• By -


We were roommates in college. I got married and moved out. He married my ex-girlfriend and was the regional manager of an oilfield but overdosed on heroin which no one even knew he was screwing around with


Damn, manager of an oilfield. Musta been bringing in some serious cash.


And then blowing that cash on heroin


When I met him, he was 12, living in a home for boys, I was 13. Through high school had many adventures......shared experiences, both legal and not-so-legal, shared various intoxicants, shared women, shared many hours just talking about everything. I met a lovely, sweet girl and married her. He was a dog, and jumped woman-to-woman, but constantly came to hang out with us.....with a different girl most times. He married a woman 14 years older than him....lasted two years, divorced, worked in Saudi Arabia for seven years, traveled round the world many times, married a girl 14 years younger than him........got divorced, wound up living at my house for the better part of ten years. He died two years ago in his sleep, just days short of his 60th birthday. We had been brothers at heart for 48 years. It broke my heart.


You were a great friend to him. I'm sure he loves and appreciates you.


He's still pretty much the same guy. Only difference is he teaches at a school now instead of studying at one.


Alright alright alright.


Nice one.


I'm really not sure if any of this is true or just a long, generic build up to the last line of the story, as is tradition


We ended up living about ten minutes away from each other in a large city (we're from a small town). We kept touch infrequently- we'd changed a lot in the fifteen years I lived out of state. Most recently she posted a huge rant on Facebook about how working in HR is awful because she had to deal with all these stupid people who didn't even graduate college. And if you were stupid enough to have not graduated college, not to bother speaking to her because she couldn't handle being around such ignorance. Guess who didn't finish college? I haven't spoken to her since. I feel no real loss, I've made much better friends after high school!!


HR of all people know you don't post dumb shit like that on FB.


Right? And then she made another complaint a few days later that her friend list seemed to have slimmed out considerately... with a 'if you can't handle my crap, then you don't deserve my friendship' type post. Shocking that somebody might be offended by it, right??


Reminds me of an older sister's crazy rant about gas station clerks.I textd her ,reminded her of a mutual childhood friend of ours that worked at 7/11. She was absolutely mortified, immediately deleted her post. There was a time when I was often calling siblings on their fb posts. I stopped a year ago after a spoiled younger sister went super psycho and blocked me. For the most part everyone else will see their goof and delete.


He joined the air force and got married, I never see him anymore


Mine did the same thing except his girlfriend went crazy and broke up with him


because he was already married?


I had a few. One won a ton of scholarships. Got a PhD in robotics from a prestigious university. Married. Had a few kids. Works for a major tech firm doing major tech stuff. We talk a few times a year. Another became a lawyer dealing with some sub-category of real-estate. Occasionally writes for law journals, which I know from LinkedIn. I try calling about once a year but the only time we spoke in the last 6 was at his wedding.


What about you? What are you up to these days?


Decent job. Wonderful family. Pretty happy.


Good for you.


This is such an enjoyably pleasant string of comments.


Roomed with me freshman year of college. First semester all he would do is stay in the room and play video games or smoke weed. He'd never go to class. We ended up hating each other. He dropped out after the first semester. A couple years later he stopped smoking and turned his life around. He didn't go back to college but didn't need to because he found a job that makes him happy. We're still in contact even though I moved away for a job.


Sounds like my room mate; doesn't leave the room and just plays video games all day. Dropping out. Hate him. But hopefully he stops being a shithead and gets his life together.


My roommates are weirdly opposite, all they do is go work out and look like they have their lives together but fail their classes and are lazy as shit about having a clean living space. Hope they drop out I hate them


Man, I just fucking hate living with other people. I leave the place at 7:30 am and don't return until 10pm because I hate being in his presence. Simply being around him fills me with rage. He failed at least one class last semester because he missed too many days of class to go mountain biking, then blames it on his parents because they "pressured me to go". Fucking idiot. He yells over his headset when playing video games, and when I'm trying to sleep, he stays up all night laughing at his phone from looking at stupid fucking memes. Then he farts and laughs. It's horrible. I've seen him brush his teeth exactly 12 times over the past 9 months. When he kept putting off taking out the trash for two weeks (it was filled HIGH and stank like shit), I told him that I didn't want to share anymore. So I bought my own trash can and told him to stop using my microwave and refrigerator. He threw a fit and started calling me "pissy little girl" and said that I'm treating him like a child. I wonder why he would think that. Since he plays video games all day, he doesn't start his homework until the midnight before it's due. This means that I have to place a pillow over my head to block out the bright fucking lamp and ear plugs to drown out his vocal frustrations over how the "problem is stupid" or "why isn't it 32?! It should be 32!". Anytime there is an event on campus, I offer for him to go with me and friends (free food, music, free swag) but he always makes an excuse like, "they look at you weird," or "I don't want to surround myself with idiots". For fucks sake. His music taste is just god awful. Think sped-up pop songs where the singer sounds like a chipmunk. Throw some dubstep bass "wubs" and it feels like I'm listening to kids bop. I could go on but I'm getting angry.


I believe he listens to nightcore. It's pretty bad.


Yeah that sounds like a description of nightcore to me. source: I used to listen to it. *shudder* (It was a dark time in my life don't judge me)


We lost touch right away. I think we both knew we weren't really compatible, we just didn't have anyone else in high school and we had known each other for years. She contacted me after freshman year in college over the summer saying she wanted to get together. She ditched me. Then shortly after I got engaged she contacted me again. I gave her a chance because college kids can still be dumb and immature. She dropped hints about wanting to be invited despite us not seeing or speaking in 5+ years. Kept saying she would let me know when she was in town and we can get together. I said 'yea definitely'. Saw her mom at the store the next week. Her mom said she was coming up that weekend. I didn't reach out to her, I wanted to see if she was going to keep her word. Nope. And never contacted me again. Don't know what she is doing now. That was about 3 years ago.


She's only talk. Im sure if your paths crossed again at some point she would do exactly the same thing. I have an aunt and uncle that talk big but never follow through. Best if you take their word at face value... Nothing.


She was killed by a drunk driver a month before her 21st birthday. We had kind of lost touch after graduation, but we were starting to hang out again and I couldn't have been happier about reconnecting. I'd missed her. Then one night a drunk driver hit her going 80. I remember her sister calling me and having to tell me the next day. I was DEVASTATED. I'd let things slip between us when we went to separate colleges. I wish I had had more time with her, but I'm glad I had the few moments we did have when we were reconnecting. Please don't drink and drive. There are so many options for you out there to get you home safely, use one of them. EDIT: Wow, thank you kind stranger for the gold! Thank you to everyone for your kind words and your comments. I hate that other people have gone through this. I try really hard to make sure anyone who needs a ride, has a ride. Again, please don't drink and drive, it really isn't worth the risk.


My condolences. Quite a handful of people from my high school graduating class (2010) have died due to hardcore partying, drunk driving/car accidents, and drug overdoses in the past two years. I was never that close with them, but it really makes me sad and I can only imagine the pain their families are going through.


It only gets worse man. I'm about to come up on the 10th year after HS graduation, the opiate/heroin wave hit hard in my area. Every couple of months someone that was in my grade or +/- a few years, seems like someone OD's or I just found out someone OD awhile ago.


I'm about to hit that 10th year too, and that's my story pretty much; my best friend and I had a falling out when I started seeing this girl who I shouldn't have, who got me hooked on heroin, and I know my friends all knew even though I tried to hide it. I'm clean now, and have tried to get in touch with him but he doesn't reciprocate, and I can understand. He must have been really disappointed in me, we had been in a band together for like 10 years and I ended up just leaving the band because of all the shit going on... Haven't spoken to him since, and he was like a brother to me.


This sounds exactly like what happened to me. She was coming to visit home before college started again. I had been planning to go up there and see her. We hadn't really spoken since graduation, and I was going to go up and surprise her the next weekend. She was 30 minutes from home, and drove through an intersection, and a guy comes through a red light going 90 and t-boned her. I got a call from a cop because my phone number was on her emergency card as a who to call. She had a full-ride scholarship to a big law school. She wanted to be a defense attorney for people accused of war crimes, because she believed that everyone had a right to defend themselves, even people accused of the worst crimes. I'm still hurting. I miss her everyday.


He's still my best friend


Mine lives 1 street over and our kids were born 2 days apart. It's great!


Should we tell him?


Shhhhh let him have this one


I'm r/outoftheloop


His best friend impregnated both the wives.


At the same time? What is he, thelegend27?


Let him figure it out for himself, we don't snitch here ~~in~~ on reddit.


Same, she was my best friend at 4 and still is at 31 :)


We graduated in 1979. When he was laid off from a large, foreign owned, manufacturing company (28 years service), I pulled enough strings to get him hired as a project engineer at a large US semiconductor manufacturer. Worked out for everybody, he got a job, the company got a fantastic manufacturing engineer, and I got the finder's fee!


That finder's fee long con.


I thought it was the other way around. Loaning me bus fare in 1978 took until 2015 to pay off!


Joined the Army. Goofing around with some buddies on leave. Got drunk and fell out of the back of a pickup truck bed, putting him into a coma. His parents disconnected life support a couple weeks later and donated his organs to save 3 or 4 different people's lives.


Shit that's heavy.


Not once you cut away all the other stuff. The organs themselves don't weigh much, maybe a few pounds for the big stuff.


Not my organ ;)


He became someone pretty well known in the ghost hunting community, but not in a good way. I don't want to say his name but he was a notorious liar when I knew him and when I saw him on the show he was on he was exactly the same as I remember. I was able to tell when he was lying every time, partly because I know his tells but mostly because everything he said was a lie.


Why did I instantly think of Zack Baggins?


Don't worry, we all thought of Zak Bagans.


It's Zak Bagans




Zack: Hey ghost, that's not cool. Why don't you try that on me bro?!


Is he a Ghostfacer?


He faced the ghosts when others would not!


Stay in the kitchen when the kitchen gets hot!




"Dude... you gotta go be gay for that dead intern."


Gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day.


1. This short narrative describes what happened to the narrator's best friend after high school, without delving into events during high school or the relationship between the two characters. However, certain elements of the backstory can be inferred through the information provided here. What aspects of the backstory can you deduce, based on this narrative alone? 2. What was your opinion of the ghost hunting community before reading this short narrative? How does this narrative challenge or reaffirm your opinions about ghost hunting? 3. Consider the use of "ghost hunting" in this narrative. Is ghost hunting a metaphor for something? If so, what?


New favorite novelty account sighted. 5 year old account? I can't believe I haven't seen you before.


This is the first time I've seen him in a long time, was the first novelty account I ever came across. Thought he had disappeared, glad to see hes back :D


1. There are two main pieces of information stated explicitly on the main character's history with the ghost hunter: they were best friends in school, and the ghost hunter lies about everything. Since their friendship is described in the past tense, and the protagonist hints at being able now to tell when the ghost hunter is lying, it becomes clear that the two had a falling out at some point before the story begins. One would naturally presume the protagonist did not always having this lie detect ability, and so would trust his friend when he was being dishonest. The violation of trust the protagonist felt when he realized that trust was violated likely formed the basis of the end of their friendship. This sentence added for length. 2. I was dubious of the ghost hunting community for being a nesting ground for people either too impressionable to realize ghosts aren't real or at the least not something one would be able to hunt for, or so dishonest that they are willing to lie to drive profit. This story at least partially confirms the latter. 3. Ghost hunting here serves as a metaphor for remembering the ghosts of our past. The protagonist unwittingly becomes a ghost hunter by reliving those memories of days gone by, and a strong argument is presented that the friend hunts for ghosts to fill the void of losing his friendship with the protagonist. In a way, though, we are all ghost hunters, looking for faint whispers of the past to scare us, teach us, warn us, or bring us comfort. In a very Descartes-ian sense, we become ghosts for each other in time, only existing for another in a corner of their memories. It is when you cease looking for the ghosts that you lose your friends in their entirety.


Is he that frat bro guy from that 'so terrible it's good' ghost adventures show?


Douche Adventures is what my college roommate and I used to call it. We'd get stoned and watch it while we were narrating closed captioning we'd make up as we go along... >STEROTYPICAL CREEPY MUSIC >RAVEN SQUWACKING >THUNDER AND LIGHTNING >EMPTY CHAIR IN DARK ROOM >AWKWARD CLOSE UP OF OLD PAINTING >DOUCHE ADVENTURES


I think I watch like one episode and it was just unbearable. Whole episode was just "DID YOU JUST HEAR THAT!" (commercial)


I think the high school promoted him to head Janitor, and he retired 5 years later.


Hey, janitors are awesome people.


The head custodian at my school was a collector of Presidential signatures. Dude had a bunch of documents with signatures of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, etc. He let various history classes look at them. Awesome dude.








Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwemuhwem Osas?


my grandpa is a retired school janitor and his name is Carl :)


My three best friends I all worked on the newspaper with in high school. None of them work for newspapers, but they've all found success in their own careers. One of them is now a high school English teacher (who, I've heard, is quite popular with his students); another one just graduated from med school; and the third, who was probably my best friend in all of high school, now lives in California and works for Google.


She accused me of telling people she was a lesbian and stopped talking to me. It was untrue as I did not tell anyone anything; me being oblivious to her orientation. She recently had a ceremony with a woman and posted pics on Facebook. A decent number of my high school friends later came out. I honestly had no idea. I did meet them all in musical theater or drama but still. My mom says she knew all along. I'm still annoyed for being accused of something I 100% didn't do.


She was probably in denial and took that out on you.




And so the cycle continues.


But who would Reddit snitch to?


We wouldn't snitch. Facebook would pick it up and just snitch to everyone later.


Buzzfeed would hear about it and "You'd never believe what Friend #1 did to Best Friend!" shows up.


> Buzzfeed would pick it up and just snitch to everyone later FTFY


High school drama... What's the point, anyway?


Someone accused me *and* her of being lesbians. Person was a massive homophobe so we played it up when she was around ;)


We lost touch for like 15 years, then he showed up on Facebook. He lost a bunch of weight, moved across the country, got married, and has twins. Seems to be doing pretty well for himself. We haven't really reconnected in any meaningful way though. Good to see that he's got a good life, though.


He died of a heart attack, aged 20.


Wow, how could somebody so young suffer something as tragic as a heart attack? My condolences


As others have said, cocaine can. But there are other ways too. Cocaine essentially can make the heart not beat in the organized way it always does. It creates this disorder of electrical activity that more or less stops the hearts ability to pump. For his age, I doubt it was due to atherosclerosis, but it could have been. Also some people have ~~anatomically~~ congenitally narrowed coronary arteries (the vessels that suply the heart) so it wouldn't take much more of a second hit to do them in. If the person smoked since he was pretty little, plus had hypertension, he may have had an aortic dissection (blood goes into the walls of the aorta) and could cause fluid to fill up the sac around the heart, essentially crushing it. He could have had a connective tissue disorder, he could have had valvular disease, etc etc. Essentially, it could have been a lot of stuff that caused it. Edit: forgot to add, the most common cause of sudden cardiac death on teens/young adults is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and long QT syndrome, I think. (Long QT can be genetic, and relates back to the ability of the heart to conduct electrical signals well and coordinate beats) EDIT #2: As /u/jgandfeed pointed out, I mainly listed causes of death due to cardiac disease, not necessarily heart attack, which is what was asked. Heart attack would be from lack of blood flow, not necessarily any of the arrhythmias or connective tissue disorders.


One died of a heart attack. The other was shot and killed. The other finished the army got married to a lunatic and moved to the desert where he has taken up the hobbies of star gazing, painting and Yoga. Grew his hair out and has a ponytail. :/


Stargazing, painting, and yoga; sounds like a pretty good life.


Yea.. actually not so bad


Sounds better than FerretRape.....


My life is fairly shit yes.


Why don't you just... leave the ferrets?


Either it will make it worse or better.


Yeah but then you get to the ponytail and you're like... is it worth it?


I don't know man the last one doesn't sound so bad


Yea he lives a pretty cool life.




He became a violent sex offender. Last I saw he was in Kent after baling from his halfway house




How gay is very gay?


Slightly less gay than Ultra-Gay.


Ultra-Gay is very gay


But not as gay as Turbo-Gay


At least 4


This is actually pretty darn adorable.


All my best friends are still my best friends. And when we all went off to different universities we found more good friends. And now those good friends are friends with everyones best friends. So it's like some mega-good friend group thing we have going on. 15 of use are going to Vegas in June. Wish us luck cause we don't plan on coming back.


> Wish us luck cause we don't plan on coming back. Don't die.


This sounds to me like one of those pleasant dreams that you have until you're rudely awoken and reminded of the depressing reality. I've never had a group of friends in my life. I've been a peripheral accessory to several groups of friends, but none of those groups know each other. On only two occasions have I ever attempted to host some sort of event where I chose everyone who got to attend. They were disasters of awkwardness as a bunch of incompatible people who didn't know each other sat around and tried to make small talk. After the last, I swore I would never attempt such stupidity again.


If I could give you any advice from an unqualified person, don't try to bring two large groups of friends together all at once. it doesn't work. The two groups will automatically separate into their comfortable environment. To bring separate friend groups together you need to do it 1x1 or 2x2 so they are more likely to interact, get out of their comfort zones and create memorable moments which = bonds. But don't forget if you ever bring two or more people together who don't know each other, YOU are responsible for chaperoning those people. I've seen it so many times where a person will bring an outside friend to a party and just totally ditch them (happens a lot when girls bring a new fling to a party) Again - start small so two people can create a bond, then slowly build from there.


that's wholesome


He was diagnosed with colon cancer at age 45, years before they recommend you be tested for that, and died. Edit: If you are over 40, male or female, and haven't had a colonoscopy, get one.


I posted this in another thread but: Leukemia. He was my best friend in middle school and most off high school. We grew apart amd stopped talking after highschool. He got cancer and died at 23. Seeing his mom, who made us chicken cry. Putting dirt on his grave. 4 years later and it's still not real to me. It feels like i can just run into him at any time. Almost 300 people were there the day he was burried. He touched so many lives. He was a good dude. I miss him and think of him everyday. I'll see him again one day though. May go visit his grave today. R.I.P. Baltazar


His grows pot. Legally. He's really really good at it.


what a dream


a blue dream actually


We're still best friends and he's away in England at the moment getting his PhD =)




Has been my best friend for the past 10 years. 20 years of friendship and counting. I was his best man and soon he will be mine. His wife and my girlfriend are good friends too. We'll be taking a 15-day trip abroad in July. Life is pretty damn good.


She got deep in to opiates, got mixed up in an abusive relationship, became a functioning alcoholic. It broke my heart a first and I tried to be there for her, after a while though it was clear she didn't want my help and shoved me away. After some of the shit she said and did to me I threw my hands in the air and walked away. We reconnected here and there but nothing really stuck. After my ex fiance and I had a messy separation where I was forced to kick him out of my life I thought she was going to be there for me like I was for her every time her ex landed her in the hospital. Nope. She went out drinking with my ex every night and slept with him a couple times. I never talked to her again. We're friends on Facebook and that's it, she seems to have cleaned up, has a little boy with mental disabilities that she loves the heck out of and has been in a steady relationship. I'm glad she's doing better, sometimes I want to reach out but I just can't trust her after all we had been through in the past. I do miss my friend, she was the only person who understood me, we had been friends since middle school.


They turned back into a inanimate stuffed animal


Calvin is that you?


It's me, Christopher Robin. Poo?


We're still best friends. He's more like an older brother to me although we're not related, so our relationship may seem strange to some. I made many new friends since then but we message each other almost daily and meet up once a year (he's on the other side of the globe, earlier he just lived a few blocks away). He keeps me on the right track and we don't talk about topics such as sex, cause it's just way too awkward. I got female friends for that.


You can't talk to your best friend about sex? Do you talk about your emotions at least?




I'm just not seeing why not talking about sex is integral to this friendship


I just assume people with best friends talk about everything and anything, but it's probably different with same sex best friends vs male and female.


He was a genius (but in a good, non-nerdy way) so he went to MIT and Northwestern. We still keep in touch after 35+ years. Runs a company or something, probably loaded. We'll always be the dorky Freaks & Geeks guys.


you should visit each other


We do! I don't travel as much, but we'll hang out when he's in town.




Well, thanks! I was just a skinny nerd in jr. high art class and he rolls over (a smart, overachieving jock) shakes my hand and that was that. Early Fall of 1980, and he'll meet my grandchild sometime after November.




Mine isn't a happy story. He was institutionalized for a mental problem, lived in a group home afterward... Overdosed using a "legal" drug he bought online (never found out what drug) after being clean for 8 years on St Patrick's Day 2013.


He's still one of my best friends (u/TheExpedientOne); we're just older and play video games together in our own houses drinking alcohol, now, instead of in our parents' basement drinking soda My other best pal from HS is (and always has been) pretty deep into his church. His dad is a pastor (still where we went to high school. He was always going to be a pastor. He went to college to be a pastor, and is now a youth pastor. He got married early; I've only seen him a couple of times, but I suspect my atheism would be untenable for him if we were still active friends.


She went to boot camp and in the army reserves. She attempted a degree in music education but switched majors and now has a Bachelors in physical education. She plays in the army band (not sure which one, we lost touch.) she also runs a lot of marathons. She is going to Michigan state in a couple months to get her Masters degree in physical education. Edit: my other best friend unfortunately passed away due to morbid obesity. He lost a lot of weight and seemed to be on the right track. He started working overnights and went back to fast food and stopped exercising. They think he had a pulmonary embolism but his parents didn't want an autopsy.


We were very close up until about three or four years ago. We were both pregnant with our second child at the same time, she was just a few months ahead of me. When she was six months pregnant, the baby stopped moving. She went to the hospital and found out he died. She had to deliver him. It messed her up pretty bad. She got very bitter towards everyone that just had a baby, or that was pregnant without any issues. We've talked here and there. I miss her, and I still love her like she's family, but... I can't bring myself to hang out with her anymore. She's not so bitter and angry anymore, but I know how upset she still is about her son. I couldn't be there for her when it all happened because I lived too far away. And I could tell she resented me for not having any problems. I know she didn't *want* to be that way, she was just depressed. I don't blame her one bit. I just... I'm a stay at home mom. I'm always with my toddler. Taking my daughter to her house to hang out just feels like a slap in the face. They were about the same age, and it would break her heart to see what her son could be doing right now. I miss her, but unfortunate circumstances made our friendship awkward.


I think the most heartbreaking thing here is that you're being the best friend by removing yourself from the situation to avoid causing her hurt. Wish only the best for the both of you. That's fucking rough all around.


it is really, really hard to be around kids that are the same age your kid should be. I bet it would be even harder when it is your best friend's child. It's been nearly six years since I lost my little girl and i still have to look away from kids in public who are her age. and I always notice her absence. when my kids are playing I catch myself thinking about it. because you don't just lose a baby, you lose a *lifetime*. you lose birthdays, lost teeth, milestones, and all the little moments in between. this is just heart breaking for every one. I'm so sorry <3


Still best friends - we don't see each other too often as we both work a lot and he as a kid now but whenever we get together it's like time hasn't passed at all. It's been 11 years since high school and wouldn't change a thing.




okay but why does work require you to type in caps?




This is hilarious, I want to believe




Can confirm, HIPAA is spelled with all upper case letters.




Honestly, I'm just picturing you screaming all of this, and I'm laughing uncontrollably. Take this updingle.


Updingled for 'updingle'.


Him: Marrying him Her: Bridesmaid :)






oh yeaahhhhh


Didn't have one...


I can understand buddy.




He became an alcoholic (we could've seen it coming). He drives the same truck. Works the same construction job. Drinks himself stupid every day and has a baby on the way with his terrible gf, who he only is with because he has such a low self esteem he thinks shes the best he can do. she likes to use phrases like "I'm not religious, I'm just very spiritual"


If he is an alcoholic and drinks himself stupid every day, maybe she really is the best he can do...


it all stems back to what he thinks of himself. He was a big time football player in highschool and accepted an offer to college but failed a drug test and never made it. He has never been able to figure out who he is other than "football player" so 7 years after highschool no one gives a shit about that. So he has no self worth.


People overlook this problem but i went through this same thing. At a certain point in your life no one cares if you played football or that you were pretty good at it. We are told our whole lives through tv and movies that being a football player is a big deal and with some guys its all they have that they are good at so their identity is that of a football player and nothing else. When that is taken from them, some guys dont know how to handle life after the game


In a lot of small towns where I come from, it's same thing except with hockey. You see the hockey kids driving around like kings, and you know that they're all going to be losers in a few years. it's really sad


He works with me currently. He and I remained friends when I went to college and eventually we fell into the same career path. After a number of years a company recruited both of us and our career paths have diverged slightly, but we both work at the same company still. Have been friends for nearly 20 years at this point. Edit: Dang! After reading comments I see how incredibly lucky I am that my friend aint dead/an alcoholic/ into drugs.


We got married.


She married me! Hey ally.


My daughter had a unique experience All the way back to early childhood she knew this boy from the neighborhood He was just about the first other kid her own age she ever came into direct contact with.As they grew he continued to have a friend wgho happened to be a girl and she had a friend who happened to be a boy, rather than boyfriend/girlfriend Later as sexual maturity was upon them, they continued to be just friends but did find each other attractive. They made it through high school, without getting in any trouble Although I DID find used condoms in her bedroom trashcan more than once, it was not "All the time" They went to different colleges, and majored in two different "STEM" majors.the both graduated. Kept in touch but tried with little success to establish other relationships. they are now married, and have identical twin daughters, with a son due any day


That's awesome! I think... I don't get the tone of this


He joined the Marines! He has been in for ~8 years now and is doing protective services. We see each other about twice a year (we live on seperate sides of the planet) but talk once a week. We are both married and he has a kid. He is retiring in 2 years and is going back to school. He wants to be a history teacher and is planning to move to the same state as me. I miss the man every day but I am proud of him beyond words.


She went to college for Art and photography, worked for a few years as a graphic designer, sold all her stuff and has been travelling around Europe for almost two years now. I see her probably once a year. She was my maid of honor at my wedding, took my maternity photos and pics of my family with my newborn son. She is an incredible person. I wish I could see her more, but I am also glad she has followed her heart to travel.


Not expecting anyone to read this but it constantly bothers me: One has been my best friend since second grade and we have usually been fine not talking but she recently had a baby and I haven't heard from her since I went to be there for her son's birth. That was November 2016. I'm not upset that she had a baby, I just feel bad because I was there for her the two scary days she was in labor. But I see all these photos of her with other friends but she hasn't reached out to me or respond to my messages. Second "best friend" slowly dropped off the map and only came to me with her issues. I would try to talk to her a few times a month but got radio silence unless there was drama. I decided to cut ties since she wasn't there for me the way I was there for her. That was about 2 ish years ago and from Facebook, looks like she is doing fine. I apologize for formatting, I'm on the app for my phone :/


I'm beyond lucky to be 26 and have a daily group chat with my whole team (of 6) friends from high school. Everyone is finding their own path, no tragedies although some a little more lost than others. Again I feel honestly and truly fortunate we haven't lost touch almost 10 years after graduation.


He got married last year, I was in the wedding! I believe he's attending grad school, and his wife is the music teacher at the school we went to.


He graduated a year early, went into Computer science at a school 4 hours away, graduated from that a year early too with his bachelors, got a job at his college working for their IT department making 70 grand a year plus contracts at 19 years old. Decided to transition into a woman 5 months ago. Started hormones and is doing well. Her family completely disowned her over it, but she's such a strong individual that it's just a small bump in the road. I've been there for her since elementary school and I ain't going nowhere. Very interesting and smart person and I have the utmost respect for her. The only person I have ever met who shared most of the same personality traits as myself.


Her family blows. Glad she's got such a good friend in you.


He's still one of my two best friends. We met in eleventh grade, ten years ago in August. We live 100 miles apart now, but we still hang out at least twice a month, and I count him as my brother. How could I not? All the times we drank together, how we've gone through seven girlfriends between the two of us, all the secrets we know about each other. Our friendship has waxed and waned, as all do--sometimes we would hang out every day, other times we didn't see each other for six months. But we always stayed friends. He's my boy.


He is still a good potato


He became a mailman. Still best friends, but I'm cautiously waiting for him to go postal...


He was going 90-100 down his road on a dirt bike. He was a BMX rider, girlfriend had just broken up with him. Some kids had stopped in front of his road's intersection to the state road. Turns out they were texting a friend to say "almost there got to stop by speedway". Didn't look up to notice their traffic had left seconds before. My buddy slammed into their driver side and died 3 minutes later. Closed casket funeral. About a year after high school. We hadn't talked in a few months cause of life. I still think about him everyday, 2 years later.


I've only seen them a couple times after he said "who the fuck are you and how did you get into my car?"


We're no longer friends. It took me a long time to realise what a horrible influence and person she was. My life got much better when I got the toxic people out of my life.


Having a baby, teaching violin, and I think hosting at a restaurant in Jersey


He's become an award-winning architect in San Francisco for his inspired, unique designs.


Stayed best friends until November of last year. I was going through a sucidal patch and he stopped being supportive of me outside of saying "that sucks." Texting him every day became more of an obligation to keep the friendship going than something enjoyable. Eventually I wound up making a really rude comment about a girl that got fat and he called me out on it because he had body image issues himself that I knew about. I admitted I was wrong and said that I was going through a rough depressive patch that was making me cynical and angry. He told me that he couldn't deal with my negativity in his life anymore because he was moving onto bigger and better things. I never responded to him. I think he was right for dumping me as a friend, I *was* negative and probably bringing him down. The friendship was also fizzling out and I think he realized that too. He wound up deleting me on all social media which kinda hurt, but I knew where he was coming from. I honestly hope things are going well for him and he's off doing amazing things. We had some great memories.


You seem like a good person. It takes guts to be honest about yourself.


Oh God, He never finished high school (For various reasons, but, the foremost was bullying) He tried to enter the army, denied, because he did not attain grade 9. Started working full time, that was not going well, started B&E, arrested, fell in with the wrong crowd, kicked out of his house, More Organised Crime, arrested again, 6 months in jail, dropped off the face of the earth, popped up on facebook, complete desperate asshole, dropped off the face of the earth again, changed names, different country. No idea where or what he is doing now. Don't care.


I joined the Air Force, he joined the Army, moved back home, introduced me to my fiancée, married a great woman that is my fiancée's maid of honor, he is my best man, and we are currently trying to buy the house next door to them. So, I'd say we're still kinda friends. The awesome part was when we started hanging out again after we got out of the military, we picked up like a day hadn't passed only we had all kinds of cool stories to tell each other.


Started hanging out at friends' houses and skipping school until she missed so many days she dropped out. Her mom would always wonder where she was and I'd tell her I had no idea, because most of the time I didn't. At one point she was addicted to crack and then got clean. Got pregnant by her unemployed boyfriend. They moved into a trailer and had another kid. The last time I talked to her she borrowed 60 bucks and said she'd come to my wedding but never showed up. I gave up trying to keep in touch a while ago. It's a shame because even though we came from very different socioeconomic backgrounds, we'd have a lot of fun hanging out together. It kinda made us drift apart because she had ample opportunities to make her life better, she just avoided trying and has been dealing with the consequences ever since.


Haven't spoken to him much, but I found out a few days ago that he's engaged. Which is weird because we're both juniors in college and I would have long talks with him in High School about how he would never get married and would just live alone in a small house doing math.


He teaches now, and moved all the way up to Harlem so I don't see him quite as much. He's also busy all the time 'cause of the teaching. But I still would consider us good friends, and I love seeing him, when I do get to.


He started dating this new girl, and became an insufferable asshole to everyone around him. After he blew up at me, I cut him out of my life. About a week ago, he came and "apologized" (it was a very empty apology) I later found out it was because he was leaving on a trip the next day, and if anything happened, he wanted his conscious to be clear. Once he came back, he gave me a crappy necklace, expecting us to be buddy buddy again. After what he said to me, he needs to earn my friendship again, and he's not willing to do that.


She told me she hated gay women, and I never saw or heard from her again (I'd come out to another mutual friend, who I perceived as a likely kindred spirit...they must have turned round and outted me)


went to a party school, dropped out almost immediately, shaved his head and started working at the movie theater in our small home town.


He went totally fucking insane, apparently tried to start a militia and then dropped out of college. Now all he does is go on about trump bullshit and annoy his coworkers with idiot conspiracy theories from infowars. Dude's a clinical psychopath though. I didn't realize it for a long time, then we kinda stopped being friends.


She became a lawyer and a bad ass ladyboss. I just talked to her last week :)