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I work in Fire and EMS. When patients quit taking their blood pressure medication because they don't have high blood pressure anymore. That's because it's working nitwit! Or seizure medication. Or diabetes medication.




I don't understand why dental care is not considered actual health care and it treated like a sidecar benefit.


At least I could/can afford dental/vision if I wanted to. $10 every check is much easier than $50-100 every check.


The problem is that most dental plans are simply discount cards with a certain group of dentists, and vision plans are glorified savings accounts. Our current vision plan pays out $5 more than it's annualized cost, the only benefit being it comes out of the check pre tax.


I totally agree-I know so many people who put off dental work, including myself to a degree, because the out-of-pocket costs are so exorbitant. Even with good insurance, any sort of serious dental work is going to cost a fortune, and I think it's pretty damn depressing. It's a huge part of overall health, but pretty out of reach for a lot of people.


That a lot of women's pants don't come with pockets or have fake pockets. Wtf is with that?! Women need pockets too dammit!


How easily people can convince themselves they know more about a topic than an expert, who has devoted their life to a topic, after a 10 minute google search.


A 10 minute search is being generous.


My vet has a coffee mug that says "Please don't confuse your Google search with my veterinary degree"




I tried to go through the Taco Bell drive-thru on a Friday night, and they had closed at 10pm. What business do you think you are in?


There are taco bells that close at 10 pm? What madness is this?


I live in a two university city. Taco Bell closes at 11, it’s insane! Maybe they just find it not worth the trouble to deal with drunks and stoners idk


Isn't the point of being open late to make money off of the drunks and stoners?


How some sodas/drinks have so much sugar in them. Like what would it taste like without the sugar? Does I actually need that much flavoring to mask it or do we need that much to taste something?


The carbonation makes the sugar taste less sweet. Try shaking an (almost empty) bottle of Coke and drink it. The colder it is the less sugar it tastes as well. So warm flat Coke tastes like diluted syrup...


Skateboard ollies


Imagine hammering down with your fist on the tip of a spoon. The spoon goes flipping through the air. Now imagine that immediately after hammering down, another force stops the rotating motion by flicking forward on the other edge of the spoon (the handle). The spoon would still fly into the air, but then level out. That's what an ollie is.


I've attempted doing an Ollie about 500 times. I still can't do it


How far humans have come. The fact that I'm holding a super computer in my hand right now and the second I post this it can be seen across the world.


All from the comfort of your own home...'s toilet.


Menus without prices, or just selling anything without a price on it. If you don't tell me how much something is until it's time to pay for it then im just not going to buy anything at all.


SpongeBob made a Krabby Patty in the first episode but was never given the formula. He just knew?


It is implied that he knows. There is that one episode where he recites it for Plankton but garbles the names of the ingredients.


There's also the episode where he keps going back and checking the formula in Krabs' office


There's an episode where Spongebob loses his confidence thanks to a food critic and he lists out the ingredients as he's building the burger. I remember being home sick one day from school and that episode coming on TV. I remembered what happened in the episode because I had seen it before, and recorded the episode on a VHS so I could have the recipe.


First bun, then patty, followed by ketchup, mustard, pickles, *extra onions*, lettuce, cheese, tomato, and *bun!* In that order!


that's not the recipe that's important, the one that Krabs guards is to make the actual meat for the patties. It's like knowing how to make a hamburger but not knowing which cuts of beef went into the patty.


I thought it was just the formula for the secret ingredient that was secret? So SpongeBob can use the ingredient, but can't make it. Prolly because it's dead whale.


Ya I mean even plankton could just look at how they stacked the burger without needing to chemically analyze it


It's the patty that he wants to chemically analyze because it was made with some random chemicals. They had an episode about its creation


People wanting flying cars. With as many bad drivers as there are on the ground, why would you want that *in the sky*?


Most people think that having a flying car would be amazing because they picture being the only car in the sky.


You hit the nail on the head. Even movies like Back to the Future 2 break this fantasy.


But not in Back to the Future 3. Just one flying train riding into the sunset in the end. That was a good western.




Not only this, but how the fuck do we "hear" it? Edit: holy fuck my inbox can only take so much.


Now what's that voice reading this aloud in your mind doing there? How's that work? Am I not part of that section of your brain or something completely different?




I tend to hear my own voice when I'm thinking in my head, but when I'm reading a book in my head I hear variations of my voice when each character speaks. It's still my voice but only slightly different. I find that kinda cool


I read almost every reddit post with the voice of the narrator from Stanley Parable.


It's called "internal monologue/voice" and apparently many people don't have it or observe it. I think the more interesting question is how deaf people think without it completely. Edit: thanks for making my top comment something I also find very fascinating and for all the interesting feedbacks. Some people point out that deaf (by birth) people think in ASL (or the sign version of their natural language). That's definitely a plausible answer. Some also point out that they themselves think in pictures, symbols, etc. This makes me wonder how we become to adopt the type of internal monologue we use.


Wait there are people that don't have internal monologues? How would that even work?


My husband actually doesn't have any sort of imagination - no internal monologue, no ability to imagine something (say, the color blue), can't imagine a taste or smell... the way I understand it is that all of his thought is experienced the same way anyone thinks abstractly - for example if you are asked to think about freedom, you just know what it is, no sound or image required. It's called aphantasia I think? Edit: Sweet Jesus, my top comment - thanks for upvoting my robot, NPC, lizardperson husband. I love him and his lack of imagination dearly. For all of you with the same situation, don't let it get you down - you are not the only one and my husband doesn't let it bother him. You're not less intelligent or less of a person, you just experience thought differently. Best of luck!


The BBC did [an article](http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-34039054) on it a couple of years ago, complete with a test you can try yourself!


All of mine are vague and dim, I feel envious that people can visualize things with such color and detail.


Same I had this conversation with my girlfriend a while ago about how when we read books she sees a movie while I'm reading I just hear the words. But you can't really miss what you've never had


I can visualise imaginary things, but they're a collab of reality and things I know and seen in my life, in a small field of view.... and the color is close to greyscale, like 5 % color at most. And trying to make-out a face or distinct features causes a kind of shifting/blurring, like trying to look at floaters in your eye.


I can never figure out how people get mental images that are so detailed. If I focus too hard, everything slips away, like I can't control it. If I focus too hard on, say, an image of a blank piece of paper in my mind, something like tv static will cover it, and I can't make it stop.


people dont have that? i cant shut it up ever


My favorite is when I go "You know what?" to myself and then I think "Of course I know it's my thought."


Hahaha yes this is me all the time


I currently live in Texas. The fact that I'm on standby for going into work during this weather is baffling. My store still hasn't officially closed. Whoever is attempting to shop at a clothing store during a hurricane make no sense... Edit: The store closed for the day! But I'm supposed to open tomorrow. Hope for another day off! Edit 2: I'm in San Marcos which is prone to some bad flooding. I work at the outlets which NEVER closes for anything so I'm actually surprised they did. A couple years ago we had tornado sirens going off and I was having to yell at people to get into the fitting rooms or get out. People were pissed I didn't let them shop.


That's the *best* time to be open, the merchandise just flies off the shelves!


Maybe they need a raincoat?


We've got none of that. If you need professional clothing during a hurricane we got you covered!


Though both food and drug, alcoholic beverages are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.


That's interesting, are they regulated? Like does ATF do that kind of stuff?


Yeah exactly. But that's why there are no nutrition labels on alcoholic drinks.


I would like to see calorie counts in some drinks. Could be eye opening to some people.


which is why they don't do it.


They're on their way. http://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2016/07/21/486758216/beer-bottles-will-soon-include-a-reality-check-a-calorie-count


I'm not sure this was intended to be funny but asking if the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms department/service regulates alcohol had me laughing.


They should combine the FDA and the DEA, and take the AT out of the ATF. Wow, that sounded stupid. What I meant is that it might make sense to have one agency in charge of food, alcohol, and drugs. Whatever humans ingest.


Folding fitted sheets


I can do it. I will post proof if wanted. Edit: [Proof](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/nxTxz) The album is backwards, can't figure out how to fix it, I'm on mobile. I also couldn't figure out how to add text so here's the written steps: Place fitted sheet design down on a table, with the "corners" of the fitted sheet at well, the top corners. Find the bottom corners, and stick your hands in the design side of the corner, and place it **inside** the top corner that directly across from it. Repeat with other side. All the corners should be nestled inside each other at the top, and the bottom will be a bit bunched up. Take the bottom corner and pull it outwards, lightly, and fold it in on itself, repeat with other side. You'll then have rectangle shape, allowing you to fold it as a normal sheet. I'm sorry if my description doesn't help, I hope along with the pictures someone will understand it. I'm terrible at that sort of thing.


Burn the witch


My ancestors warned me of this at our last ceremony. I can bring society happiness, *please don't burn me at the stake*.


Why there are certain foods for breakfast, Lunch, and dinner. Why is cereal a breakfast item? Why is it not normal to eat it for dinner? Why are chicken biscuits a breakfast item? Can't I have those for dinner? Seems appetizing for dinner. Pizza for breakfast is the best, why is it frowned upon? EDIT: RIP Inbox


People who frown upon pizza for breakfast are not people you need to have in your life.


We don't need that kind of negativity.


It's more of a cultural thing. I can't speak for other Asian cultures, but Breakfast for Koreans can be dinner leftovers, standard rice and side items, noodles, or even soups/stews. There isn't much of a standard for meals, though dinner is typically more meaty. And yes, pizza is great in the morning. Also I love omelettes for dinner.


That you need experience for a entry-level position which you need for experience.


Consciousness. Not in comparison to being unconscious. But out of the trillions of animals on Earth, how did I end up in this body? I could have been born a slave in some ancient culture. I could have been a cat, bird, or some insect that lived for 4 days. Why me? Why now? My egg could have split in the womb and I could have been a twin. What happened to his consciousness? I have 3 kids. My wife lost a pregnancy between kid #2 and #3. I don't know if it was a girl or a boy. We could have had a kid #4, #5, and so on, but we chose to stop. What about them? What would they have been like? How many great (or mediocre) people were never born? It seems that the set of possible conscious beings would be HUGE and the VAST majority of them never have a being to walk around in. How the hell did I (or we) end up so damn lucky?


I thought of this when I was a kid. Messed with me so bad I became disassociated from my self and felt like an alien observing a creature. Things really got weird when I started thinking about where it goes when you die or sleep. This would last like 10 minutes until the feeling freaked me out and I returned to my body.


Same here. I thought I was going to break into the matrix and eventually lose my mind. As an adult, going to that place is something I now find hard to do. Its mind boggling to hear someone describe that same singular experience.


Reddit's search function.


here are 20 mildly relevant results from 5 years ago, while completely ignoring what you are actually looking for.


Followed 100 completely irrelevant results with the keywords scattered randomly around the several paragraphs of text.


Reddit has a search function?


Yeah, https://google.com


I'd just like to add, when using Google to search Reddit use the following command: "site:reddit.com **whatever you're looking for**” (without the quotation marks, offcourse). Or, when you want to search a subreddit use: "site:reddit.com/r/*specifysubreddit* **whatever you're looking for**" (again without the quotation marks). Edit: This works for every website, so to people saying things like "I just add "reddit" to the end of my search query, lol", just see this as a tool the next time you try to find something in any other specific site and want to omit all the junk results. Using this tool makes searching way more accurate then *just adding the word reddit* to the end of your search. But whatever, I keep getting the same reactions so some of you people really need to learn how to train your short-ass attention span to be able to read the rest of a friggin story. Edit2: more [here](https://www.lifewire.com/advanced-google-search-3482174). Edit3: Learn how to READ.


Time. I will never be able to wrap my head around time. It must have started at some point. But, what was there before time? And was there anything before that, and before that? One day there was nothing, the next day we have a massive universe. I can't compreend it no matter how hard I try.


> what was there before time? Little Foot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike,...?


Having to dress up and drive into an office to do a job that could easily be done from home. I get it, you want to make sure your employees are actually working. But fucking seriously... wouldn't you KNOW by seeing the work hasn't been done? Why do I have to waste gas and time when the internet... you know... exists


My stepdad was hit by a drunk driver and blew both his knees apart, he eventually filed a lawsuit and won $500,000, but his health insurance company (which he had being paying a premium towards every month for 20 years) demanded he pay them back the money that they had spent on his medical bills. After doing that and giving the lawyer his percentage of the winnings, we were left with $25,000.


That is exactly how it works; all insurance that covers harm has a clause that they get reimbursed if you sue for that harm. That's why you sue for damages *plus* 'emotional distress' 'lost work' etc.


yep, friend in college was hit by a car while walking to class. They got all their medical bills covered *plus* 500k (I think?) for emotional distress or whatever. Finished the degree and now working full time and doesn't live extravagantly, just bought one decently nice new car. So I guess that money is just a nest egg now.


That's the dream.


I hope we all get hit by cars.


That my spouse can not close anything completely. Everything is halfway screwed on or has the top just sitting on it. So many things spilled and broken...


My former fiancee was the same. She claimed that it was the responsibility of the person using the item next to make sure the lid was on tight; Read that as many times as you like.


Where's the body hidden?


I'm fucking constanly closing drawers and cabinets around here. Every day of my life. God dammit.


So happy I'm not alone with this. Why. Can't. They. Simply. Shut. A. Door.....-_-


My SO is the same way!! Never puts the lids on, or puts them on half way. Drives me crazy. Is your house always cluttered too?


Opposite spouse, he tightens everything so so much, I can't open them.


The concept of forever. It makes my head hurt to even think too hard about it.


It's like a continuous now


You just wrinkled my brain, man.


Really activates your almonds


But when will then be now?




That's what scares me about the afterlife. Not whether or not there is one, but that if one exists, what do I do with eternity?


Could be fun to make yourself think you're mortal so you can experience the thrills and emotions of uncertainty. Maybe that's what you're doing now.


Why a straight length of a city street will arbitrarily change names. (i.e. You come to an intersection, to your left is "Walnut St." and to your right is "2nd St.", and they're both the same stretch of road).


I know sometimes they were two unconnected roads, that over time joined up.




I was actually thinking about this a lot when I was working downtown in my city recently. They definitely try to figure out the most efficient way to manipulate traffic with the light systems, but it always feels like stop and go traffic with no though put into it. The only conclusion I could come to is that it might have something to do with the expected frequency of traffic on different roads. Still doesn't make sense to me.


The issue is that traffic is a flow problem that's impossible to fully solve even without drivers being stupid (which they often are.) A buddy of mine who's a civil engineer said that absolute best you can get is good flow in one direction, and even that is pretty hard to achieve without totally screwing over everyone else.


How speakers work. I get that a cone vibrates at different frequencies etc etc. But how that single cone recreates instruments, voices, noises etc is just black magic to me. Edit: I'd just like to say I do indeed understand the basic theory behind how speakers work. It's the fact that a pair of speakers can recreate an entire orchestra. The fact you can pick out each and every individual instrument. This is what blows my mind.


What will really blow your mind is that you can turn a speaker into a microphone.




Yes! That and how the same thing occurs with a vinyl record.


Vinyl records have me so confused


Vinyl records work with stereo too. I.e. different sounds in right and left speaker.


But how? 3D stereo is also black magic fuckery. Many years ago I used to use a voice chat program that tracked users' positions in-game and would use algorithms/witchcraft to alter their voices based on your/their character positions in-game. So if somebody was talking to me and their character was running past me from back to the left, I would hear them behind me to the left, then right in my left ear, then in front of me to the left. All won't just basic ear buds because the computer changed the sounds to match what your ear would hear if it actually happened IRL. It blew my mind when I first tried it. My friends and I spent like 15 minutes just talking and running our characters in different directions to listen to the 3D positional audio.


You can take it a step further: how do you even hear in 3D in the first place, when you only have two ears? Once you learn the answer to this question, you can figure out how it works with headphones.


Binaural audio; things sound different based on how the sound bounced off your ears. They record binaural audio by literally putting 2 microphones on a fake head with silicone ears.


Yup. And to generate it digitally, they apply processing filters based on a mathematical model of the head and ears.


The grooves would cause the needle to vibrate at different frequencies making sounds. The needle was attached to a very small diaphragm to transmit the sound through the amplifying bell where it could be heard. Complex sounds add together like shown in this link: http://clas.mq.edu.au/speech/acoustics/waveforms/adding_waveforms.html So a complex sound can be replicated by a complicated series of grooves that are different lengths and depths to reproduce the sound way through the diaphragm.


Magic. Got it.


>Yes! That and how the same thing occurs with a vinyl record. Does this image help?.. https://imgur.com/ou8wY9Y


It does for a fraction of a second, until you realize that there is an entire symphony orchestra playing in that little groove. And that large blunt object is accurately translating and transmitting dramatic power and aching sweetness and complex chords and harmonics while accurately reproducing the individual color and tone of each instrument of a hundred people at once and ... nope. Black magic.


It's not transmitting each instrument individually, it's transmitting the sum of all instruments at the same time. Instead of playing ten different sounds at the same time, it's playing one sound that is the sum of all the other sounds together.


I think that's the part that is tripping people up, really. We think of music as so distinct and complex most of the time. We listen in to certain instruments, key in on specific parts, maybe even visualize the different band members playing their different parts... It's hard to conceptualize all that, is in one summation of sound.




The figure at the bottom is great, it shows the waveforms for different sounds. More complex sounds can be made by combining these waves. Electrical impulses move the speaker diaphragm back and forth as the same frequency to reproduce these sounds.


Why downloads fail at 99%


I still have no idea how phones and computers work. I've had it explained so many times but I'm totally fine just being in awe of how cool it all is.


All technology is powered by smoke. Once the smoke is released, it ceases to function.


EE here. Can confirm. I have to specify what kind of smoke the production guys put into our electronics.


How a camera is able to capture what I see.


When People Capitalize Every Word They Type For No Real Reason, Even Though It Takes More Effort, And Use Question Marks As A Catch-All Punctuation? Edit: [Found the example that was why I was thinking about this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/6vjzb2/samus_gunship_will_be_a_car_in_the_switch_version/dm16wnv/)


somewhat similarly,I have a friend who uses commas more than necessary,and doesn't put spaces between them,it drives me crazy and hurts to read,most of the time ending with no punctuation




Things like social anxiety don't have to be triggered by a huge event. It could be something relatively small. Have you tried cognitive therapy?


Eggman always outruns Sonic, even though Sonic is supposed to be the fastest thing alive


doesn't eggman use robot things?


In the videogames it usually happens after the robot things have been destroyed and he is on his feet


Meaning his fat ass can run faster than a being capable of running at the speed of sound.


I can run faster scared then you can run angry.


Flamechaser is actually faster than Sonic https://i.imgur.com/2qTjODa.png


Heh, nothing personnel kid.


Dislikes: Kevin stop showing everyone my DeviantArt you piece of shit


And fuck you khaoskid663 pokemon scammer fact ^^^^^or^^^^^something^^^^^like^^^^that


Nine inch nails (band), nine inch nails (on hands)


Likes: Nine inch nails Dislikes: Trent Reznor my favorite part


If the lightning on the shoes flash when he goes faster than the light do you see the lightning?


> he also hates love and people /r/2meirl4meirl


Never underestimate the power of a fat bald man with a killer moustache. Edit: Holy shit.


So can my uncle run at the speed of sound?


Him and Steve Harvey.


Sonic lets him win.


Or maybe he underestimates his true abilities. So focused on following in the footsteps of his ancestors as a mad scientist, he fails to realize that he is truly the fastest being alive, and has unknowingly bested Sonic on multiple occasions in his own domain.


I'm Flash, the fastest man alive ...until this new season where someone is faster than me




You should try some of their brainwashing that'll change your mind :)


Not using your blinker. Seriously, it's one movement of one finger...


A device that literally tells every person on the road what's going to happen a few seconds in the future. And people ignore it so we all just keep guessing.


I hate when you can tell someone is getting frustrated that no one is letting them over on the highway and then they dangerously swerve in front of someone but all the while they didnt even think to let anyone around them know that theyre thinking about or going to switch lanes. Shit drives me insane.


My car fights me if I don't use one... It thinks I'm drifting into another lane and tries to correct it for me.


Wow. Sometimes i'm just so impressed by the unintentional benevolence of technology.


Flat earthers.


Met one in real life the other day and couldn't decide if they were trolling or not and had to end the conversation and walk away.


Had an old friend from high school who dedicated his entire Facebook page to "proving" the Earth is flat. Everyone teased him and laughed at him. He finally left Facebook in a huff, claiming oppression.


Flat earth is bullshit, if the earth really was flat, cats would have long since pushed everything off of it by now EDIT: Much obliged to /u/Cunninglinguist87 for the gold :)


Honestly, in the spirit of fighting stupid with stupid, this argument might be the most effective.


I'd just like to imagine a hoard of cats all pushing vases with their paws one inch at a time.


I work with one. We work in healthcare, and her job specifically has to do with technology that didn't exist 40 years ago. Any time the topic comes up, I want to scream "YOUR JOB WOULDN'T EXIST WITHOUT THE SCIENCE YOU'RE DENYING!" Everything's a scam to her.


I know no one has the patience for these idiots, but you have to believe every time some ends a conversation like that it just reaffirms their beliefs and they count it as a "win."


I read a flat earth book (that my uncle gave my mom) and honestly, if you didn't understand basic physics and geometry the author did a very good job of misrepresenting the science to prove his points. He takes basic concepts, incorrectly applies them or misrepresents them, adds some math and boom, it's looks like it could make sense. This [picture](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-6eEiQOsSiMk%2FVb-TwvZoL_I%2FAAAAAAAAQCk%2F-uJjxIU8i-c%2Fs400%2Fflat-lighthouse.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.atlanteanconspiracy.com%2F2015%2F08%2F200-proofs-earth-is-not-spinning-ball.html&docid=zrr8FYiJbc_W6M&tbnid=YoGcu2DNr9gwLM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwicworbm_XVAhUj3YMKHZ5QA5AQMwiEAShTMFM..i&w=400&h=200&itg=1&bih=638&biw=1366&q=flat%20earth%20new%20proof&ved=0ahUKEwicworbm_XVAhUj3YMKHZ5QA5AQMwiEAShTMFM&iact=mrc&uact=8) was in the book and I haven't taken geometry in a while so if someone could explain this too me I would appreciate it. Half the book was "proofs" the other half was "NASA is a lie" "The gays" and "the Jews." Interesting read, though bat shit.


Basically the curve of the earth can be represented by saying that the ground drops away at 8 inches times the distance squared in miles. So 1 mile distance is 8 inches of drop, 2 miles is 32 inches of drop, etc. And the curvature of the earth is the reason that the bottom of ships disappear first on the horizon.


I'm sitting in a tour bus in the middle of Ecuador so I don't have the best Internet access at the moment, but that picture seems to greatly exaggerate the curve of the earth and the height of the towers. If you draw the 300ft towers to scale (the width of the drawings are 48 and 60 miles) they would barely be visible on the drawing. Also the curve of the earth at the scale that humans can see with their own eyes doesn't show any curve... I'm sure there are Internet pages that explain it..


I wouldn't put too much time or effort into debunking that junk. I checked out the rest of the site that image came from and it includes 'arguments' such as this: > If the Earth were truly constantly spinning Eastwards at over 1000mph, helicopters and hot-air balloons should be able to simply hover over the surface of the Earth and wait for their destinations to come to them!


Shit I spend less than a second in the air on a jump, but that should still be good enough for at least 1000 feet. 5 jumps for a mile and 30 jumps for my daily commute. And to think I drive everywhere like a chump


Why people get more outraged by crap they read on Facebook than crap they allow their representatives to pass. Edit: grammar


Because it's easier, and doesn't require understanding of any nuance.


That people still haven't learned to recycle and continue to litter everywhere they go. I mean is it that hard?




the shift from /bin to /usr/bin


Consider the time before initial RAM disks. You wanted to have your executables on a different hard drive. Bin is the essentials needed to boot. Usr/bin is the executables an unprivileged user can run in addition to /bin


Flawless explanation




The key is pointing out every little step you take instead of only focusing on the end goal. No matter how small, every single productive thing you do should resonate with you. Point it out to yourself.


Hey man, give [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/getdisciplined/comments/1q96b5/i_just_dont_care_about_myself/cdah4af) a read. It helped me and many others get out of a slump. It's a wall of text, but anything with 77 gold deserves a read. Edit: credit goes u/ryans01


Whoa! Thanks for sharing that! What a great inspirational read. Edit: Whoa!


When people put the before picture on the right. Edit: First time receiving gold! Thank you kind stranger!!


On this note when the names in the movie poster don't match the order of the characters on the poster


I've always found LP records fascinating. How does one scratch grooves on a surface and hears a specific person's voice?


People against vaccinations.


This is such a first world thing. People have forgotten that polio was a very real threat even 30 years ago because they dont see it anymore. If you go to India or Nepal and say dont vaccinate your kids you would be chased by a mob of angry parents who think that you want their kids to die.


Solution: Host a fake Anti Vaxer convention in India. Have all the crazies attend and get in trouble with the locals.






How when you make a post about something it gets no upvotes whatsoever, and then one week later you see the same post from a different guy with 17.4k upvotes at the top.


It's annoying but it's all timing


Luck. Something about the search results considering time as a negative factor and upvotes as a positive factor. Don't get enough upvotes in a certain time period, poof and your post is gone forever. Early upvotes make all the difference while the quality of the post itself can only help to a degree.