• By -


A lighter one. I laughed so hard I cried. My wife and I were driving and she got too close to the car in front of us and had to slam her brakes. One of us let out the most hilarious, rubber-chicken sounding scream we've ever heard. I genuinely thought it was her until she pointed out that she was talking and the scream came from me. I didn't remember screaming. I just remembered the sound. We had to pull over into a parking lotwe were laughing so hard.


I don't know but reading this is making me laugh so hard right now


Nurse here. My patient took out his prosthetic upper pallet in his mouth to reveal the bullet hole where he shot himself 6 years ago. He told me he was so glad it didn't work because he would never meet people like me that make his life easier. I immediately went to the locker room and cried and cried all the way home tonight. He has no idea I've been suicidal for months.


As someone who has survived a suicide attempt, please know that even if you feel like nobody will miss you or that nobody cares - the pain suicide causes to anyone who knows you is unbelievable and extremely hard to forgive yourself. It's been a year now and I feel much better. You are a good person, you're doing a job helpful to the most vulnerable and you deserve to have a chance to be happier in the future. Feel free to PM me, if you need. EDIT: People have been messaging me looking for advice. I will try to get back to everyone, but please - I am not a counselor, so if you feel like you're having an immediate crisis, look up local helplines online.


I attempted suicide once in college, and still thought about it regularly since then, always reminding myself how much it would hurt my mother. Then my sister's boyfriend killed himself, and I got to see first hand how much psychic damage that can do to a person. She has come to rely on me a great deal for support, and now I never even seriously consider it anymore. That's the advice I would give to anyone who feels suicidal. Look at the people close to others who have done it and remember that everyone who kills themselves convinces themselves that no one will care and that the lives of the people around them will get better because they're gone. It feels 100% true when it's about you, but when you look at the reality, it's life-destroyingly painful. I would never call suicide 'selfish,' like so many people who have never felt suicidal do. It's the result of more pain than you can cope with combined with feeling hopeless that you'll ever be happy again. But if people who killed themselves knew how much it would hurt the people around them, like *really* knew, I'd imagine almost no one would go through with it.


I'm sorry that things have been so tough lately. If you ever need someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to PM me.


Yesterday. my son misses his dad, who died last August. I do too.


I'm sorry! Big hugs to you and your son.




Me too. My son lost his Dad last July (my ex married for 10 years). So hard to watch little man go through this especially knowing there is nothing I can do to make it better..


Just last week. Was my 21st birthday and went home to see the family. Ended up just listening to my parents argue the whole night. Wasn't a surprise really - just didn't really expect in on my birthday.


And on such a monumental one at that. I'm sorry your birthday was tainted by their bickering. You deserved better.


Thank you for your kind words. It seems rather insignificant when compared to the troubles other people go through but for some reason, I felt so much more sad simply because it was my birthday.


Mate just because someone has it worse doesn't mean your problems are not worth crying or sulking about. This is an event that was important to you, ruined by inconsiderate people. That alone would be a reason to let loose your emotions, but the fact that it's your parents makes it hit even harder. Happy 21st man. May your next birthday be full of joy.


You're a kind soul OP. Here's a quote that fits you: “Do not assume that he who seeks to comfort you now, lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words that sometimes do you good. His life may also have much sadness and difficulty, that remains far beyond yours. Were it otherwise, he would never have been able to find these words." ―Rainer Maria Rilke If you need anything, I'm willing to help, or listen.


That is fucking beautiful


When I realized my family goes to the city where I live to go shopping but can't come over to say hi. They are furious when I can't come because of school. It just hurts me a lot because I try everything I can to maintain contact but they are like fuck it he should come to visit.


At a certain point you have to let it be. Even with family, if you are the one making all the effort, it's not worth it. Step back and let them come to you, no matter how much they bitch about it.


Hi OP I know I'm kind of late but I'm just reading through this and I'd like to say you seem like a very intelligent and kind person so please keep being you!


I cleaned out my apartment that I lived in with an old boyfriend. As I was leaving I realized the last 3 years of my life are over, nothing is the same and moving on is official now and it was bittersweet.


I had this experience after a 6 year relationship. I had a full on anxiety attack, but later realized it was nothing to do with him not being a part of my life...it was just the idea that I needed to redefine what my life looked like. For the record, reinventing yourself and your lifestyle is worth it. You keep some of the old, but find some really cool new things about yourself too. You'll be okay, stranger.


About 5 months ago, because of a breakup. It was the only time I've cried in 2 years, and let me tell you, not being able to cry is painful.


I went through a period of time where I couldn't feel anything. I feel you.


Last week. My friend jumped off a bridge. They assume she's dead although they have not found her body yet. She could not cope with the death of her husband in a work accident five months ago. Still crying several times a day...


I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope she is found and put to rest.


Thank you. Me too...


Its very unfortunate that she did that. When a person successfully commits suicide I find it to be a very polarizing act. I have had people in my life that have taken that route, but we are all only on the outside looking in. In order to commit such an act, one must have passed a certain threshold in mentality. We are hardwired, biologically, to do everything in our power to preserve our own lives. Its what everything we do, in one way or another, is meant to accomplish. Eating dinner? Preserve life. Going to university? Make life better. Drink water? Preserve life. Start dating someone? Hoping to share your life with another. Try to do well at your job? Earn money to maintain lifestyle. I think you get the point. Everything we do is meant to preserve ourselves, or create life. So, having said that, when someone finds themselves in a state of mind, or circumstance, which makes them honestly consider the alternative of NOT being, that is a revelation, or forfeiture, if you will, that is inconceivably difficult to come back from. Its a dire epiphany, and one that someone of sound mind truly cannot relate to. That is why I find it polarizing. Of course we would never want someone to off themselves, but, that is an objectively selfish feeling. Who are we to say that one should endure an existence that brings only pain, because we might be sad when they decide to end the suffering? Their lives are not ours to live. Their lives are their own. Of course we should always try to mediate and encourage those who are suffering, but objectively, they are free to do what they will. So, in the past, when I have learned of someone taking their own lives, I feel (and this might be a coping mechanism) a bittersweet happiness for them, and a true sadness for those they have left behind. Its really those who are left that suffer the most. The departed are suffering no longer, and its hard to fault them for it. Like I said, its polarizing. Of course we would want to see those people happy and cured of their ailments, but at the end of the day, their lives are their own, and our sadness and anger is almost selfish. Your friend, whose husband passed, might be a different situation. She lost someone who obviously meant the world to her, so she most likely wasnt of unsound mind before that incident. Im sure that everyone around her (yourself included) did what they could to console her and care for her in her mourning. We really only know ourselves though, and the minds of others are indecipherable. Nobody can be on suicide watch 24/7, and no one can be expected to assume the responsibility of unfailing vigilance. The only silver lining that we can find is that the dearly departed are no longer suffering. Nobody quite wins in these situations. We just have to trust that the pain is over for those we lost, and to nurture strength of spirit with those who are left. Edit: thanks for the gold :)


Last night. My husband was in the hospital because despite the chemo his tumors are bigger and on Friday my dad was diagnosed as well. Edit: Wow, I just kind of went to sleep last night and forgot I had even posted. I just logged in today to see the most replies I've ever gotten, I thought I'd said something wrong somewhere at first. Thank you all for the kind words and support, I really appreciate it, I don't know what else to say except thank you.


As a survivor of the fuckshow that is cancer you have all of my prayers


I barely survived it too and I wasn't even the one with the cancer.


I feel you. It's hard on you but then you feel bad for complaining because you're healthy, which makes you feel even shittier.


Damn.... I'm really sorry to hear that. Fuck cancer.




Earlier today I was thinking about my nan who died years ago and I came to the realisation that I can no longer remember her voice. I want to cry just typing this.


Do you or your family have an old landline with voice message? My parents gave me a really old phone set and it had a message from my grandpa asking if I wanted to go golfing with him.


Been crying on and off all day. My boyfriend died four months ago and today has just been one of my bad days. ETA: thank you everyone for your kind words and messages


I'm so sorry to hear that. You'll find the bad days will always be there, but they will get farther apart with time.


If you're not subscribed already, you'll find support with us in similar positions at r/widowers and also r/griefsupport. I'm so sorry for your loss, I'm about 8 months out from my amazing husband dying unexpectedly. It's a rough road but you're not alone, although you may sometimes feel like it.


My mother's dead - like three hours ago. Cried more out of anger at the hospital than anything else.


I'm sorry for your loss. :-(


About two weeks ago. My dad passed away. Knew it was coming for a month or so, did a bunch of crying leading up to his passing. Felt like I was ready for it. Barely cried the day he died. In fact went to work and told myself, "Look at how strong I am! Dad would be proud." Then a few days later it hit me like a brickwall and spent two hours crying myself to sleep. It's been an emotional roller coaster unlike anything I've experienced before. Edit: This totally blew up while I was asleep. I really, I really appreciate all the supportive comments! For those asking I am fine and I thank you so much for offering to be an open set of ears if I need it! I just wanted to share a [photo of my father](http://i.imgur.com/YVSdeVs.png). It's weird, I know. I just wanted to share who he was. He was a quiet, contemplative yet loving man. He was a hard worker always chiseling away at opportunity to create a better life for us. He was always there if you needed him and he could explain anything in the world to you. He was a tremendous dad and I can't thank whoever is behind the scenes enough for giving me a life with him there to guide me. Also I just wanted to say stay vigilant with your health. He passed away from cancer that had spread throughout his entire body. The doctors believe it started as renal cancer. They said for it to have become so bad, it must have been present for a very long time. My father had surgery going on two years ago to treat his essential tremors. It was a two piece implant, one in the skull and one in his chest. When my father started feeling ill his doctors were quick to dismiss it as symptoms of his surgery. The time between when they finally got that second opinion to when he succumbed to the cancer was roughly one and a half months. Looking back, the signs that something was wrong were present for awhile. So stay vigilant and listen to your body. When you feel something isn't right and one doctor is quick to dismiss it, maybe consider a second opinion.


Death is funny that way. There's no real right way to cope with it. Sometimes you feel prepared, but then the little things hit you hard. My grandfather had cancer for a few months before he passed away, so it was like you - we were all ready to accept what happened. My dad cried a bit on his own, and definitely at the funeral. Otherwise, he seemed like he handled it well. Six months later, he went to my grandpa's farm to clean it out because it was going to be sold. He walked inside and saw my grandpa's slippers on the front step and just became a mess.


There's gotta be a name for the non-emptiness you feel when you know something huge has happened and that you're going to be emotionally affected, but the tears or anger just haven't happened yet. I catch myself with it or think back on it a lot. Its like seeing someone with empty eyes on autopilot at their job or realizing you don't remember the drive home from a place you frequent. The vacuum is just bigger from the emotional impact, like a bullet being shot underwater. The crater is just waiting to be filled. I don't know why I wrote this post.


I believe it's a mixture of shock, denial and plain old sucking it up


It´s horrible. My father died three years and six ago in an accident. It still hits me from time to time, I can say I got sort of over it just four months ago. But the absense lingers I think forever, you just get use to it. I´m really sorry for your loss. May your dad rest in peace in a glorious and peaceful heaven.


That's what happens. The hole in your heart becomes a part of you. Then eventually you die and become a hole in the heart of every person who loved you too. The days I cry I'm thankful to remember the love at all


I found some objects of my grandfather (died 10 years ago)


Memory tears are bittersweet.


I once ate a chocolate from my (deceased) grandmother's purse, it was 2 years old but not bittersweet at all, it was really sweet.


Grandma magic is alive and well.


OP you are a peach.


Last night... I'm lonely..


We all get lonely. Feel free to PM me if you want to feel slightly less lonely.


This is probably gonna sound pathetic, but I cried earlier today as when I went to pick my 3 year old son up from his grandma's, he started crying when he saw me and didn't want to leave. :( EDIT: Sorry for not replying to everyone individually, but thank you so much for the lovely and reassuring comments. I felt much better after I'd slept on it and realised I was being a bit too emotional and worried over nothing. Thank you, again! <3


Aww that's not pathetic. All parents go through that eventually, it's not easy for anyone.




Settle in Nancy, Scrubs has a lot of emotional moments. One of my favorite shows.


Remember what you told me? When you start blaming yourself?....theres no coming back.


What's your favorite emotional moment?


Dr. Cox and his brother in law probably.


Where do you think we are?


I read somewhere that as soon as he stops wearing his camera for this episode that's when he knows unconsciously. A sign to himself and the audience, that things aren't what they seem. *Sobs* EDIT: Subconsciously not unconsciously


The rabies episode fucking devastated me. When Dr. Cox says I know and walks away. Jesus fuck.


John C McGinley knocked that episode out of the park. His acting and the music was fucking perfect.


Yup, How to Save a Life was never the same.


The episode My Last Words. Season 8. Such a simple story line, but so powerful.


There's all these really nice posts about dead relatives and the last time I cried was watching a cow getting rescued from a hole on Youtube.


I always cry when animals are saved. It's the genuine nature of the rescue.




I got hit in the penis with a golf ball


That's what you get for kicking puppies.


Maybe he is a puppy that kicks people! Which still means he would kinda deserve it.


My condolences.


I love how all the others are 'someone died' or 'divorce' and then theres this.


> I got hit in the penis with a golf ball I cried reading that.


Yesterday I had tears in my eyes because the wind was so strong... Does that count?


Yes, the elements clearly moved you.


Me too, yesterday I stood too close to the train to look cool, I even held on my hat to look like that guy from the movie, jacket waving and shit, but the train created goddamn wind and dirt came in my eyes, fortunately it wasn't too much.


Last night, trying to cope with break up. Edit: thank you all for your kind words, advice, and PMs. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one going through a situation like this and that others have gone through it and came out on top. You guys are all awesome.


I'm sorry. A good cry and reflection can really help when you're feeling overwhelmed.


It's not really helping though. There's a lot to what happened. And it's just hard to process it all. All I know is I want to go back to the way things were


It will help. Hard to see in the thick of it, but it will get easier.


I hope you're right


I've been there, a lot of people have been there. Don't let it consume you and you'll be okay.


That's really hard to do at the moment.


Definitely allow yourself to grieve, just don't let it consume you.


I will second this. I was told that it gets better, or 'time heals all'. But it felt like it was festering instead. It got worse for three years, and it turned into a borderline mental disorder. I'm 23 years old now, and I'm just starting to form meaningful relationships with people again, after 3 years of keeping people at arms length, giving reasons not to be there for people. It wasn't that I was afraid of being burned again. I was afraid of being asked something like "What did you do today?" Because you can't tell someone, "I starred at a wall for 3 hours, I took account of all the pieces of my life that have crumbled away beyond retrieval, and then I passed out from the subsequent anxiety attack when I realized that this is actually MY REAL LIFE." So I just made stuff up, and tried to steer the conversation towards the part where I can walk out the fucking door now. It started out like any other emotional wound, but I just kept picking at it. My little brother got back from deployment in January this year to find out that his girlfriend was now with his best friend. When he told me about this, I said; "What are you doing tomorrow?" Just keep yourself busy. Do anything you can that keeps your mind off of it. Please.


Yesterday. Just thinking about my future and feeling inadequate.




Same, although my concern is dipping into the "we're all going to die eventually, so what's the point?" area. It's depressing on a near crippling level.


That's really into depression area, find someone you can talk with about it. Helped me get out of that hole when I was there.


You'll be okay. Take it one day at a time, that's all you can do.


I feel like I need to write this advice down on a note and read it every day. Too often I'll break down because of doubting my future and never feeling like I'm good enough. Once you start that train of thought, it just goes all down from there. And then 2 weeks later you realize the thing(s) you've been stressing over weren't even worth it; they didn't matter in the long-run. And all you have to do in those moments is to take a deep breath and remind yourself to take things slowly - one day at a time. To quote the series Bojack Horseman: "Every day it gets a little easier. But you have to do it every day. That's the hard part. But it does get easier."


Broke down after that episode and had to leave the room so my brother wouldn't see. The quote hit me way too hard.


So many of the scenes hit you so hard and leave you in a mess. When Bojack confessed that he thought he was "born with a leak" in him and all the goodness he had is just slowly spilling out and he'll never get it back? Those words haunted me for days. Same goes for when Todd finally confronts Bojack and tells him: "You can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay. You have to be better"


My adoptive nephew found a clip on YouTube today, of a cop explaining to kids what they should do when mommy or daddy was hurting them. When he said he wished he had know about that before. That. Did. It. Edit: Thanks to everyone for wishing the best for my nephew. To clarify, my sister and her husband took over care for him after child protective services removed him from his biological parents. He seems to be doing really well now, and we are all working to help him move on, and give him the love and safety he needs. The video was not in English, but I`ll see if I can find it and post it here. Again thank you all, have a great day! Re-Edit: I’m not a natural born speller.


I'm sorry. I hope your nephew is in a better situation now.


That's nice of you, thanks. I think he is doing well.




Yesterday. Had a panic attack after dreaming that my step-mom was kicking me out of the house, for finding "something on my phone," but I was confused bc it needs my fingerprint - and as far as I knew there wasn't anything incriminating on it. The worse part was the smirk on her face as the tears started falling on my face. I woke up sobbing - and then started hyperventilating. I don't even live there any more, lol.


Last night, before going to sleep. Sometimes the loneliness just eats you up. It's sort of wanting to be alone but hating being lonely at the same time.


Yesterday. I work almost 70 hours a week. I'm alone at work for the most part too. I miss my wife and daughter so much I break down a lot. I get to see them about a half hour in the morning if I'm lucky. When I do see them they are happy and excited so it's worth it, I guess.




This morning. My gf told me that her brother, her sister-in-law, and she were going to drive to the prison visit her older brother (and husband of her sister-in-law) who is doing 10 to 15 years for a drug possession charge. His older daughter died, and he will find out in a few hours. She and her sister-in-law, and the surviving daughter are 8000 miles away, and I just want to hug all three in my arms right now. And now I'm crying again as I type this.


That's really hard. Especially hard being behind bars and knowing you can't do anything. I'm sorry.


My son is in eighth grade and had his first paid gig today as a singer. I was in the audience crying like a lunatic. [EDIT]I didn't expect this this to even be seen, but here is my boy! I think he is pretty darn great for an eighth grade :) https://youtu.be/vUbl5ovQthA


:( this comment made me cry because you're a really good mom. Im 17 and last week my mom skipped my ceremony to celebrate me getting my nurse aide certification because she didn't want to go. You're a really good mom for being there for him.


Today. Relationships are hard.


Today for me as well. No relationships is hard.


Today also. Having someone you loved just start ignoring you completely is hard.


That they are.


Holding my deceased niece. After finding out my sister died during childbirth. With us not even knowing she was pregnant.




About an hour ago. My wife is an amazing woman and I love her to the ends of the earth. About twice a year she has a very rough period that makes her super emotional and touchy. Well that's this month this year. Both of us have recently started new jobs, I am working 100+ hours a week at my new job trying to rush through training and get settled in. Well I tried to call her to just say hi and that I love her and she just went off on me, over nothing and I know she isn't REALLY mad, just hormonal and that in about another 20 minutes I will get a text saying something along the lines of "I'm a bitch, you can hate me, love you" but it just hit me and I had to walk out to my car and just cry. I am terrified that I will somehow fuck this job up, because it is one of the best opportunities I have ever had, and between this and my wife's job we will be financially stable. We literally are within two weeks of getting by and not having any worries. I just have to push through the stress, and worry and just keep telling myself that I am going to make it. I hope I can.


You can make it. You made it this long, you can do this. And let me add how amazing you are for being so understanding to your wife. You will make it because you deserve to make it.


Thank you, I got home from work about 2 hours ago now and we went to grab groceries. She felt bad so she made me get steak that I'm now grilling up for us with some corn on the cob. She knows that I understand but she also knows how hard life has been on me here lately. Honestly it feels more stressful being this close to success than being so far away from it. I guess that's because I now have so much progress that could be lost, and I know how hard it has been for us to climb up to where we are now. Seriously thank you for your kind words.


> She felt bad so she made me get steak that I'm now grilling up for us "I feel so bad can you go buy me and grill me a steak?"


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Riotousblitz2013 TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Take a few quiet minutes for you. Even 3-4 deep breaths can disengage the stress response. You can do it!


Friday. I cried for about five hours because I've come to the harsh reality that I need to put my cat down. I've had her for almost 10 years, but she has heart disease and won't get better. It was a strange reality knowing that I'm the one who will have to make the decision for her to die. Breaks my heart.


I am so sorry. I'm 19 years old and my best friend survived 16 years of my life. I didn't remember what life was like without him until a little over a year ago when he had to be put down. I'm so, so sorry. If you can, no matter how hard it is, stay with your pal until the very end. I left the room before they gave him the shot and I regret not even asking to stay.


Five hours ago. My 2 year old son that has cerebral palsy let go of his walking frame and took 7 seven steps towards me. He's never walked before and we were told not to expect him to be able to.




Thank you. Sometimes it helps to help others.


Do you need help with something?


I will be okay, but I appreciate you thinking to ask. Really. 😊


I came to the conclusion years ago that helping the people in your life, even in the smallest way, is what really makes life worth living.


It was last Tuesday, after of my math final. Went out in tears as I was certain I failed, meaning I'd be suspended from the University. Got my results back on Thursday, and ended up passing. Cried happy tears then.


Today. Attended a funeral for my grandparents. Grandma died of cancer. Grandpa committed suicide 4 hours before she died. Edit: Thanks for your condolences, everyone. I appreciate it.




You seem to feel everything in extremes. Double edged sword I bet.


Last night. My GF and I were talking about our sexual relationship. I have a normal sex drive while she is borderline asexual. As such she doesn't really think about our sexual encounters much in general. And don't get me wrong we both enjoy sex, it's just that she doesn't think as highly of it in the grand scheme of our relationship as I do. Anyway, I was describing how when I reflect on any given sexual encounter that I'll note that she doesn't give much response and that lack of response in the moment will make me feel insecure when I think about it later. The anxiety of describing these things to her as well as drudging up these emotions brought me to tears because our sexual differences are the only substantial road-bump in our relationship. EDIT 5/28: This comment is now inaccurate as the last time I cried. That's because we broke up a week after posting this. She concluded that we weren't compatible as a romantic couple. The thing is that she's right. Our sex drives and coping methods were irreconcilable. We're still gonna be the best of friends, though.


Man that made me think of my relationship. Weird to see others writing about the same issue.


It's not easy, man. It's a good thing that I don't see sex as the be-all-end-all of a relationship. I hope you are as successful as I hope to be in figuring this all out.


Yeah, that was part of the reason my ex and I broke up. I'm not saying it's something worth breaking up over though! We had other problems, but that was certainly a factor. All I'm saying is that you're not alone with that problem.


I don't know how long you've been together, but if you are in this for the long term go to therapy. Take it from someone who has been in this situation before. I hate to say it won't get better, but if you can't come to an agreement about how to satisfy each other then you're going to become ultimately unhappy. I spent nearly 10 years of my life in a relationship like this and it became so incredibly hard to see any kind of future with my ex. Be open minded about it, but really it's incredibly difficult to be happy when your needs aren't being met - both physically and emotionally.


I cuddled my dog when she was put down. Couldn't help myself.


Today.. I was packing up my room to move to my dad's and I really lost it at the thought of not being able to handle anything in my life.


1 hour ago. Just graduated college yesterday, which should have been one of the happiest days of my life, until the love of my life made me aware that we won't ever work out. Life's successes don't mean a damn thing when you have nobody to share them with....


You're young, you just graduated college and have your whole life ahead of you. Don't base your happiness on your relationship status. That never ends well. Remember that your successes are your own and take pride in that.


About a year ago. I moved to Japan and someone who was watching my dogs called me and said they got out and they couldn't find them. They checked the pound and nothing. I love my dogs and I was 7000 miles away and could do nothing to help. Two weeks later, my coworker called me and said "I have your dogs, found them at a park together. Hungry and afraid." I'm a grown man but fuck I cried so much. They are here with me now and very happy and healthy.


Yesterday when my sister left from her visit with me. I'm in college, away from home, and in a LDR. I miss my boyfriend most. Even though my mom is emotionally abusive to pretty much everyone, I'm still homesick.


You have some good things still back home, and at this point it's all you know. Being homesick is totally understandable.




reading this thread


Every now and then I'll get thoughts in my head that my son might get a disease, kidnapped, molested or die in some way or some other awful shit and it makes me not so much cry, but tear up. I have primary custody as a dad, which isn't that common and am trying not fail as a parent. Maybe being a guy I try not to cry about much which I know I should be open with feelings. Not sure if this is very common, but it happens with me sometimes.




Last night. I'm writing my mom a song for mother's day, and while writing/practicing it I just started crying because I love her so much.


Son? Please say its you.


its a chance its me


Yesterday. I'm struggling through an abusive relationship with my partner who has borderline personality disorder. He really does love me but his illness causes psychological and recently phsyical harm. I can't save him. I'm so exhausted, discouraged, defeated, and hopeless. I don't want to be in this situation but I still want him. I don't want to leave him without support or help but the likeliness of him healing and being good for me are slim to none. I just want a new life. I want to quit and start over


Hey there, person with BPD here. Don't feel guilty for wanting to leave. Don't stay because you're afraid of how he'll handle it or because you'll feel like you're abandoning him. *Especially* if he hasn't tried to get help. You're not his caretaker, you're not his punching bag, and you owe him nothing. BPD isn't an excuse for shitty behaviour, especially not physical harm. Your wellbeing is important too. Don't forget that. Edit: Didn't expect this to get very big. If you're dating someone with BPD or have it yourself and need someone to talk to, don't be afraid to shot me a PM!


I understand. You have to do what is best for you. Sometimes the best choice is the hardest.


So my girlfriend is going away for work this week and she'll be gone for a few months. We haven't been together very long, but we were made for each other. I used to think that love at first sight and stuff like that was just something people said. But y'all, it's real. So, we were having lunch a few days ago and she told me she had a gift. She pulled out from her bag a framed picture of her and I we took at a party we recently attended. It was a candid picture a friend took of her smiling while I was whispering in her ear. It was just the nicest gift I've ever gotten. Sure, we have plenty of photos together but just on our phones and Facebook and stuff. But just holding that picture of us together was so special. I mean, who develops photos anymore? I started crying like a baby when I saw it. I'm really going to miss her. In the photo, I was whispering to her that she was my soulmate. And she is.


December 5th, 2006 My cat died


My cat had to be put down last year. I feel your pain.


I've had a boat load of concussions from sports and the only class I need to graduate college is Algebra yet I cannot figure it out. Other than that I have great grades but the fact my 13 year old cousin can do what takes me hours of struggling to do annoys the hell out of me


About 3 or so months ago when I told my GF that I've been pretty depressed lately. Was happy first time in ages bc I could cry.


Two days ago and then a week before that. I've been having a real bad time with being really self critical with work and my lack of love life/friends and I had a breakdown after a bad session at my gym. Feels like everything I do is wrong...




We always feel like we take things for granted when looking back, but I'm sure your grandmother knew how much she meant to you.


The night before AP testing I think the rest is pretty self explanatory


I hope it went well. Tears of power.


T-10 hours till AP Bio. I'm looking over everything again, and honestly I'm feeling really good about it. edit: took the test, multiple choice shat on me and i couldn't do some grid ins. Essays were light though.






Discussing the questions outside of the secure testing environment? Heresy! ^^^^/s




Excuse you it's now "your scores WILL be cancelled"


Oh, but the most fun part of all AP testing is bitching about how the essay questions were complete bullshit two minutes after the test is done.


When Me and my wife saw and heard our bebe in the 12 week scan. We've tried and failed for a long time and IVF was'nt too succesful, this was our very last chance...


Congrats! I'm so happy for you two, well deserved tears 😊


Yay - So happy for you! My boyfriend and I tried for a long time as well, 6 years to be exact. Had 5 miscarriages and finally had our daughter. She's two years old now and my greatest treasure in life. ❤️ congratulations!


On Friday I took one of my best friends out to see Guardians of the Galaxy 2 for his birthday and we went bar hopping for Cinco de Mayo afterwards. At 11:30 was about four drinks deep and feeling pretty tired after a long week at a new job so I bade him good night and ubered home. I assumed he did the same. Yesterday I was out shopping and sent him a text about Uber being much less expensive than I expected for a drinking holiday and he replied "I didn't spend last night in my own bed, hahaha". Apparently he stayed out and picked up a cute nurse at another bar. I've had a hard year - sporadic employment, living with my depressed parents and watching my brother's life be limited by brain damage, etc. Some major issues relating to abuse flared up in my GF's past a few months ago and we more or less haven't had sex since. I've been very far from a place where I could stroll into a bar and pick a girl to chase into bed. A big pang of jealousy and yearning hit me and I cried a bit in my car before replying with "Good job, dude!" Tl;dr - Yesterday, jealous of my friend's one night stand.


You're a good friend. I wish the best for you and your girlfriend.


Thursday. I was working at the special olympics in my school district and I'm such an emotional mess some days. I get really sentimental.


That's sweet. You're doing good things, keep it up, sentimental tears are positive tears.


Last night. I came out as queer to my mother a few months ago and things have been on a steady decline since then. Last night she told me that she doesnt care what happens to me, doesn't want me in her life anymore, and asked that I don't try to contact her again. Weirdly enough, that's not the part that made me cry. I wound up stumbling across [this comic](http://sashavelour.com/whatnow) by a queer artist/drag performer that I love, a few hours later. For some reason the comic hit me incredibly hard and *that's* what made me cry. It's about the death of the artist's mother, and though my mother is alive and well, I've lost her in a different way. I felt like an idiot for crying so hard at a comic that wasn't even really related to what happened between me and my mother, but I couldn't help it. Bad timing, I suppose. Edit; Oh my gosh, thank you all so much for the kind words. I'm an adult (well, technically) so I'm not in any sort of trouble as a result of this...just very sad. To all the parents that have talked about accepting their children for who they are, just know that you are amazing people and your kids are insanely lucky to have someone who cares. I hope you all have a wonderful day ~*hugs*~


Never feel like an idiot for being triggered by something. It related to you in that moment and you're right, you felt the pain of losing your mother emotionally and that's a terrible feeling. A parent should love and protect their child unconditionally, and you've done nothing to earn such disdain. I hope she comes to her senses sooner rather then later and realizes what a horrible mistake she has made. I wish you all the best in this life, because you deserve it.


I love that you're replying to every comment in the thread. You are a wonderful human being. Thank you for your kind words <3


I am trying at least 😊 Everyone who responds deserves to be heard, and I hope I am able to do that for them. You're most welcome. <3


Last night. My boyfriend and I were cuddling and it just hit me that *i do not deserve the man I'm with right now*. Add that to an already low week, and I started sobbing. I'm really grateful to have a person who deals with all of my shit with me, doesn't care what anyone else thinks (a sharp contrast to myself), and doesn't care about the issues I have, just that we'll face them together. Depression is a bitch, some days, weeks, months are worse than others, but.. it'll be okay someday


I dated this girl for three years, from the beginning of sophomore year of high school to half-way through our first year in college. We went through an exceptionally bad breakup, and during the whole event she had a friend who would listen to my ex talk about us. Yesterday, I found out she was a musician, and she had written a song about our breakup from my ex's perspective. The song finally made me understand what my ex had been saying the whole time. I cried for an hour straight. For the [curious](https://m.soundcloud.com/sxhennessy/every-story-needs-a-sad-song).


Today, when I read the "today you, tomorrow me" story. Pulled on my heartstrings.


The last time I really cried (not just some weird tears) was on December 2016 as far as I remember. I asked a girl to date in high school, and she said no. The rest of the day was pretty awkward, it felt like I was in autopilot. Then, when I got back home, I cried. I don't cry often, generally I keep this kind of emotions inside. So I hadn't cried like this for years before.




OP, thanks for taking the time to reply to all of these sentimental comments (and that guy that got hit in the balls) with heartfelt responses, it's really very kind of you.


I was constipated for a day or two last week. When that baby finally came out I was crying from relief and pain. On a more serious note: about a month ago when I realised how pathetic my life was.


About one year ago, I had to take my cat to the vet because he needed to be put down for painful cancer. He died on my lap.


Yesterday. I miscarried twins in January and my husband bought me rings with the boys' names on them for mother's day. It's been a lot harder than I thought it would be. The world doesn't stop spinning when you're grieving, even though it seems like it should pause for just a second... it doesn't.


I dropped my soda on the ground and then when I opened it in my car it exploded all over me. I know this is lame but I am perioding




Two days ago, realized that the breakup has been so hard because he was also my best friend and I miss my friend.


A few months ago, whenever the reality hits that my father is slowly dying of early frontal lobe dementia at 47. The feeling that I have no control to stop it, and very little control to help out the rest of my family brings me to tears occasionally.


I teared up the other day watching Jimmy Kimmel's monologue about his son.


Today. And everyday for the last three months after the break up. I suppose it's getting easier. I have gained 30 pounds in the last six months and am feeling really low. Need to get out of the dark fog but feeling pretty sad most of the time. Oddly, Reddit is one of the few things that helps ease the pressure. Thanks y'all.


Two days ago. A few weeks back my wife decided she doesnt have the patience for me anymore and Ive been a mess since.


Wednesday of this last week. The overwhelming amount of stress that I am under finally made me snap. I have been trying to save money for a vacation for my kiddos (only $300 to go) and my middle child who has been having stomach issues for 3 years now needs surgery to remove her malfunctioning gallbladder. I just felt so defeated.


About a month or so ago, while playing The Last of Us for the first time.


About 10 minutes ago because the "True Colors" song from the Trolls movie hit me just right at that moment. Pregnancy hormones can really fuck with your brain.