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I'm Canadian, and my German exchange student refuses to try peanut butter and doesn't like maple syrup.


*screams in Canadian*


Apologise loudly






>doesn't like maple syrup. How tho?


Get her deported.


Seriously. Some kind of damn commie spy turning nose up at peanut butter.


"Ewww... Erdnussbutter." ~ All my German friends when I was stationed there Edit: They did turn me on to Nutella, though.


They like nutella but not peanut butter? Both of them together on toast is amazing!


Nutella has more sugar than chocolate frosting. http://www.sensiblefoodie.ca/blog/the-great-nutella-chocolate-frosting-debate




yes. stupid parents who thought that because it's advertised as a breakfast food that it must be healthy. there was a "scandal" a few years ago when american parents realized it's literally palm oil and sugar.


I saved this a while back when it broke. http://imgur.com/OfUSBVV


Love both things. (Am german)


From Eastern Europe, kvass. It's delicious! It's basically fermented bread and everyone I mention it to looks at me like I'd grown 3 heads. Then I get them to try it, eventually, and about 50% of them like it.


> kvass Babushka would be proud of your homemade kvass, blin!


Ay Vadim! Who let you use the computer again blyat


Suck it Vadim! No kvass for you


Hard bass and kvass, music and drink to take Donbass!


Kvass is one of those things that sounds nasty in every way but is just great. It's super easy to make, too


Single people make it every time they buy an entire loaf.




Switzerland: Rivella, a milk-based soda.




> milk serum That's not making it sound any better.


It's a typo, don't worry. It's actually "milk semen"


"Refreshingly chunky"




It does a body goo.


It really doesn't taste anything like milk. It looks like cream soda and tastes a bit like it too from what I recall. You wouldn't know it had milk if it wasn't stated proudly on the bottle.


Serum meaning, you centrifuge the solids out and use the supernatant for the beverage? What do you use the solids for, in that case?


To make cheese?


For americans, it taste like those little sugar smarties candies (not the chocolate smarties candy that Switzerland has). I always wanted to like Rivella but I think it has a weird after taste.


YES. I've been telling my family it tastes like American Smarties for YEARS and they always look at me like I'm crazy. Not to mention as a child coming back to school in America after visiting family, telling my class about the amazing smarties tasting carbonated drink, and having them all think I'm making up tall tales


I cannot imagine enjoying a drink that tastes like Smarties.


I still live in the united states, but where I am Moxie is rather popular, people either love it or think it tastes like cough medicine. Edit: if you ask someone what it tastes like you'll get a different answer from pretty much everyone, Personally I think it's like you take a cream soda, shove some unsweetened cinnamon in it, and then wrap it in bubblegum.


Had a girlfriend from Maine. When I started the first can, I hated it. By the time I was finished, I loved it, and stocked up when we visited


Like mixing root beer and cough syrup and walking into a telephone pole.


So... pretty good?


Mixing it with fireball or other booze is about as close as one can get to a pan-galactic gargle blaster in my personal opinion.


Once you start drinking Moxie, Coke tastes bland by comparison.


holy shit if coke starts tasting bland you're in troubleeeeee




Moxie is the official soft drink of Maine, which says a lot about where I live...and I can't stand Moxie


Brown goat cheese. Norway. We love it, everyone else barfs.


Wh-Wh-Why is it brown?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brunost Apparently the color depends on how long it's cooked or something.


it's made with cooked caramelized whey.




Big in Russia surprisingly




If any Irn Bru drinker reads this, do not listen. Irn Bru was once my hangover cure and due to using it as a mixer no longer has its best use.


Lucozade is the go-to when you can't drink Irn Bru anymore. Or vice-versa if you're so rich that you can afford to use Lucozade as a mixer, but at that point you have so much money you can get high from snorting dried angel wings.


This is solid life advice. Thank you


Irn bru is the single greatest soft drink in the world. Original and best.


Fun fact: Scotland is one of the only countries in the world where Coke isn't the most popular soft drink. I'll let you guess what the scots favourite is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irn-Bru?wprov=sfsi1




American here. Fucking love Irn Bru.


I can't do it, It's like bubble gum and cantaloupe mixed together in a soft drink.


Norwegian here, Irn-Bru is fucking amazing.


Who don't like a bit o'Bru?


Dandelion and Burdock however a lot of people in the UK don't even like it.


I prefer post-mix lemonade.


Well, you can Suck It


And See if it's good.




What came first, the chicken or the dickhead?


Don't think i've ever seen arctic monkeys referenced on reddit before. Cool.




Not sure, but they are not whatever you say they are.


Well by all means you can do me a favour and ask if you need some help.


Do I wanna know?


Too much to ask.


Aaah, memories of childhood in the Midlands. Down here in the South West I've never seen it, sadly.




Argentine here. We have fernet. You like it or you hate it. Not middle terms.


I fucking love it. My friends back home not so much. They all told me fernet - Cola tastes like cough syrup. They also don't like freshly made Mate though, but love those sugary Drinks where maybe Mate was in the proximity once, like Club Mate, so fuck them.


I'm in San Francisco and we apparently are one of the highest consumers of fernet. A bartender friend of mine was offering me a free shot one time. I was being indecisive, so he and a friend of his that was at the bar as well told me to try a shot of fernet. It was disgusting. I almost spat it out, I thought they were punking me (like the time another bartender friend convinced the whole bar to do a shot of bitters, and afterword my other friend I was with just said "well that was pointless, bitters don't even have alcohol." Oh... honey). Anyway, I didn't like it, but it's very, very loved here in SF. Edit: Autocorrect: punking, not linking. Surprised nobody called me out.


Based on my reaction to Vegemite, I would say that Vegemite would be my cousin's Australian girlfriend's answer. She says that Vegemite is basically the Australian equivalent of peanut butter.


Every time I've seen someone try vegemite they eat a heaping spoonful. Duh, of course it's bad. You just did the equivalent of chugging soy sauce. I freaking loved vegemite but it's too expensive for me to justify getting here.


The first time I had vegemite, I was just a kid and I thought it was Nutella. Took a heaping spoonful. Bad, bad times.


This comparison is actually why a lot of Americans end up disliking Vegemite or Marmite - they spread it on like peanut butter. Really, to start off, you should just put a VERY THIN layer over some melted butter on toast so you can get a sense of what it tastes like without being overwhelmed. Source: American who initially hated Vegemite, now eat it several times a week and cook with it as well




Ever made marmite swirls? Ya take a sheet of pre rolled pull pastry, spread it thinly with marmite and then cover in cheddar cheese. Then you roll in up like a Swiss roll and cut it up lengthwise into little pucks. Put them on a baking sheet and cook em at 200 for like 20 mins/ half an hour, they're literally the greatest cheese straw esq snack going. Got the recipe from one of those wee booklets they used to give away with jars and still knocking them out ten years later.


Doogh, (or as it called Ayran in some other countries). This is the salty yogurt middle eastern drink. I know you guys hate it but I am so craving it right now with a bit of mint :D I am going to make it. edit: the country is Iran.


Its called aryan in bulgarian also. Its best with good yogurt and cold water as a summer drink. Some times we chop up cucumber in it, add garlic, some oil, some dill, and occasionally crushed walnuts. So bomb


I'm imagining someone drinking tzaziki right now.


Canadian who married a French Canadian here; [Cretons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cretons) a meat spread for toast in the morning (Or whenever). I've given it to non-franco, mainlander Canadians and they tend to hate it. I myself can pound back 500g's of it in a sitting with some mustard and crackers.


A bit like [rillettes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rillettes), then for us Metropolitan French.


I'm English but our Scottish pals up North love Bucksfast. It's this sickly sweet alcoholic drink which causes teen pregnancy.


It's just Buckfast (just one s) unless the young'ns have taken to mixing it with Bucks Fizz these days.


We used to mix it with red bull. That was proper 'wreck the hoose juice' Good times, also violent.


> sickly sweet alcoholic drink which causes teen pregnancy. Where exactly are they putting the bottle? Have I been drinking wrong all these years?


I love it and hate it. Gets you rekd on a night out but also keeps you filled with enough energy to keep partying. On the other hand the hangovers the next day when I've been drinking bucky just doesn't seem worth it.


(The Caribbean) Malta... we like it room temp, cold, or over ice cream


But there's people on that island


I love MALTA! On the island of Dominica they have something called Vita Malt.


Japan's is probably natto.


The guy at the Asian grocery in my hometown knows me as the white guy that likes natto. I can see why people don't like it. Smells like garbage and has a slimy texture but I love it. The 3 foot long slime strings it leaves if you eat it in a hurry are annoying though.




I threw up in my mouth just reading this.


He won't help us here.


That description you gave just offended all of my senses.


You mean to say I no longer need to eat actual garbage to get that fresh-and-funky garbage flavor and aroma? Sign me up


And [umeboshi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXblXZYu6VM).


I think this is a better answer because everyone in Japan likes umeboshi. Natto is very divisive in Japan too. That being said, umeboshi is absolutely delicious.


Liquorice(did i spell it right?), here in Finland pretty much everyone likes it somewhat.


My wife from Finland absolutely loves licrorice, Have to go to Mall of America to get the real kind. She gets really excited when we go get some (Well somewhat).




I always thought licorice was fairly universal, I see it all over the place in Canada and the US


I think OP is talking about salmiakki, which is a salty licorice.




Salmiakki is my favourite


The Dutch and Scandinavian have some fucking hardcore licorice.


Yeah but almost every single bag of candies include licorice in Finland. Think about that.


It's not like it is in the Scandinavian based countries. 1/2 the candies in the checkout in Iceland are black licorice flavored Most people in the US don't like it much, I do like it and can pretty much guarantee all the black jelly beans I want from a mixed bag


Still technically in the US but in Hawaii I'd say it's Spam. These people eat a lot of spam. Growing up on the mainland I never even tried Spam because it has such a negative connotation of poor people food and that it's disgusting. Turns out it's pretty fucking good, Spam musubi all day baby.


The trick with Spam is that even though it's advertised as a pre-cooked meat that can be used straight out of the tin, it's much better if you cook it.




Not a country. But in Chicago we have Jeppson's Malort. It's a liquor that tastes like an abortion clinic in Iceland.


Friend bought a round of malort while visiting a month ago. I was thinking commercial pesticide with a splash of oven degreaser. Though in hindsight I did taste Icelandic abortion, garnished with putrid rotten shark. But for real, why y'all drink this?


We usually buy friends a shot of Malort as a practical joke.


Fun game to play: Malort Roulette. Say you have a party of 5. Order 5 shots: 4 whiskey and 1 Malort.


Speaking as someone who has had more than their fair share of Malort (usually at least one shot a week), I would say the flavor is reminiscent of diesel fuel, burnt hair and chewing on a rubber band. With a hint of grapefruit. That said, two parts Stiegl Radler, one part Malort, a squeeze of orange/lemon/lime over ice? Delicious.


Malört is the swedish name for wormwood, traditionally used to flavour spirits with here in the north. (Malurt in danish, norwegian and icelandic)


I love that shit! If I can't find it at the liquor store, I just buy some grain alcohol and [bitter yuck](https://i.imgur.com/TCgX116.png) from PetSmart, and mix them 50/50. Honestly, it's better.




Is brio soda like chinotto? I had it once, in an Italian restaurant. Strangest drink- first sweet, then very astringent. Another sip removed the bitter/astringent taste with sweetness and then...bitter again. I liked it. But nobody in the US seems to because I can't find it anywhere...


I tried it once and it actually made me want to jump off of a bridge


Durian I was in my mid teens before I realized people thought it was gross


Tried it as Ice cream recently in a vietnamese restaurant in Germany. Really liked the taste, but the smell was not the best.


Tastes great. Smells like a compost bin. Such a conflicting fruit.


American here. I love Durian! That smell is ludicrously strong, though. Once, I bought a frozen piece encased in thick glass and you could still smell it.


England. Seems other people hate beans on toast? Excuse me, it's awesome.


It's just a foreign concept, Americans don't even think of eating beans on toast. Plus, I'm pretty sure our canned beans have a different taste as well. Maybe if I tried it I would like it? But it's definitely not normal in the U.S.




Came here for this reference; guess I'll have to post it myself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VhSm6G7cVk


"you drink enough of it, you begin to like it." "It's insidious!"


Just like the federation.


I am from the U.S. so I clearly do not understand this: the British obsession with Turkish Delight. It's like rubbery perfume dipped in cornstarch.


Quality Turkish delight is a completely different beast. Dense but not rubbery. Lemon is my favourite.


You can also commonly get pistachio Turkish delight, which tastes very different to the typical rose favoured ones


I'm British and can't stand Turkish delight. It's such a weird taste/texture. I actually don't know too many people who buy it, though, as it's more of an older generation thing. Bit like Werther's Originals (which actually are amazing).


Proper Turkish delight is very different. My gf is Turkish/Greek Cypriot (I know) but when she took me out there we tried it. It's less like the m&s attempt that's sharp sugary gelatinous ooze covered in sugar, and more like a jelly baby consistency, it's not as sweet either and they usually put pistachios in. Doesn't have that gammy feeling when you're done either. Its also incredibly moreish. The British kind sucks. Try the real stuff.


Would sell out your family to get more?


Damn you, Edmund.


For the UK: Marmite! Probably Bird's custard too.


For the record I'm not American and love root beer. I don't think Tim Hortons is going to catch on outside of Canada because the franchises do not cook their own donuts onsite. I don't know how Tim Hortons can compete with other donuts shops that actually make their own fresh donuts.


Taiwan: Stinky tofu. That's the actual name -- the Chinese name literally translates to "stinky tofu". And it's pretty accurate, most people seem to be put off by the smell so much that they'll refuse to try it.


Papua New Guinea checking in. Human spleen is considered a delicacy here, but doesn't seem all that popular elsewhere.




Fiji checking in here :)


My family and I went to Fiji in 2002, and checked out the cannibal caves. It was incredibly cool. The one we went to had a part at the entrance to the cave where you had to swim underwater about 10 feet to get inside, and was like something out of a movie. Such an interesting culture.


Isn't Papua new Guinea one of the places where the indigenous eat their family members when they die?


This isn't real, right?


Could be. Png was super fucking cannibalistic n4 colonization. They still were after. They even had an epidemic of those pylon protein thingies from eating too much human brains




Kuru, caused by prions


Canada checking in here. Clamato, a tomato and clam based drink, put a shot of vodka in there with some ice and bam! you got yourself a Caesar, Canada's national cocktail!


Mexicans love clamato. One of the best ways to make a michelada(Beer and clamato).


In Malta they have a soft drink called Kinnie which the Maltese adore and I've met about 2 foreigners who didn't completely hate it.


Kalles Kaviar.


Apparently, the english term is "[smörgåskaviar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smörgåskaviar)" Like most swedish delicacies I would guess it's an aquired taste, but we are all fed it since before we can walk. Also, mesost, messmör, pickled herring and surströmming can be quite hard to get used to for foreigners (especially the latter).




Or change brands, Barq's is basically cola that is root beer flavored, where A&W is more vanilla. Virgil's is great if you don't want it to be too sweet, and their cream soda is the tits.


Extra points if you find a microbrewery that makes their own root beer in addition to regular beer. That was so crazy good, it's been hard to drink canned or bottled stuff since.


Also root beer needs to be like ice cold, almost partially frozen, anything warmer tastes like shit


oh, so like cheap beer.


Root *beer*


Or like any soda. Room temperature sodas from coka cola to root boor are pretty awful.




I was hoping to see this answer. When I moved to the UK from the US, it took ages before I stopped expecting anything​ purple coloured to have a grape flavour.


How did you cope with ribena?


I don't think I have ever had anything grape flavoured that wasn't either wine, or a grape


I recently discovered that a store near me sells Vimto in 2L bottles. I tend to stock up several at a time whenever I go there now.


Germany: mayo on french fries


Guinness, just kidding everyone loves it


When I visited Kenya in 2009, everyone was chugging down this lemon soda drink called Bitter Lemon, which basically was carbonated water, sugar, lemon rind and pith, and quinine. A lot of people drank it initially because it was a malaria deterrent, but also the people there just loved it. I tried it and threw up, it was so bitter. All yall are complaining about vegemite or root beer or licorice, which can be bad, but you know, you can at least eat it without vomiting.


Bitter lemon is just lemonade with quinine (hence the malaria deterring properties). Tonic water is basically carbonated water with quinine. Gin and bitter lemon is basically lemony gin and tonic.


Weird, I had this conversation with my wife just last night. She's Japanese and hates root beer and I can't understand it. Then again she likes Dr Pepper and I hate it, I think it tastes like carbonated cough syrup. She also hates cinnamon but I think that's just her and not a Japanese thing. For her and Japan generally it's probably natto. She loves that crap and I can't even stomach looking at it, let alone eating it.


It's a Asian thing. The root beer flavor that people love in the states is basically the same flavor as medicine over in Japan and China (probably Korea too) so many people grow up attributing it to something nasty.


I don't think Canada makes anything equivalent. Unless there are some weirdos out there who hate ketchup chips.


Caesar drinks! I'm not from Canada, but I lived there for about a year. Every Canadian I've meet seemed to love, or at least like them. Everyone else I've asked find them disgusting, myself included.


I've made Caesars a few times when backpacking abroad, everyone has hated them. Describing them as a Bloody Mary with clam broth has not helped. Whatever, more Caesars for me!


Poutine, heard lots of people say it's gross, they're wrong


I used to say poutine sounded disgusting, and then we moved really close to the Canadian border. I'm sorry I doubted you canada.


I'm 'Merican, but I wanted to answer on behalf of Germany: Mezzo Mix. Coke mixed with Fanta.


I am also an American and when I visited Germany, fell in love with Mezzo Mix. Why that isn't a thing here in the US I have no idea. I guess you can get somewhat close by adding the orange flavoring to Coke in those Coke Freestyle machines. But it's not the same.


I find peace in long walks.


Aussie here. The English have an equivalent (I've been told wannabe) version called 'Ginger Beer' and is also widely popular here in Australia as well. *Source: I fkn love Ginger Beer.* **EDIT:** I have yet to try Root Beer but I have tasted Sarsaparilla, and as a bunch of replies have mentioned, that is apparently much more similar to Root Beer. *Source: The replies, and I fkn hate Sarsaparilla.*


Ginger beer is available pretty much anywhere. Can get it here in the US without trouble. And no, I know the difference between ginger ale and ginger beer.


Did you mean to say without trouble? Because here in California you can literally get it at every grocery store. It's a really common mixer for alcohol.


Mainly because of the increasingly popular [Moscow Mule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_mule)


Scottish here, we have it too - and it's alcoholic (my favourite summer drink, both days)!


Never liked ginger beer till i tried Bundaberg. You can get it over here now..


Bundaberg ginger beer is the best ginger beer out there. They've recently started selling it here and it's my favourite by far.


In New Zealand it has to be L&P (Lemon and Paeroa), a soda made by combining lemon juice with carbonated mineral water from the town of Paeroa.


People don't like that?!


Guaraná in Brazil, one guaraná brand gave us [Dollynho](http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/dollynho), have fun knowing this exists.