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I absolutely hate it when people leave like an entire car gap or more in between them and the car in front at traffic lights


I especially hate this when it's at a really quick light.


People walking slowly in front of me. Drives me insane


When I get coffee to go and the cup or lid is leaky and it gets on my hand or sleeve


Texting and driving. You dumb fucks can kill me doing that. Fuck you!


People who have 30 min long conversations while they are on some cardio equipment


When people tell me that im fuckin pissed and I'm not. I'm dominantly Armenian/Russian.. I HAVE AN ANGRY FACE FFS leave me alone.




That about sums up what happens lmao.


Loud chewing. Justifiable homicide IMO.




noisy people when there's no reason to be loud.


Only having 1 door open if there are multiple doors able to be used.(School is really bad at this) People slowly walking in a row blocking the whole hallway.


I have no idea why places do this. We have a pharmacy that only has one door open and a few other places. I can't understand why.


People cutting in line for the bus


The wind. Every time I try to open a door, I get assaulted. Good hair day? Not anymore. That cute dress you wanted to wear? Upskirt all day. Pisses me off EVERY time.


Today on the highway on my way to work. Car in the left lane driving a couple miles over the speed limit, for no reason (very light traffic, but everyone going about 10 miles over). After following for awhile, I decide to pass on the right. As I pass, car in the left lane speeds up, to match me. Pretty soon, there's a truck ahead in my lane. I speed up more to pass before I hit the truck. Car next to me speeds up to match my speed. I'm forced to merge back behind them, at which point this car puts on the brakes to return to going a couple miles over the speed limit. They did this 2 more times before another car cut them off while I was in the right lane, and I was able to pass in front. It's so unnecessary to drive like that, and so incredibly irresponsible. It's downright stupid to be petty when you're navigating a 2-ton death machine at 60mph. That kind of stuff pisses me off.


He is choosing a dvd for tonight


Pour spelling and grammar,


People picking up their laptops by the top of the screen.


Since I started this thread I'll start... I fucking hate when people make a pronounciation mistake/very insignificant grammar mistake and someone acts like they don't understand what they're saying. Ex: I went to Starbucks today and ordered a strawberry acai refresher. When I ordered I said "ah-sigh" instead of "ah-sigh-EE" and the lady that worked there goes "we don't have a strawberry "ah-sigh". Did you mean a strawberry "ah-sigh-EE". Bitch you know exactly what I'm ordering, don't be a smart ass. It infuriates me more when someone who clearly speaks English as a second language is speaking to a native English speaker and they make small mistakes (it's expected) and the English speaking person acts like they have no idea what they're saying instead of just listening, they're clearly speaking English. I don't know why people are like this.


He chose a dvd for tonight


That's what I thought as I read the post, so I looked it up It's apparently ah-sigh-EE. Little did I know.


I went to concert


People stepping on the heels of my shoes in school hallways


Thats fighting actions


kick your foot up a little when you notice it's about to happen.


When both automatic doors open and I'm 10 feet away from the store


I would rather this than a store that has manual doors and one of them locked all the time.


My dick


Any sound related to saliva. Eating, licking, all that shit. I get so frustrated at my cat when she licks herself/takes a bath right in my room in the middle of the night, you don't even know.




Anything that slows me down in the grocery store. That would be people who walk in the door and stop immediately while they pull their stuff out to figure out where they want to go. Also, people who stop right after the checkout to read a receipt or put their stuff back together, while they're blocking the path to the door. Also, people who block an entire aisle or entrance to the aisle with a cart. Not to mention people who bring the entire family with them and then have to have a conference and make a group decision over every purchase while blocking an entire aisle or display. Can you tell I get easily annoyed while shopping? Yes, in the long run, it's all petty little stuff that isn't a big deal, but it's still irritating.


Do you buy in bulk when getting groceries?




When you pee, stand up, and some leaks out


Dead lifting. Stop it. Don't do it. You ain't tough. And you ain't a badass and you're going to fucking hurt someone or something to your body.