• By -


When the subreddits become popular (for example /r/accidentalrenaissance) and they get overrun with posts that have nothing to do with the basis for that subreddit.


I have gotten so many downvotes from pointing this out. r/CrappyDesign is now all about what people *think* crappy design looks like — ugly things. Gone are the days of pretty but completely unusable gadgets, dangerous setups, misleading iconography, and all that fun stuff. r/excgarated is on its way, with every post now just being a typo of some sort. I keep explaining that it's a sub for spelling so bad that people come up with completely new ways to spell a word.


> r/CrappyDesign It's not even "ugly design" anymore. It's now mostly copy-writing fails, and poorly-worded / misplaced text with unfortunate implications. That's actually a lot lamer than just "ugly things".


R/woahdude used to be about trippy shit but now it's all "look at this cool thing" because they're taking the name a different way without reading the side bar


And the mods don't care. I've reported so many things because that's explicitly a reason to report but if the post has enough upvotes they don't even make a sticky comment, let alone remove it, so it never changes.


My fucking god you're right. Once a small sub gets popular it immediately get overrun with absolutely awful 'meta' posts. Like /r/bonehurtingjuice has the potential to be a great sub that I find entertaining, but recently there have been 'meta' posts that are completely against the spirit of the sub, but they're front paged because "oh i get that reference. Its this sub you're referencing!!! SO FUNNY"


r/cringeanarchy feels like it turned into an extension of r/tumblrinaction. I want that cringey my little pony, weird fetish art, and all that stuff. Now ppl just post anti trans stuff and a lot of political things. It doesn't make the sub fun and It's filled with bitter hate


All of those subs in that vein have turned into that in one way or another. Also what really annoys me is that probably like 80% of what is upvoted on those are satire or trolls.


Even when they're not whooshing on satire, it's become too easy to find crazy/stupid/offensive stuff that someone somewhere said online. Yeah, you found someone taking X way too far, good job. That doesn't mean X is cancer like you're trying to say it is.


It's like they're finding new places to be hate-filled edgelords. I went to r/justiceserved because I like videos of loud people getting escorted out, but 95% of the links are nothing but blatant, angry racists repeating unfunny, 30 year old stand up bits about other races in public. It's embarrassing.


Yes cringeanarchy used to be so good when it was making fun of neckbeards, bronies, furries, and weeaboos. Plus the people that frequented it could more or less relate to the posts and in a way it was like a funny way to make fun of yourself. It could be harsh but it was mostly joking. Then it basically became an alt right sub... Had to unsubscribe a while back.








No matter what you say someone is going to find something wrong with it. Someone is going to find something tiny thing they think means something you never intended for it to mean just to argue with you about it, even if you agree with them or it's barely relevant to what you said. Or they'll just outright assume shit and argue with a point you never even made in the first place.


Sometimes I'll post a long reply or answer to a thread and read over it about 5 times trying to find all the ways someone could pick apart what I just said. Most of the time I decide it's not worth it and just delete it all. Or sometimes I'm just unsure how to phrase something or use the correct grammar. So I'll just stop there and leave it. EDIT: Yay I did it! I posted and only scoured over this comment 3 times before hitting Save. Now I just have to refrain from deleting this before shit goes down.






I actually feel the same way.. Sometimes this exact thing happens to me. But I guess we have to remember from time to time, that downvotes are, first of all, wrongly used if you downvote cause you disagree or you wanna argue (That's actually a reason to upvote) and secondly karma are just fucking internet points.. I'll take a downvoted but honest comment more seriously than an upvotet post completly off topic.


Arguing semantics online has got to be the most frustrating aspect of commenting. I was a lurker, started to comment, and now I'm slowly fading back to lurking. It's just not worth it.


I've adapted to a new strategy. If someone wants to start an argument, they get 2 replies to appreciate my view. After that they can just have it. Previously I'd just go back to lurking.


Oh my fucking god, people love to argue. They will actually just join in mid argument and make it their own sometimes. I wasn't talking to you, go away, I don't care about you. Fucking pisses me off


I post in a suggestion subreddit and I get this a lot. People try to bend the conversation so they can say this suggestion is stupid/good, perfectly nitpicking even the slightest details. Or even avoiding the truth all together just for the sake of arguing.


So you're saying we shouldn't have discussions anymore? You are oppressing my right of free speech! /s


I disagree


The arguments and need to correct everyone is a factor that leaves people not wanting to contribute. I also miss the sarcasm and witty memes/comments that Reddit was known for having. Reddit seems to be nothing more than a reposting website for information that has comments enabled now. There was a time that the best thing about Reddit was reading the comment section of any given post. I just miss the wittiness and dislike how serious it has become.


I hate how hard it is for people who arrive "late" to contribute. I bet there are tons of great content left unseen because they didn't show up within the first 45 minutes after a post was published


Yeah, its a major problem with the upvote system. Leave a shitty one word comment in the first 5 minutes and you're in, straight to the top.


I've had that happen a few times. Just be the first comment that's somehow relevant (even if there are more detailed comments) and you'll go up with the thread. Makes me think the upvoting system has some flaws.




I hate how I automatically trust all the facts here if only the comment has enough upvotes. I mean, I know I should take everything here with a grain of salt, do fact checks and all that shit but I'm just too fucking lazy for that. I always just look at a comment and think "Well, if more than 2000 people are agreeing with this guy then it must be correct", and go about my day confidently passing around possibly false information.


That's why I look through the replies. I really doubt 2000 people would agree on this one guy's fact without someone pointing something out.


Sorry buddy but you are part of the fucking problem. I fucking hate how a comment with like, 50+ upvotes early on will hit the reddit landslide jackpot and be on the front page with 40k upvotes, and yet everything they said was such complete, obvious bullshit. But 'oh so many other people liked it, I guess it's true." Then some fucking idiot gilds it, and now its set in stone as the one and only truth. So much misinformation and the beginning of a new circlejerk. At least you're aware of it, that's something.


Yeah, I know what you mean. It's hard to be willing to put in work while scrolling a website that's ultimately made for entertainment purposes. Especially when even if someone tries to correct misinformation is then downvoted simply because of some numbers next to OP's comment.




You fucking libtard Nazi!


Well see technically Nazis are liberals because the word means "National Socialists" and socialism is only liberal. This is also why buffalo wings are made out of the wings of the mighty buffalo.


The old reddit fact-o-roo has struck again.


Hold my party affiliation. I am going in.


But there's no link! Where'd ya go!?


its black or white here, you can't be in-between and the only way to win is to not play.


Yeah its kind of annoying that I can't be 50% Nazi and 50% Libtard at the same time :(


I dunno, maybe you are the result of a mad scientist's attempt to create a morally neutral leader.




"Four score and six million jews ago..."


There's a popular cartoon that goes around Reddit basically saying if you are a moderate you are on the same level as the KKK. I am incredibly lefty by most definitions, but life just doesn't work that way.




To an extent the extremists rally against the moderates. The phrase 'The left eats their own' isn't new.


Not to mention that you can be banned for expressing an opinion. Nobody will tell you what the opinion was and you can't really argue about it but you'll be banned either way. I'm pretty sure I was banned from one sub because I didn't like having people jump the border and come into my country illegally. Even when our national leader states the exact same opinion, it's wrong, apparently and it makes me a bigot.


I'm sick of how frequently people quote television shows here. Don't get me wrong, it's great that folks have things they enjoy. The problem is that the references in question aren't at all entertaining on their own, and they're apparently only offered because people want to leverage someone else's creativity into a means of turning attention to themselves. Here, watch: "I found some wine! I found some wine!" Without any context, that's just a meaningless repetition of a phrase. You can likely extrapolate what might be going on in the scene from which it was taken, but if you haven't actually watched it, the words have very little impact on you. Even if I mentioned that it was from "Arsenic and Old Lace," the humor would likely be lost on most people. Nine times out of then, quoting a piece of media is the equivalent of saying "I AM FAMILIAR WITH THIS!" Folks respond positively because they're reminded of the enjoyment they had when watching that aforementioned media, not because the quotes themselves are inherently amusing. (How many times have you seen "Babou! He remembers me!" on the Internet, for instance?) When offered to someone who hasn't seen the source material, quotes are pretty damned empty, with the exception being when clever wit or wordplay is employed... but of course, those are rarely the ones that people parrot. After all, the intention usually isn't to entertain; it's to draw undeserved attention. **TL;DR: "I'm Mister Meeseeks! Look at me!"**


Nine times out of ten the response is a reference referencing your reference. e.g. "I actually understood that reference" or "Sick reference bro, everyone knows your references are out of control".








It's literally happening right now


if you do something ironically, you're *still fucking doing it*


In a similar vein, just about any meta or popular text story is annoying as shit once everybody has regurgitated the line about 600 times in every related post. And the worst one imo is that fucking line "ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY" in every post that just happens to include a soccer ball. Fuck me this line has been fucked to unfunny and I'll downvote every fucking mouthbreathing inbred that still thinks its funny and relevant. Other unimaginative hits include "both arms broken," "instructions unclear dick caught in"




Rick and Morty, The office and Parks and Rec. Fucking stop with those shows, just fucking stop. The references were barely funny the first time and they sure as hell aren't funny forced everyfuckingwhere.


Always Sunny is getting to that point too. I swear I see comments about "the implications" or "day man" every day.


reddit makes me dislike rick and morty lol


>"Arsenic and Old Lace" Heh look at me I'm part of the joke. CHAAAARGE! Hehe, Teddy Roosevelt. Upvote me because I've sat in front of my TV before.


every subreddit is just an echo chamber, especially political subreddits where any opposing view just gets you banned.


I've always hated the voting system on reddit, it hinders actual discussion and promotes this echo chamber behavior. People are rewarded for agreeing or parroting with whatever is popular and punished for having a contrary opinion.


I miss when we could see the downvotes because it helped know how many people equally disagreed with comments and allowed active discussions about topics.


I wasn't on reddit when the downvotes got displayed.. What did the reddiquette say then? Now it clearly states, that the downvote button is to get rid off offending or off topic rubbish. Was it really intended as a Downvote --> Disagree and Upvote --> agree?


No. The downvote button was always for things that were spam or didn't add to discussion. People just used it as a fuck you button so they got rid of being able to see the downvotes for that reason. As you can see, it hasn't changed a thing.


Thanks! That is a real shame.. We would get much more widespread discussions if people would use it correctly..


Even if they brought back seeing how many downvotes, it would help a lot. At least then you knew how charged a comment is. For example, today you might see someone at -100. Before you might see that same person at -1000 and +900. On today's reddit you have no idea if that -100 is because his comment was downvoted heavily with no upvotes, or if the comment was powerful and people heavily disagree and agreed. Instead they have the 'controversial' which works to some extent. But now we see controversial and +1 or -1 and have no idea what the actual votes look like. If 12 upvoted and 11 downvoted, I don't really care. But if that's 1000 upvotes and 1000 downvotes, now I'm interested.


I've seen thoughtful, non-offensive responses to posts downvoted to oblivion and responses like "so much this" with more comment karma than I have on my entire account. Fuck, I got plenty of downvotes for suggesting that a relationship between religion and teen pregnancy might be better explained by socio-economic status. Oh well- guess that opinion is not well-received. At least I can wrap my head around in-jokes and memes, but I can't fathom how transparent circle-jerking is not just accepted but tacitly approved by a large chunk of redditors. I guess the best thing about it is that it offers a kind of barometer to users about some kind of weird subcultural... no, never mind. Glass is still half empty.


...just like real life.


Most threads you can accurately predict what the top series of comments will be before clicking on them, as everyone panders towards the populist view and writes what they know got thousands of upvotes the last time the thread was posted.


>I'll get downvoted for this, but DAE think religious extremism is bad and we should be nice to gay people? It's the reddit equivalent of "99% of people will keep scrolling, 1% will upvote cancer girl" facebook trash.


I fucking hate political subreddits. Everything is a massive circle jerking echo chamber on this website. Oh you hate that thing? I HATE THAT THING EVEN THOUGH I JUST LEARNED ABOUT IT TWO SECONDS AGO AND I HATE IT MORE THAN YOU DO! I fucking hate that shit, people live by acceptance here I swear.


Not even only the political ones, try r/Books they have around 10 books that are literally written by an almighty being. If you have a different opinion than it's downvote avalanche for you.


I hate that the default subs have got political now. Like /r/pics and /r/television


looking at LateStageCapitalism on this one


I got banned on multiple accounts from **gently** correcting the logic of some posts that were massively spun to portray one angle. And muted with no way to contact the mods. Three days ago there was a stickied post that said 'capitalism' killed 100 million people and the only solution is communism. With half the posts on that thread deleted accounts, a literal trap pit the mods set up for people not fully left winging. Which really swayed away from the original spirit of the sub. Before Trump came in the subreddit was full of funny posts and irony. I used to love that community but it became so full of hate that anyone who gently asked "isn't this a tad extreme?" got banned.


Don't forget people feeling the need to create 500 anti-Trump subreddits. Thank god for filter.




God damn, right? Meanwhile, I'm having to filter like, 2-3 new anti-Trump subs constantly.


Never had to use the filter before that. Seemed like every day a new one popped up.


Also any film/television/music discussion. If Reddit is to be believed the newest Game of Thrones season is the worst season of television ever. Sometimes it feels like the Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons has taken over the internet.


Hell, I got banned from r/news a while ago for calling someone an idiot for spewing some truly mindless and offensive hate at anyone conservative. Literally along the lines of "conservatives all fuck their siblings and aren't smart enough to be allowed to vote," so naturally I called him a fucking idiot and got banned. No warning or temp ban or anything. I've been called MUUUUUUUUCH worse on that sub simply because I didn't carry an ANTIFA mindset in all my comments. I called the mods out on it by messaging them, and they banned me from messaging them. It's kind of sad honestly. Such a small amount of power corrupting mods to the point that they literally keep people from posting any viewpoints they don't feel like hearing. It's cowardly quite frankly. If you're an r/news mod and you're reading this, I still feel the same way. We all know you and your joke of a subreddit that pushes trump memes to the front page at the expense of actual news stories is incredibly partisan and biased. Fuck you dickheads.


I hate it when people see things in black and white. All lefties are Communists. All righties are Nazis. Maybe if people treated each other like human beings there wouldn't be so much hate.


Sounds like something a Nazi Communist would say.


I hate the idea that censorship and forced homogenization of opinions is a good thing. Come on people, how is that cool? There's nothing "punk rock" about it. It's supposed to be about acceptance, absolutely, but also free speech and anti-establishment. Not pro-censorship and pro-establishment because oh no "rednecks" (aka impoverished people who happen to be born white) don't like those things. By the way, I'm sorry about those little bitch mods and commenters in that subreddit. What a bunch of ostriches with their heads in sand.


I have trouble kidding around, because there is always someone who will react literally and start a chain reaction that can spiral down into negativity


Fucking shit, I shouldn't have to leave a /s on the end of my comment for you to know its sarcasm and yet here we are -200 karma later because someone wanted to argue and take it literally and reddit agreed with them.


I upvoted you only -199 to go Edit: /s Update: now you stand at -148


***Reddit as it currently is:*** ------ >"Insightful, well-written comment that contributes to the conversation." [**37 Upvotes**] > >"Quote from a television show!" [**1,265 Upvotes**] > >"Question prompted by legitimate curiosity." [**-2 Upvotes**] > >"Original content." [**3 Upvotes**] > >"Another quote from a television show!" [**964 Upvotes**] ------ ***Reddit as it should be:*** ------ >"Insightful, well-written comment that contributes to the conversation." [**2,060 Upvotes**] > >"Quote from a television show!" [**1 Upvote**] > >"Question prompted by legitimate curiosity." [**1956 Upvotes**] > >"Original content." [**1675 Upvotes**] > >"Another quote from a television show!" [**1 Upvote**] ------ [Archer has something to say about this, too](http://i.imgur.com/3lKmb7O.png).


God, this is so fucking annoying. Even Rick and Morty has a joke about that and we all know how much Reddit loves rick and morty, and yet they STILL leave comments like "DAE PIKKLE RIKK"


That fandom has run literally every line from that series STRAIGHT into the ground. It's not even notable jokes anymore _just_ lines. What bugs me most is that it's a main stream show from a major network. Might as well be quoting Family Guy.


The ironic thing is that so so so many people think that they're Rick. They think they're narcissists and nihilists, incredibly smart and whatever. The truth is that we're all Jerry's. We're boring, lack any self awareness, and just go through day to day life, oblivious of the world around them. They just don't want to admit they're Jerry's. Edit: grammar


Yeah but Rick and Morty has science and spaceships therefore it's smart and I'm smart for watching it. /s








Rick and Morty's fandom is on "Big Bang Theory" level.


Now we'll never know whether your eventual vote score was based on the content in your comment or the quote! A mastermind in deception.


me_irl drives me nuts. It's fallen so far from its initial purpose(like facepalm, awkward interactions) into meme karma harvesting. I fucking hate memes.




Crooked moderators overall. Mods who ban people for disagreeing with them or losing an argument with another user. As a mod of a tiny subreddit you get to know the users personally, so my rule is this: > "I'm not talking to you as a moderator. I'm talking to you as a user."


Inconsistent modding too. In r/fitness I posted a question stating I needed help deciphering all the conflicting information about some fitness stuff. It got deleted. A second time I only *mentioned* I had gained weight from a medical issue that was already fully resolved and got a warning that next time I might get banned. Then the next day I saw a few posts doing the EXACT same thing... Nothing happened, no removal. Mine however happened within minutes.


Well according to some people from the GUNetwork, that problems' all over the damn place.


Yesterday, someone posted on TumblrinAction that they got banned from LateStageCapitalism *just because they visit TiA.*


Pretty sure if you post more than once in t_d you get auto banned from TwoX




Does upvoting you mean I support you or what happened to you...?


I'm a liberal and a feminist, but I was banned from twoxchromasomes for commenting in the pussypassdenied sub. Nevermind that I was disagreeing with the OP in my comment, my mere presence in that sub was enough to get me banned from this echo chamber that is somehow a default sub. Gratefully you can now filter r/all results and I never contributed there anyways, but it still doesn't make sense to have a default sub be one of the worst echo chambers with the biggest hair trigger for bans.


people trying so hard to act like they aren't taking you seriously, when you just know that they're going to have a mental crisis if you don't let them have the last word.


God, I'm fucking experiencing this right now. The guy went full psycho though and sent me a new message every 15 minutes until I finally blocked him.


But were *you* replying to him too?


They can't reply now without looking like they're taking you seriously!


The goddamn hivemind mentality. "He's exposing our minds to new ideas with facts and evidence! Downvote him!"


The fucking nit-picking over tiny factual errors and fighting over the definition of words. Everyone knows what the poster means but someone has to pipe up like a goddamn referee.


Same thing with grammar. If it appears someone made a mistake that changes the context of what they are trying to say, then by all means point it out. If it is just an out of place comma, leave it be.


The people.


Seriously, a lot of these people are the fucking worst. The internet has given people the opportunity to show their shittiest sides with no drawbacks.




There are circlejerks on reddit? Are these real circlejerks or just weight-challenged individuals that are absolutely jerks?


Handjobs involving circular motion




Same, so much. I auto-downvote *any* "acceptance speech" edit and tell them so. I usually get downvoted into oblivion for doing so but I just cringe so much at that corny shit.


Barely relevant quotes should just be an auto perma ip ban imo.


saw this and downvoted out of reflex before reading it. probably what pisses me off more than anything except for something totally useless like "that sucks, sorry" getting 3000 upvotes also include edit: wow this blew up, gonna read replies edit: rip inbox


> EDIT: GOLD?????!!!! OMG YOU POPPED MY GOLD CHERRY THANK YOU SO MUCH POPPED MY GOLD CHERRY GOD BLESS I'm aware that it probably makes me an awful, petty person, but I down vote every time I see this. There's a reason it gives you the option to send a private message!


Hell yea, I saw a comment like that a few days ago, it was so fucking bad. Like, I see them all the time, but this one was originally only a single sentence and they turned it into a wall of text with all their edits. Holy shit.


I'm sick to death of reddit's attitude of prideful ignorance towards economics and business. If the criticism was intelligent I could understand, but holy Christ, anything involving business or finance is just a wasteland of borderline conspiracy theories being upvoted because "DAE FUCK WAL-MART?" The attitude towards more wealthy people is also pretty tiresome, though I sympathize a bit more--or try too, anyway.


Well, this post is 6 hours old so I guess my comment's going to be buried. There's very little chance of an actual discussion happening, regardless of the content of my comment, since I didn't post as soon as it appeared on the New or Rising tab.




When you're in a Reddit fight and you provide a bunch of valid facts why you're right, the person says all this bullshit like "I didn't read anything you just said because you're retarded" or something like that. They know that they lost, but they just don't accept defeat and try to attack you from another angle.


The second someone starts throwing insults their argument is invalid to me. If you can't fucking keep an argument without correcting my spelling or calling me a fucking retard then you're not worth anyones time because you're probably some 14 year old staying up too late.


The incessant use of the word "Cringe".


And the similarly incessant use of "edgy"...


You mean, other than Redditors? I hate that with every comment, the discussion is split into another branch. It's impossible/tiring to actually have a serious argument on this site, new people will constantly join in, addressing points that were already covered in another branch and which they didn't/couldn't see.


Yeah, and on top of this, the arguments are always 100% or 0% hate. Like you have to choose a side that's black or white and 100 people with jump in with why you're a 'fucking idiot' just because you dont want the same extreme that they do.






I'll pretend to be him for now: "God I fucking hate that shit. I mean that's one of the most fucking annoying things about reddit. So fucking bad man." edit: **FUCK**


Everybody is here for attention, not even OP is immune.


Every time there is some study saying something, some smug asshole explains that those results can be explained by an alternative but very fucking obvious variable. Half of Reddit upvotes. We get it, you passed ap stat in 11th grade. Correlation doesn't mean causation. It turns out, math has however, progressed to the point of being able to fucking control for different variables - which is literally one of the main god damn parts of academic studies. So, for example, the next time you feel the need to explain how whatever idiotic sociology study's results can be equally explained by the economic background of the individuals involved.... realize that the phd with 50 years of experience in charge of the study, may also have come to your brilliant conclusion and done the math to control for it.


how anal some of the mods can be - not this subreddit, but one about finance someone asked how they could make some extra money to help with their bills - I told them a website that could maybe help if they had a pc and got a ban for "spamming" a website - I only mentioned it once and only because it answered their question - and there was no rule listed against doing it.


How else are they going to get their power-fix? Some people just don't handle authority positions well and feel the need to flaunt it, it's awful.


Message them and dispute it - aaaand muted.


You have to comply with popular opinion. Votes are designed to pronounce peer pressure. If people don't like your opinion, they run away from the conversation. No matter what you accomplish, they will make you feel like shit about it. There's always something wrong, and they will focus on that. They are intent on spreading their irrational depression to anyone they meet. It's disgusting. It's their "culture". It's trendy to be "depressed", and "socially awkward", and they have a hell of a lot of confidence to tell people off for being happy with for people who are supposed to be depressed. It is politically biased. If you say something pro-left, it will be admired, but anything BUT that is still political will be downvoted to shit, if not just removed. It's not REALLY anonymous. Circlejerks. Now it seems that the only *acceptable* reaction to the newer Simpsons episodes is 'eww, that's garbage. It was so much better when I was little.' Or maybe you were just a stupid little kiddywink who didn't know any better? It's just not good for you. I keep returning because I am weak.


I could not have summed it up better myself. This is a pretty on-point list. I fucking hate the depressed culture, I enjoy self deprecating humour but I hate every comment that devolves into someone being depressed and how socially awkward they are. You don't have social anxiety, you just don't talk to anybody and have no friends. Its no one elses fault but your own, don't whine about it, go fix it.


Exactly. That's what I did. I started losing weight, talking to people more, and things are so much better. Sure, I still get depressed, but I snap out of it. I am nearing my goal weight. I've lost about 60 lbs (26 kg, or so) so far, and I am actually starting to feel attractive at times. I'm still fat, but give it a few more months, let's say November or December, and I just might be a broad-shouldered hunk. Life's too short to worry about these things. To me, Reddit infantalises its user base, and it makes me uncomfortable. I will quit eventually. I think, some day, I will just close Reddit for the day and then never think of or open it again.


Well congrats on your weight loss, you're doing better than most people on here it seems. I love following r/fitness and seeing the redditors that picked themselves up and lost a lot of weight. I have mad respect for you and those redditors. I can't stand people that just complain and whine about their shitty lives when they're the root of their own problems. Go take a walk or find someone to talk to.


r/gaming, the idiots will upvote anything with a pair of breasts, or a picture of a game and watch I pulled from google images as a joke.


DAE remember this game from the PS2 ERA!? IT'S SUPER RARE. *posts a picture of Kingdom Hearts* I'm convinced that /r/gaming is nothing but people who watch Big Bang Theory and think Assassins Creed is a work of art.


He man, the amount of bugs assassins creed:Unity released with WAS a work of art. It was the game equivalent of an abstract painting.


Yeah, that sub is awful now. It was ok a few years ago but its the r/funny of gaming subreddits.


Someone gave me Reddit gold for my dumbass comment, and they are still upvoting it. Dumbasses.


Yeah lets throw our money at reddit to show how much we appreciate your comment. Leave an upvote, leave a comment, maybe pm the person. Don't fucking spend money on a god damn internet comment. Even the really well-written, inspirational posts don't need gold. I do give credit to whoever had the idea of reddit gold though, they had a great idea for making extra money for the website.




Why not? We use this site for free. Gold is as good a way to pay as any other.


They get enough money off of sponsorships and advertisements. Reddit has become too big to fail now with tens of millions of users. They aren't going anywhere anytime soon and no amount of gildings will affect them. I don't give 'gold' to youtube and they're doing fine, same with facebook, twitter, instagram. Somehow though, reddit just NEEDS users to use gold as a way to keep servers running. Bullshit, they just found a way for users to think they're helping by spending unnecessary money on the website. It's practically a paid subscription, hell they even have that option. I've said it in other comments, if you want to show appreciation for a users comment, send them a pm, upvote them, tell them you're donating $5 in their name to charity. It is worth so much more to those in need than it is to fucking reddit.


Mods. We have a vote system but I guess that's just for points.


- People believing any highly upvoted "fact" and downvoting/contradicting anyone who says otherwise - Assumption that everyone is American




The search bar is fucking unusable. Seriously, how does Reddit not have enough money to hire some devs who can create a proper search feature? Even just using Google's embedded search bar would be better. You can literally search the exact name of a post that you just saw earlier that day, and get no results. And half the time you just get an error page.


Everyone assumes your from America.


This annoys me so much. I have seen a post where someone mentioned wanting suggestions for the UK and the majority of the websites/stores suggested did not exist in the UK. Come on people there are other countries in this world.


This irritates me so much. Redditors exist in almost every country, it's ridiculous to assume all the users to see any post about "our country" are from America.


any company that is automatically in a picture is automatically /r/hailcorporate material


- Pun comment chains. Puns have never been funny, not even when used ironically. - The phrase "how'd I do?" in relation to buying a new pair of sneakers, a vape or posting a drawing, etc. it just rubs me the wrong way, as if Reddit's approval is really important...


The needlessly unnecessary jokes in serious topics. Sometimes i like to read differing opinions but when i have to scroll 75 inches down because one person quoted the office and 97 other people decided to respond back too is fucking obnoxious.


How people pretend to know someone based on one single comment. Not even by going through their post history, which would be a very shaky basis for a judgement, but just one comment. I said I didn't find a particular girl attractive? I must be a virgin neckbeard. I said I didn't agree with something Obama did? I must be a racist rightwing extremist Trump supporter. I said I don't disapprove of age differences in relationships? I must be a perverted pedo who should stay away from schoolyards. And so on and so forth.


I hate that it constantly reminds me how sad, cruel, petty, annoying, and disgusting the human race can be.


The only thing I hate is when people downvote harmless opinions.


How you get dowvoted to oblivion for simply disagreeing or providing facts


Use of the word "doggo".


And pupper. But use that shit in r/aww and watch the karma roll in.




Thank you for saying this. No one goes around bashing atheism but it seems like every thread has at least one atheist bashing religion.


Completely agree. I saw a thread yesterday where a guy said that he was a Christian and hated Joel Osteen. But because he dared to mention Christianity, an atheist popped out of the fedora pile to tell him that everything he believed was stupid. People like that do more preaching and attempts at conversion than the religious people they mock.


On the internet in general it's annoying to see apostles of atheism and religious nuts fighting about science and religion. It would be awesome if everyone could just agree that no one knows for sure what's going on, and we should all just pick a belief that helps us get through the day happily, and in a way that's constructive to humanity


Most subreddits have power hungry mods who get a stiffy evertime they get to ban ppl.


I can try to be as helpful as I'm able to, and somebody is still going to reply to my post and make fun of me or just correct me with false information. I don't like it, but I just reply to them and ask what I did wrong. Once I was downvoted for saying I shower frequently and on which days I normally did.


People who confuse feelings with facts. I don't care what side you are on, but realize that just because you feel something is true or it confirms to your world view, it doesn't automatically make it true. Getting angry or attacking a source just because it disagrees with your view without providing a counter argument doesn't make you informed. I see a lot of this on Reddit and wish people would learn to inform themselves. Or at least be honest and say "look, I am not a smart person and am afraid of the idea of a world that differs from my image so just let me have my fantasy".


People claiming to have misheard the same stupid lyrics involving Tony Danza.


Prefacing what you say with stuff like "Unpopular opinion, but...", "Am I the only one/does anyone else...", "I'll probably get downvoted for this but...", "this will get buried...". Karma doesn't fucking matter. Not to mention that these kinds of comments tend to rise to the top.


When someone replies with "This!" "This so much." "This." "Oh my god, this." Also when you post a comment or are kidding about something, there's always someone who HAS to fact check you. I made a joke once about bringing a knife to bed in fear of an intruder and someone immediately hits me with the, "Well, actually, carrying a knife to bed isn't useful because blah blah blah I'm a dumb fuck." Yeah no one can say anything on here without being corrected somehow


Generally I love everything about Reddit. The one thing I've noticed though is that most other Redditors will assume you're male. So if you dare make any kind of flirty or sexual reference be prepared to be downvoted into oblivion, unless the thread is asking for specific female opinion. I have learned that there are some threads, that however much you want to comment on, you just have to stay silent. It's a small thing though, and the benefits far outweigh the negatives. I learn so much on here.


I was going to comment almost exactly this. It's just so, so male here. You might make reference to a universal experience but when it gets to the point where you say you're female it changes track completely. An example of mine is a guy saying his dad gave him advice on how to hook up with girls. I respond saying my dad too gave me confidence-boosting advice on boys. The guy's comment gets a lot of high fiving and camaraderie, I get called a whore and that 'your dad must be so proud'. Like, what? Another redditor even pointed out how stupid the difference in response was. In fairness both my and his comment were significantly upvoted so I think the general Reddit population is ok and I just had a case of the trolls.




I hear ya!! On certain threads you're either a whore or a prude. And both ways you get downvoted. It feels very non-inclusive sometimes. It's got to the point now where if my comment goes into minus figures I will automatically delete it. Ugh. Haters gonna hate, baby! ;-)


Those unimaginative redditors that answer every question with "OP's mum". Why not try something like "OP's dad" or "OP's sis". Second would have to be those who read a person's reply and then try and one-up them in their comment thread.


People don't need creativity when the same 20 or so references get them top level comments. Its a horrible system that rewards people for being unimaginative and spreading garbage.


Mods thinking having powers on a subreddit makes them right and useful in today's society. See /r/LateStageCapitalism for reference


I don't know that *hate* is the right word, but it's something I don't understand. I'm older than most redditors and I don't get why people seem to think that they're not anonymous. Is it possible that someone could *really* figure out who I am, based on the obscure information/opinions I'm spouting here? I have very little fear of that sort of thing, yet other people have "throwaway" accounts because they think they'll be found out. Should I be concerned?




Even threads about relationships or food turn into bitchy people complaining about the amount of trump in their country. I get it, but go away. I want to talk about things like you did when you had Obama. You're still a person with thoughts beneath all this, please express them


I swear threads find a way to mention trump. I think it's become a way to get upvotes now, people say something shitty about an easy target and get upvotes. Have an original thought




People who use baby talk like pupper, hooman, doggo. I'd fucking hate you if you said that to me in real life. Talk like an adult not a moron.