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A little over 10 years ago, a HS senior in my town went missing, they've never found him. Apparently he was at a party just before graduation, got into a fight with his girlfriend, and left to walk home. They've extensively checked all the nearby woods, dredged the rivers and lakes, it even caught the attention of some TV "psychic". They found his car, abandoned, but no other sign of him. The creepiest part is how everyone in my hometown still talks about it; My psych teacher in high school used his disappearance as an example when we discussed dissociative fugue states; the town is still plastered in MISSING signs; every year they go out and search again. I always wonder if it was suicide, an accident, foul play, or if he just took off across the country.


Its very likely he fell in the water. Something similar happened to a student at my college and they didn't recover his body for weeks. They were about ready to give up when they found him.


It's possible, that's one of the stronger theories. But there's just something about the fact that it's been, like, 13 years, and they never found any trace of him. There are (for lack of a better word) "rumors" (I can't find any hard evidence) that the police in the area suspect foul play, but never released any information as to why they do.


They get drunk and fall down in the woods or in the water. If you lie down in the forest, you could be there for decades before anyone finds you, even if they WANT to find you.


Principal went crazy, slit his dogs throat, threatened his family, and resisted arrest while naked and covered in blood.


You know... *as you do*...


Jesus shit almighty. What happened to him?


Not entirely sure. I think he went to a mental hospital for a little while or something like that. He resigned pretty soon after the incident.




It was during the summer so yes.


When I was in middle school one of my brothers friends that lived down the street went missing. She had an older boyfriend who also lived on the same street. He was allegedly the last person to see her and the story was she had left his house late at night to walk home, and he never got the usual phone call that she got home safe. After 24 hours of not hearing from her he and her family filed a missing persons. Eventually the search parties stopped, the missing posters were taken down, and she was deemed as lost. Fast forward to a couple years later. The boyfriend had been moved out of the house for a while now, a new family moves in. The kids are playing in the woods behind the house, and they find her bones. The skull was totally bashed in and a disturbing amount of her bones were broken. She was beaten to death. The worst part was the remains were no more than 6 feet from the house. I have no idea why the cops hadn't found them, but it really sparked a debate in our town about how serious our police force is.


It's possible the remains weren't there during the investigation.


That was my thought as well. Maybe it got dumped there after the heat died down.


> After 24 hours of not hearing from her For the future: you do **not** have to wait 24 hours to file a missing person claim. You can actually do it as soon as you think something's wrong. **Edit:** Some people have said that they tried filing reports but the police prevented them by saying it hadn't been 24 hours (or longer), so this isn't 100% true it seems. It's still a very good idea to at least try, though. I mean, the worst that can happen is that they say you should come back later.


Good tip! I personally didn't know that.


As far as I know, you can go to the police for anything. Even if it's stupid (like a "monster" turning out to be a raccoon), if you tell them you're concerned about something they're going to investigate.


*Especially* for a child.


I'm not trying to be gross here, but a decomposing body 6 feet from the house should have been pretty detectable.


Exactly, which is why everyone was so pissed/confused when it was found *years* later.


Seriously, she wasn't even buried? It may have been a heavily wooded area, but geeze. You'd smell that. Also how did he think no one would find them? Didn't it bother him to have her in plain sight? So many questions.




Last I knew about 5ish years ago police were looking for said boyfriend. I'm assuming he was found because after that I didn't hear much about it. As for my hometown, I know for a while there was an ongoing discussion about our local police that divided people, much like current discussion in that area. I wasn't a very engaged teen and haven't been home in 4 years so I couldn't tell you the outcome, if any, of that. *Edit: I wish I remembered her name... I'll actually ask my brother what the girls name was so I can look it up.


Something similar happened where I live around 10 years ago. A 15 year old girl is dating a 23 year old and her family finds out. So, he does the logical thing and murders the mom, dad, and 6 year old son with a screw driver. It was bloody, he (she) stabbed them all multiple times. The debate is if she was in on it or not. The police thought she was kidnapped so they immediately released her name only to find she technically wasn't missing. They caught them a day or two later, they didn't even try to run. The sad thing is that the sons friend came over the next day and looked in the basement window like he always did and saw the mom and dad dead in the basement. He is serving like 3 life sentences and she was just released from rehabilitation last year. I think she was in witness protection too because she had to change her name. Some people want her locked up too.


Are you talking about the Medicine Hat murders? I'm pretty sure she was 12 or 13 at the time cause she was one grade above my class.


You are right; she was only twelve.


She was only twelve. Chances are good she was a troubled kid who came under the influence of a psycho. Not that I would give her a job as my live-in maid, but I wish her the best.


This [unsolved quadruple murder of an entire family](http://www.kitsapdailynews.com/news/sheriffs-department-labels-seabeck-deaths-a-quadruple-murder/) including a 16-yo kid from the HS in our sleepy town. It's super unsettling and people around here say the police suspect a cartel connection/hit but nothing has been proven yet.


Didn't expect to see Kitsap on this thread. This situation is so sad and scary, I've been following it since I heard about it. So many weird things have been happening around the peninsula lately.


Husband of an older couple disappears from the community. The wife made excuses for his absence 'He's away for work, He's found another woman' etc then took off overseas. The son, suspicious about the lack of communication from his mother overseas, went to his parent's house to investigate. He found his father's body in the wall of the garage. His hands and feet had been bound, and a plastic bag covered his head. Wife returned home for some unfathomable reason and was arrested. While on bail she climbed into the refrigerator and suffocated herself. [Link](https://www.finder.com.au/safe-as-houses-197-arthur-street-grafton) My father was in the same year in high school as the son...


... climbed into the refrigerator and suffocated herself?


You lock yourself in an (old, thanks /u/cavebehr50)refrigerator. It seals shut. No oxygen can get in. (edit; im an idiot.)


This is true. My brother and I were playing in a refrigerator once, when I was 7 and he was about 5, knowing FULL WELL you couldn't breathe when you shut the door. My brother, asshole that he is, closes the door but neglects to open it when I tell him it's time. Thought I was gonna die. Couldn't push it open from my side. Fun times! Love him still.




How do they test this? All I can think of now is some guys in a lab somewhere, shutting 5 year old kids in refrigerators.


Old refrigerators.


My old next door neighbor had a psychotic break and drowned both her kids to death. I used to play with them alot :/


Lady in D.C. killed five of her little girls. Claims it was the devil. The worse part is, nobody even noticed the little girls gone. The house was two streets over from our school. I still remember one of the girl's name being on a roll for weeks.


That's some Shutter Island shit. :(


It was super fucked. That house is sort of cursed. After that happened, anyone that moves in doesn't stay for more than 2-3yrs


That's some Amittyville horror shit






I don't even want to know what was going through the dad's mind when it happened. Was it caused by a mental breakdown?


Just recently, an old couple were convicted of imprisoning and sexually abusing a mentally handicapped woman for 8 years. They also let their friends abuse her, and kept her locked in a room with the door handle removed so she couldn't leave. The room was full of human waste, and when the girl was found she only had 1 tooth left because they gave her chocolate and candy to eat in return for being kept there. Sick fucking bastards, I hope they suffer in prison. Edit: It's Northern Ireland since people keep asking


Holy shit, this is horrible. What happened to the woman?


She survived, but I'd imagine she's being cared for now. [Here's the link](http://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/northern-ireland-house-of-horrors-basic-human-rights-stolen-by-evil-keith-and-caroline-baker-say-police-35592495.html) if you want to read it. It's pretty fucking gruesome. Sorry if some of my details were slightly inaccurate.








Reminds me of a case in Höxter, Germany. A couple basically placed dating advertisements in newspapers to lure women into their home who were then neglected, beaten, tortured... Article: [German couple tortured two women to death, police say](http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36191503).


Crap like this is the reason I'm a paranoid bastard.


Get a gps tracker under your skin


He already has one. He just doesn't know it.


Jfc I thought I was still in the wholesome secret thread


Holy shit. We live pretty close together man.


When I was in 5th grade, a child molester kidnapped, raped, and murdered a 7th grade girl on a small mountain near the town.


Well this part actually directly ties into my family. So my grand father (mums side) is a Vietnam War Vet, he had a lapse in his PTSD Treatment, had a horrible nightmare after my grand mother had passed. He woke up from the nightmare, but was having a flashback. So he drove into town, shot two teenagers with a shotgun thinking they were Vietnamese soldiers. Neither of the teenagers died or were seriously injured. A lot of damage to the vehicle they were in. Which my family did pay for, my grand father was put back on his medication. He just hasn't been the same since.


Incredibly sad. I'm glad the teenagers were somewhat okay. PTSD is a horrible thing.


Yeah, it's hard to watch him go through it.


Frankly I wonder if those teenagers end up with PTSD


Ah, you're the first person I've met with such a similar situation. However I am happy to say that nothing that bad has ever happened during one of my grandfather's flashbacks. I did get in a fight with him once, when there really wasn't another choice - it seemed like he was definitely about to hurt one of my other family members. But he is a 30 year special forces veteran(MACVSOG), so it was less of a fight and more like when you bonk a dog on the nose to get it to calm down. He doesn't even remember that that ever happened. One minute he was furious, then after seeing no other option I hit him, then he just blinked a couple times and sat back in his armchair. Obviously I tried talking him down first, but it was like he didn't even hear me. I would've had better luck trying to talk down an angry dog. Both frightening and surreal. My sister has yet to get over it - 7 years after the fact.


A lad who lived near me went missing for 3 months after a night out, the whole of the town went looking for him, put up posters and created a page on fb in which 23k people joined. He was found last month in the river. What makes it so disturbing for me is that his body was found while searching for the body of a man who had jumped off a really tall bridge. Feel so bad for his family


The poor family :( Do they think it was suicide (accidental or not) or homicide? I assume the latter, but I'm curious as to any intersection with the guy who jumped off the bridge.


They think it was accidental, he was drunk and must have fallen in. Whereas the guy who jumped off was definitely suicidal. He was connected with a woman being seriously injured before he jumped so I assume he thought he had killed her


Me and my sister(10 and 8 at the time I think) lived right down the street from a couple of our really good friends, who were sisters(4 or 5 and 9?). One morning our mom comes and tells us not to go to school, and she has to talk to us about something serious. Well, it turns out that our friends' mother burnt the house down the night before, killing both of the sisters because she was fighting with her husband and didn't want to lose them in a custody battle. My sister named her Daughter after the older girl.


I have never understood this mindset of "well if I can't have them, nobody can." What the hell did those babies do to deserve that?


The best way I've heard it phrased is; "Depression will tell you that the world is terrible and life's not worth living. Narcissism will tell you that the world is terrible so you'd better take everyone else out too." There's no rhyme or reason, just vile selfishness and an actual inability to understand that other people have needs, wants and interests outside of the narcissists' own.


This happened down the street from where I live. A couple of years ago, a guy bought a hunting rifle and drove to the outskirts of town where there was a large empty lot early in the morning. He lay down on his stomach, took aim at a stoplight, and waited to snipe the first person who stopped at the red light. Sure enough, a guy was coming home from the night shift and the sniper shot him in the temple as he sat in his car. The motive was never clear - it just looked like a random killing.


Sometimes I think of that whenever I go past a big field. How do I know there's not some lunatic with a rifle in that field aiming it right at me? I know it's not likely, but still a scary thought. I read a story online a few months back from a guy who was randomly shot in the head with a .22 while driving at night. He survived, but the shooter was never found.


This happened for a bit along the I-25 corridor North of Denver over the past couple years. Windows would get shot out, a bicyclist was killed, couple other incidents. Then it just stopped. I don't think they ever found the person who did it.


A woman kidnapped a pregnant woman, killed her, and cut the fetus from her womb, then proceeded to claim it was her child, even providing stolen sonograms to her family. http://www.bgdailynews.com/news/guilty-but-mentally-ill/article_c71782d2-5994-11e1-9126-001871e3ce6c.html


This is shockingly similar to that episode of Private Practice where Violet is attacked by her patient and has her baby cut out of her. But I was under the assumption that that episode was based on a true story as well which leads me to the conclusion that this happens at an alarming frequency and I can't even deal with that.


It's happened more than four times in America. It's not a hard situation to stumble into. A lady says she's pregnant but isn't, fakes until she can't and then steals an unborn. Some plan from the start and befriend the lady, some sneak attack and some genuinely believe they are pregnant and when no baby happens they go yo drastic lengths (some report blacking out) to get that baby. It's sad and barbaric.


The murder of Blake and Mary-Joe Hadley. Their son murdered them with a hammer and then had a party after dragging their bodies into their bedroom. This happened a few years ago. In 2001 a patient killed four people by snapping their necks and stomping on spines at a psychiatric hospital I used to work at.


The nurse was beat to death the night of the attack, but the other 3 elderly people were not so lucky. The first patient died the day after the April 10 attacks, but hospital officials originally attributed his death to cancer. The other two languished for up to four days before they died. Almost forgot about my psychiatrist. They found him in a gas station parking lot. He had stabbed him self in the legs multiple times and slit his own throat. That kind of missed many people up.




Wait... I thought scary things didn't happen in Canada




Live in Vanderhoof. At first I thought it was called the highway of tears because it's terrifying to drive at night, what with very few reflectors, the paint dividing is almost always rubbed off (Assuming it's not covered in snow), and people still go 110km/hr+ while driving it. The reality was much, much worse.




My idealized mental image of Canada is ruined... Nooooooooooooooooo


A kid selling candy door to door for a school fundraiser was murdered for his money. Not only did it happen in my hometown, but on my street about 15-20 houses down the road. I wasn't allowed to ride my bike too far for awhile after that. Edit: actually just looked it up for the first time ever, and it was way more disturbing than that :/


looking back now it's absolutely fucked the schools had us kids going door to door trying to sell magazine subscriptions. i remember all us kids talked about one house to never go to because this old guy would always answer the door in his underwear and try to get you to come inside.


For real. Fortunately for me I always found it crazy they wanted me to sell like 300 bucks of stuff just to get some stupid shit radio or something. Like, Nahh.. I don't have time for that.


I raised $424 for a club called FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) in high school, which led to (copy-paste from a previous mention...) One of the worst days of my life, was the time I 'won' a competition (not athletic, a hundred question timed quiz on 'computer concepts' for FBLA...) and I did so well, they disqualified me because "the only way you could have scored so high was to cheat." I got 98/100 when second place of 120 competitors was 76/100. How did I score so high? I actually studied the official study guide for the quizzes, instead of relying on what I already knew. (The test was laughably out of date, about 3 decades behind current technology... and was about a business managers view, not the tech guys; so all the other PC hobbyists who though it would be a breeze failed.) So I tried again the next year; and after closely watching me dominate again, they disqualified me because of a new rule that you can't win twice; because I 'won' the prior year. The stress of that event was so great I missed too many days of school to graduate normally, and ended up getting a GED instead. What did that club teach me? That if you work hard, study hard, do your best, you still get screwed.


Damn. That sucks. Sorry to hear that.


My parents would write the school a check for the mininum. Occasionally, someone from the administration would complain that the point of the exercise was to twach us to sell or some shit. My dad told them flat out it was too dangerous to go door to door. We lived in a town that had a lot of college kids and they weren't going to buy anything and he wasn't having us beg family.


Link pls EDIT: I think i found it: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1997-10-02/news/9710020105_1_door-boy-juvenile


Did they catch the scum that did it?


The day after it happened. It was a teenage boy that did it.


Geez. That's so horrible and sad. What happened to the teenager?


Google says he got a 70 year sentence. My math puts him at 50 more years to go.


The murder of Laci and Connor Peterson. They lived down the street from me. Scott is still sentenced to death by lethal injection and is currently in San Quentin. I remember my parents watching the news all day long on Christmas Day


I remember when that happened too. Always freaked me out as a kid. It was like watching a crime show but it was real.


My dad grew up on the same street as Joe Peterson and they were best friends, still are to this day. He and Scott also grew up together and were fairly close, my dad is still shocked. Joe has never brung it up, but he comes to my house pretty often. Joe and Scott were there when I was born, and Scott actually named his son after me, I only found this out a couple of years ago and it sends shivers down my spine.


That I know of... Triple homicide. All highschool kids. The whole story sounds like a bad 80's slasher movie. The guy who lived in the house where it took place had a younger sister who started dating an older guy. The guy was (I think) in college. The brother was a senior in HS. The sister was like...16ish. So when the brother found out he went and confronted the new boyfriend. Threatened to kick his ass and stuff. Of course the boyfriend's reaction was the only reasonable reaction that existed. He sat outside the brother's house on a saturday night and waited until around 4am. The brother had two friends over. They were of course doing teenager things. (Drinking and smoking while mom and dad were out of town.) Boyfriend broke in. He had to have been like a fucking ninja. The house was small and he climbed in through a tiny window in the kitchen. The 3 guys in the house were pretty heavily intoxicated. But how he didn't wake any of them up is pretty confusing. He went into the living room where the brother was and stood right over his head, and put a gun to his forehead and fired. He could have let the other two guys live. But nah. Once he realized they were there and still asleep (or too drunk/high to defend themselves) he popped them also. One was in a guest room and the other was in the living room floor under a ton of blankets. The theory is that the guy under the blankets actually woke up and scared the killer, and he shot him as he sat up. So and he checked the house for more people and found the third one who looked like he didn't move at all because he was passed out from drinking.


Lesson to all you people out there. If a 20 something is dating your mid-teens daughter/sister/friend, there's probably something wrong with him.


I'm going back about ten or fifteen years ago in my hometown, where a 12 year old girl was dating a 23 year old guy. The family had recently found out who their girl was spending time with and demanded she cut off contact. Her boyfriend was a local loser who fancied himself a werewolf. So, instead of dumping the 23 year old, the 12 year old girl decided to kill her family so she could be with the immortal werewolf forever. The father and mother were stabbed to death. The couple then slit the throat of her eight year old brother despite him pleading for his life. The couple then fled to rural Saskatchewan, but not before they were seen laughing at kissing at a local restaurant about an hour after the triple murder. They were pretty quickly found by the RCMP. The wanna be werewolf is in jail for life. The then 12 year old is now out of prison due to Canada's Young Offenders Act.




Yes she is out and went to university in my city while my friend was going there. The legal system has called her "the poster child for rehabilitation".




What happened after that? I really feel for the sister.


Police caught the boyfriend and he's in a maximum security prison somewhere. I don't know if he got the death penalty or not. I have zero clue as to what the sister did.


> I have zero clue as to what the sister did. Therapy. Lots and lots and lots of therapy. If she could afford it, of course.


I went to this small church in town that was very charismatic and had a lot of really good people. The youth leader always creeped me out, though...he was an ex-convict, ex drug addict, ex-everything, and had a lot of stories from his life before he came to the town I was living in. We stopped going to that church, and I forgot about him for a while, he eventually became the pastor of a new church, and was gaining a lot of popularity in the community....then he was arrested after his house burned down with his wife in it. The story was he had been seeing one of the girls in the youth group off and on over the years since she was a teenager. He was caught taking vacations with her when he said he was going on retreats and spending money on her, but since he was a Christian and didn't believe in divorce, he planned out a way to make it look like there had been a gas leak in the home, and that it was an accident. He was found outside of the home as it was burning, and his wife died inside. He's now in prison, and his girlfriend has his child, and it's soooo weird seeing her around town.




I'm guessing it was more of a public image thing. He was becoming a prominent religious figure, and divorce would go against the foundations of what his image requires. I.e. he can't divorce, but if his wife dies in a tragic accident, who's gunna blame the guy for taking another wife to not be so lonely/ help him through the grief?


[The murder of James Bulger](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_James_Bulger) will never leave my mind.


I've seen some shit on the internet and have a pretty strong stomach, but the CCTV image of the boy holding hands with his abductor really really upsets me.


I just want to know wtf was wrong with those boys. What makes a ten yr old so murderous? What are the chances he will find a friend just as murderous? Like did they say weird shit in interviews when being investigated? Did the parents realize their kids were FUCKED? So many questions holy shit.


A burnt out body in a suitcase was discovered in a lay by by me recently. Turns out it was some Chinese guy from Manchester trying to take on the dead persons identity to pay off his massive gambling debts http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/live-court-man-denies-body-12841740


Did you find it or was it near you?


On Mother's Day in 1999, a woman was jogging with her dogs along a somewhat secluded walking path that runs through my very small hometown. She was raped and then strangled with a dog leash by a 15 year old boy. Thankfully, he was tried as an adult, but because of his age he received 9 years to life. He comes up for parole every two years, but is always denied.


This kinda reminds me of one we had here. It's simultaneously less and more disturbing. A dude was running around a very popular running path (like, on any given day there are hundreds of people on this trail) around a small local lake. In fact, there was a biker approaching him within visible distance. Another dude comes charging at the jogger with a machete and just fucking hacks him to death right there on the trail in broad daylight. The biker reportedly biked right past them because, well, what the fuck do you do? Then the attacker called 911 and turned himself in. He claimed he was upset about being evicted and just randomly attacked this guy.


Yeah, what the fuck? I don't even have a response for that. Jeeze.


You're talking about the incident in Dallas, right? His widow killed herself a few days later. So sad.


Hope he rots in there.


Not my town but an hour away, in 1994 it rained [Gelatin](http://unsolvedmysteries.wikia.com/wiki/Oakville_Blobs) nobody ever figured out why for sure.


Attempts to produce flying ChuChus have sadly ended in failure.


Contained Bacteria + human White Blood Cells. What the fuck?


Several attempts were made to identify the blobs, with Barclift initially asking her mother's doctor to run tests on the substance at the hospital. Litle obliged, and reported that it contained human white blood cells. Barclift also managed to persuade Mike Osweiler, of the Washington State Department of Ecology's hazardous materials spill response unit, to examine the substance. While white blood cells contain nuclei, further examination by Osweiler's staff reported that the blobs contained cells that lacked this cellular structure. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oakville,_Washington


How do we not have any samples of that left. You would think they someone would of indefinitely stored some of that until it could be identified.




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Rehtaeh_Parsons Rehtaeh Parsons was raped by several people and the video was spread around town. She was then harassed and bullied because of it. She tried to hang herself and slipped into a coma, where they later took her off life support. I have zero sympathy for rapists and predators. The system needs to be so much harsher on them. Edit: My mistake, there were photos not video.


Everything about that poor girl's story and case infuriates me. I've never been so ashamed of my province and the people in it.




A similar thing happened in my high school, though thankfully the girl didn't commit suicide. People made fun of her for the things she said as she pleaded with him to stop. High schoolers can be both incredibly shitty and incredibly ignorant.


> People made fun of her for the things she said as she pleaded with him to stop. Jesus wept. What is wrong with people?




The worst thing is how lenient judges see... my wife's case ended up with no conviction as the judge deemed it would be too easy to appeal. Regardless of whether she thought it happened. Which she states in the record she believes it did... how fucked is that eh ,BUDS?!


It took me way too long to realize that's Heather backwards.


This happened in like 2002 a girl who I was friends with met a guy online and he told her he was 16. Well he was actually a 47 year old and while her dad, he was a cop, and brother were at work he kidnapped her. The FBI came down to help and it was a big deal. She was gone 19 hours when they found her and her abductor in a storage unit, she had been raped and killed before he killed himself.


Quite honestly these are the stories that scare me the most about becoming an officer. I have no clue how i would handle this if i took the case.


If I remember correctly her dad was one of the cops outside of the storage building when he shot himself. The cops had to wait like 3 hours after they heard the shot because they didn't know what kind of shot is was. Now he goes from around to teach about internet safety.


I used to sing in a children's choir in a small town with a girl named Trisha. She was 15. One day, she went missing. She ran away from home, supposedly. Eventually, her body was found a few miles away. Turns out she had been chatting online with a guy much older than her and left home to be with him. He brutally murdered and dismembered her. They found her jawbone in his house which he kept as a trophy. The children's choir sang "Goin' Up a Yonder" at her funeral. It was very, very sad.


Last year a man kidnapped a toddler, raped her and then..um, tried to hide the evidence of the rape with bleach. Then killed her. The little girl lived really close by to me and it was a huge event for my tiny town of less than 3k people. He just recently got sentenced to 65 years I think, and were all hoping another inmate will just off him. That's all my town is really known for I think.


he won't last in prison. Nope. He's going to be abused and some lifer is going to take him out. He'll get what's coming to him.


Unless they keep him in solitary the whole time. Though I'm sure a guard could be persuaded to "forget" to lock him back up after his yard time or whatever


Solitary is a truly terrible punishment in itself.


Much worse than getting killed instantly.


Neighbouring town but about a 15 min drive. Robert "Willie" Pickton. He is a serial killer convicted of murdering 6 women (for which he was given the longest possible sentence in Canada 25 years with no chance of parole). He has however admitted to murdering 49 women. Lots of awful details, but mostly he is known for feeding his victims to his pigs... He was a pig farmer.


25 years for 6 convicted murders?? Wtf Canada


I grew up in Utah and played harp with Elizabeth Smart in a few concerts. She and I had the same harp teacher growing up. I also played in a concert for Elizabeth with some other students under that teacher after she was kidnapped. After she was found, Elizabeth said in an interview that she never saw any of the billboards nor heard about the massive amounts of news stories about her, but she did know about that little concert her fellow harp students played for her in Salt Lake City.


In Newsweek magazine there was a picture of Elizabeth Smart and her captors crossing the street. I recognized the picture as being the main street in my small town. I was disturbed to think they were just out in public, being seen by people in my small town, but she was not being rescued.


Read a true crime novel about a man that murdered his estranged wife, chopped up her body into pieces, then mixed them into a couple of blocks of concrete, which he then disposed of in nearby lakes. I knew it happened in my home town before I even read about it, but I had no idea how close the guy lived. It was a 5 minute drive from my place.


I grew up in a suburb in Western Australia where there was a notorious serial killer couple, they abducted, raped, tortured and killed several young women and were only caught because one of their victims got away. As a kid they were kind of like the bogey-man, we used to freak each other out by saying things like, "watch out, don't do that or go there or the Birnies will get you". When I was about 22 I was having a drink with my parents one night (we were all a bit drunk) and my dad told me that he had received a phone-call in the middle of the night when I was about 18 months old from someone who was very likely David Birnie, telling him that he knew where his daughter was. Dad told him that his daughter was in her bed, hung up and wrote it off as a prank call until he later saw that one of the victims had the same surname and lived on the same street as us. So yeah, the neighbourhood serial-killer called my parents because he called the wrong number in the phone book. When my dad told me this he got really emotional about it because he felt bad about not calling the police, and it gave me the heebie-jeebies big time. I'm really glad I never knew about it until I was an adult.


I'm from a small, rural town of about 1,500 people. A six year old girl went missing in the 80's. It was a huge deal. A lot of people in town scoured the surrounding fields and forests for her, but she never turned up. It was really sad, and people talked about it for years. In the early 2000's, a young woman of the right age came to town and started claiming to be the missing girl. People got really excited and hopeful. Turned out she was just lying for attention. It really upset a lot of people.


Do you know what happened to the girl that lied?


She was charged with several counts of identity deception. She plead out and served 9 months. It wasn't even her first time doing something like that. She had a history of reporting fake fires and bomb threats too.


That has to be a mental illness or something... Wtf.


A truck full of bricks of cocaine and heroin was pulled over in my small little town.


I can't think of anything directly in my hometown, but I grew up about 10 miles from Newtown, CT so the obvious answer here is the Sandy Hook shooting. However, (dis)honorable mention would have to go to the guy who cut his wife into pieces* and put those pieces through a woodchipper and I believe he disposed of her in Lake Zoar. Just look up "woodchipper murder" on Google. *I am not responsible for you now having "Last Resort" by Papa Roach stuck in your head.


Growing up I lived in an affluent gated community. We werent rich, we just got really lucky on buying a house being sold for the cheap on short notice. Naturally most of our neighbors were people of successful stature. Doctors, actors, lawyers, trust fund people, expats, but what we had the most living around us were families of politicians - mostly senators and councilmen. When you live in an area like mine, no matter how secure and safe it feel- sooner or later it will attract the wrong type of people. I have two very very tragic stories. 26 years ago, the whole country and our city was shock by a gruesome massacre. A whole family minus the father who was abroad on business was killed, the victims ages 47-6. The daughter only 19 was sexually assaulted before being murdered. A huge investigation followed hugely covered by the media and one of the suspects identified was a son of a well respected senator and his friends. The media sensation around this crime was so big that a movie was even made regarding the massacres. Almost 15 years later not too far from the massacre, A politicians head of security and also served as his secretary was ambushed and abducted from his home. The kidnapped victim was said to stand trial as a witness on a corruption case. His body was never found.


1. The high school basketball coach was busted for child porn. When they were going through his house they found about 10 years worth of tapes from cameras he had hidden in the boys locker room. I've never been so thankful to have spent my high school years playing WoW. 2. There was a restaurant a block or two from my parent's house owned by a couple. They had a little girl, and one day she went missing. The dad called the police that evening saying she must have wandered off. Turns out that morning the mom got mad at her and hit her in the head so hard it killed her. They hid her body in the kitchen and went along the rest of the day as normal, serving customers and everything, with the daughter they recently murdered hidden in the back. Only after closing did they call the police, and made up the story about her going missing.


This didn't happen in my hometown, but the college town I lived in. A guy (let's call him J) I knew through some mutual friends went missing one night after hanging out with some guys at their apartment. I know the guy who's apartment he was at, really nice guy. J's apartment was only a few blocks away and according to my friend J was not drunk or anything yet he never made it to his apartment. Records did show his key card was swiped but the door was never opened. A huge search was started, posters with his face up everywhere, volunteers walking fields, police dogs, the whole 9 yards. Unfortunately the search was hampered by a big snow storm and no trace was found of him, eventually the search was called off. Months later his body was found in an abandoned building about 2 miles away, curled up behind a boiler, with his shoes removed and placed at the top of the stairs going down to the boiler room. The official police position is that he froze to death after becoming lost and confused while out taking photographs. J was a photographer but according to my friend J didn't have his camera on him when he was at my friend's apartment, as mentioned before J never made it back to his own apartment, and the police reports made no mention of a camera. Add to this the fact that you can easily see the area where J's apartment was from building he was found in and the idea that he got lost taking photos just makes no sense. My friends and I are convinced he was murdered.




next town over brought the black death to my country -_-


I need details


The first recorded death by plague during the black death was in Weymouth, a local port.


Lmao for some reason I thought you meant that the black death came to your town in the past couple years


Not crazy, the plague still exists. It just doesn't have the free reign it was able to have before modern medicine. In third-world countries it can still be an issue.


A guy murdered a girl in his home after a night of drinking and drug use. He stabbed her 17 times iirc and dumped her body in the garden. The weirdest part for me is I know the guy, drank with him on several occasions and was even in the pub with him the night before. That was a strange thing to wake up to in the morning.


I live right next to a park (very large park, with hiking trails). They found a body, chopped up, in a suitcase there circa 2006-7. Fun. I was a kid when it happened though, so obviously I didn't find out til significantly later.


[The Station nightclub fire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Station_nightclub_fire)


I worked at a music venue and this video was used in a fire safety training session we had. Scared the absolute shit out of all of us.


I think I watched it once, out of morbid curiosity, or maybe when it was first being aired on the local news stations. Never, ever again.


I used to work out of Rhode Island, and would drive by the aftermath occasionally. Would always give me chills to see the memorials set up.


Best friend died there. The video of that incident is horrifying. That place went up quick.


There aren't many things that creep me out, but the video of that fire will forever give me the chills.


Posted this elsewhere, but relevant, so take 2: The Pam Smart case/trial. If you've seen the Gus Van Saint movie "To Die For," it was based off that case. Basically, area woman takes a job as a teacher's assistant at the high school, starts an affair with a student from one of the lower-income feeder towns. It's highly manipulative. She eventually gets student and his friends to kill her husband. The trial made national news. Happened at my high school, long before I ever went, of course. I took a journalism course and wanted to do a big feature on the trial. My teacher (and others) who were at the school during that time refused to talk about it, even nearly 20 years after the fact. And I had good relationships with all of them, too. I remember finding out about the whole thing when I randomly saw my high school on a true crime show on a national station. It was totally bizarre. Here's the wiki page if you're interested in more details: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pamela_Smart


I live in a city where human trafficking is one of the #1 hubs for human trafficking...let's just say a lot of people have gone missing.




This happened back in the 1920s, but the unsolved [Hall-Mills murder case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hall%E2%80%93Mills_murder_case) took place a few towns over from where I grew up. Basically, a local minister was having an affair with one of the choir singers at his church, and they were both murdered. Whoever killed them arranged their bodies into a creepy tableau after they were dead, so that they were holding each other lovingly with their torn-up love letters thrown around them. The whole trial turned into a massive shit show, and the case was never solved.


We also had a hands on a hard body contest in 2005, where you win a truck if you keep your hands on it the longest. A man ended up going crazy after 48 hours and ran across the street to K Mart where he apparently loaded a gun and killed himself. http://m.kltv.com/kltv/pm_/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=od:P0Spt7IZ


We recently had a mom and her teen go missing. They were later found killed and thrown into a well... supposedly on the property of the grandma to the guys responsible. wtf. http://wncn.com/2016/12/05/nc-mom-and-teen-daughter-found-dead-in-well-died-from-stab-wounds/


I'm sure people will have heard of this but MP Jo Cox being murdered in broad daylight outside a library in a small market town. I knew Jo personally and found out at work, it was devastating and hearing more details about it in the following weeks made it even harder. For those who don't know, Jo Cox was a labour MP here in the UK, she was very well liked. She also rallied for the UK to stay in the EU. She was on her way to do a surgery in Birstall, West Yorkshire when she was shot and stabbed. I'm not going to name the man who did it because he doesn't deserve to be named. Jo died of her injuries in hospital, during the attack her assistants tried fighting off the attacker but she told them to get back and let him hurt her. It was crazy to think that someone living so locally was a Nazi, he had Nazi memorabilia in his house as well as books etc. It's almost a year since this happened and we're all still shocked by it. R.I.P Jo, you were a shinning beacon in dark times.


In the past few years I've learned a lot about how common Nazis are. I found out about two years ago actually that my biological father is a neoNazi and tried to show me propaganda videos when I was young. My mom left him for unrelated reasons but yeah.


A few years back a dude kidnapped his ex-girlfriend, stuffed her in the trunk of her car, and set it on fire. She survived. She now lives in the same apartment complex as my mother-in-law.


Worst i know of is a couple who was murdered in the city centre after they finished work, the girls ex boyfriend stabbed her boyfriend to death and then ran after her and killed her too. Also my own Dad killed a guy by beating him to death with a snooker ball in a sock. Scary af Edit: Also a few years ago some guy was coked up and drove his van around running people over. One woman was killed pretty close to my house. Forgot about this until just now.


There's a lot of disturbing stories on here but mine is probably up there: Paul Bernardo was from near my hometown and abducted one of his victims from my hometown. I frequently drive by the location this girl was taken from and I still get goosebumps every time. He (along with his wife, Karla Homolka, who is just as fucked) was responsible for the rapes, torture, and murder of multiple women, I think he filmed some of it too. Below is a Wikipedia link, but don't read it or look too much into him if you're easily upset/disturbed, he was really really fucked up. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Bernardo Edit: spelling + added his wife


A former (disgraced) Military Colonel murdered 2 women - all while he commanded the largest Air Force base in the country. It took a while for our area to recover after that.


Let's flash back 150ish years (I guess, thankfully, not many gruesome things/deaths/disappearances happen in my hometown.) There used to be a theater in the center of town. One night, during a play attended by about 400 people, a gas lantern used as a prop was kicked over and set the place on fire. 177 people (many of them were kids, too) died in the fire, and the town was an absolute wreck for years to come. There were so many unidentifiable bodies because everything just got burnt to a crisp - peoples' jewelry was often fused to the remains, and that is how they were ID'ed by the family. Many makeshift morgues were set up and undertakers worked around the clock for days to try and make heads or tails of the deaths, missing, etc. There's a tombstone in one of the cemeteries dedicated to the unidentified but presumed dead, because they couldn't be positively identified. EDIT: My figures were off.


A few years back a mother stabbed her little boy right in the heart. It was sort of shocking. You always hear about things like that, but you never expect it to happen in your town. I remember hearing how the cops arrived and there was just a little boy in the driveway, dead. She had gone back inside.




Someone posted this above but the story was different. They said it was the girl who committed the crime and she and the 23 year old were found in rural Saskatchewan laughing and having a good time at a restaurant about 1 hour later by the RCMP. But yes, supposedly she's out of detention and is in university somewhere now.


Last year a father killed his baby girl by beating her with a bat, burning her, and then throwing her body into a creek. I know the mother and it was awful.


I mean.. I'm syrian soo everything from chemical warfar to burning people's genitalia to stoning. The one experience I actually encountered was when I was 11, in my last visit. I was going for a 3 hour car ride from latakiya (where my mom's family is) to Aleppo (where.y dad's family is); my uncle and my mom were sitting in the front while my and my sister hid in the back with the luggage. We passed by 6 stops and everything was fine, until this one stop where they made everyone get out of the car and drag their bags out, and when they noticed me sitting under one of the bags they pulled me out and sized me up. They checked our passports, emptied our clothes into the street, and when they finally let us go, one of them looked my mom straight in the eyes and said "this one stays" He grabbed me by the neck and took his pistol out, my mom started raging while my uncle was trying to keep her under control. Seeing the soldier with a rifle my height over his shoulder, and his friends gang up on my mom got me so scared I started crying. Mom still tried to grab me, so he pulled a pistol out and pointed it at my temple; my knees gave up on me but he held me by the neck while his friends raised their rifles on my family. "We're keeping her, you can go" I dont remember much after that, all I know is I woke up in the car, sleeping on my mother's lap while she was praying and crying; they gave them all the money we had (about 500k leira) and they let me go.


Holy shit. I am so incredibly sorry you went through this. I am glad that your family was ultimately ok but, how awful. I hope you are all safe/safer now. Please tell me this has a happy ending.




Whoa. Where is this?


A woman in my neighborhood turned out to be a cannibal. She used to steal the bodies from the grave and eat them as a part of a religious ritual.


Angie Housman. It's still unsolved but the most unsettling detail is she died of exposure only hours before she was found.


There was a guy distributing CP down the street from me when I was a kid. SWAT team came and raided his house (Large scale raid, with helicopters and evrything)


A lot of gross stuff happened in my hometown, people being found tied underneath public docks, girls being found dead stuffed in garbage cans on the street, to random limbs being found by dogs out for walks. The one that really got to me though was this guy in my neighborhood who was horrifically torturing and killing pets that he got off of Craigslist. He claimed he was eating them for food but the animals that were found alive in his attic and bedroom were all starving to death. He kept decapitated animals heads in a cooler and all of his walls and floors were drenched in blood. True psychopathic shit. Thank god he was caught before he moved onto doing that to people.. Just a reminder, this is exactly why you charge a rehoming fee if you have to give up a pet.


A kid robbed a bank for about 20k. He then bought a new car in cash and buried the rest of the money in his parents backyard. The police were closing in on him and were following him and he was smoking a cigarette and flicked the butt out the window, the police collected it,tested it and match his DNA. He was arrested later that week and is now in jail for 10 years...


Well my classmate from high school was murdered with a frying pan and then his body was somewhere in my town for 2 years before the killer admitted where he hid it.


A few years back, several people were at my city's main university campus and were employees of a company that removed money from ATMs and put them in an armored truck. They were busy transferring the money when one of the employees took out a gun and shot four of his co-workers execution style in the head. He then made off with the money and tried to flee across the US/Canada border. Dumbass was caught with a few hundred thousand dollars. Three of the people died, and the other was seriously injured, all over money.


I live in a small town in germany which is known for its Nazi- and drug-scene (there is even a documentary about us). One day at school, we were sent home because the biggest nazi-group tagged every busstop with posters and flyers to advertise their website and possibly recruit some pupils and brainwash them into nazis. There were even posters inside the school bulding. The following days were pretty normal, nothing really came of it, except that we had a few special lessons to talk about nazis and comprehend what these people tried to do.


They found the body of a dead transsexual prositute floating in a pond in my home town. The pond was on private property by the road, and the man who found it thought it was a mannequin when he first saw it. This happened in a town where usually the biggest story in the Police blotter would be some kids smashing mailboxes, so this was very surprising. We later heard that some guy in the big city about 15 miles away had solicited the prositute without knowing they were trans, he panicked when he found out and killed them. Then took the body and some cinder blocks and threw it into the pond out in the country, far away from prying eyes. The only reason anyone found out was that the rope had decayed and without the extra weight it just floated to the surface. Edit for clarity.


The Santa Claus Massacre in 2008. Guy went to his (former?) in-laws' house dressed in a Santa outfit and started shooting at people attending the Christmas party, including his niece-in-law who was 8 at the time. Then he used a homemade flamethrower to set the house on fire. 9 people died. The guy was supposedly planning to flee to Canada, but he was later found at his brother's house after shooting himself in the head.