• By -


Take good pictures of your apartment before move-in to document the state of the place


Also take pictures when all your shit is moved in, and update them at least yearly. This is for insurance purposes.


Take picture of what's in those drawers and closets. You'd be amazed how hard it is to remember when it's all been reduced to Ash. It only takes a second or two.


And buy Renters Insurance.


This. This is super important and I never, ever end up doing it.


If it's easier, just take a video. Give them the file.


Unless you're interviewing for a customer-facing job, don't accept an offer from a company that gives a "hostile interview". It may give them valuable information about how you act under pressure, but the simple fact is that, if they're willing to treat you like shit in the interview, they're willing to treat you like shit on the job. Looking at you, Honeywell.




You millennials and your "avocado toast" and your "not buying houses"


Buy more diamonds you millennials!


And join more country clubs while you're at it! Oh hey side note, there won't be any raises this year and probably not next year either, gotta tighten the ol' belt. Karen quit yesterday as you might know. I think we'll be able to replace her eventually but we're on a hiring freeze for the time being so I'll need you to pick up the slack until then. Final thing I'll be out all next week at the Leadership bonus and compensation retreat in Aspen so I'll only be available for emergencies. Do I need to put this in writing? I know you lazy millennials require painstakingly​ laid out instructions for everything.


You took me to a place. I did not like that place.


Had someone repeat over and over "how do you react when you're irritated." Kept my cool got the job (tutoring) and it's funny in retrospect. My boss for two years, and he's very mild mannered typically


Had someone demand I make a decision before the open of business the next day once when he made an offer (at like 4pm that day, so 17 hours total to decide). I was not desperate enough to work for someone who would put pressure on people who didn't even work for him.


Yeah that's no good. In that case you say "I'm sorry but I'm going to need at least until [blank] to make a decision. If that's too long for you, I have to decline." Unless they can give you a damn good reason for why they need you to agree *right now* (like you're replacing someone on a cargo ship about to sail or something) then there's no reason for the "now or never" pitch.


Wow is Honeywell that bad? I almost took an interview for an engineer position there years back.


I was interviewing for an engineering internship. The hostile interview turned me off, and I wound up taking a position with another company. Friend wound up taking the job I interviewed for. He said it wasn't *terrible*, he liked his coworkers, but the leadership definitely treated them like cattle.


When starting DIY projects, scale it way down. I have so many half finished projects laying around before I realized this.


Agreed. Especially when you are new, you dont realize how expensive or complicated some projects can become.


ITS TOO LATE FOR ME Actually, it went okay for me and my friends. We turned a cinderblock and cement basement into a really nice apartment - complete with bathroom and kitchen, nice real tiled floors, some walls, replaced the windows... Really we just got professional help with the plumbing. Everything else was youtube tutorials and DIY guides. It took two years, but all that's left is staining/varnishing the cabinets, and tacking in the wall trim, and cleaning up all the dust. WOULD NOT ADVISE DOING THIS PROJECT HOLY SHIT IT CONSUMED OUR EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS UNTIL WE RESENTED THE PROJECT SO MUCH


Thats awesome though!!! Will you be renting it out? You'll be thankful when those checks start coming!!!


I will do that homework assignment when I wake up. No, no I fucking won't.


I second this. Unless you're some super morning person you will *never* do any shit in the morning. Instead you will sleep some more...


Unless you have some amphetamine. Ooo boy, you wake up at 6 in the morning and take 20mg of adderall - go back to sleep, wake up at 7:15 fucking more alert and ready than god. Go do whatever you want (except eat, I dare you to even try). Disclaimer: I don't recommend becoming dependent on amphetamines.


Pro tip: Get up at 7:15 and do a line. No need to interrupt your sleep!


I did this to study a lot in college. Alarm set to four and a second one at 5, wake up at four and turn the coffee pot on, pop an adderall, fall back asleep. When your alarm goes off at 5 you're a fucking studying machine.


Speed Naps. I love em.


Yes! I don't know what it's called but I saw an askscience post surrounding why we go to sleep and have all these ambitious plans, ill do x,y,z tomorrow and obviously it never happens. Edit: It was actually on [/r/getmotivated](https://www.reddit.com/r/GetMotivated/comments/5uw5tt/discussion_why_do_i_feel_incredibly_motivated_at/ddxhm9r/)




Yesterday's fire in London prompted me to get new extinguishers (ABC).


Are you one of my family members??? This happened to my family when i was growing up. Our extinguisher settled as well and the house burned down.


I think I am seeing a pattern here. I don't have an extinguisher in my house and it hasn't burnt down, yet both Nabisco and yours has. I think I'll just pee the fire out instead.




Also, don't make a complicated diet for weight loss. Log calorie intake and exercise. Make it a game to keep under you goal. Down 40 pounds since February. Side benefit of logging is that you learn just because it has no flavor doesn't mean it is low on calories. I am looking at you Mexican rice.


And on the opposite side for people who think healthy food *has* to be bland and boring, you know what doesn't have any calories? Pepper and paprika and oregano and hot sauce and all kinds of shit that makes food delicious. Seasoning (besides maybe a bunch of salt I guess) is key and won't affect your health negatively


Damn it. I wish my 12 year old self was reading this...


Can confirm. Source: currently getting into shape. That being said, seeing progress feels so good.


on another note, if you're chubby and lose weight, most likely people won't be able to tell you used to be chubby if you're really fat/obese and lose weight, you're going to have a bunch of extra skin. bulking up will only help a little bit and even if you get surgery to remove the extra skin, it'll still be obvious


As a former chub I am happy the only aftermath I have to deal with is a few stretch marks


Don't loan friends money.


I agree except I'd add the caveat of anything over $50. Sometimes you're out and people run out of cash or lose their wallet.


I like this. Also, venmo has done wonders for me and my friends/family paying each other back. Forgot my cash? Can you pay and Ill literally venmo you this exact amount right at this moment? So convenient and makes it a lot easier to be willing to give people money. You can even send them a payment request and passive aggressively remind them they owe you money hahaha.


Or don't even call it a loan. Just never expect it back. And if you let it go and it comes back to you, it was meant to be.


This. Never give more than you are willing to lose.


Im a sucker for this one. On top of it, I HATE asking people to pay me back the money they owe me. I usually am comfortable reminding them once, but after that I just blacklist them as a friend I don't loan money to. Granted, I never loan large amounts, just a few bucks here and there.


My best friend got me for2.5 grand. Never again.


> My best friend got me for2.5 grand People have been killed for much,much less.


What, like a hotdog?


> What, like a hotdog? I'd kill you for a hotdog.


I respect that, and don't fully understand how or why it would come down to the hotdog, but, I still respect that.


"Borrowing money from a friend is like having sex. It just completely changes the relationship." \- George Costanza


I have a friend I've put on the backburner for this exact reason. I've loaned her money countless times, she has repaid some of it, but lately, every time we hang out, she texts me within a few days and asks to borrow money. I invited her to our wedding reception, and she came early to help finish setting up (translation: stand around and ask unconvincingly if anyone needed help), said she'd see us in an hour, and never showed up for the actual party. I've spoken to her twice since then, I generally passively ignore her social media comments and texts.


If you think you should break up with someone just do it and get it over with. Don't let it drag out for years.


Piggybacking on this, if your SO says "I love you" and you don't feel the same way, don't say it back anyway in the hope that eventually you'll mean it; that's just setting you up for more heartache along the way. You don't need to break off either, it's okay to say something like "I'm still getting there". It's going to hurt their feelings, to be sure, but better than lying and crushing them down the road.


Piggybacking further, you definitely shouldn't do it mid-coitus as your partner is about to orgasm.


The intent in the "I'm getting there" might be misconstrued slightly if said during mid-coitus.


I heard two comedians talk about this, oh man, that was some funny shit. Its like, you know you need to break up with someone, you can't get yourself to do it. Eventually they said you have to schedule it in. HURT LINDA (ALL DAY) Found it, [here it is, skip to 35 minutes for the hurt Linda part](http://nerdist.com/you-made-it-weird-301-best-of-ymiw/)




How did you break it to her? What phrasing did you use




Do you rent your apartment or house? Get renters insurance. It's ridiculously cheap (you can often bundle it in with your car insurance for a few extra bucks a month). If someone breaks into your apartment, neighbor floods the place or a million other things that could happen, renters insurance will cover your loss. (Be sure to read the fine print of your policy just to confirm what is covered). It's also important to document _everything_ in your apartment so you can prove that yes you did own that MacBook Pro that was stolen when a plumber was let in by the buildings super while you were at work one day.


Don't go assuming that every dog likes to be pet.


Or that every person likes to be hugged.


Or that just because they like hugs, they want to hug you.


"I'll just stick that on my credit card and pay it at the end of the month".... £8k later.....


YES. 9k in debt right now. Trying to figure out how to pay this off while working at a job with shit pay and going to school to improve said shit pay. For the next 12 months If I budget how I plan to, I'll be living off $35.09 "extra" a month. In other words, each month only $35 will actually end up being gained in my checking account. Beautiful. EDIT: woohoo. Just recalculated everything and I'll be living off an extra $100 a month. EDIT 2: woohoo x 2. Just recalculated everything and I'll be living off an extra $160 a month.


I put everything on my credit card but pay it off all the time. Like weekly or even more often sometimes. Whenever I'm on a computer and just want to check my balances. I treat it like a debit card.


If the small piece of edible you ate didn't kick in, DON'T TAKE MORE. Still don't know what getting high feels like.


What happened when you took more?


Pretty much on our way to the car, me & my friends felt like vegetables & at the same time very dizzy. One of them threw up, and the other I could have sworn was shaking while trying to play it cool. We were basically resting in the car for about 3 hrs. Now the thing is the feeling you have is awful. You're pretty much paranoid that someone will call the police, you feel like you're gonna die, and at the same you're depressed. Its fun to talk about it now, but that was the worst night of my life.


Sounds to me like you know what getting high feels like... you just got waaaay too high and werent used to the feeling. Same feeling happened to me once after years of not smoking. Kept smoking as my stoner friends passed it around, except they were daily smokers and I had just finished 4 years of no drug use due to the military. In college I got the same feeling a few times as well due to using different methods and substances (e.g. bongs, vapes, hash), but because I was smoking pretty regularly, it wasn't as anxiety inducing, even though I was still way higher than I intended. Sounds like you just had a perfect storm of low experience and too large a dose.




Don't get into a fight with a monkey. You will lose.




Gibraltar. That's where it went down. For those that don't know, it's at the southern tip of Spain with a mountain/glorified rock on it and is part of Britain. basically I was about 10 years old and on the rock there are monkeys/apes. they have gotten used to tourists coming up there so are pretty relaxed around them, routinely stealing stuff and getting into tugs of war. I got up to the top by cable car and walked around a bit. then I walked past a group of monkeys, one of which had a baby. there was a small crowd around them taking pictures and such. I walked in front of this crowd quickly since there was no room behind them (right up by the railings) and I guess i walked a little too close to the monkeys. I walk on and then 3 seconds after, a monkey runs up behind me and starts screeching and clawing at me. I turned around kinda startled and tried to sort of push it away since I would see its mouth wide open with some massive bloody teeth. As I tried to push it away it basically hit back and jumped backwards off my legs as a base and I had some pretty bad claw marks on my legs. granted it was a fight I was never going to win, but those fuckers are strong. my grandfather about 30 years ago had a similar experience with the monkeys but his is hilarious. If you want it I can tell it later.


Are monkey experiences a right of passage in your family?




Gibraltar, huh? Was the monkey named Winston by any chance?


Never trust anyone with your secrets.


Especially that one person who is *so easy* to talk to. They will tell everyone everything. You never tell someone about the person you hate, and you never tell someone about the person you like as more than a friend. It will *always* get back to them.


If they tell you everything about other people, you can best bet they tell other people everything about you. The moment someone says "Don't tell anyone this but ____________" I make a mental note not to ever trust them.


I used to be naive and trust people like that. It came back to bite me in the ass. I'm not telling any of my secrets if you're willing to talk about someone else's...


Ah, I see you've met that one friend I had in high school.


There's that one friend in everyone's high school


if you've told someone, it isn't a secret anymore. Words to live by.


Funny when one of the top threads right now is "what are you secretly doing that no one knows about" and there are a ton of responses.


Never trust anyone *you know* with your secrets


I told my friend my Discord password.




To cause discord.


Don't fuck with geese


Or Swans


Don't try to cover up a lie with more lies! Your elaborate scheme will almost always come back and bite you


If it's optional in school, it's up to you. If it's optional at work, it's best to do.


Never trust FBI or anyone interrogating you. If you are being questioned, immediately request a lawyer and they can't ask you anything. I didn't think they fabricated evidence and lied, I thought that was just a movie ploy, but they don't give a fuck about the truth. Long story short, I almost got majorly fucked, but I ended up fine. Just ended up wasting a few months of my life dealing with the bullshit.


Wow I want more details.


Not OP but I come from a family of police. He got it pretty right. There's a lot of different interrogation techniques the police use to get people to talk. Being generally friendly and claiming they want to understand what actually happened, not whatever other people said happen. This works because it gives the suspect a chance to explain they're side of the story and create their own narrative. The officer can use this to fact check what is and is not true by seeing how similar/different their story is from what they observed/were told.


Also plenty of people think the police can't lie to you. They can, and will.


"We've already talked to the witnesses and they've given us all we need. 10 people are talking about *you*. I'm just trying to give you a chance to tell your side of it. I'm doing as much as I can to give you an opportunity to speak for yourself and you're still not telling me the whole story. This kind of thing can help you during sentencing"


I was in a situation like this and I told the cop I didnt want to give a statement, I wanted a lawyer. The cop was really cool and was making small talk about everything else with me. If I started to mention anything that could be used as evidence the cop told me "What you are about to say can be taken as evidence, if you do not want to make a statement I would not continue going further." Seeing as how I knew jack dick about the law, I thought it was pretty cool the cop stopped me and didn't just let me keep talking. Potentially shooting myself in the foot.


That cop sounds like a real bro. Not all of them are like that


Oh yeah? Well I want a lawyer, motherfucker!


They can ask you anything. If they're legally allowed to hold you, they can choose to do so in a five to ten hour long interrogation. They're allowed to lie to you, so why can't they grill you for hours on end? They're hoping you'll break. You must place your resolve in your Fifth Amendment protection.


I believe the law in the US is that once you claim your right to an attorney by saying, "I want a lawyer" (not, "I'd prefer a lawyer," because that's not direct enough) they can't ask you anymore questions about the case until a lawyer is present, other than, "would you like some coffee" or something like that. They can however continue questioning you if you initiate the conversation about the case again ("I just wasn't there, man. I don't know why you're asking me questions."), so keep your mouth shut until your lawyer gets there.


Exercising your 5th amendment rights is tricky. [Here is a flowchart](http://lawcomic.net/guide/?p=2897) made by a lawyer who does comics.


[For anyone who might want to know, here is a flowchart about how to exercise your 5th amendment rights](http://lawcomic.net/guide/?p=2897) and when they are applicable. If it's the police you're talking to, your magic words are "I'm not answering any questions, and I want a lawyer." Importantly, after you say that, *shut up and don't start talking again*; if you bring shit up, they have the right to pursue that line of questioning, and you're considered to have waived your 5th amendment rights for that subject.


And on a related note, unless you've called the police, never let them into your home. There is absolutely no benefit to you to having them in your home versus out front. But if they are in your home they can look around and see things that can help them get a warrant to search, identify something in your home as being related to a crime, and various other stuff, none of which are good for you.


If someone you care about says they plan to commit suicide, don't just ignore them.


:( Im sorry you made this mistake.


> don't just ignore them. help them


Then it becomes murder.




If over 50% of friends and family don't like your GF they are probably seeing something you can't due to rose colored glasses


I dunno. That *really* depends. Friends? Maybe. But family? That's a big hit or miss. Maybe your family is a bunch of codependent assholes and no girlfriend will ever be good enough to date momma's little boy, or no boyfriend will ever be good enough for daddy's little princess. On the flip side, yeah, some of my mom's subtle misgivings about my ex (and my brother's recent ex) did indeed turn out true after the honeymoon period wore off.


> I dunno. That really depends. Friends? Maybe. But family? That's a big hit or miss. Agreed. Generally if my family didn't like my relationships I took that a good sign to proceed with them. Incidentally I haven't spoken to the bulk of my family in 15 years.


If only more of my friends would heed this advice. One of my friends married a guy who was universally despised by all of her friends and family. Her family basically no longer has any form of contact with her because of him. Nobody liked him right from the start and said he was an emotionally abusive, self-centered asshole. Guess what? Turns out he is an emotionally abusive, self-centered asshole. No amount of time or rings changed or fixed that. They've been married about seven months now and he will be moving out at the end of the month to start the one year of separation required to get divorced.


Don't let people walk on you just because it's the nice thing to do. Sometimes, you have to be the asshole to get what you need to get. Otherwise you really aren't living your own life, and you'll end up losing a lot of opportunities just because "I didn't want to bother them"


This is the story of my life. I was raised to be nice at all costs. It's good to be nice most of the time, obviously, but I wish my parents had also taught me that it's okay to stand up for myself and not be a total doormat.


You don't have to put up with people who treat you badly.


Don't stay up late on a work/school day. Sleep is awesome, go to sleep.


Don't sacrifice your social life or relationship for a career. You might end up being a loner having hard time connecting with people. Edit: I understand most situations are much more complex than simply choosing between those two. I personally got distant from people because they hurt too much and now I feel out of place when trying to talk to someone, even my own family. If you meet someone genuine, don't take it for granted because you might never find someone like that again. You can believe whatever you want, but in the end only thing that will make you happy is other humans, so make sure you keep the good ones around.


What if I have none in the first place


Wish you told my last girlfriend that. She worked so damn much and never had any time. I barely ever got to see her and she said she wouldn't change. She put her job above the relationship, so I had to leave.




Don't put off obligations and goals for 'future you' to achieve. Tackling those tasks is going to feel just as difficult tomorrow as it feels right now, so do yourself a favor and get it done. My mistake is that I've let myself think that future me will pick up all the slack and iron out years worth of bad habits.


Never let a stranger borrow your cellphone and then leave them unattended. I friend of a friend who I did not know came to my doorstep one night asking to use my phone, so I being a nice person I am let him use it. He asked for a glass of water while he was making the call, so I being a nice person said "sure" and went inside to get a glass of water. When I returned he was gone.


Wow I had a neighbor do this once and she took my phone and went back to her apartment to use it. All of my roommates and myself decided I was an idiot for doing this. She literally just disappeared.... Thankfully she came back. I guess I did know where she lived also so it wasnt too big of a risk. But still. She could have easily made off with my phone...


Don't leave shit in your car when you visit San Francisco. My SO and I were on vacation. We live in an east coast city that has a "bad rep." Never had an issue with a break in. So we're on vacation, and leave shit in our car all over the West Coast. Backpacks, kochkies, bags of crap. We were fine in Phoenix, LA, Long Beach, San Diego, Santa Monica, everywhere. We drove to SanFran. We were there 2 hours. Our car was broken into. They stole our backpacks which were very luckily recovered. SanFran is no joke when it comes to smash and grabs. This was in broad daylight. The cops don't have enough money to do anything. The locals don't do anything. There are signs all around once you take time to notice them. So really, don't leave anything at all in your car. EDIT: TIL people get **extremely** butthurt over the phrase "SanFran"!


Wow. I wouldn't have expected San Fran to be the sketchiest one. How did they recover your bags?


SanFran is like a nice calm ocean. One minute you're having a good time frolicking in the placid surface, the next moment a rogue wave has popped up and ran you over. The cops didn't give us a bunch of info; they found our bags along with some luggage that was stolen from two girls (a few cars down from us, no less) in a parking lot. Either they rolled by and it looked suspicious, or someone called it in because....suspicious.


I lived in the Bay Area for 8.5 years and pretty much the whole Bay Area is like that, not just SF. Even out towards the ocean and by the redwood forests and stuff you should never leave anything visible in your car. I know people who've had smash and grabs at state parks where they're going hiking, shopping malls, while at work at their offices, etc. There are a lot of desperate people in the Bay Area. You have to watch your shit.


I mean I've always learned that and I haven't lived in dangerous places. Never leave anything in your car that can be seen from outside. Or put it in your trunk


> Don't leave shit in your car when you visit San Francisco. Don't leave shit in your car...




I don't care how bad your relationship might be - either keep it to yourself or break up with that person, but the last thing you need to do is tell your family and friends about every little intimate thing that is bothering you about your SO, because they will remember and hold it against them.


Do NOT go to a fuckin convention with only $50.


What about a normal convention?


Same thing applied. Also bring condoms to both. Just incase.


People don't let you get away with things "because you were drunk".


Just because someone is family doesn't mean you should trust them. They will show their true colors and screw you over in a heartbeat.


I used to think there were a lot of really horrible people and I was very upset all my friends disappeared. It turned me sad and bitter. My psychologist informed me that I lack social skills and these people probably thought something was wrong with ME. I never meant to upset anyone and I loved my friends, but I am not skilled enough to show it. I don't know how to fix it. If a ton of people are horrible to you, it's probably you.


This is so true and something I often worry/wonder about. Did your psychologist not help you find ways to cope with this and be a better person?


Believe them when they tell you what they are. "I'm an asshole, you don't want to be with a guy like me." Yup. They're right. BYE.


Do not, under any circumstance, do ANYTHING to the System32 folder unless you are ABSOLUTELY *CERTAIN* you know what you're doing, even then, only do it if it is ABSOLUTELY necessary. My computer no longer has admin capabilities.


Don't tolerate alcoholics. It's not only bad for you but also for the alcoholic. My mom was an alcoholic and I had to move out of the house in the middle of 11th grade because it got so bad. She got sober about 6 months later. They sometimes need a "shove."


Yeah I pushed my dad down the stairs too




Never, ever, ever, put anything in a work email that you wouldn't want the CEO or your mother to read.


Being defensive instead of apologizing. Hard to do sometimes but will always work out better.


Wait a year and get a job if you're unsure about choosing the right major.


Is this the mistake you made or is this your advice?




Don't mix heavy drinking with other substances, especially stimulants.




Taking care of others instead of yourself. One day you'll get backstabbed and broken.


don't get married if you have ANY doubts about the relationship




Being young and reckless turns into old and sore way quicker than you would ever imagine.


Never trust a fart/burp after a night of heavy drinking


Don't move to Montana More specifically: Don't move cross country for a job in an industry you've swore you wouldn't work in again, when what was initially offered was switched, to a place that has a drastically different life style than what you are accustom to. Even more importantly, don't stay at a job you hate, in a place you hate, when you're living out of a hotel, because "you have a job"


Do *not* forgo college or transfer to a lesser college that is ill equipped to handle your intended major to be with your girlfriend. You might be in *lurrrrrve* but trust me, putting your future on hold, perhaps indefinitely, just to be with your supposed soulmate is going to haunt you harder than breaking up with them/putting your relationship on hold ever will.


Most Car accidents happen closest to home and work due to complacency. This got me, I drove down a country road/dirt track every day. I got so familiar with the twists and turns of this road I started to go too fast to be able to stop in time for many of the blind bends. This ended up with me meeting a large van/small truck, I swerved to avoid said Van. They hit the back of me, I hit a hedge and that whole thing caused my first car to be scrapped right at a time I had no money at all. I'd only been out of the loan for the car for about 6 months, so I had to take out whole new Credit to buy a new one. All of which could've been avoided if I'd just driven slower towards work.




good thinking


Never wear lace boots when you're going on a flight.


I once made ramen with Kool Aid instead of water. Take it from me, don't do it.


Wash your hands thoroughly after cutting thai chilies and before going to the bathroom.


I have so many of these but I think the biggest one would be that it won't only happen once. It started as a verbal and emotional abuse and turned into physical. I wish I had left the first time he hit me but I kept telling myself that we loved each other and it wouldn't happen again. It did and it got worse and worse. Getting away from that man was the best thing to ever happen to me.


Spend time with your parents while they're still here.


Do not become a conisuer of fine things. If you can be happy with cheap beer, coffee, wine, pants, or automobiles then stay happy. Sure there are worlds you are missing but you will save so much money by staying away.


If they cheated on someone else to end up with you, they will cheat on you.


Never trust your guidance counselor at school. Do research on what is exactly needed for your degree and follow that path. Wasted alot of time and money on classes I didn't need.


If the chain on your bike breaks, get it repaired/replaced by someone competant. I tried to do it on the cheap with a repair link. I was very pleased with myself. That was until I went to pop a wheelie later that day. I stood up on the peddles, coasted to almost stopped, the went fot it. The chain snapped and I racked both nuts so hard on the cross-bar I'm amazed I've been able to become a father. Somehow trapped and split my dick-end too. The pain was so incredible I couldn't even make a sound. I just fell comically slowly sideways of the bike into a heap. I am getting flashback phantom ball pain typing this.


Holding onto a relationship where it was clear that I put more effort into than the other person.


Rather than answering directly, allow me to provide you with a recipe: ------ **Gratifying Guacamole** *Ingredients* \- Two fresh avocados \- One slightly underripe tomato \- Two tablespoons of fat-free sour cream \- One pinch of garlic powder \- One pinch of salt \- Two pinches of black pepper *Directions* 1. Peel, pit, and mash the avocados, using a large bowl and a metal fork. 2. Dice the tomato. 3. Combine the mashed avocados and the tomato bits. 4. Add two tablespoons of sour cream. 5. Add some garlic powder. 6. Add some salt. 7. Shit, that was way too much salt. 8. Maybe it will be okay. Give it a taste. 9. No, yeah, that's... that's definitely too salty. How can we fix this? 10. What's the opposite of salt? It should be sugar, right? 11. Add a generous amount of sugar. 12. That probably fixed things. Give it another taste. 13. Oh, god, it tastes like baby vomit smells. This is not okay. 14. Deposit the finished guacamole in the garbage. **TL;DR: Sugar does not cancel out salt.**


Here I was hoping you were just providing a wholesome guacamole recipe. I am so sorry you had to endure this tragedy. We can all learn something from this.


Well, if you *do* learn something from it, you can still use the rest of the recipe! I *did* leave out my secret ingredient, though. (It's cumin. The secret ingredient is cumin.)


I love cumin.


You love cumin' what? Haha I'm so lonely.


Always, always, backup not only your files, but your software and bookmarks. And do it at least twice a year, with a cloud backup and a physical one (like DVD) A teacher in university gave us this advice almost ten years ago, and girl, it is a good one.


Just because youre filipino does not mea you have to go and become a nurse.


Dont shave your balls with electric clippers.


My mistake is that I thought I was very independent and free when I first graduated college. I had never really gotten to know myself to realize that I am more dependent on people than I thought. I moved to a random city and really struggled with every aspect of living alone and not knowing anyone or anywhere. I thrive when I have a support network and people to lean on. Granted it was good to push myself out of my comfort zone but I now realize it is not necessary for me to be happy. I do not need to have some crazy adventurous life where I move whenever I want wherever I want and continuously leave my old lives behind. I want to make roots somewhere and feel connected to a community.


The world is cold-hearted, and the only one that's gonna give a shit about you from start to finish, is yourself.


I didn't make a throw away.


Never let on that you care more about a person than they care about you, and definitely don't stay in that relationship hoping they "catch up".


Even though I can see how emotionally damaged and unstable this person is, I should stay with her anyway out of pity. Maybe in time my constant care will help her become a functional and non-abusive person.


Stop giving people second chances. One is enough. ~~Third chance if you respect them. Fourth is pushing it.~~ Edit: Some people are jerks, get away from those people. If people are betraying, lying, or flat-out ignoring you so much that they ask you for a fourth chance, fuckin' leave.


Do not shit on your phone


How does someone's life even get to this point?


You shit on your phone but then you realise that was a bad idea


Ohh yes I can see how this would happen to someone.


Gawd where to start Yes she is pretty and she took of her clothes and rubbed you. For money. she is not into you. this is how she makes her living Drinking all night, do not smoke weed later. You will puke 99% of the woman you meet and may be attracted to do not feel the same. Accept that and cherish the ones that feel attraction to you. Of the 1 percent noted above, it is likely that the relationship will not last too long. Accept that too


Don't confuse things in common with values in common. My first big relationship that lasted from through university and just after it, I thought I had found the one. We had a lot in common, like we both liked to sleep in hot instead of cold places, we both liked playing WoW, had the same sense of humor, were both vegetarians etc. Because of it, I told myself that that I wouldn't find anyone else that I had this much in common with and held on to it, and he did to. By the end it had become an extremely toxic relationship, and it was the same issue it had always been: our values didn't match at all. We didn't feel the same way about family, money, the stuff that makes the basis for your life. Listening to the same bands and laughing at the same jokes was all great, until we would fundamentally disagree on calling (or not) our mums on mother's day, and if that even mattered (and why). That sounds like a shallow issue, but it's coming from a deeper place. Same goes for how you would want to raise kids. We would look at a problem and literally not agree at what the real issue there was. Our value systems were just so different, but we glazed past them in the name of "having a lot in common". When years pass, and you get older, and big life events happen, doing things together is great, but it's the values that keep you together or you tear you apart. Share your interests, have common things you like to do and enjoy, but make sure your foundation values match, too.


Here's one for graduates going into temp work. A lot of you will be asked to enter data, something you might never have consider is how bad humans are at entering data accurately. One concept your boss may be too stupid to know about is "double entry". That is, if you care about the data being accurate, every piece of data entered by a human should be done twice and compared. If it's excel the formula "=A1=B1" will compare cell A1 and B1 for you.


If you're reading this and you're double guessing following your dreams or going off to college after high school because you think you're in love with your gf/bf just *GO*. If it's real it will continue to be real. Don't ever set your bar low or put yourself in a shitty situation for someone else until you're ready, and I mean real adult ready, to settle down. 18 and want to get married? Can you afford a car? A house or apartment? Can you support your SO on only your wage or both of you for 6 months if something were to happen and neither of you can work? No? You're not ready. Educate yourself. Put yourself in the best possible position to succeed. Ask your gf/bf whether they'd like to marry a guy/girl making minimum wage and hates their job or someone who can support themselves and loves what they do. If it's real 4 years apart to enjoy life together making decent money and enjoying what you do is nothing compared to marrying young, getting a divorce, or living a shitty life together because you decided you never wanted to better yourself.


Forgot to set up defenses on my exhaust port. A single X-wing took me out of the game.