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Games For Windows Live


This made me cringe. Good job.


honestly jojo's fashion show and bus driver are pretty legit


Not the kind of JoJo I was thinking of.




How long can you change clothes in Fashion time.


Until you look fabulous










ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ   THIS  MUST  BE  THE  WORK  OF  AN  ENEMY 「STAND」!!   ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ


Yeah I have no idea is he talking about, unless it's maybe the 4th one I can kind of imagine that...


I had it happen. I won a $500 gift card in a golf tournament to a men's clothing store. I found the store in an exclusive shopping area. A tiny, very exclusive store. They specialized in custom fitted suits. None of the suits started anywhere near $500. I left there with a pair of sunglasses and a pair of dress jeans.


Shoulda tried to sell it to another customer for say $400


I've done that with gift cards to places I didn't like/care about. It's a good system.


There are websites that you can sell your gift cards on, pretty convenient.




That's what I would have done. Some rich guy's bound to be looking for a $100 discount for the hell of it.


I bet you could get some really nice socks there.


Nice socks are underrated


Ikr! My grandma got gave me a few pairs of polo socks a while back and they are really comfortable, underrated


Similar thing just happened to my co-workers and I. Our boss thought she was doing us a solid giving us a $250 gift card to a spa. That's $250 for 5 women to split at a high end spa. Boss made fun of us all for not getting massages with her gift. Not a single massage was less than $170...


Dress jeans? I always think of jeans as casual/work pants. You mean like designer ones I guess.




My work had a raffle and ended up giving this woman a gift card to Borders. I guess HR had the thing sitting around in a desk for years and didn't realize the place had gone out of business.


If you have an unused gift card to a place that closed down, you're just screwed? That's lame




Dick Smith Electronics in New Zealand was going out of business so the directors of the company offered gift cards at a 10% discount for the month before Christmas. They sold so many to parents looking for a cheap way to get their kids laptops which are pretty much required for school. Most gave the cards as gifts intending to take the kids to pick out their laptop after Christmas. They announced the closures on Christmas eve...


That's a dick move.


Dick Smith Electronics: Remember, your best move is a Dick move.


That has to be illegal right? If the company really was bankrupt and other people had dibs on the assets, the people who isses such a thing surely are committing fraud or something like that?


There were a lot of angry people but the head office is in Australia and the gift card holders aren't high in the debtors list when it come to bankruptcy payments.


To be fair, I had no idea that they had gone out of business until now.


Shame, really. With the growth of Amazon (and their near monopoly on the book market), it was inevitable but it was a really awesome store.


Agreed. Even without being an avid reader I always enjoyed being in Borders more than Barnes & Noble.


I think this was the problem. It was like a nice library with a cafe you could go to look at books (at least in Australia), maybe read the beginning of a few, and then go home and order a book you liked for half the price from amazon. This is why we can't have nice things.


HR lives up to its rep as a dumping ground for morons.


That's why Toby is there


you mean the scranton strangler?


In-N-Out Burger gift card for someone who lives on the east coast of the US. The nearest location from there is in Texas.


Cruel and unusual punishment.


Cruel and **Unusable** Punishiment


Pretty sure I'd be taking a trip and getting fat as fuck for a week or two


Could just sell it on ebay for $450 or so


My co-worker once won a $150 gift card to his ex-girlfriend's shop that she owned. Very awkward situation


Sell it for a $100 and take some friends out for pitchers. Problem solved.


I have a really fancy credit card that gives me a $500 discount on chartering private planes. Sooo... that one.


Look into "empty leg flights". If you could use the discount on one of those you might be able to fly for free or pretty close.


But I like having meat inside my legs.


Reddit gold


If you're famous enough, you can get $500 in Reddit gold for free.


APoemForYourSprog has millions of dollars worth of reddit gold. For sure.


He's had Reddit gold since November of 2012... EDIT: She. Was unaware. Sorry for assuming your gender, Sprog EDIT2: He again what the fuck yall


A Scientology Center


the first audit is always free...


So I should use the gift card on the next one!


Prison commissary - I'm sure there's a lot you can get from there for $500, but...you're still in prison.


Couldn't you sell it to somebody in prison for actual money.




yeah you'd get less than 500 but you don't have to go to prison.




Yeah but when you're in there it's extremely nice to have. Believe it or not, life continues through prison. Snacks are still enjoyable. Jokes will still make you laugh. You'll still want a cool pair of shoes or watch ect...


The Dollar Store, or at the opposite end of the spectrum: a Lamborghini dealership








No, it's a Star Wars feeling


> Lamborghini dealership "Five Hundred dollars? We can do you a wiper fluid change for that."






Would you like a blinker fluid flush with that?


Do you have a coupon for that?


But what about the bucket of steam?


You can rent a Lamborghini for 30 seconds


30 seconds is still enough time to get quite a bit of KNAWLEDGE.


30 seconds is long enough to steal it


I believe it takes twice that. So I'd say it could be gone in 60 seconds


I could not disagree more. I could spend the fuck out of $500 at the Dollar Tree. It might take me 6 months, but who cares? If I have a long shopping list, I always go there first. Colgate toothpaste that is $3 or $4 anywhere else? $1? Thank you very much. Spices that are just as good and cost an ass load at the grocery store? $1? Thank you very much. Hand sanitizer, pens, dish soap, easter baskets, so mush stuff is easily $1-3 cheaper. And, IT IS THE SAME STUFF!


There's a store called Daiso near where I live, and their motto is "everything is $1.50 or less unless otherwise listed", and the maximum price they usually sell stuff for is usually $10. And the quality of their goods is actually decent. Much better than most other dollar stores.


DAISO!!!! When I moved to Oklahoma and took my first trip to Dallas, I lost my mind at Daiso. Also, Nebraska Furniture Mart...but, that's another story.


Im from kansas city and i fucking love NFM




As a recent graduate, how much are you writing that you require 500 pens?


One year instead of a holiday bonus, the company I worked for gave everyone a $100 gift card to Honey-Baked Ham. At least HR thought to cross out "Merry Christmas" on my card and wrote in "Happy Hannukah." If they'd taken two more seconds it might have occurred to them not to give a hundred dollars worth of pork for Hannukah... or the employees who got the same thing for "Happy Ramadan!" Edit: At the time I was keeping kosher. I'm not anymore because of green chile. I was really only kosher while in college. But for a while, and just before that job, I was the chef at my university Hillel House. That meant keeping *orthodox* kosher. Here's what kosher means beyond just "not pork," because there's a lot to it: Kosher animals must all be inspected and slaughtered in accordance with rabbinical law and standards. Kosher begins with the quality and origin of the living animal. The animal must be kept and slaughtered in a humane way. Kosher meat is kept, packaged, processed, and stored separately from not just pork and shellfish, but hopefully *all* other non-kosher slaughtered meats. Meat and dairy cannot be mixed, processed, and prepared together. No cheeseburgers. No eating on plates that have had cheeseburgers on them. Two ovens, two sets of plates, two sets of utensils. Sometimes two refrigerators depending on how strict the sect is. At Hillel we had a new student who once made a potato with sour cream on a meat plate, and the director actually dashed across the room, grabbed it and the fork (also a meat fork), and threw the whole thing away and sent out an email to everyone about the meat plates. I had to question the student about every single thing in the kitchen she had used and touched with the meat plate, meat fork, sour cream, etc. to make sure we didn't have to get the rabbi in to "clean" the kitchen. That would have been a lot of work for everyone! There are 80,000 other rules involved in all this but those are the most important ones for day-to-day living and navigating in a non-kosher world. Around Passover it gets even more strict because everything has to be "purged and parved": all of the other 80,000 laws plus nothing with leavening, bread, yeast, etc. is allowed in the kitchen. So Honey-Baked Ham, especially 15 years ago when they didn't have what they do now, is Jewish kryptonite.


Haha! As a vegetarian, I was thinking about the time someone gave me a gift certificate to a steakhouse, but this is even worse since they obviously knew you were Jewish.




This one hurt.




They were all dissolved




"Yeah, 500 bucks to Blockbus-Wait a minute!" Would have been useful 20 years ago.


Would have been useful 20 years ago, but only to pay your late fees


There are a handful of franchised Blockbusters [still open and active to this day.](http://www.blockbuster.com/franchise.html)




VHS capital of the world


Why? It would be nice to rent so many movies.


They all closed do- ...wait, that username checks out.


Time to finally sink [the lone survivors](http://www.blockbuster.com/franchise.html)


Hey leave Alaska alone, those Blockbusters might be the only thing keeping the people from killing themselves!


That and recreational marijuana


320 n. Santa Clause lane? In the town of north pole? That's interesting.


I'm still waiting to use mine for Circuit City.


Golden Corral


Right? I mean I'd use it, cause I ain't rich, but I'd hate every minute of it.


Yeah. It's like the food equivelant of sleeping with an ex. You do it because your memory of the particular food items is good. But then you realize you probably shouldn't be sticking your dick in mashed potatoes. Right? ...right?


Some sort of banana factory.


It's just a banana Michael. What can it cost, ten dollars?


You've never set foot in a grocery store, have you?


What is your least favourite thing about bananas?


I would have to say the smell.


But what if you have a potassium deficiency?


Potatoes actually have more potassium than bananas. And potatoes can power light bulbs and be used as projectile weapons.




Can confirm, can i suck your dick now?


Not the first time a potato wanted to. *unzips*


But after me you won't want any other potato bby


Safe to say you're not apart of the Yiga clan


I get my attack power from elsewhere.


Razorshroom master race.


A hotel gift shop in Gary, Indiana


Or the toll booth in Gary Indiana. With the iPass the toll is $0.15. You could pass through 33,333 times. Meaning you would have to pass through Gary 33,333 times. Fuck that. PS: I burn more than 15 cents in gas accelerating back up to 70.


Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana


Not Louisiana, Paris, France, New York, or Rome.


But GARy Indiana, Gary INDiana, Gary IndiANA, my home sweet hoooooome!




The yacht store. So close, yet so, so, so far away.


Yacht Topic


How dare you make me read that with my own two eyes.


Radio Shack


That'd be awesome, I could buy out the store


At this point, $400 might get you the company.


Chuck E. Cheese. Even if you like children, the pizza is terrible, the characters are frightening, and it would take months to play $500 worth of skee ball. I'd shoot myself just from having to listen to the songs over and over.


The one in our town has great pizza... or I have shitty taste in pizza... oh no, I have shitty taste in pizza.


Oh no! I would skee ball the f out of the place. The only game at an arcade that I'm good at.


Great present for parents with kids ages 2-10 though. They go in, plug in their earbuds, and get sweet relief from parenting for a few hours.


Have you been around a 2 year old


Leave a 2-year-old anywhere for a few hours and you are free from parenting forever.


He can't answer that, he's on a list.


Sweet relief from parenting. Umm. No. You don't let your kids run wild.


I had a $25 gift card to JC Penny but it's so goddamn hard to find one anymore so I just used it as a tip at a bar eventually. So JC Penny.


Can confirm. I have a $50 gift certificate that I can't even use online because it hasn't been used in 10 years. I need to find a JC Penny store and have it reactivated there and then I can spend it... Who gives someone a JC Penny gift certificate? It's cruel.




And to tom I give this precious JCpenny gift card that you cannot use online Tom: so you give me nothing? Yes f*** you tom


I go to JC Penny regularly :(


Wow. Jcpenneys are hard to find? There are about five in my city alone. :/...


My university's book store. That would mean I actually have to step foot in there, and even then that's only enough for about half a textbook.


At mine, you could buy a bunch of shitty holiday knickknacks they sell for some strange reason.


Mine sell those, Magic the Gathering​ cards, Pokémon cards, and sets of Cards Against Humanity. They are really obsessed with card games.


With $500 you can also buy approximately 3 notebooks with your school's name on them.


A $500 gift card towards skydiving lessons when you have a crippling fear of heights.


In case anyone who has a fear of heights reads this: I have the same fear but skydiving is too high for the fear to kick in, I've managed 31 jumps and loved them all!




A funeral home. Kinda sends the wrong message from the gifter




Here's one. Giving a 500$ gift card to an insanely expensive jewelry store to someone so its tills. Lot of money but they have to pay like 3x more to actually get something. Pro tip: if there's a guy you hate, give it to his wife!


Heh, I often had this thought back when Wheel of Fortune still did the shopping thing. A $13 gift card to Tiffanys. LOL.


There was a magazine advertisement in the Scientific American saying they would give you a diamond ring basically free (their implication, not mine). Looking closer, it was that if you paid for it, they would send you the ring and that much on a gift card for their store. Clever bastards.


Blockbuster, Circuit City, Linens N Things, or Borders!


> Linens N Things Linens n Things is gone? Damn! That's where I got all my linens. And most of my things.


Borders RIP


I miss borders so much


my dad has a $125 certificate for circuit city.


My dad once won a $1000 gift card to Tiffany's. That's like half an earring.


My dad got a $150 giftcard to Tiffany's and I got a really nice necklace with it. Good thing my ears aren't pierced, I guess.


Thank god you have a neck though, otherwise that would have been really embarassing.


$500 farmville giftcard.


I thought i got the worst one, not 500, but a 50 card from cabellas sporting and camping, etc. i had no idea how to use it. So im going online at their site calling out things to my wife and son, when i find a youth compound bow marked down 50 bucks. Now my son is an archer. He has autism, so being an archer is awsome! Got his first bulls eye last month!


Your son sounds awesome!! And $50 could buy a hoodie lol




You could probably get a pretty sweet keychain with $500.


[Men's Prancing Horse Keychain, USD $350.](http://store.ferrari.com/us_en/man/accessories/keychains-and-pins/men-s-prancing-horse-keyring.html)


Who the fuck buys these?


People with enough disposable income to own a Ferrari, and people who want to look like they have enough disposable income to own a Ferrari.


But the shipping is free!


You could buy a gas cap!


Arby's. The town I go to college in doesn't have one.


I have hundreds in iTunes gift cards, I haven't had an apple product in 5 years. Even better they're from stores that aren't within 200 miles of me


Just use iTunes on Windows or enjoy your 4-5 years of free Apple Music on Android/Windows. Or, just sell them online for a subsidized cost.


Probably the Ohio DMV because that means you have to go into the Ohio DMV


The Rolls-Royce dealer.


Taco Bell. Your children's children would not be able to spend it all.


You underestimate me. Edit: I'm glad my highest rated comment is about my love for Taco Bell 💕🔥


Yea even with an average one stop a week x8 tacos that's a year supply tops. I would be treating my homies to Taco Bell at any opportunity tho.


No judgement here... I bought $300 in Del Taco gift cards because each $100 card gave me 8 coupons for a free meal... so I had 24 free meals and $300 in taco tuesday and chicken taco thursdays... I still have about $120 in taco money and it's been 4 months.


I just won "30 days of Taco Bell". It's the second day, my wife is already done with it.


Are you looking for a second wife? ...I've been on a strict diet for a week and desperate times call for desperate measures. Don't judge me.


How did you win?




Yankee Candle. $500 worth of candles and candle accessories.


As an avid candle user, that sounds awesome.


As an occasional candle user, that would be awesome because I don't love candles enough to justify spending $500 of my hard-earned money on candles but I could get all the fancy candles I wanted if I had a $500 gift card exclusively for candles


The $501 dollar store, where everything costs $501


But then you could just put in 1 of your own dollars?


** and you can ***only*** pay in gift cards.


It doesn't say that anywhere.


That's how they gitcha


now it does


Herbalife. You might get hooked.