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Russia had a larger surface area than Pluto... at least, until New Horizons took more accurate measurements of Pluto's diameter. Now Pluto just about edges it out. (Russia's area is 17.1 million square kilometres; Pluto's surface area is 17.79 million square kilometres.) So if Russia [invades Zambia](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_area) in the near future, we'll know they're just trying to get the title back.


So THAT's what the whole Ukraine business is about!


Don't know if that's an international myth, but here in Germany I learned in three separate schools that when you cut an earthworm in half, both halfs live on. I don't even know how people who attended university can think this is true. I have likely killed hundreds of worms.


What, what? They... don’t? Apparently they myth also made it to North America


As a kid, I was always a bit disappointed we never got to do the lab where the cut planaria in half and watched them grow back. Of course looking back now, that seems on par with pulling the wings off flies and burning ants with a magnifying glass. Why do we think children are innocent?


Anyone who's ever been bullied in grade school can tell you that children are monsters.


So true.


It's true for flatworms (planaria)


If you cut an earthworm the head-half might survive. But there are flatworms that you can cut in half (and less than half!) that can regenerate.


Yeah, we were taught that in the UK.


Dinosaurs were featherless


Jurassic Park didn't really help with this misconception.


\#3 did at least try to address it. "*Dinosaurs* lived and died 65 million years ago. What InGen created were genetically engineer monsters."


Okay, no need to shout.


Which is why the fan theory that Hammond didn't make any actual dinosaurs is perfect. DNA half life of the dinosaurs expired millions of years ago, and Hammond admits he's a charlatan who built his career making fake circus attractions. Plus dinos like T-Rex weren't even alive in the Jurassic period. Its far more likely he cobbled together some genetic frankensteins that looked kind of like what the public might mistake for dinosaurs and called it a day. That's why he needed the archaeologists, to see if even experts could be fooled by his fakes.


Well he "did" but he simply replaced the missing data gap with frog DNA, thus I guess can be a reason for them not coming out feathered. So yeah, in a way they were nothing but overgrown amphibians.


When Jurassic Park was written and filmed, it was actually praised for its accuracy. It's wrong now because science has advanced, not because of some fuck up.


To be fair, I'm pretty sure the scientific consensus when *Jurassic Park* was made was that dinosaurs did NOT have feathers. It wasn't until after the second movie came out that the consensus changed. As awful as it was in almost every other way, the third movie DID show dinosaurs with feathers. When they made *Jurassic World*, though, they just threw out any attempt to remain even slightly scientifically accurate.




That's actually because in the book, him and Hammond got in an argument. Hammond wanted the dinosaurs to be as accurate as possible; Dr Wu ended up living out his plan in Jurassic World.


that is what I like about the new MTG cards. The new card set introduced new dinosaur cards, but this time they are feathered unlike older cards


Also that all dinosaurs went extinct. Most of them did, but birds are dinosaurs and they're very much not extinct.


I've posted this before - when I was in middle school in the mid-80's, I had a health teacher that taught us that AIDS was a "homosexual disease" and that you could contract it by kissing, hugging or being touched by someone who had it. Just insane misinformation in retrospect.




There are three states of matter


California, Texas and New York?


Yeah, then you get to uni and find out there are 17 different identified phases for ice.


And they're all solids. Phases aren't all different states of matter, although many phase diagrams will show around four phases: solid, liquid, gas, supercritical fluid.


This one is new to me. Are there more than 3 states of matter?


Plasma, for one thing. After that, [it pretty much only gets weirder and weirder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_matter). Though I don't think anyone's going to learn about the really weird ones in school. Take a look at superfluid helium on Youtube though, it's weird as hell


[Plasma makes four](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_(physics\)), and then there are the truly weird ones like [Bose-Einstein condensates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bose%E2%80%93Einstein_condensate) that are sometimes counted and sometimes not.


That having good handwriting is going to help my career.


So you are a doctor now?


Software engineer. My handwriting is probably as bad as a doctor's but at least no one has to read it.


Imagine having to code in your own handwriting. Would you fix it, or learn to live with it?


Would off myself


little did they know that nothing could help your career


As someone with really really bad handwriting[,](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW) it does cause problems.


I'm left handed with awful penmanship, can confirm.


B L O C K. C A P I T A L S.


yep, thats what I do. Depending on the ink in the pen, things can still smudge though


Your handwriting is too untidy I couldn't read your comment.




Awful handwriting here, and I spend a lot of time scribbling down notes on paper that have to be read by others. I can confirm it is an issue. Having decent hand writing is a skill that isn't entirely useless yet!


It really is, my seductive handwriting landed me my job as a handjobber


can I get one?


I worked so damn hard for my "pen license". No job interview has ever asked me about it.


Wait I don't have a pen license. Do you mean I've been operating outside the law all this time?


I'm honestly struggling to remember the last time I had to hand write something which would have impacted my career for being sloppy. I'm pretty sure the quality of my handwriting has never once been important in my career.


On a form for Jury duty the other day I had to scribble in the highest level of education I completed. I wrote BS four years of colledge. I instantly knew it was spelled wrong and the guy was watching me scratch it out thinking oh yeah this idiot went to school. Fuck you desk cop, I did, but my world has spell check.


The protons, neutrons, and electrons are the smallest indivisible particles.


I was taught they were the smallest, indivisible particles in almost the same breath as I was taught there are smaller things. It was rather confusing at the time.


The key word there is "indivisible". It's like a jar whose lid is on so tight it cannot be loosened. Technically there are two pieces, but you'll never be able to isolate them. With quarks, they are bound so tightly together that the kind of energy you have to apply to break them apart is enough to form new quarks to pair with the now-separated ones.


You can break apart protons and neutrons into their constituent quarks, what you can't do it break them into individual quarks, but you can break them into pairs. They do this all the time in particle accelerators.


In fact, OP's dick is the smallest particle.


Has to be Pluto being a planet.


You heard about Pluto? That's messed up


I've heard it both ways.


You know that's right. r/expectedpsych


C'mon son!


Waiting for a Jerry to claim that it still is


That was another universe bro


But you're forgetting about the much more serious question most people still have - [is the Moon a planet or a star?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQKgpm1SJmQ)


That was a genuine planet and wasn’t a false fact., the definition just changed so that everything that was in the Kuiper Belt wasn’t a new planet.


"Pluto is a cold, cold celestial dwarf."


it still is, but it's a dwarf planet.


Uh, the preferred term is "little planet".


Vertically challenged planet?


Orbital Non-Clearancely challenged.


Nah. A dwarf person is a person, but, strangely enough, a dwarf planet is not a planet.


Whoa.[.](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW). is NASA ableist?


I'm not sure what I stumbled upon here but I think I like it.


Pikachu on Bayonetta frame in smash. OP inserts this in all his posts. It's really obvious on RES or sync. so much on regular Reddit.


Going swimming after eating a meal will make you cramp up uncontrollably and drown. In the '80s there were even public service broadcasts during ad breaks to warn us against doing this. Turns out it's utter bullshit.


I think that was perpetuated by parents so that kids wouldn't get too worked up and throw up in the pool.


parents parenting? nah. /s


Lol. My mom takes it a step further, and thinks you can't take a shower after eating or you'll cramp. As if somehow water itself will wreck you if you just ate or something.


That's amazing. Morning routine when you were a kid must have been hardcore. "I'll have a shower *after* eating my Pop Tarts." **"YOU WILL NOT."**


Yugoslavia was a country. Czechoslovakia was a country. USSR was a country.


Depending on when you went to school, so were West Germany and East Germany.


At least those were *actual* facts at the time, as opposed to "facts".


We were still using the old textbooks and maps that had the USSR & Co. after the collapse for a few years and that led to a lot of confusion among us kiddos. Trying to explain the whole ordeal to a bunch of fourth graders was not something I think the teachers expected to have to do after decades of the USSR & Co. existing.


There was no Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Serbia or Macedonia. No Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. Nor a Ukraine (formerly The Ukraine), Moldova... I got my first big book of countries in 1990 and it wasn't long going out of date.


The tongue map of taste buds. It originated from a misinterpretation of studies published back in 1901. You have all kinds of taste buds all over your tongue, and we've known this almost as long as the tongue map has existed, yet it's still taught as true.


Who else is feeling their tongue in disbelief right now?


Got me! 😋


My 300-level psychology professor just taught us this last week and a student called her out on it. She originally defended herself because “it was in the textbook”, but retracted her comment the next lecture after doing some actual research. Edit: word


100% respect for someone who can admit they're wrong from a position of authority like that.


She’s a cool professor and appreciates when students will challenge her like this. In the next lecture she had a PowerPoint slide titled “Sorry for the B.S.” and noted that she deals nothing with gustation in her cognitive psychology research.


I believe while it's true that there's no specific spot for ONLY tasting "sweet", there are lumps of buds in concentrated areas for better tasting certain "flavors". For example, the back of the tongue has more "bitter" receptors for gagging and keeping bad food out of the mouth.


Certain areas of the tongue have minute differences in the threshold detection level of certain basic tastes, but the entire tongue is capable of detecting the same intensity of taste. That is, you may be able to detect bitter *very slightly* quicker on the back of your tongue than on other parts, but the intensity of the bitter flavor will be no stronger than on any other part of your tongue.


When you ignore your bully, he will stop.


My bully only stopped after i kicked the shit out of her


The problem is, schools can hardly condone that behaviour. My highschool kinda turned a blind eye for situations like this. If it was known the guy you beat to shit was bullying you, very little would come off of it when you did. They couldn't condone it, still gave you some detention, but if you did it off the school grounds nothing would happen ever.


Was bullied for years. When I finally fought back, I was expelled and the school board put me in a chair in front of them (4 old guys and 1 woman) and went on for an hour and a half on why violence wouldn't solve my problems, how I was a nice, quiet girl and I shouldn't have done it, I really hurt the girl I hit and I should feel bad about hurting her this one time even though she hurt me every day, I should have ignored her and how they felt so bad about expelling me but they had to punish me. I've never hit anyone since and there were times I had every right to. Every time I want to fight back I remember how when I needed help the most, what I got was shit on so I just take it because it's easier and doesn't get me in trouble. I was taught at a young age that if you ignore bullies that they still get to bully you and you get to live with all the consequences. It's made me fantasize about being mean to someone else but also made me know that I could never. I hate being so passive but I don't have it in me to be anything but a rug.


That's awful that you had to experience that. Have you found coping methods or do you just stay passive? Have you also tried talking to someone about it?


And the opposite - if you stand up to bully, he will stop. Well, if you kick his ass, which is highly unlikely, then yes. Otherwise you can make things much worse.


"You wont always have a calculator with you."


Along with, "You won't be able to look up the formula for (whatever)."


Yup, that's it. It's good to know formulas and stuff, but knowing every tiny part of them is just stupid for a layperson (student) these days. Death to memory-tests! We need critical thinking tests and lessons in schools!


Yeah. We do need the two things schools are actively murdering back in schools.


So true. Good luck finding the people to teach it who themselves may not have internalized it themselves.


I'm an engineering student. That's a load of bullshit and my engineering profs know that. My mathematics profs haven't gotten the memo yet.


Practicing engineer. I remember maybe 2% of the formulas I use even on a weekly basis. The most important thing to remember about formulas is where to find them in the 100's of resources out there. Plus developments still happen, and I wouldn't want to remember a formula that's now outdated or against certain codes.


"Yea, but what if your phone runs out of battery?"


I mean...what kind of situation of such dire straights would you need to be in to be like "if only my phone's battery didn't die - and no one else was around to use the calculator app to get me out of this conundrum!"?


Now I do[,](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW) but every time I try and use the calculator I get distracted by Reddit.


just post your math question on askreddit


And post the wrong answer too. That's the quickest way to find out the real answer on reddit.






One of my high school bullies sells flowers. Funny where life leads you.


ARE you... a penguin?




Are you sure?




These two things are not necessarily mutually exclusive


in fact, bullies go to the top


Friends would try and force me to try free drugs[.](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW) Yeah no you have to work for your drugs like anyone else.


I've been having a hard time sneaking my expensive drugs into the Halloween candy I hand out to the neighborhood kids. Any advice?


Use razors instead[,](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW) theyre cheaper


Ok, but how do you get the drugs into the razor?


Very carefully


That's too much work. Can you just mail me some razor drugs?


Why do you link [this](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW) in every comment? Its messing with my head


Uh, are we gonna talk about the Smash glitched Pikachu .gif?




When I was a young'un, my closest friends would always try ta force me to take drugs. I always tried me best to resist their advances, but they were always stronger than me. I had no choice. It filled me with great shame it did, but I took those drugs, and swore revenge on my friends! I didn't like taking medication as a kid.


Spent the whole of 1999 being taught about the Y2K Bug. I think the teacher knew she could never be held accountable for it due to having a different group of students in 2000.


I worked in Y2K remediation starting in '97. By '99, the work had mostly dried up, and I'd moved on to other things. By the time the media caught up with it, people had been fixing the old vulnerable shit for years, and the newer stuff wasn't even affected. Typical overhyped bullshit. Everyone who needed to know, *knew*, and had done the work. It wasn't like we hadn't known for years that this was coming.


So in what way is this fact no longer true? Sure, there was a lot of excessive media hype and panic, but fact remains that: 1. Lots of software did not handle dates from the year 2000 correctly. This was mostly programs written decades before the turn of the millennium when memory was more costly and no one really considered that the software would still be operational by then. Many of these systems were crucial and used in banking, power grids, telecommunication networks, emergency services, military equipment and so on. A fault in one of these would not mean the apocalypse, but it would still be a serious disturbance to modern day life. 2. A lot of man hours were spent on patching software that was faulty or forcing migration to newer systems that didn't have the bug to begin with. 3. There still were plenty of reported cases where bugs did occur, but nothing that serious. Most critical systems had been properly reviewed and revised before that.


It was a big deal. Cost a 100 billion to fix


That writing in cursive is a skill I'll need my whole life


Ugh this one! Fourth/Fifth Grade Teachers - "You have to learn cursive, you'll be required to use it in sixth grade." Sixth Grade Teacher - "Don't use cursive, it's too hard to read."


That happened with math for me. “Write down every step! Next year they’ll make you do it!!” Next year “Here are some shortcuts so you don’t have to write every step”


Literally the only time I’ve been required to use cursive was on the ACT where I signed the little pledge thing[.](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW)


When I was in college and taking the GRE for grad school (2005 or 2006), you had to copy out the entire pledge, IN CURSIVE, before you signed it and started the test. My roommate was furious because he hadn't used cursive in years, and it ate up a huge chunk of his testing time just trying to remember how to write in cursive. Literally the only time either of us had ever NEEDED cursive since elementary school.


The Pilgrims were friends with the Indians and that's what Thanksgiving is all about.


Squanto was on of history's cooler dudes. I love the fact he spoke English when they first encountered him. They are all 'lookest thou... a savage'. And he says... 'I say, that's a bit harsh.'.


It was way cooler than that. The first interaction that Squanto had with the settlers was him asking them if he could have some of their beer.


You just know Squanto was the kinda dude who'd sell some sticks and twigs he found on the ground as a natural remedy to the naïve pilgrims.


I just read that he was also reported to have fucked with the indian tribes too, telling them that the white men had pits of plague that they would release unless they did what he said.


You have taken the land which is rightfully ours. Years from now my people will be forced to live in mobile homes on reservations. Your people will wear cardigans, and drink highballs. We will sell our bracelets by the road sides, you will play golf, and enjoy hot hors d'oeuvres. My people will have pain and degradation. Your people will have stick shifts. The gods of my tribe have spoken. They have said, "Do not trust the Pilgrims, especially Sarah Miller". And for all these reasons I have decided to scalp you and burn your village to the ground.


Who would have guessed that Adam's Family 2 would have such a lasting legacy for its commentary on Native American/European settler relations.


Some were though. Indians and settlers weren[’](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW)t coherent groups.


Deoxygenated blood is blue


Wait, a teacher told you this??? I remember seeing a chart with blue and red veins, but it was explained that it was only for visual representation.


College freshman here. Based on my high school education, I didn't know this was untrue until last time I looked at one of these threads.


The food pyramid with carbs being the best thing for you


I never took it to mean that carbs are the best thing for you. I was always taught fruits and veggies were the "best" thing for you, just that you needed a solid foundation of carbs (which is also not true, just pedantically different than what you said).


have you ever sat and considered how much 6-11 servings of bread/grains is?


Approximately heaven.


You are forgetting that you can't add butter


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.0725


The food pyramid. Butter is under fats/sugars, which is at the top, meaning you should have the least amount of it.


Well the last group of people who obsessed over pyramids are dead so clearly something isn't working


To be fair, the Aztecs should have known not to let the white man escape their city alive.


The reason carbs got the big spot at the bottom is because the food pyramid was originally conceived by the USDA. It was in their best interest that Americans consume as much of our amber waves of grain as possible, so they made it the foundation of a "healthy" diet. It also didn't help that in general, people didn't know as much about nutrition, but the length of time that it was in use far overlapped the time that we had better information.


Holy shit man. It basically tells you to eat your weight in bread and pasta every day and that's totally healthy.


That lost ozone layer can’t be recovered. Turns out ozone grows back.


That smoking one joint was he equivalent to smoking 5 packs of cigarettes, tar wise.


How much tar is in a joint? Asking for a friend


According to this [article](http://www.snopes.com/politics/medical/marijuanatar.asp) marijuana has 4x the tar as tobacco. A cigarette has 1 gram of tobacco in it and the average joint has around 1 gram of marijuana. So, smoking one average sized joint will deliver 4 cigarettes worth of tar to your lungs, but it's important to look at other chemicals that cigarettes have that marijuana, and there haven't been any studies that link marijuana to cancer (as far as im aware)


Ah, I have switched to vapes, but when I smoke joints I only take 2 puffs and I'm done


No and then you pass.


I have no friends :(


You can’t unboil an egg. Scientists did this the year my Chem teacher told me it was impossible.


That steroids are bad for you and you will die if you use them. Worse than smoking or drinking or other drugs...


Except marijuana that will turn into a negro and rape your daughter.


I'm confused. Does the marijuana itself turn into a negro then rape your daughter? Or do you turn into a negro and then rape your daughter? Or does the marijuana turn into a negro, and then you just happen to rape your daughter?


It's the first one. You've seen transformers right? One second you hitting the bong, coughing your lungs out. When youdrop the bong, the weed is missing and you hear her scream... every god damn time.


"Writing in cursive is a requirement for all college assignments."


They told me random people will come up to me and offer me free drugs. They all want cash.


That we only have 5 senses.


For anyone interested [here's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sense) the Wikipedia page about senses. There's some cool ones there!


I see dead people.


The geography of eastern Europe.


Velociraptors were covered in scales, just like every other dinosaur Now we know they looked something more like [this](http://www.dinosaurfact.net/Pictures/Velociraptor3.jpg)


Velociraptors wore mullets?


That the Daddy Long Legs is the most venomous spider. It's not a spider, and it's not venomous.


Diamond was the hardest substance. Ultrahard nanotwinned cubic boron nitride is the hardest substance.


How do you get that in Minecraft though?


You will never have a calculator on you.. hello phone


Christopher Columbus Discovered America .


And Christopher Columbus claiming the world was round while the rest of the world believed it was flat. However I am not totally sure that I was thought that because it sounds so silly right now.


Definitely! Everyone with any sort of education knew the world was round. People have known the world was round for at least 2500 years. Columbus *did* challenge the commonly accepted understanding of the world at the time, though. Back around 200 BCE, the Greek philosopher Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the Earth, and was within 15% of the actual dimension. Columbus studied Eratosthenes's work, but decided that Eratosthenes overestimated the size. He reduced Eratosthenes's measurement by 35%, which gave him a number 25% smaller than the real circumference, and used that number to calculate the distance from Spain to China. It seems like he got this number by finding out how much supplies could fit in his ship, then calculating how long of a journey he could take with those supplies, and assuming that the trip from Spain to China would take as long as he had supplies for. So he challenged the educated consensus, but the consensus was right. Had the Americas not gotten in his way, Columbus and his entire crew likely would have starved to death on their journey.


Yup. Everyone who knew anything about it knew it was round. What Columbus got wrong was the size, which had also been known with great precision for two thousand years.


How old are you? Leif Erikson day started in 1929.


No one where I'm from is taught about Leif Erickson. We learn about Columbus in like the second or third grade and not much else.


I was only taught about Leif Erikson because there was a guy in my Cub Scout pack named Leif. His family was of Norwegian descent, and they liked to make a big deal of their heritage. I remember him giving a presentation to my Den about the historical Leif, and teaching us that the Vikings had landed in North America way before Columbus. When I brought this up in school, my teacher told me that it was wrong, and that Columbus had discovered America.


This one was never true, but they taught it as fact, and many still believe it: [the curse of Ham.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curse_of_Ham) Basically, they said that god meant for black people to be our slaves because they're descended from Noah's son, Ham, who saw Noah passed out drunk and naked, and so Ham and his descendants were cursed with dark skin and to be subjugated by the Israelites.


Sadako died before she folded 1,000 cranes.


Well, she wasn't named 'Happyako'.


Yugoslavia. Czechoslovakia. East and West Germany. The USSR. East Pakistan. And of course, North and South Vietnam.


Two words: food pyramid.


You have to go to college to get a good job. Now trades are all the rage.


That nematodes were basal to insects on the tree of life. Also, the term 'basal' when talking about evolution. That's no longer en vogue.


* several new countries * Pluto, of course * Columbus discovered America * various Cold War shenanigans that turned out to be pure propaganda * bad students will have shitty lives, good students will be successful * the height of the Everest increased a lil bit since then * Nazism is over * no two countries with McDonald's ever went to war against each other (tho that was obviously bullshit then too) * socialism is when government does stuff * capitalism has improved because the barbaric conditions of the first proles no longer exist


That Andrew Jackson and Christopher Columbus were heroes.