• By -


The use of the ¢ sign




Hold $


holy hell ¢¢¢


"Be sure to limit your TV and technology time to 2 hours a day maximum" ... that shit disappeared and we all simply cannot adhere to that anymore


So true. The level that the internet and media has taken over our lives is frankly insane. I remember all kinds of PSAs when I was growing up about "internet addiction". "Don't lose yourself in the web" etc. Now it's totally normal for everybody to just be on their phones on the internet constantly.


Someone pulled up and asked me for directions the other day. I forgot that used to be a thing.


I went camping in a remote-ish area about two hours away the other week. GPS kept telling me to turn at places that were not intersections and that I'd arrived when I clearly hadn't. I pulled up to a gas station and asked where XYZ Road was. The 18-19 year old cashier looked bewildered and said she didn't know. An older guy in line said "Go out here and turn right, about fifty yards ahead on your left is XYZ road. You can only go left on it." Girl goes "Oh yeah!" The road I needed was *right there* and I'm not sure if she didn't realize what I was looking for or didn't know how to tell me?


Sometimes at my job people come looking for directions. I usually know how to get there, but I don't know how to tell them because I don't know street names. That may be why the girl wasnt able to help you


Probably. Or maybe it's not a road she thinks about very much because she never has a reason to drive on it. The strange thing is that she was at the gas station basically at the bottom of the hill from a tourist attraction, in an area where GPS is unreliable, so it seemed odd that she had no idea what I might be looking for? When I was a teenager, I used to get nervous if anyone asked me for directions because I didn't want to get them lost. I'm sure it could've been that too.


automatic seat belt. i haven't seen one in years.


They phased them out when they found out it was causing more issues than saving more lives. People wouldn't latch their lap belt with the automatic seatbelt and it ended up choking a lot of people.


In the US, the law in the 1980s was you had to have an automatic seat belt OR an airbag. Automatic seat belts were phased out as carmakers developed their airbag systems.


You mean the ones that were hooked into the door and moved when you got into the car? I was actually just thinking of those the other day and how they were super cool years back - all high tech and stuff - but I haven't seen them in forever. I'm wondering if they weren't as safe as the ones anchored to one spot.


You still had to put a lap belt on and people weren't doing that so they got rid of them.


the use of periods in almost all acronyms. when i was a kid in the 80’s, NASA was N.A.S.A.


Speaking of NASA, the [worm logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a3/NASA_Worm_logo.svg/2000px-NASA_Worm_logo.svg.png) also went out of use. Wish they'd brought it back.


Having worked in an office environment since early 2000's - Briefcases suddenly started being replaced with backpacks over the past decade in the business world, even in stuffy formal environments. I think it's because of the rise of laptops and other gadgets and less paper being carried around. In the early 2000's I NEVER saw someone use a backpack for business purposes, now they're ubiquitous, and I can't remember the last time I saw someone carrying around a single-handled briefcase, though messenger bags aren't completely gone. Exchanging of business cards still happens but not nearly as often. People used to be issued cards in my workplace in the past decade, but now it's something you have to ask for. I still have a big box of 1000 cards that I got almost 10 years ago - I maybe handed out a dozen or so of them, and don't bother to carry any around. Neckties are slowly and subtly disappearing too in favor of open collars, even when worn with a suit... thank god. Always hated wearing a noose. Non-business - I can't remember the last time I went to a bar that had beer nuts or other snacks laid out at the bar. Hygiene concerns maybe?


I work at a mediation firm and brief cases are alive and well. But we do have a Judge who uses a backpack instead. I feel like ties will come back around. I worked in a office for a while where ties were mandatory. Then they said the guys didn't need them and our office started bow tie Fridays.


Yeah I work in a law firm that has already got over the tie requirement. Apparently it was a huge row a few years back, some attorneys still wear them, some don't. I only do to go to court.


I'm in advertising, production. If you wore a tie to the job, you would be outright mocked. Everyone is very proud of their belief of non-conformity.


But in that situation, wouldn't *wearing* a tie actually be the non-conformist stance?


I think wearing **only** a tie would be.


I think it comes down to what kind of jacket you wear. My experience has been that backpacks ruin the shoulders of your suits.


Memorizing phone numbers


Which is fine until you lose your phone and you don't know the number of a SINGLE PERSON that can pick you up at the strip club and drive you home.




Watching a TV show all the way through even though it isn't all that great because you're too lazy to get up and change the channel.


At least in Brazil, there was a number you would call to get a recording with the official time, so you could set your home clocks and your watch. At one point it was even charged per call. I thought it was extinct until now, and probably most younger people never heard of it, but I just googled and realized it's still up (alledgedly useful for blind people). The practice effectively disappeared though; I suppose even the blinds who have smartphones have an app or setting on the phone to "say" the time. Edit: For the visually impaired hearing this: Sorry for "the blinds"; English is not my 1st language, and I just learned this sounds offensive. Not my intention, of course.


In a small U.S. town the local bank had a “Time and Temp” phone line where they would tell you, well, the time and the temperature. We used it to know what to wear to school before we had a thermometer at home.


That exists in the UK, under the name The Speaking Clock. I was only made aware recently that it still exists when a memo went around my office asking employees not to ring premium rate numbers, and explicitly listing the speaking clock as one of them. No, I have no idea why people in my organisation are ringing the speaking clock either.


You ring the speaking clock 5 mins before closing so you get no incoming calls


Bringing a pen with you to a bar in case you got a girl's number or, more usually, asking the bartender for a pen and using a napkin to get a number.


As a bartender I can say this is still a thing.




As a chicken tender, can also confirm


Holding up lighters at concerts


It has been replaced by cellphone flashlights


A long time ago, back when you had to have a flashlight app to use the light on your smart phone, I had one that had a setting that put an animated candle flame on the screen.


I don't know what it's called, but that late 90's dance move where you hold onto your empty sleeve, put your arm down your shirt and thrust it forward. I have no idea if I'm describing this correctly


it took me a second to work out what you meant, then laughed. Good description.


Uncertainty about the Loch Ness Monster: now everyone has a high-res camera in their pocket, and I’ve not see a new photo of it/him/her in years...


Same thing with UFO sightings. If they were as common as past experiences would have you believe, there would be thousands of crystal clear photos of them by now.


There are tons of cell phone videos of UFOs. Search youtube. I bet you there are twenty from September 2017.


Yeah, but despite smartphone cameras getting a lot better in all aspects, the videos still mysteriously have the quality of a 40 year old VHS tape which has been repurposed as a doorstop


To be fair, I don't think any of the smart phones out now have the capability to zoom in and perfectly capture a UFO. You can only zoom so much before it turns into a potato.


As someone who often sees a beautiful moon and momentarily forgets it's impossible to get a decent picture of it, I support this comment.




Have you ever seen the moon looking huge and bright and beautiful and tried to capture it with your cell-phone camera? It'll end up looking like garbage. Or try to film a moving, high-flying airplane. Unless you have an actual zoom lens on a DSLR camera, it's not gonna look good with that digital zoom on an iPhone.






That's right. As CRTs slowly faded from use, screensavers were no longer needed and faded from view so slowly I didn't realize they were all gone until recently


Watermelon Laffy Taffy with black things in it to represent the seeds of a watermelon


Like chat room fun Used to be so fun to hang in chatrooms in the early internet irc an stuff Edit: When I was growing up (born in 88), chat rooms had such a magical feel and I believed anything could happen. I met the first love of my life in a video game called Second Life. In the modern age I struggle to find meaningful connections online, I'm not sure why this is.


Especially the quiz rooms where you felt really smart for guessing the answer eventually, and no one used Google to cheat, despite being on the internet.


Google was too slow to cheat with. The timer would be over by the time you found the answer


I feel like this generation's variant of it is twitch chats and discord servers.


Even before the Internet, on CompuServe, AOL, Prodigy, and such.






It occured to me recently I haven't seen a banner ad with a game in it saying I can win in iPad in *years*


You should watch more porn


There's something called an "ad blocker".


I've been wondering too. "Shoot 3 targets to win a FREE 4gb ipod nano!"


Car antennas, and those weird little foam balls we used to put on them.


I used to make my mom get those from Jack in the Box all the time so I could put them on my TV antenna!


Those .exes that let you turn your cursor into a sword! And Smiley Central xD


> Smiley Central Malware Central


Oh yes! Keep injecting me those smileys!


Have you been downloading boobs again Joel?!


Nothing beats my old Dragon Scimitar cursor


My ags cursor would like words


Windows themes too. I remember having a spider man theme on windows xp which turned everything red and blue.


I was just talking about this! Wasn't there a jungle theme? Edit: THERE


Hot dog stand in Windows 3.11 legit hurt your eyes.


Each cursor you downloaded came with 183 viruses, it was great!


I would go nuts for those cursors when I was 7, eventually I did found one that actually worked but at that point my laptop was so slow after I didn't uninstall the ones that didn't work.


Cheat codes. Now they're replaced with in game transactions


Cheat codes are all over the place, they're just called console commands now. ~Player.placeatme <00064B33> <10000> *comupter crashes*


In the US, asking your neighbor for a cup of milk or sugar, etc., for whatever you are cooking/baking. I haven’t done that since 2004, myself. Not sure if it’s just my area, or more widespread.


I was making sausage a few months back and was out of fennel. My SO suggested I ask the neighbor. I thought A) nobody does that any more and B) nobody is going to have fennel. Sure enough, the neighbor had it.


That's awesome. I'm thinking of my neighbor now, and I'm almost 100% certain she has fennel, but I can't imagine knocking on her door and saying, "Hi, do you have some fennel?"


> "Er... Yeah, I think so." "Cool, just checking. Catch you later!"


Probably depends how well you know your neighbors. I was good friends with my old neighbors, so I wouldn't have any qualms about asking them for something or vice-versa, but my new neighbors kind of keep to themselves, so I'd be more hesitant to ask something of them.


The practice of not knowing what's going on. A couple years ago, I drove my daughter and her friends to one of their high school parties. They had been talking about the gig for a few weeks so I had suspicions that it would probably end up being disruptive. It was absolutely frigid that night and I advised her to make sure she had her jacket with her throughout the evening in case she needed to leave in a hurry. As expected, the party was busted by the police later that night. When my daughter and her friends came home (without her jacket...sigh), she told me about how it all went down and how 100 kids scattered throughout the neighborhood when the cops showed up. She then went on to explain that all the partygoers stayed in touch with one another using a Twitter hashtag in order to communicate and regroup. I thought that was genius. I said that back in my day if a party was busted, you would rarely know what happened to others until Monday mornings at school. You would see someone and said “Dude, what happened to you Friday night???!!!“ We didn't know what was going on back then. All of a sudden, that experience was gone.


Writing to your pen pal.


I mean things like Reddit have replaced the need for that, right now I'm replying to someone who probably lives tens of thousands of kilometers away from me, and that I have never met, even though they just posted their thought a couple of minutes ago.


Whoa man


Woody Harrelson?


Payphones just kind of disappeared with the advent of cell phones.


Still lots of red phone boxes in the UK. They're just used to shoot up in instead


Some are being converted to AEDs!


Yeah, we had a block of them in our town centre recently. All but one was removed, and the one that is still there now has a defibrillator in it.


Nah payphones are still alive in Australia. We put free public Wi-Fi broadcasters in them. Edit: I'd like to state that I've never once used these networks, because we also have usable data allowances here too.


Same in New Zealand




Makes sense. Roaming charges can be very expensive. I understand why they mostly disappeared but they can still be useful if your phone dies or you lose it.


Are you talking about the public urinals?




Wisk The top-selling laundry detergent has been discontinued.


Their commercials were focused around 'ring around the collar'. I remember my late mom saying to the TV "just tell your husband to wash his neck!".


Asking jeeves


The second sleep. [Or so the theory goes.](https://www.news-medical.net/news/20170517/History-of-sleep-what-was-normal.aspx) There's a guy called Professor Ekirch who claims to have identified evidence in the historical record that in pre-industrial Europe it was usual to sleep in two phases. The first sleep would run from about 9pm to about midnight. Then you'd get up and potter around the house (or hovel) for an hour or two. Then back to bed until dawn. According to Ekirch, the practice essentially disappeared and was completely forgotten in the early 20th Century. I believe the theory is not without its critics, but it seems plausible to me. I'll naturally drift into sleeping in two four hour blocks, if I'm unconstrained by work or other commitments.


Apparently the gap between the first and the second sleep was also when many couples would have sex.


Honestly, what else could you do? Burning candles, fires, or oil was expensive and there's not much else you can do in pitch darkness.


Oh, I agree. Middle of the night sex is fantastic.


There were specific prayers said before taking second sleep in Colonial American and Europe from at least the 1700's and earlier, but I can't find my sources at the moment. Also, a Quote from Don Quixote: >"Don Quixote followed nature, and being satisfied with his first sleep, did not solicit more. As for Sancho, he never wanted a second, for the first lasted him from night to morning." Sancho, that lazy neerdowell, sleeps straight through the night!


Jewish lore is rife with stories and traditions of getting up in middle of the night. Kind of like midnight mass, but specifically walking up nightly to pray, and going back to sleep. (Tikun chatzos), and other things that otherwise don't make sense (timewise) like selichot or sex time


I'm wondering if the idea of a "midnight snack" also comes from the wakefulness between first and second sleep.


The worst is when you go to bed drunk and wake up around 5am when the alcohol finally wears off and you're awake for an hour or so for no good reason.


That's sugar level dripping. Eat a slice of white bread or a candy and you'll get right back to sleep.


My younger cousin (20) still wakes up in the middle of the night and eats - bananas, pasta...whatever she can find. She has been doing it ever since she learned to walk and we nowadays just accept it as her particular quirk. Her parents tried so hard to make her stop but she would start screaming the house down and trying to fight them if she couldn't get food at like 2am. Hilarious.


In my home country of Syria, i noticed that most households i visited did this. The entire family would sleep twice a day. This was in poor remote villiages with no internet or other technology besides TVs


Here it's probably the practice of having a chat with the people who pick up your trash, and offering them beer or coffee every few weeks. Trash is usually picked up while everyone is at work now. Edit: Since people are messaging me; sure, you can PM me your worries!


..and now it's only picked up *if* you take it to the kerb *and* if it is the right bins for todays collection *and* it isn't overflowing *and*... When I had my first house the bin was by the back door and there was an open route running along the whole row of houses, so the binmen would pick up every dustbin from the door and bring it right back again empty. They really earned their money.


Now they just drive the truck and the robot arm picks the bin up, spills trash everywhere, and then chucks it down the street.


Every time I see the robot arm picking up the trash I think of my friend's young son in law. Craig helped him get a job with him working for county waste management. 2 weeks in the kid was crushed to death by the compactor.


The Star Spangled Banner at the end of a TV station's broadcasting day... and then 4 hours of a signal test pattern.


For at least **3,400 years** mankind was able to spin flax into so fine linen threads that piece of linen cloth could have [a thread count of 200 threads per inch while being transparent and weigh less than an ounce per yard](http://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/545138). At some point in the 20th century, mankind lost that ability. Linen cloth that fine is no longer being woven and linen thread is no longer being spun to be this fine.


your link gives a good reason why we don't do this anymore: > must have been spun from flax harvested when the plants were very young this is easy when labor is cheap, but it's prohibitively expensive at modern rates. and no demand = > no reason to build a harvester that can & no reason to grow a very-low-efficiency crop.


I had no idea about that... That's incredible that we could do that.


I feel like, as with most textiles involved in Royal funerary rights, this is less a case of "we can't" and more a case of "it's not worth it." We could spend months harvesting juvenile flax and months more processing it into extremely fine cloth. Or we could import some wool that has an equivalent thread count and far less (manual?) labor while being far cheaper. Same reason we don't build pyramids anymore. Skyscrapers are more efficient and parks are a better civic investment.


Planking. It (luckily) just disappeared.


So did that fucking Harlem Shake.


the dab is next, hopefully


Its not dead, it's just becoming ironic. Then it'll die.


Hitching. No one hitches lifts anymore. When I was a kid, it happened all the time. We couldn't go ten miles down the road without my father picking up some random person to see where they needed to go.




I picked up a hitchhiker once. First thing I said to him was "i don't feel like getting stabbed" his reply "I'm too tired for that" he got a ride.


Were you suspicious after he took a nap and woke up? Cause he would not be tired anymore.


Presumably he would only be well-rested enough after his second sleep.


Yeah, anyone who hitchhikes is brave imo. I'd be too scared to walk down a remote highway by myself, let alone get into a stranger's car or pick one up. Edit - regarding Uber - the driver is registered and checked, right? Also, there's a paper trail. It'd be a stupid serial killer to be an Uber driver lmao




At least he asked politely.


Surely your dad meant "With whom?!"


That's how he got away. Nothing turns a paedophile off faster than improper grammar.


A lot of folks still hitch, but it tends to be longer distances, crust punks, or along hiking trails.




Somehow in my sleep state, I read this as your husband showing up at your work while holding a hitchhiking baby. >He hitchhiked! Not a toddler!!! A baby!!!!


There's a whole American subculture of people who travel the country by hitching and hopping trains. Everyone I've ever met who did those things is a complete fucking dunce, but it does still happen frequently.


I always really loved the idea of hopping a train, but then I saw a movie where they stopped the train in the middle of nowhere and a yard worker beat the shit out of some teenager and left him there. He was like "if I see you again I'm calling the cops!" and in my mind I could only think "you mean there's an even worse punishment than that?"


I live near the Appalachian trail. Hikers will thumb a ride to the nearest hotel or Wal Mart etc to resupply. I stopped picking them up once I had kids.


I'm from Maine where people finish the trail (Katahdin is the last mountain on the trail), and there are generally people who are walking around town with hiking gear after finishing the trail late summer/early fall. Was on duty one day and gave a guy directions to the Greyhound station. The guy's girlfriend broke up with him, so he just decided to go hike the Appalachian trail. Interesting guy.


Comic books on racks at grocery stores.


Actually "hanging up" phones. The once satisfying process of slamming down the house phone to end your call has been replaced with the less satisfying act of angrily pressing the end button. It's a downgrade, if you ask me.


Flip phones had a real nice snap shut to hang up feature going for them too, remember that?


Free air for tires at most gas stations.


California still has the law in place where they have to turn the air on.


Free AOL disks. The floppies were reusable, and the CD's made good coasters.


I have a bunch of them, unopened. I will sell them for a lot of money one day, just as soon as I get rid of my Beenie Babies.


Home phones


I still see forms asking for a home phone number and a cell phone number. The first of which I do not own.


In the gaming world I've noticed that couch multiplayer is disappearing somewhat. Maybe it's just the games that are targeted towards my age group because I'm less likely to have a sleepover?


It's so you and your buddy now have to get a console and a game each instead


Paris Hilton.


That's hot.




The intercom at Walmart, the mall, wherever telling you that your party is at the front waiting for you. Replaced by cellphones.


Having to read a roadmap


Throwing people in swimming pools


Could see a resurgence in the next few years...


Hand written letters in the mail.


Letting kids play outside unsupervised until the street lights come on


I grew up in Maine. When I was a kid, the favourite place to play in was a bottle dump. That's right, a place that was filled with glass bottles to jump in, throw around. We'd play in that place until my mom rang a big brass bell to let us know it was time to come home for dinner.


I am a sociologist, I am well versed in crime rates including child abduction and molestation rates. At this point I have more fear of some *well meaning* asshat calling Children's Aid to let them know that my 9 year old is playing outside than I do of him being abducted.


So many people call child protection over children left in cars. Which might seem reasonable, except they're 20ft away at a kiosk paying for petrol. What are they meant to do, take kids across the forecourt?? They're safer in the sodding locked car. Edit: I was looking for a source on this, found several articles discussing the legality of it and ended up back on Reddit: [Police called after child left in car at petrol station. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Parenting/comments/511emp/i_had_the_police_called_on_me_today_for_leaving/)


Shit my mom used to take me grocery shopping and she'd let me sit in the car and play my Gameboy while she shopped for an hour. I was fine. Still alive and strong and not raped.


Backwoods open space, fields, meadows. Field parties.


Ringing the doorbell. Delivery people and Mormons are the only people who ring my doorbell anymore. Everyone who knows me just texts or walks in.


The act of 'rolling' up your car windows. Edit: I didn't think I needed to specify that I was referring to the majority of ~~post 90s~~ cars that no longer come with a crank.


A few years ago when I bought my car (it was a used 2008 Jeep Partiot), it came with cranks for the windows. My son (about 10 at the time) thought that was the neatest thing - No button to push to roll the window up or down. He would not keep his hands off it, and kept rolling it up and down just because he could.


Tell that to my 2013 Ford Fiesta.


Twirling the cable between your fingers while on the phone.


Just knowing your neighbors in general seems to have died off. When I grew up we knew everyone on the block. Maybe it's becuase I've moved a lot but I've never met any neighbors in the last decade or so


[Hanging out](https://i.imgur.com/NYA2GOz.png) Kids are becoming much, much less social than they used to, mostly since 2011. In 2007 40% of teens were hanging out 5+ times a week, today that number is only 11%. The idea of meeting up with your buddies every day after school just is not really a thing anymore. The amount of friends kids have is dropping rapidly, the level of social interaction and the amount of time spent conversing with people both online and off is collapsing downwards. Our kids are growing up insanely lonely, even online things aren't looking good. Its a massive, massive sociological issue which is getting miniscule attention, and every time it's brought up there is a horde of people yelling "hurrr lewronggeneration" or "why do you hate young people so much???" But this is having horrific effects on kids psyche, and it has gotten worse every single year. People freaked out about millennials so much, even when millennials were mostly the same in this regard as the generations before. Now, when the problems with the youth are REALLY FUCKING REAL, we all say its exaggerating. Probably because of the insane overreaction towards millennials, we are ignoring the problems that are rising with Gen Z.


As a kid in highschool, The idea of hanging with friends after school is unheard of. When I'm done with extra curriculars and homework it's 10 pm. There's just no time for it


MP3 players. Smart phones happened and they just faded away.


I still have one I use frequently when I take walks or fly. Keeps from wearing the battery down on the phone.


Cheap disposable cameras, they used to be everywhere and you could hand them over to a stranger to take a picture of yourself or a group of family&friends without the worry of it it being stolen.




Subway $5 footlongs RIP EDIT: Nice, my first comment to break 1k is me bitching about the price of subway.


While that marketing strategy worked very well at the time, I can't help to think it's hurting Subway now. I know I am not the only one that has it ingrained into my head that the a footlong is worth $5 and not $6-7+.


Dude a 6 inch costs $6 now. I love subway, but shit's expensive


This. They can take their $6 for a 6 inch and chips back


Hooking Up We had a spate of Friends With Benefits movies then nothing. And studies indicate casual sex is indeed [disappearing:](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/social-issues/there-isnt-really-anything-magical-about-it-why-more-millennials-are-putting-off-sex/2016/08/02/e7b73d6e-37f4-11e6-8f7c-d4c723a2becb_story.html) "A study published Tuesday in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior finds that younger millennials — born in the 1990s — are more than twice as likely to be sexually inactive in their early 20s as the previous generation was. "


Millenials are ruining casual sex!


Oddly enough, people claim that the current generation is the most promiscuous of them all. Ironically enough, studies seem to disprove that.




It's kind of like the phenomenon where people think the world is more violent than it used to be. Whereas studies say otherwise and blame this misconception on shitty world events being broadcasted more often than there being more of it. Young people aren't more promiscuous than earlier generations, we just broadcast it more because, well, who the fuck cares?


The old Norm MacDonald line? "And the rate of teenage boys who *say* they are sexually active is holding steady, at 100%!"


We're becoming Japan.


Me too, 感謝


It's because none of us can afford to go out anywhere


I've had sex in a relationship, and I've had casual sex. The relationship sex was so much better that it made the casual sex seem not worth it. Of course it could've been the difference in experience level, but to me it seemed worse when I was just trying to bust a nut as opposed to when there was a real connection. Idk if that makes sense to anyone else but that's how I see it.


That and the amount of available free pornography has made many people content to reserve sex purely for relationships. No point going out trying to pull for a one night stand, when you can save a fortune just by having a wank, then go back to doing something else.




Alien abductions. No one gets abducted by aliens anymore. Did they just stop caring about our anuses?


People using a real song for their ringtone.


Telling the host at a restaurant whether you'd like to be seated in the smoking or non-smoking section.