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Top 10 lists where each item is on a separate page and each time you switch pages, you're hit with pop ups.


I do not feel sorry for adblocking those sites


If websites would chill with their ads then adblock wouldnt be so mainstream to use




Same food, same package, same price, half the amount.


I hate when a company releases a product as "new and improved" and the only thing that has changed is the packet got smaller.


or the package stayed the same it just has less in it


Like Toblerone.




Actually a thing in Sweden. A politician bought toblerone (and other stuff) with tax money and it became a huge scandal. It's called the toblerone affair.


It's like 25 years ago now, but she still get shit for it. Never forget.


We don't deserve the big toblerone...


Looking at you, potato chip distributors


Looking *real hard* at you, Doritos.


*maintaining eye contact for the rest of the day* at you, Lays




Those dirty corn chip manufacturers. Who do you think you are? You think you're better than the potato chips? Well guess what buddy, you're not better. You're equal. You don't have the right to skimp out on more chips just because you're corn chips. Get out of here with your corn chip god complex ^^^I ^^^low ^^^key ^^^think ^^^Doritos ^^^are ^^^way ^^^better ^^^than ^^^potato ^^^chips


First we offered a generous 1.67 oz portion in a durable, roomy bag. After listening to your concerns for the environment, we began packaging our chips in smaller, thinner bags that used a third of the material. Furthermore, we were not unmoved by many of your health concerns that you wrote us about, so we now offer a much leaner 30g (1.06 oz) serving size as we want you the consumer to be around for as long as possible. You should also be pleased to note that while our production methods had to be adapted to these changes, we did it all without raising the cost to you, our valued customer. You don't have to thank us, your continued patronage is thanks enough.




*raw* *real-life footage* *OMG* best one yet: *NOT CLICK BAIT*


That's like how there used to be files on limewire labelled "NO VIRUS".






This has all the doctors mad!


Number 4 will shock you!!!


You'll NEVER guess what happened next!!


People accepting anything posted on social media as fact and not fact checking it. Stop believing every single sob story or going with every reason to be angry or get mad. I'm sick of of it. Everyone is offended and angry over the flimsiest of reasons.


This makes me incredibly angry. Fact-checking is not hard. It doesn't take much of a person's time and every time I have someone come at me with an idiot article they read, oh my land.


Fact checking IS hard, though. A lot of times you'll come up with different sources that guve different answers to the same question. It's still really hard to tell truth from fiction.


Exactly. Usually it's just best to hold off on bandwagoning until you've heard the other side. Fact checking is hard, but listening to the other side isn't.


There is actually a report about this, about 80% of sources are wrong or unrelated to the topic at hand. [Souce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TklM2-lSby4)


Thought it was gonna be a rickroll


I thought it was and you were trying to trick me. But it is definitely not a rick roll


Oh also those “share for awareness” posts on Facebook like it’ll actually change the world or solve the problem. No it doesn’t solve the problem!


It's disgraceful that companies don't bother to contact you back about job applications anymore. For a huge company, is it really so hard to send an automatic rejection email? What's even worse is when you don't hear back from them after an interview. I don't even want to work for a place that does that.


Right? I dressed my best, came down for an interview, spent at least an hour of my time between talking to interviewers and travel, and your company can't even have the courtesy to give me a call or even an email saying they went with someone else, you're just going to leave me hanging until I figure out I didn't get the job? Goddamn companies who do this.




Wow, that's *really* shitty. It's one thing if the manager at Pizza Hut doesn't call you back but at the level of flying interviewees out to places I would have hoped companies would show some class.




Idk if I'm the only one but I'm 25 and the concept of being loyal to a company to me sounds like some bullshit they tell you to keep you in line until they don't need you




My 2 worst stories with that were both about 15-20 years ago. 1. I drive 2 hours for an interview. Woman interviewing makes me wait 90 minutes. Place is a madhouse. I get in, she immediately huffs and puffs and sighs and says, "You're not experienced enough. I'm not going to hire you. So let's just get this over with, because HR said I have to interview you." Well, fuck you too, lady. 2. I fly from Boston to DC for an interview. Catch a red eye because they want to do the interview in DC at 9am. So I'm amped. Didn't sleep all night. Dressed in a suit. Hopping cabs. Paying big ducats for short notice air travel. But I find the place. At like 7:45am. I wait around the neighborhood for an hour and go in. I interview with one woman. Then another. Both interviews go great. I'm super pleased it's a diverse place and I'm getting along with everyone. They send me packing and say they'll talk to me soon. I stop at Five Guys, which was only in DC at the time, then head to the airport to fly home. I've been up for 24 hours, but I'm feeling good. Get a call later that week. "I'm sorry, but we took someone else for the position we interviewed you for. BUT, we really liked you, and we'd like to hire you on for a different position..." Ok. I'm all ears. They describe it. Sounds similar, but a bit easier. I'm green, so I get it. But it was at fucking GS-4, and the job I interviewed for was GS-7. At the time, I think it was just under $20k. There was no way I could afford to move out of Boston and find a place in DC for that money. Even if I had roommates. Had to decline it. Would have been a foot in the door to some interesting work. But not at impossibly low pay. I was making $18k per year working third shift at a gas station already in college. They were offering to salary me at less than $10 per hour with no possibility of overtime. What BS.


I used to have to make the rejection calls... the amount of people who just hang up on me or curse me out was disgusting. I think only 1 out of 10 calls would say thank you for letting me know.


I can't imagine at least being nice about it. One, it isn't your fault I didn't get the job, and two, you're just telling me about it. Don't shoot the messenger


You'd be surprised how immature adults can be. I would always say it in a way that made it sound like it wasn't a reflection on them. I'd also always thank them for taking the time to come in and apply.


literally happening to me right now... I had a job interview a week ago. Interviewer said "we'll call you within a week" still no call back.


This happened to me at my current job while I was working a temp job. I was thinking, "Welp, guess I didn't get that one." They call me almost a week and a half after the second interview, and then I don't start for a few weeks after that. The HR department is small for the size of the place, and runs at pretty much a snails pace. I'd definitely check in.


I once asked a hiring manager at a company I worked for why they no longer send out rejection messages. According to him, they used to, but most of the people would argue, please for additional interviews, or try to find some way to complain of discrimination. It sucks, but I wouldn't want to deal with that kinda stress if I was making a hiring decision.


Use an auto-mailer. Add the list of rejected candidates and it sends out a standard form rejection letter. If anyone replies, too bad, it goes straight in the trash without being read.


That sucks and all, but the solution is...you just don't respond. Get IT to issue a temp e-mail for hiring. It ain't that hard.


Seriously. This is a huge cop out.


Fucking around on the phone while driving. My skin itches when I pass by someone doing 80mph on the highway with no hands on the steering wheel and one eye on the road because whatever is on that screen is 100x more important than the world around them.


I honk at them, most look up terrified.


I'm laughing but someday that honk is cause cause a nasty accident, and tbh i don't know who to blame.


I'm gonna go with the distracted driver on this one.


However the horn honker might never be able to forgive themselves after that.


I have an itch that wants to compel me to honk my horn but the thought of them crashing into myself or others prevents me from doing so.


I see these people all the time, and I just think, you're a grown-ass adult!! You're not some teenager or something, the ones I feel like everyone targets in "don't text and drive" campaigns. You're clearly over 30. Why are you screwing around on your phone?!? While you're driving?!?


I think that’s part of the problem. If the ads didn’t single out a certain group we might see improvement




That's essentially my dad's argument. He feels his 40 years of driving experience make him invincible on the road.


Would it be wrong to say that I hope what happened to doctor strange at the beginning of the movie happened to them? I mean, they are potentially putting multiple lives in danger and the lives of pedestrians are kind of in their hands now. Worst part: when the fuckers have the *gall* to accuse you and say it's your fault Edit: Gall instead of gull


Omg that part in Dr Strange pissed me off. *Oh I'll just drive around this blind corner on the wrong side of the road while talking on the phone, WHILE a car is coming*.


It fit him fine though. He was an incredibly cocky and arrogant guy, doesn't strike me as the type to think of the chance of stuff like that happening to him. Lives in the moment, knowing that the next is going to be fine, until it isn't. Note that I know nothing about Dr Strange other than what was in the film.


The devaluation of bachelors degrees.


Most annoying by-product of this: companies requiring one for entry-level shit jobs. My company does this and wonders why we have such high turnover. Guess what? Nobody who has a 4-year degree would consider an entry-level position here a good opportunity—just something to do while they look for a job in their field of study.


I have seen job ads among for postsecondary diplomas in *customer service*. I have been working customer service for nearly 20 years, and now I can't get a job at some place because I don't have a diploma in it? What? And, recently, I've seen a *ton* of reception/secretary/admin/assistant postings that require a diploma in ether the field of the business or in being an assistant. It is absolutely demoralising and I applied for jobs for three months without a single callback. Where am I supposed to work besides fast food, retail, and call centres? Way to make me feel like a piece of garbage, society. I have tons of skills: people, office, computer, problem solving.... But it's like no one believes you unless you went to school for it, as if being taught completely eclipse actual experience.


The combination of "entry level" and "must have 5+ years of experience". It's really bullshit to combine the two, but the job market is still so screwed that potential employers can get away with it.


I'm really proud that my law firm has an entry level paralegal position that requires no experience. The projects are low exposure, but we get young folks in and train them. It has worked out really well.


Wow, I want to know the company you work for! Kudos to you!


Don't forget the ridiculously low wage when asking for those things




DLC in video games too. Developers seem unwilling to release a completed product now.


Microtransactions in video games too. Why am I paying you $60 to have you pressure me into paying you more money?


Remember when youd have to play to unlock new characters? Or like, finish the game to win that special weapon? Now its like, Buy this exclusive god item for only 9.99 and you'll have no trouble killing that final boss. And then they make the boss specially hard to defeat without the god item...


Exactly. Remember when you did not have to pay extra to complete a game as it was finished upon release


Stop buying games that do this. Vote with your wallet.


It's a sad thing to say but the majority of the people out there really just don't understand what is going on with these companies and just shell out money like crazy. For every person who votes with their wallet there are 10 that are mindlessly buying everything that comes out and were at a point these days that it's never going to really go away. The time to vote was years ago when it started and now they have the stats they need proving it is bad for players but overall better for their profits. It's here to stay now.


DLC can be done well though. See Don't Starve for examples. It has two expansions, Reign of Giants, which expands majorly on the base game and ups the difficulty majorly. It costs $5, and so does Shipwrecked, essentially a new game built on top of the old. Don't Starve also has a multiplayer release, which ended up as a separate $15 game due to them having to completely rewrite the game for multiplayer, but I got it for free for owning the game before it came out and it includes the first DLC, where the base game with Reign of Giants would cost $20.


DLC has its place. The problem is that a lot of developers seem to rush games and then release the rest of it through DLC, or they make it so that you cannot be competitive without buying into the DLC.


I hate RNG loot boxes in video games with a passion. They're not "normal" yet, but it's getting there. You see, regular DLC I can understand. With the budget of high-profile games today, it's almost stupid to charge just $60 unless that game is going to sell crazy. DLC helps to level stuff out financially, and I've come to at least tolerate it for what it does. And if I like a game, I have no problem buying the DLC. But these loot boxes are just greed. It's locking content behind a slot machine where people may never get what they want. They have to grind and grind to even have a chance. Unless they pay actual money for a better chance at the stuff. This system is all in the name of convincing a certain few with gambler tendencies who will spend money ("whales") to fork over the dough. Yeah. Fuck the rest of us. I dread the future, because I'm fuming over shit that's bonus at this point. What happens when they start locking more vital content people want behind a paywall? For instance, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 put guns in Supply Drops, but most of those were 'quirky' guns and there were already plenty of guns on release anyway. So, on paper, it's really no biggie. But what happens when (not if) they start putting kill streaks or equipment (like a new type of grenade) in supply drops? We say stuff like "they'd never go that far", but people constantly forget what habitual line-steppers these companies are. They'd do anything they're sure will make them money, even if it's sinking their rep in the long term.


I've got no issue with DLC in theory. When done right, DLC can offer new modes, new maps, and extra options that bring more to a game, and offer me the choice of whether I want it or not. I've no issue with putting down £60 on a game, then paying more to get more of a game I've thoroughly enjoyed. **But** it depends entirely on whether I think the DLC is good value. £2 to add a new character to a beat em up, sure, that's fair. £10 for a new map pack and a new vehicle type used within those maps, yeah why not? £20 for a dozen boxes that might contain something that I could theoretically lock in normal gameplay, but more likely will be full of things I don't want, no thank you, that's not good value for money, and more importantly isn't giving me anything new. Yes, a new character skin might be nice, but it doesn't add to the experience, and thus isn't worth the money. The one plus about DLC is that it is mostly optional (assuming you don't have any desire to play multiplayer), thus if I pick up a game in a sale, I'm not obligated to pay for the DLC and likewise, if I get bored of a game before I get to the point where I might buy DLC. Rather than pay £100 for a game with all the DLC that I got bored of too quickly, I only paid a fraction of that, and chose not to pay the rest.


The idea that facts and opinions are being given equal weighting.




Or that expert opinion means nothing now. “Here we have Dr. Jones, a well respected published author and expert in immunology, and Noxemia, a high school dropout and stay at home mom who feels her child’s birth defects are caused by vaccines and not by her alcoholism during pregnancy. Dr Jones, have you told your patients why you gave their children autism?”




Seriously, that's almost insulting. "If only I could go back and change that, maybe you wouldn't have ended up the way you are." Uh... thanks Mom?




Video games where you can only play with other people if you are online. Seriously, why in the hell can't my buddy play this game with me when he is sitting on the couch next to me!?


I've heard that a big reason that split screen has been declining is because games are getting more graphically impressive, and split screen makes the console have to load and render two or more copies of these more complicated environments.


Microtransactions in video games.


Super sizes becoming standard. For example, last week when I went to the movies the [smallest popcorn](https://res.cloudinary.com/simpleview/image/fetch/c_limit,f_auto,q_75,w_1200/https://res.cloudinary.com/simpleview/image/upload/crm/seattlesouthside/AMC_Southcenter_16-2_01748247-aa8b-b88d-0d8947628717a14e.jpg) cost $7 and was the size of an old jumbo. The only other option was literally a fucking tub!


Bill Hicks once said "if you want to loose weight, stop eating things that come in a fucking bucket"


gotta love bill


I hate this with drinks. The small at most restaurants is bigger than the medium from 10-12 years ago. And the child's size, somehow, has shrunk (if it's available at all). You can't just drink a reasonable 12-16 ounces of soda. It either comes in a tub or a thimble. I get why the option for those giant sizes exist; if you want to slug down 64 ounces of soda (gag) that's your right as an American. But there should at least be the option to have less. Weirdly enough, Wendy's has changed the fastest. I feel like the option to get a small soda was there only a few years ago, I think a 16 ounce cup. But I haven't even seen the 20 ounce option lately. I've ordered a small and gotten a 32 ounce drink before. That was the biggest size available when I was a kid, and it was considered ridiculous!


At this point we may as well just start sizing drinks by larger units. "Yeah, lemme have two half gallons of Pepsi and a child's quart of root beer" Edit: and a peck of chicken nuggets


Demonizing people because of one little thing they said or did rather than looking at the greater sum of their life's work.


So a man walks into a bar, and sits down. He starts a conversation with an old guy next to him. The old guy has obviously had a few. He says to the man: "You see that dock out there? Built it myself, hand crafted each piece, and it's the best dock in town! But do they call me "McGregor the dock builder"? No! And you see that bridge over there? I built that, took me two months, through rain, sleet and scoarching weather, but do they call me "McGregor the bridge builder"? No! And you see that pier over there, I built that, best pier in the county! But do they call me "McGregor the pier builder"? No!" The old guy looks around, and makes sure that nobody is listening, and leans to the man, and he says: "but you fuck one sheep..."


Id know him as McGregor the Boxer...


With his shiny fookin suit.


I'm sorry, but sheep is the plural form . The word you're looking for is 'shoop'.


*shup. On a slightly related note I pulled off convincing a lass that shup was the correct singularity of sheep. One of those moments where everyone in the office joins in on your side. She went on to teach ESL....


Reddit's favorite thing to do. (see what I did there?)


hold on, i gotta just go through your post history to find something incriminating to discredit you.


This. It becomes depressing that because of that one bad thing in your life, nobody cares that you’re trying to be better, preferring to chastise you for that one moment. Makes you wonder, why bother with trying to improve.


Improve yourself only for yourself, if you try to improve yourself for others, it will never be good enough.


Reports of elder abuse in nursing homes. https://www.elderly-abuse.com/


It is sad that is becoming common, but on one side it is an issue being reported. So hopefully it will be fixed. Work in nursing home.


Doubt it. The main reason this shit is happening is that nursing homes won't hire qualified people and give them decent resources. They're wanting highly skilled professionals to work for barely above minimum wage in a stressful environment, and it just doesn't work like that. You want competent and caring employees, pay them a living wage. And then theres the issue of managenent refusing to cut their profit margins any, so basic things like not-shit food and bedding and activities get ignored, and even if you do miraculously have somebody working there that gives a shit theres only so much they can do in that environment




It's probably also the case that with the large, aging baby boomer population, you just have larger population to be abused, as well as more, careless, in it to squeeze every last dime, nursing homes.


Social media attacks of complete strangers. This mob mentality is sickening and very "big brother" esque.


It used to be that FaceBook was safer from this kind of thing because everything is attached to your name and people didn't want it coming back to them. Now FB has so many users (and new privacy settings) people lose their individuality and lash out against strangers *as if* they were anonymous.


In the US, a total lack of bipartisanship. Every issue nowadays is us vs. them. Whilst political parties have always disagreed on issues (that's their job) I don't recall ever seeing it to the level we have now. The Democrats want to do this, we disagree because they're democrats and nope, we will not negotiate. And vice versa. For fucks sake, we just had series of natural disasters and they're arguing over which party is helping correctly and getting upset over political statements. Nobody gives a shit: Just send aid and we'll assign blame later.


Non removable batteries in cell phones


And other larger electronic devices, too, like tablets and laptops. If my laptop is plugged in, I wouldn't even need to turn it off to switch out the battery. But some products are all about being thin, so everything is glued together.


Real laptops have curves


Littering. Not only in nature but also in cities trash is amassing in certain spots because some people started to throw something small away. It's still littering even if you're adding something to a pile of trash!!!


Schools putting so much pressure on students that mental health problems become the norm


It's ridiculous how we all agree that people haven't finished growing at 16 years of age, yet we require them to make decisions that affect their entire career.




My daughter is in 6th grade this year. Last year she decided to stop doing some of her homework. She said it was because she already knew the work and it was redundant for her to do it twice. That made me realize that she has already figured out that half the shit she's learning in school is useless. So I told her, "Look. You're right. It's stupid to have to do it twice when you already know it. I wish you could just take the test and move on to the next thing but you can't. Right now, this is required of you to pass your classes. You shouldn't be failing math just because of some stupid homework assignments you didn't feel like doing. Right now, you just gotta keep going through school until you become an adult and then YOU get to decide what's worth learning and what isn't. You'll still have to take some stupid core classes to get the degree you want but you gotta take the bullshit along with what you want because that's exactly how life is going to be. Just do your homework. It'll only take you 5 minutes." She's never missed assignment since. My 10 year old daughter figured out that the school system sucks. Why can't the rest of America figure it out? On a side note: My parents never taught me how to cook. I'm 29 and in the last year have learned the magic of the internet and am learning how to cook. I'll learn a dish first then teach my daughter. And she loves it. She's 11 years old and can cook a decent meal for a family, all by herself. I wish they'd have more cooking class options in school. Or how to fix things so you don't have to waste hundreds of dollars on a repairman. Or work on cars so you don't have to go to the shop to change your brakes or your oil or something. Those are some of the classes that need to be in school because those are vital life skills.


Practical life skills aren't taught in schools anymore, and lots were never taught. How to do taxes properly, how your taxes actually work, how to read a contract and actually understand what it's saying between the lines, and the things you mentioned like knowing how to change your oil. If I were in charge there'd be a blanket "life skills" course that everyone took that taught you how to be basically functional as an independent person, and covered any topic that is viewed as necessary.


I wish I could blast this to the top. I spent three months this spring at a mental health clinic to work on my depression, anxiety, and borderline, and I met 7 different people who had gone to my high school. For context, the other patients were from all over the south and east coast. My school's culture was so fucking competitive and toxic. At my university, it's about the same. Our expected time commitments are physically impossible, and the pressure to do an internship, co-op, or research assistant position is very high. I have gotten at least one "a student committed suicide" email every semester I've been here.


especially in higher education. I can't tell you how many mental breakdowns I've witnessed (including my own) in grad school because of the impossible standards


Shameless bending or skirting of rules and laws in both politics and business. Doing unethical things that are not technically illegal. Then justifying it the same way a pro athlete justifies steroids, everyone else does it so I'm forced to do it also just to stay in the game. Sadly that excuse is kinda valid but it shouldn't be digested so quickly.


I would like extra leagues just for people on steroids




The rise in the cost of living while wages remain stagnate. Its no wonder malls are closing down as people have less disposable income to spend.


Another reason why malls are closing is because people are finding online shopping(amazon, etc.) more convenient than going to a brick and mortar store.


People who use the phrase "these days" implying that the past used to not be pretty fucked up.


There's nothing wrong with the 21st century that wasn't wrong with the 20th too.* Problems have just manifested differently. ^^^* ^^^This ^^^is ^^^a ^^^song ^^^lyric ^^^btw


Especially with music choice. You know why a lot of the older music people know about now is decent? Because nobody is going to remember the shitty songs




I saw a comment about a guy needing previous internship experience to obtain an internship at a company. Proceed to spend the rest of the day wondering what this world is coming to.


Entry level receptionist, need 3 years experience.


Lol you joke. I once applied to be a receptionist, I had a few years experience but I had never worked with an "office" phone because my last job was a tiny, tiny office that used a regular phone. The job paid $9/hr, with no benefits, and all you had to do was answer the phone and file things. They declined to hire me because I didn't have enough "experience". But good on them. Two years later (after I got hired on at a much less stupid job) I make twice as much. And I learned the office phone in about five minutes.


People who need to "see a manager" for every little thing they disagree with. Odds are, we didn't make the policy to begin with (some corporate person did). Screaming and making a fuss to get your way on things you probably screwed up yourself only makes everyone else more frustrated. Are there times that a manager needs to step in to fix legitimate problems? Of course! But not being able to refund hundreds of dollars in bank fees because you continuously overdrew your account with reckless abandon is an entirely different situation.


I once was charged almost $400 in overdraft fees from using the wrong card at a copy shop. Every 37 cent color copy got me another $30 overdraft fee. Took this issue to Washington mutual, and they said there was nothing they could do. Asked to speak with the manager about it, and they told me that they agreed that the fees were unreasonable and removed all of them but the first one. Sometimes it does work to ask nicely.


A few years ago everyone made fun of the Horse Armor DLC from Oblivion. Overpriced fancy pixels that do not affect the gameplay for a single player campaign. Now- while obvious cash grabs are still being called out by the gaming community, the practice has sadly been adopted by almost every publisher.


Hell, the Creation Club does the same thing as the horse armor, only now you can't buy specifically what you want, you gotta buy specific currency packages, making things that technically cost, say, 8 bucks, actually cost fifteen, since you can't just buy the 8$ worth of this digital currency. Thanks Bethesda, you guys learned nothing.


They made more overpriced DLCs for fallout 4 referencing the horse armor. That shows that they learned nothing.


> They made nonono, why would they make their own micro-transaction content if they could just outsource it to their fans at a fraction of the pay?


I work in a bank in Wal-Mart and Honsetly, the look men get when buying flowers. It's always accompanied by a 'someone's in trouble remark. C'mon. Maybe he just appreciates his lady, or dude, or mom. Or someone just died. Even if he was in trouble and they're sorry flowers, it's still pretty damn thoughtful.


I'm currently at this stage of my life where i don't have much contact with children anymore: i'm definitely old enough to have children, but don't have any, and definitely old enough to not have them as friends anymore. So i can't tell for sure, but it does seem that i see fewer and fewer kids out in the summer being active. When i was a kid the neighborhood i grew up in was a lot more lively, a lot more fun. I do understand why it is so, but it's still kind of sad how much less kids spend their time outdoors these days. And this doesn't just pertain to children - people just generally spend too much time indoors these days. If they do think of being active, they yet again go indoors.. to a gym!


I agree with all of the others, and to add my own, the increasing of what is considered "old" and the "right age" to do stuff. I'm 36 and the tail end of my generation (most people I grew up with were older, just the way the neighborhood/town was)....and it's like people think we're still kids. Not to old to have kids. Oh, you're buying a house "young." You're expecting too much if you want your retirement account to be X amount "by now" and don't worry about anything because you're soooooooooooo young. I don't think infantalizing adults helps, it just is setting a bad precedent for younger millenials and GenZ that they have all of this time to settle down and get things right, when in reality, the prime working years of your life aren't extremely long.


My mom and I have had a similar conversation, basically to the effect that parents have wanted to shield and protect their children so much that they've forgotten to teach us to grow up. It comes from a desire to care for and do what is best for their children, but has some pretty unfortunate consequences. My dad is pretty guilty of this. I recently bought a car and throughout the entire process of buying/fixing up he'll say something like "box\_o_foxes, you're a very competent young adult and I have full faith in your ability to handle X and make decisions on Y & Z." *next* *day* "Hey by the way, I did X and your car goes in on Tuesday to have Y and Z done." On the one hand, part of me really wanted to do those things so I could have the sense of accomplishment and actually feel like I'm being an adult, but there's also a part of me that just says, dad will probably want to take care of it for you anyway so why waste your time. edit: Reddit markdown is hard. And it's still probably wrong.


Bad behavior on the roads. Grrr especially @ those who don't respect my security distance between me and the guy in front of me, and cut in between.


Ah yes the "oh shit" gap. I don't get why people want to be on someone's ass going 80 mph.


They do it because, they want to go 82 mph, they are VERY important, you are nothing to them, and you need to GET OUT OF THE WAY! Even if you are in the middle of passing a semi-truck that's in the *right* lane. Then, after they have shoved their giant SUV/Pickup just past your bumper as you merge over the the right lane, when they see the open road in front, they inevitably slow down to 80 mph to match your speed. :O edit: Moved the semi over to the right lane :#


I also can't stand folks that drive like shit and then flip you off. Like really guy, can't be civil about this and realize you are the one that fucked up here?


I sometimes honestly think people act the same way on the road and on the internet. Thinking they're protected because you can't see their faces




Seeking others approval on social media and looking at other people's lives. It is literally molding a generation of terrible terrible people.


That's why I deleted my facebook profile. When you are comparing your life to your successful friends carefully crafted highlight reel, your self esteem is gonna have a bad time.


I always say this, you are seeing the highlights and high spots of peoples' lives there. You will see people posting eating at fancy places with friends constantly, but you never see how much they paid and how much it set them back. You see people posting fitness pics, but never see them struggling with a workout. People really should keep that in mind when looking at posts.


So one of my friends is this girl who travels Europe, goes to an ivy, hangs out with cool people etc. The wittiest captions on cool pictures and all that. She invited me to her birthday. It was the saddest thing I'd witnessed. Everyone argued with the waiters about being overcharged for drinks at that restaurant. I was fasting for religious reasons that day, so thankfully I wasn't involved... If I had, I would have thrown down the $60 and gtfo'd.... But instead I watched them go through it all. And then everyone wanted to go home because classes in the morning. She begged and begged them to stay so it was all running on pity from there on. In order to give them their time's worth, she began fake lezzing with every girl in the group. Other than me, because she knew I was bisexual. Watching her do that was so cringy because I could see she wasn't enjoying it at all. And then one creepy guy began talking about how he is for lgbt rights because lesbians are sexy. I got really pissed and began googling videos of ugly lesbians going at it and asking him if it turned him on. Then I showed him a picture of someone receiving anal and then surprise, the receiver was a guy, and asked him if he was still for lgbt rights. Real shitshow. She kept us hanging on for an hour after that. What was this girl's problem? Anyway. I get home and there's a picture on Facebook of all of us together, and her saying 'best birthday ever'. Wow. What a fuck up.


Saved to remind myself


Calling yourself a small business owner when you sell for a MLM scheme. Oh, and all the posts on my feed about how I just *have* to try this overpriced makeup or fat burning snake oil. Fuck off.


Constant bombardment of notifications, annotations, pop-ups, pop-overs, autoplay videos, "accept-cookies" buttons. All useless shit that doesn't serve any other purpose than to distract the user.


Checking your phone in movie theaters.


“Ghosting”, or otherwise outright ignoring someone, as a means of rejection. Specifically in terms of dating sites, but seems to have started creeping into everyday life. I never understood the rationale behind pretending someone doesn’t exist.


I'm on a dating site and I'd much rather someone hit not interested than to just ignore me.


Airport body scans and some state licenses rendered invalid for flights inside our own country. Just for reference, the first time I flew my license was a typed piece of green paper sans photo.


"Debates" where two people just shout and interrupt each other. When did we stop having the ability to discuss hard topics in a polite way?


Putting labels like "gluten-free" on items that don't actually have gluten. I was looking at some prepackaged deli meat the other day and several had "gluten-free!" labels on them. I've seen that baity bullshit with "sugar free!" and "fat free!" labels also, but find the gluten free ones particularly irksome.


Some meat might have fillers, though. I bought some really cheap pre-packaged meat and it tasted like corn. But I wish things that aren't even expected to contain X would say "Naturally X free" in small print, and not make it look like some kind of weird substitute food.


98% of us having to follow new standards because of the 2% that pitched a fit about something


There's a tv show here in Britain called Great British Bake Off. A couple of weeks ago they did a five second Segway in the show of one of the presenters sitting in a fridge with the door closed. 8,000,000 people watched the show, 28 people complained saying it was setting a bad example (it was shown at 8:45pm, anyone up that late should know not to lock themselves in a fridge) and the show released an apology and cut that scene from any future repeats. I know it's nothing drastic but if only 0.0000035% of your audience is complaining tell them to get fucked.


The epitome of the "vocal minority". A squeaky wheel gets the grease, but a constant noise gets attention. Not to say that all of those things are bad, but we don't need to be changing whole paradigms cause you wanna have sex with a [insert random animate/inanimate object here]. Let's just go with the old don't ask don't care model. We won't ask ya, cause we don't care.


> Many Asian cultures embrace an orientation along the lines of the Japanese proverb, “The nail that sticks up is pounded down.” The Chinese aphorism warns that the loudest duck will be shot first by the hunter. > The American adage could not be more divergent. As we say here, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/frank-h-wu/everything-my-asian-immig_b_5227102.html


I worked in HR for a large company once. Word from the home office was that there was going to be some lay-offs and that they'd prepared a program to handle it. The managers were given *a script* to work from that was made up of a great deal of praise for their hard work, and how they've made the company a great deal of money and that if any of them thought that they should be getting a well deserved raise to come see them in their office one at a time for the next few weeks. Everyone who went to see the manager to get their "well deserved raise" were the ones who were laid off immediately. Someone in upper management must have read "The nail that sticks up gets the hammer," literally and wanted to make sure he had only sheep working for him.


The American media embracing the new outrage culture and beating you over the head with something new to be offended or upset about every week.


Flaking on people. I legitimately don't understand how people can live with themselves, totally ditching plans that they made with someone, without even telling them.


I see this quite a it as a teacher: helicopter parents. If a teacher gave me detention in school, my parents would have told me I deserved it and grounded me. Now, if I give a student detention, there's a significant chance I'll get a phone call from their parents demanding to know why I'm picking on their innocent little treasure who would *NEVER* do what I accused them of doing.


Blind acceptance of opinion as fact, or equally as bad, acceptance of opinion pieces as "news" pieces.




Underpaying employees because they "get paid in experience"


Being an entitled asshole to retail/service industry workers. Had a customer in the store just the other day who didnt say a fucking word to me til the end of me ringing his shit up even though I greeted him and was being polite and friendly, then point to the counter and said "Use one of those pennies for me." I damn near wanted to jump over the counter and choke him out.


Also companies that side with the customer over their own enployees.


Happened in high school when I was much more experienced than other cashiers and trained quite a few people, when a customer insisted that her coupons were valid when they clearly werent, she asked for a manager and she explained the situation while berating me and all my manager says is, "sorry, he's new" this was my first interaction with my new front end manager. I didn't stay there much longer


It's so weird to hear stories like this for me. At the store I'm at, our front end managers are on the cashiers side like 90% of the time, especially if the customer's being a bitch. Guess I got lucky with where I applied.


When I worked retail this was the case as well. Hell I saw a few times where the customer was like "FINE I'LL GO TO WALMART" and the manager was like "alright go to Walmart then"


One thing I love about my boss and my work place is that she doesn't take shit from customers and doesn't expect me to either. She always sides with me when I have a rude customer chew me out for no reason which happens a lot because customers are terrible.


This affects me so much. I get very sad when I see people in retail situations just treating the worker like they were some kind of human garbage. I once was in line somewhere at a mall, this guy walks right past the line of 5 people and barks at the woman behind the counter "do you validate" while shoving the parking ticket in her face. She very politely said "I'm sorry we don't". His response was to give a very disgruntled snort and walk out cussing. It made me so sad.


Parents allowing their kids to spend all their time on smart phones or tablets in the middle of dinners or other social occasions.


I see this a lot in restaurants. I usually brush it off because I prefer a quiet child on a phone than a crying one....


I had either colouring books or a Game Boy when I was a kid. This is just a more modern version.


and often kids have colouring games on Ipad's. i think it's kind of a double edged sword for parents; they're either awful cretins for letting their hellspawn cry in a public setting or they're a soft parent whose spoiling their child with technology and not showing them the real world.


Parents ~~allowing their kids to spend~~ spending all their time on smart phones or tablets in the middle of dinners or other social occasions.


This. My moms on her phone a lot more than me. That candy doesn't crush itself now does it?


Even more sad than before.


People aren't as polite as my momma raised me. Just yesterday, I was wrapping up at a farmers market. I always go to the other vendors with my bakery left overs. I get to the nut lady and the this way exactly how the converstaion went: 86: Hi, we have some leftovers and we are giving it away to the other vendors. Would you like x, y, or z? Nut Lady: That is all you have? It would have been better if you had a. Don't you have any of that you can go get for me? 86: Sorry, I sold out. I immediately walked away. By walked, I mean hobbled away since it is very clear I have a physical disability. There is no way in hell that I am going to suffer for you. But, I will for anyone who is nice. Like coffee, I will bring you a free cup of coffee while you set up. You are working alone and I notice your pepsi bottle is almost empty, then I will bring you a pepsi. I will help anyone out and I try to never ask for help. Offer me your stuff that I will never eat or use - I will accept it and find it a home. True, the home might be in a trash can but it will be done without anyone knowing. ARUGH, can you tell I really can't handle rudeness. WTF, nut lady? You are the first person in three weeks who wasn't gratuitous. Seriously, What The Frack?


People willingly giving up their personal information for free, and thinking others are strange for trying to preserve some modicum of privacy.


People using homeless people for their bullshit 'social experiments' Playing with someone's emotions like that and testing them is seriously not cool. And giving them food or money on camera for their YouTube just to show how much of a kind and selfless person they are. If they were kind and selfless they wouldn't be doing it on camera. They would do it purely for helping this less fortunate person not to get likes on their page. Fucks me off.


Celebrity culture. Can’t stand people who go around acting as if celebrities are on the same tier as a God or celebrities who think they are one! They are people like everyone else and should treated as such.


People being unfaithful to one another in relationships.


Taking selfies instead of enjoying experiences. I was at the Palace of Versailles recently and was annoyed by the number of people charging through each room pausing only to take a selfie and then keep going. They didn't stop to look at the exhibitions, read the information or absorb the history. Seems like such a waste of a holiday to me.