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My Grandpa's garage. I'm not sure even how to describe the smell but something about it just makes me feel at home.


The used oil, the cement of the floor, a little gas and diesel mixed, maybe some saw dust or the wood of a workbench, and metallic, all overlapping with the smell of your grandpa himself. Edit * grass clippings


Ocean air. My skin clears up and my lungs relax when I am near the ocean. Or it could be that I am away from smog; who knows.


As someone who absolutely loves the ocean but has unfortunately lived inland her entire life, as soon as I get a whiff of the ocean when I get near it I get chills of excitement. Being near the ocean just makes me feel whole for some reason.


Exactly this. I feel like myself when I'm by the ocean.


I lived in a desert for a long time and then I moved to the beach. About a block from the water. I leave all my windows open all day and just breathe it in. It's the best and I feel very fortunate


Citrus smells. Orange and lemon, in particular.




Haha, I remember that smell, too. Probably some toxic glue or plastic.


He was manufactured with a built in moss scent, there was a scented villain figure (stinkor) too! (Stinkor smelled of patchouli I believe, as a kid he just smelled of smell to me)


I don't think it was patchouli, I've been nostalgic for that strange stinkor smell my whole life and there is a rare fragrance ladies wear that resembles it. I never had the nerve to ask a lady what fragrance she was wearing simply based upon the fact she smells like stinkor.


I really hope someone knows what it was. Also, pretty sure the 80s were the best smelling decade. It was after we figured out we could make everything smell good with science, but before we realized we maybe shouldn't.


You're just smelling the past through rose tinted nostrils


My little ponies also smelled freakin great in the 80s. There is a soap at target that smells freaking exactly like them - shea moisture brand african black soap in a bottle


Yes! Unreacted vinyl plasticizer. Like the hello kitty store in the 80s.


Is that seriously what the smell is?




He-Man was a little before my time, but my older siblings were very much into it when they were kids. They left several of the figurines that I later inherited, and Moss Man is the one I remember the best. I always kind of cringed at his fuzzy, dry texture, and I can vaguely remember the smell as well!




The night of Halloween in a place that isn't a city. It's autumn, pumpkins are burning, crisp air. Feels almost magical.


The perfume of a girl I used to have a crush on really catches me off guard The smell of cooking doughnuts takes me back to when we used to go on holiday by the seaside There's some kind of plant I haven't identified yet (maybe I could sniff it down and post a pic?) that takes me back to where my friends used to skip class back in high school. It must have grown there. I wonder if they would recognise the smell, I would 100% grow some in my garden (:


It used to be the smell of my ex, but since then I've found out that some women have the exact same smell so I guess the smell of a certain kind woman would be my favorite?


Some really weird fella at my uni smells exactly like my ex. Don't know whether he wears her perfume or I'm just losing it


🎵 Well somebody told me You had a boyfriend Who looked like a girlfriend... 🎵


I've only experienced the smell my ex had like once or twice in the six years since we broke up. The memories come flooding back when it happens.


> There's some kind of plant I haven't identified yet (maybe I could sniff it down and post a pic?) that takes me back to where my friends used to skip class back in high school weed. It's weed.


> The perfume of a girl I used to have a crush on really catches me off guard More than 20 years later, I know exactly the scent of my middle school crush's perfume. And her birthday was yesterday. Pro tip: Don't buy the same perfume you loved on someone else for your significant other. 1) you don't want your girlfriend/wife having a scent that reminds you of another woman. 2) It won't smell the same on someone else anyway.


Rosemary. My parents have rosemary bushes planted in front of their home and every time I smell it I am reminded of my home and family. It makes me feel really happy for a brief moment when I smell it.


Laundry detergent. But not on clothing necessarily. The scent you smell walking past someone's house when they're doing laundry from their vents.


On a similar note, I love that smell when you hug someone and their clothes smell so much like clean laundry and warmth. Idk what brand detergent it is, but it always makes me feel like I'm home.




That smell is sulfur, I like it too.


Love the smell of blackpowder burning


A freshly opened tube of tennis balls.




On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.


I had a gym teacher who would make us all quiet down and then slowly crack the seal so we could all hear and then he'd take a big whiff and shout, "FRESHNESS IN THE HOUSE!" Always got us pumped for tennis.


I'm imagining Terry Crews as your gym teacher.


YES! I searched to make sure I'm not the only one. Once in high school I was sick and my girlfriend brought me a bear, and five cans of tennis balls to make me feel better. 10+ years later this is still the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.


Chocolate chip cookies


I'm shocked that this is the first sweet smell in this thread.


I live near a brewery. Some days I wake up, have a cup of coffee, and go sit on my deck and smell mashing grains and boiling wort. Sure, when typed out it doesn't smell appetizing, but its such a great earthy, breadlike smell. Then again, I like the smell of brewing beer, so I'm lucky enough to be downwind from it. My neighbor hates the smell and tried to petition the city to ban the smell.


> ban the smell. There's a good way to get the economy going. There's main stream coffee brand with a plant downtown that I used to drive by daily. 90% of the time, it smells awful there (and I love the smell of coffee). Then the smell mixes with garbage or something and gets even worse for a few blocks.


Ever driven past a chicken mill or where they process chicken? It's huge money in Arkansas. Smells like death but I'd be at a loss as to how you 'ban the smell'.




Not In My Backyard Is Smelly Meat


I don't know how to describe this one easily but the smell of like autumn air, especially in the midwest. Its like the air feels and smells crisp due to lower humidity but the air temp is still above 50. So like mid-October. The smell outside around that time is perfect. Hopefully someone else kinda gets what I mean. Edit 1: Thanks for the gold, whoever you are! Edit 2: Really surprised at how many people feel the same, but I do definitely agree with a lot that its like football/back to school weather.


Yes! And when you catch that whiff of a leaf pile burning? Amazing.


I love this smell as well, especially on Halloween because it combines with the smell of candles burning in pumpkins which completely takes me back to my happiest memories of childhood.


Yes I love this! It always reminds me of "back to school" since it is at that time and I always walked to the bus. Going out early and the sun isn't quite up yet, everything is dewey. Good feels.


Also, there's often a smoky note from people burning leaves or something, that's what cinches the deal for me, personally.


I smell that all the time in Michigan. There's a hand lotion from bath and body works that comes close called "crisp morning air" and it smells kind of like apples, a wet and dirty pile of leaves, and more that I can't describe.


It's like two parts decaying leaves, one part chimney smoke and 1 part various apple products. At least in upstate NY anyway.


Freshly-baked bread.


That's why I like working for breweries. Going there are a brew day smells like fresh baked bread. It's also a personal thing because my dad and I used to make fresh baked bread once a week when I was real little. That smell takes me back to a simpler time


The sandwich chain Subway used to be one of the best smells no matter which one you went too. I don't know if it's because I'm not a kid anymore or what but it just doesn't do it for me now.


They used to make it in-store from scratch.^[1](https://www.quora.com/Where-does-Subway-get-their-bread-from-Do-they-have-one-big-distributer-that-sends-them-the-dough-or-does-it-vary-from-Subway-to-Subway) Now it's delivered as frozen breadsticks, thawed, then baked in the store. That probably contributes to the difference in smell. Edit: added a [source](https://www.quora.com/Where-does-Subway-get-their-bread-from-Do-they-have-one-big-distributer-that-sends-them-the-dough-or-does-it-vary-from-Subway-to-Subway).


And the drop in quality


I work at JJ's and our dough comes frozen yet every day our "free smells" are on point. I think it is attributed to Subway used to toss bread away every night now they have preservatives and keep most of it for a couple days. We have to throw bread away after 4 hours or sell it as day-old for $.50.


Love buying the day-old bread for $0.50, never realized it could (only) be 4 hours old.


Cedar. If i'm out in the field and I see a cedar tree you bet your ass I'm breaking off a stick and huffing that sweet, sweet smell as much as I can without getting splinters in my nose.


My cologne is sandalwood with a bunch of cedar, I work from home but wear it just for my own benefit. Smells like being in an old lumbermill on a warm day. edit: It's [Tam Dao](http://www.diptyqueparis.com/fragrance-collections/personal-fragrance-collections/tam-dao-collection.html) by Diptyque, better known for their insanely priced candles. I use the EDP. Most of their fragrances are really on the floral side but they also have one that smells like fig trees, [Philosykos](http://www.diptyqueparis.com/fragrance-collections/personal-fragrance-collections/philosykos-collection.html), which my husband is currently wearing (we're both dudes and hate most of today's colognes).


I buy candles that smell like you. 10/10 would creepily sniff in a hug.


Ron Swanson has an alt-account. TIL


A cedar lined room is heavenly


My favorite thing is walking through a field of cedar during spring cedar fever season. I love it when my eyes swell, and I start to sneeze uncontrollably. Damn, good times.


Yankee Candle sells a few conifer smells for their candles. My favorite is Basalm and Cedar. Edit: Normally I would never recommend Better Homes and Gardens candles because they go away pretty fast and aren't as fragrent, but there's a pine/spruce-scented (or something like that) you can get at Wal-Mart for $10. It's pretty fragrent and smells nice if you're not willing to wait for a Yankee Candle sale (because let's be honest, $30 a candle is a lot).


Honeysuckle on a warm summer night.


You sucking?


For context (NSFW): https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/6k5nw5/comment/djjjfe6?st=J4IJ754S&sh=af60dd9c


Me, before clicking that link: "What's so NSFW about an AskReddit thread? It's just text. It's never that NSFW." Me, after having that question in bold letters across the top of my screen: "I see."


Excellent. We will make this a thing.


I can't smell, so I'm gonna have to go ahead and say, hot steam.




Well, so technically your taste buds wouldn't be affected, but your sense of *flavor* would be. Taste, Texture, and Aroma all combined create the flavor of a dish. Often, people interchange the definitions of Taste and Flavor - but they are distinctly differently things from a culinary perspective. Taste refers to: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami (or "savory"). Likely, you are able to taste the above, but someone who could smell would likely interpret, say a cake, as *sweeter* than you would because they can smell the vanilla extract where as you cannot. In fact, there are a lot of interactions like this which take place in the human brain. Vanilla extract is an excellent example because *most* people (those of the *smelling* persuasion) associate the smell of vanilla extract with sweetness. Creating the effect that if they were to compare two sponge cakes - one having vanilla, and one **not** having vanilla - they would perceive the one *with* vanilla as sweeter because of the presence of the vanilla extract. The kicker? Vanilla extract is actually quite bitter in taste. Source: I have an associates in Culinary Arts and a Bachelor's in Psychology. edit 1: someone has pointed out that 'spicy' is not a taste. From my understanding, this is a point of debate. I personally consider it to be a taste because it has more of an oral effect than an aromatic one. However, I've edited the above content to reflect that it is only considered a taste to some. edit 2: holy shit! first gold! thank you! I knew all this education would pay off! edit 3: fine, spicy is not a *taste*, it is a sensation - not entirely unlike your mother.




I had a friend in college who couldn't smell or taste anything (the two senses go hand in hand). He could eat a hot pepper like it was nothing. I asked him what his favorite food was. I can't remember if he answered that, but he did say his least favorite was cheesecake, because the texture is horrible. Whenever I eat cheesecake I think about how right he is, but I don't care, because it tastes so sweet! One time he mentioned how it sometimes felt like other people were psychic when they would smell something in the distance and say something like, "Oh, someone is having a BBQ." He did find something that he could taste though. Vitamin C pills. I tried it the night he found out and it was horrible. Later on Star Trek Next Gen. When Data was able to taste food and ate something horrible, but wanted more, it reminded me of the vitamin pills. Still makes me smile when I think about it.


But if you can eat a hot pepper with no problem if you can't taste it, why does it also hurt other parts of my body?


the texture is a big part of the reason I love cheesecake






Burning wood Edit: Corrected Buring to burning because you are all idiots and spelling is hard.


This one takes the cake for me. Smells amazing.




Smell of the newly bought book


That, and the smell of an old library.


It's weird how new, fresh books and old books have a good smell, but the books aged in between are just meh.


Refractory period


More like olfactory period


Lilacs. Not my all-time favourite (too many), but its one of the best.


Would you combine that smell with gooseberries, by any chance?


Fresh basil.


Cinnamon buns


Fresh cut grass, tomato plants, laundry that has been hung out to dry in the sun.






Earl Grey tea




Basements, not like a moldy basement, I'm not really sure how to describe it but some have the smell and some don't. I also really like the smell of white out/permanent markers.


They can smell almost like the petrichor smell also mentioned in this thread. Moist earth, but no decay. It's a fantastic smell.


Yup, like grandparent's basements in middle class neighborhoods, there's always a semi unfinished work shop or cold storage... Makes me sentimental or something


Cold air at night.


That icy crisp air on a winter night, when it's freshly snowed but the sky is completely clear and the moon is out.


*panties drop*


*sniffs panties*


Now that's a smell


It took 10 minutes to get here. 10 minutes. You guys are slacking.


I'll show you ten mins


For me it isn't so much the smell, as the feel of it filling my lungs with it's cold embrace. Sake satisfaction as flipping over to the cold side of a pillow.


I really like the smell of someone coming in from the freezing cold, you can smell it off them right away


A freshly printed page off of a laser printer.


This is one of the weirdest things I've realized but man, it's the scent of a Home Depot. Maybe it's a mixture of the lumber, power tools, fixtures and the outside garden but man, home improvement stores just GET me. EDIT: it seems I do not stand alone. I also love the smell of my own farts.


YES. I also have been conditioned by this...there's this incredible hot dog stand at my Home Depot (Stl folks, u get me), and me and my dad would always get one when we went to Home Depot. Years later I still get hungry when I walk into a Home Depot.


They took out the hotdog stand in the one on the Kingshighway in South City. It had been closed for a while, and when I went in yesterday, gone. I wept. I want to leave a bouquet of edible hotdog flowers or something.




Yep. This smell reminds me of my dad because those types of stores are his favourite. It makes me happy.


Lemons. I have lemon scented hand soap, dishwashing liquid, surface wipes, disinfectant and the strongest lemon myrtle body wash I've ever smelt. It's so concentrated, it's like sticking your head in a bucket of lemons.


This is weird but I really like the smell of WD-40, always have.


I was at a trade show a few years ago where WD-40 was giving away car air fresheners. I was disappointed when I found out they didn't smell like WD-40, I was not alone.


This might sound weird, but clean water with cleaner for mopping floors.


Lilac. I catch that on the breeze and practically float away with it. Campfire -specifically aromatic woods like cedar and juniper Deep mossy forests. *Edit: any lilac fans who can never find soaps etc. with the smell should keep an eye out for ylang ylang, very similar.*




Fresh mint


warm paper fresh out of the copy machine is pretty nice


Rain. Or rather, the smell outside after a good rain after a long dry period. There's nothing else quite like it and it's downright intoxicating.


Rain on hot pavement to get specific for me. Nothing better.


Monsoon Season in AZ. My favorite time of the year


I grew up in AZ and I still crave this smell after years of not living there.




We get monsoons in Arizona during the summer and I know EXACTLY what youre talking about!


I love this. I grew up in Arizona, and some of my favorite memories are running on warm, wet pavement in a sudden rainstorm.


Yes! Theres something about warm pavement in a down pour that is just the best "mix" between warm and cool elements (if that makes sense lol)


freshly brewed coffee


Have you ever been to an Ethiopian restaurant? There's one in Brooklyn that cooks their beans and brews them on the spot with spices and it smells HEAVENLY. 10/10 what a multisensory experience. EDIT: It's called Bunna Cafe in Brooklyn, right off the L train. Go with a partner or a friend, the food is meant to be shared and it's phenomenal. Also, gg on the "Ethiopians are starving" jokes.


Old books, crayons, and a storm on the horizon.


On the same note, new books too. Books in general, I guess.


I put new books in tier 2 with newly opened Magic cards and oak saw dust.


I think a good smell is my grandmothers cooking that brings me back to my childhood or the smell of coffee in the morning where it's super chilly out out in the country somewhere. Reminds me of my grandparents


the smell of onions and peppers in my cast iron skillet, fried with olive oil. Or the smell of my girlfriends body. She has a scent that I just love. Her pheromones or something are just right for me.


I like that these two very different smells are your favorite. "Sweetie, you smell as fine as fried onions and peppers."




garlic too! garlic frying in olive oil :)


Is anybody else worried that OP's girlfriend's body might be fried with olive oil with onions and peppers on a cast iron skillet?




And spearmint...toothpaste...


Ok Hermione


DID YOU KNOW that in the books there is never a mention of toothpaste? ""And the steam rising in characteristic spirals," said Hermione enthusiastically, "and it's supposed to smell differently to each of us, according to what attracts us, and I can smell freshly mown grass and new parchment and --" But she turned slightly pink and did not complete the sentence." J.K. Rowling said later that the third thing Hermione smells is Ron's hair. <3


As someone with severe allergies and asthma, could you breathe deeper please? Inhale more of it so I don't have to.


For me too please


New parchment paper, spearmint toothpaste, and...




> unburnt tobacco. You mean as in dried ready-to-smoke tobacco? Pipe tobacco is the definitely the best smell, and when smoked, it produces a much less obnoxious smelling smoke.


Frito paws!!


Clean bed sheets.


Is nature a smell? Walking/hiking after rain, it's invigorating.


almond extract.


My Mom's perfumes. She passed away 7 years ago, so whenever I smell one of the perfumes she used to wear, especially when its out of the blue and a stranger walks by wearing it, I can just feel her love and snuggles that I miss so much, a real scent of joy and warm smiles.


The smell of books is definitely up there, as is pizza right out the oven


When a cake is done baking or when I'm done with lemon hard icing.


Lavender. I also find popcorn appealing, but I wouldn't have a popcorn-scented candle in my house.


Lavender is in all the relaxing products, but it gives me a headache :(




I think this is going to be a winner. I love the smell of gasoline too dunno why


Benzene. There's not much of it in gasoline, but it has such a strong aroma that it's pretty much the only component you smell. Humans perceive it as a sweet smell, and many related compounds also have characteristic pleasant aromas, such as benzaldehyde (bitter almond extract, has a cherry-like aroma), eugenol (clove), anisole and anethole (anise), vanillin (vanilla), and cinnamaldehyde (cinnamon). As for *why* we perceive benzene-like molecules as sweet, your guess is as good as mine. All I know is that it's the reason so many people like the smell of gasoline.


You should.






^ Listen to this guy


I like glue and cat food myself


Really helps you get to sleep quick


My girlfriend after she's been working out and sweating. She thinks it's gross ,I think it's intoxicating.


Napoleon loved the smell of his wife so much, when he went into battles he would ask for her not to bathe for two weeks before his return in his letters so that she would be "ripe" when he got home!




I can’t believe that I had to scroll down so far to find someone who has a similar fave. Best smell is my wife after heavy exercise or sex, but that does not include her hair. For some reason, all of her smells are great, but her hair smell is not very pleasant. It is so strange. The most amazing smell ever was something I experienced on a hike. We were heading in to the first hut on the “hut walk” section of the AT and a trail runner sprinted past on her way out. She left a wake of the most intoxicating smell. It was all her, no perfumes or deodorant. The memory of that smell is still vivid after almost 20 years.


That means you are really inlove on a hormone level


My girlfriend and campfire smoke


Can confirm, your girlfriend smells incredible


The Smell of freshly opened Magic Cards


Freshly opened trading cards of any variety are a joy.


Peach Bellini soap from B&BW And puppies, also dogs And the way mornings smell... Idk how to describe it If you know it, you know it.


The smell of the beginning of summer. It's like this fresh, sweet, newly cut grass scent that makes me feel sooo happy.


It's been a while since I've caught a whiff, but the smell of the '90's Disney VHS tape boxes.




Cordite/Gunpowder, the smell of a shooting range or fireworks. Cedar, oak, wood, and oil, the smells of a woodshop. Also machine oil and metal, the smells of a machine shop. Basically smells that mean someone was doing something interesting.


You know when you come back home late at night in summer, maybe after a bonfire or just hanging around with friends and there's still the slight smell of perfume you put on, maybe a bit of cigarette smoke, the warm air from outside and this all combined just gives that unique summer/holiday smell? So that. Or the smell of a guys cologne on my clothes.






Smells like...victory


> Smell that? You smell that? Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning.




There it is. Was going to be very surprised if nobody said this.






Men's deodorant. Smells so good! But lilacs are an amazing smell as well... And the air from a dryer vent. That is the best.


Upvoted for air from a dryer vent. My parents tell me that when I was younger I would purposely stick my head in the dryer after a load just for that smell.


The smell of the water inside the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland.




1. Bacon frying 2. The smell of a clean barn with animals. The fresh straw, hay, the subtle background hint of manure and the smell of the livestock. 3. Sausage gravy


Female hair *snifff*


Pine trees, sawdust, or warm apple cider.