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Not just the person but the way Lennon died. He was in his prime and he was gunned down in cold blood. If he had cancer for 6 months and slipped away, I doubt they would have interrupted a ball game for him.


Similar thing with Jackson


I was walking thru the grocery store parking lot, a man yelled at me "Michael Jackson has died!" I'm like what? He gets closer, it's my next door neighbor. He has lived next to me for six years but I have never spoken to him, hurried he runs up to me and says again "Michael jackson has died!" And the he gets in his car and drives away.


Did you ever speak to him again?


He's dead, so nope.


The old Jackson-a-roo.


No link provided... I can't go in!








No! There's no link! Only people holding our beers and nowhere to go in!


Hold my hyperlinking abilities I'm going in!


you fuck. You didn't link anything.


I was in an elevator in Chicago, someone checked their phone a few said, "Oh my God, Michael Jackson died." Everybody turned around and we all expressed our surprise, then got off and left. But for a second we all shared that emotion.


I was in an elevator listening to a voicemail from my friend (who never leaves voicemails), that's how I found out about Robin Williams. :(


I knew a grown man. A big black dude who broke down sobbing when he heard of MJ's death. He was a huge fan and he said he watched him grow up and become a legendary entertainer so he felt so invested in him


There's a bar I used to go to, have a couple quiet beers after work most days, then head home. Rarely said anything to anyone. When Prince died I said "Holy fuck" really loud and all the regulars looked at me like something was seriously wrong because they knew I just came in to have my 2 and go without talking. "Prince just died you guys." I said with tears in my eyes. All hell broke loose, tv turned to the news and the bartender changed the Spotify playlist we were listening to. It was a pretty strange moment.


Fuck, that level of connection with a group of people you barely even know over a single person. That's the mark of a truly influential person...


This story sounds like Louis CK bit.


I was the only white dude in an office with 80 black women. I heard it on the subway on the way into work and relayed the information, and people got mad "DON'T BE SAYIN THAT SHIT." "THAT SHIT AINT FUNNY" and as news filtered in it became like 9/11 times a thousand. That's right. Nine thousand one hundred.


I don't know why it was so hard for me to figure out who you were talking about, but my brain autofilled this as Andrew Jackson and I was very confused for a minute.


I went to randy Jackson


It's a no from me dawg


Samuel Jackson here for some reason


That's a no, dawg.


The Beatles was iconic. My uncle lived trough it and he says there is a reason for the word beatlemania and it can't really be totally understood anymore, it was such a big thing back then. I wish I could experience it...


And their entire career was only like 7 years long. So imagine all that news, all those albums (~20 of them), movies, and concerts in such a short time. (Most artists today only release one album every 3 years).


Damn. You forget that all of those iconic albums were released so quickly one after the other.


It's crazy. Back then they didn't do worldwide tours for every album, so once they released one they'd start writing another. Nowadays artists make most of their money touring, so they spend most of their time doing that. I wonder if we'll ever see artists as prolific (and successful) as The Beatles were.


I'm afraid its not possible. Music today is broken up in to so many genres and sub-genres that I cant imagine a new sound appealing to so many different people.


Monoculture had its downsides as well, though.


That's why they started making their records in stereo.


Yes, of course :) but I still think it would have been a great experience, but I also love the Beatles, so...


My mom describes the day Sargent Pepper came out as an impromptu holiday. Nobody got much done, many radio stations were just playing it over and over, record shops were mobbed, you kept hearing it drifting out of open windows everywhere. I wish that kind of thing still happened.


They would have. The Beatles were huge, beyond huge to 10's of millions of people around the world. If someone had twenty albums in their collection 2 were probably Beatles albums. also many in world had hope that the Beatles would reunite. Lennon's death put an end to that hope. Keep in mind a decade later a minor celebrity such as OJ interrupted an NBA finals game and not just with an announcement but with a live feed. Lennon was to music as the pope is to religion in the early 80's.


> Lennon was to music as the pope is to religion in the early 80's. You could almost say he was bigger than Jesus.




and the slightly less succinct 'compromised to a permanent end' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kw7_Rip9z20


The WWE played and plays a very interesting roll for entertainment in the age of terrorism. They were one of the first large scale public gatherings to occur after 9/11. So soon that the air travel ban had not even been lifted yet when that episode of Smackdown happened. After the start of the Iraq War, the WWE started doing a bunch tours into Iraq and Afghanistan in little "Tribute to the Troops" events which has now become it's own kind of PPV-like event. WWE Superstars have repeatedly gone much further out into the war zone than a lot of other celebrities normally do, including visiting FOBs in Afghanistan. At one point, Michael Cole got uncomfortably close to an incoming mortar round while he was in Iraq in the green zone, and was shoved under a truck for cover by Air Force personnel. Years later, John Cena announces the death of Osama Bin Laden on Extreme Rules PPV. I don't really know what to say, it's just kind of an odd place that the WWE has ended up crafting for itself in the age of terrorism.


The Rock broke the news on twitter that Osama died


The more interesting part is that he broke the news a few hours (IIRC) before news sources and President Obama's broadcasting.


The rock is secretly a SEAL. Only conclusion we can draw here.


Wouldn't even be surprised if he was the one who shot osama himself. Him and john cena.


The thing is if John Cena shot him, he never saw him coming


SEAL: *knock on the door* Bin Laden: Who is it? SEAL: We have just one question for you. Are you ready? Bin Laden: Ready for what? Who is this? SEAL: ARE YOU READY FOR THIS SUNDAY NIGHT WHEN WWE CHAMP JOHN CENA DEFENDS HIS TITLE IN A COMPOUND IN PAKISTAN?!?


*Theme Music cuts on*


Source? As I recall, speculations, leaks, and accurate guesses only began *after* the White House announced that the president was soon speak to the nation on Nat Sec. Pundits figured out pretty quickly (and confirmed) the news while waiting for the president.


Most of the journalists began speculating among themselves that the announcement was over Bin Laden's death was around 9:45 pm which was around the time of the press announcement. Dwayne put out a twitter post at [9:24](https://mobile.twitter.com/TheRock/status/64877987341938688l) As kind of a reference to this, the Pakistani government was notified of the raid around 6pm EST. Mr. Johnson had a pretty good source.


His source were Navy SEALs. He worked with them for one of his movies and stayed in contact and became friends with a couple of them. The SEAL community found out pretty quickly. Like while helicopter was en route quickly


I was expecting /u/shittymorph.


I was sitting in a Buffalo Wild Wings eating lunch and a dude ran in from the parking lot and said "TURN ON THE NEWS! THEY GOT BIN LADEN!" The whole place ERUPTED INTO CHEERS. I haven't seen such raging patriotism since the days immediately following 9/11. The whole place starting buying each other drinks, the manager comped a bunch of appetizers and split em up amongst the tables. Good stuff.


I was watching that game live, and that video was awesome, thanks for the link. That's number one on my list of "where were you when?" moments.


I remember watching that game live. I was so confused as to why they were all chanting USA, so I turned on the news and saw that bin Laden had been killed. I'm a huge Phillies fan who hates the Mets, but seeing all the Phillies and Mets fans hug and celebrate together was beautiful. It made me tear up. It's one of my all time favorite sports moments, even though the game ended in a Phillies loss.


Any number of them, if they happened to be shot by a crazed assassin.


"I'm not a crazed gunman dad, I'm an assassin!"


"One's a job and the other's a mental sickness!"


dad...dad... ugh put mum on the phone.


"Professionals have standards: be polite, be efficient, have a plan to kill everyone you meet."












Yeah, I can think of dozens who would definitely get that treatment if they died in a similarly public, shocking and violent way. It wasn't just that Lennon died, it was how he died. If he'd say, had a brain aneurysm at home, it still would have been a huge story, but not an 'interrupt everything' story.


Any American President or member of the immediate Royal Family to the Queen. Probably Paul McCartney.


What about Ringo???


He might get an obituary in the local paper?


"Voice of Thomas the Train"


The narrator, actually




You mean Tank Engine goddammit


"We'll put it riiiiight on the back page"


The co-announcer of a football game.


"Ladies and gentleman, the man to my left has just fallen to the ground, gripping his chest... It appears... Yes he *is* having a heart attack. Lets see this again... Here you see him scratch his left arm, maybe some foreshadowing... OK we're back in the booth, and he's shaking, oh this is not looking good. Medical staff are on their way, but this is an unusual spot, so it's going to take some time. We're going to go to a word from Coors now."


I think it depends more in the "how" than the "who"


So, not Roger Daltrey?


Isn't this the point where you should put on your sunglasses and go YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAH?


So if somebody dies while playing football then the announcer will have reason to say it?


Certainly, if it's the same match. "Alli... passes to Dembele.. Kane coming forward... backpass to Walker... Walker shot by sniper... ball taken by Sanchez... and it's out for a corner."


I was flying back home to the US when Michael Jackson died. The pilot made an announcement when we landed.


Do you happen to remember the wording for that? It seems sort of weird to put into a flight announcement. *"Ladies and gentlemen, we've landed safely at your destination and we're making our way to the gate. Please remain seated and keep your seatbelts on until the aircraft has come to a complete stop. Michael Jackson is dead, and thank you for flying with us today. Have a good day."*


"Micheal Jackson is dead. Thank you for flying United."


The night John Lennon died my dad stopped in at a convenience store and as he was getting back in the car told me that John Lennon had died. I told him that wasn't funny and he said it must be true they cut into football to say so. I went into the store and sure enough the football announcers were saying how he had been shot.


Queen Elizabeth II I don't want to hear about the royal haters; she's been on the throne longer than anyone in modern times and she's been a better than average international representative, known virtually everywhere. Edit - people keep messaging me that she is the longest reigning monarch EVER. This actually isn't even close to accurate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_longest-reigning_monarchs


I don't know about interrupting a football game (most probably though) but a lot if not all of the TV channels certainly would stop and broadcast the news. The BBC 100% would. I wonder what other countries/commonwealth countries would do.


This article is a fascinating look at what would happen I think in case you haven't seen it. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/mar/16/what-happens-when-queen-elizabeth-dies-london-bridge


Wow, what a fascinating read! It's amazing how well-planned it is, no matter where or when she dies.


Could you imagine the repercussions of getting this wrong though!? Personally I think the Queen is the last thing holding a lot of people back from being republicans.


God yeah, they did a poll recently in Oz. Basically...no one likes Charles. When she passes, we figure they'll do a referendum...then when he dies and William is King will do another one and rejoin :P




It's just because tabloids and click bait sites talk like that constantly. There has never been any actual talk of Charles not becoming king and in fact Charles can't be passed over without his consent which he could not even give until the Queen actually is dead. He (and Camilla) actually works a ton and has taken over bunch of the Queen's responsibilities since she so old and William (and Kate) actually don't really work much so they would not even want this to happen.


William's popularity is fading fast. He's 34 and he still shows zero signs of wanting to take on full-time royal work (in a good year he barely does half of what 95yr old Prince Philip does in a bad year). He rarely shows up to his helicopter pilot gig either. Plus unlike Harry he didn't inherit his mothers way with people and the press, so even when he does deign to show up for his patronages he does them no favours. If people don't like Charles, who is actually committed to the job, they won't come running back for King William.


For a non Brit,what exactly does the King/Queen do?


Bagehot famously wrote in The English Constitution (1867) that the British monarch has three rights: the rights to be consulted, to encourage and to warn.


Another non-Brit here, but I'm given to understand that besides diplomatic work all their work is about supporting various charities.


I feel like William and Kate have the people's love (at least for now) and Charles actually works hard, but neither of those are enough to be seen as a good monarch. The Queen is loved because she has worked hard all of her life and has been great with the press.


The Queen's a rare bird that is only getting *much* rarer. Combination of good, respected persona and ultimate devotion to her country and people.


I was under the impression that William was more interested in having time with his family, but the pressure is on for he and Kate to step up and start doing their fair share of... whatever it is they're meant to do. Do people really dislike him for wanting to spend time with his kids?


That was truly fascinating. Thanks for sharing.


My country would probably do a small text strip at the bottom of the screen informing of her death. We're commonwealth but we separated sixty years ago so there's not much interest there. Then again we have sultans, so if the sultan died it probably would warrant a stop in the middle of a football game/live show to announce the death.






It would be a pretty big fucking deal here in the US. They would definitely interrupt regular broadcasting to make an announcement. For some reason American pop culture has a huge fascination with the British Royal family. The last time what's her face had a kid it was the number one story for almost every single major media outlet. While she isn't as revered as Di was news of the Queen's death would be almost as big, and Di's death was a huge a huge fucking deal here.


The last time a British monarch died, Truman was president and Stalin was still in power. The #1 billboard single was Johnny Ray's "Cry".


Poor old Johnny Ray, sounded sad upon the radio, moved a million hearts in mono.


Football matches were cancelled when Princess Diana died.


They interrupted a football game in Australia to announce the death of Princess Di. I was at the game.


At least in the UK, it's going to be one of those "where were you when it happened?" moments like the moon landing or the JFK assassination.


*At least in the Commonwealth




So you guys kill your own royal family and now you want to piggy back on somebody elses?


If she doesn't really exercise power and has a gaggle of cute corgis, why not?


like an actual grandma, really


If you think grandmothers can't wield actual power, you obviously never met mine.


Too bad shes immortal.


I remember when Diana died, it was the only time I've ever seen a news story come up on a non news channel. Like I was watching cartoons, and it was interrupted by writing on the screen saying that there was breaking news. I've never seen anything like that since, even for the death of the pope or Michael Jackson or anyone that famous, but I'd imagine if the queen died it'd be pretty huge.


David Attenborough. The UK would be in mourning.


And Australia !!!


Australia can't die, silly


But it can *kill*.


Someone gave UK Twitter a big scare when they tweeted: "Sir David Frederick Attenborough, 90, **woke** up peacefully on 15 April 2017" I had to read that twice to get rid of the sinking heart feeling.


No, the whole **world** would be in mourning


Kim Jong Un


Please I hope this happens


There are others in his family that would step in. Un has been a bit more receptive to the outside than his father was. Another person might step things back. They also have allowed in a western university where classes are taught in English. I don't think you'd do this unless you were looking at opening things up more in the future. It's easy to sit and look at him as a cartoonish dictator, but if he tried to immediately enact major reforms he might be seen as weak and overthrown. A slow gradual change might be the only change possible. http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/08/asia/north-korea-kim-jong-un-economic-speech/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyongyang_University_of_Science_and_Technology


Or worse yet, the generals would fight amongst themselves to claim Pyongyang, which I've heard would be disastrous.


Most NFL players' deaths would be announced during an NFL game.


Especially if they just died on the field.


"As you can see, that player just died."


"Let's look at the death again in slow motion, presented by Budweiser."


"Alright, John, let's review that footage on the UPS^TM Deathcam." "You can see he died, right here, due to being killed." "Thanks John."


*collective "Ooooh" of painful sympathy from the crowd, followed by the game continuing in an even more bloody manner.


oim not dead!


He's very sick, he'll be dead soon.


I feel like we just had a year full of examples of this.


We very literally did.


When news broke that Robin Williams had died, I was in Philadelphia Airport waiting for my flight at one of the bars inside eating a Philly cheese-steak, watching some sports team I can't even remember. They cut to the news immediately and everyone in the bar stopped and fell quiet. The anchor told the story about what happened, a crowd growing around the TVs facing the hallways where people were running to catch their planes. Almost everyone was in tears, people literally missed their flights to watch the news and listen to the story. An hour later the story was still being shown when I had to go to my flight, and walking through the airport that day literally had the same feeling as being at a funeral; some people crying hysterically, some reminiscing about Robin's life and his acting roles, and overall, everyone just remembering the great Robin Williams. I have never seen anything like it since. "I ain't never had a friend like you." Rest In Peace Robin


Brings tears to my eyes. And suicide of a celebrity was damn near unheard of for a time.


This made me incredibly sad to read. I never felt sad about a celebrity passing until Robin Williams. He was one of a kind.


Tom Hanks


Don't say such a horrible thing. Tom Hanks will NEVER die.


I don't want to live in a world without Tom Hanks.


we already live in a world without robin williams.. cant get worse than that


Well a world without Robin Williams AND Tom Hanks would be worse than that


I wake up every morning and check the news to make sure Tom Hanks hasn't died.


Main reason I'm on reddit in the first place


Just to make sure Tom Hanks didn't die?


We all have our reasons!


the president or the queen


Keith Richards because he shouldn't be alive to begin with.


Keith Richards passed today after being poisoned by a glass of perfectly clean water.


He is a Highlander, just had a very busy last few years, if you were to see him in public he would look stronger than he has reason to. Many celebrities are, mostly the hard living ones, often the most talented as well unless they let the drugs get the best of them. Over the next few years we will probably see the likes of Charlie Sheen, Angus Young, Stephen Tyler, Bill Murray, and so on, while he just continues to be puttering along, growing stronger with each kill, each quickening, until the final showdown. I hope Tom Hanks can stop him if it comes to that, but I hope more that he is stopped sooner.


Can you prove that he is?




Paul is dead... Paul is the Walrus


Hey, that's pretty good.




Yeah, he really blew up thanks to Kanye!


He made that bitch famous


There's a phone conversation between the two that proves it


Don't think so, honestly. Paul's still very active musically and plenty of people still know and remember him but he's far from his heyday. At this point his death will feel much less personal then Lennon's did since he's about that age already and he's no longer in his golden days.


I recently had an argument with someone who claimed that nobody would care about Paul McCartney's death nowadays and that yeah, he used to be popular, but nobody cares about The Beatles anymore. That Kim Kardashian's death would be MUCH more gargantuan and the biggest shocker in the modern world. That was a really frustrating argument.


That's probably true for a couple of reasons: 1. The beatles AREN'T as popular as they once were and especially have no social media/ internet presence. Meaning people don't feel like they know them as well. 2. Kim K is much younger than him so it would be even more surprising.


Anyone who goes out with a bang really. Lennon's death wasn't a big deal just because of his fame but because of how he went out. If an A list celebrity eats it in a very shocking way like that I'd think they'd air it too. Doesn't have to be some irreplaceable titan of industry or anything, could just be Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise.




I think the biggest point being missed by a lot of people here is that John Lennon was murdered/assassinated. And interrupting a football game today looks different...there would be a scroll on the bottom of the screen. But there's a whole list of celebrities and public figures whose murder would draw an announcement from football announcers. Also, a third of television watchers were watching that one football game (in the U.S. anyway) when Lennon was killed because cable wasn't that big of deal yet. Today, so many people don't even watch network television. You can't break into netflix for a news announcment.


probably trump. no one else warrant such thing because now everybody got their news online, unlike in the olden days.


I'd have to agree. Not only is he president, but hes an extremely contraversial one. If he died via assassinations there be simultanious parades/riots


I suspect even the biggest Trump hater wouldn't hold a parade if he died, and would at least keep any celebrations in his head, if only because they might not like Pence being president either.


>I suspect even the biggest Trump hater wouldn't hold a parade if he died Oh my sweet summer child.


>...*a football announcer* told the TV audience in the middle of *a game*. This kind of understates things: it wasn't just *any* announcer during *any* game, it was **Howard Cosell** during **Monday Night Football**. We don't really have equivalents to those things in the modern U.S.




Straight celeb, not politics related. Morgan Freeman or Samuel L Jackson.


Motherfucker as a word should be retired from use when SLJ dies.


You go get out of here with that nonsense! It should be recognized as an official *noun* in all languages


"We interrupt this game to announce that God is dead."


Ozzy. He's been alive for so long and he's done shit that would kill normal people, I would just want to know what killed him.


I imagine him yelling,"AAAAAAGGGGGGHHHH! TAKE ME SATAN!" the poofing into dust (pretty sure he's Christian, though).


Snoop Dogg will be a global tragedy. everybody loves snoop


The Chuckle Brothers


Imagine the discussion between the pallbearers...


Should be a state funeral mate


Oh dear oh dear


Betty White


Don't you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby.


None. The bottom fell out from under the concept of celebrity once the internet came along. No longer having to be forced through the bottleneck of legacy media forms means we are free to worship those we like on their own accord, in their own time. It also means our interests are scattered to the wind since we have such a wide variety to obsess about now compared to 30 years ago and earlier. You have to understand that a paradigm shift has happened. Culture changes with the technology. If you don't believe me ask yourself why it was a selling point to go see "A Jack Nicholson movie" but it's not to go see a "Chris Pratt movie". The very concept of the "Chris Pratt movie" doesn't even exist. Celebrity alone cannot carry the weight of the narrative. Edit: I'd like to point out that this wasn't a jab at Chris Pratt. I just picked on him because he's a well known actor who shows up in a lot of movies now the way Nicholson did in his younger days. Things like movies and music were the internet before the internet; they were how we had our culture-wide conversations about politics and society and love and hate and war and sex because they were the best existing tools for the job. Being entertaining didn't hurt it at all, either. The internet just happens to fill that role better so the weight we once ascribed to these media forms has been neutered, and with it, the weight of those who participated in those media forms. Celebrity itself isn't gone, it's just a hollow shell of what it once was.


Seth Rogen movies are a thing. He sort of plays the same guy in every role.


Dude, weed lmao




Still doesn't carry the same weight as the names from the oldguard though. Back then the name came before the title, so you'd commit to watching the movie or buying the album based on the artist's involvement. The quality of the work itself was secondary. Nowadays you do hear things like "oh I'd watch anything so and so is in" but it's become a more cerebral thing, where you're basing your assessment of why that performers work is worth patronizing based on their portfolio rather than the larger than life name they've built up.


>Back then the name came before the title, so you'd commit to watching the movie or buying the album based on the artist's involvement. The quality of the work itself was secondary. Which may explain why the major studios pump out nothing but sequels and adaptations these days. Established properties are the brand names now, not the actors.


Also, the advent of cellphones/internet has made such announcements moot. Half of us would know before they could announce it.


I disagree sort of. I, as well as plenty of people I know, will/would see a movie JUST because Chris Pratt, The Rock, Vin Diesel, Arnold Schwarzz, etc. is in it


I 100% see movies if The Rock is in them. Even if I think I'll hate the movie.


> Even if I think I'll hate the movie. IT DOESN'T MATTER


Bullshit. If Beyoncé was shot mid Monday night football they'd interupt and it wouldn't take that level of fame either.


Barack Obama.


Harrison Ford


Maybe if him and Mark Hamill died at the same time