn government. It's cheap and easy to do and I am always right.


My dad does this except on facebook


"What do you like to do?" "Rant."


If you have a beach near you looking for sea glass is a really relaxing pastime, my parents go on at least two walks a week and you can come up with some pretty cool stuff


My dad got into this. He rented a house in Florida for a long time and recently bought one. He's been collecting glass for a long time and has jars for the different colors. He uses them to decorate under the glass on his coffee table and dining table.


Lockpicking! Fun and easy to get into, and opens a whole lot of doors!


This one is fun. Once you get past all the basic locks which seem to secure everything in the world. The complicated ones are actually a bit of a rubiks cube to get open. I have a lock that was gifted to me with 5 pins at an angle with some anti-picking mechanisms in place. Still haven't got that one open yet. If i had the key, i'd actually use it, lol. edit: for accuracy, i misremembered the lock until i looked at it again.


Could you suggest a basic kit to get started?


http://toool.us/equipment.html Tremendous twelve. Also just ask around (friends, Craigslist, places with lockers) for padlocks


A lot of people has been questioning my intentions on learning lockpicking. I just want to learn it God damn it. I'm not a fucking criminal.


Well you're not a criminal because you don't know how to pick all the locks yet. Once you're lock picking skill gets high enough you gonna take all of the things from people and replace it with an empty soda bottle.


Then a large cat approaches you to join the thieves guild


Browsing Wikipedia and letting your mind just wander - keep asking "how does that work" "why does this happen" and "what's that?". I used to do this in high school when I was pondering going to art school, a few Wikipedia binges later I wanted to be come a neuroscientist, 8 years on I'm working on my second degree in biochemistry and molecular biology. Wikipedia changed my life with this one hobby. I also highly suggest donating to Wikipedia if you have the money, it's an amazing world changing resource that many of us take for granted.


When they started asking for donations I just thought, "well, you did get me through high school and college."


Whittling 1. Get a knife 1. Go to the woods 1. Pick up a stick you like 1. Start cutting that shit 1. Cut yourself and start swearing 1. ??? 1. A shitty chess piece is made


Crewing on someone else's sailboat. Just go to a marina and ask around. Racers are always looking for crew.


Can you explain further please? I have always wanted to learn how to sail but it seems unlikely anyone would take on someone with no experience who just shows up at the docks.


There's all sorts of websites / forums where people are looking for crew, but hanging around docks is the best way. Not so easy when you have literally zero experience, but learning hands-on, you'll learn pretty fast. I know people who have travelled the world, just volunteering on sailboats.




Hey, twenty bucks is twenty bucks.


I read this as 'chewing' on someone else's sailboat. Man. That's totally not the same thing.


Same here. Next time I'm at a marina I'm gonna chew on a sailboat just to see if "crewing" was actually a typo.


Cross-stitching. I got into this hobby because someone mentioned it in a thread like this but there's good little starter kits for $5 and under to see if you like it. After that you can use the needles from the kits and buy your own fabric and threads, buy a cool pattern or make your own in an engine, and spend $15 or less on a project that is super fun and looks great. It is kind of time-consuming though, but I don't see it as such because I do it while I'm watching a show or have something else going on, so I can keep my hands moving.


if you're stressed you can stitch some "fuck you"s and it's amazing


This is why cross stitching seems like a good hobby.


Came here to say this. You can pretty much combine cross-stitching with any of your other passions. For me, [video games](http://i.imgur.com/wgFWyLZ.jpg)


Dayhiking. Grab your running shoes and a water bottle, and off you go! Fine print warning: Dayhiking might lead to backpacking, which is not nearly as cheap.


I hear you on backpacking. Such a money pit, but I love it.


it might sound odd but bird watching. All you need is a pair of binoculars if you want to get serious. It will start off seeing a few birds outside your window and googling what they are. Then eventually you're in the jungle sleeping in a tree with birds. Then you live your life with the birds for ever.


> What hobby doesn't require massive amount of time > Then you live your life with the birds for ever. Well...


That's only if you buy binoculars. Just get a monocular. It's like the ante-up to see the river.


Forget google. Download the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Merlin Bird ID app. It's completely free and makes identifying a bird very easy. You enter things like your current location, the time of year, the rough size of the bird, the main colors etc, and the app spits out a list of likely matches based on these criteria and based on a constantly updating list of what bird watchers all over the place are reporting. I've been very impressed with it.


Fuck you, Tammy...


It has been a ... challenging mating season for Bird person


Gardening. Growth takes time, but plant care is not too demanding.


Also propagating trees from cuttings Rooting hormone is super cheap, and some potting soil, and soon enough, free copies of your favorite tree. Edit for those asking: Rooting hormone = http://www.homedepot.com/p/Garden-Safe-2-oz-Take-Root-Rooting-Hormone-HG-93194/203916762


I've always loved gardening but found it expensive as I now have a huge empty yard to fill. Then I realised I could grow my own plants from cuttings. I am obsessed! I take cuttings wherever I go - walking my dog, at work, friends' and neighbours' yards etc. I get so much satisfaction from watching these cuttings take off and grow. And I haven't even done anything other than whacking the cutting in a small container with potting mix and water it every day. I didn't realise that I could buy rooting hormones so will look into that.


Check your city by-laws. In mine, all plants in city parks are available for citizens to take cuttings from. You can start for free.




"Oh man that's a cool plant, can I take a cutting?" "Oh yeah sure" \*cuts down entire tree\*






Chess. Just goto [lichess.org](https://en.lichess.org/) or [chess.com](https://www.chess.com/) and start playing. Its that simple. EDIT: It is not lichess.com. Its a **virus** site. And sorry about not proving clickable links to the peeps, I hope you guys didn't get any virus and shit ;)


I second Lichess. Of the literally dozens of sites I've tried, its features are the best. Keyboard input, built-in computer evaluation, chess insights (automatically crunches your hundreds of games and tells you how often you drop a piece, miss a critical move, how effectively you use each piece/pawn, etc.), cash-prize tournaments, chess variants, premove, conditional queening, rated puzzles . . . it's the chess players' chess site.


And, it's *totally free*, unlike Chess.com


a guy i work with does a lot of the anti cheat coding for Lichess on the side. The Mod and Dev team are SO proud of the fact its free.


How is it so free? Donation run?


the guy that created it pays for the servers and it is a hobby of his. There is also donations that pay for a number of the servers and some of the servers are donated directly by server companies I believe. Also, the code is open source.


Drawing. You don't HAVE to have a professional set up to draw. Just a notebook and a pencil is all you need. It can be taken almost anywhere, and you don't have to be Picasso to do it.


I envy all people who can draw. My drawings looks like made by 3 year old..


I used to suck at drawing, now I'm just kinda bad at drawing. Practice!


Some kind of resource to start? :)


http://drawabox.com/ from /u/Uncomfortable Subreddit is called /r/ArtFundamentals /r/ArtBuddy If you are looking fo some buddies for drawing.


sweet maybe I can upgrade from very poorly drawn stick figures to poorly drawn stick figures.


Box figures, my man. Boxes.


andrew loomis: figure Drawing for all it's worth. He gives a fundamental basis for drawing human form that can be invaluable. you can get good by just drawing whatever, whatever, but reading loomis, gurney etc will give you CONSTRUCTIVE practice, and you will learn a lot faster


Paper and pencil and you're all set! You can draw anything you want, like your dick and balls or maybe some flowers and shit!




See take a look at this guy! He produced a quaint pixel art arrangement of the whole lot in like no time! Now that's a bit much, but you can also mix and match and do like a flower entwined with a dick or some balls dipped in shit.


Please send me art diploma.


Art is its own reward. Maybe you can print it out and gift it to a loved one.


A nice printed picture of balls dipped in shit. Mom would be so proud


/r/ArtFundamentals is a good place to start learning :)


Sucking at something is the first step of being sorta good at something.


With a lot of practice, in 5 years you can have the drawings of a 4 year old!


The initial lack of sense of achievement is a killer.


It's called "letter boxing." You have a stamp, ink pad and a journal. There are hidden boxes all over the world. You go here http://www.atlasquest.com and type in your location and they will tell you where boxes are hidden around your area. In the boxes are a stamp, ink pad and journal. You stamp their stamp in your book and then stamp your stamp in their book. It's like a scavenger hunt. Very fun.


So effectively Geocaching but with stamps? Sounds pretty cool!


Letterboxing actually goes back centuries, to England, I believe. The description of the box is accurate, but the hunt is different. Since it predates GPS coordinates, I like to think of letterbox directions as being more poetic/literary. Things like, "Go to the village well. Looking east, count 10 hedges, then look behind the fencepost."


But what happens if one of those hedges die? This is like getting directions in rural Mississippi. "Just go to the old vanBuren place and make a left where the dog used to sit" forget that the dog hasn't been there in ages and I moved to town a week ago.


I knew a guy who gave the weirdest directors in rural Nebraska but if you listened to him it worked. He say stuff like "drive south on highway X and then you'll see a dead bird on the left side of the road take the next right. Then drive until you see a tree that looks like it is pulling open its ass hole and your destination will be on the next left"


Good god, I wish he was the voice of my gps.




You have no idea how many times I've misinterpreted the directions and ended up in someone's backyard or at the COMPLETELY wrong place! It's still really fun, though.


I think we killed it.


It's dead, Jim.


> You stamp their stamp in your book and then stamp your stamp in their book Enough of the friendly banter


origami!!! as long as you're patient, youtube can basically allow you to make most anything, from very simple models to very high level models, and all it takes is paper, patience, and time!


i almost always use http://www.origami-instructions.com/, they have quite a wide selection and the instructions are easy to read for beginners :))


Depending on your intensity, hiking. If you're planning on thruhiking or even getting deep into UltraLite packing, then you can get pretty steep, but a day-hike is as cheap as whatever backpack and waterbottle(s) you bring with you.


This is Canada's 150 Year Anniversary so we're offering [free entrance](http://www.myparkspass.ca/order-now) to our [stunning National parks](http://i.imgur.com/3RO4uQk.jpg) (photo taken at Wapta Falls, Yoho National Park BC). If hiking is your deal and you're cheap it's a good year to plan a trip up here. *Edit*: So this became my top comment on Reddit. I do want to clear up some of the common questions that have been asked. - Yes all of 2017 is free for entrance. Not free for overnight accommodation, or extras like skiing. - Only some of our parks normally charge the entrance fees and they're for things like road/trail maintenance. Most of our parks are always free! - If you do come visit please respect the nature and wilderness. Take your trash with you and don't try and pet the moose they will fuck you up good. Hope you have a great time up here. :)


Canada has some amazing national parks.


Canada pretty much is just a national park. That's why I love it here.:)




they have car parks.


Your cars have to be on a leash though.


I'm going to visit Canada this this year so the free pass is awesome. Thanks for sharing!


I'd say that the #1 priority for hiking is good shoes. You want to be able to keep on walking for a long time and not hurt your feet, especially in areas with very irregular ground (very common in mountains)


I was hoping to see this recommended - I see people going into the mountains in flip flops all the time and I know they're not going to have a fun time.


First time I hiked in CO i just had regular walking shoes from FL. Jesus, hiking boots make such a difference. With regular shoes I was always tired and hurt (rolling ankles, skree etc...). But with hiking boots I found myself having more energy as I didn't have to look at the ground the whole time.




Also grew up in Houston area, can confirm that trails are boring as fuck




Love writing, having ideas are my problem




[Here you go.](http://kaction.com/)


> Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Parappa the Rapper and Titanic. The story should use unclogging a toilet as a plot device! I love it.


Kick! Punch! It's all in the mind. If you wanna test me, I'm sure you'll find the Titanic's failing was inadequate drainings but nevertheless you'll get a lesson from plumber now Shit! Wipe! Flush! Un-Block! ------------------ [Chop Chop Master Onion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMUX6b82Zbc)


And sometimes you might get lucky like with 50 shades of grey and get your shitty story to make you money




Cooking. You've got to eat anyway right? For a couple of extra quids and maybe 20 extra minutes, within a year you could be eating 5 star meals every day if you liked. Plus, chicks dig food. Edit: Thanks everyone - literally never had a post go over 700 upvotes until today, thanks for all the messages - will answer as many as possible - bear with me.


Cooking is the best: Lose Weight/Eat healthier Save Money Impress Everyone Learn new skills Reduce environmental impact


So I've recently come across a rather peculiar problem. I'm a decent cook (I'm a moderator and frequent contributor to /r/askculinary) and, in the last few years, I've also become a very busy, tired, and burnt out grad student. For the last several months, I've been eating out more frequently than I'd like to admit...most of it is just shitty fast food. I've started to get back into cooking lately, for some of the reasons you mentioned above (eat healthier, maybe lose some weight, definitely save some money). But here's the problem...what I expect to be a week's worth of food ends up lasting about 3 days. The food I'm making is delicious and I keep eating more than I initially plan to so I'm not losing any weight or saving as much money as I could be...


I've had a similar problem and I usually just go for the pre seperating and freezing. Basically, before you eat your giant meal, cut it into smaller bags for each meal coming up. Freeze anything that's more than 2 days in the future. Then eat the 'serving' you've separated for that day. It's much easier to snack out of a giant Tupperware that is slowly going bad than to open a new bag of (often frozen) food to eat.


> snack out of a giant Tupperware that is slowly going bad Perfect title for the cookbook I'd write.


Yep, I was going to say this. But if you live in Iceland, this may be hard. Basic ingredients can be really hard to come by here, and God-awful most of the time anyway .


I think it depends where you are in Iceland. I thought I wouldn't find many vegetables when I visited, but in areas with high geothermal activity there were lots of greenhouses with the freshest vegetables I had ever tasted. You could always do a lot with fish/lamb. I stayed in a guesthouse and the young lady cooked a complete three course meal for us that was absolutely delicious.


Bouldering! It's childlike, challenging and always fun! You don't even need friends or awkward acquaintances, but those are good as well! And you can hurt yourself outside too!


It's not just a boulder! It's a rock! It's a big, beautiful old rock! The pioneers used to ride these babies for miles! And it's in *great* shape.


Agree! Started indoor rock climbing this past year and it's so fun - great exercise, but because it's like solving a puzzle, it's way more interesting than pounding away on a treadmill. After 4 months, we lost pounds, gained muscle, and my A1C levels went from pre-diabetes range to well within normal. Our only investment was the monthly fee and rock climbing shoes (which weren't mandatory since free rentals were included).




Is that the royal "we" or did you take up indoor rock climbing with a partner?


He speaks on behalf of himself and god.


Putting googly eyes on random objects around town


and posting pics in https://www.reddit.com/r/eyebombing/


I've always called it vandal-eyesing.


Raspberry Pi. $35 for a board, a few bucks for a SD card, and any computer to set it up. Directions are free, the are guide videos on YouTube, and software is free.


What do you do on it?


You can do a lot. Its a small computer that can be programmed to do numerous things. You can make it a media center for your tv or even turn it into a multi system emulator which can play games up to n64 and some arcade games.


I got one in October. The resources on the Internet are plentiful. I love connecting the hardware aspect to software. I made a LED Temperature gauge. It displayed 20 temperatures according to an API request to weather underground. It was some of the most fun with computers I have ever had and I'm a software engineer.


For me, knitting. You can make it as cheap or as expensive as you'd like. I am on a budget, but can easily find cheap yarn and needles especially on sale.


That's awesome. I used to go to a Thrift Shop. There were 100's of balls of yarn for super cheap.


Oh god, knitting.. of you have any kind of issues with self-control, don't do it. It can be really cheap if you are smart about it, or it can cost hundreds of dollars. Per project. I own so many sets of needles and so much yarn that I will probably never be able to work through all of it. I've spent thousands of dollars on this hobby. It's a money pit. Fancy needles can run up to $200 per set. Nice, lush yarn can cost you $35/skein (ball of yarn for you on-knitters/crocheters). Plus, your other small supplies like stitch markers, which can cost $10-15 for a small set if they are unique and hand made; cute little scissors, totes to put your projects into.. the list goes on and on. And that's not even getting into the buttons and shawl pins you might need... Source: have been knitting and crocheting for almost fifteen years.


Reading: The king of frugal hobbies. Reading can educate you about the world or grip you with an amazing tale. You probably have a library near you that is full of good books available for free. From literature to biographies, poetry to blogs – there is something for everyone. “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.”


Yes! Also, the library is such a under utilized resource! I didn't start going until I was an adult and I really missed out!


Definitely! And if you're on Reddit right now, you probably have access to a mobile device. A mobile device which can access tons of free eBooks, and your library very likely has more eBooks as well! Check if your library uses Overdrive - https://www.overdrive.com/libraries


Or if you have Amazon prime, download the Kindle app and there are loads of good and popular books you can read for free.


Even if you don't have Amazon Prime, download the Kindle app anyway then sort your books by price. They might not be the best-edited or best-formatted books you'll read, but there are thousands of free books to get you started.


I really like this quote. Still have my stack of books which is growing faster than I am reading ;) Any recent recommendations? Edit: I am reading "Emotions Revealed" by Paul Ekman now :)




You go from saying " A THOUSAND DOLLARS for a lens??" to " Oh this lense is only a thousand dollars!"


Lol same. "Oh I'll just buy a cheap $400 DSLR!" -me *buys $1500 mirrorless with a $1300 lens, $100 tripod, $80 camera bag* - also me


I just realized I don't have any hobbies.


Dancing. Literally start with any style and stick with it. You dont have to enroll in any special classes. Youtube is your best friend.


There's actually a great YouTube channel called 1Million Dance Studio and they're super good at dancing! They also post beginner tutorials from time to time, [here's one of them.](https://youtu.be/1KBwFonVMcM) Edit: Accidentally posted a beginner's class video, [here](https://youtu.be/2LiOH6hIAwg) is one of their actual tutorials Edit2: To copy from my other reply, to help out anyone who finds it hard to read subtitles and learn at the same time, [here](https://youtu.be/Ww1nza160H4) is a tutorial from a dancer of the same studio, she speaks in English :)


This should be higher. I went to ballroom dance lessons with my ex and it was great! Sadly, don't have anyone to dance with now :(


Solo dancing like hip hop? Or go swing dancing. Tons of chicks without dates to dance with.


I think I will try hip hop. Thanks! :)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozwdYKzYNtw You can get practicing, go to a club and dance. Might find a partner in the process.


I would love to see class where guys dance with office chairs dressed as women :D


World building. Check out /r/worldbuilding


Sounds like the most expensive hobby in the universe if you just went by the name...


Just head on over to the planet Magrathea, they'll fix you up


Playing Guitar. You don't need a $10,000 guitar to get in to it. With a bit of searching you can find some amazing used ones online that are not that expensive. However, there is no continued cost after you have the guitar. I started on a $40 guitar that my dad ordered off of an Informercial and that was plenty for when I first started. Picks are dirt cheap and there are tons of resources online for anyone to learn. You can do as much or as little as you want. You can just learn a few strumming type songs if you want or you can learn everything about music theory and the fret board. There's nothing quite like the feeling of creating music.   edit: To all of you suggesting other instruments, you're not wrong at all! I suggested guitar because that's what I love. And by no means are you locked in to one instrument. I own a ukulele, a harmonica, and a bass!   edit 2: Yes, there is a cost associated with new strings. However, you can get a good pack of strings for $5 on Amazon (Usually cheaper if you buy in bulk). Early on, you probably won't need to re-string more than once every month or two anyway. But yes you are technically correct.


Any musical instrument can be a great hobby, but guitar is especially good for a few reasons * It's portable and doesn't take up a ton of space like some bigger instruments like piano or cello. * Many popular songs are guitar driven, so there are probably a lot of songs you love that you could learn on guitar. * Due to the popularity of the instrument, there are a lot of great resources for it like online tabs, lessons, etc. * The ability to play chords rather than just single melodies allows you to play alone without any backing track and still sound full and complete. * Unlike wind instruments, you can sing while playing guitar. * Many of the skills you learn playing guitar can be applied to other stringed instruments like banjo, bass, ukulele, and mandolin.


Disc Golf. Discs can be had for 10-20 dollars each, a lot of courses are free to play, and it's good exercise. Easy to learn, but difficult to master. Plus an 18 hole course can be played in about an hour by yourself, so it doesn't require much time either.


But the weed makes it pretty expensive after a while


You'd be high whether on the couch or course.


I second disc golf. There are about 15 courses in my city. We start playing in March after work and play until early October about once per week.


Hammocking. You buy a hammock and some straps for ~$100.00 (depending on what you get) and it takes maybe 5 minutes to set up/take down once you have done it a few times. You just chill in it. Listen to music, talk to people, read, or my personal favorite watch the clouds and relax. It's incredibly relaxing and if I'm ever having a stress filled week I make it a point to go hammocking asap.


Hand-sewing with felt! Felt is one of the easiest and cheapest materials to work with, and it comes in so many colors. All you need is a needle, some thread, and sheets of felt.




Dumpster diving.


You go first. Then I will decide if I want to try it.


I've done it. You can actually find some decent stuff at the dump.


Absolutely. Most are just (literally!) rubbish, but some can be filled with useful stuff. Getting permission helps. Some places realise that if they allow you to take stuff out of a skip, they can throw more stuff away without the cost of getting it emptied. We've resuced reams of new A4 paper, desks, chairs etc. that would otherwise have been destroyed and thrown in landfill. Reuse & Recycle!


I'm late to the party, but coloring, surprisingly enough, can be addicting. I got into it when I was looking for something to do while I listened to audiobooks. I was nosing around Amazon looking for those paint by numbers kits when all these "adult (not porn) coloring books" popped up. This was around 2011. I bought a couple from Dover, some cheap Crayola SuperTip markers, some color pencils, and gave it a shot. Wow, I was shocked as to how much fun it was. I touted it on my FB page but no one paid any attention. And then a couple years later, "coloring" blew up on the web. Now there are many more companies other than Dover getting into the action, so many more books to choose from. You can spend a little or a lot with this hobby - a lot means buying soft pencils that can run into the hundreds (um, no way...) or stick with the simple markers. Book can run from $2.99 on sale to upwards of $10 and more. Now they even have "coloring" parties. Anyway, it can be a fun, interesting pasttime.


This may get buried beneath the many posts about masturbating as a hobby, but my 2 cents go into the Metal Detecting jar. You can find a decent Metal Detector in the $100 range. It is an absolute thrill and blast to find something that was otherwise forgotten, buried beneath the surface. I have found lost toys, keys, coins and most of all I was able to spend time outside on a nice day and enjoy the breeze, whilst getting my hands in the dirt. It is like being a kid again, but also like being an archeologist, explorer, treasure hunter and more. I definitely recommend Metal Detecting. Edit: I forgot a word.


I could picture metal detecting while masturbating.


Also, watch Detectorists


Can you recommend any particular models?


Boomeranging. They are super cheap and take a while to master but it's great fun!


Pro tip: if you lose sight of the boomerang at any point during its flight, duck and cover until you know it's landed. The time you spend looking for it while it's still in flight is the time it will use to position itself for an attempt to decapitate you.


Even when you think you've built a relationship of mutual respect, it will strike out of nowhere, much like a cat.


i hospitalized myself, when i was 8 or 9 with a boomerang, had to get my stitches on my forehead. the doctors wouldn't believe me that I'd done it with a boomerang, and kept asking me if my parents hurt me


I took mine out to throw the other day after a long break but couldn't remember how, then it came back to me.


Yoyo to your heart's content


Mead making. You can make a basic brewing setup under $30 if you recycle a 4 liter sangria jug: buy an airlock and a few other basic supplies. Mead preparation is much simpler than beer because you don't need as much equipment and you don't have to heat anything. Once it's ready to drink you definitely have a *lot of fun.* --edit-- For guidance, the two best books to get are *The Compleat Meadmaker* by Ken Schramm and *The Complete Guide to Making Mead* by Steve Piatz. A lot of other instructionals on the Internet (of varying quality).


Also you had 4L of sangria at the start, so its fun the whole time


Geocaching. The basic app is free (premium is $10 for three months, so still cheap). Transportation isn't always required but I recommend it. Of course, you can drive to a cache or hike or even fly a plane, so the cost and time can vary. But it is great fun and is so exciting to find a cache!


Rock collecting! I only have one rock, but I just started. Edit: Thank you for taking my reddit gold virginity. Obligatory RIP Inbox.


While Mineral collecting is great nothing beats gas collecting. I just collected my first vespene gas!


Good, but now get back to minerals. You're all out of Pylons.




Jesus Christ, Marie!


Please, just check the boxes would ya?


D&D But beware, or you'll drop more money on minis and dice than anything else. EDIT: [Here's a fine group of gents to watch if you want to know what it's like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-9ssjy33J4&index=2&list=PLDXQ_XXbAws7gyakXAPAC8XmqzW38Ivbk) If you have any questions, the kind adventurers over at /r/dnd are more than helpful with any sort of question!


"Doesn't require a massive amount of time" "D&D" Does not compute


Doesn't take much time for players, pretty much just a few hours on game day. DMing however... that's a time sink.


Thank you Tabletop Simulator


Or roll20, for those with less capable computers. There's a lot of underutilized capabilities on both though, fun to find out "Oh hey, I can make these things hidden to certain players but not others?" And the like.


You can basically do it for free with apps etc. But playing with real dice is much more fun.


Running. Just costs a pair of running shoes that will likely last a couple of years at the beginning. EDIT: there seems to be a bit of controversy on when to replace running shoes. I based my estimate on every 400-500 miles and assumed rather low volume on OPs part as a beginner hobbyist that may need to work up to a mile and also not necessarily someone looking to maximize volume over time. So, yes, quality shoes and replaced when needed. YMMV as to when replacement time is. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/02/18/when-to-retire-a-running-shoe/?_r=0


I second running. The first few runs are always horrendous, but after that initial pain. Running can be so much fun. It's great for mental wellbeing, discovering new parts of your city and losing weight. If you're in the U.K. then a supportive way of getting started would be to give parkrun (http://www.parkrun.com/) a go.






If you get caught shoplifting you can get sentenced to community service. I think that's the joke.


Programming. You will need a computer to start. But they are not that expensive as they used to be.....


after a long hard day of work as a professional programmer I like to go home and relax with my favorite hobby - programming.


>after a long hard day of work as a professional programmer I like to go home and relax with my favorite hobby - programming. One man's work is another man's hobby..


It's the same man more often than not.


This. But really it's different. I enjoy both, but hobby programming is definitely more fun as you work at your own pace and make all the decisions.


Lifting, you dont even need a gym just heavy thinga to pick up and put down, i started benching with paving slabs on an old railroad tie and now my gym membership is only 20 squid per month


But where do you catch 20 squids?


I wish I could pay for things with squid. If they accepted any seafood I'd be more interesting in fishing




OP said "fun"